Search results for ""Author Carlo""
Penguin Books Ltd White Holes
If you want to remember why you once fell in love with the idea of the cosmos, or want to fall in love with it for the first time, then this book is for you' ObserverFrom Carlo Rovelli, the bestselling author of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics, this is a story of wonder, new worlds and why the end is just the beginningLet us journey into the heart of a black hole. Let us slip beyond its boundary, the horizon, and tumble - on and on - down this crack in the universe. As we plunge, we''ll see geometry fold, we''ll feel the equations draw tight around us. Eventually, we''ll pass it: the remains of a star, deep and dense and falling further far. And then - the bottom. Where time and space end, and the white hole is born . . .With lightness and magic, here Carlo Rovelli traces the ongoing adventure of his own cutting-edge research, of the uncertainty and joy of going where we''ve not yet been. Guiding us to the edge of theory a
Viella Una Famiglia Anarchica: La Vita Dei Berneri Tra Affetti, Impegno Ed Esilio Nelleuropa del Novecento
La Esfera de los Libros, S.L. WaffenSS historia completa de las tropas más temidas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial
Alianza Editorial Mussolini contra Lenin
Lenin y Mussolini vivieron en Ginebra entre 1902 y 1904, y quizá se encontraron en la Brasserie Handwerk, celebrando el aniversario de la Comuna de París. Un periodo en el que ambos militaban en el socialismo revolucionario, eran hostiles al revisionismo reformista y manifestaban concepciones similares sobre la revolución y el papel del partido en la misma. Entre 1904 y 1914 caminaron por sendas paralelas, pero a partir de octubre de este último año, sus carreras políticas adoptaron direcciones opuestas, empezando por sus diferentes posiciones con respecto a lo que será la Primera Guerra Mundial.La historiografía suele presentar a ambos y a sus regímenes como " enemigos fraternales " en una situación en la que el comunismo, al nacer antes, sentó las bases de cómo destruir la democracia e instituir un sistema de partido único, modelo y pasos que habría seguido el fascismo. Aspecto que cuestiona Emilio Gentile, uno de los referentes mundiales en el estudio del fascismo, ya que Mussol
Encontrarnos a nosotros mismos
El hombre es un ser en camino y necesitado de significado; en este camino está llamado a reconocer la palabra de Dios que le interpela continuamente a lo largo de su viaje para revelarle el sentido. Este libro es un clásico de la espiritualidad del cardenal Martini muy útil tanto para creyentes como para no creyentes. Ofrece una invitación a retirarse, a encontrar un tiempo de silencio para recuperar el sentido de cuál es nuestro lugar en el mundo.
El Jardn Interior
El presente volumen reúne los escritos más iluminadores del cardenal Martini sobre la necesidad de conocerse y aceptarse.No es fácil entender lo que queremos en lo más hondo de nosotros mismos. Aspiramos a demasiadas cosas diversas, a veces incluso opuestas y contradictorias entre sí. Nos fragmentamos, y nuestro deseo se asemeja más a un coro discordante que a la voz de un solista.En la vida de toda persona debe haber un momento para detenerse, encontrar una pausa de silencio y reflexionar sobre quiénes somos y sobre el sentido de nuestra acción cotidiana en el mundo.Encontrarse como seres pensantes es la vía privilegiada de la espiritualidad, una vía que nos salva del sinsentido y que puede ser practicada por todos, incluso por quienes no se reconocen en ningún Dios y en ningún Absoluto.Este libro se dirige a todas las personas que ?sean creyentes o no? consideran una dimensión inalienable de la propia experiencia aquella interioridad que no cesa de interrogarse y de refle
Editorial Sal Terrae El evangelio de Mara
Bebiendo en el pozo de la Palabra, el cardenal Martini nos invita a afrontar, con María y como María, nuestro camino, siempre marcado por el misterio del amor de Dios, tanto en las horas de alegría como en las oscuras y difíciles horas de la noche. En este volumen se recogen siete meditaciones marianas del autor, biblista de fama internacional, que nos ayuda a recorrer de nuevo el itinerario de María, haciendo que la sintamos cercana, hermana y madre. Sus reflexiones parten siempre de la Palabra, saboreada en profundidad, y nos hacen mirar a María como aquella en quien se ha realizado la síntesis entre Palabra de Dios y experiencia humana. La Palabra, que se engendra en María, en lo concreto de su humanidad, es la misma Palabra que nos indica también a nosotros la dirección del corazón. CARLO MARIA MARTINI, jesuita, nacido en Turín en 1927, fue arzobispo de Milán de 1980 a 2002. Cardenal desde 1983, fue presidente del Consejo de las Conferencias episcopales europeas de 1987 a 1993. Su
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers Inc Mark Twains Notebooks Journals Letters Observations Wit Wisdom and Doodles
The original and insightful collection that combines Mark Twain's journal writings with his rarely seen sketches and doodles. Fascinating and often hilarious, this is a complete record of the thoughts, ideas, and observations of the father of American literature.
Guilford Publications Addiction and Change: How Addictions Develop and Addicted People Recover
Not everyone who experiments with substance use or risky behavior becomes addicted, and many who are addicted have been able to recover. This authoritative book, now revised and updated, has given tens of thousands of professionals and students a state-of-the-art framework for understanding the journey both into and out of addiction. From Carlo C. DiClemente, codeveloper of the transtheoretical model (TTM), the book identifies the stages and processes involved in initiating, modifying, maintaining, or stopping any pattern of behavior. Grounded in extensive research, and illustrated with vivid case examples, the book shows how using the TTM can help overcome obstacles to change and make treatment and prevention more effective. New to This Edition *Incorporates 15 years of research advances, contemporary prevention and treatment approaches, and the ongoing development of the TTM. *Chapter on current developments in intervention research. *Expanded discussions of neuroscience; self-regulation; behavioral economics; self-help, mutual help, and spirituality; motivational issues; "process addictions" (gambling and sex addiction); and more. *Deeper coverage of risk and protective factors across adolescent and young adult development.
ListLab Aesthetics of Sustainability
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Superinsulators, Bose Metals And High-tc Superconductors: The Quantum Physics Of Emergent Magnetic Monopoles
In 1931 Dirac showed that topologically quantized single magnetic charges, magnetic monopoles, while classically forbidden in a gauge theory, are allowed alongside electric charges in a quantum theory of electromagnetism. Such topological magnetic excitations are indeed admitted in the spectrum of most grand unified field theories of elementary interactions. Despite 40 years of dedicated search efforts, nonetheless, they have never shown up in any experiment. This, however, does not preclude the possibility of topological magnetic monopoles being realized as excitations in emergent condensed matter states, where they would be much lighter and easier to create.This book is about the physical effects of such emergent magnetic monopoles. These range from a new mechanism for local, strong pairing of electrons possibly relevant for high-T superconductivity, to the formation of a new quantum phase of matter when monopoles condense. In such a condensate the electric interaction becomes extremely strong, so much so that only extended neutral states survive, with the consequence of an infinite resistance, even at finite temperatures. This state, called a superinsulator, is a dual superconductor and has been experimentally detected in various materials. In a superinsulator the electric interaction becomes analogous to the strong interaction holding quarks together in colour-neutral hadrons. Even more interesting is the case when the condensate carries both magnetic and electric charge. The ensuing state has properties that are strikingly reminiscent of the mysterious pseudogap state of high-T superconductors. Magnetic monopoles might thus have been hiding in plain sight where no one was looking for them for a long time.
Gadir Editorial, S.L. La tala del bosque
Kalandraka Editora As aventuras de Pinocho
Coma moitos nenos, a Pinocho, o protagonista desta historia, gústalle facer trasnadas, desobedecer aos maiores e estudar o menos posible. Tamén, coma a case todos os nenos, gústalle facer o que lle vén en gana e non preocuparse das consecuencias. Pero Pinocho non é un neno coma os demáis...
Ediciones Akal Las aventuras de Pinocho
PRH Grupo Editorial Caterina Spanish Edition
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Der Wegfall der ausgeübten Prozessführungsermächtigung
Als gewillkürte Prozessstandschaft bezeichnet man die Möglichkeit, eine vom Rechtsinhaber verschiedene Person zu ermächtigen, das streitige Recht im eigenen Namen durchzusetzen. Über Zulässigkeit, Voraussetzungen und Wirkungen dieses gesetzlich nicht geregelten Rechtsinstituts besteht heute im Wesentlichen Einigkeit. Klärungsbedürftig bleibt hingegen die Frage, wie sich der nachträgliche Wegfall der bereits ausgeübten Prozessführungsermächtigung auf das weitere prozessuale Geschehen auswirkt. Die Ursachen, die zu einem solchen Wegfall führen können, sind vielfältig. Carlo Tunze untersucht, wie das in jedem dieser Fälle zutage tretende Spannungsverhältnis von Prozessgegnerschutz und Gläubigerinteressen mit dem Instrumentarium der ZPO aufgelöst werden kann und behandelt dabei Grundprobleme des Zivilprozessrechts im Bereich der Prozessführungsbefugnis und der Parteilehre, die ihrerseits noch nicht völlig geklärt sind.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Unternehmensfinanzierung am Kapitalmarkt in den arabischen Staaten: Eine rechtsvergleichende Analyse von Aktien-, Anleihe- und Hybridemissionen am Beispiel Ägyptens, der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, Saudi-Arabiens und Jordaniens
Seit der Privatisierung des öffentlichen Sektors und der Entstehung organisierter Kapitalmärkte im arabischen Raum unterliegen die Organisationsstrukturen und Finanzierungsformen vieler arabischer Gesellschaften einem tiefgreifenden Wandel. Während die Unternehmenslandschaft bis vor wenigen Jahren nur das Modell der geschlossenen Familiengesellschaft und des Einzelunternehmers kannte, bieten zunehmend mehr arabische Gesellschaften ihre Aktien einem breiten Anlegerpublikum an oder finanzieren sich über börsennotierte Anleihen. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht Carlo Pohlhausen die zivil-, gesellschafts- und kapitalmarktrechtlichen Grundlagen der Unternehmensfinanzierung am Kapitalmarkt in Ägypten, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, Saudi-Arabien und Jordanien, ordnet sie historisch ein und analysiert sie im Kontext ihres kulturellen Umfelds und der Erkenntnisse der modernen Kapitalmarktforschung. Mit diesem Ansatz erarbeitet der Autor eine Vielzahl von Spannungsverhältnissen zwischen rezipiertem Recht, regionalen Lösungen und den Einflüssen globaler Finanzmärkte und zeigt Möglichkeiten, sie im Einklang mit den rechtstatsächlichen Gegebenheiten durch effizientere Regulierung aufzulösen.
HarperCollins Focus Drink the Northeast: The Ultimate Guide to Breweries, Distilleries, and Wineries in the Northeast
Explore the Northeast through the most notable wineries, breweries, and distilleries in the region!Drink the Northeast is your guide to the wineries, breweries, and distilleries that call the Northeast home. Explore the region and celebrate its rich history while discovering your new favorite drink. This guide is perfect for anyone who appreciates enjoying a carefully crafted drink in the rolling hills or bustling cities of the Northeast.
Faber Music Ltd Four Play
Four Play is the essential gig album for string quartet, masterfully arranged by Carlo Martelli. The volume includes music by the great composers as well as theme songs and soundtracks from TV and film, this diverse collection is guaranteed to breathe fresh air into your programme. So, whether you are performing at a wedding, busking, or simply playing for fun Four Play, will be ideal.
White Star Verlag Groe Reden des 20 und 21 Jahrhunderts
Garzanti Libri La locandiera
Jacoby & Stuart Pipi der kleine rosarote Affe
Folio Verlagsges. Mbh Der schwärzeste Winter
Patmos-Verlag Der innere Raum Wie wir erfllt leben und gut sterben knnen Eine Ars moriendi fr unsere Zeit
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Abenteuer Freiheit Ein Wegweiser fr unsichere Zeiten
Reclam Philipp Jun. Le avventure di Pinocchio Storia di un burattino
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Environmental Negotiations: Strategic Policy Issues
Much environmental deterioration - the greenhouse effect, deleption of the ozone layer and acid rain - has an intrinsic international dimension. The lack of a supra-national authority requires that countries agree on the decision to co-operate for pollution control. Hence, negotiations on international environmental issues need to be approached through appropriate policy strategies. This book presents new and important papers which examine international environmental negotiations and agreements seeking to protect the global environment. Policy analysis is performed within a game-theoretic strategic framework. Issues discussed include: existence, size and environmental impacts of self-enforcing agreements, the role of an arbitrator in environmental negotiations, the problems of interactions between environmental and trade and industrial polices, the influence of uncertainty on negotiations and agreements, the role of myopia of negotiators and of asymmetric interests between developed and less developed countries. This book not only presents current debates but also provides stimuli for further research.International Environmental Negotiations will be of special interest to students, academics and professional environmentalists as well as policymakers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Law
International Law provides a comprehensive theoretical examination of the key areas of international law. In addition to classic cases and materials, Carlo Focarelli addresses the latest relevant international practice to illustrate contemporary themes and trends in international law and to examine its most topical challenges. The key features of this textbook include: A unitary - 'systemic' and 'realist-constructivist' theoretical illustration of international law, essential to an understanding of how international law works in practice and can, or should be changed A clear logical structure and thorough cross-referencing, for accessible, systemic and consistent learning Up-to-date bibliographies at the end of each chapter and academic commentary on the very latest cases, covering all aspects of international law. Insightful and topical, this textbook will be an invaluable teaching resource for students of law, political science, and international relations. 'Carlo Focarelli's textbook aims to achieve theoretical cohesiveness about international law as a system and yet at the same time emphasises the importance of state practice, not just the practice of courts but also diplomatic practice more widely. What is particularly welcome is the book's aim to familiarise readers outside Italy with international legal thinking and state practice from an important European country that for centuries has been a significant contributor to the discourse of international law. This unique approach reflects well the contemporary trend for studying international law from comparative perspectives and will make the book a valuable read for students interested in international law.' - Lauri Mälksoo, University of Tartu, Estonia
HarperCollins Focus The Spirit of Rye: Over 300 Expressions to Celebrate the Rye Revival
The Spirit of Rye is a celebration of rye’s dynamic qualities and the spirit’s exciting revival.Celebrate the many flavor profiles of rye whiskey, its distinguished history, and its contemporary revival with The Spirit of Rye. The resurgence in rye whiskey is unmistakable, as is evidenced in the number of distillers producing remarkably varied expressions, from the Whiskey Trail to Pennsylvania, Texas, and California.Inside this book, you will find: Detailed tasting notes for over 400 expressions from more than 300 distilleries Interviews with master distillers Regional chapters that make it easy to explore essential distilleries Hundreds of photographs of bottles, distilleries, and distillers behind them With tasting notes for over 300 expressions and interviews with master distillers, readers both familiar and new to the rich world of rye will find The Spirit of Rye to be a revelation.
Europa Editions The Night of Rome
In the night of Rome, nothing is what it seems. It's all change in Rome. The new Pope, determined to bring radical reform to the Vatican, proclaims an extraordinary Jubilee year of Mercy. A new centre-left government replaces its disgraced predecessor, and sets about to rejuvenate the language of politics. And with crime lynchpin Samurai in jail, his protégé Sebastiano Laurenti attempts to establish himself as his designated successor. But he must reckon not only with a new generation of enterprising gangsters and racketeersout to carve for themselves a slice of the profits and opportunities offered by the major public works planned for the Jubileebut also with ambitious newly elected politician Chiara Visoni, and his own heart. Betrayals, alliances forged and broken, ambushes and infighting will inevitably alter the fragile political balance. As the sharks circle and the street-dogs fight, some tenuous hope endures, in the unlikely alliance of an incorr
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ethical Violence
Human civilization is founded on ethical principles, norms of behaviour that have accumulated over time. Perhaps the oldest of ethical principles is the rejection of violence, which includes the respect for life and for the physical and psychological integrity of others. But, in some circumstances, violence itself can be regarded as ethical – for example, when it is used by states claiming to act in self-defence. In these circumstances, the need to defend oneself against an enemy can transform war from an unacceptable act into a necessary, socially shared and morally sanctioned choice. And it is when violence becomes ethical that we must begin to fear for our future. In the wake of the pandemic, we are witnessing the growing prevalence of aggression and emotionality in social and political life. We find ourselves living in an increasingly impatient and insecure society, which is sceptical of scientific thought and which takes refuge in the irrational. The decline of rationality and the growing prevalence of violence are increasingly common features of a society that has lost touch with the great Enlightenment narrative. We need, argues Bordoni, to rediscover the rationality we have lost and recuperate the positive side of technology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ethical Violence
Human civilization is founded on ethical principles, norms of behaviour that have accumulated over time. Perhaps the oldest of ethical principles is the rejection of violence, which includes the respect for life and for the physical and psychological integrity of others. But, in some circumstances, violence itself can be regarded as ethical – for example, when it is used by states claiming to act in self-defence. In these circumstances, the need to defend oneself against an enemy can transform war from an unacceptable act into a necessary, socially shared and morally sanctioned choice. And it is when violence becomes ethical that we must begin to fear for our future. In the wake of the pandemic, we are witnessing the growing prevalence of aggression and emotionality in social and political life. We find ourselves living in an increasingly impatient and insecure society, which is sceptical of scientific thought and which takes refuge in the irrational. The decline of rationality and the growing prevalence of violence are increasingly common features of a society that has lost touch with the great Enlightenment narrative. We need, argues Bordoni, to rediscover the rationality we have lost and recuperate the positive side of technology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Post Society
Our societies are in transition, spurred on by a pandemic that disrupted many aspects of the social world we once took for granted. We’ve left behind the ‘solid modernity’ of the twentieth century and even the ‘liquid modernity’ so brilliantly analysed by Zygmunt Bauman, but what kind of society is now taking shape around us? In this highly original reflection on the current state of our world, Carlo Bordoni argues that we are on the threshold of ‘post-society’, a condition in which social distancing becomes the norm, real social relations are diminishing in favour of those mediated by technology, existential loneliness is becoming widespread, and we find ourselves voluntarily submitting to new forms of surveillance and control in the hope of increasing our security. Emotions are increasingly assuming a central role in social life, not only because of the growing prevalence of social media, which provide platforms for the public expression of emotion, but also because emotions have been freed from the ‘repression of emotionality’ that had characterized modern society. While many of these developments are rooted in broader social transformations, they were all deepened and accelerated by the pandemic, which propelled us headlong into a brave new world where social relations are sustained without physical contact but with intense communication. This is the new post-social condition: more humanity, less sociality.
Penguin Putnam Inc White Holes
Penguin Putnam Inc Anaximander: And the Birth of Science
HarperCollins Publishers Pinocchio (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. ‘But I am not like other boys! I always tell the truth.’ The story of Pinocchio has remained one of the best-loved children’s tales for over a century. However, the original 1883 novel about the adventures of the mischievous marionette on his quest to become a real boy began as a sophisticated story for both adults and children, and includes political satire, slapstick humour and questions about the role of tradition and society. From the moment Geppetto decides to carve himself a son from a magical piece of wood, the tale lurches from one fantastical episode to another, in one of the most enchanting fables of all time.
Manfredi Edizioni Carlo Caloro: Art/13
Oficyna Wydawnicza KAGERO Damian Majsak The German Destroyer Z37
C.H. Beck Bedingt abwehrbereit
Little, Brown & Company The Saga of Tanya the Evil Vol. 23 manga
To give oneself over to the desire for victory, as all must do in war, is a sickness unto death. General Romel's heroic exploits resulted in the replenishment of the Imperial Southern Continent Expeditionary Army Corps. But the Empire, intoxicated by its wins in the South, has turned its eyes away from the growing ambition of the Reds in the east, and cannot feel the hateful stares of the world upon it.
SIME Books London: 2018
SIME Books Photographing New York
Evro Publishing Inside OSCA
This book draws on an extraordinary archive of beautiful images, the work of Walter Breveglieri, the famous Bolognese photographer. Breveglieri was renowned in Italy for his work with film and sports stars, but his great passion was motor racing.As an amateur racing driver, he became friends with the Maserati brothers — Ernesto, Ettore and Bindo — and developed enormous loyalty to their marque OSCA (Officine Specializzate Costruzione Automobili), not only competing in OSCA racing cars but also recording the life of the factory and the charismatic machinery it produced. Founded by the Maserati brothers in Bologna in 1947, the same year as the birth of Ferrari in nearby Maranello, OSCA built exquisitely engineered cars, mostly with small-capacity engines, until 1967.The 225 photographs by Walter Breveglieri are mostly reproduced at generous size and capture so much wonderful atmosphere, whether in and around the factory or on the track, with