Search results for ""Alma""
PBO. El pescador y su alma
Todas los atardeceres, el joven pescador salía a la mar y arrojaba sus redes al agua. Una tarde, la red era tan pesada que el joven a duras penas podía sacarla. Tiró de ella con todas sus fuerzas y la red subió por fin hasta la superficie del agua. Pero no había ningún pez en ella, solo una sirenita durmiendo profundamente.Adaptación de un cuento de Oscar Wilde basado en La Sirenita de Andersen.
HILOS DE EMOCIONES Las puertas del alma Spanish Edition
Arcadia Publishing Alma Images of America Arcadia Publishing
Waxmann Verlag GmbH Vorkämpferinnen an der Alma Mater Philippina
Nórdica Libros Encontraste un alma Ed. 2022 Cartoné
Candlewick Press,U.S. Alma y cómo obtuvo su nombre
Las crisis profundas del alma
Las crisis profundas del alma es una incursión para alumbrar los recodos lúgubres y áridos de nuestro corazón sufriente. Deja atrás intelectualismos y falsas esperanzas, centrándose en la posibilidad de experimentar un auténtico proceso de transformación. Para transitar los diferentes estados anímicos se hace necesario desarrollar fortaleza interna así como una confianza bàsica en la vida, temas que son tratados a fondo.Sus páginas nos mostrarán la posibilidad de dejar de sufrir neuróticamente, abrazar el padecimiento natural y atravesar la confusión, el vacío, la angustia, la culpa, la soledad, la depresión...El autor nos ayuda a captar el sentido de las crisis y a reconocer, comprender y aceptar aquello que yace en nuestra propia alma, en donde lo más bajo y lo más alto conviven en peculiar abrazo. Vislumbraremos que la felicidad no es un premio a buscar sino un presente que nos ofrece la vida cuando nos entregamos a ella, valiente, honesta y profundamente.Asimismo, nos apo
Editorial Sal Terrae Cincuenta ángeles para el alma
Anselm Grün nos anima a confiar en los impulsos interiores y a desplegar el potencial de nuestra alma. Cincuenta ángeles para dar alas a la vida. Si confías, te acompañarán en tu camino, descubrirás de qué eres capaz, percibirás tu unicidad y la riqueza que Dios ha depositado en ti. Cincuenta ángeles que le hacen bien a tu espíritu vital, te invitan a descubrir la riqueza de la vida y te animan a entregarte, con confianza e inspiración, a una vida más plena.
Tórrida pasión Alma de fuego
Tórrida pasiónMargaret MayoLa niñera Penny Keeling sabe que trabajar para el atractivo y reservado Stephano Lorenzetti no será tarea fácil; pero está dispuesta a hacerlo por el bien de la niña de él.Y tiene el mismo empeño en no enamorarse de su atractivo jefe. Ella ya ha sufrido en el amor!Bajo el tórrido sol italiano, Stephano la seduce, y ella no puede evitar rendirse a él.Alma de fuegoCathy WilliamsPor la cama de César Carreño ha pasado una larga lista de guapas mujeres de la alta sociedad hasta que conoce a Jude. Su belleza inmaculada hace arder su sangre española!Jude se esfuerza por encajar en el exclusivo mundo en que vive César. Pero su inexperiencia pronto se pone de manifiesto: está esperando un hijo de él. Para César, solo existe una opción. el matrimonio. Después de todo, él es un Carreño. Y, como Jude pronto descubre, su proposición no es una pregunta. es una orden!
Alma Books Ltd The Pickwick Papers: Annotated Edition (Alma Classics Evergreens)
A rich and varied array of stories and vignettes, The Pickwick Papers is based around the investigations of the Corresponding Society of the Pickwick Club, consisting of its founder Mr Samuel Pickwick and Messrs Tracy Tupman, Augustus Snodgrass and Nathaniel Winkle, who travel around the country and then report back to the club concerning their extraordinary adventures and experiences. Dickens’s first novel, The Pickwick Papers was an immediate success and caught the public imagination in a manner that few debuts have ever matched. Replete with colourful characters, fantastical anecdotes and a farcical plot, it catapulted its twenty-four-year-old author to literary stardom, and is widely considered to be one of the great comic masterpieces of nineteenth-century literature.
Alma Books Ltd Jude the Obscure: Annotated Edition (Alma Classics Evergreens)
"Jude Fawley, an intelligent and sensitive young Wessex schoolboy, dreams of studying at the famous university in Christminster, Hardy’s fictional representation of Oxford. He embarks on years of private study, but his plans are thrown into disarray when he is deceived into marriage and then deserted by the duplicitous Arabella Donn. Jude, still hoping to earn a place at the university, travels to Christminster to work as a stonemason. Here, he falls for his freethinking cousin Sue, but with the pair living together out of wedlock, the pressures of poverty and social disapproval soon threaten to ruin their lives. Full of passion, anger, fatalism and tragedy, Jude the Obscure attacks the inequalities and hypocrisies inherent within Victorian society’s attitudes towards marriage, social mobility, education and the role of women. The novel, which caused an immediate uproar on its publication, is now widely considered to be one of the great works of the nineteenth century, and the apotheosis of Hardy’s fiction."
Alma Books Ltd The Touchstone: Annotated Edition (Alma Classics 101 Pages)
Stephen Glennard is in desperate need of money. So when he becomes aware of the potential value of a series of passionate love letters written to him by the recently deceased author Margaret Aubyn, he sells them and marries the beautiful Alexa Trent. However, his shame and guilt at building a new life on the betrayal of another’s love slowly begins to eat away at him, and Margaret’s memory has a power that can reach him from beyond the grave. The first of Edith Wharton’s works depicting life in “old New York”, The Touchstone is an acutely observed novella , and an exploration of the tension between self-serving opportunism and the desire to live a moral life.
Alma Books Ltd Decameron: Newly Translated and Annotated (Alma Classics Evergreens)
In the summer of 1348, the plague ravages Florence, and ten young Florentines take refuge in the countryside, where they entertain themselves with tales of love, death and corruption, featuring a host of colourful characters, from lascivious clergymen and mad kings to devious lovers and false miracle-makers. Named after the Greek for ten days, Boccaccio’s book of stories draws on ancient mythology, contemporary events and everyday life, leaving an indelible mark on the works of future writers such as Chaucer and Shakespeare. J.G. Nichols’s new translation stays as faithful to the original as possible while being written in a clear and eminently modern English, capturing the timeless humour of one of the great classics of world literature.
Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL La vida y el alma
Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL Saca tu alma de rbitro
Ediciones Trea, S.L. El sistema mtrico del alma
Escritura entre las Nubes Alma y los hábitos saludables
Urano World Mapa de Tu Alma, El
Editorial Arcopress (disbook) JOYA DE TU ALMA LA
El alma de las piedras
Encuadernacion:Rustica sin solapasAño 824. Tres curiosos personajes hallan una tumba cuyos restos pertenecen a Santiago Apóstol y crean el Iocus Sancti Jacobi para mayor Gloria de Dios. Dos siglos después, una joven noble, Mabilia, descubre de la mano de un cantero una marca en una piedra que conduce hasta La Inventio, un pergamino en el que se cuenta el milagroso hallazgo.
Ariella Verlag Lena feiert Pessach mit Alma
Alma Books Ltd The Portrait of a Lady: Annotated Edition (Alma Classics Evergreens)
Having travelled from her native New York to London to meet her relatives, Isabel Archer, a young, independently minded young woman, rejects the marriage proposals of two suitors in her determination to stay in control of her destiny. When she suddenly comes into a large legacy, Isabel believes that this windfall will finally ensure the freedom that she yearns for and embarks on an exhilarating journey through France and Italy, only to find her endeavours thwarted by the sinister plotting of some of her acquaintances. Considered by many to be Henry James’s finest novel, The Portrait of a Lady is a subtle examination of Victorian society and power relations, providing a groundbreaking psychological study of its protagonist. This volume is based on the authoritative New York Edition, and includes the author’s seminal preface.
Stanford University Press The Point Alma Venus Manuscripts
The years 1921 to 1927 were the most productive of Robinson Jeffers's career. During this period, he wrote not only many of his most well-known lyric poems but also Tamar, The Tower Beyond Tragedy, Roan Stallion, and The Women at Point Sur—the long poems that first established his reputation as a major American poet. Including an introduction, chronology, and critical afterword, the Point Alma Venus manuscripts presented here gather Jeffers's four unfinished but substantial preliminary attempts at what became The Women at Point Sur, which Jeffers believed was the "most inclusive, and poetically the most intense" of his narrative poems. The Point Alma Venus fragments and versions shed important light on the composition and themes of The Women at Point Sur. Further, they likely predate other key work from this crucial period, making them a necessary context for those who wish to clarify Jeffers's poetic development and to reinterpret his practice of narrative poetry. Ultimately, they call on general and scholarly readers alike to reconsider Jeffers's place in the canon of modern American poetry.
Bushido. El alma del Japón
El Bushido, como código, independiente de moral, puede desaparecer; pero su poder no morirá sobre la tierra; sus escuelas de proezas marciales o de honor cívico pueden ser demolidas, pero su luz y su gloria sobrevivirán largo tiempo a sus ruinas.Bushido, código ético del samurái, es la obra maestra de Inazo Nitobe (1862-1933), diplomático y educador japonés que quiso dar a conocer el alma de Japón a los occidentales. Publicado por primera vez en 1900, se convirtió muy pronto en un clásico que no ha dejado de reeditarse y traducirse a todos los idiomas. José Millán-Astray, fundador de La Legión, quedó fascinado por su espíritu y a él se debe la primera traducción al español.Nitobe, a través de sus páginas, nos guía por la filosofía del Bushido, proporcionando una visión clara y profunda de la tradición caballeresca del país del Sol Naciente. Además, resalta magistralmente las similitudes con el cristianismo y la cultura europea.El Bushido anotado y comentado por Pedro José Gran
'Rumble', la serie creada por John Arcudi y James Harren, toma un nuevo camino con David Rubín como dibujante. Ahora que Rathraq, un antiguo dios guerrero, se ha despojado de su cuerpo de espantapájaros, ha pasado de ser el defensor de los débiles a un salvaje sanguinario para horror de Bobby, Del y Timah. Mientras tanto, un recién formado Frente de Liberación Humana decide iniciar su propia guerra contra los ESU, los pequeños seres del inframundo que acechan la ciudad.Con el dibujante David Rubín tomando el relevo de James Harren y unido al guionista John Arcudi, 'Rumble 4. Alma sin piedad' da una nueva dirección a la serie de fantasía y horror más aclamada y divertida del momento. Si la dicotomía entre el bien el mal ha sido siempre uno de los grandes leitmotivs de la obra, ahora descubriremos que sus fronteras nunca fueron tan difusas y que las ansias de poder siempre terminan por inclinar la balanza.
Huerga y Fierro Editores Del alma a la boca
Este libro muestra la visión de una psiquiatra que sobrepasa los límites de la medicina convencional, adentrándose en el desconocido mundo de las regresiones a vidas y a hechos pasados, en base a sus propias experiencias como paciente y como terapeuta consolidada en esta técnica. Recoge un estudio profundo a través del cual comprueba su efectividad y obtiene conclusiones que son generadoras de esperanza para todas aquellas personas que quieran descubrir que ocurre tras la muerte física y conocer su propósito en esta vida. Aporta un sentido a la existencia y otorga una perspectiva diferente sobre nuestra verdadera esencia. Lo que ayer fue considerado pseudociencia, hoy es traído de la mano de la ciencia.
El Alma de las flores
Imaginativa, elegante, conmovedora, universal. la poesía de Kaneko Misuzu es la celebración de la vida de lo grande y lo pequeño. Profunda conocedora del corazón humano, Misuzu capta con reveladora sencillez la necesidad de empatía y comprensión entre los seres y alumbra ese camino a veces luminoso, a veces oscuro, y siempre fugaz, que todos compartimos y que llamamos vida. La obra de Kaneko Misuzu nace de una natural simpatía hacia todos los seres animados y no animados que habitan nuestro universo. Durante su breve y trágica vida, Misuzu encontró en la poesía la forma de expresar una voz única y universal capaz de conmover a personas de cualquier época y lugar. Olvidada durante décadas, su obra se perdió tras los bombardeos que arrasaron Tokio durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Planeta Publishing Tu Alma Gemela Eres Tú
Union Square & Co. The Lies of Alma Blackwell
For over a century, the Blackwells have protected the town of Hollow Cliff from vengeful spirits.
Candlewick Press (MA) Alma at HomeAlma en casa
Prestel Lawrence Alma-Tadema: At Home in Antiquity
This important re-evaluation of the Dutch- born painter Lawrence Alma-Tadema traces his personal and artistic journey towards international fame and success in London and investigates how this exceptionally creative artist used his own houses and studios as laboratories to produce vivid paintings of life in ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt. Lawrence Alma-Tadema s paintings were immensely popular among his contemporaries, and have since enchanted a wide audience through the medium of cinema. Anyone who has ever enjoyed the great epic films of antiquity from Italian silent classics and Cecil B. DeMille to Ridley Scott s Gladiator will instantly recognize their origins in sets and costumes Alma- Tadema invented. Accompanied by glowing reproductions of the artist s rich and detailed works, this book boldly re-assesses Alma-Tadema s art through the idea of home: from his admiration for the interiors depicted in early Dutch paintings through his fascination with Pompeian ruins, to his creation of large studio houses that were artworks in their own right. Building upon Alma-Tadema s renown as the archaeologist of artists, the new scholarship in this impressive volume shows how the spaces he created and inhabited with his talented artist-wife Laura and their two daughters reflected an aesthetic vision that has thrilled viewers and other artists for more than a century. Appealing to general and scholarly audiences alike, this book underscores Alma-Tadema s reputation as one of his era s greatest creative talents."
Batpig n 03 En puerco y alma
Ya es oficial: BATPIG es un héroe cerdomenal!Y qué hay de su alter ego, Gary Yorkshire? Pues sigue haciendo cosas normales, como ir al cole o hacer exámenes. Pero qué pasa cuando recibe una ayudita para un examen de un ser mágico llamado Tiburoham Lincoln (mitad escualo, mitad presidente americano) y provoca un escándalo por hacer trampa? Y cuando se va de colonias en verano para desconectar? y tiene que entrar en acción sin su uniforme de Batpig?No es fácil ser un héroe épico y un cerdo normal al mismo tiempo, pero Gary se entrega a su labor en puerco y alma!
Editorial Kairos Políticos Y Sacerdotes: La Mafia del Alma
Marian Press Diario: La Divina Misericordia en Mi Alma
Basic Books Passionate Spirit: The Life of Alma Mahler
Alma Books Ltd The Woman in White: Annotated Edition (Alma Classics Evergreens)
"She looked so irresistibly beautiful as she said those brave words that no man alive could have steeled his heart against her." In love with the beautiful heiress Laura Fairlie, the impoverished art teacher Walter Hartright finds his romantic desires thwarted by her previous engagement to Sir Percival Glyde. But all is not as it seems with Sir Percival, as becomes clear when he arrives with his eccentric friend Count Fosco. The mystery and intrigue are further deepened by the ghostly appearances of a woman in white, apparently harbouring a secret that concerns Sir Percival’s past. A tale of love, madness, deceit and redemption, boasting sublime Gothic settings and pulse-quickening suspense, The Woman in White was the first best-selling Victorian sensation novel, sparking off a huge trend in the fiction of the time with its compulsive, fascinating narrative.
Alma Books Ltd The Age of Innocence: Annotated Edition (Alma Classics Evergreens)
The intelligent and charming Newland Archer – a member of one of New York’s most prominent families – is living the life that has always been expected of him: he is engaged to the beautiful and well-connected May Welland and understands the rarefied world of Fifth Avenue society inside out. However, with the arrival of May’s cousin, the free-spirited and unconventional Countess Ellen Olenska, Newland begins to doubt all that once seemed so natural to him.An extraordinarily well-observed dissection of New York high society in the 1870s – the world in which Edith Wharton grew up – The Age of Innocence shines a critical light on the social mores and values of the old order.
Alma Books Ltd Don Quixote: Newly Translated and Annotated (Alma Classics Evergreens)
When an ageing, impoverished nobleman decides to style himself “Don Quixote” and embarks upon a series of daring endeavours, it is clear that his ability to distinguish between reality and the fantasy world of literary romance has broken down. His exploits turn into comic misadventures, in which everyday objects are transformed into the accoutrements of chivalry, peasant girls become princesses and windmills are mistaken for formidable giants, leading the hero and his squire Sancho Panza into the realms of absurdity and humiliation. Renowned for its comical set pieces, Don Quixote is a profound meditation on the relationship between truth and fiction and the morality of deception, as well as the foundation stone of the modern novel.
Alma Books Ltd Flush: Annotated Edition with photographs (Alma Classics 101 Pages)
"Written after Woolf had finished her emotionally draining work on The Waves, Flush purports to be an autobiography of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s eponymous cocker spaniel, charting the dog’s early days in the countryside, his adoption by the famous poet, his subsequent life in London and his travels with his owners to Italy. While the resulting narrative is light-hearted and playful on the surface, Woolf ingeniously uses the faux-naif impressions of her animal narrator to voice her social criticism on topics such as the class system and the relationship between man and woman. Much like its predecessor Orlando, Flush is a genre-defying blend of biography and fantasy, and an accessible yet stylistically innovative jeu d’esprit."