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APress Pro Azure Administration and Automation: A Comprehensive Guide to Successful Cloud Management
Learn best practices and the proper use of Azure management tools, such as Azure Portal, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, and ARM templates, which are time-saving tools that support daily administration tasks such as monitoring, alerting, backups, security, and more. This book explores common Azure services, including Azure networking, virtual machines, app services, backup, monitoring, and other tools of the trade that IT professionals use on a regular basis. And you will come away with a strong understanding of these services and how to use them.While Microsoft Azure is no longer “the new cloud on the block,” it continues to be one of the fastest-growing platforms with regard to features, integrations, and capabilities. Over the last decade, it has undergone significant changes and amassed a large following, but many of its users, especially those who transitioned from traditional admin tasks to modern cloud computing, are not reaping its full benefits.Management in the cloud, while seemingly simpler in some ways, is not without its own set of complexities and headaches. Admins want to streamline it where it makes sense and allocate the right resources to the right job in order to keeps cost in check, but where does one begin? Pro Azure Administration and Automation is a comprehensive guide that is chock full of time-saving recipes and scripts you can rely on to learn about day-to-day Azure administration and automation. What You Will Learn Attain theoretical and practical knowledge on deploying and managing Azure Gain an understanding of services, their relationship with other services, and their configuration parameters Adopt a modern mindset, transitioning from a traditional IT admin mindset to a cloud admin pro Understand how everything in the cloud is billable and learn how to factor it into choices Apply in-chapter PowerShell scripts and ARM templates which can be re-purposed Know when it makes sense to be more involved in tasks (for example, automation and scripting) Who This Book Is For IT professionals who are responsible for the day-to-day tasks in Azure as well as cloud management and planning
APress Event- and Data-Centric Enterprise Risk-Adjusted Return Management: A Banking Practitioner’s Handbook
Take a holistic view of enterprise risk-adjusted return management in banking. This book recommends that a bank transform its siloed operating model into an agile enterprise model. It offers an event-driven, process-based, data-centric approach to help banks plan and implement an enterprise risk-adjusted return model (ERRM), keeping the focus on business events, processes, and a loosely coupled enterprise service architecture. Most banks suffer from a lack of good quality data for risk-adjusted return management. This book provides an enterprise data management methodology that improves data quality by defining and using data ontology and taxonomy. It extends the data narrative with an explanation of the characteristics of risk data, the usage of machine learning, and provides an enterprise knowledge management methodology for risk-return optimization. The book provides numerous examples for process automation, data analytics, event management, knowledge management, and improvements to risk quantification. The book provides guidance on the underlying knowledge areas of banking, enterprise risk management, enterprise architecture, technology, event management, processes, and data science. The first part of the book explains the current state of banking architecture and its limitations. After defining a target model, it explains an approach to determine the "gap" and the second part of the book guides banks on how to implement the enterprise risk-adjusted return model.What You Will Learn Know what causes siloed architecture, and its impact Implement an enterprise risk-adjusted return model (ERRM) Choose enterprise architecture and technology Define a reference enterprise architecture Understand enterprise data management methodology Define and use an enterprise data ontology and taxonomy Create a multi-dimensional enterprise risk data model Understand the relevance of event-driven architecture from business generation and risk management perspectives Implement advanced analytics and knowledge management capabilities Who This Book Is For The global banking community, including: senior management of a bank, such as the Chief Risk Officer, Head of Treasury/Corporate Banking/Retail Banking, Chief Data Officer, and Chief Technology Officer. It is also relevant for banking software vendors, banking consultants, auditors, risk management consultants, banking supervisors, and government finance professionals.
APress Building and Managing High-Performance Distributed Teams: Navigating the Future of Work
The age of the distributed team is upon us. Teams can now operate and collaborate from locations other than a central office, and events surrounding the 2020 COVID pandemic have thrown its practicality into sharp relief. Managing a team whose members are distributed across several locations requires a different mindset and will remain a must-have for all areas of business from this point forward.Building and Managing High-Performance Distributed Teams explains what the distributed teams concept means to the future of your company. Author Alberto S. Silveira Jr. leverages his industry knowledge to explore why the high-performance distributed team model is vital to the future of business, and explains how to build and maintain one through times of change. You will learn to differentiate between distributed teams, remote work, offshoring, and what each means in a modern context. Silveira also weaves in stories from his other life as a boater and sailor, using analogies and lessons gained from humankind’s thousands of years of maritime adventure to illustrate the value of well-managed teams, and to also convey the importance of life-work balance in today’s working world.The book analyzes team management strategies from some of the great successes and failures in recent years so that you can learn from the experiences of others. Building and Managing High-Performance Distributed Teams is your definitive guide for building a dynamic distributed team, using collaboration technology to attract and engage the most important element of any business—your people. Whether you are a department head, a business owner, or a team leader, this book presents the no-nonsense knowledge you need now to chart your course for success. What You Will Learn Understand what the new era of connected business means, and the role distributed teams will play. Differentiate between distributed teams, remote work, nearshore, and offshoring, and what each means to modern business. Discover the true heart of a high-performance distributed team (hint: it’s not the technology). Find out what the era of distributed teams means to existing infrastructure. Uncover what we can learn about team management from some of the great successes and failures of recent years. Appreciate the techniques honed by seafarers, pilots, and software designers combined to create a successful project plan for team management and company navigation. Comprehend the effective simplicity of the “power of three” in building successful teams. Apply proven techniques of measurement and metrics without leaving the human factor behind to improve team morale and productivity. Who This Book Is ForTeam leaders or officers of small-ish companies, with populations in the tens through to the mid-hundreds. It’s also for managers of somewhat autonomous departments within larger companies, and for everyone else in the boat because everyone in a company ultimately needs to know what being in a distributed team is all about.
APress Thriving As a Minority-Owned Business in Corporate America: Building a Pathway to Success for Minority Entrepreneurs
The dramatic increase in minority- and female-owned companies continues to transform the business world while setting standards for those who follow. Thriving as a Minority-Owned Business in Corporate America offers you a comprehensive guide to current practical knowledge of minority business development, from grants and loans to market building. This book demonstrates how you can use specific laws, institutions, and new technologies to set up and steer your business to success. Expert coverage includes both established and underused resources at the federal, state, and local levels dedicated to minority business expansion. You will learn how to tap resources made available by government agencies like the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) and programs such as the Offices of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI). Non-governmental funding sources (e.g., banks, credit unions, venture capital) are also examined in depth, with sound advice on approaching each. The author explores the critical role of social media in leveling the playing field, spotlighting minority/female business-related sites and strategies for leveraging your online presence. And he provides real-world guidance on business certifications, tax breaks, credit issues, and more. Whether you’re in start-up or expansion mode, after reading this book, you will have the know-how needed to seize the opportunity and succeed with your enterprise.What You Will Learn Discover unused and unrecognized resources at the federal, state, and local level set up specifically for minority business See the difference between banks, thrifts, credit unions, angel investors, and venture capital, and how to approach each Use social media in support of minority business development goals Examine social media sites and trends: current and relevant minority business related social media sites and trends Who This Book is ForAnyone: Asian, Hispanic, women, Black or White who wants authentic, impactful information on creating or supporting minority-owned businesses.
APress Getting Started with Containers in Google Cloud Platform: Deploy, Manage, and Secure Containerized Applications
Deploy, manage, and secure containers and containerized applications on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This book covers each container service in GCP from the ground up and teaches you how to deploy and manage your containers on each service.You will start by setting up and configuring GCP tools and the tenant environment. You then will store and manage Docker container images with GCP Container Registry (ACR). Next, you will deploy containerized applications with GCP Cloud Run and create an automated CI/CD deployment pipeline using Cloud Build. The book covers GCP’s flagship service, Google Kubernetes Service (GKE), and deployment of a Kubernetes cluster using clear steps and considering GCP best practices using the GCP management console and gcloud command-line tool. Also covered is monitoring containers and containerized applications on GCP with Cloud Monitoring, and backup and restore containers and containerized applications on GCP.By the end of the book, you will know how to get started with GCP container services and understand the fundamentals of each service and the supporting services needed to run containers in a production environment. This book also assists you in transferring your skills from AWS and Azure to GCP using the knowledge you have acquired on each platform and leveraging it to gain more skills.What You Will Learn Get started with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Store Docker images on GCP Container Registry Deploy Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster Secure containerized applications on GCP Use Cloud Build to deploy containers Use GCP Batch for batch job processing on Kubernetes Who This Book Is ForGoogle Cloud administrators, developers, and architects who want to get started and learn more about containers and containerized applications on Google Cloud Platform (GPC)
APress Deploying Chromebooks in the Classroom: Planning, Installing, and Managing Chromebooks in Schools and Colleges
Learn how to deploy Chromebook computers in a classroom or lab situation and how to navigate the hardware and software choices you face. This book equips you with the skills and knowledge to plan and execute a deployment of Chromebook computers in the classroom. Teachers and IT administrators at schools will see how to set up the hardware and software swiftly on your own or with the help of your students. Step-by-step instructions and practical examples walk you through assessing the practicability of deploying Chromebooks in your school, planning the deployment, and executing it. You'll become an expert in using a Chromebook, developing plans to train your colleagues and students to use Chromebooks, and learn how to run lessons with Google Classroom. You'll learn to manage the computers and the network and troubleshoot any problems that arise. Make Deploying Chromebooks in the Classroom a part of your instructional library today. What You'll Learn Put an easily-manageable computer on each desk for students to learn Internet use and essential office software skills Image, configure, and plan a classroom deployment of Chromebook computers Manage your classroom Chromebook computers and keeping them up and running smoothly and efficiently Who This Book Is ForPrimary audience would be teachers and IT administrators at schools or colleges. It will also appeal to administrators at social clubs or organizations that provide less formal tuition or simply provide Internet access.
APress Machine Learning with Microsoft Technologies: Selecting the Right Architecture and Tools for Your Project
Know how to do machine learning with Microsoft technologies. This book teaches you to do predictive, descriptive, and prescriptive analyses with Microsoft Power BI, Azure Data Lake, SQL Server, Stream Analytics, Azure Databricks, HD Insight, and more.The ability to analyze massive amounts of real-time data and predict future behavior of an organization is critical to its long-term success. Data science, and more specifically machine learning (ML), is today’s game changer and should be a key building block in every company’s strategy. Managing a machine learning process from business understanding, data acquisition and cleaning, modeling, and deployment in each tool is a valuable skill set. Machine Learning with Microsoft Technologies is a demo-driven book that explains how to do machine learning with Microsoft technologies. You will gain valuable insight into designing the best architecture for development, sharing, and deploying a machine learning solution. This book simplifies the process of choosing the right architecture and tools for doing machine learning based on your specific infrastructure needs and requirements. Detailed content is provided on the main algorithms for supervised and unsupervised machine learning and examples show ML practices using both R and Python languages, the main languages inside Microsoft technologies. What You'll Learn Choose the right Microsoft product for your machine learning solution Create and manage Microsoft’s tool environments for development, testing, and production of a machine learning project Implement and deploy supervised and unsupervised learning in Microsoft products Set up Microsoft Power BI, Azure Data Lake, SQL Server, Stream Analytics, Azure Databricks, and HD Insight to perform machine learning Set up a data science virtual machine and test-drive installed tools, such as Azure ML Workbench, Azure ML Server Developer, Anaconda Python, Jupyter Notebook, Power BI Desktop, Cognitive Services, machine learning and data analytics tools, and more Architect a machine learning solution factoring in all aspects of self service, enterprise, deployment, and sharing Who This Book Is ForData scientists, data analysts, developers, architects, and managers who want to leverage machine learning in their products, organization, and services, and make educated, cost-saving decisions about their ML architecture and tool set.
APress Developing Bots with Microsoft Bots Framework: Create Intelligent Bots using MS Bot Framework and Azure Cognitive Services
Develop Intelligent Bots using Microsoft Bot framework (C# and Node.js), Visual Studio Enterprise & Code, MicrosoftAzure and Cognitive Services. This book shows you how to develop great Bots, publish to Azure and register with Bot portal so that customers canconnect and communicate using famous communication channels like Skype, Slack, Web and Facebook. You'll also learn how to build intelligence into Bots using Azure Cognitive Services like LUIS, OCR, Speech to Text and Web Search.Bots are the new face of user experience. Conversational User Interface provides many options to make userexperience richer, innovative and engaging with email, text, buttons or voice as the medium for communication.Modern line of business applications can be replaced or associated with Intelligent Bots that can use data/historycombined with Machine Intelligence to make user experience inclusive and exciting.With Developing Bots with Microsoft Bots Framework, you'll see just how simple Bot building can be.What You'll Learn Build Bots using MS Bot framework on Windows and Non-Windows platforms Publish your Bot to the cloud in minutes Create rich communication platforms between your application and users Apply Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to your applications Who This Book Is ForDevelopers and Architects who design and build modern applications or communication platforms using MS stack or open source technologies. Business Analysts and UX Specialists interested in designing and building trendy user interfaces/platforms using Bots and Azure ML
APress Modern Business Management: Creating a Built-to-Change Organization
Transform your entire organization, not just a part of it. Take a modern look now that the world is focusing on business agility rather than thinking about team-level or even scaled Agile. Many people and businesses believe that “doing Agile” will solve all their business and organizational problems. The truth is that “doing Agile”, especially team-level agility, is not the same as being an agile organization. Authors Doug Dockery and Laureen Knudsen share their years of experience in transforming corporations and organizations to successfully compete and win in today’s fast-paced markets. Using proven techniques and stories of actual experiences in a multitude of organizations, Doug and Laureen relate what it takes to successfully transform your organization, as well as how to tell if your transformation is working. Modern Business Management details what you need to know to transform your business to deliver value and thrive. Coverage includes: What Agile means to an executive and the benefits you should be seeing The top failure modes and why so many transformations fail A framework for success, including an operational framework and a transformation framework How big data internal to a company is needed to successfully run a world-wide corporation today The definition of a modern business and what it looks like What You’ll learn Understand why businesses are not getting the benefits out of their current Agile transformation Follow the process that organizations need to go through to succeed See how C-level executives can benefit from Agile practices Know how to succeed where others are failing Discover how to keep up with a constantly disrupted and ever-changing market Who This Book Is For Management and executives in corporations from the director level to the C-level
APress MicroPython for the Internet of Things: A Beginner’s Guide to Programming with Python on Microcontrollers
Quickly learn to program for microcontrollers and IoT devices without a lot of study and expense. MicroPython and controllers that support it eliminate the need for programming in a C-like language, making the creation of IoT applications and devices easier and more accessible than ever. MicroPython for the Internet of Things is ideal for readers new to electronics and the world of IoT. Specific examples are provided covering a range of supported devices, sensors, and MicroPython boards such as Pycom’s WiPy modules and MicroPython’s pyboard. Never has programming for microcontrollers been easier.The book takes a practical and hands-on approach without a lot of detours into the depths of theory. The book: Shows a faster and easier way to program microcontrollers and IoT devices Teaches MicroPython, a variant of one of the most widely used scripting languages Is friendly and accessible to those new to electronics, with fun example projects What You'll Learn Program in MicroPython Understand sensors and basic electronics Develop your own IoT projects Build applications for popular boards such as WiPy and pyboard Load MicroPython on the ESP8266 and similar boards Interface with hardware breakout boards Connect hardware to software through MicroPython Explore the easy-to-use Adafruit IO connecting your microcontroller to the cloud Who This Book Is ForAnyone interested in building IoT solutions without the heavy burden of programming in C++ or C. The book also appeals to those wanting an easier way to work with hardware than is provided by the Arduino and the Raspberry Pi platforms.
APress Introducing Ethereum and Solidity: Foundations of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Programming for Beginners
Learn how to use Solidity and the Ethereum project – second only to Bitcoin in market capitalization. Blockchain protocols are taking the world by storm, and the Ethereum project, with its Turing-complete scripting language Solidity, has rapidly become a front-runner. This book presents the blockchain phenomenon in context; then situates Ethereum in a world pioneered by Bitcoin.See why professionals and non-professionals alike are honing their skills in smart contract patterns and distributed application development. You'll review the fundamentals of programming and networking, alongside its introduction to the new discipline of crypto-economics. You'll then deploy smart contracts of your own, and learn how they can serve as a back-end for JavaScript and HTML applications on the Web.Many Solidity tutorials out there today have the same flaw: they are written for “advanced” JavaScript developers who want to transfer their skills to a blockchain environment. Introducing Ethereum and Solidity is accessible to technology professionals and enthusiasts of all levels. You’ll find exciting sample code that can move forward real world assets in both the academic and the corporate arenas. Find out now why this book is a powerful gateway for creative technologists of all types, from concept to deployment.What You’ll Learn See how Ethereum (and other cryptocurrencies) work Compare distributed apps (dapps) to web apps Write Ethereum smart contracts in Solidity Connect Ethereum smart contracts to your HTML/CSS/JavaScript web applications Deploy your own dapp, coin, and blockchain Work with basic and intermediate smart contracts Who This Book Is For Anyone who is curious about Ethereum or has some familiarity with computer science Product managers, CTOs, and experienced JavaScript programmers Experts will find the advanced sample projects in this book rewarding because of the power of Solidity
APress The Cloud DBA-Oracle: Managing Oracle Database in the Cloud
Learn how to define strategies for cloud adoption of your Oracle database landscape. Understand private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud computing in order to successfully design and manage databases in the cloud.The Cloud DBA-Oracle provides an overview of Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) that you can use in defining your cloud adoption strategy. In-depth details of various cloud service providers for Oracle database are given, including Oracle Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Database administration techniques relevant to hosting databases in the cloud are shown in the book as well as the technical details needed to perform all database administration tasks and activities, such as migration to the cloud, backup in the cloud, and new database setup in the cloud.You will learn from real-world business cases and practical examples of administration of Oracle database in the cloud, highlighting the challenges faced and solutions implemented.What you will learn: Cloud computing concepts from the DBA perspective, such as private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud Technical details of all aspects of cloud database administration Challenges faced during setup of databases in private cloud or database migration to public cloud Key points to be kept in mind during database administration in the cloud Practical examples of successful Oracle database cloud migration and support Who Is This Book For All levels of IT professionals, from executives responsible for determining database strategies to database administrators and database architects who manage and design databases.
APress Oracle Database Upgrade and Migration Methods: Including Oracle 12c Release 2
Learn all of the available upgrade and migration methods in detail to move to Oracle Database version 12c. You will become familiar with database upgrade best practices to complete the upgrade in an effective manner and understand the Oracle Database 12c patching process.So it’s time to upgrade Oracle Database to version 12c and you need to choose the appropriate method while considering issues such as downtime. This book explains all of the available upgrade and migration methods so you can choose the one that suits your environment. You will be aware of the practical issues and proactive measures to take to upgrade successfully and reduce unexpected issues. With every release of Oracle Database there are new features and fixes to bugs identified in previous versions. As each release becomes obsolete, existing databases need to be upgraded. Oracle Database Upgrade and Migration Methods explains each method along with its strategy, requirements, steps, and known issues that have been seen so far. This book also compares the methods to help you choose the proper method according to your constraints.Also included in this book: Pre-requisite patches and pre-upgrade steps Patching to perform changes at the binary and database level to apply bug fixes What You Will Learn: Understand the need and importance of database upgrading and migration Be aware of the challenges associated with database upgrade decision making Compare all upgrade/migration methods Become familiar with database upgrade best practices and recommendations Understand database upgrade concepts in high availability and multi-tenant environments Know the database downgrade steps in case the upgraded database isn’t compatible with the environment Discover the features and benefits to the organization when it moves from the old database version to the latest database version Understand Oracle 12c patching concepts Who This Book Is For:Core database administrators, solution architects, business consultants, and database architects
APress Modular Design Frameworks: A Projects-based Guide for UI/UX Designers
Learn the basic principles of modular design, and then put them into action to create sites that are easy to use, look great, and can be adapted within the context of your business needs. With author James Cabrera—one of the thought leaders in the modular-design movement—you'll create a single, scalable project for a sample nameplate site and then adapt that same project to work successfully as a portfolio site, an e-commerce site, and finally as a news/publishing content site. Along the way, you'll learn the scientific approach to devising a sound and scalable design strategy, followed by establishing a basic foundation using various criteria relevant to that type of site. As each chapter progresses, you'll add new concepts appropriate for the project type. Modular web and app design isn't just for so-called "creatives." It's a teachable science with principles that can be replicated in a creative manner. This approach makes the design decision making process for businesses much easier (and easier to live with). And modular design is a powerful tool for software designers to replicate effective successful designs across a spectrum of needs.What You'll Learn Examine the design process in a modular way Adapt your HTML code to create different types of applications Establish your own modular framework for your specific site's goals Design for scale Develop a strong foundation skeleton for design Who This Book Is ForUser experience designers, user interface designers, information architects, developers with an interest in design, developers who want to create their own design frameworks.
APress Beginning Ansible Concepts and Application
Learn the concepts and develop the skills to be a true Ansible artist and use it inside and outside the box. This book applies key concepts immediately while building up your Ansible skills layer by layer through easy to grasp examples and engaging projects. You'll also think about security, why testing is important, and how to use version control safely. As a beginner to Ansible, you'll be guided step-by-step through creating your first Ansible playbook to deploying your first server and writing more complex cross-dependency playbooks. From the first line of code to the last, you'll constantly iterate and simplify your playbooks, iwhile taking on more complex topics as you construct a full Wordpress website stack consisting of a database, web servers, and load balancer. This book will prompt you to think about how these fit together and will explain what to do to ensure maintainability long into the future. Don't just use Ansible. Completely change how you go about provisioning, con
APress Practical Explainable AI Using Python
Learn the ins and outs of decisions, biases, and reliability of AI algorithms and how to make sense of these predictions. This book explores the so-called black-box models to boost the adaptability, interpretability, and explainability of the decisions made by AI algorithms using frameworks such as Python XAI libraries, TensorFlow 2.0+, Keras, and custom frameworks using Python wrappers. You'll begin with an introduction to model explainability and interpretability basics, ethical consideration, and biases in predictions generated by AI models. Next, you'll look at methods and systems to interpret linear, non-linear, and time-series models used in AI. The book will also cover topics ranging from interpreting to understanding how an AI algorithm makes a decisionFurther, you will learn the most complex ensemble models, explainability, and interpretability using frameworks such as Lime, SHAP, Skater, ELI5, etc. Moving forward, youwill be introduced to model explainability for unstructur
APress Performance Testing
Use this book to prepare for the ISTQBCertified Tester Foundation Level Performance Testingexam. The book has been designed to follow the ISTQBsyllabus, covering all of the syllabus learning objectives, with additional reference material extending beyond the syllabus. The book covers an overall methodology for managing and conducting performance testing. Performance testing has often been considered a black art. In many organizations, perhaps an individual or a small group of technical staff or contractors is given the task of load testing an extended system, network, or application. Performance testing is like any other form of testing. It follows a defined test process that is similar to other test types. It utilizes a disciplined approach to the definition of requirements and user stories, the creation of test conditions, test cases, and test procedures. It establishes measurable goals against which the success or failureof the testing can be judged. It also requires (and this c
APress Create an EnterpriseLevel Test Automation Framework with Appium
Think from a framework design perspective and move beyond straightforward coding skills. You'll design an enterprise level test framework that is capable of supporting both TDD and BDD at the same time, using the latest open source tools and coding best practices. Taking a less-is-more approach, superfluous information is excised in favor of sleek and direct instruction and focused coding practices. Your framework will be built with Spring-Boot, Gradle, and Junit. And it will support HP QC integration, Allure (TDD, BDD), Extent (BDD), and customized Pdf reporting (TDD, BDD). Extensive utilities are provided, such as HP ALM integration, device management utilities, email reporting, pdf reporting, OCR utility, Log utility, and more! There's also a special chapter on internationalization/localization testing in multiple languages. After reading this book, you'll have full confidence in your ability to build new test automation frameworks for yourself.Though primarily written for softwar
Apress Become ITIL 4 Foundation Certified in 7 Days
Day 1.- Chapter 1: Introduction to the New ITIL.- Chapter 2: Brief Overview of DevOps.- Day 2.- Chapter 3: ITIL 101: Concepts and Core Foundation.- Chapter 4: Holistic Approach to Service Management: Four Dimensions.- Day 3.- Chapter 5A: Value Creation with Service Value System.- Chapter 5B: Influencing through Guiding Principles.- Chapter 6: ITIL's Management of Practices.- Day 4.- Chapter 7: Practices to Manage Stakeholders.- Chapter 8: Practices to Enable Service Support.- Chapter 9: Continual Improvement.- Day 5.- Chapter 10: Practices to Manage Operations.- Day 6.- Chapter 11: Practices to Manage Changes.- Chapter 12: Practices to Manage Releases.- Day 7.- Chapter 13: The Service Desk.- Chapter 14: Tips and Tricks for Taking the ITIL Exam.- Appendix A: Answers to Knowledge Checks.-
APress Building Chatbots with Python
Build your own chatbot using Python and open source tools. This book begins with an introduction to chatbots where you will gain vital information on their architecture. You will then dive straight into natural language processing with the natural language toolkit (NLTK) for building a custom language processing platform for your chatbot. With this foundation, you will take a look at different natural language processing techniques so that you can choose the right one for you. The next stage is to learn to build a chatbot using the platform and define its intents and entities. During this example, you will learn to enable communication with your bot and also take a look at key points of its integration and deployment. The final chapter of Building Chatbots with Python teaches you how to build, train, and deploy your very own chatbot. Using open source libraries and machine learning techniques you will learn
APress Pro .NET Memory Management: For Better Code, Performance, and Scalability
Understand .NET memory management internal workings, pitfalls, and techniques in order to effectively avoid a wide range of performance and scalability problems in your software. Despite automatic memory management in .NET, there are many advantages to be found in understanding how .NET memory works and how you can best write software that interacts with it efficiently and effectively. Pro .NET Memory Management is your comprehensive guide to writing better software by understanding and working with memory management in .NET.Thoroughly vetted by the .NET Team at Microsoft, this book contains 25 valuable troubleshooting scenarios designed to help diagnose challenging memory problems. Readers will also benefit from a multitude of .NET memory management “rules” to live by that introduce methods for writing memory-aware code and the means for avoiding common, destructive pitfalls.What You'll Learn Understand the theoretical underpinnings of automatic memory management Take a deep dive into every aspect of .NET memory management, including detailed coverage of garbage collection (GC) implementation, that would otherwise take years of experience to acquire Get practical advice on how this knowledge can be applied in real-world software development Use practical knowledge of tools related to .NET memory management to diagnose various memory-related issues Explore various aspects of advanced memory management, including use of Span and Memory types Who This Book Is For.NET developers, solution architects, and performance engineers
APress Python Debugging for AI, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing: A Pattern-Oriented Approach
This book is for those who wish to understand how Python debugging is and can be used to develop robust and reliable AI, machine learning, and cloud computing software. It will teach you a novel pattern-oriented approach to diagnose and debug abnormal software structure and behavior. The book begins with an introduction to the pattern-oriented software diagnostics and debugging process that, before performing Python debugging, diagnoses problems in various software artifacts such as memory dumps, traces, and logs. Next, you’ll learn to use various debugging patterns through Python case studies that model abnormal software behavior. You’ll also be exposed to Python debugging techniques specific to cloud native and machine learning environments and explore how recent advances in AI/ML can help in Python debugging. Over the course of the book, case studies will show you how to resolve issues around environmental problems, crashes, hangs, resource spikes, leaks, and performance degradation. This includes tracing, logging, and analyzing memory dumps using native WinDbg and GDB debuggers. Upon completing this book, you will have the knowledge and tools needed to employ Python debugging in the development of AI, machine learning, and cloud computing applications. What You Will Learn Employ a pattern-oriented approach to Python debugging that starts with diagnostics of common software problems Use tips and tricks to get the most out of popular IDEs, notebooks, and command-line Python debugging Understand Python internals for interfacing with operating systems and external modules Perform Python memory dump analysis, tracing, and logging Who This Book Is For Software developers, AI/ML engineers, researchers, data engineers, as well as MLOps and DevOps professionals.
APress Beginning SharePoint Communication Sites: Understanding and Managing Modern SharePoint Online
Understand SharePoint communication sites and create one on your own using SharePoint Home, available in Microsoft 365. This revised edition covers the new features in SharePoint communication sites and demonstrate how to effectively use them. You will also learn how to create a digital experience using SharePoint communication sites.This updated edition includes a new chapter on information management and governance, along with new topics such as seamless integration between Teams, using Power Automate and SharePoint Communication sites in tandem, and performing project and operations management activities with communication sites. Author Charles Waghmare starts by walking you through SharePoint communication sites and how to create them. Next, you’ll explore various use cases to understand the benefits of communicating through SharePoint communication sites. Further, you will learn collaborative applications like Teams and its integration with SharePoint, followed by details of compliance and governance . You will then integrate communication sites with Microsoft 365 products for better end user collaboration. Finally, you will discover how to perform your day-to-day operations tasks using communication sites.After reading this book, you will be able to create and manage SharePoint communication sites and improve ways to communicate and collaborate within your organization. What You Will Learn Create an information and communication strategy for your organization Explore digital ways of working Easily collaborate with shared information Create visually appealing communication sites to manage your day-to-day project work Efficiently manage organizational information with compliance Create centralized departmental repositories with SharePoint communication sites Learn to automate internal processes using SharePoint communication and M365 services Who This Book Is ForIT workers who use SharePoint and who are involved in internal communication management, evangelism, digital transformation, social media, and intranet design.
APress Pro Freeware and Open Source Solutions for Business: Money-Saving Options for Small Enterprises
This book will point the way to numerous free, low-cost, and open-source software solutions that could provide viable alternatives to their paid counterparts. Pro Freeware and Open Source Solutions for Business is now in its Second Edition; it has been thoroughly revised and updated. This book covers the most up-to-date software versions. Software described in the First Edition that is no longer available has been replaced with comparable titles when possible. The book starts with an office productivity tool known as OfficeLibre and goes on to explain CRM and compression software. You will then learn about desktop publishing, illustration, 3D modeling, and photo editing software. As we progress further, you will learn more about audio-video capture and editing software along with Openshot, an easy-to-use free video editor. You will also learn about available project planning and time tracking software, and much more. By the end of the book, you will have also gained knowledge about security programs, as well as how to use Linux on Windows and MacOS. With the challenging economic times we find ourselves in, this book may be more important than ever to help small business owners eliminate and reduce costs, and keep more money in their business. . What You Will Learn Understand the important differences between freeware and open-source software. Discern which paid commercial software the free version replaces (when applicable). Gain insight into how organizations and municipalities around the world adopting open-source software to save money on licensing fees. Who This Book Is For Primarily small business owners, solo entrepreneurs or freelancers on a budget, and cost efficiency experts.
APress How to Develop Your Creative Identity at Work: Integrating Personal Creativity Within Your Professional Role
According to the World Economic Forum, creativity is considered to be the third-most-important skill for employees, behind complex problem-solving and critical thinking. This book will help you rethink your creativity and its value in the work life, giving you access to intellectual, emotional, and reputational benefits that were previously unattainable. Based on a collection of interviews and research, this book translates the latest findings on the creative beliefs, confidence, and mindset into digestible thoughts for experts with an itch for improvement and innovation in domains like technology, entrepreneurship, and education. It brings a new perspective to creativity by focusing on how individuals can understand their creativity and what the implications are on what they want to achieve. How to Develop Your Creative Identity at Work is based on the most recent creativity research, which analyzes how creativity plays an important part in the individual's sense of identity. What You'll Learn Understand how personal beliefs about the innate creativity are influenced by past experiences See how the creator's personality can be shaped through new habits of curiosity, emotional risk-taking and insight Establish a creative communication style that enables others to navigate smoothly through the challenging moments in a feedback conversation Become an ambitious person with a sense of meaning in the work you do Identify all the familiar and less familiar in-house creative experts Who This Book Is ForThe primary reader is a knowledgeable expert, in a creative or less creative role, who is curious to bring a better fit between their inner experiences and the external environment. The secondary audience are the experts in roles like learning and development, people and culture change, and team leads who are interested in facilitating a space where employees feel safe to share their original ideas and express their curiosity.
APress Modern C Up and Running: A Programmer's Guide to Finding Fluency and Bypassing the Quirks
Learn how to program in modern C, from the basics through the advanced topics required for proficiency. This book is the fastest path to C fluency for anyone experienced in a general-purpose programming language. From start to finish, code examples highlight the idioms and best practices behind efficient, robust programs in a variety of areas.The book opens with a thorough coverage of syntax, built-in data types and operations, and program structure. C has quirks and presents challenges, which are covered in detail. The coverage of advanced features is what sets this book apart from others. Among the advanced topics covered are floating-point representation in the IEEE 754 standard; embedded assembly language in C code for overflow detection; regular expressions, assertions, and internationalization; WebAssembly through C; and software libraries for C and other clients. Memory efficiency and safety are the two major challenges in C programming, and you’ll explore these challenges through a series of C examples. Arrays and structures, which are the means to high-level data representation, are covered in connection with pointers, which provide efficiency. The book again uses code examples in covering networking and wire-level security; concurrency (multiprocessing and multithreading); instruction-level parallelism; and interprocess communication through shared memory and files, pipes, message queues, and signals. Many books introduce C, but few also explain how to use it properly and optimally. Essential C does just that.What You'll Learn Accelerate your path to C mastery with this book for experienced programmers Refresh your approach to program structure and data types Dive into aggregates and pointers using modern C language Revisit storage classes and scope Dive into concurrency (multiprocessing and multithreading) and instruction-level parallelism Finish with regular expressions, assertions, signals, locales and more Who This Book Is For Professional programmers or software developers who has prior experience with C or in general wanting an accelerated learning guide to modern C programming language.
APress Building the Snowflake Data Cloud: Monetizing and Democratizing Your Data
Implement the Snowflake Data Cloud using best practices and reap the benefits of scalability and low-cost from the industry-leading, cloud-based, data warehousing platform. This book provides a detailed how-to explanation, and assumes familiarity with Snowflake core concepts and principles. It is a project-oriented book with a hands-on approach to designing, developing, and implementing your Data Cloud with security at the center. As you work through the examples, you will develop the skill, knowledge, and expertise to expand your capability by incorporating additional Snowflake features, tools, and techniques. Your Snowflake Data Cloud will be fit for purpose, extensible, and at the forefront of both Direct Share, Data Exchange, and Snowflake Marketplace.Building the Snowflake Data Cloud helps you transform your organization into monetizing the value locked up within your data. As the digital economy takes hold, with data volume, velocity, and variety growing at exponential rates, you need tools and techniques to quickly categorize, collate, summarize, and aggregate data. You also need the means to seamlessly distribute to release value. This book shows how Snowflake provides all these things and how to use them to your advantage. The book helps you succeed by delivering faster than you can deliver with legacy products and techniques. You will learn how to leverage what you already know, and what you don’t, all applied in a Snowflake Data Cloud context. After reading this book, you will discover and embrace the future where the Data Cloud is central. You will be able to position your organization to take advantage by identifying, adopting, and preparing your tooling for the coming wave of opportunity around sharing and monetizing valuable, corporate data.What You Will Learn Understand why Data Cloud is important to the success of your organization Up-skill and adopt Snowflake, leveraging the benefits of cloud platforms Articulate the Snowflake Marketplace and identify opportunities to monetize data Identify tools and techniques to accelerate integration with Data Cloud Manage data consumption by monitoring and controlling access to datasets Develop data load and transform capabilities for use in future projects Who This Book Is ForSolution architects seeking implementation patterns to integrate with a Data Cloud; data warehouse developers looking for tips, tools, and techniques to rapidly deliver data pipelines; sales managers who want to monetize their datasets and understand the opportunities that Data Cloud presents; and anyone who wishes to unlock value contained within their data silos
APress Remote Engineering Management: Managing an Engineering Team in a Remote-First World
Managing an engineering team is hard, managing a remote engineering team is even harder—but dedicating effort to setting up a proper remote-first environment will allow for your team to thrive. This book breaks down the most important processes in engineering teams, and demonstrates how to make them work effectively in a remote organization. How do you organize code deployments, onboard new hires, give feedback, and stay up to date with your team when you can’t see each other in person every day? This book looks at how building connections and working together to solve problems comes naturally when a team is co-located, but can feel almost impossible when everyone is working remotely and communicating over video calls and messages. Whether you’re an experienced engineering manager or just getting started, you’ll learn why copying in-office practices to the remote office doesn’t work, the communication issues behind the scenes you may not even realize are happening, and how to make every aspect of remote work better for your team. From learning about how to remove new remote-specific biases from your interview process, to understanding what the team really thinks about those daily status update meetings, this book will be your guide in creating the best and most inclusive version of your engineering team. What You’ll Learn Recognize where current remote processes are falling short Build up best practices to lead a team with a people-first and empathetic approach Communicate effectively in a remote organization Who This Book is For Engineering managers, team leads, directors, and those hoping to move into a lead role, will get the most value out of the book. Many of the learnings around communication will be applicable to any position in an organization, but there’s a focus on processes and job duties most relevant to engineers.
APress Pragmatic Python Programming: Learning Python the Smart Way
Explore the world of programming languages through Python and learn the building blocks of writing programs. This book covers Python 3.10, explaining it through six key concepts. Each chapter contains a real-world example with practical advice and a section on advanced concepts. You'll start by reviewing the concept of expressions and functions, which are two of the core building blocks of programming languages. You'll then move on to object-oriented concepts to help gain a practical understanding of Python, along with a chapter on control flow constructs. The book also takes a close look at sequences, explaining constructs and additional types, and wraps up with a chapter on modules, focusing on how to use and create packages. Whether you’re new to programming or already an experienced developer, upon finishing this book, you will have a solid understanding of Python's state-of-the-art development features.What You Will Learn Study the six main concepts of the programming languages Learn how to use programming language constructs through examples Review the core Python language notations and concepts. Start using Python as a working language Who This Book Is ForSoftware developers wanting to gain professional core Python knowledge quickly, and non-developers wanting to gain an understanding of programming concepts.
APress Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop Guide: Configuring and Operating Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (Exam AZ-140)
Modernize your business to make it more agile using Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD). Azure Virtual Desktop is a cloud desktop virtualization platform that securely delivers virtual desktops and remote apps. This book will help you will help you to understand designing, implementing, configuring, and maintaining an Azure Virtual Desktop environment for enterprise and prepare to take the Microsoft AZ-140 certification exam. The book starts with an introduction to Azure Virtual Desktop and its design architecture. You will learn designing Azure Virtual desktop including user identities and profiles. Additionally, you will learn how to implement network for Azure Virtual desktop. Creation and configuration of host pools and session hosts is covered with all steps so that you can understand all options and select appropriate configuration for enterprise deployment. You will also go through session host images creation process and managing the image with image gallery and possible automation options. Managing access and security in AVD is discussed along with the installation, configuration, and management of FSLogix. The book will take you through user experience settings and show you how to configure apps on a session host. You will also learn about disaster recovery and how to automate AVD management tasks. Monitoring and managing performance is included as well as knowing how to use AVD automation to create and delete the host pool and session host. After reading this book, you will understand all aspects of AVD architecture, its implementation, monitoring, and management in preparation to take the AZ-140 exam. What You Will Learn Know what is Azure Virtual Desktop (or AVD) Design the Azure Virtual Desktop architecture for enterprise deployment, user identities, and profiles Plan and implement networking and storage for Azure Virtual Desktop Create, manage, and automate operating system images with image gallery Implement FSLogix Profile Containers and FSLogix Cloud Cache Create and configure host pools and session hosts (all detailed steps) Install and configure apps on a session host including all app publish options Plan and implement business continuity and disaster recovery Implement and manage OneDrive, Teams for a multi-session environment Monitor and manage performance and health of Azure Virtual desktop Who This Book Is ForIT professional, Cloud administrators, support personnel, developers, DevOps engineers, architect, or consultant learning about designing, implementing, and managing Azure Virtual Desktop to improve knowledge or clear Microsoft AZ-140 exam.
APress The New Employee Contract: How to Find, Keep, and Elevate Gen Z Talent
Learn about Generation Z from the perspective of a manager at a company looking to recruit and retain staff. This book provides an in-depth analysis of who makes up Gen Z, what they want, and how businesses around the world can give that to them in a way that is meaningful. In the past, companies were not prepared for the generation of new talent called Millennials. Companies were surprised to learn that Millennials were different from those in Gen X and the Boomers. With the help of author Anthony Onesto, you will not be unprepared when working with those in Gen Z. The New Employee Contract dives into the needs and wants of this generation of talent that has been born on the iPhone and for whom gaming is second nature. Those in GenZ believe in loyalty and social goodness, use gaming mechanisms, and expect almost real-time delivery on their expectations. The patience of this generation is very short, which explains the success of platforms such as Snapchat and TikTok. All of this research is presented in a fun, compelling way in this book. Even if you are not working in management, you will want to understand these 74 million socially active Americans who hold $44 billion in direct buying power. What You Will Learn Understand what members of Gen Z want in a world of climate uncertainty, job losses, and automation Understand why automation is a worst case scenario for those in Gen Z Know how to give back a sense of control to those who belong to Gen Z Know what members of Gen Z are looking for, including quality of work vs. quantity of work Be aware of the way businesses need to develop this new contract with employees Who This Book Is For Chief executive officers, chief people officers/HR leaders/HR departments, and leaders/managers within companies. The book is also of use to venture capitalists, those handling private equity, and investors. A third audience includes college advisors, life coaches, and career coaches.
APress Beginning gRPC with ASP.NET Core 6: Build Applications using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages, Angular, and Best Practices in .NET 6
Broaden your developer experience by learning how to use gRPC and ASP.NET Core together on the Microsoft’s developer framework, .NET 6 and discover a new way of developing APIs with gRPC. Beginning gRPC with ASP.NET Core 6 is your guide to quickly and efficiently getting down to the business of building gRPC applications in the Microsoft .NET ecosystem. Readers will dive in and build an application using gRPC and the latest technologies such Angular and ASP.NET Core Razor Pages. This book will teach you how to set up an efficient application using industry best practices such as security, monitoring, logging, and more. You will do this by performing Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on a SQL Server database with Entity Framework Core. From there you will build web applications using Angular and ASP.NET Core Razor pages combined with gRPC APIs. After reading the book, you’ll be able to take advantage of the full range of developer opportunities with gRPC, and come away with any understanding of which usage scenarios are best suited for your projects. And you will possess a solid understanding of the best way to build APIs with ASP.NET Core. What You Will Learn Discover the latest .NET 6 framework Benefit from a new way to design APIs Build modern web applications Migrate easily from WCF to gRPC Become comfortable with latest industry programming standards Who This Book Is ForProfessional developers who are interested in getting started with gRPC and want to learn how to use it to build applications in the .NET ecosystem.
APress Cloud-Native Microservices with Apache Pulsar: Build Distributed Messaging Microservices
Apply different enterprise integration and processing strategies available with Pulsar, Apache's multi-tenant, high-performance, cloud-native messaging and streaming platform. This book is a comprehensive guide that examines using Pulsar Java libraries to build distributed applications with message-driven architecture.You'll begin with an introduction to Apache Pulsar architecture. The first few chapters build a foundation of message-driven architecture. Next, you'll perform a setup of all the required Pulsar components. The book also covers work with Apache Pulsar client library to build producers and consumers for the discussed patterns. You'll then explore the transformation, filter, resiliency, and tracing capabilities available with Pulsar. Moving forward, the book will discuss best practices when building message schemas and demonstrate integration patterns using microservices. Security is an important aspect of any application; the book will cover authentication and authorization in Apache Pulsar such as Transport Layer Security (TLS), OAuth 2.0, and JSON Web Token (JWT). The final chapters will cover Apache Pulsar deployment in Kubernetes. You'll build microservices and serverless components such as AWS Lambda integrated with Apache Pulsar on Kubernetes. After completing the book, you'll be able to comfortably work with the large set of out-of-the-box integration options offered by Apache Pulsar. What You'll Learn Examine the important Apache Pulsar components Build applications using Apache Pulsar client libraries Use Apache Pulsar effectively with microservices Deploy Apache Pulsar to the cloud Who This Book Is ForCloud architects and software developers who build systems in the cloud-native technologies.
APress Implementing Always On VPN: Modern Mobility with Microsoft Windows 10 and Windows Server 2022
Implement and support Windows 10 Always On VPN, the successor to Microsoft's popular DirectAccess. This book teaches you everything you need to know to test and adopt the technology at your organization that is widely deployed around the world.The book starts with an introduction to Always On VPN and discusses fundamental concepts and use cases to compare and contrast it with DirectAccess. You will learn the prerequisites required for implementation and deployment scenarios. The book presents the details of recommended VPN protocols, client IP address assignment, and firewall requirements. Also covered is how to configure Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) along with security and performance optimizations. The Configuration Service Provider (CSP) is discussed, and you will go through provisioning Always On VPN to Windows 10 clients using PowerShell and XML as well as Microsoft Intune. Details about advanced client configuration and integration with Azure security services are included. You will know how to implement Always On VPN infrastructure in a redundant and highly available (HA) configuration, and guidance for ongoing system maintenance and operational support for the VPN and NPS infrastructure is provided. And you will know how to diagnose and troubleshoot common issues with Always On VPN.After reading this book, you will be able to plan, design, and implement a Windows 10 Always On VPN solution to meet your specific requirements.What Will You Learn Prepare your infrastructure to support Windows 10 Always On VPN on premises or in the cloud Provision and manage Always On VPN clients using modern management methods such as Intune Understand advanced integration concepts for extending functionality with Microsoft Azure Troubleshoot and resolve common configuration and operational errors for your VPN Who This Book Is ForIT professionals and technology administrators for organizations of all sizes
APress Computer Vision and Augmented Reality in iOS: OpenCV and ARKit Applications
Learn how computer vision works, how augmented reality renders digital graphics into the physical world via an iPhone’s camera, and how to incorporate these technologies into your own apps. This book shows you how to take full advantage of computer vision technologies.Interacting with other people online usually involves user-generated images and videos; whether it be “memes”, short videos, or heavily-modified images. Before smart phones, generating this content required a professional using high-level image and video editing software. Not any more. This book will teach you to use computer vision in the most popular ways, such as for facial recognition, image to text analysis and, of course, recording a video of a dancing hot dog in your living room. Starting with the history of computer vision, image and video processing fundamentals, and an introduction to developing augmented reality applications, you’ll learn to incorporate computer vision both in the content you create and the apps you develop for end users. Computer Vision and Augmented Reality in iOS reveals how every user with access to the Internet and a smart phone can easily generate heavily-modified images and videos. What You'll Learn Incorporate mathematics related to computer vision into your apps Host computer vision models remotely for mobile use Implement visual-inertial state estimation algorithms for mobile augmented reality Who This Book Is ForProfessionals or post graduate students in software development or engineering who have a basic understanding of how software development works and are interested in implementing computer vision into their development. It's recommended that readers already have a working knowledge of C++ and Swift.
APress Accurate Layer Selections Using Photoshop’s Selection Tools: Use Photoshop and Illustrator to Refine Your Artwork
Take your hand-drawn illustrations to the next level by using various selection tools in Photoshop to clean up the artwork, and Illustrator for final refinement. Also, learn to save your artwork as vector images to be used for web, print, or even stills for character animation. Author Jennifer Harder begins by showing you how to use basic tools in Photoshop to clean up your artwork, followed by Marquee tools and more. Next, you will see how to use more advanced tools such as Lasso, Magic Wand, the Object Selection tool, and so on. You’ll then get a demonstration of how to control the type of selection using the selection main menu, how to copy selections to another layer, and how to use the focus area. This is followed by a chapter that covers paths, channels, and layer masks that you will master to clean up your artwork. To round things out, you will learn how to use Illustrator’s different features to further enhance your work. On completing the book, you will have mastered how to make your artwork and illustrations portfolio-ready. What You Will Learn Master each selection tool found in Photoshop Choose the right tools for cleaning and refining artwork Save selections for other projects Make your artwork scalable in Illustrator using various methods Who Is This Book For Readers with little-to-intermediate-level experience with Photoshop.
APress Beginning Game Development with Godot: Learn to Create and Publish Your First 2D Platform Game
Learn the fundamentals of Godot by diving headfirst into creating a 2D platformer from scratch. This book is a hands-on, practical guide to developing 2D games using the Godot Engine 3.2.3/3.3, with the help of GDScript. Author Maithili Dhule begins by explaining some basic tools and techniques used to make games, the factors that need to be considered while choosing a game engine, and pointing out the benefits of using Godot. She then walks you through downloading the engine and guides you as you explore key features of its interface. Next, you’ll receive a concise introduction to the basics of GDScript, the main scripting language used in Godot, before moving on to essential topics such as Godot’s node-scene architecture, the interaction of various physics bodies, the creation of game scenes, and writing scripts. As the book progresses, you’ll learn how to create and animate your game character, design the game world, add enemies, and implement a coin-collection system. You’ll also see how the user’s gaming experience can be enhanced through the addition of parallax backgrounds, a title screen, music, and sound effects. Toward the end of the book, you’ll learn how to export your game to different platforms, both mobile and PC, as well as possible avenues for monetizing the game. Throughout the book, theoretical concepts are supplemented with concrete, ready-to-implement examples that you can try out. Upon finishing this book, you’ll be able to make and publish your first 2D platform game. Beginning Game Development with Godot is for game development enthusiasts of all levels interested in creating their own games.What You Will Learn Understand the Godot engine and the benefits of using it for game development Master the fundamentals of programming in GDScript Use the Godot graphical interface to design and animate players, the game world, menus, and various games scenes Create your first 2D game in Godot and publish it to various platforms Who This Book Is ForAspiring game developers who may be new to game development, as well as experts exploring the potential of the Godot Engine.
APress Pro Jakarta Persistence in Jakarta EE 10: An In-Depth Guide to Persistence in Enterprise Java Development
Learn to use the Jakarta Persistence API and other related APIs as found in the Jakarta EE 10 platform from the perspective of one of the specification creators. A one-of-a-kind resource, this in-depth book provides both theoretical and practical coverage of Jakarta Persistence usage for experienced Java developers.Authors Lukas Jungmann, Mike Keith, Merrick Schincariol, Massimo Nardone take a hands-on approach, based on their wealth of experience and expertise, by giving examples to illustrate each concept of the API and showing how it is used in practice. The examples use a common model from an overarching sample application, giving you a context from which to start and helping you to understand the examples within an already familiar domain. After completing this in-depth book, you will have a full understanding of persistence and be able to successfully code applications using its annotations and APIs. The book also serves as an excellent reference guide.What You Will Learn Use Jakarta Persistence in the context of enterprise applications Work with object relational mappings (ORMs), collection mappings and more Build complex enterprise Java applications that persist data long after the process terminates Connect to and persist data with a variety of databases, file formats, and more Use queries, including the Jakarta Persistence Query Language (Jakarta Persistence QL) Carry out advanced ORM, queries and XML mappings Package, deploy and test your Jakarta persistence-enabled enterprise applications Who This Book Is ForExperienced Java programmers and developers with at least some prior experience with Jakarta EE or Java EE platform APIs.
APress Snowflake Security: Securing Your Snowflake Data Cloud
This book is your complete guide to Snowflake security, covering account security, authentication, data access control, logging and monitoring, and more. It will help you make sure that you are using the security controls in a right way, are on top of access control, and making the most of the security features in Snowflake. Snowflake is the fastest growing cloud data warehouse in the world, and having the right methodology to protect the data is important both to data engineers and security teams. It allows for faster data enablement for organizations, as well as reducing security risks, meeting compliance requirements, and solving data privacy challenges. There are currently tens of thousands of people who are either data engineers/data ops in Snowflake-using organizations, or security people in such organizations. This book provides guidance when you want to apply certain capabilities, such as data masking, row-level security, column-level security, tackling role hierarchy, building monitoring dashboards, etc., to your organizations. What You Will Learn Implement security best practices for Snowflake Set up user provisioning, MFA, OAuth, and SSO Set up a Snowflake security model Design roles architecture Use advanced access control such as row-based security and dynamic masking Audit and monitor your Snowflake Data Cloud Who This Book Is For Data engineers, data privacy professionals, and security teams either with security knowledge (preferably some data security knowledge) or with data engineering knowledge; in other words, either “Snowflake people” or “data people” who want to get security right, or “security people” who want to make sure that Snowflake gets handled right in terms of security
APress Practical C++ Design: From Programming to Architecture
Go from competent C++ developer to skilled designer or architect using this book as your personal C++ design master class. Updated for the C++20 standard, this title will guide you through the design and implementation of an engaging case study that forms the backdrop for learning the art of applying design patterns and modern C++ techniques to create a high quality, robust application. Starting with a quick exploration of the requirements for building the application, you'll delve into selecting an appropriate architecture, eventually designing and implementing all of the necessary modules to meet the project’s requirements. By the conclusion of Practical C++ Design, you'll have constructed a fully functioning calculator capable of building and executing on any platform that supports both Qt and C++20. Access to the complete source code will help speed your learning. Utilize the Model-View-Controller pattern as the basis for the architecture of the calculator; the observer pattern to design an event system; the singleton pattern as you design the calculator’s central data repository, a reusable stack; the command pattern to design a command system supporting unlimited undo/redo; the abstract factory pattern to build a cross-platform plugin infrastructure for extensibility; coroutines to implement a command line interface with a lazy tokenizer; and more. After reading and using this book, you’ll have begun the transition from C++ programmer to architect. What You Will Learn Read a specification document and translate it into a practical C++ design using some of the latest language features from C++20 Understand trade-offs in selecting between alternative design scenarios Gain practical experience in applying design patterns to realistic development scenarios Learn how to effectively use language elements of modern C++ to create a lasting design Develop a complete C++ program from a blank canvas through to a fully functioning, cross platform application Read, modify, and extend existing, high quality code Learn the fundamentals of API design, including class, module, and plugin interfaces Who This Book Is For The experienced C++ developer ready to take the next step to becoming a skilled C++ designer.
APress The Podcaster's Audio Handbook: A Technical Guide for Creative People
Podcasting is a powerful tool of communication and creative expression that doesn't need to be intimidating. This book brings together the creative and technical aspects of audio engineering to help podcasters communicate their ideas effectively and creatively. The Podcaster's Audio Handbook focuses on simple techniques that immediately elevate the audio quality of your podcast. The book provides an overview of podcast recording and editing techniques, so that podcasters can avoid common pitfalls. Readers will also gain access to audio downloads to enhance the learning process. With this book, you can improve the technical aspects of recording and editing your podcasts. Anyone can learn audio techniques and I encourage anyone to share their stories through podcasting. Unleash your creativity and connect with your audience! What You Will Learn • Choose the correct file formats and settings • Set up a portable recorder • Make informed decisions about equipment purchases • Find suitable acoustic spaces to record inside and outside • Conduct an interview over the phone and the internet • Make a high-quality recording of an interview inside, outside and remotely • Edit your podcast to an intermediate standard Who This Book Is For Perfect for a non-technical audience, or beginner to intermediate podcaster looking to improve the audio quality of their podcast
APress Interactive Object-Oriented Programming in Java: Learn and Test Your Programming Skills
Gain the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming with examples in Java. This second edition comes with detailed coverage and enhanced discussion on fundamental topics such as inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces, and packages. This edition also includes discussions on multithread programming, generic programming, database programming, and exception handling mechanisms in Java. Finally, you will get a quick overview of design patterns including the full implementation of some important patterns. Interactive Object-Oriented Programming in Java begins with the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming alongside Q&A sessions to further explore the topic. The book concludes with FAQs from all chapters. It also contains a section to test your skills in the language basics with examples to understand Java fundamentals including loops, arrays, and strings. You’ll use the Eclipse IDE to demonstrate the code examples in the book. After reading the book, you will have enhanced your skills in object-oriented programming in Java and you will be able to extend them in interesting ways.What You Will Learn Discover object-oriented programming with Java Test your programming skills Crack Java-based interviews with confidence Use the Eclipse IDE to write code and generate output Who This Book Is ForNovice to intermediate programmers, software developers, and software testers.
APress Foundations of PyGTK Development: GUI Creation with Python
There are only two mainstream solutions for building the graphical interface of Linux-based desktop applications, and GTK+ (GIMP Toolkit) is one of them. It is a necessary technology for all Linux programmers. This book guides the reader through the complexities of GTK+, laying the groundwork that allows the reader to make the leap from novice to professional. Beginning with an overview of key topics such as widget choice, placement, and behavior, readers move on to learn about more advanced issues. Replete with real-world examples, the developer can quickly take advantages of the concepts presented within to begin building his own projects.
APress Java Program Design: Principles, Polymorphism, and Patterns
Get a grounding in polymorphism and other fundamental aspects of object-oriented program design and implementation, and learn a subset of design patterns that any practicing Java professional simply must know in today’s job climate. Java Program Design presents program design principles to help practicing programmers up their game and remain relevant in the face of changing trends and an evolving language. The book enhances the traditional design patterns with Java's new functional programming features, such as functional interfaces and lambda expressions. The result is a fresh treatment of design patterns that expands their power and applicability, and reflects current best practice. The book examines some well-designed classes from the Java class library, using them to illustrate the various object-oriented principles and patterns under discussion. Not only does this approach provide good, practical examples, but you will learn useful library classes you might not otherwise know about.The design of a simplified banking program is introduced in chapter 1 in a non-object-oriented incarnation and the example is carried through all chapters. You can see the object orientation develop as various design principles are progressively applied throughout the book to produce a refined, fully object-oriented version of the program in the final chapter. What You'll Learn Create well-designed programs, and identify and improve poorly-designed ones Build a professional-level understanding of polymorphism and its use in Java interfaces and class hierarchies Apply classic design patterns to Java programming problems while respecting the modern features of the Java language Take advantage of classes from the Java library to facilitate the implementation of design patterns in your programs Who This Book Is ForJava programmers who are comfortable writing non-object-oriented code and want a guided immersion into the world of object-oriented Java, and intermediate programmers interested in strengthening their foundational knowledge and taking their object-oriented skills to the next level. Even advanced programmers will discover interesting examples and insights in each chapter.
APress Programming LEGO® EV3 My Blocks: Teaching Concepts and Preparing for FLL® Competition
Program Lego® My Blocks to accurately perform navigation functions on competition mats, such as moving forward and backward quickly and precisely, turning, following walls, and following lines. This book features extensive illustrations help to bring each step and concept to life so that you can easily follow along. You'll start by moving your creations forward and backward accurate distances while maintaining directional accuracy. You'll then build My Blocks to turn left and right at precise angles. After that you’re creations will be ready to find, follow, and otherwise use lines on the mat to improve navigation accuracy. Finally, you'll delve into using game board border walls to navigate and advanced topics, such as handoffs at speed and accelerating/decelerating to enable higher speed while maintaining navigation accuracy.This book addresses EV3 programming in the specific context of FLL® competition. With Programming Lego® EV3 My Blocks, you will be game-ready to manage the season, prepare for competition, and compete!What You'll Learn Construct and use My Blocks to improve robot performance in the FLL® Robot Game Develop basic programming skills, including feedback, troubleshooting techniques, and unit conversion Comment programs appropriately to note errors and consistency Who This Book Is For The book is targeted at the many FLL® coaches, mentors, and students who need help with programming the EV3, as well as the students they coach. A secondary audience is teachers who want to use the EV3 to teach programming concepts.
APress Introducing JavaScript Game Development: Build a 2D Game from the Ground Up
Learn to build a fully-functional 2D game inspired by the 1979 Atari classic, Asteroids, using just HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Developing games has never been easier than it is now. New web technology allows even beginner developers to turn their hand to game development. Developed from an undergraduate course module, Introducing JavaScript Game Development teaches each new technology as it is introduced so can be followed by enthusiastic beginners as well as intermediate coders. You will learn how to work with HTML5 and the canvas element, how to understand paths, how to draw to a design and create your spaceship and asteroids. You’ll then move on to animating your game, and finally building. You will work step-by-step through the game design process, starting with only what is necessary to complete each step, and refactoring the code as necessary along the way, reflecting the natural progression that code follows in the real world. Each chapter is designed to take your code base to the next level and to add to your skills. After completing the examples in this book you will have the tools necessary to build your own, high-quality games. Make the process of creating object-oriented 2D games more fun and more productive and get started on your game development journey.
Apress Equity Diversity and Inclusion in Software Engineering
Part One: Landscape of Diversity and Inclusion Studies.- Chapter 1: Diversity and Inclusion Landscape in Software Engineering.- Chapter 2: Addressing diversity and inclusion in software engineering: challenges, progress, and lessons learned.- Chapter 3: The challenges of ethnic-racial diversity within the IT sector: A systematic literature mapping.- Chapter 4: Breaking the Glass Floor for Women in Tech.- Part Two: Inclusive Software.- Chapter 5: Does Gender Matter? An Interview Study on Representation of Gender in Software.- Chapter 6: Elicitation Revisited for More Inclusive Requirements Engineering.- Chapter 7: Diverse End User Requirements From Elicitation to Implementation: Challenges Faced by Software Engineers.- Chapter 8: UI Development in Mixed-Ability Software Engineering Teams.- Chapter 9: The Role of Ethics in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.- Chapter 10: Beyond diversity: Inclusive teams for Inclus
APress Essential Excel 2019: A Step-By-Step Guide
Create, edit, sort, analyze, summarize, and format data as well as graph it in Excel 2019. Chock full of visuals, user-friendly instructions, and reader exercises, this in-depth guide makes it easy for you to get on the bandwagon taking advantage of this powerful software and what it can do. Essential Excel 2019 doesn’t mess around. It provides the most clear and concise, but complete, information you need to successfully use the expansive features of Excel in your work environment.The second edition of this soup-to-nuts book delivers essential how-to and reference information for users who are new to Excel, those who want to continue building their Excel skills, or anyone who wants to get up to speed on the latest changes and features in Excel 2019. It is heavy on the practical examples and light on the theory, providing a step-by-step process of what you need to do when you are working with Excel. You will begin with the basics, advancing as each chapter builds on knowledge from previous chapters. You will appreciate real-life examples and exercises that reinforce what you have learned, and upon finishing the book, you will have the confidence to use much more than the typical 10% that most people use in Excel. What You Will Learn Create amazing visualizations of your data Get up to speed on easy and accurate methods for entering data Extract the information you want from imported data; manipulate and format it to meet your needs Export your results to other programs or share with others in the cloud Organize, summarize, filter, and consolidate your data in multiple ways Audit, validate, and protect your data Who This Book Is ForAnyone new to Excel or looking to take better advantage of the advanced features of the platform