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Stanford University Press Florissant Butterflies: A Guide to the Fossil and Present-Day Species of Central Colorado
A Stanford University Press classic.
University of California Press The Sea in the Middle: The Mediterranean World, 650–1650
The Sea in the Middle presents an original and revisionist narrative of the development of the medieval west from late antiquity to the dawn of modernity. This textbook is uniquely centered on the Mediterranean and emphasizes the role played by peoples and cultures of Africa, Asia, and Europe in an age when Christians, Muslims, and Jews of various denominations engaged with each other in both conflict and collaboration. Key features: Fifteen-chapter structure to aid classroom use Sections in each chapter that feature key artifacts relevant to chapter themes Dynamic visuals, including 190 photos and 20 maps The Sea in the Middle and its sourcebook companion, Texts from the Middle, pair together to provide a framework and materials that guide students through this complex but essential history—one that will appeal to the diverse student bodies of today.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Foundation Engineering
Covers properties of subsurface materials, types of foundations and methods of construction, selection of foundation type and basis for design, and design of foundations and earth-retaining structures.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Maternal Cardiac Care: A Guide to Managing Pregnant Women with Heart Disease
Heart disease is currently the leading cause of maternal mortality in developed countries and is expected to increase further due to advanced maternal age and conditions such as type 2 diabetes. Maternal Cardiac Care: A Guide to Managing Pregnant Women with Heart Disease is an up-to-date, multidisciplinary resource for physicians and advanced practice nurses caring for pregnant patients with a variety of preexisting and emerging cardiac issues. Offers comprehensive information on caring for women with heart disease, in an easy-to-follow, quick-access format. Shares knowledge from a multidisciplinary group of experts who are well versed in the team approach needed to treat this high-risk patient population. Includes extensive references for readers who want to delve more deeply into specific subjects. Ideal for obstetricians, internists, cardiologists, critical care specialists, and advanced practice nurses involved in caring for pregnant patients, as well as institutions and departments that need detailed guidance on establishing a maternal cardiac care program. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
University of Texas Press The Native Americans of the Texas Edwards Plateau, 1582-1799
2003 – Texas Old Missions and Forts Restoration Association Book Award Winner – Texas Catholic Historical Society2004 – Finalist: Friends of the Dallas Public Library Award for Book Making the Most Significant Contribution to Knowledge – Texas Institute of LettersThe region that now encompasses Central Texas and northern Coahuila, Mexico, was once inhabited by numerous Native hunter-gather groups whose identities and lifeways we are only now learning through archaeological discoveries and painstaking research into Spanish and French colonial records. From these key sources, Maria F. Wade has compiled this first comprehensive ethnohistory of the Native groups that inhabited the Texas Edwards Plateau and surrounding areas during most of the Spanish colonial era.Much of the book deals with events that took place late in the seventeenth century, when Native groups and Europeans began to have their first sustained contact in the region. Wade identifies twenty-one Native groups, including the Jumano, who inhabited the Edwards Plateau at that time. She offers evidence that the groups had sophisticated social and cultural mechanisms, including extensive information networks, ladino cultural brokers, broad-based coalitions, and individuals with dual-ethnic status. She also tracks the eastern movement of Spanish colonizers into the Edwards Plateau region, explores the relationships among Native groups and between those groups and European colonizers, and develops a timeline that places isolated events and singular individuals within broad historical processes.
F.A. Davis Company Improving Functional Outcomes in Physical Rehabilitation
Achieve the best functional outcomes for your patients.Here is a practical, step-by-step guide to understanding the treatment process and selecting the most appropriate interventions for your patients. Superbly illustrated, in-depth coverage shows you how to identify functional deficits, determine what treatments are appropriate, and then implement them to achieve the best functional outcome for your patients.Learn through reading, seeing, and doing.Seventeen case studies in the text correspond to seventeen videotaped case studies with voice-over narration online at These videos show you how practicing therapists interact with their clients in rehabilitation settings…from sample elements of the initial examination through the interventions to the functional outcomes…to make a difference in patients’ lives.Updated & Revised!Revised and updated throughout to reflect the current research and practice.New! Case Study #16 and case study video, “Patient with Multiple Sclerosis” and Case Study #17 and video, “Patient Status Post Orthotopic Heart Transplant Followed Through the Continuum of Care”.Detailed coverage examines strategies and interventions to promote enhanced motor function and independence in key functional skills.Laboratory practice activities focus on task analysis and acquisition of psychomotor skills.Case Study Guiding Questions enhance clinical decision-making and challenge students to address the unique needs of individual patients.Student Practice Activities provide an opportunity to share knowledge and skills with student peers and to confirm or clarify the student’s understanding of the interventions.Tables summarize the content, while also serving as concise study guides.“Clinical Notes” highlight key points and specific or unique aspects of an intervention.“Red Flags” identify potential patient problems or precautions.“Comments” present concepts and techniques for successfully implementing an intervention.An extensive program of photographs and figures illustrates the narrative descriptions of the intervention strategies.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Overviews Of Recent Research On Energetic Materials
Few books cover experimental and theoretical methods to characterize decomposition, combustion and detonation of energetic materials. This volume, by internationally known and major contributors to the field, is unique because it summarizes the most important recent work, what we know with confidence, and what main areas remain to be investigated. Most chapters comprise summaries of work spanning decades and contain expert commentary available nowhere else. Although energetic materials are its focus, this book provides a guide to modern methods for investigations of condensed and gas-phase reactions. Although these energetic reactions are complex and difficult to study, the work discussed here provides readers with a substantial understanding of the behavior of materials now in use, and a predictive capability for the development of new materials based on target properties.
Royal Society of Chemistry Toward a PFAS-free Future: Safer Alternatives to Forever Chemicals
Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are extensively used in consumer products, despite their high persistence and other hazards. The risks posed by this chemical class to human health and the environment, which are increasingly becoming understood, have triggered regulation and policy changes. However, safer alternatives to these technically effective materials and methods to discover and use those alternatives are still under development. Remediation of PFAS contaminated sites will not solve the growing worldwide pollution, but substitution with safer substances at the formulation and manufacturing phases will at least abate the flow of PFASs into our bodies and environment. Introducing safer alternatives to some of the PFASs of concern used in select industry sectors, this book informs the reader about the processes of chemical hazard and alternatives assessment that can foster innovation. It is a valuable resource for both green chemists and industrial chemists interested in how they can make their products safer without compromising on function.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins A Practical Approach to Pediatric Anesthesia
Part of the highly popular Practical Approach to Anesthesia series, this new edition combines the comprehensive depth of a textbook and the user-friendly features of a practical handbook. Focusing on clinical issues in pediatric anesthesia, it contains the in-depth information you need for daily practice and study, presented in a concise, bulleted format for quick reference. With its emphasis on developmental aspects of pediatric anesthesia, numerous illustrations and tables, and methodical approach to decision making, this updated reference is an invaluable resource for anyone involved with anesthesia of children.Key Features Features new chapters on vascular biology and vascular anomalies, healing and recovery in pediatric surgery, and training and education in pediatric anesthesia. All existing chapters have been fully updated to keep you up to date. Covers key issues of growth and development – anatomic, physiologic, and pharmacologic – that form the basis for a better understanding of pediatric anesthesia. Discusses the approach to the pediatric patient, clinical and operational aspects of pediatric anesthesia, anesthetic management of normalities and abnormalities of each organ system, and special situations such as fetal surgery, anesthesia outside the operating room, and trauma. Provides a clear understanding of anomalies, embryology, anatomy, and surgery so that you’re well prepared to choose the best induction, maintenance, and emergence techniques, as well as make informed monitoring and equipment decisions. Presents information in a bulleted, outline format for easy reference and review. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: Complete content with enhanced navigation Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc On Law, Morality, and Politics
The second edition of Aquinas, On Law, Morality, and Politicsretains the selection of texts presented in the first edition but offers them in new translations by Richard J. Regan--including that of his Aquinas, Treatise on Law (Hackett, 2000). A revised Introduction and glossary, an updated select bibliography, and the inclusion of summarizing headnotes for each of the units--Conscience, Law, Justice, Property, War and Killing, Obedience and Rebellion, and Practical Wisdom and Statecraft—further enhance its usefulness.
University of Minnesota Press Wolves Of Denali
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nanobiotherapeutic Based Blood Substitutes
This definitive volume will provide the reader with up to date information and the most recent science of the fast-evolving area of nanobiotherapeutic-based blood substitutes. Long studied, there are recent updates that make their use in patients more promising, and with one product approved for human use, many more in the pipeline. These include 2nd generations and even third generation ones, the later with enhancement of red blood cell functions. In addition, there are carefully written and referenced updates on the recent history and products in the field, complete with pathophysiologic and pharmacologic studies to validate and verify the efficacy and safety of many of these new products.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Reeds Vol 12 Motor Engineering Knowledge for Marine Engineers
Developed to complement Reeds Vol 8 (General Engineering for Marine Engineers), this indispensable textbook comprehensively covers the motor engineering syllabus for marine engineering officer cadets. Starting with the theoretical and practical thermodynamic operating cycles, the book is structured to give a description of the engines and components used to extract energy from fossil fuels and achieve high levels of efficiency. Accessibly written and clearly illustrated, this book is the only guide available for marine engineering students focusing on the knowledge needed for passing the motor engineering certificate of Competency (CoC) examinations. This new edition reflects all developments within the discipline and includes updates and additions on, amongst other things: · Engine emissions and control engineering · Fuel injection · Starting and reversing · Ancillary supply systems · Safety and the environment Plus updates to many of the technical engineering drawings.
Random House Worlds The New Lovecraft Circle
Peeters Publishers Q22: 28, 30. You Will Judge the Twelve Tribes of Israel
The fifth volume in the series Documenta Q is concerned with the reconstruction of the Q text behind Luke 22:28, 30 par. Matt 19:28. The International Q Project's presentation of the critical text of Q 22:28, 30, together with the exhaustive history of research on which it is based, will enhance considerably research in the Sayings Gospel Q, the historical Jesus, and New Testament christology. Further, nowhere else in the Synoptic tradition is the claim of the Jesus movement regarding Israel stated more clearly than in Q 22:28, 30. The database and evaluations are an expanded and revised version of those presented and discussed at the meeting of the International Q Project in Chigaco 1994. Just prior to the bibliography at the conclusion of the volume the resultant critical text of Q 22:28, 30 is printed. This Greek text is followed by English, German and French translations. (Lucan chapter and verse numeration is used as a convenience and a mere convention.)
McKlein Media GmbH & Co. KG Grand Prix 1961-1965: The 1.5 litre days in Formula One
V&R unipress GmbH Applied Research in Psychology and Evaluation.
Dr Ludwig Reichert B VIII 6/7: B VIII 6 Ostlicher Mittelmeerraum 1204 Bis 1291. 1: 4 Mio. B VIII 7 Westliches Kleinasien. Byzantiner Und Turkmenen 1291 Bis 1337. 1: 2 Mio.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Youth and Media: Current Perspectives on Media Use and Effects
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH The Sonification Handbook
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Biblisch-Theologische Studien: Ehre, Scham und Schuld im alten Israel, in seinem Umfeld und in der gegenwärtigen Lebenswelt
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Vom Umgang Mit Schatzen: Internationaler Kongress Krems an Der Donau 28. Bis 30. Oktober 2004
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Grundlagen einer gerechten Organverteilung: Medizin - Psychologie - Recht - Ethik - Soziologie
Organe sind knapp, und die Zahl der Patienten, die versterben, oder nicht wieder gut zu machende Schäden an ihrer Gesundheit erleiden, bevor ihnen mit einer Transplantation geholfen werden kann, steigt ständig. Nach welchen Prinzipien aber sollen Lebenschancen an Bürger zugeteilt werden, die an Leben oder Gesundheit bedroht sind, wenn nicht allen von ihnen geholfen werden kann? Wer soll weiter leiden? Wer soll sterben, wenn nicht alle leben können? Diese Frage kann nicht allein mit medizinischem Wissen beantwortet werden; sie zwingt vielmehr unausweichlich zu normativen Wertungen und zu einer Zusammenschau dessen, was Medizin, Psychologie, Recht, Ethik und Soziologie zur Lösung dieses Problems beitragen können.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Contergan: Hintergrunde Und Folgen Eines Arzneimittel-Skandals
Harrassowitz Vlad Der Pfahler - Dracula: Tyrann Oder Volkstribun?
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Glaube Und Vernunft: Studien Zur Kirchen- Und Theologiegeschichte Des Spaten 18. Jahrhunderts
Theologischer Verlag Reformierter Abendmahlsgottesdienst: Partitur Zum Chor-Gottesdienst
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Theologie und Textgeschichte: Septuaginta und Masoretischer Text als Äußerungen theologischer Reflexion
Die Textversionen des Masoretischen Textes und der Septuaginta sind weit mehr als nur textkritisch zu betrachtende Zeugnisse zur Rekonstruktion des ältesten erreichbaren Textes des Alte Testaments. Sie sind vielmehr Spiegel einer weitergehenden Auseinandersetzung mit den Texten und damit auch Zeugnisse theologischer Debatte und Aktualisierung durch Neugestaltung eines vorgegebenen Textes. Aus diesem Grund sind in diesem Band, der gleichzeitig die Vorträge dokumentiert, die im Januar 2015 auf einem gleichnamigen Symposium zur Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr. Siegfried Kreuzer in Wuppertal gehalten wurden, Beiträge versammelt, die der textgeschichtlichen Fragestellung insbesondere in ihrem theologischen Aspekt nachgehen: Septuaginta und Masoretischer Text als Äußerungen theologischer Reflexion.
Bellevue Literary Press From the Shadows
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Acoustics
The central theme of the chapters is acoustic propagation in fluid media, dissipative or non-dissipative, homogeneous or nonhomogeneous, infinite or limited, placing particular emphasis on the theoretical formulation of the problems considered.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Creatures: The Legacy of Frankenstein
Victor Frankenstein is the first to unlock the key to life, but not the last.Over two centuries of relentless advancement, five more minds find the secret, and five more creatures are made. Five more stories end in tragedy. From the stinking streets of 1850s London to the sun-drenched hysteria of a modern cruise liner, amidst passion, jealousy, art, obsession, desperation and war, Creatures is a hidden history of a forbidden science.
Minnesota Historical Society Press The Lincoln del Cookbook
Hampton Roads Publishing Co Tuning In: A Journalist, 6 Trance Channelers and Messages from the Other Side
Picture Window Books The Legend of the Vampire
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 6e Student Solutions Manual
John Wiley & Sons Inc Essentials of Corporate Finance
Rizzoli International Publications Birds of a Feather: Wildfowl Decoys At Shelburne Museum
Bird decoys were used for hunting in North America until the advent of hunting regulations in the early twentieth century, when decoys started to be prized and collected as masterpieces of American folk art. This handsome book is the first examination of the historic and unparalleled decoy collection at Shelburne Museum. Featuring new photography of 250 of the museum s most important and artistically carved decoys, it includes examples made by the most respected American carvers: Charles Osgood, Lem and Steve Ward, John Blair, Bill Bowman, Nathan Cobb, Jr., Lee Dudley, James Holly, Jr., Nathan Horner, Albert Laing, Joseph Lincoln, A. Elmer Crowell, and Charles Shang Wheeler. The story of the collection begins with Joel Barber, the pioneer decoy enthusiast and New York architect, artist, and carver, whose gift of 400 superior examples established the collection in 1952. Several essays provide groundbreaking scholarship on the origins, construction, and attribution of bird decoys, imparting critical advancements to our modern understanding of this revered tradition.
Baker Publishing Group Launch – Starting a New Church from Scratch
Starting a church from scratch? Start here! Launch offers specific strategies for beginning a church with no members, no money, and no staff. Readers get clear, practical how-to strategies for quickly raising funds, creating a team, planning services, effective evangelism, and rapidly developing a growing membership. Specific advice is included for reaching that often difficult-to-target demographic, the 20- to 40-year-old. Now thoroughly revised and expanded to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of church planting.
Hal Leonard Corporation Cosi Fan Tutte
Random House USA Inc Gargantua and Pantagruel: Introduction by Terence Cave
Random House USA Inc Kalamata's Kitchen
Dora the Explorer meets No Reservations in this delicious picture book debut! Follow Kalamata and her alligator sidekick on the first of many exciting food adventures in a charming story about facing fears and overcoming back-to-school jitters.Grown-ups never seemed to notice, but Kalamata's kitchen table was magical. Under her table, she and Al Dente could transport themselves anywhere....Tomorrow is Kalamata's first day at a new school, and she's nervous! What if the kids aren't friendly? Or worse, what if they don't like alligators!? If only Kalamata and Al Dente could go to back to the Indian spice market they visited this summer, then maybe she'd remember how to feel brave when new experiences seem scary. Luckily for Kalamata, all the magic required for her journey is right in her own kitchen! As Kalamata and her alligator friend, Al Dente, transport themselves to a magical land filled with tasty ingredients, she realizes being brave is exciting! And most importantly, she learns that when we're nervous about trying new things, food can comfort us and remind us to stay curious, courageous, and compassionate.
QuestFriendz SuperQuesters: The Case of the Stolen Sun
Discover your inner superhero with the adventures of the SUPERQUESTERS! Ada Twist, Scientist meets PJ Masks in this unique, interactive adventure book series expertly designed to develop children's STEM skills in immersive ways never done before. Meet Lilli and her best friends Leo and Bea - three endlessly curious kids with BIG imaginations. When they unite to solve a challenging science problem, they turn into SUPERHEROES Lillicorn, Leo Zoom and Bea Bumble and journey to a world full of magic, adventure and quests. And now they want YOU to join in the mission and the fun. Can you help them to track down Lord Grumble and his Snapettes and return the stolen sun to Questland? This unique interactive story with hands-on activities is expertly designed in line with the Key Stage 1 and early Key Stage 2 Computing, Maths and Science National Curriculum to help children develop their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) skills in innovative new ways. Children develop 12 STEM skills including problem solving, coding, sequencing, debugging and algorithms as they complete each interactive quest…and discover their inner superhero along the way. Motivating and empowering, each book features over 100 reusable stickers including magical charm rewards and a reward chart to help children mark their progress and celebrate success. To support grown-ups, spark children's curiosity and bring the adventure further to life there's a 'how to use this book' guide, glossary and answer page, plus free additional hands-on activities and further learning resources to download at: If you're a superhero enthusiast, love learning through play or enjoy books such as Ada Twist, Scientist, Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, Look Up! and the Fantastically Great Women series, you'll LOVE this! It's time to Read, Quest, Learn! Also available in the series: SuperQuesters: The Case of the Missing Memory - Shortlisted for The Week Junior Book Awards 2023: Children's Book of the Year - STEM category SuperQuesters: The Case of the Great Energy Robbery - out 5th October 2023 SuperQuesters: The Case of the Angry Sea - coming in 2024
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Landesrecht Niedersachsen: Studienbuch