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Oxford University Press Inc Europe's Income, Wealth, Consumption, and Inequality
European integration is focused on improving economic performance and increasing income levels in nations across the European Union. Political leaders and the media often use income trends to measure this progress, with inequality moving more and more to the forefront of these conversations. In this book, contributing authors focus on the economies within the EU, its member countries, and other European countries closely associated with the EU. The book includes an overview of economic and social trends, using long-term processes of European integration as a way to frame the discussions. Georg Fischer, Robert Strauss, and their contributors focus on explaining how policy makers and the media focus on national trends to measure progress among the nations in Europe. They make a specific point to look at the EU as an economic and political entity whose parts are closely interlinked rather than as a conglomerate of individual countries. The contributors consider the commonalities and differences between various institutions and policies, explaining how a decision in one country might impact another. Europe's Income, Wealth, Consumption, and Inequality offers a novel approach to the analysis of social and economic trends, and the resulting book identifies major policy challenges applicable in the EU and beyond.
Oxford University Press Inc To Savor the Meaning: The Theology of Literary Emotions in Medieval Kashmir
Medieval Kashmir in its golden age saw the development of some of the most sophisticated theories of language, literature, and emotion articulated in the pre-modern world. These theories, enormously influential on the later intellectual history of South Asia, were written at a time when religious education was ubiquitous among intellectuals, and when religious philosophies were hotly and publicly debated. It was also a time of deep interreligious influence and borrowing, when traditions intermixed and intellectuals pushed the boundaries of their own inheritance by borrowing ideas from many different places-even from their rivals. To Savor the Meaning examines the overlap of literary theory and religious philosophy in this period by looking at debates about how poetry communicates emotions to its readers, what it is readers do when they savor these emotions, and why this might be valuable. Focusing on the work of three influential figures-Anandavardhana [ca. 850 AD], Abhinavagupta [ca. 1000 AD], and the somewhat lesser known theorist Mahimabhatta [ca. 1050 AD]-this book gives a broad introduction to their ideas and reveals new, important, and previously overlooked aspects of their work and their debates. James D. Reich places these pre-modern intellectuals within the wider context of the religious philosophies current in Kashmir at the time, and shows that their ideas cannot be fully understood in isolation from this broader context.
Oxford University Press Inc Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management
Atlas of EEG, Seizure Semiology, and Management is a comprehensive yet concise textbook with a focus on practical use of EEG and clinical neurology in the diagnosis and management of epilepsy. It begins with the physiological foundation of EEG, physics and electronics of EEG generation and recording, and technical details of EEG performance. Major sections then discuss seizure and epilepsy diagnoses, normal and abnormal EEG patterns correlated with clinical scenarios, guides to differential diagnosis of seizures, guides to medical and nonmedical management, and lastly teaching case studies. For this edition, there is a separate pediatric EEG and epilepsy section, in addition to discussion of pediatric aspects throughout the rest of the text. Revisions and additions have been made to keep up with the rapid pace of advancement in EEG and epilepsy. This new third edition is authored and edited by four senior faculty of Vanderbilt University Hospital and Vanderbilt Children's Hospital, all trained and board certified in EEG and Clinical Neurophysiology. These experts use their daily experience treating epilepsy in a busy academic medical center to provide a robust core of EEG and epilepsy knowledge to healthcare professionals who diagnose and manage epilepsy, and who are seeking to develop and enhance their knowledge of EEG performance and interpretation. New in this edition: · Compares the new epilepsy classification schemes with the old · Updated status epilepticus management, with new tables and flowcharts · New interpretations for a variety of EEG patterns, some of which have controversial implications
Oxford University Press Inc Vocal Virtuosity: The Origins of the Coloratura Soprano in Nineteenth-Century Opera
Nothing strikes the ear quite like a soprano singing in the sonic stratosphere. Whether thrilling, chilling, or repellent to the listener, the reaction to cascades of coloratura with climaxing high notes is strong. Coloratura-agile, rapid-fire singing-was originally essential for all singers, but its function changed greatly when it became the specialty of particular sopranos over the course of the nineteenth century. The central argument of Vocal Virtuosity challenges the historical commonplace that coloratura became an anachronism in nineteenth-century opera. Instead, the book demonstrates that melismas at mid-century were made modern. Coloratura became an increasingly marked musical gesture during the century with a correspondingly more specific dramaturgical function. In exploring this transformation, the book reveals the instigators of this change in vocal practice and examines the historical traces of Parisian singers who were the period's greatest exponents of vertiginous vocality as archetypes of the modern coloratura soprano. The book constructs the historical trajectory of coloratura as it became gendered the provenance of the female singer, while also considering what melismas can signify in operatic performance. As a whole, it argues that vocal virtuosity was a source of power for women, generating space for female authorship and creativity. In so doing, the book reclaims a place in history for the coloratura soprano.
Oxford University Press Inc Voice and Inequality: Poverty and Political Participation in Latin American Democracies
The first large-scale study of political participation in eighteen Latin American democracies, focusing on the political participation of the region's poorest citizens. Political regimes in Latin America have a long history of excluding poor people from politics. Today, the region's democracies survive in contexts that are still marked by deep poverty and some of the world's most severe socioeconomic inequalities. Keeping socioeconomic inequality from spilling over into political inequality is one of the core challenges facing these young democracies. In Voice and Inequality, Carew Boulding and Claudio Holzner offer the first large-scale empirical analysis of political participation in Latin America. They find that in recent years, most (but not all) countries in the region have achieved near equality of participation across wealth groups, and in some cases poor people participate more than wealthier individuals. How can this be, given the long history of excluding poor people from the political arena in Latin America? Boulding and Holzner argue that key institutions of democracy, namely civil society, political parties, and competitive elections, have an enormous impact on whether or not poor people turn out to vote, protest, and contact government officials. Far from being politically inert, under certain conditions the poorest citizens can act and speak for themselves with an intensity that far exceeds their modest socioeconomic resources. When voluntary organizations thrive in poor communities and when political parties focus their mobilization efforts on poor individuals, they respond with high levels of political activism. Poor people's activism also benefits from strong parties, robust electoral competition and well-functioning democratic institutions. Where electoral competition is robust and where the power of incumbents is constrained, the authors find higher levels of participation by poor individuals and more political equality. Precisely because the individual resource constraints that poor people face are daunting obstacles to political activism, Voice and Inequality focuses on the features of democratic politics that create opportunities for participation that have the strongest impact on poor people's political behavior. Ultimately, Voice and Inequality provides important insights about how the elusive goal of political equality can be achieved even in contexts of elevated poverty and inequality.
Oxford University Press Inc World of Wonders: The Work of Adbhutarasa in the Mahabharata and the Harivamsa
In World of Wonders, Alf Hiltebeitel addresses the Mahabharata and its supplement, the Harivamsa, as a single literary composition. Looking at the work through the critical lens of the Indian aesthetic theory of rasa, "juice, essence, or taste," he argues that the dominant rasa of these two texts is adbhutarasa, the "mood of wonder." While the Mahabharata signposts whole units of the text as "wondrous" in its table of contents, the Harivamsa foregrounds a stepped-up term for wonder (ascarya) that drives home the point that Vishnu and Krishna are one. Two scholars of the 9th and 10th centuries, Anandavardhana and Abhinavagupta, identified the Mahabharata's dominant rasa as santarasa, the "mood of peace." This has traditionally been received as the only serious contestant for a rasic interpretation of the epic. Hiltebeitel disputes both the positive claim that the santarasa interpretation is correct and the negative claim that adbhutarasa is a frivolous rasa that cannot sustain a major work. The heart of his argument is that the Mahabharata and Harivamsa both deploy the terms for "wonder" and "surprise" (vismaya) in significant numbers that extend into every facet of these heterogeneous texts, showing how adbhutarasa is at work in the rich and contrasting textual strategies which are integral to the structure of the two texts.
Oxford University Press Inc The Company They Keep: How Partisan Divisions Came to the Supreme Court
Are Supreme Court justices swayed by the political environment that surrounds them? Most people think "yes," and they point to the influence of the general public and the other branches of government on the Court. It is not that simple, however. As the eminent law and politics scholars Neal Devins and Lawrence Baum show in The Company They Keep, justices today are reacting far more to subtle social forces in their own elite legal world than to pressure from the other branches of government or mass public opinion. In particular, the authors draw from social psychology research to show why Justices are apt to follow the lead of the elite social networks that they are a part of. The evidence is strong: Justices take cues primarily from the people who are closest to them and whose approval they care most about: political, social, and professional elites. In an era of strong partisan polarization, elite social networks are largely bifurcated by partisan and ideological loyalties, and the Justices reflect that division. The result is a Court in which the Justices' ideological stances reflect the dominant views in the appointing president's party. Justices such as Clarence Thomas and Ruth Bader Ginsburg live largely in a milieu populated by like-minded elites. Today's partisanship on the Court also stems from the emergence of conservative legal networks such as the Federalist Society, that reinforce the conservative leanings of Republican appointees. For the Warren and Burger Courts, elite social networks were dominated by liberal elites and not divided by political party or ideology. A fascinating examination of the factors that shape decision-making, The Company They Keep will reshape our understanding of how political polarization occurs on the contemporary Supreme Court.
Oxford University Press Inc Nowhere to Run: Race, Gender, and Immigration in American Elections
Why has the underrepresentation of women and racial minorities in elected office proved so persistent? Many researchers have asserted that the main shortfall happens at the candidacy stage--women and people of color are competitive candidates, but too few throw their hat into the ring. However, these studies are animated by two assumptions that tend to speak past each other. On the one hand, gender and politics scholars often suggest that women lack sufficient ambition to run for office relative to men. On the other hand, race and politics scholars have suggested that districts with majority white populations do not provide adequate resources or opportunities for minority candidates to succeed. These approaches tend to treat women and racial minorities as parallel social groups, and fail to account for the ways in which race and gender simultaneously shape candidacy. Nowhere to Run introduces the intersectional model of electoral opportunity, which argues that descriptive representation in elections is shaped by intersecting processes related to race and gender. Across states, realistic opportunities for potential candidates of color to get on state legislative ballots are sharply circumscribed by the distribution of white majority populations in most districts; and within the districts that are most widely viewed as winnable seats--majority minority districts--the perceived scarcity of viable electoral opportunities exacerbates factors that tend to push women of color farther from the candidate pipeline. These overlapping constraints result in an electoral landscape where women of color face constraints on electoral opportunity that are intersecting and multilayered. Drawing on an original dataset encompassing nearly every state legislative general election from 1996-2015, as well as interviews and surveys with candidates, donors, and other political elites from 42 states, Nowhere to Run tests this theory with a first of its kind study of Asian American and Latina/o candidacies, and the first simultaneous look at the relationship between changing populations and descriptive representation for African American, Asian American, Latina/o, and white women and men. The book sheds new light on how multiple dimensions of identity simultaneously shape pathways to candidacy and representation for all groups seeking a seat at the table in American politics.
Oxford University Press Inc Contending Orders: Legal Pluralism and the Rule of Law
In most countries, it is the norm for state courts to operate alongside powerful non-state justice systems, whose roots lie in custom, religion, or tradition. Indeed, non-state justice is frequently the dominant form of legal order. In the developing world, an estimated 80 to 90 percent of disputes are handled outside the state justice system, and nearly all post-conflict states feature extensive legal pluralism because of the weak institutions and contested authority endemic to conflict and post-conflict states. Yet the role of legal pluralism is frequently misunderstood and when different justice systems clash, prolonged, potentially even violent conflict, can result. In Contending Orders, Geoffrey Swenson proposes a new way to understand how state and non-state authorities interact by exploring the full range of legally pluralist environments-combative, competitive, cooperative, and complementary. Drawing upon insights from Afghanistan and Timor-Leste, two countries with extensive legal pluralism, he identifies and critically examines commonly used strategies in legally pluralistic environments. Swenson also illustrates how national and international actors can better engage non-state justice systems. Further, Swenson shows how multiple justice systems can not only co-exist but work together to contribute to the development of a democratic state bound by the rule of law. It is not enough to merely recognize that legal pluralism exists; scholars and policymakers must understand how legal pluralism actually functions. Contending Orders both analyzes the forces that are shaping the relationship between the state and non-state justice worldwide and offers policy strategies to promote the rule of law and good governance wherever legal pluralism thrives.
Oxford University Press Inc The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Wellbeing
In recent years, a growth in dance and wellbeing scholarship has resulted in new ways of thinking that place the body, movement, and dance in a central place with renewed significance for wellbeing. The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Wellbeing examines dance and related movement practices from the perspectives of neuroscience and health, community and education, and psychology and sociology to contribute towards an understanding of wellbeing, offer new insights into existing practices, and create a space where sufficient exchange is enabled. The handbook's research components include quantitative, qualitative, and arts-based research, covering diverse discourses, methodologies, and perspectives that add to the development of a complete picture of the topic. Throughout the handbook's wide-ranging chapters, the objective observations, felt experiences, and artistic explorations of practitioners interact with and are printed alongside academic chapters to establish an egalitarian and impactful exchange of ideas.
Oxford University Press Inc The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Society
Sport has come to have an increasingly large impact on daily life and commerce across the globe. From mega-events, such as the World Cup or Super Bowl, to the early socialization of children into sport, the study of sport and society has developed as a distinctly wide-ranging scholarly enterprise, centered in sociology, sport studies, and cultural, media, and gender studies. In The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Society, Lawrence Wenner brings together contributions from the world's leading scholars on sport and society to create the premier comprehensive and interdisciplinary reference for scholars and students looking to understand key areas of inquiry about the role and impacts of sport in contemporary culture. The Handbook offers penetrating analyses of the key ways that today's outsized sport is integrated into the lives of both athletes and fans and increasingly shapes the social fabric and cultural logics across the world. Featuring 85 leading international scholars, the volume is organized into six sections: society and values, enterprise and capital, participation and cultures, lifespan and careers, inclusion and exclusion, and spectator engagement and media. To aid comprehension and comparison, each chapter opens with a brief introduction to the area of research and features a common organizational scheme with three main sections of key issues, approaches, and debates to guide scholars and students to what is currently most important in the study of each area. Written at an accessible level and offering rich resources to further study each topic, this handbook is an essential resource for scholars and students as well as general readers who wish to understand the growing social, cultural, political, and economic influences of sport in society and our everyday lives.
Oxford University Press Inc Spanked: How Hitting Our Children is Harming Ourselves
Spanked: How Hitting Our Children is Harming Ourselves is a historical and cultural analysis of the long accepted practice of hitting children for learning and obedience. The book begins with understanding who spanks and how the practice of using a hand to hit the buttocks of children evolved. Erickson explores the cultural factors from historical magazine articles and parenting books to contemporary beliefs that support this type of discipline. Spanking's connections to a variety of topics are clarified, including the feelings of parents, perceptions of children, potential child abuse, school corporal punishment, attachment and bonding, the legal language that allows hitting of one's children but not others, and international perspectives on physical punishment. The book invites an exploration of who we are as parents, and as a society, and what family leadership really means. Book group questions for families, professionals, and organizations lend the book useful for conversation and dialogue in libraries, living rooms, offices, and classrooms. Erickson gives readers an open platform to discuss respectfully what we are really communicating when we spank children.
Oxford University Press Inc The 15 Minute Case Conceptualization: Mastering the Pattern-Focused Approach
Once understood as useful but optional, case conceptualization is now considered essential and one of the most important of all clinical skills and competencies. As clinicians look for resources to assist in learning and mastering this competency, they must choose among different case conceptualization approaches considering those that are both clinically effective and clinician friendly. A truly clinically effective approach explains and guides treatment, and most importantly, predicts challenges and obstacles that are likely to arise over the course of treatment. Most approaches emphasize explaning and guiding treatment, but seldom include third function which helps anticipate likely challenges, which if not proactively addressed, are likely to result in therapy interference or premature termination. Research shows that such case conceptualization is essential in determining the course and overall effectiveness of therapy. This essential task can be completed in as little as fifteen minutes. A truly clinician-friendly approach is one that is quick to use and easy to master. The 15 Minutes Case Conceptualization is evidence-based, step-by-step approach that is both highly effective and clinician friendly.
Oxford University Press Inc The Dynamics of the Social Worker-Client Relationship
The recent establishment of evidence-based practice (EBP) interventions in the mental health space has enabled social workers to diagnose various mental, emotional, and behavioral issues in clients. This increased focus on using scientific methods to develop EBPs has been helpful for professionals making choices about client intervention, but it tends to distract attention from the client-facing process of delivering a given intervention. The effectiveness of direct social work practice always requires one's competence in providing a variety of intervention modalities, but the outcomes are also dependent on the social worker's ability to develop and maintain constructive relationships with clients. The Dynamics of the Social Worker-Client Relationship is an in-depth contemporary approach to the many ways in which social workers can develop, maintain, and rebuild constructive working relationships with clients who display various psychological symptoms. Building on 14 years of practitioner experience and 25 years teaching clinical social work practice, Joseph Walsh provides helpful ways to cultivate positive relationships and promote better opportunities for successful intervention. Each chapter focuses on a particular challenge that social workers may encounter in that process, including the benefits and limitations of theory selection, boundaries, the use of self, the working alliance, relationship ruptures, special issues presented by children and adolescents, terminations and transfers, clients about whom a social worker experiences highly positive or negative feelings, appropriate usage of physical touch and humor, working with psychotic clients, and various uses of technology. The book is filled with case studies from a wide range of field placements. Walsh analyzes these in each instance and walks readers through each predicament to ensure effective relationships are always at top of mind.
Oxford University Press Inc Sowing the Sacred: Mexican Pentecostal Farmworkers in California
Sowing the Sacred traces the development of Pentecostalism among Mexican-American migrant laborers in California's agricultural industry from the 1910s to the 1960s. At the time, Pentecostalism was often seen as a distasteful new sect rife with cultish and fanatical tendencies; U.S. growers thought of Mexicans as no more than a mere workforce not fit for citizenship; and industrial agriculture was celebrated for feeding American families while its exploitation of workers went largely ignored. Farmworkers were made out to be culturally vacuous and lacking creative genius, simple laborers caught in a vertiginous cycle of migrant work. This book argues that farmworkers from La Asamblea Apostólica de la Fe en Cristo Jesús carved out a robust socio-religious existence despite these conditions, and in doing so produced a vast record of cultural vibrancy. Examining racialized portrayals of Mexican workers and their religious lives through images created by farmworkers themselves, Sowing the Sacred draws on oral histories, photographs, and materials from new archival collections to tell an intimate story of sacred-space making. In showing how these workers mapped out churches, performed outdoor baptisms in grower-controlled waterways, and built and maintained houses of worship in the fields, this book considers the role that historical memory plays in telling these stories.
Oxford University Press Inc Social Movements
Social movements around the world have used a wide variety of protest tactics to bring about enormous social changes, influencing cultural arrangements, public opinion, and government policies in the process. This concise yet in-depth primer provides a broad overview of theoretical issues in the study of social movements, illustrating key concepts with a series of case studies. It offers engaging analyses of the protest cycle of the 1960s, the women's movement, the LGBT movement, the environmental movement, right-wing movements, and global social justice movements. Author Suzanne Staggenborg examines these social movements in terms of their strategies and tactics, the organizational challenges they faced, and the roles that the mass media and counter-movements played in determining their successes and failures.
Oxford University Press Inc How Welfare Worked in the Early United States: Five Microhistories
What was American welfare like in George Washington's day? It was expensive, extensive, and run by local governments. Known as "poor relief," it included what we would now call welfare and social work. Unlike other aspects of government, poor relief remained consistent in structure between the establishment of the British colonies in the 1600s and the New Deal of the 1930s. In this book, Gabriel J. Loiacono follows the lives of five people in Rhode Island between the Revolutionary War and 1850: a long-serving overseer of the poor, a Continental Army veteran who was repeatedly banished from town, a nurse who was paid by the government to care for the poor, an unwed mother who cared for the elderly, and a paralyzed young man who attempted to become a Christian missionary from inside of a poorhouse. Of Native, African, and English descent, these five Rhode Islanders utilized poor relief in various ways. Tracing their involvement with these programs, Loiacono explains the importance of welfare through the first few generations of United States history. In Washington's day, poor relief was both generous and controlling. Two centuries ago, Americans paid for--and many relied on--an astonishing governmental system that provided food, housing, and medical care to those in need. This poor relief system also shaped American households and dictated where Americans could live and work. Recent generations have assumed that welfare is a new development in the United States. This book shows how old welfare is in the United States of America through five little-known, but compelling, life stories.
Oxford University Press Inc Wisdom: A Humanistic Conception
In this book, renowned philosopher John Kekes develops and defends a humanistic conception of wisdom as a personal attitude--one that can guide how we face adversities and evaluate the often conflicting possibilities and limits of life in the context in which we live. Wisdom includes basic assumptions about the concrete and constantly changing conditions of life; reflective understanding of how we can rely on reason to evaluate the possibilities open to us and recognize the limits we have no choice but to accept; and it includes depth that enables us to accept that perennial problems are part of the human condition and yet to restrain our false hopes and disenchanted reactions to the vicissitudes of life. The evaluative attitude of wisdom is personal, not theoretical; anthropocentric, not metaphysical; context-dependent, not universal; and humanistic, not scientific. It recognizes that there are many forms of worthwhile lives, and denies that there is one ideal of The Good that everyone should try to approximate. It accepts that all of our beliefs, emotions, and desires are fallible, yet they are correctable provided we are sufficiently critical of them. The resulting conception of wisdom is intended as a contribution to philosophy as a humanistic discipline. It is a radical departure from traditional ways of thinking about wisdom.
Oxford University Press Inc On Site: Methods for Site-Specific Performance Creation
On Site: Methods for Site-Specific Performance Creation is a practical book for artists and students at all levels who create or are learning to create making sited dance works. Author Stephan Koplowitz covers specific, hands-on strategies for an array of issues to consider before, during, and after embarking upon a project, including site selection, procuring permits, designing the audience experience, researching and exploring a site for inspiration and content, differences in urban and natural environments, definitions of key production roles, building effective collaborations with artists, and techniques to generate site-inspired production elements such as sound/music, costumes, lighting, and media. He also offers helpful chapters on project budgeting, contract negotiation, fundraising, marketing, documentation, and assessment. Based on the author's career spanning over 30 years of site-specific creation, the book also includes the voices of over 24 other artists, producers, and writers who share their perspectives and experiences on the many topics covered. A guide designed to make site work practical, intentional, and attainable, On Site will become a well-worn reference for anyone interested in the creative process and discovering the power of site-specific works.
Oxford University Press Inc The Simple Care of a Hopeful Heart: Mentoring Yourself in Difficult Times
In the end, it is not the amount of darkness in the world, our country, family or even within ourselves that matters-It is how we stand in that darkness that is crucial. In light of this, the overall question addressed in this book is simple and challenging: How can we best mentor ourselves with the knowledge that already surrounds us so we learn and grow from the changes, stress, and even trauma, that we must face in today's uncertain times? Underlying the book's overall message is the signature strength of humility because as the author emphasizes: When we take knowledge and add humility, we get wisdom, and when we then add this very wisdom to compassion, we get love... and love is at the heart of a rich, compassionate, and resilient life. The book presents a series of 50 brief lessons on such topics as: · Developing a renewed and deeper interest in creative approaches to self-care · Overcoming resistance to change · Ways to gain, maintain, and regain a healthy perspective · Appreciating the advantages of the "psychological detours" forced on us in life · How spending only 2 minutes each day in silence, solitude, and wrapped in gratitude can be transformative · Understanding how we can best apply the principles of posttraumatic growth (PTG) to our own life situation · Dealing effectively with necessary change and unexpected loss · Recognizing the importance of pacing and timing in our interactions with others
Oxford University Press Inc The Right Price: A Value-Based Prescription for Drug Costs
The US prescription drug business is a $500 billion industry whose rising prices carry profound consequences for patients, caregivers, employers and taxpayers across the nation. In the United States, average prices of leading brand-name drugs are two to four times higher than prices charged in other wealthy countries, raising questions as to what Americans are getting for the extra expense. On the other hand, healthy industry returns have arguably fueled life-saving innovation. With the advent of ever more targeted and powerful treatments, including cell- and gene-based therapies with multi-million-dollar price tags, the need for sensible drug pricing policies will only intensify. The Right Price sheds light on the controversial topic of drug pricing by providing an accessible guide to pharmaceutical markets and analytic techniques used to measure the value of drug therapies. It illustrates the need for value-based pricing through real-life stories of patients and their experiences with the drug industry and explains why simple solutions like price controls and the importation of cheaper drugs from other countries are problematic. This volume describes how researchers and policy makers have pursued drug valuation efforts in the past, and lays out a series of recommendations, based on years of shared author experience serving on national drug policy platforms, for how to further improve pharmaceutical value assessment in the United States. With unique industry insights and clear narrative, The Right Price unveils why the pricing of drugs continues to be so challenging and how public and private officials can create more informed policies to achieve the right balance between drug pricing and value.
Oxford University Press Inc One Small Candle: The Plymouth Puritans and the Beginning of English New England
Four hundred years ago, a group of men and women who had challenged the religious establishment of early seventeenth-century England and struggled as refugees in the Netherlands risked everything to build a new community in America. The story of those who journeyed across the Atlantic on the Mayflower has been retold many times, but the faith and religious practices of these settlers has frequently been neglected or misunderstood. In One Small Candle, Francis J. Bremer focuses on the role of religion in the settlement of the Plymouth Colony and how those values influenced political, intellectual, and cultural aspects of New England life a hundred and fifty years before the American Revolution. He traces the Puritans' persecution in early seventeenth-century England for challenging the established national church and the difficulties they faced as refugees in the Netherlands in the 1610s. As they planted a colony in America, this group of puritan congregationalists was driven by the belief that ordinary men and women should play the deciding role in governing church affairs. Their commitment to lay empowerment and participatory democracy was reflected in congregational church covenants and inspired the earliest political forms of the region, including the Mayflower Compact and local New England town meetings. Their rejection of individual greed and focus on community, Bremer argues, defined the culture of English colonization in early North America. A timely narrative of the people who founded the Plymouth Colony, One Small Candle casts new light on the role of religion in the shaping of the United States.
Oxford University Press Inc The Oxford Handbook of Adaptation Studies
This collection of forty new essays, written by the leading scholars in adaptation studies and distinguished contributors from outside the field, is the most comprehensive volume on adaptation ever published. Written to appeal alike to specialists in adaptation, scholars in allied fields, and general readers, it hearkens back to the foundations of adaptation studies a century and more ago, surveys its ferment of activity over the past twenty years, and looks forward to the future. It considers the very different problems in adapting the classics, from the Bible to Frankenstein to Philip Roth, and the commons, from online mashups and remixes to adult movies. It surveys a dizzying range of adaptations around the world, from Latin American telenovelas to Czech cinema, from Hong Kong comics to Classics Illustrated, from Bollywood to zombies, and explores the ways media as different as radio, opera, popular song, and videogames have handled adaptation. Going still further, it examines the relations between adaptation and such intertextual practices as translation, illustration, prequels, sequels, remakes, intermediality, and transmediality. The volume's contributors consider the similarities and differences between adaptation and history, adaptation and performance, adaptation and revision, and textual and biological adaptation, casting an appreciative but critical eye on the theory and practice of adaptation scholars--and, occasionally, each other. The Oxford Handbook of Adaptation Studies offers specific suggestions for how to read, teach, create, and write about adaptations in order to prepare for a world in which adaptation, already ubiquitous, is likely to become ever more important.
Oxford University Press Inc The Geography of Taste
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. It is free to read at Oxford Academic and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations.Wherever on the globe anyone sets foot, they find people immersed in matters aesthetic. In UNESCO''s definition, there can be no culture that lacks an aesthetic life. Aesthetic life is in this sense a cultural universal. At the same time, aesthetic engagement has a geography. While all cultures have an aesthetic, no single aesthetic belongs to all cultures. The rules of aesthetic engagement vary by culture.How should aesthetics proceed if we take this fact of aesthetic diversity, rather than the presumption of aesthetic universality as our starting point? How should we theorize the cultural origins and cultural basis of aesthetic diversity? How should we think about the value and normativity of aesthetic diversity? To model what the turn toward diversity might look like in aesthetic inqu
Oxford University Press Inc Digital Health: Understanding the Benefit-Risk Patient-Provider Framework
Digital health represents the fastest growing sector of healthcare. From internet-connected wearable sensors to diagnostics tests and disease treatments, it is often touted as the revolution set to solve the imperfections in healthcare delivery worldwide. While the health value of digital health technology includes greater convenience, more personalized treatments, and more accurate data capture of fitness and wellness, these devices also carry the concurrent risks of technological crime and abuses pervasive to cyber space. Even today, the medical world has been slow to respond to these emerging risks, despite the growing permanence of digital health technology within daily medical practice. With over 30 years of joint experience across the medical and cybersecurity industries, Eric D. Perakslis and Martin Stanley provide in this volume the first reference framework for the benefits and risks of digital health technologies in practice. Drawing on expert interviews, original research, and personal storytelling, they explore the theory, science, and mathematics behind the benefits, risks, and values of emerging digital technologies in healthcare. Moving from an overview of biomedical product regulation and the evolution of digital technologies in healthcare, Perakslis and Stanley propose from their research a set of ten categories of digital side effects, or "toxicities," that must be managed for digital health technology to realize its promise. These ten toxicities consist of adversary-driven threats to privacy such as physical security, cybersecurity, medical misinformation, and charlatanism, and non-adversary-driven threats such as deregulation, cyberchondria, over-diagnosis/over-treatment, user error, and financial toxicity. By arming readers with the knowledge to mitigate digital health harms, Digital Health empowers health practitioners, patients, and technology providers to move beyond fear of the unknown and embrace the full potential of digital health technology, paving the way for more conscientious digital technology use of the future.
Oxford University Press Inc The Cognitive Unconscious: The First Half Century
The term 'Implicit Learning' refers to the way in which knowledge of fairly complex, patterned material can be acquired without any conscious effort to learn it and with little to no awareness of what has been learned. Over the past fifty years, Implict Learning has became a vigorously researched area in the social sciences. In The Cognitive Unconscious, Arthur S. Reber and Rhianon Allen bring together several dozen experts from social science and neuroscience to present a broad overview of the exploration of the cognitive unconscious. Each chapter delves deeper into a subject that has become an interdisciplinary domain of research to which contributions have been made by sociologists, neuroscientists, evolutionary biologists, linguists, social and organizational psychologists, and sport psychologists, amongst many others. The book shows that unconscious, implicit cognitive processes play a role in virtually everything interesting that human beings do. As the contributors demonstrate, the implicit and explicit elements of cognition form a rich and complex interactive framework that make up who we are. With contributions from over thirty distinguished authors from nine different countries, The Cognitive Unconscious gives a balanced and thorough overview of where the field is today, over a half-century since the first experiments were run.
Oxford University Press Inc Living with Darwin: Evolution, Design, and the Future of Faith
Charles Darwin has been at the center of white-hot public debate for more than a century. In Living With Darwin, Philip Kitcher stokes the flames swirling around Darwin's theory, sifting through the scientific evidence for evolution, Creation Science, and Intelligent Design, and revealing why evolution has been the object of such vehement attack. Kitcher first provides valuable perspective on the present controversy, describing the many puzzles that blocked evolution's acceptance in the early years, and explaining how scientific research eventually found the answers to these conundrums. Interestingly, Kitcher shows that many of these early questions have been resurrected in recent years by proponents of Intelligent Design. In fact, Darwin himself considered the issue of intelligent design, and amassed a mountain of evidence that effectively refuted the idea. Kitcher argues that the problem with Intelligent Design isn't that it's "not science," as many critics say, but that it's "dead science," raising questions long resolved by scientists. But Kitcher points out that it is also important to recognize the cost of Darwin's success--the price of "life with Darwin." Darwinism has a profound effect on our understanding of our place in the universe, on our religious beliefs and aspirations. It is in truth the focal point of a larger clash between religious faith and modern science. Unless we can resolve this larger issue, the war over evolution will go on.
Oxford University Press Inc Manhattan Phoenix: The Great Fire of 1835 and the Emergence of Modern New York
Shows vividly how the Great Fire of 1835, which nearly leveled Manhattan also created the ashes from which the city was reborn. On a freezing December night almost two centuries ago, a fire erupted in lower Manhattan. The city's inhabitants, though accustomed to blazes in a town with so many wooden structures, a spotty water supply, and a decentralized fire department, looked on in horror at the scale of this one. Philip Hone, a former mayor of New York, wrote in his diary how "the progress of the flames, like flashes of lightning, communicated in every direction, and a few minutes sufficed to level the lofty edifices on every side." By the time the fire was extinguished, a huge swath of land had been transformed from a thriving business center into the "Burnt District," an area roughly the same size as was devastated during the September 11th attack. In the end, nearly 700 buildings were destroyed. So vast was the conflagration that it was immediately and henceforth known as the Great Fire of 1835. Manhattan Phoenix reveals how New York emerged from the disaster to become a global powerhouse merely a quarter of a century later. Daniel S. Levy's book charts the city's almost miraculous growth during the early 19th century by focusing on the topics that shaped its destiny, starting with fire but including water, land, disease, culture, and politics, interweaving the lives of New Yorkers who took part in its transformation. Some are well-known, including the land baron John Jacob Astor. Others less so, as with the Bowery Theatre impresario Thomas Hamblin and the African-American restaurateur Thomas Downing. The book celebrates Fire Chief James Gulick, who battled the Great Fire, examines the designs of the architect Alexander Jackson Davis who built marble palaces for the rich, follows the abolitionist Arthur Tappan, chronicles the career of the merchant Alexander Stewart, and reveals how the engineer John Bloomfield Jervis succeeded in bringing clean water into homes. The city's resurrection likewise owed much to such visionaries as Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, who designed Central Park, creating the refuge that it remains to this day. Manhattan Phoenix offers the story of a city rising from the ashes to fulfill its destiny to grow into one of the world's greatest metropolises—and in no small part due to catastrophe. It is, in other words, a New York story.
Oxford University Press Inc The Caribbean: The Genesis of a Fragmented Nationalism
Offering a rare pan-Caribbean perspective on a region that has moved from the very center of the western world to its periphery, The Caribbean: The Genesis of a Fragmented Nationalism journeys through five centuries of economic and social development, emphasizing such topics as the slave-run plantation economy, the changes in political control over the centuries, the impact of the United States, and the effects of Castro's Cuban revolution on the area. The book integrates social analysis with political narrative, providing a unique perspective on the problems of nation-building in an area of dense populations, scarce resources, and an explosive political climate. New to this Edition * A fresh contextualization of Caribbean history * Up-to-date and revised scholarship, bringing the history to 2010 * New information on indigenous societies and the contact period * A short bibliography of suggested readings for each chapter * Expanded discussion on the Haitian and Cuban Revolutions and their universal impact * Revised and updated chronology and informational tables on the Caribbean
Oxford University Press Inc Abraham Lincoln
The first short biography of the sixteenth president by America's preeminent Civil War historian, Abraham Lincoln follows the son of Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks from their Kentucky farm to the Illinois legislature, and finally the nation's capitol. February of 2009 marks the bicentennial of his birth and this book will be a compact, concise history of a man with big ideals and an even larger legacy. James McPherson, our country's foremost historian of the Civil War, authors this attractively packaged book on Lincoln for an audience that would prefer a brief treament rather than David Herbert Donald's 720-page opus, or Michael Burlingame's forthcoming multi-volume work.
Oxford University Press Inc Researching Theories of Crime
This book is a unique supplement for criminological theory courses, graduate level research methods courses, or seminars that take a close look at the development of criminological theory and/or methods. The book is intended to bridge the gap between theory and research in the study of crime and deviant behavior. Theory texts do not critically evaluate the research methods that generate the findings they cite. The student, therefore, obtains an impression of the utility of the theory based on an uncritical assessment of the research evidence. The purpose of this book is to explicitly assess the research methods that have been used to test nine theoretical perspectives of crime. Specifically, the authors focus on sampling, measurement, and analytical issues in doing theoretically directed research.
Oxford University Press Inc The Book of Mormon: A Very Short Introduction
With over 140 million copies in print, and serving as the principal proselytizing tool of one of the world's fastest growing faiths, the Book of Mormon is undoubtedly one of the most influential religious texts produced in the western world. Written by Terryl Givens, a leading authority on Mormonism, this compact volume offers the only concise, accessible introduction to this extraordinary work. Givens examines the Book of Mormon first and foremost in terms of the claims that its narrators make for its historical genesis, its purpose as a sacred text, and its meaning for an audience which shifts over the course of the history it unfolds. The author traces five governing themes in particular--revelation, Christ, Zion, scripture, and covenant--and analyzes the Book's central doctrines and teachings. Some of these resonate with familiar nineteenth-century religious preoccupations; others consist of radical and unexpected takes on topics from the fall of Man to Christ's mortal ministries and the meaning of atonement. Givens also provides samples of a cast of characters that number in the hundreds, and analyzes representative passages from a work that encompasses tragedy, poetry, sermons, visions, family histories and military chronicles. Finally, this introduction surveys the contested origins and production of a work held by millions to be scripture, and reviews the scholarly debates that address questions of the record's historicity. Here then is an accessible guide to what is, by any measure, an indispensable key to understanding Mormonism. But it is also an introduction to a compelling and complex text that is too often overshadowed by the controversies that surround it. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Oxford University Press Inc A History of Us: From Colonies to Country: 1735-1791a History of Us Book Three
Oxford University Press Inc Almost Christian: What the Faith of Our Teenagers is Telling the American Church
Based on the National Study of Youth and Religion--the same invaluable data as its predecessor, Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers--Kenda Creasy Dean's compelling new book, Almost Christian, investigates why American teenagers are at once so positive about Christianity and at the same time so apathetic about genuine religious practice. In Soul Searching, Christian Smith and Melinda Lundquist Denton found that American teenagers have embraced a "Moralistic Therapeutic Deism"--a hodgepodge of banal, self-serving, feel-good beliefs that bears little resemblance to traditional Christianity. But far from faulting teens, Dean places the blame for this theological watering down squarely on the churches themselves. Instead of proclaiming a God who calls believers to lives of love, service and sacrifice, churches offer instead a bargain religion, easy to use, easy to forget, offering little and demanding less. But what is to be done? In order to produce ardent young Christians, Dean argues, churches must rediscover their sense of mission and model an understanding of being Christian as not something you do for yourself, but something that calls you to share God's love, in word and deed, with others. Dean found that the most committed young Christians shared four important traits: they could tell a personal and powerful story about God; they belonged to a significant faith community; they exhibited a sense of vocation; and they possessed a profound sense of hope. Based on these findings, Dean proposes an approach to Christian education that places the idea of mission at its core and offers a wealth of concrete suggestions for inspiring teens to live more authentically engaged Christian lives. Persuasively and accessibly written, Almost Christian is a wake up call no one concerned about the future of Christianity in America can afford to ignore.
Oxford University Press Inc Coming of Age: The Neurobiology and Psychobiology of Puberty and Adolescence
Contemporary neuroscience has made remarkable strides in our understanding of the developing adolescent brain--an area of study previously reserved for developmental psychologists and pediatric endocrinologists. With an eye toward the history and future of the field, Coming of Age takes a look at the research that brought about this paradigm shift. Current advances in neuroscience have changed the way we think about everything--from how drugs and stress influence adolescent development to how hormones cause differing developmental trajectories among females and males. Sisk and Romeo guide students and non-specialist researchers alike through the basic science of brain and behavioral development. Important social and ethical questions are raised including: Why does puberty continue to occur at a younger age? Why does teenage behavior embrace risk and volatility? When does adolescent development end? And how should our understanding of adolescent development affect the juvenile justice system?
Oxford University Press Inc Catholics in the Movies
At the movies, catholicism is the American religion. Eleven prominent scholars explore how catholic characteres, spaces and rituals are represented in film. With chapters on movies ranging from Going My Way to Dogma, contributors provide close readings that illuminate critical themes and images as they set the films their historical context.
Oxford University Press Inc World Mythology: The Illustrated Guide
Oxford University Press Inc The Revised Standard Version Catholic Bible
The Revised Standard Version dramatically shaped the course of English Bible translation work in the latter half of the Twentieth Century. It is still the translation used in official Church pronouncements, and served as the basis for the scriptural text used in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Travelers, students and hospital visitors are among the people that will benefit from having the Compact Edition. It features a Presentation Section, the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei Verbum), a section of Prayers and Devotions of the Catholic Faith and a table of Weights and Measures in the Bible. Bound in lovely black-on-gray Pacific Duvelle™ that's soft to the touch.
Oxford University Press Inc The New American Bible Revised Edition
The NABRE Compact Edition is a light and portable version of Oxford's popular Catholic Bible. Compact size and supremely affordable value make this paperback edition perfect for school and church use. The Compact Edition is available in three attractive bindings: black duradera (with a zipper closure), black/blue pacific duvelle, and paperback. Printed on smooth, durable paper in a clear typeface and easy-to-navigate format, the NABRE Compact Edition is easy to use and fits perfectly in a purse or bag. This slim, portable edition is packed with all the same trusted features that have made Oxford New American Bible volumes the best Bible versions available. The New American Bible Revised Edition: The New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) brings to culmination the work of nearly 100 scholars, including translators, editors, and a subcommittee of Catholic bishops who provided extensive review of the biblical text over a period of many years. The NABRE is the first major amendment to the New American Bible translation since 1991. It features: *The first update of the Old Testament since 1970, taking into account recent archaeological and textual discoveries. *Complete revision of the Psalter.
Oxford University Press Inc 1979 Book of Common Prayer, Gift Edition
This edition of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer features imitation leather binding, and is an ideal gift for celebrating special occasions. The Gift Edition offers all of the unique supplementary features available in Oxford's prayer books - The Revised Common Lectionary, historical and theological background materials, answers to commonly asked questions about the church, and more. All of this is bound in a beautifully-constructed cover - a perfect gift at an affordable price.
Oxford University Press Inc 1979 Book of Common Prayer Economy Edition, imitation leather wine color
The Oxford Book of Common Prayer, Economy Edition is a beautifully constructed and reasonably-priced prayer book, making it a perfect choice for wide distribution in schools and for use as a pew prayer book. All Oxford Prayer Books are bound with the same attention to detail and commitment to quality that have made Oxford Bibles famous the world over. The Economy Edition includes the Revised Common Lectionary and covers are embossed with an elegant gold cross. Well-constructed, compact, yet comprehensive, this prayer book is an inexpensive and cherished resource for Episcopalians everywhere.
Oxford University Press Inc 1979 Book of Common Prayer, Economy Green Leather
The Oxford Book of Common Prayer, Economy Edition is a beautifully constructed and reasonably-priced prayer book, making it a perfect choice for wide distribution in schools and for use as a pew prayer book. All Oxford Prayer Books are bound with the same attention to detail and commitment to quality that have made Oxford Bibles famous the world over. The Economy Edition includes the Revised Common Lectionary and covers are embossed with an elegant gold cross. Well-constructed, compact, yet comprehensive, this prayer book is an inexpensive and cherished resource for Episcopalians everywhere.
Oxford University Press Inc The 1928 Book of Common Prayer
The 1928 Book of Common Prayer is a treasured resource for traditional Anglicans and others who appreciate the majesty of King James-style language. This classic edition features a Presentation section containing certificates for the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage. The elegant burgundy hardcover binding is embossed with a simple gold cross, making it an ideal choice for both personal study and gift-giving. The 1928 Book of Common Prayer combines Oxford's reputation for quality construction and scholarship with a modest price - a beautiful prayer book and an excellent value.
Oxford University Press Inc The Scofield® Study Bible III, KJV
This edition combines the renowned Scofield® notes and reference system with the time honored King James Version translation. But that's not all: The fruit of Dr. C. I. Scofield's decades of reflection upon the Word of God have been augmented (not revised) to make the ideas underlying the Scofield Study Bible's annotations clearer to modern readers. An abundance of factual information is presented in topical articles, charts, and lists that add depth and richness to study time. Enhanced book introductions, accurate in-text maps, authoritative full color maps, and page bottom notes broaden the context of the reader's understanding. Everything about this edition has been designed to encourage serious Bible study. First-time students and seasoned believers alike will find this volume to be a trustworthy guide to the panorama of God's plan of salvation.
Oxford University Press Inc The Scofield® Study Bible III, KJV
The fruit of Dr. C. I. Scofield's decades of reflection on the Word of God have been augmented (not revised) in this edition to make the ideas underlying the Scofield Study Bible's annotations clearer to modern readers. An abundance of factual information is presented in topical articles, charts and lists that add depth and richness to study time. Each volume includes a full-color map section and attractive binding in a variety of styles to suit any occasion. Everything about this edition has been designed to encourage serious Bible study. First-time students and seasoned believers alike will find it to be a trustworthy guide.
Oxford University Press Inc Old Scofield Study Bible-KJV-Standard
Oxford University Press Inc Old Scofield Study Bible-KJV-Standard
Oxford University Press Inc Old Scofield Study Bible-KJV-Standard