Search results for ""author g"
Edinburgh University Press Authorities in Early Modern Courts in Europe: Usus Europaeus Pandectarum?
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Mi Nombre es Sara G. y Sobrevivi: Short Novels in Spanish for Intermediate Level Speakers (learning foreign languages)
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Authority and Performance: Sociological Perspectives on the Council of Chalcedon (AD 451)
The importance of the church councils of the 5th and 6th centuries can not be overstated. They give important insights into the late Roman Empire and the role of the church at that time. The Council of Chalcedon (AD 451) is the most outstanding event of its time due to its rich source, dramatic nature and historical significance. The decisions of the Council led in the Greek Church to heavy upheavals, which continue to this day. Hagit Amirav examines for the first time the social dynamics and the different roles of the actors, the power plays of the imperial deputies and the bishops, their gestures and rhetoric, which should serve the consensus finding. At the center of the analysis is Markian in his dual role as Eastern Roman Emperor and as the central figure of the Greek Church.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Federal Discretionary Spending & Budget Authority: Elements & Trends
Harvard University Press Against Obligation: The Multiple Sources of Authority in a Liberal Democracy
Do citizens of a nation such as the United States have a moral duty to obey the law? Do officials, when interpreting the Constitution, have an obligation to follow what that text meant when ratified? To follow precedent? To follow what the Supreme Court today says the Constitution means?These are questions of political obligation (for citizens) and interpretive obligation (for anyone interpreting the Constitution, often officials). Abner Greene argues that such obligations do not exist. Although citizens should obey some laws entirely, and other laws in some instances, no one has put forth a successful argument that citizens should obey all laws all the time. Greene’s case is not only “against” obligation. It is also “for” an approach he calls “permeable sovereignty”: all of our norms are on equal footing with the state’s laws. Accordingly, the state should accommodate religious, philosophical, family, or tribal norms whenever possible.Greene shows that questions of interpretive obligation share many qualities with those of political obligation. In rejecting the view that constitutional interpreters must follow either prior or higher sources of constitutional meaning, Greene confronts and turns aside arguments similar to those offered for a moral duty of citizens to obey the law.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Das Christlich-Koptische Agypten in Arabischer Zeit (Teil 3: G-L): Eine Sammlung Christlicher Statten in Agypten in Arabischer Zeit, Unte
Taylor & Francis Ltd The New Doctor, Patient, Illness Model: Restoring the Authority of the GP Consultation
This inspirational guide provides an innovative framework for understanding the consultation. It is concise, easy-to-read and highly accessible, presenting a simple and easily remembered non-linear diagram which facilitates the understanding of this richly complex process. Inspired by the work of Balint, it beautifully reflects the narrative of the consultation in its tone, with examples and anecdotes illustrating key concepts. It is highly effective as a primary teaching aid for undergraduate medical students, as a refresher for those in practice, an aide memoire to good consulting, a template for case analysis and reflection, and a diagnostic aid when consultations have gone wrong. The approach is recommended for all GP trainees, nurse practitioners and pharmacists where it has proven to be an immense help at all levels of experience and skill.
Hal Leonard Corporation G F Handel The King Shall Rejoice Coronation Anthem No 2 Saatbb Piano the King Shall Rejoice Voice Score
Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) Authoring a PhD How to Plan Draft Write and Finish a Doctoral Thesis or Dissertation Palgrave Study Guides
PATRICK DUNLEAVY is Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a member of the Academy of the Social Sciences, London. He has authored numerous books and academic articles in political science and is currently general editor of the journal Political Studies. This book draws on his experience in supervising more than 30 doctoral students over two decades, and in teaching a large inter-disciplinary course on 'Drafting and Writing a PhD' at the LSE over twelve years. In the field of study skills Patrick Dunleavy has also published Studying for A Degree (Macmillan, 1986). He was awarded the Political Science 'Making a Difference' Award by the Political Studies Association in 2003.
Samfundslitteratur Digital Governance://Networked Societies: Creating Authority, Community & Identity in a Globalized World
Random House USA Inc Margaret Thatcher: The Authorized Biography: Volume I: From Grantham to the Falklands
University of Washington Press The Peking Gazette in Late Imperial China: State News and Political Authority
In the Qing dynasty (1644–1911), China experienced far greater access to political information than suggested by the blunt measures of control and censorship employed by modern Chinese regimes. A tenuous partnership between the court and the dynamic commercial publishing enterprises of late imperial China enabled the publication of gazettes in a wide range of print and manuscript formats. For both domestic and foreign readers these official gazettes offered vital information about the Qing state and its activities, transmitting state news across a vast empire and beyond. And the most essential window onto Qing politics was the Peking Gazette, a genre that circulated globally over the course of the dynasty. This illuminating study presents a comprehensive history of the Peking Gazette and frames it as the cornerstone of a Qing information policy that, paradoxically, prized both transparency and secrecy. Gazettes gave readers a glimpse into the state’s inner workings but also served as a carefully curated form of public relations. Historian Emily Mokros draws from international archives to reconstruct who read the gazette and how they used it to guide their interactions with the Chinese state. Her research into the Peking Gazette’s evolution over more than two centuries is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding the relationship between media, information, and state power.
Plural Publishing Inc Sound Stimuli: For Assessment and Treatment Protocols for Articulation and Phonological Disorders: Vol. 3: For /k/ /g/ /m/ /n/ / /l/
Dr Ludwig Reichert Cristoforo Buondelmonti. Liber Insularum (Ulbd Ms. G 13) - Faksimile - Transkription Des Dusseldorfers Exemplars, Ubersetzung Und Kommentar: Beide Bande Im Paket
Almena Ediciones Panzer IV Lang en combate el caballo de batalla de la Panzerwaffe modelos F2 G H y J
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH English G Access Band 2 6 Schuljahr BadenWrttemberg Finding Philo Lektre mit Hrbuch online und Handreichungen fr den Unterricht online
Crossway Books Authority: How Godly Rule Protects the Vulnerable, Strengthens Communities, and Promotes Human Flourishing
Right Book Press The Authority Guide to Presenting and Public Speaking: How to Deliver Engaging and Effective Business Presentations
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Alfred Jazz PlayAlong Series Volume 4 The Music of Gordon Goodwin Rhythm Section Book and MP3 Disc The Music of G Goodwin
Right Book Press The Authority Guide to PR for Small Businesses: Use the power of public relations and the media to reach your target customer and grow your business
Any business wanting to reach new customers should be embracing public relations to spread their key messages. If you don't, your competitors will. This Authority Guide shows you how to grab the headlines (for all the right reasons), reach huge audiences and grow your business by accessing the media to tell your story.
Permuted Press The Quintessential Good Samaritan: The Authorized Biography of John Joseph Kelly, Champion of Social Justice
“Fellow healer John Kelly devoted his life to the physical, emotional, and psychological healing of the socially and racially disadvantaged. His story inspires in these troubled times.” – Deepak ChopraJohn Joseph Kelly—the quintessential Good Samaritan—changed the lives of thousands of people in need, first as a devoted Catholic priest; then as a champion of the poor and a father figure to troubled minority youth; and finally, as a one-on-one mentor offering hope and guidance to hardcore San Quentin inmates. A humble man, Kelly shared traits with St. Francis of Assisi, Mother Teresa, Dorothy Day, and Mahatma Gandhi…but was embarrassed by these comparisons. Kelly was nevertheless a spiritual superstar and a role model for anyone who truly desired to make a difference in their own community, or on a grand scale, to help solve growing income inequality and racial disparity. When he died in 2019 at age ninety, thousands who knew him recalled the credo that marked his life: “We need to take what God has given us, discover it, and use it for justice and good.” Father Kelly, tall and lanky with close cropped hair, one whose eyes displayed an alert intelligence, did exactly this when he traded his Catholic collar for a work shirt in 1979. He dropped his cassock in dramatic fashion after his final mass to pursue “justice and good” for the next forty years. Kelly showed the courage of his convictions when he struggled with Church bureaucracy, hypocrisy, internal politics, silk vestments, and processions, ultimately deciding he could help more people by being less faithful to Catholic dogma, and do more as a lay person devoted to the teachings of Jesus, Muhammad, and Krishna. Kelly then dedicated his life to inspiring others to become instrumental in helping thousands of people—many of them homeless—who were hungry and needed food, shelter, and adequate clothing.
Universitatsverlag Winter The Historye of the Patriarks: Edited from Cambridge, St John's College MS G.31. with Parallel Texts of 'the Historia Scholastica' and the 'bible Historiale'
Harrassowitz Medieval Female Mysticism and Weber's Charismatic Authority: The Case of Angela of Foligno
Music Minus One Haydn Piano Trios Vol II G Major HobXV 25 FSharp Minor HobXV 26 F Major HobXV 6 Music Minus One Numbered
John Wiley & Sons Inc Workouts and Turnarounds II: Global Restructuring Strategies for the Next Century: Insights from the Leading Authorities in the Field
The most trusted names in workouts and turnarounds share their valuable strategies Compiling insights and methods from industry experts, this authoritative and practical guide cuts through the maze of corporate restructuring jargon to give corporate leaders and professionals the proven techniques and clear advice needed to understand today's corporate turnarounds and workouts. Workouts & Turnarounds II: Global Restructuring Strategies for the Next Century gives detailed coverage of the key issues involved in this process-from both the creditor and company positions. You'll learn how to identify a troubled company and determine the chances of turnaround, and what management should focus on before it's too late. One of the leading authorities in financial and operational restructuring services, Dominic DiNapoli has assembled experts from around the country who have provided their insights and years of experience in the various topics covered in this book. From business regeneration tactics, to managing corporate communications, to the roles of lawyers and lender services, you'll find a wealth of information in this comprehensive reference. In addition, this guide contains case studies of turnarounds in progress, illustrating many of the techniques and strategies currently available. Whether you are a CEO, an attorney, or a lender restructuring or investing in distressed companies, Workouts & Turnarounds II: Global Restructuring Strategies for the Next Century gives you the crucial information you need to make the right decisions today.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co Many Hands Make a Farm: 47 Years of Questioning Authority, Feeding a Community, and Building an Organic Movement
In this heartfelt and unflinching memoir, two activists recount the nearly half century they’ve spent questioning authority while raising a family, building a self-reliant community, starting an organic farm, leading a farming organisation and experiencing the struggles and joys of living a purposeful life. Many Hands Make a Farm traces the journey of organic farming pioneers Julie Rawson and Jack Kittredge from their early years of bright-eyed excitement, through the long slog for economic stability, to the formation of a thriving community and a growing natural farming movement. Along the way, they established relationships with farming leaders across the country during the creation of the National Organic Program. Julie and Jack met while working as community organisers in Boston. After falling in love and starting a family, they decided to use Jack’s irregular earnings as a board game designer to support a move to a rural area where they could grow healthy food and earn their living at home, so they could be present for their four children. What began as a family homestead soon grew into the small, diversified Many Hands Organic Farm. Julie and Jack have intentionally chosen to live their lives differently than the mainstream, prioritising minimising energy use, raising food organically, not relying on credit, favouring natural health care, participating in the arts, working creatively and instilling the values of hard work and responsibility in their children. In a time when society at large was ‘going along to get along,’ Julie and Jack stood out as leaders and iconoclasts. They believe that taking risks and making bold decisions can unlock one’s potential and lead to actions that enrich the spirit, the family, and the community. Many Hands Make a Farm will resonate with fans of original thinkers from Henry David Thoreau and Wendell Berry to Lynn Margulis and Adelle Davis. The book strongly conveys the message of finding roots in a community, respecting the Earth, and combining social justice work with the joys and challenges of raising a family. These themes shine through on every page, making this memoir a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and guidance on finding meaning in their life.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Autonomy, Altruism & Authority in Medical Ethics: Essays in Honor of Professor Shimon Glick
Bloomsbury Publishing Behind the Enigma: The Authorized History of Gchq, Britain's Secret Cyber-Intelligence Agency
Casa Creacion Una familia conforme al corazón de Dios / A Family After Gods Own Heart: Buildin g a Home According to Divine Principles
Quill Driver Books, U.S. Author's Guide to Building an Online Platform: Leveraging the Internet to Sell More Books
Right Book Press The Authority Guide to Financial Forecasting for SMEs: Pain-free financials for finance and planning
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Excavations at Serra East, Parts 1-5: A-Group, C-Group, Pan Grave, New Kingdom, and X-Group Remains from Cemeteries A-G and Rock Shelters
In 1961/62 and 1963/64, the Oriental Nubian Expedition excavated cemeteries, the ancient fortress, and the late Christian town of Serra East in northern Sudan. This volume, the first in a series of reports, looks at the ancient burials and outlying structures. In the New Kingdom, Serra East was the site of an important center, one closely connected to the family of rulers of Teh-Khet. Just east of the fortress, the expedition excavated great tombs that probably belonged to forebears of princes Amenehmet and Djehutyhetep on the high desert and smaller chamber tombs cut into the side of a small wadi that would have belonged to members of the court. These cemeteries not only illuminate a great provincial household of the early New Kingdom, the great tombs mark an epoch in the history of architecture. Although the substructures were large chamber-complexes of Egyptian type, the earlier tombs had large low tumuli paved with bricks and surrounded by rubble and slab rings. The latest of the group was a brick pyramid. The great tombs of Serra thus illustrate a direct transition from tumulus to pyramid that anticipated the adoption of the pyramid by Kushite pharaohs many centuries afterward.
Putnam Publishing Group,U.S. Team Dog: How to Establish Trust and Authority and Get Your Dog Perfectly Trained the Navy Seal Way
Dublin City Public Libraries 'Exercise of Authority': Surveyor Thomas Owen and the Paving, Cleansing and Lighting of Georgian Dublin
Dublin City Public Libraries 'Exercise of Authority': Surveyor Thomas Owen and the Paving, Cleansing and Lighting of Georgian Dublin
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Filosofia E Dogmatica del Diritto (1931) E La Fenomenologia Di Husserl (1933): Prefazione E Cura Di Mario G. Losano
The Library of America Ursula K. Le Guin: Always Coming Home (LOA #315): Author's Expanded Edition
WW Norton & Co The Authority Gap: Why Women Are Still Taken Less Seriously Than Men, and What We Can Do About It
Every woman has a story of being underestimated, ignored, challenged, or patronized in the workplace. Maybe she tried to speak up in a meeting, only to be talked over by male colleagues. Or a client addressed her male subordinate instead of her. These stories remain true even for women at the top of their fields; in the U.S. Supreme Court, for example, female justices are interrupted four times more often than their male colleagues—and 96 percent of the time by men. Despite the progress we’ve made toward equality, we still fail, more often than we might realize, to take women as seriously as men. In The Authority Gap, journalist Mary Ann Sieghart provides a startling perspective on the gender bias at work in our everyday lives and reflected in the world around us, whether in pop culture, media, school classrooms, or politics. With precision and insight, Sieghart marshals a wealth of data from a variety of disciplines—including psychology, sociology, political science, and business—and talks to pioneering women like Booker Prize winner Bernardine Evaristo, renowned classicist Mary Beard, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, and Hillary Clinton. She speaks with women from a range of backgrounds to explore how gender bias intersects with race and class biases. Eye-opening and galvanizing, The Authority Gap teaches us how we as individuals, partners, parents, and coworkers can together work to narrow the gap. Sieghart exposes unconscious bias in this fresh feminist take on how to address and counteract systemic sexism in ways that benefit us all: men as well as women.
Manchester University Press Female Fortune: The Anne Lister Diaries, 1833–36: Land, Gender and Authority: New Edition
‘A unique and thrilling insight into the brilliant mind of Anne Lister’ Sally Wainwright, creator of Gentleman JackFemale Fortune is the book which inspired Sally Wainwright to write Gentleman Jack, now a major drama series for the BBC and HBO.Lesbian landowner Anne Lister inherited Shibden Hall in 1826. She was an impressive scholar, fearless traveller and successful businesswoman, even developing her own coalmines. Her extraordinary diaries, running to 4-5 million words, were partly written in her own secret code and recorded her love affairs with startling candour. The diaries were included on UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register in 2011.Jill Liddington’s classic edition of the diaries tells the story of how Anne Lister wooed and seduced neighbouring heiress Ann Walker, who moved in to live with Anne and her family in 1834. Politically active, Anne Lister door-stepped her tenants at the 1835 Election to vote Tory. And socially very ambitious, she employed architects to redesign both the Hall and the estate.Yet Ann Walker had an inconvenient number of local relatives, suspicious of exactly how Anne Lister could pay for all her grand improvements. Tensions grew to a melodramatic crescendo when news reached Shibden of the pair being burnt in effigy.This 2022 edition includes a fascinating Afterword on the recent discovery of Ann Walker’s own diary. Female Fortune is essential reading for those who watched Gentleman Jack and want to know more about the extraordinary woman that was Anne Lister.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Health & Freedom in the Balance: Exploring the Tensions Among Public Health, Individual Liberty, & Governmental Authority
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Pseudonymity and Canon: An Investigation into the Relationship of Authorship and Authority in Jewish and Earliest Christian Tradition
Right Book Press The Authority Guide to Pitching Your Business: How to make an impact and be remembered - in under a minute!: 2017
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Springer-Taschenbuch der Mathematik: Begründet von I.N. Bronstein und K.A. Semendjaew Weitergeführt von G. Grosche, V. Ziegler und D. Ziegler Herausgegeben von E. Zeidler
Das Vieweg+Teubner Taschenbuch der Mathematik erfüllt aktuell, umfassend und kompakt alle Erwartungen, die an ein mathematisches Nachschlagewerk gestellt werden. Es vermittelt ein lebendiges und modernes Bild der heutigen Mathematik. Als Taschenbuch begleitet es die Bachelor-Studierenden vom ersten Semester bis zur letzten Prüfung und der Praktiker nutzt es als ständiges und unentbehrliches Nachschlagewerk in seinem Berufsalltag. Das Taschenbuch bietet alles, was in Bachelor-Studiengängen im Haupt- und Nebenfach Mathematik benötigt wird. Der Text für diese Ausgabe wurde stark überarbeitet. Zu spezielle Inhalte wurden herausgenommen und dafür Themen der Wirtschaftsmathematik und Algorithmik hinzugenommen. Das Vieweg+Teubner Handbuch der Mathematik (eAusgabe) enthält darüberhinaus ergänzendes und weiterführendes Material für das Masterstudium.