Search results for ""author thomas"
Random House USA Inc The City of God
Penguin Putnam Inc Ben-Hur
Steidl Publishers Hans Georg Näder: Futuring Human Empowerment
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Einfuhrung in Die Politikwissenschaft
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Das Neue Kinder- Und Jugendstarkungsgesetz - Kjsg
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Das Evangelium nach Lukas, EKK III/1: (Lk 1,1-9,50)
Hatje Cantz Michael Tewes (Bilingual edition): Auto Land Scape
Highways are more than mere traffic routes – they are symbols of speed and mobility; in 1930s Germany, they served propaganda purposes. Today they are central infrastructures. In this volume, photographer Michael Tewes devotes himself to the roads that have relentlessly carved paths across our country and through its nature, as well as to their special architectures. Otherwise more of an entertaining staging post for people on their way to a destination, Tewes brings the highway into our conscious perception and shows it as an architectural building form in its own right. This monograph is the result of a six-year project and is published in parallel with the exhibition at the Deutsches Museum in Munich.
Hatje Cantz Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta (German edition)
Between 1561 and 1562 Georg Bocskay, secretary to Emperor Ferdinand I, assembled a large selection of contemporary and historical writings in the Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta, in an attempt to demonstrate his technical skill as a court scrivener. Around thirty years later, Ferdinand’s grandson, Emperor Rudolf II commissioned Joris Hoefnagel, one of the last great European manuscript illuminators, to provide exclusive illuminations for the pages. Currently in the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum, this unique book—the only one worldwide—was fi rst published in facsimile form in 1993, with extensive commentary by Lee Hendrix and Thea Vignau-Wilberg. Now, at last, there is a newly produced facsimile edition in German. Besides biographies of these two exceptional artists, as well as an analytical observation of the role the manuscript played in the careers of both, Hoefnagel’s illuminations are examined more closely. An indispensable volume for anyone interested in design, typography, manuscript illumination, and exquisite craftsmanship. “The ultimate book-lover’s gift book,” raves The Los Angeles Times.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Character: Femke Gyselinck and Joris Kritis: Photography by Robbrecht Desmet.
Studienverlag GesmbH Democratisation and de-Democratisation in Europe?: Austria, Britain, Italy and the Czech Republic-A Comparison
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Hermann Schweppenhäuser: Philosophie und Gesellschaft I: Gesammelte Schriften, Band 3
Der dritte Band der Gesammelten Schriften von Hermann Schweppenhäuser enthält im ersten Teil systematische Erörterungen sozialphilosophischer Begriffe, im zweiten Teil Abhandlungen mit philosophiegeschichtlichen Schwerpunkten (vom späten 18. bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts) und im dritten Teil Texte, die im Zusammenhang mit der akademischen philosophischen Lehre stehen. Ergänzt wird der Band durch einen Brief von Theodor W. Adorno aus dem Jahre 1960 und ein Nachwort von Schweppenhäusers langjährigen Kollegen Günther Mensching. Eine „spezifische Verbindung von scharfer Kritik am Üblichen und Konventionellen mit eindringlicher Besinnung auf die Verbindlichkeit vergangener geistiger Zeugnisse kennzeichnet, über die Gründer der Frankfurter Schule weit hinaus, die Denkweise Hermann Schweppenhäusers. Die Komplexität seines Stils macht die Anstrengung spürbar, Kontinuität und radikale Diskontinuität der europäischen Kultur, zumal der deutschen, zusammenzudenken. Kein anderes Mitglied der Schule hat sich so hingebungsvoll seinen Gegenständen zugewendet wie er.“ (Günther Mensching)
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Pädiatrische Endokrinologie und Diabetologie
Seit Langem die erste Neuerscheinung zum Thema in deutscher Sprache, vereint das Werk die Subdisziplinen pädiatrische Endokrinologie und Diabetologie. Zwei Fachgebiete, die, trotz aller Eigenständigkeit, alleine schon durch die Weiterbildungsordnung zusammenwachsen. Die Autoren legen bei der Darstellung der Grundlagen sowie sämtlicher Krankheitsbilder großen Wert auf Verständlichkeit und Praxistauglichkeit. Die Herausgeber haben ein hochkarätiges Autorenteam versammelt und bürgen für Aktualität, Qualität und verlässliche Informationen.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Nervenchirurgie: Trauma, Tumor, Kompression
Läsionen der peripheren Nerven sind eine Domäne der chirurgischen Behandlung. Für die Patienten gehen Nervenverletzungen, Nerventumoren und Nervenkompressionssyndrome häufig mit schweren Funktionsbeeinträchtigungen einher. Entsprechend wichtig sind eine differenzierte, interdisziplinär ausgerichtete Diagnostik und eine gezielt auf den Patienten zugeschnittene Therapie.Alle häufigen und seltenen Läsionen der Nerven und ihre Behandlung sind detailliert und mit zahlreichen Abbildungen illustriert in diesem Buch beschrieben: diagnostische Verfahren und ihre Bewertung, Techniken der offenen und endoskopischen Chirurgie, regionales operatives Vorgehen – Nerv für Nerv, zahlreiche Fallbeispiele und Bildserien, physio- und ergotherapeutische Nachbehandlung.Ein Ausflug in die Möglichkeiten, welche die Ersatzplastiken den Patienten bieten, und eigene Kapitel zu biologischen Grundlagen und technischen Zukunftsperspektiven runden die Darstellung ab. Die aktuelle Literatur und die interdisziplinären S3-Leitlinien sind überall berücksichtigt.Der umfassende Begleiter für den klinischen Alltag – zum raschen und gezielten Nachschlagen ebenso wie für den systematischen Überblick.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Taschenatlas Notfall & Rettungsmedizin: Kompendium für den Notarzt
Der Taschenatlas liefert Praxiswissen und Hintergrundinformationen für den Notfalleinsatz. Alle Notfallsituationen werden systematisch dargestellt, mit Hintergrundinformationen zu Ursachen, Symptomen, Differenzialdiagnosen und Therapie sowie ausführlicher Beschreibung und alphabetischer Anordnung der Notfallmedikamente. Der Klassiker, geschrieben von Praktikern für Praktiker. Er wurde für die 4. Auflage komplett aktualisiert und mit neuem Layout noch übersichtlicher gestaltet.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Zur Theorie der Religion / Sociological Theories of Religion: Religion und Sprache / Religion and Language
Theologischer Verlag Die Christkatholische Kirche Der Schweiz: Geschichte Und Gegenwart
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Wittenberg 1517-1522: Diskussions-, Aktionsgemeinschaft und Stadtreformation
Ulrich Bubenheimer rekonstruiert die dramatischen Vorgänge der frühen Wittenberger Reformation auf breiter Quellenbasis und unter Nutzung z.T. bisher unbekannter Quellen. Dabei arbeitet er heraus, dass die vielfältigen Interaktionsprozesse zwischen den führenden Wittenberger Theologen, den Institutionen der Stadt, des Allerheiligenstiftes und der Universität in der Kernphase 1521/22 keineswegs chaotisch vonstattengingen, wie es eine an den Urteilen Luthers orientierte Historiographie, die von "Aufruhr", "Unruhe" und "Chaos" sprach, voraussetzte. Bubenheimer kann plausibel machen, dass es berechtigt ist, die sogenannte "Wittenberger Bewegung" als "Wittenberger Stadtreformation" zu rekonstruieren. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die in den Personen Luthers, Karlstadts und Müntzers repräsentierten Reformationstypen - der landesherrliche, der gemeindereformatorisch-pazifistische und der kommunalistisch-militante - in nuce bereits in den Diskussionen und Aktionen der Jahre 1521/22 angelegt waren.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gottesvolk und Gotteswort: Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Kirchengeschichte II
Der zweite Band mit Aufsätzen von Dorothea Wendebourg präsentiert Forschungen aus ihren Jahren an der Theologischen Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Wegen seiner Bedeutung für die Forschungsdiskussion wurde auch ein älterer Beitrag zur Reformation aufgenommen. Kennzeichnend für die wissenschaftliche Arbeit der Verfasserin ist die Weite des zeitlichen Horizonts von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart und die Breite der räumlichen Erstreckung von Griechenland bis England. Im Mittelpunkt steht die deutsche Kirchengeschichte, und zwar die Reformation mit ihren Folgewirkungen, insbesondere was Kirche, Gottesdienst und kirchliches Amt betrifft.
Thieme Publishing Group Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry
Boost your knowledge of modern spectroscopic methods! This reference work provides you with essential knowledge for the application of modern spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry. All methods are explained based on typical practical examples, theoretical aspects, and applications. The following spectroscopic methods are explained and examples are given: UV/Vis Spectroscopy Infrared (IR) and Raman Spectroscopy Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) Mass Spectrometry (MS) The textbook has been a standard reference for decades. As it conveys necessary knowledge for examinations at all universities it is compulsory reading for every organic chemistry student!
De Gruyter Objects and Organisms: Vivification - Reification - Transformation
The interrelations between objects and organisms take many forms, from the microbes known to inhabit medieval manuscripts to the biomorphic forms observable in Art Nouveau lamps, and from the androids cast in American superhero comics to the coral found on Chinese porcelain recovered from shipwrecks. The contributions to this volume investigate various interactions between inanimate and animate matter in art, literature, technology, and other areas of human perception and expression. The book highlights how certain characteristics allow objects to be understood as living organisms, and vice versa. Via a range of dynamics involving vivification and reification, objects and organisms emerge as unstable, transforming within evolving situations. Innovative, interdisciplinary object-scientific contribution to critical ecology From the early modern period into the 21st century
Birkhauser Material Design: Informing Architecture by Materiality
The approach of "Informing Architecture by Materiality" opens the way to an innovative use of materials in the design professions. Taking material qualities and properties such as texture, elasticity, transparency and fluidity as a point of departure, the concept described and employed here transcends the conventional definitions of building materials. Instead, the focus is on a multitude of material operations, like folding and bending, carving and cutting, weaving and knitting, mirroring and screening. The featured design strategies and methods address established and "new" materials alike. They are applied both to the scale of the detail and the entire building. The examples comprise prototype structures as well as large building projects. Eight chapters deal with surfaces and layers, joints and juctions, weaving and texturing, nanoscale transformations, responsiveness, the integration of ephemeral factors like wind and light as well as material collections providing professional resources. Written by renowned experts in this field, the book features many examples from international contemporary architecture. The introductory part provides the conceptual background, while a final chapter describes consequences for pressing issues of today, like sustainability or life cycle assessment.
Springer International Publishing AG Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data: 7th ECML PKDD Workshop, AALTD 2022, Grenoble, France, September 19–23, 2022, Revised Selected Papers
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th ECML PKDD Workshop, AALTD 2022, held in Grenoble, France, during September 19–23, 2022.The 12 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 21 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Oral presentation and poster presentation.
Birkhauser Verlag AG The Art of Doing Algebraic Geometry
This volume is dedicated to Ciro Ciliberto on the occasion of his 70th birthday and contains refereed papers, offering an overview of important parts of current research in algebraic geometry and related research in the history of mathematics. It presents original research as well as surveys, both providing a valuable overview of the current state of the art of the covered topics and reflecting the versatility of the scientific interests of Ciro Ciliberto.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Disturbance Ecology
This edited work presents a multi-faceted view on the causes and consequences of disturbance in ecosystems. Vegetation can be affected by a variety of different disturbances such as wind, floods, fire, and insect attack, leading to an abrupt change in live biomass. Disturbance is a motor of vegetation dynamics, but also sensitive to climate change and poses a challenge for ecosystem management. Readers will discover the global distribution of disturbance regimes and learn about the importance of disturbances for biodiversity and the evolution of plant and animal life. The book provides a Central European perspective on disturbance ecology, and addresses important disturbance agents such as fire, wind, avalanches, tree diseases, insect defoliators, bark beetles and large herbivores in dedicated chapters. It furthermore includes chapters on anthropogenic disturbances in forests and grasslands. The impact of climate change on disturbance regimes and approaches to address disturbance risks in ecosystem management are discussed in concluding chapters. Within the 18 chapters 14 textboxes highlight current topics of disturbance ecology and provide deeper methodological insights into the field. Disturbances strongly shape our landscapes and maintain our biodiversity. A better understanding of their ecology is thus fundamental for contextualizing the dynamic changes in our environment. This book is a valuable resource for students and practitioners interested in disturbances and their management.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Handbook of Carbon Nanotubes
This Handbook covers the fundamentals of carbon nanotubes (CNT), their composites with different polymeric materials (both natural and synthetic) and their potential advanced applications. Three different parts dedicated to each of these aspects are provided, with chapters written by worldwide experts in the field. It provides in-depth information about this material serving as a reference book for a broad range of scientists, industrial practitioners, graduate and undergraduate students, and other professionals in the fields of polymer science and engineering, materials science, surface science, bioengineering and chemical engineering.Part 1 comprises 22 chapters covering early stages of the development of CNT, synthesis techniques, growth mechanism, the physics and chemistry of CNT, various innovative characterization techniques, the need of functionalization and different types of functionalization methods as well as the different properties of CNT. A full chapter is devoted to theory and simulation aspects. Moreover, it pursues a significant amount of work on life cycle analysis of CNT and toxicity aspects.Part 2 covers CNT-based polymer nanocomposites in approximately 23 chapters. It starts with a short introduction about polymer nanocomposites with special emphasis on CNT-based polymer nanocomposites, different manufacturing techniques as well as critical issues concerning CNT-based polymer nanocomposites. The text deeply reviews various classes of polymers like thermoset, elastomer, latex, amorphous thermoplastic, crystalline thermoplastic and polymer fibers used to prepare CNT based polymer composites. It provides detailed awareness about the characterization of polymer composites. The morphological, rheological, mechanical, viscoelastic, thermal, electrical, electromagnetic shielding properties are discussed in detail. A chapter dedicated to the simulation and multiscale modelling of polymer nanocomposites is an additional attraction of this part of the Handbook.Part 3 covers various potential applications of CNT in approximately 27 chapters. It focuses on individual applications of CNT including mechanical applications, energy conversion and storage applications, fuel cells and water splitting, solar cells and photovoltaics, sensing applications, nanofluidics, nanoelectronics and microelectronic devices, nano-optics, nanophotonics and nano-optoelectronics, non-linear optical applications, piezo electric applications, agriculture applications, biomedical applications, thermal materials, environmental remediation applications, anti-microbial and antibacterial properties and other miscellaneous applications and multi-functional applications of CNT based polymer nanocomposites. One chapter is fully focussed on carbon nanotube research developments: published papers and patents. Risks associated with carbon nanotubes and competitive analysis of carbon nanotubes with other carbon allotropes are also addressed in this Handbook.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Advanced Functional Porous Materials: From Macro to Nano Scale Lengths
This book presents synthesis, characterization, and applications of macroporous, mesoporous, nanoporous, hierarchical porous, porous metals, and porous ceramics. Special emphasis is given to the preparation of porous activated carbon materials and porous ionic liquid-derived materials for CO2 emissions mitigation. Additionally, a chapter includes the physical and mathematical modeling in porous media. Many analytical techniques for characterization are discussed in this book. Also, the biomedical and industrial applications of porous materials in adsorption, catalysis, biosensors, drug delivery, nanotechnology are described. The content helps solving fundamental and applied problems in porous materials with length scales varying from macro- to nano-level.
Hodder Gibson TeeJay Higher Maths
Rely on the TeeJay method that students have known and loved throughout their school years to deliver the results they want in Higher Maths.This book provides hundreds of practice questions, with progression and consolidation - the core TeeJay philosophy - underpinning every exercise and chapter.- Covers the updated SQA Higher specification, for first assessment in 2019- Starts with a Chapter Zero that revises all necessary algebraic and numeric skills from National 5- Every chapter ends with Exam Practice Exercises that mirror the question types in the SQA exams- Every third chapter ends with a cumulative Home Exercise for revision and recall of the topics covered across all chapters up to that point- Includes Specimen Exam Papers 1 and 2 at the end of the book- Answers for all questions are in the back of the book; answers for the Home Exercises and Specimen Exam Papers are available on the TeeJay Maths website
Hodder Gibson TeeJay Mathematics CfE Level 4+
Increase students' skills, confidence and chance of success in their National 5 Maths exam, with full course coverage delivered through the trusted TeeJay approach.This book provides hundreds of practice questions, with progression and consolidation - the core TeeJay philosophy - underpinning every exercise and chapter.- Use Book 4+, followed by Book N5, to cover the entire National 5 course- Chapter Zero revises all of the strands from Third Level- Every chapter ends with 'Remember Remember' exercises for revision and assessment- Every third chapter ends with 'Practice Makes Perfect' exercises that consolidate learning across those 3 chapters, plus cumulative exercises based on all chapters up to that point- Plenty of non-calculator exercises are included to enhance numeracy skills- Answers for all questions are in the back of the book; answers for the 'Practice Makes Perfect' home exercises are available on the TeeJay Maths website
Hodder Gibson TeeJay Mathematics CfE Third Level Book 3B
Trust TeeJay's proven approach, which successfully develops mathematical skills and adds fun to learning.This book provides hundreds of practice questions, with progression and consolidation - the core TeeJay philosophy - underpinning every exercise and chapter.- Use Book 3A followed by Book 3B to cover the entire Third Level curriculum- A Revision Chapter at the end of the book consolidates learning across the A and B books- Every chapter ends with 'The 3Rs' exercise so that pupils can Revisit, Review and Revise that topic- Extension work provides extra stretch for high-attaining pupils- Answers for all questions are in the back of the book; answers for 'The 3Rs' are available on the TeeJay Maths website
St Augustine's Press Commentary on Aristotle`s Posterior Analytics
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Anti-Bribery Risk Assessment: A Handbook
For the global economy, corruption is dangerous. The consequence is economic decay, not development. And that's why corruption demands a truly global response, one that knows no limits on collaboration. (US Attorney General Eric H. Holder at the OECD in May 2010). The fight against corruption and bribery is backed by numerous global and regional agreements and conventions, supplemented by national legislation and practice, such as the Convention of the OECD on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions (1997), the UN Convention against Corruption (2005), the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (1997), the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption of the Council of Europe (2002), the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (2006) and many more. Although most countries use their best endeavours to reduce corruption within their jurisdiction, the effects of the measures taken still vary from country to country. This book undertakes the task of giving a compact overview of the legal framework and practices of implementation in more than 150 countries worldwide, based on a uniform questionnaire. The reports of about 50 countries with the highest turnover in foreign trade are provided in print; a CD-ROM with the unprinted reports is included in the book. ·Both compact and comprehensive ·Thanks to the uniform questionnaire the reports are easy to access and compare ·Focus is laid on practice.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Mis-selling Financial Services
This second edition of Mis-Selling Financial Services is a practical guide to litigating claims arising from the mis-sale of financial products and services. It covers the history of 'mis-selling' litigation and provides an updated overview of the regulatory landscape and how such claims are formulated, as well as a thorough review of the key issues. The revised chapters give an in-depth analysis of the financial products which most commonly form the subject of such claims, from credit to collective investment schemes.Key Features: Updated with new chapters on Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) and unfair terms Explanation of the key issues and considerations concerning mis-selling litigation Clear and concise analysis on the law relating to the mis-selling of regulated financial services products Overview of the UK and European regulatory framework governing the sale of financial products, with particular focus on five key product types: credit, mortgages, investments, insurance and collective investment schemes With consideration of key legal and practical concepts and issues, this book is an essential read for practitioners and in-house counsel working in the financial services industry. Academics who are researching within the fields of financial services law or consumer protection will also find this to be an informative text.
Emerald Publishing Limited From Economy to Society: Perspectives on Transnational Risk Regulation
This special issue asks what role society can play in the regulation of transnational risks, as an alternative to or at least significant addition to reliance on state regulatory activity and the myth of the self-regulatory capacity of markets (Stiglitz, 2001, p. xiii). How can a social sphere contribute to the prevention and management of risks, often transnational in nature, posed by economic activity? Leading socio-legal scholars explore whether and how the idea of harnessing the regulatory capacity of a social sphere provides a new analytical lens that can provide fresh insights into transnational risk regulation, and whether this idea helps to identify innovative approaches to regulating transnational risks.
Apple Academic Press Inc. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies
This volume covers many new trends and developments in food science, including preparation, characterization, morphology, properties, and recyclability. The volume considers food quality, shelf life, and manufacturing in conjunction with human nutrition, diet, and health as well as the ever-growing demand for the supply and production of healthier foods.Distinguished scientists specializing in various disciplines discuss basic studies, applications, recent advances, difficulties, and breakthroughs in the field. The volume includes informative discussions and new research on food formulations, manufacturing techniques, biodegradably flexible packaging, packaged foods, beverages, fruits and vegetable processing, fisheries, milk and milk products, frozen food and thermo processing, grain processing, meat and poultry processing, rheological characteristics of foods, heat exchangers in the food industry, food and health (including natural cures and food supplements), spice and spice processing, and more.
Apple Academic Press Inc. Advanced Polymeric Materials for Sustainability and Innovations
This informative volume discusses recent advancements in the research and development in synthesis, characterization, processing, morphology, structure, and properties of advanced polymeric materials. With contributions from leading international researchers and professors in academic, government and industrial institutions, Advanced Polymeric Materials for Sustainability and Innovations has a special focus on eco-friendly polymers, polymer composites, nanocomposites, and blends and materials for traditional and renewable energy.In this book the relationship between processing-morphology-property applications of polymeric materials is well established. Recent advances in the synthesis of new functional monomers has shown strong potential in generating better property polymers from renewable resources. Fundamental advances in the field of nanocomposite blends and nanostructured polymeric materials in automotive, civil, biomedical and packaging/coating applications are the highlights of this book.
SDC Publications Design Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS 2020
Getty Trust Publications Visualizing Empire - Africa, Europe, and the Politics of Representation
An exploration of how an official French visual culture normalized France's colonial project and exposed citizens and subjects to racialized ideas of life in the empire. By the end of World War I, having fortified its colonial holdings in the Caribbean, Latin America, Africa, the Indian Ocean, and Asia, France had expanded its dominion to the four corners of the earth. This volume examines how an official French visual culture normalized the country's colonial project and exposed citizens and subjects alike to racialized ideas of life in the empire. Essays analyze aspects of colonialism through investigations into the art, popular literature, material culture, film, and exhibitions that represented, celebrated, or were created for France's colonies across the seas. These studies draw from the rich documents and media--photographs, albums, postcards, maps, posters, advertisements, and children's games--related to the nineteenth- and twentieth-century French empire that are held in the Getty Research Institute's Association Connaissance de l'histoire de l'Afrique contemporaine (ACHAC) collections. ACHAC is a consortium of scholars and researchers devoted to exploring and promoting discussions of race, iconography, and the colonial and postcolonial periods of Africa and Europe.
The New York Review of Books, Inc Fair Play
Monacelli Press The Well-Dressed Window: Curtains at Winterthur
Featuring forty rooms at Winterthur, The Well-Dressed Window is an important resource in documenting the design and detailing of window treatments. The Well-Dressed Window: Curtains at Winterthur is a unique compendium of design and textile history and an invaluable resource for designers and homeowners alike. Today Henry Francis du Pont, the force behind the transformation of Winterthur from a family house to the premier museum of American decorative arts, is recognized, along with Henry Davis Sleeper and Elsie de Wolfe, as one of the early leaders of interior design in this country. Working with architects, curators, and antiques dealers, du Pont created some 175 room settings within the house. He assembled his rooms using architectural elements from historic houses along the East Coast and filled them with an extraordinary collection of American furniture and decorative arts. Du Pont’s unique talent was his ability to arrange historically related objects in a beautiful way, in settings that enhanced their shape and form through the choice of color, textiles, and style. Du Pont paid particular attention to the design of the curtains, and The Well-Dressed Window surveys his achievement, explaining how the fabrics were selected as well as their relationship to the architecture and other decorative elements in the rooms. Forty rooms are presented, each specially photographed to show the overall space in addition to details of fabric and trim. A series of stereoviews taken in the 1930s as well as other period photographs reveal the evolution of the window treatments and upholstery over nearly sixty years. Of particular interest is du Pont’s seasonal changing of the curtains, which were rotated throughout the year as the lighting and colors in the surrounding garden shifted.
Workman Publishing Peel + Discover: Horses
An interactive sticker book that makes learning stick! A fun way to learn about horses with stickers, activity pages, and lots of facts! Featuring stickers of gentle ponies, spotted Appaloosas, show ribbons, cowboy boots, and speedy Thoroughbreds that can run over 43 miles an hour! You can even learn about grooming and training as you sticker and draw to fill your barn with horses and everything you need to care for them.How Peel + Discover works: 1.Read a question, then peel the sticker to reveal the answer. 2.Sticker and draw to decorate the activity pages—make them your own! 3.Once all the stickers are peeled, removed the overlay for a Peel + Discover surprise.
Hodder Education AQA A Level Physics (Year 1 and Year 2)
Expand and challenge your knowledge and understanding of Physics with this updated, all-in-one textbook for Years 1 and 2 that builds mathematical skills and provides practical assessment guidance.Written for the AQA A-level Physics specification, this revised textbook will:- Provide full coverage of all five option topics: Astrophysics is covered in book, with Turning Points in Physics, Engineering Physics, Medical Physics and Electronics available to download online- Offer support for the mathematical requirements of the course with worked examples of calculations and a dedicated 'Maths in physics' chapter.- Measure progress and assess learning throughout the course with 'Test yourself' and 'Stretch and challenge' questions.- Support all 12 required practicals with applications, worked examples and activities included in each chapter.- Develop understanding with free online access to 'Test yourself' answers and 'Practice' question answers*.DOWNLOADABLE OPTION TOPIC CHAPTERS To request your downloadable copies please email
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Foreign Panthers: The Panzer V in British, Soviet, French and other service 1943–58
A study of the little-known career of Germany's Panther, perhaps the greatest tank of World War II, in foreign hands both during and after the war. The Panther was arguably the most successful medium tank design of World War II, demonstrated by the number of Germany’s enemies that used them after, and even during the war. While some were used by the Western Allies, the Russians used the greatest number of captured Panthers against Nazi Germany, though they did not find much favour thanks to their mechanical unreliability and difficulty in acquiring spare parts. After the war, they were mostly passed on to satellite states such as Bulgaria and Romania. The French army also used them in significant numbers after the war with approximately 50 in service from 1946 to 1950, and they were a significant influence on future French tank design. Using detailed artwork and contemporary photographs, this fascinating book tells the little-known story of the Panther tank in foreign hands in World War II and beyond.
Bristol University Press Hearing the Voices of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities: Inclusive Community Development
Over the past decade, interest in Gypsies, Roma and Travellers (GRT) has risen up the political and media agendas, but they remain relatively unknown. This topical book is the first to chart the history and contemporary developments in GRT community activism, and the community and voluntary organisations and coalitions which support it. Underpinned by radical community development and equality theories, it describes the communities' struggle for rights against a backdrop of intense intersectional discrimination across Europe, and critiques the ambivalent role of community development in fostering these campaigns. Much of it co-written by community activists, it is a vehicle for otherwise marginalised voices, and an essential resource and inspiration for practitioners, lecturers, researchers and members of GRT communities.
Hodder Education TeeJay Maths CfE Second Level Book 2C Second Edition
Trust TeeJay's proven approach, which successfully develops mathematical skills and adds fun to learning.Completely updated in line with the latest CfE requirements, this new edition Second Level Maths textbook provides hundreds of practice questions, with progression and consolidation - the core TeeJay philosophy - underpinning every exercise and chapter.- Confidently deliver a comprehensive and consistent curriculum, with one book available for each year of Second Level and content matched to the CfE benchmarks- Brush up on past teaching with the exercises in Chapter 0, which revise key skills from Book 2B- Engage students with varied exercises and opportunities for play-based learning- Help students of all abilities progress at their own pace with tasks for differentiation flagged throughout- Continuously build and consolidate knowledge and monitor progression with end-of-chapter 'Review Revisit, Revise' exercises- Answers for the exercises are provided in the book
Hodder Education TeeJay Maths Primary 1: Bumper Workbook A
Learning + fun = TeeJay Maths!The No.1 choice for Scottish parents and teachers for over 25 years- Help your child to develop essential numeracy and mathematical skills throughout Primary 1- Watch your child's confidence grow as they practise and improve their maths skills- Check understanding using 'I can do this' pages at the end of each topic6 clear and colourful write-in workbooks- Easy for you to use- Fun for your child to fill in!Topics covered:- Counting 0 to 5- Counting 0 to 10- Ordering Numbers 0 to 10- Adding 0 to 5- Adding 0 to 10- Subtraction 0 to 10
Marvel Comics Thor Epic Collection: Blood And Thunder