Search results for ""author thomas"
Logos Verlag Berlin Humanontogenetik: Interdisziplinare Theorie Und Brucke in Die Praxis
Universitatsverlag Winter Indogermanische Frauennamen
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Kleine Welten: Landliche Gesellschaften Im Karolingerreich
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Beitrage Zur Rechtsgeschichte Osterreichs: 6. Jahrgang Band 2/2016
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Paulinische Christologie: Exegetische Beitrage. Hans Hubner Zum 70. Geburtstag
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis: Textes de la Septante à traduction double ou à traduction très littérale/Texte der Septuaginta in DoppelÃ"berlieferung oder in wörtlicher Ãbersetzung
In den vergangenen drei Jahrzehnten ist das Interesse am griechischen Alten Testament, der Septuaginta, im Vergleich zu frÃ"heren Jahren erheblich gewachsen. Dies ist nicht zuletzt den Ãbersetzungsprojekten zu verdanken, die derzeit weltweit in Arbeit sind. Als eines der ersten dieser Projekte hat das französiche Unternehmen La Biblie d'Alexandrie diesem neu erwachten Interesse entscheidende Impulse gegeben. Seit den 1980er Jahren sind in der Reihe La Bible d'Alexandrie 16 Bände mit Ãbersetzungen der Erläuterungen erschienen. Das Projekt Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D) existiert seit 1999. Im Jahr 2009 ist die vollständige deutsche Ãbersetzung der Septuaginta erschienen. Ein Band mit Erläuterungen ist in Arbeit. In beiden Projekten sind internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaften am Werk.Die Septuaginta kann nicht ohne Gundlagenarbeit an den Texten Ã"bersetzt werden; daher sind Ãbersetzungsprojekte immer auch zugleich Forschungsprojekte. Die Beiträge in diesem Band gehen zurÃ"ck auf eine Tagung, die im Jahr 2004 gemeinsam von Herausgebern und Ãbersetzern die Bible d'Alexandrie sowie der Septuatinta Deutsch an der Universität StraÃburg abgehalten wurde. Sie behandeln vor allem Probleme, die sich aufgrund doppelter griechischer Ãberlieferung oder sehr wörtlicher Ãbersetzungen der Septuaginta ergeben.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Handlungskompetenz im Ausland.: Trainingsprogramm fÃ"r Manager, Fach- und FÃ"hrungskräfte
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kommunismus in der Krise: Die Entstalinisierung 1956 und die Folgen
On 25 February 1956 at the XX KPdSU Party conference Chruschtschow held his famous secret speech on the "personality cult" and crimes of Stalin. This triggered developments characterized by moderation in judgements, alleviation of power and more political freedom. The beginning of this political thaw forms the basis of this book. Situations in various communist satellite states are compared; global bloc confrontations and means to stabilize the system are discussed as well as key issues of the social policies and militarism.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Familienkorrespondenz: August 1854 Bis Marz 1857
Brill Schoningh Lexikon Für Kirchen- Und Religionsrecht: S-Z
Dietrich Reimer Medienkunst Installationen / Media Art Installations: Erhaltung Und Prasentation. Konkretionen Des Fluchtigen / Preservation and Presentation
Harrassowitz Leipziger Jahrbuch Zur Buchgeschichte 30 (2022)
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Gottesdienst Im Wandel
Kohlhammer Einfuhrung in Die Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Kohlhammer Duns Scotus: Die Logik Der Liebe
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Epigraphik und Neues Testament
Unter den Ansätzen, das frühe Christentum innerhalb seines lebensweltlichen Kontexts zu verstehen, ist die Untersuchung des epigraphischen Materials noch nicht fortgeschritten, sodass ein weites Forschungsfeld brach liegt. Der vorliegende Sammelband mit Beiträgen einer Konferenz an der Universität Wien vom Februar 2014 macht einen wichtigen Schritt bezüglich einer verbesserten Wahrnehmung dieses wesentlichen Bereichs antiker Dokumente. Dabei wirken neutestamentliche und epigraphische Blickwinkel und Forschungsansätze eng zusammen. So finden sich in diesem Band Erörterungen methodischer Fragen, die eine systematische Bearbeitung des inschriftlichen Materials im Blick haben, und Einzelstudien, die sich mit Gattungen von Inschriften befassen oder thematischen Ansätzen folgen.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Poetik und Intertextualität der Johannesapokalypse
Die Erforschung der Johannesapokalypse hat in den vergangenen Jahren einen Paradigmenwechsel erfahren: während der Text lange Zeit als das Werk eines oder mehrerer Autoren angesehen wurde, die des Griechischen kaum mächtig waren und sich weit von der ursprünglichen Botschaft Jesu entfernt hatten, und während angebliche Brüche in der Konzeption immer wieder zu gewagten literarkritischen Hypothesen führten, kristallisiert sich heute mehr und mehr heraus, dass wir es mit einem höchst durchdachten, wenn auch spannungsvollen, in mancher Hinsicht einzigartigen literarischen Werk von erstaunlicher Qualität und theologischem Gewicht zu tun haben. Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes, der aus den Vorträgen einer interdisziplinären Frankfurter Tagung des Jahres 2012 erwachsen ist, zieht einige der damit angedeuteten Linien noch weiter aus. Neu gewürdigt wird die Sprache der Apokalypse wie ihre stilistische und literarische Konzeption. Der Band stellt Raum- und Zeitmodelle in der Johannesapokalypse vor und fragt nach der Bedeutung des "Buches" für die Gesamtkonzeption des Textes; dazu das Problem diskutiert, inwiefern die Johannesapokalypse als "phantastische Literatur" bezeichnet werden könne. Eine Reihe von Studien beschäftigt sich mit intertextuellen Bezügen der Johannesapokalypse. Dabei liegt naturgemäß ein Schwerpunkt auf dem Verhältnis des Textes zu Schriften und Motiven des Alten Testaments wie des frühen Judentums; neu gestellt jedoch werden auch Fragen nach dem Zueinander zum Vierten Evangelium oder zu Schriften der hellenistisch-römischen Welt wie zu Aspekten ihrer Rezeptionsgeschichte.
Birkhauser Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects
Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects, founded in 1987 in Toronto, is one of most innovative architectural offi ces in North America today. They have made a name for themselves both for their integrated design process embodying collaboration with experts, clients and future users as well as the diversity of their aesthetically refined and finely detailed designs. The work ranges from cultural institutions such as the Toronto International Film Festival and Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis to ecologically innovative concepts such as Manitoba Hydro Place in Winnipeg, developed with leading climate engineers Transsolar of Stuttgart. A respectful approach toward the integration of heritage buildings is also a characteristic feature, illustrated by the designs for the Royal Conservatory and the Gardiner Museum in Toronto. Finally, educational and research facilities are also a strong focus in KPMB’s work exemplified by the Centre for Innovation and Governance Campus in Waterloo, Ontario, and the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management in Toronto, as well as future projects for the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT) and Princeton University in the United States.
Classiques Garnier Theatre Complet
Classiques Garnier Theatre Complet
Bellevue Literary Press The Polish Boxer
The nomadic odyssey of Eduardo Halfon begins as he searches for his roots and information about his Polish grandfather’s imprisonment at AuschwitzNew York Times Editors’ Choice * International Latino Book Award FinalistThe Polish Boxer covers a vast landscape of human experience while enfolding a search for origins: a grandson tries to make sense of his Polish grandfather’s past and the story behind his numbered tattoo; a Serbian classical pianist longs for his forbidden heritage; a Mayan poet is torn between his studies and filial obligations; a striking young Israeli woman seeks answers in Central America; a university professor yearns for knowledge that he can’t find in books and discovers something unexpected at a Mark Twain conference. Drawn to what lies beyond the range of reason, they all reach for the beautiful and fleeting, whether through humor, music, poetry, or unspoken words. Across his encounters with each of them, the narrator—a Guatemalan literature professor and writer named Eduardo Halfon—pursues his most enigmatic subject: himself.Mapping the geography of identity in a world scarred by a legacy of violence and exile, The Polish Boxer marks the debut of a major new Latin American voice in English.
Re/Search Publications Do Androids Sleep with Electric Sheep?: Monochrom's Arse Elektronika Anthology: Critical Perspectives on Sexuality and Pornography in Science and Social Fiction
Archaeopress AP2017: 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection: 12th-16th September 2017, University of Bradford
This volume is a product of the International Conference of Archaeological Prospection 2017 which was hosted by the School of Archaeological and Forensic Sciences at the University of Bradford. This event marked a return to the location of the inaugural conference of archaeological prospection which was held in Bradford in 1995. The conference is held every two years under the banner of the International Society for Archaeological Prospection. The Proceedings of 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection draws together over 100 papers addressing archaeological prospection techniques, methodologies and case studies from around the world. Including studies from over 30 countries distributed across Africa, North America, South America, Asia and Europe; the collection of articles covers a diverse range of research backgrounds and situations. At this particular ICAP meeting, specific consideration has been given to emerging techniques and technologies in the fields of inter-tidal and marine archaeological prospection, and low altitude archaeological prospection. The papers within this volume represent the conference themes of: Techniques and new technological developments; Applications and reconstructing landscapes and urban environments; Integration of techniques and inter-disciplinary studies, with focus on visualisation and interpretation; Marine, inter-tidal and wetland prospection techniques and applications; Low altitude prospection techniques and applications; Commercial archaeological prospection in the contemporary world.
Cantata Learning Dial 911!
Cantata Learning Stretchy Shapes!: Straight, Curved, and Twisty
SDC Publications Engineering & Computer Graphics Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS 2019
Picture Window Books The Tortoise and the Hare: Narrated by the Silly But Truthful Tortoise
DK Essential Oils: All-natural remedies and recipes for your mind, body and home
An instructional reference guide to essential oils and aromatherapy from the experts at Neal's Yard Remedies, a trusted source for natural, nontoxic health and beauty products.Learn how to harness the healing powers of essential oils for treating maladies and improving mental and physical well-being so you feel great in every way. Use homeopathic alternatives to treat everyday health and wellness concerns, including: • Acne • PMS • Insomnia • Indigestion • Soothing inflammation • Rebalancing energy • Enhancing focus • Releasing stressWhether you live an all-natural lifestyle or you are just beginning to use alternative methods to eliminate synthetic chemicals from your everyday products, Essential Oils is packed with authoritative information to answer your questions.This visual guide features comprehensive profiles of 88 essential oils, stunning full-color photographs, and helpful guidance for using, blending, and storing. Understand what essential oils are, where they come from, and how they benefit the body. Choose from 33 focused recipes to rejuvenate your total person. Learn classic remedies for the most common emotional and physical conditions.An illustrated A-to-Z reference section helps identify the most useful oils, plus shares tips on application methods and massage techniques. Up-to-date safety recommendations help you learn how to use them for maximum benefit.Essential Oils can help you improve your overall well-being and start you on the path to a more natural you.
Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development Evaluating Instructional Coaching: People, Programs, and Partnership
A clear and comprehensive guide to evaluating and supporting instructional coaches and coaching programs, including how to recruit, hire, and retain effective coaches.With sound practices in place to evaluate coaching programs, instructional coaches will become better partners, teachers will become better mentors, and students will become better learners.Few evaluation systems are specifically geared toward coaching roles. Ensuring that school districts have accurate information about both coaches and coaching programs is crucial to guide improvement in supporting classrooms, as well as in ensuring accountability. With sound evaluation processes in place, districts can effectively evaluate instructional coaches and coaching programs and use data to set goals.A joint publication of ASCD and One Fine Bird Press.
Picture Window Books Whatever Says Mark: Knowing and Using Punctuation
Marvel Comics What If? Classic: The Complete Collection Vol. 1
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Fundamental Managerial Accounting Concepts
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Biocultural Approaches to Health Disparities in Global Contexts
The study of health disparities has emerged as an important theme in public health and the social sciences, and efforts to eliminate health disparities are a major thrust of governments and nongovernmental organizations in the US and abroad. Initially, much work focused on identifying disparities with less emphasis on the contexts that create these disparities. An important shift over the past two decades has been the recognition that health disparities have their roots in social and economic inequalities. Biocultural anthropologists have been addressing issues of health inequities for decades in multiple environments and ethnographic contexts and have increasingly expanded their approaches to more directly focus on the important relationships between inequalities and health in global contexts. These more critical biocultural approaches to health have much to offer studies of health disparities by exploring the contexts of inequality and the embodied processes linking inequalities to biology and health in global-local contexts, demonstrating how large-scale forces and local-level lived realities 'get under the skin.' The papers collected here make theoretical, methodological and applied contributions, employing biocultural approaches to address inequalities and health disparities in a range of cultural contexts and, by exploring multiple dimensions of poverty and inequality, of food insecurity, health transitions, and the growing problems of global obesity and diabetes.
Shambhala Publications Inc Mastering the Art of War: Commentaries on Sun Tzu's Classic
Random House USA Inc The City of God
Penguin Putnam Inc Ben-Hur
Steidl Publishers Hans Georg Näder: Futuring Human Empowerment
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Einfuhrung in Die Politikwissenschaft
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Das Neue Kinder- Und Jugendstarkungsgesetz - Kjsg
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Das Evangelium nach Lukas, EKK III/1: (Lk 1,1-9,50)
Hatje Cantz Michael Tewes (Bilingual edition): Auto Land Scape
Highways are more than mere traffic routes – they are symbols of speed and mobility; in 1930s Germany, they served propaganda purposes. Today they are central infrastructures. In this volume, photographer Michael Tewes devotes himself to the roads that have relentlessly carved paths across our country and through its nature, as well as to their special architectures. Otherwise more of an entertaining staging post for people on their way to a destination, Tewes brings the highway into our conscious perception and shows it as an architectural building form in its own right. This monograph is the result of a six-year project and is published in parallel with the exhibition at the Deutsches Museum in Munich.
Hatje Cantz Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta (German edition)
Between 1561 and 1562 Georg Bocskay, secretary to Emperor Ferdinand I, assembled a large selection of contemporary and historical writings in the Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta, in an attempt to demonstrate his technical skill as a court scrivener. Around thirty years later, Ferdinand’s grandson, Emperor Rudolf II commissioned Joris Hoefnagel, one of the last great European manuscript illuminators, to provide exclusive illuminations for the pages. Currently in the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum, this unique book—the only one worldwide—was fi rst published in facsimile form in 1993, with extensive commentary by Lee Hendrix and Thea Vignau-Wilberg. Now, at last, there is a newly produced facsimile edition in German. Besides biographies of these two exceptional artists, as well as an analytical observation of the role the manuscript played in the careers of both, Hoefnagel’s illuminations are examined more closely. An indispensable volume for anyone interested in design, typography, manuscript illumination, and exquisite craftsmanship. “The ultimate book-lover’s gift book,” raves The Los Angeles Times.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Character: Femke Gyselinck and Joris Kritis: Photography by Robbrecht Desmet.
Studienverlag GesmbH Democratisation and de-Democratisation in Europe?: Austria, Britain, Italy and the Czech Republic-A Comparison