Search results for ""author thomas"
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introductory Statistics
An updated and revised edition of the popular introduction to statistics for students of economics or business, suitable for a one- or two-semester course. Presents an approach that is generally available only in much more advanced texts, yet uses the simplest mathematics consistent with a sound presentation. This Fifth Edition includes a wealth of new problems and examples (many of them real-life problems drawn from the literature) to support the theoretical discussion. Emphasizes the regression model, including nonlinear and multiple regression. Topics covered include randomization to eliminate bias, exploratory data analysis, graphs, expected value in bidding, the bootstrap, path analysis, robust estimation, maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian estimation and decisions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings
Emphasizes actual structural design, not analysis, of multistory buildings for seismic resistance. Strong emphasis is placed on specific detailing requirements for construction. Fundamental design principles are presented to create buildings that respond to a wide range of potential seismic forces, which are illustrated by numerous detailed examples. The discussion includes the design of reinforced concrete ductile frames, structural walls, dual systems, reinforced masonry structures, buildings with restricted ductility and foundation walls. In addition to the examples, full design calculations are given for three prototype structures.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mergers and Acquisitions Handbook for Small and Midsize Companies
Unlike the M&A fever that gripped so many large, publicly heldcorporations in the 1980s, the mergers and acquisitions activity ofthe 1990s is primarily centered around small and midsizebusinesses. But the sale and purchase of these companies present aunique constellation of problems, pitfalls, and challenges that maylead the unprepared buyer or seller to disappointment, difficulty,or even disaster. In this book--the only mergers and acquisitionsguide that focuses on small and midsize companies--experts fromevery profession and specialty related to the sale or acquisitionof a business lead buyers and sellers step by step through eachphase of the M&A process. Their aim is to help both partiesavoid hazards and mistakes and arrive at a fair and mutuallyprofitable arrangement. Beginning with the basics, the book offers an overview of themarket: the size and type of businesses covered; who the buyers andsellers are; why businesses are put up for sale; how to prepare abusiness for sale; and how to size up a business that is on themarket. The book's second section looks at financial and valuationissues, a particularly important area when purchasing companiesthat are not subject to SEC regulations. Coverage includesnormalizing historical financial statements, using financialforecasts, determining real ROI, valuation methods for midsizecompanies, and determining the value of partial ownerships,intangible assets, and business risk characteristics. After a detailed examination of legal issues, the book explores theroles of outside professionals in the M&A process, includingintermediaries, attorneys, accountants, business appraisers, andmachinery and technical appraisers. The book concludes with a lookat various ways of structuring the final deal and the pros and consof each arrangement from both the buyer's and seller'sperspectives. With 36 self-contained chapters that can be read in sequence orconsulted independently, Mergers and Acquisitions for Small andMidsize Companies is both a comprehensive M&A tutorial fornewcomers to the process and an indispensable reference forprofessionals involved in any aspect of the buying and selling ofsmall and midsize companies. A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying and Selling a Business from aDistinguished Group of Recognized Experts Mergers and Acquisitions Handbook for Small and Midsize Companiesis the perfect guide for anyone who is selling a business or hopingto buy one. Each of the nearly 30 contributors is a recognizedexpert in a particular aspect of the M&A process. These authorsexplain their topics from the ground up, assuming no previousexperience on the part of the reader and addressing the subjectfrom every conceivable angle. Areas of discussion include: * Fundamentals of the mergers and acquisitions process * Financial and valuation--normalizing historical financialstatements, utilizing forecasts, valuation methods, and more * Legal aspects--disclosure requirements, due diligence, advisorengagement letters, closing documentation * The role of outside professionals--intermediaries, attorneys,accountants, business appraisers, and machinery and technicalappraisers * The deal itself--deal structures, creative financing strategies,a case study, pros and cons of ESOPs, and much more
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division ASE's Comprehensive Strain Imaging
Strain imaging (also known as speckle-tracking echocardiography or STE) is a rapidly growing, affordable, and versatile cardiac imaging technology of great interest to clinicians in both inpatient and outpatient settings. ASE's Comprehensive Strain Imaging is the first reference designed to help you master a wide range of strain imaging/STE applications, including screening, diagnosis, treatment, and follow up. Written and edited by a team of international experts from the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE), this new resource provides the information you need to optimize imaging acquisition and analysis using this important new echocardiography method. Covers step-by-step techniques on how to use strain imaging with expert tips on nuances, pitfalls, and clinical decision making. Discusses the growing range of strain imaging applications for assessing diastolic function, atrial function, heart failure, arterial disease, valve disease, hypertrophy, and other common cardiovascular conditions. Provides up-to-date information on screening and follow up of patients who receive cardio-toxic oncologic agents during cancer treatment and evaluation of patients with cardiomyopathy, heart failure, arterial disease, valve disease, implantable pacemakers, pericardial disease, hypertrophy, ischemic disease, and chest radiation. Includes more than 150 images using the latest strain imaging technology, as well as videos that depict evaluation and monitoring of patients with cardiomyopathies. Addresses future applications, including elastography. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers Inc Who Are You? Test Your Personality
With 50 IQ, 40 Personality, and 50 EQ tests, you'll discover every facet of yourself in this book of quizzes. Who Are You? Test Your Personality is perfect for a handbag, briefcase, or rucksack! This entertaining and enlightening quiz book is great to have on hand anytime and anywhere, be it a long commute, a waiting room, or an evening at home. The collection of tests is designed to answer who you are, how you got that way, and what, if anything, you can or should do to change.Each quiz can be taken in just a few minutes and is easily scored. With a fun, modern cover, elastic closure and overall great package you will want to show off this clever quiz book wherever you go!
Zondervan Knowing Creation: Perspectives from Theology, Philosophy, and Science
It is hard to think of an area of Christian theology that provides more scope for interdisciplinary conversation than the doctrine of creation. This doctrine not only invites reflection on an intellectual concept: it calls for contemplation of the endlessly complex, dynamic, and fascinating world that human being inhabit. But the possibilities for wide-ranging discussion are such that scholars sometimes end up talking past one another. Productive conversation requires mutual understanding of insights across disciplinary boundaries. Knowing Creation offers an essential resource for helping scholars from a range of fields to appreciate one another's concerns and perspectives. In so doing, it offers an important step forward in establishing a mutually-enriching dialogue that addresses, amongst others, the following key questions: Who is the God who creates? Why does God create? What is "creation"? What does it mean to recognize that a theology of creation speaks of a natural world that is subject to the observation of the natural sciences? What does it mean to talk about both a "natural" order and a "created" order? What are the major tensions that have arisen between the natural sciences and Christian thinking historically, and why? How can we move beyond such tensions to a positive and constructive conversation, while also avoiding facile notions such as a "god of the gaps"? Is it feasible for a natural scientist to maintain a belief in God's continuing creative activity? In what ways might a naturalistic understanding of the natural world be said to be limited? How can biblical studies, theology, philosophy, history, and science talk better together about these questions? At a time when the doctrine of creation - and even a mention of "creation" - has been disparaged due to its supposed associations with anti-scientific dogma, and theological offerings sometimes risk appearing a little more than reactionary exercises in naive apologetics, ill-informed by science or distinctly wary of engagement with it, it is more important than ever to offer a cross-disciplinary resource that can voice a positive account of a Christian theology of creation, and do so as a genuinely broad-ranging conversation about science and faith.Contributors to Knowing Creation include Marilyn McCord Adams, Denis Alexander, Susan Eastman, C. Stephen Evans, Peter van Inwagen, Christoph Schwobel, John H. Walton, Francis Watson, and more.
University of Washington Press Herring and People of the North Pacific: Sustaining a Keystone Species
Herring are vital to the productivity and health of marine systems, and socio-ecologically Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) is one of the most important fish species in the Northern Hemisphere. Human dependence on herring has evolved for millennia through interactions with key spawning areas—but humans have also significantly impacted the species’ distribution and abundance. Combining ethnological, historical, archaeological, and political perspectives with comparative reference to other North Pacific cultures, Herring and People of the North Pacific traces fishery development in Southeast Alaska from precontact Indigenous relationships with herring to postcontact focus on herring products. Revealing new findings about current herring stocks as well as the fish’s significance to the conservation of intraspecies biodiversity, the book explores the role of traditional local knowledge, in combination with archeological, historical, and biological data, in both understanding marine ecology and restoring herring to their former abundance.
The University of Chicago Press Bat Ecology
Bats display astonishing ecological and evolutionary diversity and serve as important models for studies of a wide variety of topics, including food webs, biogeography, and emerging diseases. In "Bat Ecology", world-renowned bat scholars present an up-to-date, comprehensive, and authoritative review of this ongoing research. The first part of the book covers the life history and behavioral ecology of bats, from migration to sperm competition and natural selection. The next section focuses on functional ecology, including ecomorphology, feeding, and physiology. In the third section, contributors explore macroecological issues such as the evolution of ecological diversity, range size, and infectious diseases (including rabies) in bats. A final chapter discusses conservation challenges facing these fascinating flying mammals.
IVP Academic Romans
IVP Academic Luke
IVP Academic Jeremiah, Lamentations
IVP Academic Psalms 51–150
InterVarsity Press Incomplete Commentary on Matthew (Opus imperfectum)
The History Press Ltd The Making of the Tudor Dynasty: Classic Histories Series
The peculiar origins of the Tudor family and the improbable saga of their rise and fall and rise again in the centuries before the Battle of Bosworth have been largely overlooked. Based on both published and manuscript aources from Britain and France, The Making of the Tudor Dynasty sets the record straight by providing the only coherant and authoritative account of the ancestors of the Tudor royal family from their beginnings in North Wales at the start of the thirteenth century, through royal English and French connections in the fifteenth century, to Henry Tudor's victory at Bosworth Field in 1485.
Rowman & Littlefield Theatre as Human Action: An Introduction to Theatre Arts
Theatre as Human Action is the ideal textbook to introduce students to the various aspects of theatre, especially for those who may have little or no theatergoing experience. Seven diverse plays are described to the reader from the start, and then returned to throughout the book so that students can better understand the concepts being discussed. Both the theoretical and practical aspects of theatre are explored, from the classical definition of theatre to today’s most avant-garde theatre activities. Types of plays, the elements of drama, and theatre criticism are presented, as well as detailed descriptions of the different jobs in theatre, such as actor, playwright, director, designer, producer, choreographer, and more. The book concludes with a look at where and how theatre is evolving in America and the latest changes and innovations today.This fourth edition has been greatly expanded and updated, including: The introduction of four new plays—Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street; Fences; Angels in America; and Hadestown—in addition to Macbeth, You Can’t Take It With You, and Hamilton A discussion of the rise of social media in raising awareness and replacing traditional review outlets An entirely new, enhanced section on diversity and inclusion in theatre An updated selection of playwrights featured, including Terrence McNally, Lynn Nottage, Tony Kushner, and Lin-Manuel Miranda, to better reflect the diversity of those writing for the theatre today. Featuring full-color photographs, updated learning guides, and suggested topics for discussion and research, the fourth edition of Theatre as Human Action is an invaluable resource to introduce students to the world of theatre.
American Mathematical Society Sum of Squares: Theory and Applications
This volume is based on lectures delivered at the 2019 AMS Short Course ""Sum of Squares: Theory and Applications'', held January 14-15, 2019, in Baltimore, Maryland. This book provides a concise state-of-the-art overview of the theory and applications of polynomials that are sums of squares. This is an exciting and timely topic, with rich connections to many areas of mathematics, including polynomial and semidefinite optimization, real and convex algebraic geometry, and theoretical computer science.The six chapters introduce and survey recent developments in this area; specific topics include the algebraic and geometric aspects of sums of squares and spectrahedra, lifted representations of convex sets, and the algorithmic and computational implications of viewing sums of squares as a meta algorithm. The book also showcases practical applications of the techniques across a variety of areas, including control theory, statistics, finance and machine learning.
Cambridge University Press Case Studies: Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology: Volume 2
Following the success of the first collection of Stahl's Case Studies, published in 2011, we are pleased to present this completely new selection of clinical stories. Designed with the distinctive user-friendly presentation readers have become accustomed to and making use of icons, questions/answers and tips, these cases address complex issues in an understandable way and with direct relevance to the everyday experience of clinicians. Covering a wide-ranging and representative selection of clinical scenarios, each case is followed through the complete clinical encounter, from start to resolution, acknowledging all the complications, issues, decisions, twists and turns along the way. The book is about living through the treatments that work, the treatments that fail, and the mistakes made along the journey. This is psychiatry in real life - these are the patients from your waiting room - this book will reassure, inform and guide better clinical decision making. Optional posttests with CME credit are available for a fee (waived for NEI members). For more information, contact the Neuroscience Education Institute.
Rowman & Littlefield Encyclopedia of Christian Education
Christianity regards teaching as one of the most foundational and critically sustaining ministries of the Church. As a result, Christian education remains one of the largest and oldest continuously functioning educational systems in the world, comprising both formal day schools and higher education institutions as well as informal church study groups and parachurch ministries in more than 140 countries. In The Encyclopedia of Christian Education, contributors explore the many facets of Christian education in terms of its impact on curriculum, literacy, teacher training, outcomes, and professional standards. This encyclopedia is the first reference work devoted exclusively to chronicling the unique history of Christian education across the globe, illustrating how Christian educators pioneered such educational institutions and reforms as universal literacy, home schooling, Sunday schools, women’s education, graded schools, compulsory education of the deaf and blind, and kindergarten. With an editorial advisory board of more than 30 distinguished scholars and five consulting editors, The Encyclopedia of Christian Education contains more than 1,200 entries by 400 contributors from 75 countries. These volumes covers a vast range of topics from Christian education: ·History spanning from the church’s founding through the Middle Ages to the modern day ·Denominational and institutional profiles ·Intellectual traditions in Christian education ·Biblical and theological frameworks, curricula, missions, adolescent and higher education, theological training, and Christian pedagogy ·Biographies of distinguished Christian educators This work is ideal for scholars of both the history of Christianity and education, as well as researchers and students of contemporary Christianity and modern religious education.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Neutrino Oscillations: Present Status And Future Plans
This book reviews the status of a very exciting field — neutrino oscillations — at a very important time. The fact that neutrinos have mass has only been proved in the last few years and the acceptance of that fact has opened up a whole new area of study to understand the fundamental parameters of the mixing matrix.The book summarizes the results from all the experiments which have played a role in the measurement of neutrino oscillations and briefly describes the scope of some new planned experiments. Contributions include a theoretical introduction by Stephen Parke from FNAL, as well as articles from all the major experimental groups who have been pivotal in uncovering the nature of the neutrino mass.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon International Law and the Post–Soviet Space I – Essays on Chechnya and the Baltic States
The region that once comprised the Soviet Union has been the scene of crises with serious implications for international law. Some of these, like the separatist conflict in Chechnya, date to the time of the dissolution of the USSR. Others, like Russias forcible annexation of Crimea and intervention in Ukraines Donbas, erupted years later. The seizure of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, which took place long before, would trouble Soviet-western relations for the Cold Wars duration and gained new relevance when the Baltic States re-emerged in the 1990s. The fate of Ukraine notwithstanding, the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 complicates future efforts at nuclear non-proliferation. Legal proceedings in connection with events in the post-Soviet space brought before the International Court of Justice and under investment treaties or the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea may be steps toward the resolution of recent crises -- or tests of the resiliency of modern international law.
University Science Books,U.S. Solve: Problems in environmental science
This sleek and affordable stand-alone “problems” book serves up a broad array of quantitative problems addressing real-world issues in an approachable fashion. Requiring only algebra and a basic understanding of general chemistry, SOLVE is designed for use in traditional Environmental Science courses, as well as in student-centered guided problem-solving courses. Worked problems are followed by practice problems, with brief answers that allow students to check their work. With this text, your students will use their reasoning ability to tackle and solve problems ranging from global warming to GMOs. Endorsements: “Numbers matter. Incorrect ones cause damage, while realistic ones open doorways to finding solutions to many of the problems that afflict humanity. This environmental problem-solving text will help your students be better equipped to recognize and shun misleading numbers and to calculate better ones.” – John Harte, UC Berkeley
INSTAP Academic Press Mochlos IC: Period III. Neopalatial Settlement on the Coast: The Artisans' Quarter and the Farmhouse at Chalinomouri: The Small Finds
Mochlos is a Minoan town set on a fine harbor at the eastern side of the Gulf of Mirabello, in northeast Crete. It was first inhabited during the Neolithic period, and it had an important Minoan settlement during most of the Bronze Age. Mochlos I, to be published in three volumes, presents the results of the excavations in the Neopalatial levels of the Artisans' Quarter and the farmhouse at Chalinomouri. The Artisans' Quarter consisted of a series of workshops with evidence for pottery manufacture, metalworking, and weaving. Chalinomouri, a semi-independent farmhouse with strong connections to the nearby island settlement at Mochlos, was engaged in craftwork and food processing as well as agriculture. This volume, Mochlos IC, presents the small finds from the site.
Royal Society of Chemistry Supercritical and Other High-pressure Solvent Systems: For Extraction, Reaction and Material Processing
Exploring the range and utility of high-pressure solvent systems across a variety of different chemical applications, this book brings together recent advances in supercritical technology and other pressurised-solvent systems. It provides an in-depth overview of the latest advances and developments and discusses the limitations and drawbacks that need to be addressed. Wherever possible, the greenness and economic viability of the different solvent systems is highlighted. This book is ideal for researchers and industrialists working in environmental science, green chemistry and biorefineries.
Profile Books Ltd Getting (More Of) What You Want: How the Secrets of Economics & Psychology Can Help You Negotiate Anything in Business & Life
Most of us worry that we're not very good negotiators - too quick to concede or too abrupt in our approach. But negotiation is present in almost every social interaction - we cannot avoid it. Neale and Lys present a practical new approach that will help you master this crucial everyday skill in every situation. Instead of focusing on reaching agreement at any cost, Neale and Lys reveal how to overcome our psychological biases and assess the hidden value in any negotiation. They explain how to know what a good deal is; when to negotiate and when to walk away; why keeping a straight face can prevent you from getting the best deal; when to make the first offer and when to wait; and why meeting in the middle can result in both sides being worse off. Drawing on three decades of ground-breaking research into behavioural economics, psychology and strategic thinking, Getting (More of) What You Want will revolutionise the way you approach negotiation. Whether you're looking for a better deal on your new car, asking for a pay rise, selling your company or just deciding who does the washing up, this book will help you become a more successful, more efficient negotiator - and get more of exactly what you want.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Delegate Representation in Congress: Analysis & Current Standing
Nova Science Publishers Inc Campaign Finance & the Citizens United Supreme Court Case
Nova Science Publishers Inc Power On: Electrification of Rural Health, Education & Tourism Facilities
Nova Science Publishers Inc Rebuilding Iraq: Cost & Revenue Sharing
Nova Science Publishers Inc Ecological Restoration
Nova Science Publishers Inc Sovereign Wealth Funds
Nova Science Publishers Inc Congressional Parlimentary Reference Sources: An Introductory Guide
Visible Ink Press The Handy Nutrition Answer Book
Your fitness, health, and well-being depend on food and proper nutrition. Yet, knowing what is in the foods we eat, understanding the differences between good and bad fat, learning which foods are good sources of vitamins, keeping up on the latest scientific discoveries, or discerning the effectiveness of different diets can be challenging. To help answer these questions there's The Handy Nutrition Answer Book. Additionally, the book scrutinises the pros, cons and effectiveness of the biggest, most popular and trendiest diets on the market today.
Rowman & Littlefield Latin America since Independence: Two Centuries of Continuity and Change
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Glenn's Urologic Surgery
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022!A comprehensive but concise textbook focused on surgical procedures, established for over 30 years as a must-have surgical reference for resident and practicing urologists. Chapters are heavily illustrated and progress from Diagnosis to Indications for Surgery, to brief sections on Alternative Therapies, and then to detailed sections on surgical technique before closing with a discussion of outcomes as found in the literature. Each section will open with a thoroughly illustrated description of relevant anatomy.Key Features Each chapter takes you logically from diagnosis, indications for surgery, and alternative therapies, through detailed descriptions of surgical technique, and finally outcomes as described in the literature. Comprehensive, authoritative coverage includes all current operative procedures for each region of the genitourinary tract , including laparoscopic procedures, robotic surgery, nanotechnology, procedures to cure or alleviate incontinence, and much more. More than 1,300 high-quality illustrations help you visualize every important aspect of surgery, including more intraoperative photos and thoroughly illustrated descriptions of relevant anatomy that open every chapter. Concise, tightly formatted chapters ensure that you can find the information you need quickly. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: Complete content with enhanced navigation Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Medieval Institute Publications Religion, Culture, and Society in the Early Middle Ages: Studies in Honor of Richard E. Sullivan
Essays in this volume explore wide-ranging topics: Constantinople, Cloistered Women, Popes and Holy Images, Kingship, Pastoral Care, and Pilgrimages to the works or lives of Sidonius Apollinaris, Gregory of Tours, John Damascene, and Anselm of Havelberg. Like the scholarship of the man who inspired the essays (Richard Sullivan) the essays are broad and incisive.
Taylor & Francis Inc Sensory Evaluation Techniques
This new edition of a bestseller covers all phases of performing sensory evaluation studies, from listing the steps involved in a sensory evaluation project to presenting advanced statistical methods. Like its predecessors, Sensory Evaluation Techniques, Fifth Edition gives a clear and concise presentation of practical solutions, accepted methods, standard practices, and some advanced techniques. The fifth edition is comprehensively reorganized, revised, and updated. Key highlights of this book include: A more intuitive organization Statistical methods adapted to suit a more basic consumer methodology Rearranged material to reflect advances in Internet testing New time-intensity testing methods New chapters on advanced sensory processes, quality control testing, advertising claims, and business challenges New material on mapping and sorting, graph theory, multidimensional scaling, and flash profiling techniques Explanations of theories of integrity, amplitude, and balance and blend Updated appendices for spectrum method scales Updated references Sensory Evaluation Techniques remains a relevant and flexible resource, providing how-to information for a wide variety of users in industry, government, and academia who need the most current information to conduct effective sensory evaluation and interpretations of results. It also supplies students with the necessary theoretical background in sensory evaluation methods, applications, and interpretations.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Le Morte Darthur: The Seventh and Eighth Tales: The Seventh and Eighth Tales
P. J. C. Field, the world's preeminent Malory specialist, has wisely chosen to offer here Malory's seventh and eighth tales, recounting the decline and end of Camelot. The authoritative text is accompanied by indispensable notes and preceded by a remarkably thorough and learned--but never obscure--Introduction sufficient to prepare students and other readers to profit fully from the texts. This book is ideal for those coming to Malory for the first time and a distinct pleasure for those who already know him well. --Norris J. Lacy, E. E. Sparks Professor of French and Medieval Studies, Penn State University
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Art Deco Limoges: Camille Tharaud and Other Ceramists
Art Deco style, with its modern forms, rich colors, and brilliant glazes, appeared on the scene by 1910, exploded into great heights of popularity by 1925, and remained popular throughout the 1930s. In 475 brilliant color images worthy of the movement, the Art Deco decorated porcelains from Limoges, France, are displayed. While centering on the work of the talented artist Camille Tharaud, examples from Robj, Edouard Marcel Sandoz, Suzanne Lalique, and Royal Limoges are also included. Among the wares presented are over 500 delicate vases, tea sets, figurines, covered boxes and bowls, plates, and night lights. Additionally, Art Deco patterns and company names, direct from the pattern books of Gerard, Dufraisseix, Abbot, are on display. The detailed text provides an indepth look at Camille Tharaud and his work, with an extensive bibliography, and index. Value ranges for the wares displayed are found in the captions.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Laboratory Manual for Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians
Learn to apply your A&P learning in the lab setting with the Laboratory Manual for Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians, 4th Edition. This practical laboratory resource features a variety of activities, such as terminology exercises, illustration identification and labelling, case presentations, and more to help reinforce your understanding of veterinary anatomy and physiology. The laboratory manual also features vivid illustrations, lists of terms and structures to be identified, and step-by-step dissection guides to walk you through the dissection process. Clinically oriented learning exercises introduce you to the language of anatomy and physiology as you identify structures and learn concepts. Clear, step-by-step dissection instructions for complex organs such as the heart familiarize you with the dissection process in a very visual, easy-to-understand format. Learning objectives, the clinical significance of the content, and lists of terms and structures to be identified appear at the beginning of each chapter. Review activities and study exercises are included in every chapter to reinforce important information. High-quality, full-color illustrations provide a solid understanding of the details of anatomic structure.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians
Start your veterinary technician education off on the right foot with Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians, 4th Edition. Combining expert clinical coverage with engaging writing and vivid illustrations, this popular text is the key to understanding the anatomic and physiologic principles that will carry you throughout your career. In addition to its comprehensive coverage of the diverse ways in which animal bodies function at both the systemic and cellular levels, this textbook features a variety of helpful application boxes, vocabulary lists, and Test Yourself questions in every chapter to ensure you have a firm grasp of anatomic structure and its relevance to clinical practice. Clinical Application boxes throughout the text demonstrate the clinical relevance of anatomic and physiologic principles. Chapter outlines summarize the contents of each chapter at the major concept level. Test Yourself questions recap important information that appeared in the preceding section. Comprehensive glossary at the end of the text provides concise definitions and phonetic pronunciations of terms. NEW and UPDATED! Hundreds of high-quality, full color illustrations detail anatomic structures to enhance your understanding of their functions. NEW! Student chapter review questions on the Evolve companion website help reinforce key topics in each chapter.
Exisle Publishing Grandpa's Noises
InterVarsity Press Luke
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Rebhun's Diseases of Dairy Cattle
Diagnose and treat bovine diseases in cattle with Rebhun's Diseases of Dairy Cattle, 3rd Edition - your all-in-one guide to bovine disease management. Organized by body system for quick, convenient reference, this complete resource equips practitioners and students with the knowledge needed to confidently diagnose, treat, and prevent bovine disease. All chapters are updated from the previous edition to reflect the most up-to-date diagnostics and therapeutics, including revised drug usage considerations. An entirely new chapter for this third edition provides easy-to-read, but detailed information on diagnostic laboratory sample submission so that you will know what tests are available and the proper samples to submit. Another entirely new chapter focuses on diseases of the bull. More color photographs and illustrations are provided so that clinical signs and pathology of the diseases and diagnostic procedures commonly used in practice can be visualized. With expanded coverage of herd diseases, this new edition meets the growing need for management of both diseases of individual cows and medical problems affecting whole herds. Practical overviews for procedures such as blood transfusion, abdominal paracentesis, and ECG give you reliable support for some of the most common procedures in bovine care. A logical and user-friendly body systems organization makes diagnosis easier and more effective by isolating system-specific diseases and conditions. Additional public health/safety considerations identify diseases that pose a substantial public threat and detail special measures for related care of dairy cattle. Addresses the latest treatment innovations, including: antibiotic residue testing, care of individual metabolic disease, troubleshooting, and much more. Expanded, up-to-date coverage of public health/food safety considerations for practitioners helps to prevent dangerous and costly errors. Current legal and practical considerations for extra label medications are outlined, and all recommendations for drug usage have been revised according to federal guideline changes, to help ensure that you are familiar with the latest evidence-based guidelines. NEW! All-new chapter covering diseases specific to or common in the dairy bull offers valuable new content that makes this the most comprehensive resource for veterinary students and practitioners. NEW! A companion website, hosted by Cornell University with more than 60 neurologic, ultrasound, and endoscopic case study videos, illustrates key concepts discussed throughout the book and brings to life a variety of techniques that are more easily visualized than described in print. UPDATED! Expanded coverage of herd health features diseases of individual cows, as well as problems affecting entire herds, that challenge today's large animal veterinarians. NEW! Emphasis on herd health addresses the dairy industry's increased concern over population medicine. UPDATED! Revised drug usage recommendations and legal considerations present the most current information in these critical areas to help you prevent dangerous or costly errors.
Emerald Publishing Limited Silicon Valley North: A High-Tech Cluster of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The Silicon phenomenon was, is, and will be an extremely important phenomenon in the accelerated technological, scientific, and economic development of countries and regions. Silicon Valley North (SVN) is the high tech capital of Canada, the nations most developed and dynamic technology sector, which includes multiple clusters in telecommunications, software, photonics, and life sciences. It gave birth to many well-known companies such as Corel, JDS Uniphase, Mitel, Newbridge Networks, Nortel Networks, Digital Equipment of Canada, just to mention a few. A lot of literature describes Silicon Valley and Silicon Alley in the US, Silicon Islands in Asia, and so on. Despite the quite evident importance of Silicon Valley North for the regional, national, and international technological development (especially when Nortel Networks and JDS Uniphase became global leaders in their fields and expanded in explosive fashion), this phenomenon is far from being well understood.Because of this, a book on the Canadian Silicon Valley is an exceptionally timely endeavor. "Silicon Valley North: A High-Tech Cluster of Innovation and Entrepreneurship" is devoted to the multidimensional and multifaceted nature of SVN, its history, current state and future developments. The book offers a broad and deeply thematic analysis of one particular innovative clusterSilicon Valley North. The reader will obtain expert insight into what SVN is all about by acquiring a comprehensive and "panoramic picture" of SVN within a single book. The reader will develop an accurate sense of what spurs high tech start-up companies in SVN toward their exceptional performances, and how to apply these insights to his or her unique regional context.
Springer Publishing Company Hales Medications Mothers Milk 20252026
Amicus Ink Curious about Football
Skyhorse Publishing Talking, Listening, and Teaching: A Guide to Classroom Communication
A handy guide for boosting student participation and building effective communication in the classroom.
Kommunal-u.Schul-Verlag Grundlagen des Controllings