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Nova Science Publishers Inc Nuclear Waste Research: Siting, Technology & Treatment
Nova Science Publishers Inc Nanorods, Nanotubes & Nanomaterials Research Progress
Universitatsverlag Regensburg GmbH Europeanization Through Private Law Instruments
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Transnationale Dimensionen Wissenschaftlicher Theologie
Classiques Garnier Revue d'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses
Triumph Books Shawn Thornton: Fighting My Way to the Top
A refreshing memoir of battles and self-belief from one of the NHL's most revered enforcers Shawn Thornton was an unlikely NHL success, to say the least. The Oshawa, Ontario native was picked late in the OHL and later thought he was being pranked when the Toronto Maple Leafs called him to say he'd been selected in the seventh round of the 1997 NHL draft. After years spent working and maturing in the AHL, Thornton would go on to play 14 seasons with the Chicago Blackhawks, Anaheim Ducks, Boston Bruins, and Florida Panthers, winning two Stanley Cups along the way. For the first time, in this candid memoir, Thornton opens up about his life in hockey and beyond, from his early days as an unrated prospect to the leadership lessons he learned in the minors, from the most difficult on-ice brawls to the ecstasy of reaching the sport's most celestial heights.Fans will not want to miss this story of perseverance and finding one's own path.
Rowman & Littlefield Thomas Crotty
This first-ever biography of Thomas Crotty weaves insightful commentary on his painting with the story of his life as a painter and an outspoken commentator in his own right on modern theories of art. Often described as a romantic-realist, Crotty is more comfortable with the word naturalist when an attempt is made to categorize him.
Candlewick Press,U.S. Flying Machines
Greenwillow Books The Headless Horseman Rides Tonight: More Poems to Trouble Your Sleep
Penguin Books Ltd The Old Wives' Tale
First published in 1908, The Old Wives' Tale affirms the integrity of ordinary lives as it tells the story of the Baines sisters--shy, retiring Constance and defiant, romantic Sophia--over the course of nearly half a century. Bennett traces the sisters' lives from childhood in their father's drapery shop in provincial Bursley, England, during the mid-Victorian era, through their married lives, to the modern industrial age, when they are reunited as old women. The setting moves from the Five Towns of Staffordshire to exotic and cosmopolitan Paris, while the action moves from the subdued domestic routine of the Baines household to the siege of Paris during the Franco-Prussian War.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Eden
Taylor & Francis Ltd RCSI Handbook of Clinical Surgery for Finals
Developed over previous editions by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland to support students attending the three RCSI universities, this convenient handbook provides pragmatic guidance to the principles and practice of surgery that students can expect to encounter during undergraduate studies. Spanning the full range of surgical specialties, information is presented in a convenient and clinically relevant format that takes the students through the patient journey from presenting symptoms and aetiology to investigations, management and follow-up. The text, written as easy-to-read and easy-to-remember bullet lists, is supplemented throughout by tables, management algorithms and colour illustrations. Key Features:• Concise – specifically for the undergraduate medical student by a highly experienced team of surgical educators• Accessible – bullet text ideal for rapid reference• Flexible – for use when on the ward and during finals revision• Complete - print book supplemented by video clips, online question and answer material and an image library for the full learning and revision packageThoroughly updated, this fifth edition has enhanced pedagogy and, for the first time, is accompanied by video clips and questions for self-testing. Covering the core surgical knowledge needed to become a safe and competent doctor, the book will be an invaluable companion for clinical placements and during the critical run-up to final examinations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fashion Drawing For Dummies
The fast and easy way to learn the art of fashion drawing This fun guide gives you dozens of step-by-step diagrams that walk you through the process of preparing creative illustrations that you can later develop into dynamic presentations for your design portfolio. Plus, you'll not only learn how to draw clothes and fabric, but also how to show details that make up the total look: faces and hairstyles, fashion accents, and a wide variety of textures. If you're an aspiring fashion designer, you know it's essential to be able to draw, prepare, and present a fashion drawing. Whether you have little or no prior drawing experience, Fashion Drawing For Dummies gives you easy-to-follow, non-intimidating instructions for mastering the drawing skills you need to design like a pro. Learn the rules and techniques of fashion drawing Draw the fashion figure in different poses and from multiple angles Discover how to complement your drawings with accessories, clothing, and style If you're a fledgling designer looking for non-intimidating guidance on learning the ins and outs of fashion drawing, this friendly guide has you covered!
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Juden im Wilhelminischen Deutschland 1890-1914: Ein Sammelband
"Der vorliegende Band ... ist zweifellos ein Ereignis der modernen Geistes- und Sozialgeschichte: nach vielen wichtigen Einzelstudien verfügen wir damit über ein komplexes vielgestaltiges Werk, welches überraschende Einblicke erschließt, Deutungen anbietet, aber auch Fragen stellt."Peter Steinbach in Jahrbuch für die Geschichte Mittel- und Ostdeutschlands, Bd. 27"Insgesamt ist die Qualität dieses Sammelbandes hervorzuheben, der zahlreiche ausgezeichnete Beiträge enthält. Da die Aufsätze nicht nur wissenschaftlich hervorragend, sondern auch gut lesbar sind, ist der Band auch als Einführung in die vielschichtigen Probleme des deutschen Judentums sehr geeignet. Er enthält eine umfangreiche Bibliographie und ein Personen- und Sachregister."W.-A. Kropat in Nassauische Annalen 88. Jg. (1977)
Classiques Garnier Metaphysique
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Moral Und Hypermoral: Eine Pluralistische Ethik
Hogrefe Publishing How to Overcome Embitterment With Wisdom
Expert help on overcoming feelings of embitterment Understand how these difficult feelings come about Learn problem-solving skills to reorientate to the future Also ideal reading for anyone living or working with an embittered person Embitterment is an emotional reaction anyone can have to injustices, humiliation, and breaches of trust. We have probably all encountered embitterment in ourselves or others at some time in our lives. Like other feelings, feelings of embitterment normally subside, but in some cases they can persist and cause a great deal of suffering. When these feelings take control of your life and you can't let go of the past negative events in your life, then support is needed. This book helps you understand what embitterment is and how it can come about. It will also help you detach from these negative feelings and find ways to better deal with the hurtful situations, including learning to look to the future. You will learn about problem-solving strategies that focus on the psychology of wisdom and the development of wisdom, which include identifying facts and problem solutions, changing perspectives, self-relativizing, and emotional empathy. It has been scientifically proven that wisdom is a good remedy for embitterment.This book is ideal support for anyone suffering from embitterment or for family, friends, or colleagues who want to learn how to support someone to not stay stuck in these difficult feelings.
Penguin Books Ltd Tender is the Night
'I don't ask you to love me always like this, but I ask you to remember. Somewhere inside me there'll always be the person I am to-night.'Between the First World War and the Wall Street Crash the French Riviera was the stylish place for wealthy Americans to visit. Among the most fashionable are psychoanalyst Dick Diver and his wife Nicole, who hold court at their villa. Into their circle comes Rosemary Hoyt, a film star, who is instantly attracted to them, but understands little of the dark secrets and hidden corruption that hold them together. As Dick draws closer to Rosemary, he fractures the delicate structure of his marriage and sets both Nicole and himself on to a dangerous path where only the strongest can survive. In this exquisite, lyrical novel, Fitzgerald has poured much of the essence of his own life; he has also depicted the age of materialism, shattered idealism and broken dreams.The Penguin English Library - collectable general readers' editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century to the end of the Second World War.
Hal Leonard Corporation Hal Leonard Guitar TAB Method
John Wiley & Sons Inc Green IT For Dummies
Green technology is not only good for the environment; it’s also good for your bottom line. If your organization is exploring ways to save energy and reduce environmental waste, Green IT For Dummies can help you get there. This guide is packed with cost-saving ways to make your company a leader in green technology. The book is also packed with case studies from organizations that have gone green, so you can benefit from their experience. You’ll discover how to: Perform an energy audit to determine your present consumption and identify where to start greening Develop and roll out a green technology project Build support from management and employees Use collaboration tools to limit the need for corporate travel Improve electronic document management Extend hardware life, reduce data center floor space, and improve efficiency Formalize best practices for green IT, understand your company’s requirements, and design an infrastructure to meet them Make older desktops and lighting fixtures more efficient with a few small upgrades Lower costs with virtual meetings, teleconferences, and telecommuting options Reduce your organization’s energy consumption You’ll also learn what to beware of when developing your green plan, and get familiar with all the terms relating to green IT. Green IT For Dummies starts you on the road to saving money while you help save the planet.
Marvel Comics Guardians Of The Galaxy: Tomorrow's Heroes Omnibus
Penguin Books Ltd Measure for Measure
'Language is his power. His characters are precisely the words they speak' A. S. Byatt A young man is condemned to death for breaking a law forbidding sex outside marriage. When his sister pleads with the Lord Angelo to save him, he offers her a bargain - her brother's life in exchange for her virginity. One of Shakespeare's most enigmatic plays, Measure for Measure is a morally complex drama of intricate moves and countermoves that explores falsehood, justice and humanity's best and basest instincts.Used and Recommended by the National TheatreGeneral Editor Stanley WellsEdited by J. M. NosworthyIntroduction by Julia Briggs
Oxford University Press Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics
Evolutionary quantitative genetics (EQG) provides a formal theoretical foundation for quantitatively linking natural selection and genetic variation to the rate and expanse of adaptive evolution. It has become the dominant conceptual framework for interpreting the evolution of quantitative traits in terms of elementary forces (mutation, inheritance, selection, and drift). Despite this success, the relevance of EQG to many biological scenarios remains relatively unappreciated, with numerous fields yet to fully embrace its approach. Part of the reason for this lag is that conceptual advances in EQG have not yet been fully synthesized and made accessible to a wider academic audience. A comprehensive, accessible overview is therefore now timely, and Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics provides this much-needed synthesis. The central argument of the book is that an adaptive landscape concept can be used to understand both evolutionary process within lineages and the pattern of adaptive radiations. In particular, it provides a convincing argument that models with a moving adaptive peak carry us further than any other conceptual approach yet devised. Although additive theory holds center stage, the book mentions and references departures from additivity including non-Gaussian distributions of allelic effects, dominance, epistasis, maternal effects and phenotypic plasticity. This accessible, advanced textbook is aimed principally at students (from senior undergraduate to postgraduate) as well as practising scientists in the fields of evolutionary biology, ecology, physiology, functional morphology, developmental biology, comparative biology, paleontology, and beyond who are interested in how adaptive radiations are produced by evolutionary and ecological processes.
Zondervan John: Volume 2A
An image rich, passage-by-passage commentary that integrates relevant historical and cultural insights, providing a deeper dimension of perspective to the words of the New Testament Discoveries await you that will snap the world of the New Testament into new focus. Things that seem mystifying, puzzling, or obscure will take on tremendous meaning when you view them in their ancient context. With the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, you'll: Deepen your understanding of the teachings of Jesus. Discover the close interplay between God's kingdom and the practical affairs of the church. Learn more about the real life setting of the Old Testament writings to help you identify with the people and circumstances described in Scripture. Gain a deeper awareness of the Bible's relevance for your life. In this volume, detailed exegetical notes are combined with background information of the cultural setting that will help you interpret the Gospel of John.THE ZONDERVAN ILLUSTRATED BIBLE BACKGROUNDS COMMENTARY SERIESInvites you to enter the world of the New Testament with a company of seasoned guides, experts who will help you understand and teach the biblical text more accurately. Features: Commentary based on relevant papyri, inscriptions, archaeological discoveries, and studies of Judaism, Roman culture, Hellenism, and other features of the world of the New Testament. Hundreds of full-color photographs, color illustrations, and line drawings. Copious maps, charts, and timelines. Sidebar articles and insights. "Reflections" on the Bible's relevance for 21st-century living.
Capstone Press Clara Barton
Tyndale House Publishers The Hiding Place
Otto Schmidt/de Gruyter §§ 18-49 Weg: (Weg 2 - Verwaltung; Wohnungserbbaur; Dauerwohnr; Verfahrensr; Ergänzende Bestimmungen)
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Handbuch Evangelische Spiritualitat: Band 1: Geschichte
Das "Handbuch Evangelische Spiritualitat" erarbeitet in drei Banden die Vielfalt und den Reichtum evangelischer Spiritualitat. So werden die verschiedenen Facetten des wesentlich von Luthers Entdeckung der Rechtfertigung des Sunders allein aus Gnaden bestimmten Glaubens in das offentliche Gesprach eingebracht und Wege zu seiner erfahrungsmassigen Aneignung eroffnet. Band 1 (Geschichte) widmet sich den historischen Wurzeln evangelischer Spiritualitat in der Reformation und ihren unterschiedlichen Gestaltungsformen bis heute. Band 2 (Theologie) konzentriert die evangelische Lehre auf ihre spirituelle Relevanz. Band 3 (Praxis) entfaltet die reiche Praxis evangelischer Spiritualitat in der Okumene und Ortgemeinde bis hin zu Kunst und sozialer Verantwortung. Im ersten Band des Handbuches liefern renommierte Autorinnen und Autoren historische Beitrage mit Gegenwartsbezug und Praxisrelevanz. An Beispielen von Personen, Gruppen und Stromungen wird die evangelische Spiritualitatsgeschichte erarbeitet.
Plough Publishing House Plough Quarterly No. 15 - Staying Human: The Tech Issue
This issue of Plough Quarterly explores the effects of technology on human flourishing. Whether its artificial intelligence, genome editing, Big Tech monopolies, or social media–induced depression, we live in a world that is being reshaped by technology from the ground up. How do we stay human? This issue of Plough Quarterly addresses challenges ranging from the lure of transhumanism to the erosion of silence by the smartphone. Technophobia is no answer, our contributors agree, but neither is a refusal to tackle real dangers. They ask: Why not try living without a computer or a television? Why give tablets to children when Steve Jobs refused to give them to his kids? Why write using a keyboard when you could wield a fountain pen? Technological asceticism of this kind won’t solve society-wide dilemmas. But it can help us maintain the spiritual independence needed to respond to them rightly. Also in this issue: original poetry by Jacob Stratman; reviews of new books by Ian Johnson, Steve Roud, and Markus Rathey; insights from Wendell Berry, Viktor Frankl, Ivan Illich, Carl Sandburg, C. S. Lewis, Alfred Delp, and Christoph Blumhardt; and art by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Jack Baumgartner, Nicholas Roerich, Rachel Newling, Kay Polk, Suellen McCrary, Stephen Scott Young, Jie Wei Zhou, Kiéra Malone, Torkel Pettersson, Mari Rast, Albrecht Dürer, René Magritte, and Kyle T. Webster. Plough Quarterly features stories, ideas, and culture for people eager to put their faith into action. Each issue brings you in-depth articles, interviews, poetry, book reviews, and art to help you put Jesus’ message into practice and find common cause with others.
Pearson Education Limited Introduction to Materials Management, Global Edition
For all courses in Materials Management, Production, Inventory Control, and Logistics taught in business and industrial technology departments of community colleges, four-year colleges, and universities. Understand all elements of production planning and control, and how they fit together with Introduction to Materials Management. Clearly written and exceptionally user-friendly, this text covers all the essentials of modern supply chain management, manufacturing planning and control systems, purchasing, and physical distribution. Content, examples, questions, and problems lead students step-by-step to mastery. Widely adopted by colleges and universities worldwide, this is the only APICS-listed reference text for the Basics of Supply Chain Management (BSCM) CPIM certification examination.
Square Fish Katyas Book of Mushrooms
Holiday House Noodleheads Fortress of Doom
Theologischer Verlag ... Und Kein Bisschen Mude!: Reformation in Hombrechtikon, Stafa Und Mannedorf: Damals - Heute - Morgen
Holiday House Inc Noodleheads See the Future
Marvel Comics X-men Omnibus Vol. 2
Palgrave Macmillan Nabokov's World: Volume 1: The Shape of Nabokov's World
Nabokov's complex multi-lingual, multi-cultural writings offer ever-new delights and present new challenges to their readers. This volume and its companion have been compiled to reflect something of the richness of this artistic world and the variety of responses it evokes. Here fourteen original essays by an international grouping of leading Nabokov specialists, scholars prominent in other fields, offer new insights into formative influences on his thought and the dominant agencies that structure his writing: emigration, the 'two worlds' theme and multilingualism.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Juden im Nationalsozialistischen Deutschland 1933-1943 /The Jews in Nazi Germany 1933-1943
Scholastic Shocking Electricity
Shocking Electricity is packed with sizzling zap-filled facts toelectrify every reader. Children can find out about the scientistwho gave electric shocks to his eyeballs, that lightning can strikeyou with heat five times hotter than the sun and much more!
Scholastic Inc. How to Eat Fried Worms
HarperCollins Publishers YOUR NOSE: Band 04/Blue (Collins Big Cat Phonics)
Discover what the nose does and how it helps you to breathe, smell, keep out dirt and get better when you are ill. Blue/Band 4 books offer longer, repeated patterns with sequential events and integrated literary and natural language. Text type: A simple non-fiction book Pages 14–15 provide an opportunity for children to recap the story. Curriculum links: science, PSHE This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
John Libbey Eurotext Update Gastroenterology 2000: Barrett's Esophagus, Colon Cancer & Tumor Imaging
The University of Chicago Press The Late Derrida
The title "The Late Derrida", with all puns and ambiguities cheerfully intended, points to the late work of Jacques Derrida, the vast outpouring of new writing by and about him in the period roughly from 1994 to 2004. In this period, Derrida published more than he had produced during his entire career up to that point. At the same time, this volume deconstructs the whole question of lateness and the usefulness of periodization. It calls into question the "fact" of Derrida's turn to politics, law, and ethics and highlights continuities throughout his oeuvre. The scholars included here write of Derrida's newest work and how it affects their earlier understandings of such classic texts as "Glas" and "Of Grammatology". Some have been closely associated with Derrida since the beginning - both in France and in the United States - but none can be called Derrideans. Based on a special issue of the journal "Critical Inquiry", this volume is a work of critique and a deep and continued engagement with the thought of one of the most significant philosophers of our time. It represents a recognition that Derrida's work has yet to be addressed - and perhaps can never be addressed - in its totality.
Udon Entertainment Corp Street Fighter Classic Volume 3: Fighter's Destiny
The action-packed Street Fighter saga continues as Ryu travels through Asia, meeting fighters he hopes will help him in his journey toward avenging his master's death. Through his exploits he encounters the Yoga Master, Dhalsim, the King of Muay Thai, Sagat, and the mysterious and deadly ex-assassin, Gen. Meanwhile, Chun-Li and Cammy travel to Mexico to uncover the secrets behind the evil Shadaloo Syndicate's Doll Agents. Collects Street Fighter II #0-6 plus bonus stories.
Capstone Press Pocahontas
Plough Publishing House Plough Quarterly No. 2: Building Justice
“Justice” has become a rallying cry for many Christians today. And for good reason: justice is at the heart of the kingdom of God, as the Bible makes abundantly clear. Yet when our eyes are opened to the many injustices of today’s world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Where is a person to start? And more fundamentally, what is the nature of the justice we ought to be pursuing? In this second issue, we explore how to build the justice that Jesus and the Hebrew prophets call for – not as a vague ideal, but as a way of life. Bold, hope-filled, and down-to-earth, Plough Quarterly features thought-provoking articles, commentary, interviews, short fiction, book reviews, poetry and artwork to inspire everyday faith and action. Each issue brings together essential voices from many traditions to give you fresh insights on a core theme such as peacemaking, biblical justice, children and family, building community, man and woman, nature and the environment, nonviolence, or simple living. Starting from the conviction that the teachings and example of Jesus can transform and renew our world, it aims to apply them to all aspects of life, seeking common ground with all people of goodwill regardless of creed.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Error-Control Techniques for Digital Communication
This practical handbook provides communication systems engineers with guidance in the application of error-control coding. It emphasizes the fundamental concepts of coding theory while minimizing the use of mathematical tools...demonstrates the role of coding in communication system design...shows the performance gains achievable with coding...illustrates how codes should be used and how to select the right code parameters...discusses the decoding techniques that should be considered and how they are implemented...and examines how detailed performance results are obtained.