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John Wiley and Sons Ltd Marine Ecology: Concepts and Applications
This book began life as a series of lectures given to second and third year undergraduates at Oxford University. These lectures were designed to give students insights as to how marine ecosystems functioned, how they were being affected by natural and human interventions, and how we might be able to conserve them and manage them sustainably for the good of people, both recreationally and economically. This book presents 10 chapters, beginning with principles of oceanography important to ecology, through discussions of the magnitude of marine biodiversity and the factors influencing it, the functioning of marine ecosystems at within trophic levels such as primary production, competition and dispersal, to different trophic level interactions such as herbivory, predation and parasitism. The final three chapters look at the more applied aspects of marine ecology, discussion fisheries, human impacts, and management and conservation. Other textbooks covering similar topics tend to treat the topics from the point of view of separate ecosystems, with chapters on reefs, rocks and deep sea. This book however is topic driven as described above, and each chapter makes full use of examples from all appropriate marine ecosystems. The book is illustrated throughout with many full colour diagrams and high quality photographs. The book is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students at colleges and universities, and it is hoped that the many examples from all over the world will provide global relevance and interest. Both authors have long experience of research and teaching in marine ecology. Martin Speight’s first degree was in marine zoology at UCNW Bangor, and he has taught marine ecology and conservation at Oxford for 25 years. His research students study tropical marine ecology from the Caribbean through East Africa to the Far East. Peter Henderson is a Senior Research Associate at the University of Oxford, and is Director of Pisces Conservation in the UK. He has worked on marine and freshwater fisheries, as well as ecological and economic impacts and exploitation of the sea in North and South America as well as Europe.
Harvard Business Review Press Your Next Move: The Leader's Guide to Navigating Major Career Transitions
"Whether you're going for that promotion, looking to jump ship, or change careers entirely, Michael Watkins' Your Next Move is a book you'll want to read." So starts the positive review of Your Next Move on the influential 800 CEO Read website. It's true that all leaders -- no matter how seasoned -- need guidance through the professional changes that define a career. In fact, transitions into new roles are the crucibles in which leaders get their toughest tests, and they're the defining factor in professional careers today. Yet far too often, leaders fail to transition effectively into new roles. The resulting costs are high, for individual careers and for organizations. In Your Next Move, leadership-transition guru Watkins shows how you can survive and thrive in all the major transitions you will face during your career--including promotions, leading former peers, on-boarding into a new organization, making an international move, or turning around or realigning an organization. With real-life examples and case studies, Watkins illustrates the defining hurdles associated with each type of transition. He then provides the insights, strategies, and tools you'll need to accelerate through these crucial turning points and continue moving up in your career. The necessary complement to the author's bestselling guide The First 90 Days, which has been translated in more than 20 languages worldwide, Your Next Move offers the keen observations, tried-and-true management wisdom, and practical good sense Watkins is renowned for. It's a vital resource for any manager or executive seeking to maintain career momentum. To quote the reviewer from above: "It's not just about 'moving' but about what happens when those actions are taken. Success or failure are the two options, and which option you emerge with will determine what happens going forward. Watkins' book definitely has the research and insight to equip you for the better of the two paths."
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Theology and Qualitative Research
A unique introduction to the developing field of Theology and Qualitative Research In recent years, a growing number of scholars within the field of theological research have adopted qualitative empirical methods. The use of qualitative research is shaping the nature of theology and redefining what it means to be a theologian. Hence, contemporary scholars who are undertaking empirical fieldwork across a range of theological subdisciplines require authoritative guidance and well-developed frameworks of practice and theory. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Theology and Qualitative Research outlines the challenges and possibilities for theological research that engages with qualitative methods. It reflects more than 15 years of academic research within the Ecclesiology and Ethnography Network, and features an international group of scholars committed to the empirical and theological study of the Christian church. Edited by world-renowned experts, this unprecedented volume addresses the theological debates, methodological complexities, and future directions of this emerging field. Contributions from both established and emerging scholars describe key theoretical approaches, discuss how different empirical methods are used within theology, explore the links between qualitative researchand adjacent scholarly traditions, and more. The companion: Discusses how qualitative empirical work changes the practice of theology, enabling a disciplined attention to the lived social realities of Christian religion and what theologians do Introduces theoretical and methodological debates in the field, as well as central epistemological and ontological questions Presents different approaches to Theology and Qualitative research, highlighting important issues and developments in the last decades Explores how empirical insights are shaping areas such as liturgics, homiletics, youth ministry, and Christian education Includes perspectives from scholars working in disciplines other than theology The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Theology and Qualitative Research is essential reading for graduate students, postgraduates, PhD students, researchers, and scholars in Christian Ethics, Systematic Theology, Practical Theology, Contemporary Worship, and related disciplines such as Ecclesiology, Mission Studies, World Christianity, Pastoral Theology, Political Theology, Worship Studies, and all forms of contextual theology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Leading in a Culture of Change
The new edition of the best-selling guide for powerful, morally-grounded change leadership in any organization. Change is an inevitable, essential part of the modern world. Change prevents stagnation, fosters creative solutions, and propels innovation. With change comes challenges: to survive and prosper, organizations need to adapt to shifting market dynamics, volatility in the public arena, disruptions brought on by new technologies, and many more. Leaders need to understand the dynamics of change to cope with the complexities of the change process. Leading in a Culture of Change describes the key dimensions of leadership that are crucial in times of change. This innovative guide helps readers master the five components of change leadership—moral purpose, understanding change, building relationships, creating and sharing knowledge, and creating coherence—and mobilize others to accomplish shared goals in often difficult conditions. Extensively revised and updated throughout, this market-leading book continues to help leaders from across sectors understand the dynamics of change and navigate the end-to-end change process. The second edition is now thoroughly grounded in the various forms and interpretations of successful change and includes more precise definitions of the core competencies of change, contemporary case studies of their development and practical application, and increased guidance on their effective use through new concrete examples. Combining knowledge from the worlds of education and business, this unique book will help you: Integrate proven, time-tested methods of education reform and the most current insights in leadership and organizational change Develop and implement positive, sustained systematic change strategies in any organization Increase performance, optimize learning, and improve leadership Understand the key principles of leading change through specific, real-world examples Embrace a morally-grounded process of effective organizational change Leading in a Culture of Change is an indispensable source of information for leaders in business, non-profit, and public sectors seeking to understand, influence, and lead the change process.
New Amsterdam Books International Society
The development of modern communications has undermined the traditional division of mankind into separate national societies, each of these properly the subject of individual analysis. The social, economic, intellectual, and cultural differences which once made that kind of analysis very nearly inevitable are now increasingly breaking down. People in general are today closely interdependent with those who live in other societies. Decisions made in other parts of the world have immediate effects upon millions of persons very far removed geographically from the lands that are the epicenters of this or that change in thought or practice. As a result, the entire population of the globe are members of a single, hugely complex but closely interrelated social organism. In this book, Evan Luard seeks to analyze that wider society, making use of many of the concepts traditionally used in the study of smaller societies–for example, structure, ideology, role, status, conflict, norms, authority. The preface to International Society recalls the trilogy of studies written by Luard in recent years, all of which bore the subtitle. "A study in International Sociology." The first of these described the characteristics of a succession of historical examples of societies consisting of more than a single state, in the light of the concepts mentioned above. The second book examines the differing kinds of economic relationships that arose among the number of such societies. The third volume was devoted to the changing character of war during recent centuries showing how itrs forms and purposes have varied from one international society to another in accordance with the interests, goals, and ideology of the governing elites in each period. International Society presents a synthesis main findings and insights of the earlier works, amounting to a fresh and sometimes startling characterization of the gravitational force of the new world community that is willy-nilly changing the consciousness and actions of individuals and pe
Gateways Books & Tapes,US American Book of the Dead
With over 120,000 copies sold, this unique contemporary work brings the timeless Tibetan Bardo teaching into current American culture and language, with 49 days of readings for someone who has died or who is preparing for the dying experience. This book has been and still remains an important tool for providing a spiritual service to a dying person as opposed to grieving, processing loss, or mourning for that person's passage. Front matter includes "Notes on the Labyrinth" (or the Bardo...) and other commentary by the author that provides insights for an American reader who wishes to provide this guiding service to a family member, spouse, friend, or anyone who is terminal. The reading instructions very clearly outline when and what to read, without any limitation of belief system--the practice is presented as non-denominational, not requiring Buddhist or Christian or Jewish prayers, but also not in conflict with any of these. A schedule of readings shows graphically how to carry out the full series of 49 days of readings, at approximately 10 to 20 minutes per reading. The book has been in use since 1974 in various editions, taught in university courses on Death & Dying and related subjects (it is referenced in a recent handbook of acting exercises, for example...), and used by hospice workers and nurses internationally. The American Book of the Dead is often referenced in discussions of the 1970's West Coast spiritual renaissance, and many of the baby boomer generation will recall it in circulation when they were in college or beginning their careers. Translated editions have appeared in Spanish and Greek languages, with editions in preparation in German, French, Italian, and Polish. There is a course available by correspondence and on the internet that gives additional training for readers who wish to pursue the practice of performing "Labyrinth Readings" or "Bardo guiding" as a service to others--beyond one's own family and personal network.
Plough Publishing House Plough Quarterly No. 10: What Makes Humans Sacred?
The gospel teaches that every human is sacred. Refugee children and Islamist terrorists. Police officers and young African Americans. Unborn babies, always, and also abortionists. Orange-haired casino owners, former First Ladies, progressive hipsters, prosperity-gospel televangelists, members of Congress, Confederate-flag-waving white nationalists? Sacred. This absurd claim is at the heart of the gospel. Each person is created in the image and likeness of God. Each is someone for whom Jesus died. And if this is true, we have much work to do. The writers in this issue may not agree on the best ways and means, but each challenges us to consider the implications of this gospel of life that makes no exceptions. Also in this issue: -- A former asylum seeker returns to Iraq to stand with Christians on the run from ISIS. -- Shane Claiborne tells us why abolishing the death penalty is the church’s business. -- Joel Salatin, America’s most famous farmer, reveals what pigs can teach us about the glory of God. -- John Dear reports on the Vatican’s historic turn toward nonviolence. -- Erna Albertz tells Richard Dawkins how her sister with Down syndrome can help him. -- Gun owners respond to gun violence with a fresh take on “swords into plowshares.” -- Ron Sider looks at the consistently pro-life witness of the early church. -- A hospice nurse reflects on euthanasia and the value of being a burden. -- Jason Landsel asks what made MohammadMuhammad Ali great. Then there’s new poetry, book reviews, a children’s story, insights from Pope Francis and George MacDonald, and art by Pawel Kuczynski, Xenia Hausner, William H. Johnson, Käthe Kollwitz, and Deidre Scherer. Plough Quarterly features stories, ideas, and culture for people eager to put their faith into action. Each issue brings you in-depth articles, interviews, poetry, book reviews, and art to help you put Jesus’ message into practice and find common cause with others.
University of Hawai'i Press Graphic Medicine
In Graphic Medicine, comics artists and scholars of life writing, literature, and comics explore the lived experience of illness and disability through original texts, images, and the dynamic interplay between the two. The essays and autobiographical comics in this collection respond to the medical humanities’ call for different perceptions and representations of illness and disability than those found in conventional medical discourse.The collection expands and troubles our understanding of the relationships between patients and doctors, nurses, social workers, caregivers, and family members, considering such encounters in terms of cultural context, language, gender, class, and ethnicity. By treating illness and disability as an experience of fundamentally changed living, rather than a separate narrative episode organized by treatment, recovery, and a return to "normal life," Graphic Medicine asks what it means to give and receive care.Comics by Safdar Ahmed, John Miers, and Suzy Becker, and illustrated essays by Nancy K. Miller and Jared Gardner show how life writing about illness and disability in comics offers new ways of perceiving the temporality of caring and living. Crystal Yin Lie and Julia Watson demonstrate how use of the page through panels, collages, and borderless images can draw the reader, as a "mute witness," into contact with the body as a site where intergenerational trauma is registered and expressed. Kiene Brillenburg Wurth examines how microscripts productively extend graphic medicine beyond comics to "outsider art." JoAnn Purcell and Susan Squier display how comics artists respond to and reflect upon their caring relationship with those diagnosed with an intellectual disability. And Erin La Cour interrogates especially difficult representations of relationality and care.During the past decade, graphic medicine comics have proliferated—an outpouring accelerated recently by the greatest health crisis in a century. Edited by Erin La Cour and Anna Poletti, Graphic Medicine helps us recognize that however unpleasant or complicated it may be, interacting with such stories offers fresh insights, suggests new forms of acceptance, and enhances our abilities to speak to others about the experience of illness and disability.
University of Oklahoma Press Heartbeat, Warble, and the Electric Powwow: American Indian Music
Despite centuries of suppression and oppression, American Indian music survives today as a profound cultural force. Heartbeat, Warble, and the Electric Powwow celebrates in depth the vibrant soundscape of Native North America, from the ""heartbeat"" of intertribal drums and ""warble"" of Native flutes to contemporary rock, hip-hop, and electronic music. Drawing on more than one hundred interviews with musicians, producers, ethnographers, and record-label owners, author and musician Craig Harris conjures an aural tapestry in which powwow drums and end-blown woodwinds resound alongside operatic and symphonic strains, jazz and reggae, country music, and blues. Harris begins with an exploration of the powwow, from sacred ceremonies to intertribal gatherings. He examines the traditions of the Native American flute and its revival with artists such as two-time Grammy winners R. Carlos Nakai and Mary Youngblood. Singers and songwriters, including Buffy Sainte-Marie, Keith Secola, and Joanne Shenandoah, provide insights into their music and their lives as American Indians. Harris also traces American Indian rock, reggae, punk, and pop over four decades, punctuating his survey with commentary from such artists as Tom Bee, founder of Native America's first rock band, XIT. Grammy-winner Taj Mahal recalls influential guitarist Jesse Ed Davis; ex-bandmates reflect on Rock Hall of Fame inductee Redbone; Robbie Robertson, Pura Fe, and Rita Coolidge describe how their groundbreaking 1993 album, Music for the Native Americans, evolved; and DJs A Tribe Called Red discuss their melding of archival powwow recordings into fiery dance music. The many voices and sounds that weave throughout Harris's engaging, accessible account portray a sonic landscape that defies stereotyping and continues to expand. Heartbeat, Warble, and the Electric Powwow is the story - told by those who live it - of resisting a half-millennium of cultural suppression to create new sounds while preserving old roots.Listen in! Visit this book's page on the website for a link to the book's Spotify playlist.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, The Woman's Study Bible, Leathersoft, Blue, Red Letter, Full-Color Edition, Thumb Indexed: Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation
A study Bible with thousands of verse commentary notes designed by women specifically for women to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation.The Woman’s Study Bible poignantly reveals the Word of God to women, inviting them to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation. Special features designed to speak to a woman’s heart appear throughout the Bible text, revealing Scripture-based insights about how godly womanhood grows from a woman’s identity as a Christ-follower and a child of the Kingdom. Now with a beautiful full-color redesign, The Woman’s Study Bible reflects the contributions of over 80 women from a wide variety of ethnic, denominational, educational, and occupational backgrounds. Trusted by women worldwide, The Woman’s Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 4 million copies across translations.Features Include: Beautiful full-color design throughout for you to enjoy as you engage Scripture Detailed biographical portraits allow you to learn from the lives of over 100 women in the Bible Thousands of extensive verse-by-verse study notes explain each passage and provide meaning to Scripture Over 300 in-text topical articles on relevant issues for you to glean wisdom from and apply to your life Insightful essays by women who are recognized experts in the fields of theology, biblical studies, archaeology, and philosophy to deepen your theological knowledge Book introductions and outlines provide an overview and context for each book Hundreds of full-color in-text maps, charts, timelines, and family trees show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical themes Quotes from godly women throughout history to encourage and guide your faith journey Set of full-page maps of the biblical world show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Topical index and concordance help locate words and see the number of occurrences throughout the Bible Easy-to-read large10.5-point print size
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers How Does Jewish Law Work?: A Rabbi Analyzes 119 More Contemporary Halachic Questions
Does Jewish law permit heart transplants? Do we have a responsibility to try to prevent or report a crime? Is it permissible to pray while barefoot? Can a Jewish man who has married a non-Jew be counted in a minyan? In How Does Jewish Law Work, Vol. 2, Rabbi J. Simcha Cohen continues his remarkable research by responding to more questions of contemporary interest or concern to modern Jews who are committed to a life consistent with traditional Jewish law. As in his previously published and highly praised books, Timely Jewish Ques-tions: Timeless Rabbinic Answers and How Does Jewish Law Work?, Rabbi Cohen does not merely provide quick answers to the questions he raises. On the contrary, he invites his readers to listen in on his logic, his research, and his insights as he illustrates the process of Jewish law as it has been applied to new questions throughout the centuries. According to Rabbi Cohen, "Halachah, the distinctly unique Jewish legal system, crystallizes the guidelines of Judaism. It makes us into Jews and marks us as Jewish. As such, an understanding of the halachic process provides insight into the inner soul of Jewish life itself." In this book, Rabbi Cohen clearly presents each question and carefully details the process of finding its answer. Through explication of verses from the Torah, talmudic passages, and many other sources, the reader receives the answer to the question and is also given the necessary background information to see how a rabbi arrives at the halachic decision. There are many books that provide answers to questions of Jewish observance and thought. How Does Jewish Law Work, Vol. 2 differs from others in that it places the answers in their proper contexts. For the person seeking to understand Jewish law, this book offers the opportunity to learn why Jews do certain things as they do. For those already familiar with halachah, this book will serve as a springboard for deeper study. All readers will come away with a sense of the complex system that is
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Dadskills: How to Be an Awesome Father and Impress All the Other Parents - From Baby Wrangling - To Taming Teenagers
They say that one of the hardest parts of parenting is that there’s no manual. Well, now there is (at least for dads!). Dadskills delivers simple, hard-hitting tips and advice in a witty, fun, and easily digestible format. This handy, amusing book is perfect for the busy guy who has his eye on the “Father of the Year” award. Organized by the child’s stage and age range, each chapter covers essential insights and techniques to keeping kids happy, safe, healthy…and stopping them from torturing their parents. Following the style of its tongue-in-cheek predecessor, Manskills, Dadskills wraps valid, incredibly useful information inside humorous writing. Chapters cover all stages of the journey: Baby Wrangling: Learn how to prep a go bag so you’re always ready, take a crash course in how to swaddle a baby, and find all you need to know about properly carrying your newborn. Dealing with Toddlers: Equip yourself to fight night terrors, learn how to manage tantrums, and make your way through the winding path from crawling to walking. The Single-Digit Challenge: Prime your kid to be a super student with a custom geography relief map, find tips for building self confidence, and embrace fun by learning how to make the perfect sandcastle. Managing Tweens: Get everyone on the same page by creating a calendar everyone will actually use and learn how to get a tween cooking with easy and fun recipes. Taming Teenagers: Everything you should know before having “the talk,” how to build skills through chores or a first job, and how to teach a teen to drive in four easy steps. Prepping for the Empty Nest: Tips for staying connected (but not too connected), cherishing memories with a tasteful craft project, and quick and easy ways to redesign a former kid's room. Can this book prepare you for all the challenges of fatherhood? Probably not! But every bit helps and you’re sure to learn a lesson or twelve that comes in handy.
Rowman & Littlefield Robert E. Lee and the Fall of the Confederacy, 1863–1865
The generalship of Robert E. Lee, the Confederacy's greatest commander, has long fascinated students of the American Civil War. In assessing Lee and his military career, historians have faced the great challenge of explaining how a man who achieved extraordinary battlefield success in 1862–1863 ended up surrendering his army and accepting the defeat of his cause in 1865. How, in just under two years, could Lee, the Army of Northern Virginia, and the Confederacy have gone from soaring triumph at Chancellorsville to total defeat at Appomattox Court House? In this reexamination of the last two years of Lee's storied military career, Ethan S. Rafuse offers a clear, informative, and insightful account of Lee's ultimately unsuccessful struggle to defend the Confederacy against a relentless and determined foe. Robert E. Lee and the Fall of the Confederacy describes the great campaigns that shaped the course of this crucial period in American history, the challenges Lee faced in each battle, and the dramatic events that determined the war's outcome. In addition to providing readable and richly detailed narratives of such campaigns as Gettysburg, Bristoe Station, Spotsylvania, and Appomattox, Rafuse offers compelling analysis of Lee's performance as a commander and of the strategic and operational contexts that influenced the course of the war. He superbly describes and explains the factors that shaped Union and Confederate strategy, how both sides approached the war in Virginia from an operational standpoint, differences in the two sides' respective military capabilities, and how these forces shaped the course and outcome of events on the battlefield. Rich in insights and analysis, this book provides a full, balanced, and cogent account of how even the best efforts of one of history's great commanders could not prevent the total defeat of his army and its cause. It will appeal to anyone with an interest in the career of Robert E. Lee and the military history of the Civil War.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Design: Ecology, Architecture, and Planning
Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Design "Daniel Williams's Sustainable Design is . . . a thoroughly practical call for the design professions to take the next steps toward transformation of the human prospect toward a future that is sustainable and sustaining of the best in human life lived in partnership not domination." --From the Foreword by David W. Orr, the Paul Sears Distinguished Professor of Environmental Studies and Politics and Chair of the Environmental Studies Program at Oberlin College "In this pioneering book, Daniel Williams provides the sort of intelligent, thoughtful, experienced insights that--if followed--will ensure that we make the right choices. It should be on the desk of every architect in the world." --Denis Hayes, president and CEO of the Bullitt Foundation and coordinator of the first Earth Day in 1970 Architects identify "sustainability" as the most important change in the future of their profession. Sustainable Design: Ecology, Architecture, and Planning is a practical, comprehensive guide to design and plan a built environment compatible with the region's economic, social, and ecological patterns. In this book, Daniel Williams challenges professionals to rethink architecture and to see their projects not as objects but as critical, connected pieces of the whole, essential to human health as well as to regional economy and ecology. Comprehensive in scope, Sustainable Design answers key questions such as: * How do I begin thinking and designing ecologically? * What is the difference between "green design" and "sustainable design"? * What are some examples of effective change I can make that will have the most impact for the least cost? Written for architects, planners, landscape architects, engineers, public officials, and change agent professionals, this important resource defines the issues of sustainable design, illustrates conceptual and case studies, and provides support for continued learning in this increasingly central focus of architects' and urban planners' work. Williams's book features winning projects from the first decade of the AIA's Committee on the Environment (COTE) Top Ten award program.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Biology of Sensory Systems
Since publication of the first edition, huge developments have taken place in sensory biology research and new insights have been provided in particular by molecular biology. These show the similarities in the molecular architecture and in the physiology of sensory cells across species and across sensory modality and often indicate a common ancestry dating back over half a billion years. Biology of Sensory Systems has thus been completely revised and takes a molecular, evolutionary and comparative approach, providing an overview of sensory systems in vertebrates, invertebrates and prokaryotes, with a strong focus on human senses. Written by a renowned author with extensive teaching experience, the book covers, in six parts, the general features of sensory systems, the mechanosenses, the chemosenses, the senses which detect electromagnetic radiation, other sensory systems including pain, thermosensitivity and some of the minority senses and, finally, provides an outline and discussion of philosophical implications. New in this edition: Greater emphasis on molecular biology and intracellular mechanisms New chapter on genomics and sensory systems Sections on TRP channels, synaptic transmission, evolution of nervous systems, arachnid mechanosensitive sensilla and photoreceptors, electroreception in the Monotremata, language and the FOXP2 gene, mirror neurons and the molecular biology of pain Updated passages on human olfaction and gustation. Over four hundred illustrations, boxes containing supplementary material and self-assessment questions and a full bibliography at the end of each part make Biology of Sensory Systems essential reading for undergraduate students of biology, zoology, animal physiology, neuroscience, anatomy and physiological psychology. The book is also suitable for postgraduate students in more specialised courses such as vision sciences, optometry, neurophysiology, neuropathology, developmental biology. Praise from the reviews of the first edition: "An excellent advanced undergraduate/postgraduate textbook." ASLIB BOOK GUIDE "The emphasis on comparative biology and evolution is one of the distinguishing features of this self-contained book. .... this is an informative and thought-provoking text..." TIMES HIGHER EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT
Oxford University Press Inc Who Decides?: States as Laboratories of Constitutional Experimentation
A unique defense of Federalism, making the case that constitutional law in America--encompassing the systems of all 51 governments--should have a role in assessing the right balance of power among all branches of our state and federal governments. Everything in law and politics, including individual rights, comes back to divisions of power and the evergreen question: Who decides? Who wins the disputes of the day often turns on who decides them. And our acceptance of the resolution of those disputes often turns on who the decision maker is-because it reveals who governs us. In Who Decides, the influential US Appellate Court Judge Jeffrey S. Sutton focuses on the constitutional structure of the American states to answer the question of who should decide the key questions of public policy today. By concentrating on the role of governmental structure in shaping power across the 50 American states, Sutton develops a powerful explanation of American constitutional law, in all of its variety, as opposed to just federal constitutional law. As in his earlier book, 51 Imperfect Solutions, which looked at how American federalism allowed the states to serve as laboratories of innovation for protecting individual liberty and property rights, Sutton compares state-level governments with the federal government and draws numerous insights from the comparisons. Instead of focusing on individual rights, however, he focuses on structure, while continuing to develop some of the core themes of his previous book. An illuminating and essential sequel to his earlier work on the nature of American federalism, Who Decides makes the case that American Constitutional Law should account for the role of the state courts and state constitutions, together with the federal courts and the federal constitution, in assessing the right balance of power among all branches of government. Taken together, both books reveal a remarkably complex, nuanced, ever-changing federalist system, one that ought to make lawyers and litigants pause before reflexively assuming that the United States Supreme Court alone has the answers to our vexing constitutional questions.
Rutgers University Press Policing Victimhood: Human Trafficking, Frontline Work, and the Carceral State
Since the turn of the twentieth century, human trafficking has animated public discourses, policy debates, and moral panics in the United States. Though some nuances of these conversations have shifted, the role of the criminal legal system (police officers, investigators, lawyers, and connected service providers) in anti-trafficking interventions has remained firmly in place. Policing Victimhood explores how frontline workers in direct contact with vulnerable, exploited, and trafficked persons—however those groups are defined at personal, organizational, or legal levels—defer to the tools of the carceral state and ideologies of punishment when navigating their clients’ needs. In Policing Victimhood, Corinne Schwarz interviewed with service providers in the Midwestern US, a region that, though colloquially understood as “flyover country,” regularly positions itself as a leader in state-level anti-trafficking policies and collaborative networks. These frontline workers’ perceptions and narratives are informed by their interpersonal, day-to-day encounters with exploited or trafficked persons. Their insights underscore how anti-trafficking policies are put into practice and influenced by specific ideologies and stereotypes. Extending the reach of street-level bureaucracy theory to anti-trafficking initiatives, Schwarz demonstrates how frontline workers are uniquely positioned to perpetuate or radically counter punitive anti-trafficking efforts. Taking a cue from anti-carceral feminist critiques and critical trafficking studies, Schwarz argues that ongoing anti-trafficking efforts in the US expand the punitive arm of the state without addressing the role of systemic oppression in perpetuating violence. The violence inherent to the carceral state—and required for its continued expansion—is the same violence that perpetuates the exploitation of human trafficking. In order to solve the “problem” of human trafficking, advocates, activists, and scholars must divest from systems that center punishment and radically reinvest their efforts in dismantling the structural violence that perpetuates social exclusion and vulnerability, what she calls the “-isms” and “-phobias” that harm some at the expense of others’ empowerment. Policing Victimhood encourages readers to imagine a world without carceral violence in any of its forms.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Climate Change Mitigation Law
Governments around the world have been trying to find ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for decades. This detailed Handbook considers the spectrum of legal and market-based instruments as well as strategies and policies adopted around the world and suggests more effective, comprehensive and responsive ways of managing climate change mitigation.As well as taking stock of the current and proposed legal instruments, the book looks at the wider policy and economic aspects of coping with climate change. It provides a comparative overview of key issues across Europe, the United States, Asia-Pacific and the BRICS countries, and discusses domestic, regional and international law and governance. With perspectives from academia, government and private practice, the expert contributors analyse key sectors such as energy, transport, buildings, industry, land use and waste. Important issues such as carbon trading, financing and litigation are also addressed. The book demonstrates the variety of approaches taken and their challenges with a view of fostering more effective and pragmatic ways of managing climate change mitigation.This timely book will be an authoritative resource for scholars of climate change law and policy, whilst also providing a rigorous overview for upper-level students. Policymakers will gain insights from the comparative perspectives, and practitioners will appreciate the broad range of practical issues addressed.Contributors: M. Alessi, J. Allmon, H. Van Asselt, D. Belis, L. Berzanskis, S. Bogojevic, D. Conway, C. Egenhofer, J.B. Eisen, B. Evans, N. Fujiwara, M.B. Gerrard, K. Hussey, M. Iguchi, S. Kakade, C.K. Siebert, E. Knight, A. Korppoo, J. Li, J. Lin, H. Masondo, M. Mehling, K. Hannon Michel, A. Monroe, H. Nakamura, J. Núñez Ferrer, A.S. Olesen, U. Outka, S.-L. Penttinen, F. Rambau, L. Reins, L. Ristino, A. Rohatgi, R. Seroa da Motta, I. Skinner, N. Srivastava, K. Talus, T.S.A. Loi, C.Tung, K. Upston-Hooper, G. Van Calster, W. Vandenberghe, S. Wattiaux, P. Wehrheim, J. Wettestad, A. Yamamoto, E. Yliheljo, N. Bin Zahur
James Currey State-building and National Militaries in Postcolonial West Africa: Decolonizing the Means of Coercion 1958–1974
Explores the fundamental role of the military in state-building in francophone postcolonial West Africa and how foreign economic and military aid has influenced it. How did African armed forces in postcolonial states in francophone West Africa influence decolonization and state-building in African states? How did foreign assistance from ex-colonial powers, the USSR and the US and colonial state structures influence political systems, and sometimes result in weak and unstable governance? This book explores the development of national militaries in Cote d'Ivoire, Dahomey (now Benin), Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso) and Togo during the 1960s and 1970s. Revealing the strength of decision-making power by African political elites, the study also shows the decisive impact of foreign economic and military assistance on countries that did not experience a prolonged armed conflict. The author provides new insights into the way the decisions of African governments in building their national militaries impacted postcolonial states' autonomy, legitimacy, sovereign control and governance. In West Africa, during the 1960s, France sought to maintain exclusive relations with its former colonies through military assistance, economic aid and close personal relations with African political and military elites. State coercive capacities extended far beyond the strength of political institutions, with soldiers' assumption of political roles linked to the weaknesses of colonial and postcolonial structures. Disagreements between French and American officials, as well as Arab-Israeli and Sino-Russo conflicts, increased African presidents' opportunities to mobilize external resources. Yet in the late 1980s, it became evident that national militaries and police were often the main causes of personal insecurity, rather than providing protection, and that some economies remained weak and political structures unstable. This book is available as an Open Access ebook under the Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC. The open access version of this publication was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
James Currey The Politics of Peacemaking in Africa: Non-State Actors' Role in the Liberian Civil War
A detailed examination of the role of two critical non-state groups in the Liberian Civil War peace process - the diaspora and the religious - that provides key insights for policymakers and NGOs into the roles that civil societyactors can play in conflict resolution and peacemaking. Throws light on the role of several key agents in bringing to an end one of the darkest episodes in post-independence African history.' Ebenezer Obadare, University of Kansas Until the 1990s, conflict resolution and peacemaking fell to states, the UN and other intergovernmental organizations. In recent times it is non-armed, non-state actors who have had a pivotal role in seeking to resolve civil wars in Africa. This book examines, for the first time, through an examination of the Liberian Civil War in particular, how non-state actors have impacted upon peace processes. The Liberian Civil War was the first post-Cold War intra-state conflict in West Africa and exemplified the "new wars" breaking out on the continent. The peace process that followed showed how future peacemaking processes might evolve, being not only the first in which a regional economic grouping had a role - in this case ECOWAS - but also involving non-state religious and diaspora actors. Religious actors, initiators of the Liberian peace process, were mediators, dialogue facilitators, watchdogs and trustees of the entire peace process. Although their efforts were mainly influenced by the desire to fulfil the divine mandate to "tend to the flock", they were also able to regain some of the societal influence that organized religion, especially Christianity, enjoyed during the 158 years of minority Americo-Liberian rule. Diaspora actors' roles ranged from being founders and sponsors of warring factions to providing succour to Liberians back home through remittances and engaging in the peace process. Babatunde T. Afolabi is a Senior Programme Manager at the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD). He had previously worked at the ECOWAS Commission where he was involved in peace processes across West Africa.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Research Agenda for Tourism Geographies
Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary. 'Müller's accessible and timely volume takes a bold step closer to keeping pace with the constantly evolving sub-discipline of tourism geographies, unafraid to challenge earlier foundations and keen to prioritise academic diversity and real-world contexts. The contributors' flair, perspective and passion comes across throughout what is arguably the ideal backdrop for shaping future research agendas in the field.'- Julie Wilson, Open University of Catalonia, Spain Over recent years, tourism geographies have developed into a vibrant field of research, facing increasing challenges from globalisation and environmental change. This Research Agenda presents a unique and original collection of contributions from both established and up-and-coming scholars in the field. Encompassing both contemporary issues, and paving the way for future avenues of research, this book explores and develops research on tourism geographies. Chapters address emerging themes and apply new methodologies, allowing for intellectual and practical challenges to be tackled. With fresh global insights, this book expands on the geographic dimension of tourism work and workers, the challenges brought by changing economic atmospheres, spatial dynamics, big data and climate change to provide a thorough understanding of the field. Ideal for graduate and post-graduate students of geography and tourism studies looking to develop thesis ideas, this Research Agenda highlights the interest and potential of tourism geographers to contribute to a geographical tradition and influence the future content of geography as a discipline.Contributors: M. Bauder, P. Brouder, R. de Cássia Ariza da Cruz, K. Debbage, M.G. Gren, M. Hall, H.V. Haraldsson, X. Honggang, E.H. Huijbens, Z. Ibrahim, D. Ioannides, D.K. Müller, R. Ólafsdóttir, J. Saarinen, R. Steiger, R. Tremblay, G. Visser, Y. Wu, K. Zampoukos
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Social Problems in Southern Europe: A Comparative Assessment
As the European Union continues to struggle to establish a common agenda on tackling social problems, this compelling book presents a set of comparative sociological studies in southern European countries from leading scholars working in the region. While political and sociological discussion is frequently focused on northern EU member states, this book widens the debate by looking at a series of specific social problems of southern Europe. Contributors examine pressing social issues, such as social unrest, Islamophobia, childhood and educational needs, deindustrialization, unemployment and environmental degradation, addressing not only the implications of these issues but also their societal perception and their impact on national and regional identities. Chapters highlight shared trends and critical regional disparities that may improve our understanding of social problems in Mediterranean welfare states. Featuring key research from leading academics in the field, this book is crucial reading for scholars of sociology and social policy working in the field of social problems, particularly those focused on southern Europe. It will also be beneficial to policymakers working in the region who are in need of fresh empirical insights into the social fabric of southern European societies. Contributors include: T. Álvarez Lorente, H. Baldán, A. Barros Cardoso, F. Barros Rodríguez, J.F. Bejarano Bella, I. Benali Tahiri, S. Bertolini, F.J. Cantón Correa, P. Cardon, F.F. Castaño, E. Domínguez, R. Duque-Calvache, F. Entrena-Duran, M. do Nascimento Esteves Mateus, R. Fajardo Fernández, C. Fuentes-Lara, N. Fuster, P. Galindo Calvo, J.M. García Moreno, A. Gentile, S.M.A. Gozzo, J. Iglesias de Ussel, E. Igorra Canillas, B. Jiménez Roger, J. López Doblas, L.F. López García, B. Mahmud, R. Manzanera Ruiz, C. Marciano, A. Martínez López, R. Martínez Martín, I. Palomares-Linares, L. Pellizzoni, T.T. Rodríguez Molina, F. Sadio Ramos, M. Sánchez Martínez, M.J. Santiago Segura, R.M. Soriano Miras, J.L. Sousa Soares de Oliveira Braga, J. Susino, J.M. Torrado, A. Torres Rodríguez, A. Trinidad Requena, J.M. Valdera-Gil
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Research Agenda for Social Entrepreneurship
Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary. In the last two decades social entrepreneurship has grown in energy and impact as entrepreneurial spirit has increasingly turned to finding solutions for social, cultural and environmental issues. As social entrepreneurship has grown in popularity, so too has its academic study. A Research Agenda for Social Entrepreneurship brings together contributions from developing paths in the field to signpost the directions ahead for the study of social entrepreneurship. Moving beyond mainstream approaches to entrepreneurship, this innovative and insightful book offers a unique view into the contemporary state of social entrepreneurship research. Impressive and diverse, this book explores not only established research, but also draws out implications for social entrepreneurship from legal scholarship, gender studies and indigenous research, as well as investigating regional contexts. Moreover, the contributors take inspiration from emerging societal trends, such as the circular economy and the turn of entrepreneurship to ecology and the environment. Featuring diverse insights from different disciplinary and geographical perspectives, this book is invaluable to students of social entrepreneurship at all levels who are in need of a broad and cutting-edge overview of the topics. Researchers seeking original research topics and questions will benefit from this book's insight into the future of the subject. The accessible style will also serve social entrepreneurs themselves, offering a fascinating exploration of the many pathways for social entrepreneurship. Contributors: G. Alarifi, A. Brady, D. Burand, E. Castellas, L.-P. Dana, A. de Bruin, P. Dey, B. Doherty, M. Duniam, A.M. Eikenberry, R. Eversole, H. Haugh, R. Hazenberg, M. Henriksson, C. Henry, E. Henry, D. Holt, M. Hultman, N. Johansson, A. Kaijser, P. Kittipanya-ngam, E. Kromidha, K.V. Lewis, L. Marti, C. Mason, B. Meldrum, J. Ormiston, P. Robson, M.J. Roy, R. Spear, S. Teasdale, B. Wallsten, R. Ziegler
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Budapest & Hungary
Lonely Planet's Budapest and Hungary is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the city and country has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Take a cruise along the Danube, hang out at a ruin bar and take a dip in one of the many thermal baths; all with your trusted travel companion. Inside Lonely Planet's Budapest and Hungary Travel Guide: Lonely Planet's Top Picks - a visually inspiring collection of the destination's best experiences and where to have them Itineraries help you build the ultimate trip based on your personal needs and interestsLocal insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - whether it's history, people, music, landscapes, wildlife, politics Eating and drinking - get the most out of your gastronomic experience as we reveal the regional dishes and drinks you have to try Destination specific chapter on Budapest's thermal baths and spas Toolkit - all of the planning tools for solo travellers, LGBTQIA+ travellers, family travellers and accessible travel Colour maps and images throughoutLanguage - essential phrases and language tips Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Covers Budapest, the Danube Bend, Lake Balaton, Szeged, Pecs, Sopron, Southern Transdanubia, the Great Plain, Western Transdanubia, Eger, Northern Uplands, Szentendre, Visegrad, Villany, and more. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet, a Red Ventures Company, is the world's number one travel guidebook brand. Providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973, Lonely Planet reaches hundreds of millions of travellers each year online and in print and helps them unlock amazing experiences. Visit us at and join our community of followers on Facebook (, Twitter (@lonelyplanet), Instagram (, and TikTok (@lonelyplanet). 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Business and the Greater Good: Rethinking Business Ethics in an Age of Crisis
Bringing together business and the greater good is not a piece of cake. In Knut J. Ims' and Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen's book, internationally known scholars from both sides of the Atlantic develop deep reflections on the relationship between business and society. The authors show conflicts between business and the greater good and also demonstrate how business can be transformed, in order to align the goals of business and society. This is not only a book about the future of business ethics, it is a book about the future of business in general.'- Thomas Beschorner, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland'Business and the Greater Good does what it promises: rethinking business ethics in a competent, inspired and committed way. Its in depth analysis of the current failures of business and business ethics, while at the same time opening unexpected windows for the future, is its hallmark...Reading this book has convinced me that business ethics is entering a new phase of pioneering research and practice.'- Luk Bouckaert, KU Leuven University, BelgiumWith cutting-edge insights from leading European and North American scholars, this authoritative book addresses the fundamental problems of business in an age of crisis whilst presenting radical, but practical, solutions.The contributors explore three main value shifts: from inequality to equality, from the technical-materialistic to the ecological-spiritual, and from compliance and enforcement to autonomy and responsibility. A number of striking issues are addressed including the doctrine of self-interest, the purpose of business, codes of conduct, personal responsibility, existential perspectives on business ethics and the development of ethical competence.This book will be an essential point of reference for academic researchers and postgraduate students in business ethics and corporate social responsibility, as well as practitioners interested in the relevance of business ethics to leadership, management, strategy and finance.Contributors: G.G. Brenkert, J. Brinkmann, W. Cragg, G. Enderle, K.J. Ims, K. Jackson, O. Jakobsen, J.M. Lozano, E. O'Higgins, L.J.T. Pedersen, P. Pruzan, D.H. Schepers, S.P. Sethi, A. Tencati, L. Zsolnai
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Management Ideas and Panaceas: Adaptation and Context
What makes this book a unique innovative source full of surprising insights is that management panaceas are examined by most competent scholars. In highly readable chapters it is pointed out what it takes to successfully adapt panaceas to different contexts. Adaptation is necessary since management panaceas are all but 'all-healing' and without contextualization they lose their persuasive power which is a crucial ingredient for their healing power.'- Alfred Kieser, Mannheim University and Research Zeppelin University, GermanyOver time management ideas and panaceas have been presented alternately as quick fix cures for all corporate ills and the emperor's new clothes, beset by flaws and problems. This Handbook provides a different approach, suggesting that management ideas and panaceas should not be either adopted or rejected outright, but gives guidance in the art of assessing and applying management ideas and panaceas to various situations and contexts.The contributors discuss the ways in which researchers, organizational actors and higher educational institutions can more wisely test the relevance of management ideas and panaceas, and adapt these to fit organizations in various contexts. They conclude that, in order to accomplish wiser relevance-testing and adaptation, there is a need for diversity, critical examination and transparency.All students, scholars and researchers in management and organization with an interest in the adaptation and translation of management ideas and panaceas, will find this book to be of interest. Reflective practitioners will find the focus on context illuminating and helpful.Contributors: E. Abrahamson, C. Abrahamson Löfström, N.J. Adler, S.B. Alavi, S. Ansari, P.A. Bamberger, E. Belogolovsky, A. Berthoin Antal, P. Bhatanacharoen, S. Bohn, S. Bort, P. Boselie, C. Brewster, T. Clark, D. Collins, A. Galander, D. Greatbatch, J. Hanham, S.-w. Hsu, P. Lamb, P. Lillrank, P.Maassen, A. Mamman, C. Mazza, J. McCormick, Ö. Ohlsson, A. Örtenblad, M. Parker, J. Reinecke, P. Reinmoeller, B. Rombach, C.-C. Rüling, H.P. Saxi, B. Stensaker, J. Strandgaard Pedersen, P. Thomas, P. Walgenbach, S.R. Whittle, M. Zawadzki
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Military Society and the Court of Chivalry in the Age of the Hundred Years War
An investigation into three of the best-known cases tried under the Court of Chivalry reveals much about gentry military society. The highest and most sovereign things a knight ought to guard in defence of his estate are his troth and his arms. So declared Richard, Lord Scrope of Bolton, before the Court of Chivalry, eloquently encapsulating the fundamental role heraldic identity played in the lives of the late medieval English gentry. The Court of Chivalry was England's senior military court during the age of the Hundred Years War (1337-1453), but unfortunately its medieval registers are now lost and only a bare few cases survive. This book explores three of the best preserved of those cases: Scrope v. Grosvenor (1385-91), Lovel v. Morley (1386-7) and Grey v. Hastings (1407-10), disputes in which competing knightly families claimed rightful possession of the same coat-of-arms. Hundreds of witnesses gave evidence in each of these cases, in the process providing vivid insights into the military, social, and cultural history of late medieval England. This study asks a number of important questions. How did the plaintiffs and defendants choose their witnesses? What motives and constraints shaped their choices? How did they gain access to the various gentry networks that spoke in their defence? To what extent did lordly influence impact upon the composition of each witness list? How well did the witnesses themselves know each other? What role did bonds of regional solidarity play before the Court? Perhaps most significantly, what does the testimony itself reveal about the chivalric culture of the age? These questions enable the historian to probe in considerable depth the character of gentry military society, and its chivalric ethos, at a time when the victories of Edward III (1327-1377) were receding ever deeper into popular memory and the triumphs of Henry V (1413-1422) still lay in the future. PHILIP CAUDREY is an Honorary Research Associate at the University of Tasmania, Australia.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Charles Robert Cockerell in the Mediterranean: Letters and Travels, 1810-1817
Charles R. Cockerell (1788-1863) was one of the most significant nineteenth-century British architects and a major player in the cultural shift from the Georgian eighteenth to the Victorian nineteenth century. Charles R. Cockerell (1788-1863) was one of the most significant nineteenth-century British architects and a major player in the cultural shift from the Georgian eighteenth to the Victorian nineteenth century. Cockerell's travelsin the eastern Mediterranean between 1810 and 1817 were the formative experience of his life. His forty letters from this period, held in the archives of the Royal Institute of British Architects and published here for the first time, give crucial day-to-day insights into his actions, thoughts and feelings in relation to the intricate histories of the re-discovery and sales of the Aegina and Bassae marbles and, equally importantly, illuminate his hugely significant work on temple architecture and sculpture in mainland Greece, the great cities of Asia Minor, and the significant temples of Sicily. Drawing on these letters, and on some 150 unpublished letters sent by his friends while they were all in Greece and now held in the British Museum, this book elucidates what Cockerell did and why by analyzing his methods of work and their significance. It discusses Cockerell's aesthetic and conceptual development during his time abroad, particularly his influential part in the changing vision of Greek sculpture and architecture, from Winkelmann's static ideal to one rooted in dramatic tension and contextual contingency. The book unravels the emergence of Cockerell's crucial historical perspective and shows how he arrived at a new view of the ancient Greek past as made up of real lived lives, rather than just existing as a back drop to the present. By offeringa complete edition of the RIBA letters, this book fills a significant gap in our understanding of the thought and work of one of the formative spirits of nineteenth century visual historical culture. SUSAN PEARCE is Professor Emeritus of Museum Studies, University of Leicester. THERESA ORMROD has extensive experience in archival research, manuscript transcription and editing.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Legal Thought and Philosophy: What Legal Scholarship is About
This book proves to be an excellent guide through the labyrinth of law. Its crucial point is legal order viewed from the perspective of a situated 'We'. Jurisprudence appears as an implicit sort of thinking, embedded in moral, political, epistemological, and linguistic contexts. Numerous example cases lead us from everyday issues to the abysses of violence. Anyone who practises or studies law will highly profit from reading this book. One sees how law functions by being more than mere law.'- Bernhard Waldenfels, Ruhr-University Bochum, GermanyLegal Thought and Philosophy clarifies background questions in legal research projects, such as the relationship between law and justice, law and politics, law and knowledge, facts and norms, normativity and validity, constituent and constitutional power, and rule and context. It provides advanced students in law and philosophy with an account of legal thinking that combines analytical and phenomenological insights.From a conception of justice as principled political self-restraint, the book explains why there are moral reasons to separate law from morality conceptually and in what sense a legal order is positive - that is, set by authority and bound up with history. The book explores the conditions under which law may become an object of knowledge and theorizing, before finally discussing how these features come together in law as rule-following by citizens, officials, judges, and legislators alike.Addressing advanced students in law and philosophy, this key book:- bridges separate traditions in legal philosophy (in particular analytical philosophy and phenomenology)- develops a view of law as an institution of authority from a conception of justice in the socio-political relationship between 'we' and 'the others'- presents a systematic account of normativity and validity- explains in what sense law is 'doing things with rules'.Contents: Preface Introduction 1. Legal Order 2. Justice, Rights and Human Dignity 3. Positive Law and Sovereign Authority 4. Legal Knowledge and Legal Doctrine: Validity of Law 5. Following the Law as Following a Rule Bibliography Index
Human Kinetics Publishers Breakthrough Women's Running: Dream Big and Train Smart
Breakthrough Women’s Running is written just for you—a woman runner who has big goals and needs a plan to achieve them. In her trademark fun and upbeat style, professional runner and coach Neely Spence Gracey will set you up for success with an inside look at her own story in the sport—paired with the science, experience, strategies, and insights that have worked for her and countless other female runners who set challenging goals and achieved them. Told with engaging storytelling and packed with colorful images and practical recommendations to improve your running, Breakthrough Women’s Running offers 5K, 10K, half-marathon, marathon, and run-walk training plans to suit your current distance or pacing goals. With the strength and mobility workouts included in the plans, you don’t have to wonder where and how to fit in these important (but often overlooked) components of a successful running training program. Learn how to breathe in rhythm and how to focus with mantras and mindfulness exercises. Get specific guidance on how to best manage unique challenges that women confront such as hormone fluctuations; training through the menstrual cycle, while pregnant, or after childbirth; and training while also raising a family. Know how to train to prevent injury as well as how to return to running should an injury occur. And fuel your training with five simple recipes that are nutrient dense and simple to prepare. You’ll hear from well-known, successful women runners such as Sara Hall and Nell Rojas on how even elite runners experience highs and lows in their training as well as how they themselves overcame obstacles to reach their goals. At the ends of chapters, you’ll find Breakthrough Goals—a section of small, tangible actions that you can apply in your own training to overcome specific obstacles. If you’re looking for a strategic and progressive approach for breaking through your physical or mental barriers to achieve more successful and fulfilling running, you’ve found it with Breakthrough Women’s Running.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Supplement to NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification 2021-2023 (12th edition)
NANDA-I supplement provides in-depth insights on current and upcoming nursing diagnoses This supplement to the NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification, 2021–2023 (12th Edition) is a succinct, companion to the comprehensive textbook by T. Heather Herdman, Shigemi Kamitsuru, and Camila Lopes. The 12th edition is the definitive guide on nursing diagnoses, as reviewed and approved by NANDA International (NANDA-I), the leading professional organization that develops, researches, disseminates, and refines nursing taxonomy. This book is designed to give current users of the full text a “quick glance” into what is new in the latest edition and more in-depth information on key changes. Six introductory chapters provide insightful commentary on changes, including new nursing diagnoses, revisions to nursing diagnosis labels and diagnoses, and retired nursing diagnoses. The supplement also covers three types of clinical reasoning models—problem-focused nursing diagnosis, risk nursing diagnosis, and health promotion nursing diagnosis—which are enhanced by visual flow charts to give readers a better understanding of the essential steps required to make accurate diagnoses. Key Features Structured documentation for each of the 46 new diagnoses introduced to the 12th edition, including presentation of a model case, model case assessment, and a tabular overview of the diagnostic parameters, ultimate goal, outcome, and nursing actions related to the model case Explanation of standardized terminology changes used in nursing diagnostic indicators, including defining characteristics, related factors, and risk factors Discussion of conceptual issues the authors anticipate will require additional clarification in the upcoming 13th edition, including recommendations for modification This must-have supplement enhances understanding, supports education, and facilitates implementation of important diagnostic changes in daily practice. All practitioners, including nursing students, professional nurses, nurse educators, nurse informaticists, and nurse administrators, who utilize the primary text will benefit from reading this companion book. This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
Brookes Publishing Co Design and Deliver: Planning and Teaching Using Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is the best way to teach all students effectively and break down barriers to learning—but how can busy teachers get started with UDL right now? Find the answers in the second edition of this bestselling, teacher-trusted primer, created by internationally recognized UDL expert Loui Lord Nelson.Thoroughly updated to reflect new research and developments in the field of UDL, this book gives K–12 teachers a reader-friendly UDL introduction and a practical framework for implementation, with guidelines and checkpoints for designing effective, barrier-free lesson plans and learning environments. You’ll learn how to use the three core principles of UDL—Engagement, Representation, and Action & Expression—to present information in multiple ways and ensure access for all learners.Throughout the book, detailed examples, stories, illustrations, teacher reflections, and activities reinforce UDL principles and help you put them into practice in both virtual and in-person settings.Written in first person, like a face-to-face talk with a passionate educator, this research-based book will guide you in designing equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive learning environments that meet the needs of diverse learners. An essential UDL introduction for both preservice and inservice educators!WHAT’S NEW: Key insights from the latest neuroscience research Useful stories and practical tips from teachers implementing UDL Technology bytes: timely tips and ideas on how to enhance online learning with UDL Expert guidance on current topics, including culturally responsive teaching, urban education, and a focus on the expert learner “Ponder this” prompts throughout the book to help readers consider new ideas and discover additional resources End-of-chapter “check-ins” that help readers apply what they’ve learned ONLINE MATERIALS: Designing instruction with UDL is easier than ever with these online resources, available as printable downloads: CAST UDL Guidelines; an Identifying Your Resources chart; a UDL design cycle graphic; a UDL lesson plan flowchart; and classroom resource mapping charts for elementary, middle, and high school teachers.
Permuted Press Nuff Said
The New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Just Tyrus returns in his inimitable style with deeper reminiscences on the life that shaped him and how he views the world we’re living in."In this sequel, you'll delve into some of Tyrus's extraordinary life experiences and see how they connect with the most pressing issues of our time: immigration, crime, bullying, athletics, politics, China, parenting, and respect (for ourselves, each other, and the planet). It is Tyrus’s commentary on all of these issues that has the power to silence a room. When he talks, people listen. There's so much wisdom and common sense in his takes that you’ll finish this book more informed and more optimistic about the future—and we could all use that.” —Dana Perino A rare voice of reason and authentic storyteller who never holds back, Tyrus picks up where he left off in Just Tyrus, delivering a series of gut-wrenching, heart-rending and redemptive tales from his remarkable life and coupling them with no-nonsense insights on the hottest issues being discussed around the country. “Tyrus remains one of the most distinct, original voices in any medium, if not one of the most brutally honest to enter the realm of television since Charles Krauthammer. I mention them both because they're not different—both deep thinkers who leave inedible marks on those who are lucky enough to cross their paths. It’s Tyrus's thinking that drives this book, and you'll get it through his powerful words. Writers spend years trying to concoct a voice. Tyrus makes it seem like it was always there.” —Greg Gutfeld Whether he’s tackling the issues of race and activism in America today or confronting his past with stories of family, relationships, wrestling, and more, this is pure Tyrus at his unbridled best. The parallels he draws between current culture and his personal past are insightful, provocative, and profound. Nuff Said is a powerful reflection on a complex life and a complicated world.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc AOSpine Masters Series, Volume 7: Spinal Cord Injury and Regeneration
World-renowned experts share the latest updates in translational research as well as surgical and nonsurgical strategies for treating spinal cord injury Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating, clinically challenging injury, leading to varying degrees of neurological function impairment and paralysis. Underlying biological mechanisms either inhibit or promote new growth in the spinal cord. Researchers have been making important discoveries about how neurons and their axons grow in the central nervous system and why they fail to regenerate after SCI. Although progress has been steady, there remains an urgent need to address issues in acute management such as early decompression and the use of biologics, as well as potential solutions for regeneration. Written by renowned experts in the ever-evolving field of SCI research and clinical practice, the 7th volume in the AOSpine Masters series is a state-of-the-art compendium on the latest in SCI diagnosis, spine surgery interventions, and long-term management. Each chapter contains pearls from leading spine specialists gleaned from the research laboratory and years of hands-on experience treating SCI patients in the emergency setting and long term. Key Features: Pathobiology, assessment, and diagnostic considerations The use of biomarkers as predictors of functional recovery Surgical and nonsurgical interventions for traumatic SCI The role of neural stem cells and biologics in spinal cord repair Functional and epidural stimulation and brain-computer interfaces The AOSpine Masters series, a copublication of Thieme and the AOSpine Foundation, addresses current clinical issues featuring international masters sharing their expertise in the core areas in the field. The goal of the series is to contribute to an evolving, dynamic model of evidence-based approach to spine care. This essential textbook delivers invaluable insights to spine surgeons, spinal cord injury clinicians and researchers and trainees, from translational researchers to experienced researchers and clinicians experienced in the operative and non-operative management of spinal cord injury.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Literary Adaptations in Black American Cinema: Expanded Edition
A comprehensive analysis of the ways in which the black American experience has been depicted in film adaptations of popular literature. The cinematic representation of blacks, especially in silent and early film, was shaped not only by the sentimental racism of the culture but also by the popular literature that distorted black experience and restricted black characters to minor, stereotyped roles. By contrast, in the works of black writers from Oscar Micheaux to Toni Morrison, the black experience has been more fully, more accurately, and usually more sympathetically realized; and from the early days of film, select filmmakers have looked to that literature as the basis for their productions. This revised and expanded historical examination of the practice of such adaptation offers telling insights into the portrayal -- and progress -- of blacks in American movies and culture. This volume reveals that while blacks, on screen and behind the scenes, were often forced to re-create demeaning film stereotypes, they learned how to subvert and exploit the artificiality of their caricatures. It also reveals the ways that black filmmakers, beginning with Micheaux, Noble and George Johnson, and their less prominent colleagues like Emmett Scott, worked within the conventions of cinema and society yet managed to produce films that were, at their best, unconventional and pioneering. Lupack demonstrates that as far back as the 1920s and 1930s, black authors like Paul Laurence Dunbar and Langston Hughes already recognized the need for involvement with film production in order to create pictures that were more representative of black life. The book illustrates the fact that, in recent years, as more black voices found their way to the screen, among the strongest were the voices of women. And above all, it confirms that within the rich tradition of black literature of all genres lie many exciting cinematic possibilities for audiences of all colors. Barbara Tepa Lupack has written extensively on the topic of literary adaptations in cinema and is coauthor (with Alan Lupack) of Illustrating Camelot and King Arthur in America.
Pan Macmillan Too Big to Jail: HSBC and the Banking Scandal of the Century
‘Packed with insights and details that will both amaze and appal you’ – Oliver Bullough, author of Moneyland and Butler to the WorldFrom journalist Chris Blackhurst, Too Big to Jail unveils how HSBC facilitated mass money laundering schemes for brutal drug kingpins and rogue nations – and thereby helped to grow one of the deadliest drugs empires the world has ever seen.While HSBC likes to sell itself as ‘the world’s local bank’ – the friendly face of corporate and personal finance – it was one decade ago hit with a record US fine of $1.9 billion. In pursuit of their goal of becoming the biggest bank in the world, between 2003 and 2010, HSBC allowed El Chapo and the Sinaloa cartel, one of the most notorious and murderous criminal organizations in the world, to turn its ill-gotten money into clean dollars.How did a bank, which boasts ‘we’re committed to helping protect the world’s financial system on which millions of people depend, by only doing business with customers who meet our high standards of transparency’ come to facilitate Mexico’s richest drug baron? And how did a bank that as recently as 2002 had been named ‘one of the best-run organizations in the world’ become so entwined with one of the most barbaric groups of gangsters on the planet?Too Big to Jail is an extraordinary story, brilliantly told by writer, commentator and former editor of The Independent, Chris Blackhurst, that starts in Hong Kong and ranges across London, Washington, the Cayman Islands and Mexico, where HSBC saw the opportunity to become the largest bank in the world, and El Chapo seized the chance to fuel his murderous empire by laundering his drug proceeds through the bank. It brings together an extraordinary cast of politicians, bankers, drug dealers, FBI officers and whistle-blowers, and asks what price does greed have? Whose job is it to police global finance? And why did not a single person go to prison for facilitating the murderous expansion of a global drug empire?
Pan Macmillan How I Built This: The Unexpected Paths to Success From the World's Most Inspiring Entrepreneurs
The #1 Wall Street Journal Business Book Bestseller & Top 10 New York Times Bestseller.Based on the highly acclaimed NPR podcast, How I Built This with Guy Raz, his book offers priceless insights and inspiration from the world’s top entrepreneurs on how to start, launch and build a successful venture.Great ideas often come from a simple spark: a football player on the New Zealand national team notices all the unused wool his country produces and figures out a way to turn them into shoes (Allbirds). A former Buddhist monk decides the very best way to spread his mindfulness teachings is by launching an app (Headspace). A sandwich cart vendor finds a way to reuse leftover pita bread and turns it into a multi-million dollar business (Stacy’s Pita Chips).Award-winning podcast creator Guy Raz has interviewed more than 200 highly successful innovators from across the world, from the founders of Five Guys, Airbnb and Bumble to James Dyson and Reed Hastings of Netflix, to uncover amazing true stories like these. In How I Built This, he shares tips for every entrepreneur’s journey: from the early days of formulating your idea, to raising money and recruiting employees, to finding your market and, finally, to paying yourself a real salary. This is a must-read for anyone who has ever dreamed of starting their own business or wondered how trail-blazing go-getters made their own dreams a reality.'A must read for anyone who wants to start a business, grow a business, or be inspired by those who do' – Adam Grant, author of Originals'These stories of founders and their companies are told with the same energy and openness it takes to be an entrepreneur' – Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup'Guy Raz is supremely himself in this guide for aspiring entrepreneurs: brilliantly perceptive, incessantly curious, infectiously energetic and above all, a master storyteller' - Angela Duckworth, author of Grit
Cornell University Press Law, Economics, and Conflict
In Law, Economics, and Conflict, Kaushik Basu and Robert C. Hockett bring together international experts to offer new perspectives on how to take analytic tools from the realm of academic research out into the real world to address pressing policy questions. As the essays discuss, political polarization, regional conflicts, climate change, and the dramatic technological breakthroughs of the digital age have all left the standard tools of regulation floundering in the twenty-first century. These failures have, in turn, precipitated significant questions about the fundamentals of law and economics. The contributors address law and economics in diverse settings and situations, including central banking and the use of capital controls, fighting corruption in China, rural credit markets in India, pawnshops in the United States, the limitations of antitrust law, and the role of international monetary regimes. Collectively, the essays in Law, Economics, and Conflict rethink how the insights of law and economics can inform policies that provide individuals with the space and means to work, innovate, and prosper—while guiding states and international organization to regulate in ways that limit conflict, reduce national and global inequality, and ensure fairness. Contributors: Kaushik Basu; Kimberly Bolch; University of Oxford; Marieke Bos, Stockholm School of Economics; Susan Payne Carter, US Military Academy at West Point; Peter Cornelisse, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Gaël Giraud, Georgetown University; Nicole Hassoun, Binghamton University; Robert C. Hockett; Karla Hoff, Columbia University and World Bank; Yair Listokin, Yale Law School; Cheryl Long, Xiamen University and Wang Yanan Institute for Study of Economics (WISE); Luis Felipe López-Calva, UN Development Programme; Célestin Monga, Harvard University; Paige Marta Skiba, Vanderbilt Law School; Anand V. Swamy, Williams College; Erik Thorbecke, Cornell University; James Walsh, University of Oxford. Contributors: Kimberly B. Bolch, Marieke Bos, Susan Payne Carter, Peter A. Cornelisse, Gaël Giraud, Nicole Hassoun, Karla Hoff, Yair Listokin, Cheryl Long, Luis F. López-Calva, Célestin Monga, Paige Marta Skiba, Anand V. Swamy, Erik Thorbecke, James Walsh
Taylor & Francis Inc Big Data Management and Processing
From the Foreword:"Big Data Management and Processing is [a] state-of-the-art book that deals with a wide range of topical themes in the field of Big Data. The book, which probes many issues related to this exciting and rapidly growing field, covers processing, management, analytics, and applications... [It] is a very valuable addition to the literature. It will serve as a source of up-to-date research in this continuously developing area. The book also provides an opportunity for researchers to explore the use of advanced computing technologies and their impact on enhancing our capabilities to conduct more sophisticated studies."---Sartaj Sahni, University of Florida, USA"Big Data Management and Processing covers the latest Big Data research results in processing, analytics, management and applications. Both fundamental insights and representative applications are provided. This book is a timely and valuable resource for students, researchers and seasoned practitioners in Big Data fields.--Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ChinaBig Data Management and Processing explores a range of big data related issues and their impact on the design of new computing systems. The twenty-one chapters were carefully selected and feature contributions from several outstanding researchers. The book endeavors to strike a balance between theoretical and practical coverage of innovative problem solving techniques for a range of platforms. It serves as a repository of paradigms, technologies, and applications that target different facets of big data computing systems.The first part of the book explores energy and resource management issues, as well as legal compliance and quality management for Big Data. It covers In-Memory computing and In-Memory data grids, as well as co-scheduling for high performance computing applications. The second part of the book includes comprehensive coverage of Hadoop and Spark, along with security, privacy, and trust challenges and solutions.The latter part of the book covers mining and clustering in Big Data, and includes applications in genomics, hospital big data processing, and vehicular cloud computing. The book also analyzes funding for Big Data projects.
New York University Press After the Protests Are Heard: Enacting Civic Engagement and Social Transformation
When the protests are over, a guide to creating long-lasting social change beyond the barricades From the Women’s March in D.C. to #BlackLivesMatter rallies across the country, there has been a rising wave of protests and social activism. These events have been an important part of the battle to combat racism, authoritarianism, and xenophobia in Trump’s America. However, the struggle for social justice continues long after the posters and megaphones have been packed away. After the protests are heard, how can we continue to work toward lasting change? This book is an invaluable resource for anyone invested in the fight for social justice. Welch highlights examples of social justice work accomplished at the institutional level. From the worlds of social enterprise, impact investing, and sustainable business, After the Protests Are Heard describes the work being done to promote responsible business practices and healthy, cooperative communities. The book also illuminates how colleges and universities educate students to strive toward social justice on campuses across the country, such as the Engaged Scholarship movement, which fosters interactions between faculty and students and local and global communities. In each of these instances, activists work from within institutions to transform practices and structures to foster justice and equality. After the Protests Are Heard confronts the difficult reality that social change is often followed by spikes in violence and authoritarianism. It offers important insights into how the nation might more fully acknowledge the brutal costs of racism and the historical drivers of racial injustice, and how people of all races can contain such violence in the present and prevent its resurgence in the future. For many members of the social justice community, the real work begins when the protests end. After the Protests Are Heard is a must-read for everyone interested in social justice and activism – from the barricades and campuses to the breakrooms and cubicles.
Thomas Nelson Publishers KJV, The Woman's Study Bible, Purple Leathersoft, Red Letter, Full-Color Edition, Comfort Print (Thumb Indexed): Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation
A study Bible with thousands of verse commentary notes designed by women specifically for women to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation.The Woman’s Study Bible poignantly reveals the Word of God to women, inviting them to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation. Special features designed to speak to a woman’s heart appear throughout the Bible text, revealing Scripture-based insights about how godly womanhood grows from a woman’s identity as a Christ-follower and a child of the kingdom.Now with a beautiful full-color redesign, The Woman’s Study Bible reflects the contributions of over 80 women from a wide variety of ethnic, denominational, educational, and occupational backgrounds.Trusted by women worldwide, The Woman’s Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 4 million copies across translations. Features include: Beautiful full-color design throughout for you to enjoy as you engage Scripture Detailed biographical portraits allow you to learn from the lives of over 100 women in the Bible Thousands of extensive verse-by-verse study notes explain each passage and provide meaning to Scripture Over 300 in-text topical articles on relevant issues for you to glean wisdom from and apply to your life Insightful essays by women who are recognized experts in the fields of theology, biblical studies, archaeology, and philosophy to deepen your theological knowledge Book introductions and outlines provide an overview and context for each book Hundreds of full-color in-text maps, charts, timelines, and family trees show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical themes Quotes from godly women throughout history to encourage and guide your faith journey Set of full-page maps of the biblical world show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Topical index and concordance help locate words and see the number of occurrences throughout the Bible Easy-to-read large 9-point KJV Comfort Print
Thomas Nelson Publishers KJV, The Woman's Study Bible, Purple Leathersoft, Red Letter, Full-Color Edition, Comfort Print: Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation
A study Bible with thousands of verse commentary notes designed by women specifically for women to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation.The Woman’s Study Bible poignantly reveals the Word of God to women, inviting them to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation. Special features designed to speak to a woman’s heart appear throughout the Bible text, revealing Scripture-based insights about how godly womanhood grows from a woman’s identity as a Christ-follower and a child of the kingdom.Now with a beautiful full-color redesign, The Woman’s Study Bible reflects the contributions of over 80 women from a wide variety of ethnic, denominational, educational, and occupational backgrounds.Trusted by women worldwide, The Woman’s Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 4 million copies across translations. Features include: Beautiful full-color design throughout for you to enjoy as you engage Scripture Detailed biographical portraits allow you to learn from the lives of over 100 women in the Bible Thousands of extensive verse-by-verse study notes explain each passage and provide meaning to Scripture Over 300 in-text topical articles on relevant issues for you to glean wisdom from and apply to your life Insightful essays by women who are recognized experts in the fields of theology, biblical studies, archaeology, and philosophy to deepen your theological knowledge Book introductions and outlines provide an overview and context for each book Hundreds of full-color in-text maps, charts, timelines, and family trees show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical themes Quotes from godly women throughout history to encourage and guide your faith journey Set of full-page maps of the biblical world show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Topical index and concordance help locate words and see the number of occurrences throughout the Bible Easy-to-read large 9-point KJV Comfort Print
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Ins-N-Outs of In-N-Out Burger: The Inside Story of California's First Drive-Through and How it Became a Beloved Cultural Icon
USA TODAY BESTSELLER | WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLERDiscover the official story of In-N-Out Burger––how three generations have created a thriving, family-owned company, why its fans are so wildly loyal, and what led to its explosive growth and evolution into an iconic part of American culture––as told by In-N-Out Burger’s president, Lynsi Snyder.When Lynsi Snyder's grandparents founded In-N-Out Burger in 1948, they built it with a passion for quality and service that Lynsi embraced at a young age. After starting as a store associate at age seventeen, she then worked in other departments, gaining first-hand experience with almost every aspect of the family business until she became president in 2010. She has led the company through explosive growth––today, there are three-hundred and eighty stores and counting––and is deeply committed to the well-being of the In-N-Out Burger family.In The Ins and Outs of In-N-Out, you'll: Gain key insights into why In-N-Out has maintained its very popular and limited menu for more than seventy-five-years and why it has refused to franchise or go public Hear behind-the-scenes stories from In-N-Out Associates, including from one gentleman who worked in the very first store Learn about the Snyder family's Christian faith, including her grandmother Esther's belief in the gospel and her uncle's "born-again" experience that shaped his life and leadership at the company Discover why Lynsi has been ranked as one of the top presidents in the restaurant industry and how her personal challenges have fortified her faith and shaped her dedication to servant leadership In-N-Out Burger has drawn fiercely loyal fans––from professional chefs and burger aficionados to celebrities and scores of everyday customers––who not only crave the burgers, fries, and milkshakes but also come back again and again for the community.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Absence of Soulware in Higher Education
THE ABSENCE OF SOULWARE IN HIGHER EDUCATION The book offers an analytical account of higher education in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China with examples of best practices from higher education in the US for guidance. This book is Professor Way Kuo’s attempt to address issues that remain to be challenges for universities in the globalized 21 Century, namely academic autonomy and freedom, seamless integration between research and teaching, curricula update, innovative and problem-driven research, and adopting best global practices, based on his reflections about higher education from a global perspective through his personal experience as a senior academic leader in the US and Hong Kong. Borrowing from the languages of computer science, this book not only talks about the hardware and software in higher education, which refer to the infrastructure and the physical entities that provide an environment conducive to good teaching and research, it also highlights the importance of a third category for achieving great success: the presence of a certain mindset, a willingness to embrace due process and follow international standards and procedures or a vision in making the best use of the hardware and software to spearhead innovation in combining teaching and research for the benefit of students and the well-being of society. Such a mindset is called the soulware of higher education. Specifically, this book: Covers four key areas where a lack of proper soulware or mindset is deterring the advancement of higher education: internationalization; seamless integration of teaching and research; quality and evaluation; and creativity and innovation; The author’s arguments are factual and comments are critical on what is perceived to be less desirable or a failure in higher education; The book offers useful insights into the future and a global perspective on trends, challenges, and opportunities in higher education. Audience Educators, policymakers, higher education providers and administrators, global stakeholders of higher education including students and parents, and the general public in both the East and the West who have an interest in global higher education.
WW Norton & Co The Great Nowitzki: Basketball and the Meaning of Life
The seven-foot Dirk Nowitzki is one of the greatest players in basketball history. The Dallas Maverick’s legend revolutionised the sport, redefining the role of the big man in the modern game. Dirk moved differently: flexible and fast, confident and in control. He thought differently, too. On the court, his shots were masterful—none more venerated than his signature one-legged flamingo fadeaway, a move that lives on in the repertoire of today’s most skilled NBA players. How did this lanky kid from the German suburbs become an all-time top ten scorer and NBA champion? How can a superstar stay so humble? Award-winning novelist and sportswriter Thomas Pletzinger spent over seven years traveling with Nowitzki. He witnessed Dirk’s summer workouts, involving fingertip pushups and the study of the physics, and spent days discussing literature and philosophy with Holger Geschwindner, Dirk’s enigmatic mentor and coach. Watching Nowitzki in empty gyms and in packed arenas with 30,000 fans, Pletzinger began to understand how Dirk and Holger’s philosophical insights on performance, creativity and freedom enabled his success and longevity. The Great Nowitzki tells Dirk’s dramatic story like never before. Pletzinger describes Dirk’s youth in small-town Germany, follows the steep learning curve of Dirk’s early seasons, the devastating Finals loss to the Miami Heat, and the triumphant championship five years later. Travelling with Dirk in his final seasons, Pletzinger immerses himself in the community of people impacted by Nowitzki’s game, interviewing everyone from average fans in Dallas and security guards at the arena to front office executives and Hall of Fame teammates, who reflect on what Dirk’s career means to the next generation of ballplayers. And to the game itself. A masterpiece of sports writing that reads like a novel, The Great Nowitzki brims with a fan’s passion. Pletzinger shows how strongly basketball influences our imagination and the extraordinary journey an icon like Dirk Nowitzki must take to reach the pinnacle of the game.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Dynamic Consultations with Psychiatrists: Understanding Severely Troubled Patients
Unique resource detailing the day-to-day activity of doctors who work on “the coal face” of psychiatry in an acute setting Dynamic Consultations With Psychiatrists is the outcome of a collaboration between the psychiatrists of a certain hospital and the author, which has continued successfully for more than ten years, containing a number of patient consultations and cases where psychiatry was used successfully to solve a patient’s problem. The presentation of each case, and particularly of the consultation, is meant to demonstrate the process by which insights were gained. Each consultation is written in plain English with the deliberate avoidance of terminology and especially psychoanalytic jargon. Naturally, all identified features of the patients have been deleted or changed so that the patients’ privacy is not compromised. The format is near to a transcript so that the work demonstrates how the understanding evolves and emerges from the process. The structure of the book is not according to a diagnosis but according to “presenting problem” (in other words, the most prominent feature), allowing for easy and efficient accessibility. Sample concepts and learning resources covered and included in Dynamic Consultations With Psychiatrists are as follows: How a doctor is faced with a patient who is suffering in their own particular way and how the clinician gets to develop a deeper understanding of their predicament Difficulties the “coal face” doctors encounter and the challenges they will face in their personal emotional wellbeing Relationships with the other professionals both within their hospital and other agencies Curtailed histories so that there is a seamless exposition of how the conclusions of the consultation have been reached Psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and students/instructors in related programs of study can use Dynamic Consultations With Psychiatrists to gain valuable insight into the thought process of practicing psychiatrists in relation to a myriad of patient problems, allowing them to learn vicariously and become better at dealing with their own patients’ problems.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Concrete City: Material Flows and Urbanization in West Africa
CONCRETE CITY “Armelle Choplin’s Concrete City weaves a novel and engaging analysis of urbanization by tracing the journeys of cement and people making urban life in West Africa. From post-independence high modernist ambitions to building the opportunities to make a living, the emerging transnational corridor along the West African coast provides a starting point for insights which will expand and inform understanding of both established and newly emerging urbanization processes in many different contexts.” —Jennifer Robinson, Professor of Geography, University College of London, UK “In this very innovative and superbly illustrated book, Armelle Choplin makes cement vibrant with affect, politics, economic interests and cultural meanings. She takes us to a fascinating journey along the West African urban corridor following the social life of concrete and showing how this material shapes contemporary urbanization and everyday life.” —Ola Söderström, Professor of Geography, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland Concrete City: Material Flows and Urbanization in West Africa delivers a theoretically informed, ethnographic exploration of the African urban world through the life of concrete. Emblematic of frenetic urban and capitalistic development, this material is pervasive, shaping contemporary urban landscapes and societies and their links to the global world. It stands and circulates at the heart of major financial investments, political forces and environmental debates. At the same time, it epitomises values of modernity and success, redefining social practices, forms of dwelling and living, and popular imaginaries. The book invites the reader to follow bags of cement from production plant to construction site, along the 1000-kilometre urban corridor that links Abidjan to Accra, Lomé, Cotonou and Lagos, combining the perspectives of cement tycoons, entrepreneurs and political stakeholders, but also of ordinary men and women who plan, build and dream of the Concrete City. With this innovative exploration of urban life through concrete, Armelle Choplin delivers a fascinating journey into and reflection on the sustainability of our urban futures.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Life of the Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne
The first major Hawthorne biography to be published in two decades, featuring original scholarship on both unpublished and published sources The Life of the Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne presents a rich and nuanced portrait of one of America’s greatest writers, exploring the thoughts and ideas of a man whose profound insights about the human condition continue to resonate in the modern day. Accessible to those with little knowledge of Hawthorne, this unique volume uses a new biographical approach based on exhaustive primary research that provides readers with a better understanding of the artist and his work. Author Dale Salwak challenges the presumption that Hawthorne was a reclusive, eccentric, and alienated man whose relevance to modern times is diminishing. Drawing from his forty-five years' experience reading, studying, and teaching Hawthorne, the author reveals a more approachable Hawthorne. In-depth and reflective chapters explore topics such as the circumstances that led Hawthorne to become a writer, the influence of Sophia Hawthorne on her husband’s work, the theory of the unfulfilled homoerotic relationship between Hawthorne and Herman Melville, and more. Offers a fresh reading of Hawthorne’s life and work from birth to death Provides new perspectives on Hawthorne and stories surrounding his work Draws from a wide variety of sources, including novels, tales, children’s books, notebooks, and personal letters to and from Hawthorne Suggests new strategies for teaching Hawthorne to today’s students Includes a detailed index and comprehensive introductory and concluding chapters Highlighting Hawthorne's special contributions to American literature, The Life of the Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne is essential reading for scholars, lecturers, and college students taking courses including Literary History, American Literature, and History of the Novel as well as anyone interested in biography, literature, and creativity. "Dale Salwak has assimilated vast amounts of scholarship on Hawthorne and his circle, and he's crafted a highly readable and brilliant biography. The lines in Hawthorne's astonishing life have never been more clearly drawn. A wonderful book, highly recommend."—Jay Parini, author of Robert Frost: A Life and Borges and Me