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Milkweed Editions Copper Nickel (26)
This 21st issue of Copper Nickel features poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, including work by National Book Award and National Book Critics Circle Award finalist James Richardson; Anisfield-Wolf Award recipient Martha Collins; Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award winner Jehanne Dubrow; Guggenheim Fellow Mark Halliday; NEA Fellows David Hernandez, Henry Israeli, and Kevin Prufer; PEN/O. Henry Prize recipient Polly Rosenwaike; James Laughlin Award winner Tony Hoagland; James Merrill Fellow Anna B. Sutton; Lambda Literary Award winner Julie Marie Wade; Lannan Foundation Fellow Ed Skoog; as well as a number of writers at earlier stages in their careers. The issue will also include three "Translation Folios" introducing and contextualizing for an American audience the Chinese poet Yi Lu, the Danish fiction writer Christina Hesselholdt, and three Uruguayan poets: Laura Cesarco Eglin, Circe Maia, and Karen Wild. The cover of Issue 21 features new work by renowned artist, musician, and composer Mark Mothersbaugh.
Cinnamon Press The Hollow Bone
In this collection brimming, with pared down imagery and crystal sharp language, we are invited to become the hollow bone, the small vessel with space for insight and reflection. Steeped in the natural world and sensitive to how each body interfaces with the world, Ian Marriott''s debut moves us from the quotidian to the mysterious found in the everyday and in the world''s wilderenesses. The poetry is alive with experiences of the forest, the mountains, the vastness of Antartica; the language meditative, spare and precise and the form follows breath - short lines that carry contemplative thought forward with fluid ease. Winner of the Cinnamon Press Debut Poetry Collection Award, adjudicated by outstanding eco-poet, Susan Richardson, The Hollow Bone is suffused with shamanic sensibilty that is communicated with elegance, from the title poem with it''s thoughfully hone sketches of birds alive and dead to the longer sequence of koan-like fragments in Terra Infirma, it takes the
Scholastic Maths Foundation Exam Practice Book for Edexcel
Board: Edexcel Examination: Maths Foundation Specification: GCSE 9-1 Type: Practice (includes answers) (Please note this title is also available for AQA and All Boards) "The Scholastic resources go into far more detail than some of the other revision guides we have used and I've not seen any other resources that have an app linked to them. We would definitely recommend the resources to other schools. Everything you need to revise is in one place to enable students to work independently." Dave Richardson, Deputy Head [in reference to the GCSE English Language & Literature and Mathematics revision guides and exam practice books] Aim for the highest pass with Scholastic's GCSE Grades 9-1 series of Practice and Revision books. Linked to the revision guides, our exam practice books are packed with hundreds of structured GCSE exam-style questions covering the key topics for every subject. It's not just practice, each book also includes tips, advice and regular progress checks to boost confidence and help students apply key revision strategies. Every book also includes at least one full practice paper for authentic exam preparation. Full answers are provided to help students check their progress. Taking an active, stepped approach, our guides include popular 'It!' features giving students opportunities to self-test their understanding and apply their knowledge as they study. Do it! Active practice to help you retain key facts Nail it! Examiner tips to help you get better grades Work it! Exam questions broken down into manageable steps "What they thought was especially clever is the resources 'knowing' the day of their exam, and then highlighting what they needed to do and when in the days and weeks leading up to it. That captured them there and then." Dave Richardson, Deputy Head [Read the full case study from Brentwood County High School] The accompanying app helps you revise on-the-go: Use the free, personalised digital revision planner and get stuck into the quick tests to check your understanding Download our free revision cards which you can save to your phone to help you revise on the go Implement 'active' revision techniques - giving you lots of tips and tricks to help the knowledge sink in Other subjects covered by Scholastic's Practice and Revision series: Maths Foundation, Maths Higher, SPAG, English Language and Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Combined Science and Geography
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Regions and Competitiveness: Contemporary Theories and Perspectives on Economic Development
The field of regional development is subject to an ever-increasing multiplicity of concepts and theories seeking to explain uneven competitiveness. In particular, economic geographers and spatial economists have rapidly developed the theoretical tools by which to approach such analyses. The aim of this Handbook is to take stock of regional competitiveness and complementary concepts as a means of presenting a state-of-the-art discussion of the advanced theories, perspectives and empirical explanations that help make sense of the determinants of uneven development across regions. Drawing on an international field of leading scholars, the book is assembled and organized so that readers can first learn of the theoretical underpinnings of regional competitiveness and development theory, before moving on to deeper discussions of key factors and principal elements, the emergence of allied concepts, empirical applications, and the policy context. International in its scope, including global empirical analysis, the book is a definitive resource in terms of providing access to some of the seminal research and thinking on regional competitiveness. This contemporary Handbook is an ideal reference for students and academics in the fields of economic geography and spatial economics. It will also appeal to policymakers and other stakeholders involved in regional economic development.Contributors include: K. Aiginger, P. Annoni, M.J. Aranguren, D. Audretsch, P.-A. Balland, R. Boschma, R. Camagni, R. Cellini, J. Crespo, P. Di Caro, L. Dijkstra, J. Fagerberg, M. Firgo, U. Fratesi, R. Harris, R. Huggins, J. Jansson, C. Ketels, I. Lengyel, E. Magro, E.J. Malecki, A. Mamtora, R. Martin, P. McCann, H. Menendez, P. Ni, R. Ortega-Argilés, I. Periáñez, A. Richardson, A. Rodríguez-Pose, L. Saez, J. Shen, M. Srholec, M. Storper, P. Sunley, M. Thissen, P. Thompson, G. Torrisi, I. Turok, F. van Oort, Y. Wang, A. Waxell, C. Wilkie, J.R. Wilson
University of Illinois Press Black Sexual Economies: Race and Sex in a Culture of Capital
A daring collaboration among scholars, Black Sexual Economies challenges thinking that sees black sexualities as a threat to normative ideas about sexuality, the family, and the nation. The essays highlight alternative and deviant gender and sexual identities, performances, and communities, and spotlights the sexual labor, sexual economy, and sexual agency to black social life. Throughout, the writers reveal the lives, everyday negotiations, and cultural or aesthetic interventions of black gender and sexual minorities while analyzing the systems and beliefs that structure the possibilities that exist for all black sexualities. They also confront the mechanisms of domination and subordination attached to the political and socioeconomic forces, cultural productions, and academic work that interact with the energies at the nexus of sexuality and race. Contributors: Marlon M. Bailey, Lia T. Bascomb, Felice Blake, Darius Bost, Ariane Cruz, Adrienne D. Davis, Pierre Dominguez, David B. Green Jr., Jillian Hernandez, Cheryl D. Hicks, Xavier Livermon, Jeffrey McCune, Mireille Miller-Young, Angelique Nixon, Shana L. Redmond, Matt Richardson, L. H. Stallings, Anya M. Wallace, and Erica Lorraine Williams
Rutgers University Press Revolutionizing Women's Healthcare: The Feminist Self-Help Movement in America
Winner of the 2021 Frances Richardson Keller-Sierra Prize from the Western Association of Women Historians (WAWH)Revolutionizing Women’s Healthcare is the story of a feminist experiment: the self-help movement. This movement arose out of women’s frustration, anger, and fear for their health. Tired of visiting doctors who saw them as silly little girls, suffering shame when they asked for birth control, seeking abortions in back alleys, and holding little control over their own reproductive lives, women took action. Feminists created “self-help groups” where they examined each other’s bodies and read medical literature. They founded and ran clinics, wrote books, made movies, undertook nationwide tours, and raided and picketed offending medical institutions. Some performed their own abortions. Others swore off pharmaceuticals during menopause. Lesbian women found “at home” ways to get pregnant. Black women used self-help to talk about how systemic racism affected their health. Hannah Dudley-Shotwell engagingly chronicles these stories and more to showcase the creative ways women came together to do for themselves what the mainstream healthcare system refused to do.
Rutgers University Press Revolutionizing Women's Healthcare: The Feminist Self-Help Movement in America
Winner of the 2021 Frances Richardson Keller-Sierra Prize from the Western Association of Women Historians (WAWH)Revolutionizing Women’s Healthcare is the story of a feminist experiment: the self-help movement. This movement arose out of women’s frustration, anger, and fear for their health. Tired of visiting doctors who saw them as silly little girls, suffering shame when they asked for birth control, seeking abortions in back alleys, and holding little control over their own reproductive lives, women took action. Feminists created “self-help groups” where they examined each other’s bodies and read medical literature. They founded and ran clinics, wrote books, made movies, undertook nationwide tours, and raided and picketed offending medical institutions. Some performed their own abortions. Others swore off pharmaceuticals during menopause. Lesbian women found “at home” ways to get pregnant. Black women used self-help to talk about how systemic racism affected their health. Hannah Dudley-Shotwell engagingly chronicles these stories and more to showcase the creative ways women came together to do for themselves what the mainstream healthcare system refused to do.
Fonthill Media Ltd The Price of Fame: The Biography of Dennis Price
Charming, erudite, and the very personification of the English gentleman, Dennis Price was without doubt also one of the most promising and talented newcomers to the world of theatre and film in the late 1930s, and he arguably reached his screen best in the classic Ealing comedy 'Kind Hearts and Coronets'. Huge praise was lavished upon him and he was compared alongside theatrical contemporaries Laurence Olivier, John Gielgud and Ralph Richardson as being destined for great things. Scene-stealing performances followed over the next few decades in such differing films as 'The Dancing Years', 'The Intruder', 'Private's Progress', 'The Naked Truth', 'Tunes of Glory', 'Tamahine' and 'Theatre of Blood', to name but a few. Though whilst his career was blossoming his private life was going through turmoil when, after one of his several affairs was discovered by his wife, he faced the shame of divorce, separation from his two children and when coupled with significant tax bills, it all proved too much and the actor attempted suicide. Eventually bouncing back, he reinvented himself as a character actor and appeared in scores of notable films—and was often the best thing in them!
Verso Books Bohemians: A Graphic History
The countercultures that came to define bohemia spanned the Atlantic, encompassing Walt Whitman's Brooklyn and the Folies Bergère of Josephine Baker, Gertrude Stein's salons and the Manhattan clubs where Dizzy Gillespie made his name. Edited by Paul Buhle and David Berger, Bohemians is the graphic history of this movement and its illustrious figures. The stories collected here revisit the utopian ideas behind millennial communities, the rise of Greenwich Village and Harlem, the multiracial and radical jazz and dance worlds, and the West Coast, Southern, and Midwest bohemias of America, among other radical scenes.Drawn by an all-star cast of comic artists, Bohemians is a broad and entertaining account of the rebel impulse in American cultural history. Featuring work by Spain Rodriguez, Sharon Rudahl, Peter Kuper, Sabrina Jones, David Lasky, Afua Richardson, Lance Tooks, Milton Knight, and more.The ebook edition is expanded from the paperback edition, and includes additional chapters on the swing music scene, La Boheme and midwest bohemians, as well as expanded material on the Greenwich Village intellectuals, Walt Whitman and Harlem jazz club Minton's Playhouse.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Sustainable Development Planning: Studies in Modelling and Decision Support, Second Edition
Acclaim for the first edition:'The Handbook of Sustainable Development Planning is perfect for readers in different professions who deal with planning and development management. It contains interesting theoretical considerations, provokes discussion, and provides new perspectives for the analysis of sustainable development processes. The cases presented illustrate the complexity of the issues relating to sustainable development and show how modeling can support policy and decision making processes.'- Miroslaw Grochowski, Geographia PolonicaThe thoroughly revised second edition of this authoritative Handbook, complete with new chapters, comprehensively examines the current status and future directions of model-based systems in decision support and their application to sustainable development planning.The Handbook presents a full review of model-based applications in sustainable development planning, paying particular attention to environment disaster, ecosystem management, energy, infrastructure development, and agricultural systems, amongst other contemporary issues. Conceptual and policy oriented papers debate the future directions of model-based sustainable development planning.Given the rise in prominence of sustainable development planning in recent years, this Handbook will be invaluable to a wide-ranging audience including NGOs, planners, consultants, policymakers, and academics.Contributors: A. Aurum, I. Banos, P. Bartoszczuk, F. Carreño, J.F. Courtney, J.M. Fernández, M. Handzic, I. Moffatt, A. Moreno, K. Mukherjee, D. Paradice, M.A. Quaddus, H. Qudrat-Ullah, S. Richardson, K. Saeed, J. Sarkis, M.A.E. Selma, M.A.B. Siddique, S. Talluri, C. Tisdell, C. Van Toorn, H. Xu, K. Yamaguchi
Bucknell University Press,U.S. Narrative Mourning: Death and Its Relics in the Eighteenth-Century British Novel
Narrative Mourning explores death and its relics as they appear within the confines of the eighteenth-century British novel. It argues that the cultural disappearance of the dead/dying body and the introduction of consciousness as humanity’s newfound soul found expression in fictional representations of the relic (object) or relict (person). In the six novels examined in this monograph—Samuel Richardson's Clarissa and Sir Charles Grandison; Sarah Fielding's David Simple and Volume the Last; Henry Mackenzie's The Man of Feeling; and Ann Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho—the appearance of the relic/relict signals narrative mourning and expresses (often obliquely) changing cultural attitudes toward the dead. Published by Bucknell University Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.
Bucknell University Press,U.S. Narrative Mourning: Death and Its Relics in the Eighteenth-Century British Novel
Narrative Mourning explores death and its relics as they appear within the confines of the eighteenth-century British novel. It argues that the cultural disappearance of the dead/dying body and the introduction of consciousness as humanity’s newfound soul found expression in fictional representations of the relic (object) or relict (person). In the six novels examined in this monograph—Samuel Richardson's Clarissa and Sir Charles Grandison; Sarah Fielding's David Simple and Volume the Last; Henry Mackenzie's The Man of Feeling; and Ann Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho—the appearance of the relic/relict signals narrative mourning and expresses (often obliquely) changing cultural attitudes toward the dead. Published by Bucknell University Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.
University of California Press Licensing Entertainment: The Elevation of Novel Reading in Britain, 1684–1750
Novels have been a respectable component of culture for so long that it is difficult for twentieth-century observers to grasp the unease produced by novel reading in the eighteenth century. William Warner shows how the earliest novels in Britain, published in small-format print media, provoked early instances of the modern anxiety about the effects of new media on consumers. Warner uncovers a buried and neglected history of the way in which the idea of the novel was shaped in response to a newly vigorous market in popular narratives. In order to rein in the sexy and egotistical novel of amorous intrigue, novelists and critics redefined the novel as morally respectable, largely masculine in authorship, national in character, realistic in its claims, and finally, literary. Warner considers early novelists in their role as entertainers and media workers, and shows how the short, erotic, plot-driven novels written by Behn, Manley, and Haywood came to be absorbed and overwritten by the popular novels of Defoe, Richardson, and Fielding. Considering these novels as entertainment as well as literature, Warner traces a different story - one that redefines the terms within which the British novel is to be understood and replaces the literary history of the rise of the novel with a more inclusive cultural history.
The University of Chicago Press The Prose of Things: Transformations of Description in the Eighteenth Century
Virginia Woolf once commented that the central image in Robinson Crusoe is an object - a large earthenware pot. Woolf and other critics pointed out that early modern prose is full of things, but bare of setting and description. Explaining how the empty, unvisualized spaces of such writings were transformed into the elaborate landscapes and richly upholstered interiors of the Victorian novel, Cynthia Wall argues that the shift involved not just literary representation, but an evolution in cultural perception. In "The Prose of Things", Wall analyzes literary works in the contexts of natural science, consumer culture, and philosophical change to show how and why the perception and representation of space in the eighteenth-century novel and other prose narratives became so textually visible. Wall examines maps, scientific publications, country house guides, and auction catalogs to highlight the thickening descriptions of domestic interiors. Considering the prose works of John Bunyan, Samuel Pepys, Aphra Behn, Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, David Hume, Ann Radcliffe, and Sir Walter Scott, "The Prose of Things" is the first full account of the historic shift in the art of describing.
University of Minnesota Press Remote Warfare: New Cultures of Violence
Considers how people have confronted, challenged, and resisted remote warfare Drone warfare is now a routine, if not predominant, aspect of military engagement. Although this method of delivering violence at a distance has been a part of military arsenals for two decades, scholarly debate on remote warfare writ large has remained stuck in tired debates about practicality, efficacy, and ethics. Remote Warfare broadens the conversation, interrogating the cultural and political dimensions of distant warfare and examining how various stakeholders have responded to the reality of state-sponsored remote violence.The essays here represent a panoply of viewpoints, revealing overlooked histories of remoteness, novel methodologies, and new intellectual challenges. From the story arc of Homeland to redefining the idea of a “warrior,” these thirteen pieces consider the new nature of surveillance, similarities between killing with drones and gaming, literature written by veterans, and much more. Timely and provocative, Remote Warfare makes significant and lasting contributions to our understanding of drones and the cultural forces that shape and sustain them.Contributors: Syed Irfan Ashraf, U of Peshawar, Pakistan; Jens Borrebye Bjering, U of Southern Denmark; Annika Brunck, U of Tübingen; David A. Buchanan, U.S. Air Force Academy; Owen Coggins, Open U; Andreas Immanuel Graae, U of Southern Denmark; Brittany Hirth, Dickinson State U; Tim Jelfs, U of Groningen; Ann-Katrine S. Nielsen, Aarhus U; Nike Nivar Ortiz, U of Southern California; Michael Richardson, U of New South Wales; Kristin Shamas, U of Oklahoma; Sajdeep Soomal; Michael Zeitlin, U of British Columbia.
University of Minnesota Press Remote Warfare: New Cultures of Violence
Considers how people have confronted, challenged, and resisted remote warfare Drone warfare is now a routine, if not predominant, aspect of military engagement. Although this method of delivering violence at a distance has been a part of military arsenals for two decades, scholarly debate on remote warfare writ large has remained stuck in tired debates about practicality, efficacy, and ethics. Remote Warfare broadens the conversation, interrogating the cultural and political dimensions of distant warfare and examining how various stakeholders have responded to the reality of state-sponsored remote violence.The essays here represent a panoply of viewpoints, revealing overlooked histories of remoteness, novel methodologies, and new intellectual challenges. From the story arc of Homeland to redefining the idea of a “warrior,” these thirteen pieces consider the new nature of surveillance, similarities between killing with drones and gaming, literature written by veterans, and much more. Timely and provocative, Remote Warfare makes significant and lasting contributions to our understanding of drones and the cultural forces that shape and sustain them.Contributors: Syed Irfan Ashraf, U of Peshawar, Pakistan; Jens Borrebye Bjering, U of Southern Denmark; Annika Brunck, U of Tübingen; David A. Buchanan, U.S. Air Force Academy; Owen Coggins, Open U; Andreas Immanuel Graae, U of Southern Denmark; Brittany Hirth, Dickinson State U; Tim Jelfs, U of Groningen; Ann-Katrine S. Nielsen, Aarhus U; Nike Nivar Ortiz, U of Southern California; Michael Richardson, U of New South Wales; Kristin Shamas, U of Oklahoma; Sajdeep Soomal; Michael Zeitlin, U of British Columbia.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd What Lies Across the Water: The Real Story of the Cuban Five
Winner of the 2014 Evelyn Richardson Non-Fiction East Coast Literary AwardWhat Lies Across the Water recounts the events leading up to the arrest of the Cuban Five, five Cuban anti-terrorism agents wrongfully arrested and convicted of “conspiracy to commit” espionage against the United States. In response to decades of deadly attacks by Miami-based, anti-Cuban terrorist organizations, Cuba dispatched five agents – Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and René González – to Florida to infiltrate and report on the activities of these terrorist groups. Cuba even passed on information their agents learned about illegal activities to the FBI. But, instead of arresting the terrorists, the FBI arrested the Cuban Five on September 12, 1998. The five men would be illegally held in solitary confinement for seventeen months and sentenced to four life sentences in 2001. The terrorists these five men tried to stop remain free to this day.In light of America’s supposed post-9/11 zero tolerance policy toward countries harbouring terrorists, the story of the Cuban Five illustrates the injustice and hypocrisy of this case: why were these men who tried to prevent terrorist attacks against Cuba charged with espionage against the U.S? And why does the U.S. continue to protect and harbour known terrorists?
Orion Publishing Co The Same Earth
From the WINNER OF THE FORWARD PRIZE FOR BEST COLLECTION 2014, a 'humorous, bittersweet fiction, combin[ing] the fantastical realism of Marquez with the domestic comedy of Andrea Levy' INDEPENDENTIt all begins with the theft of Tessa Walcott's panties...After the hurricane of 1974, Jamaica is devastated. Imelda Richardson is sent to England, without a place to stay or a plan of what to do. Luckily sheis taken in by Purletta Johnson, a member of the ex-pat bourgeoisie who has decided to become more Jamaican than any Jamaican: sucking her teeth, sporting a gold tooth, and growing ganja on her balcony. But when her mother dies Imelda returns to Jamaica. When Tessa Walcott's panties are stolen, she and Imelda set up a Neighbourhood Watch. But they haven't counted on Pastor Braithwaite who denounces them in Church. The church-goers turn on Imelda, and when the river suddenly floods her home it is seen as a punishment from God. A Pentecostal fervour sweeps through the village of Watersgate, fuelled by Evangelist Millie. In her last great crusade, Miss Millie organises 'fire to burn their sins away', equipping the villagers with kerosene as they set about burning everything. Now they are marching on the gay man's house and only Imelda can save him.
The History Press Ltd Newcastle Upon Tyne In Old Photographs
With 200 images, selected from the archives, portraying the city in a bygone age, we embark on an intriguing pictorial journey around Newcastle upon Tyne. The Tyne of course dominates the scene, new bridges are built and old ones demolished to cope with the changing demands of Newscastle transport and industry. The quayside, redeveloped after the great fire of 1854, was busy as a market and the commercial centre of the Great Northern Coalfield. The gap between the rich and the poor was wider then. Jesmond Towers, home to an entrepreneurial shipbuilder, and The Gables, home to the Richardson family, owners of Elswick leather works, contrast starkly with living conditions in the inner city area. During the 1930s the council rehoused 30,000 people in slum clearance projects. Leisure time was occupied in many and varied ways, sports such as rowing, bowling and curling were all enjoyed, along with football (naturally) - 1955 being a golden year for Newcastle FC. Alternatively, The Hoppings was a popular annual festival, earning the nickname 'the greatest show on earth' with its combination of freak shows, rides and entertainment. All this and much more is brought vividly to life through photographs and narrative, making for a fascinating and memorable read.
Houghton Mifflin Cake My Day!
Those cupcaking geniuses, Karen Tack and Alan Richardson, are back, this time with bigger canvases and bolder creations. Everything that can be done with a cupcake can be done better with a cake - with a twelfth of the effort and loads more wow power, using everyday pans, bowls, and even measuring cups. Turn a round cake into Swiss cheese and Brie, and it's April Fool's! Simply press candy into frosting for an argyle pattern or use one of the easy new decorating techniques to produce wood grain for a guitar cake. Whether you're a kitchen klutz or a master decorator, you can transform a loaf cake into a retro vacuum cleaner for Mom or bake a cake in a bowl for a rag doll. Need a pinata for a birthday party? Bake the batter in a measuring cup. Or skip the baking altogether, buy a pound cake, and fashion it into a work boot for Dad or a high-top sneaker. You won't believe these creations aren't the real thing - and they're so stunning you'll have to make them!
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Scotland Yard's Gangbuster: Bert Wickstead's Most Celebrated Cases
In the late 1960s the Richardson Torture Gang and the Kray Twins were removed from the London scene by ACC Gerry McArthur and Det. Supt. Nipper Read respectively. Predictably it was not long before the vacuum this left was being filled. With McArthur retired and Read moved on, who was to sort out the new gangland threat? Step forward Detective Chief Superintendent Bert Wickstead. Having cut his teeth on young desperadoes and neo-Nazis in North London and solved London's biggest post war bank robbery, Wickstead was well qualified to head up the Yard's Serious Crime Squad. First to fall were the Dixon brothers, followed by the Tibbs family. As his fame spread he took on the West End Maltese Syndicate specialising in prostitution and extortion. When he broke up the Norma Levy call-girl ring, two cabinet peers had to resign. Inevitably Wickstead's career was dogged by unproved allegations of malpractice but, as this riveting insider' account conclusively proves, he more than earned his sobriquet The Gangbuster'.
Hodder & Stoughton The Soldier's Return
'Unsentimental, truthful and wonderful' Beryl Bainbridge, Independent Books of the Year When Sam Richardson returns in 1946 from the 'Forgotten War' in Burma to Wigton in Cumbria, he finds the town little changed. But the war has changed him, broadening his horizons as well as leaving him with traumatic memories. In addition, his six-year-old son now barely remembers him, and his wife has gained a sense of independence from her wartime jobs. As all three strive to adjust, the bonds of loyalty and love are stretched to breaking point in this taut, and profoundly moving novel. 'An outstandingly good novel...utterly credible, utterly compelling, and very enjoyable' Allan Massie, Scotsman 'Deeply felt, beautifully realised' John Sutherland, Sunday Times 'The first Great War came alive in Faulks's Birdsong; the second Great War, and in particular the Burma campaign, comes very much alive in Melvyn Bragg's The Soldier's Return - wholly absorbing' John Bayley, Evening Standard 'Sympathetic, touching, infinitely believable...This is a highly accomplished novel' D.J. Taylor, Literary Review
Scholastic Physics Revision Guide for All Boards
Board: All Boards Examination: Physics Specification: GCSE 9-1 Type: Revision (includes answers) (Please note this title is also available for AQA) "The Scholastic resources go into far more detail than some of the other revision guides we have used and I've not seen any other resources that have an app linked to them. We would definitely recommend the resources to other schools. Everything you need to revise is in one place to enable students to work independently." Dave Richardson, Deputy Head [in reference to the GCSE English Language & Literature and Mathematics revision guides and exam practice books] Aim for the highest pass with Scholastic's GCSE Grades 9-1 series of Practice and Revision books. Our revision guides cover GCSE exam topics at greater depth, with clear and focused explanations of tricky topics and questions that offer additional challenge. Taking an active, stepped approach, our guides include popular 'It!' features giving students opportunities to self-test their understanding and apply their knowledge as they study. Snap it! Read it, snap it on your phone, revise it...helps you retain key facts Nail it! Examiner tips to help you get better grades Stretch it! Support for the really tough stuff that will get you higher grades "What they thought was especially clever is the resources 'knowing' the day of their exam, and then highlighting what they needed to do and when in the days and weeks leading up to it. That captured them there and then." Dave Richardson, Deputy Head [Read the full case study from Brentwood County High School] The accompanying app helps you revise on-the-go: Use the free, personalised digital revision planner and get stuck into the quick tests to check your understanding Download our free revision cards which you can save to your phone to help you revise on the go Implement 'active' revision techniques - giving you lots of tips and tricks to help the knowledge sink in Other Subjects covered by Scholastic's Revision and Practice series: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Combined Science, Geography, SPAG, English Language and Literature, Maths Foundation and Maths Higher
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Environment and Investment Law
This Research Handbook examines one of the most dynamic areas of public international law: the interaction between environmental law and policy and international investment law. The multiplicity of forms that interaction takes is the core theme of this Research Handbook. The contributors are drawn from a variety of legal backgrounds to give a well-rounded view of this complex relationship. Taking a thematic approach, this Research Handbook provides analysis on key issues in the environment-investment nexus, including freshwater resources, climate, biodiversity and sustainable development. The expert contributors unpack the complexities of this field of research through investigating regional experiences, assessing practices and procedures, and offering innovative approaches and new critical perspectives on the issues involved. The Research Handbook demonstrates that the exact nature of the relationship between environmental law and investment law is still evolving and, in so doing, indicates directions for future research. This timely Research Handbook will be of great interest to scholars who are researching the interactions between environmental law, international investment law and sustainable development. More widely, those with a research interest in public international law will find this to be a compelling reference tool.Contributors include: R.J. Anderson, F. Baetens, A.K. Bjorklund, G. Bottini, C. Brown, D. Cucinotta, M. Ferrer, S. Frank, U. Kriebaum, J. Levine, D. Liang, E. Luke, S. Luttrell, E. Méndez Bräutigam, K. Miles, I. Odumosu-Ayanu, N. Peart, J. Peel, B.J. Richardson, A. Telesetsky, K. Tienhaara, V. Vadi, J.E. Viñuales, R. Weeramantry, R. Yotova
University of Pennsylvania Press A Natural History of the Romance Novel
The romance novel has the strange distinction of being the most popular but least respected of literary genres. While it remains consistently dominant in bookstores and on best-seller lists, it is also widely dismissed by the critical community. Scholars have alleged that romance novels help create subservient readers, who are largely women, by confining heroines to stories that ignore issues other than love and marriage. Pamela Regis argues that such critical studies fail to take into consideration the personal choice of readers, offer any true definition of the romance novel, or discuss the nature and scope of the genre. Presenting the counterclaim that the romance novel does not enslave women but, on the contrary, is about celebrating freedom and joy, Regis offers a definition that provides critics with an expanded vocabulary for discussing a genre that is both classic and contemporary, sexy and entertaining. Taking the stance that the popular romance novel is a work of literature with a brilliant pedigree, Regis asserts that it is also a very old, stable form. She traces the literary history of the romance novel from canonical works such as Richardson's Pamela through Austen's Pride and Prejudice, Brontë's Jane Eyre, and E. M. Hull's The Sheik, and then turns to more contemporary works such as the novels of Georgette Heyer, Mary Stewart, Janet Dailey, Jayne Ann Krentz, and Nora Roberts.
Manchester University Press Taking Travel Home: The Souvenir Culture of British Women Tourists, 1750–1830
In the late eighteenth-century, elite British women had an unprecedented opportunity to travel. Taking travel home uncovers the souvenir culture these women developed around the texts and objects they brought back with them to realise their ambitions in the arenas of connoisseurship, friendship and science.Key characters include forty-three-year-old Hester Piozzi (Thrale), who honeymooned in Italy; thirty-one-year-old Anna Miller, who accompanied her husband on a Grand Tour; Dorothy Richardson, who undertook various tours of England from the ages of twelve to fifty-two; and the sisters Katherine and Martha Wilmot, who travelled to Russia in their late twenties. The supreme tourist of the book, the political salon hostess Lady Elizabeth Holland, travelled to many countries with her husband, including Paris, where she met Napoleon, and Spain during the Peninsular War.Using a methodology informed by literary and design theory, art history, material culture studies and tourism studies, the book examines a wide range of objects, from painted fans “of the ruins of Rome for a sequin apiece” and the Pope’s “bless’d beads”, to lava from Vesuvius and pieces of Stonehenge. It argues that the rise of the souvenir is representative of female agency, as women used their souvenirs to form spaces in which they could create and control their own travel narratives.
Birlinn General Northern Lights: The Arctic Scots
Surprisingly, the remarkable story of the Scottish role in the discovery of the Northwest Passage – a long desired trade route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific – has not received a great deal of attention. This book charts the extensive contribution to Arctic exploration made by the Scots, including significant names, such as John Ross from Stranraer, veteran of three Arctic expeditions; his nephew, James Clark Ross, the most experienced Arctic and Antarctic explorer of his generation and discoverer of the Magnetic North Pole; John Richardson of Dumfries, a medical doctor, seasoned explorer and engaging natural historian; and Orcadian John Rae, who discovered evidence of the grisly demise of John Franklin and his crew. The book also pays tribute to many others too: the Scotch Irish, the whalers and not least the Inuit, with whom the Scottish explorers cooperated and generally enjoyed good relations, relying on their knowledge of the environment in many crucial cases. The awakening of the Scots to the magnificence and dread of the hyperborean regions – as places of discovery, of inspiration and, regrettably, of exploitation – is traced, with particular emphasis on the first half of the nineteenth century until the search for the missing Franklin expedition mid-century.
New York University Press Radicalism at the Crossroads: African American Women Activists in the Cold War
With the exception of a few iconic moments such as Rosa Parks’s 1955 refusal to move to the back of a Montgomery bus, we hear little about what black women activists did prior to 1960. Perhaps this gap is due to the severe repression that radicals of any color in America faced as early as the 1930s, and into the Red Scare of the 1950s. To be radical, and black and a woman was to be forced to the margins and consequently, these women’s stories have been deeply buried and all but forgotten by the general public and historians alike. In this exciting work of historical recovery, Dayo F. Gore unearths and examines a dynamic, extended network of black radical women during the early Cold War, including established Communist Party activists such as Claudia Jones, artists and writers such as Beulah Richardson, and lesser known organizers such as Vicki Garvin and Thelma Dale. These women were part of a black left that laid much of the groundwork for both the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and later strains of black radicalism. Radicalism at the Crossroads offers a sustained and in-depth analysis of the political thought and activism of black women radicals during the Cold War period and adds a new dimension to our understanding of this tumultuous time in United States history.
University of Pennsylvania Press The Language of the Heart, 1600-1750
In The Motion of the Heart and Blood (1653), William Harvey had set forth the scientific model of a phallic, generative organ pumping blood through a feminized body; in Paradise Lost, it is through the protracted rape and violation of Eve's heart that the Fall of Man occurs; nearly a century later Samuel Richardson's Clarissa would present a no less forceful but far more feminist and heroic narrative of the heart's power. Examining these other—and mostly English-literary, medical, religious, and philosophical texts, Erickson uncovers two ruling clusters of metaphors: one associating the heart with language, writing, and thought, the other with sex, passion, and gender. Charting the tension between the two, he offers a brilliant new reading of one of the central symbols in Western culture.
Bucknell University Press,U.S. Families of the Heart: Surrogate Relations in the Eighteenth-Century British Novel
In this innovative analysis of canonical British novels, Campbell identifies a new literary device—the surrogate family—as a signal of cultural anxieties about young women’s changing relationship to matrimony across the long eighteenth century. By assembling chosen families rather than families of origin, Campbell convincingly argues, female protagonists in these works compensate for weak family ties, explore the world and themselves, prepare for idealized marriages, or sidestep marriage altogether. Tracing the evolution of this rich convention from the female characters in Defoe’s and Richardson’s fiction who are allowed some autonomy in choosing spouses, to the more explicitly feminist work of Haywood and Burney, in which connections between protagonists and their surrogate sisters and mothers can substitute for marriage itself, this book makes an ambitious intervention by upending a traditional trope—the model of the hierarchal family—ultimately offering a new lens through which to regard these familiar works.
Pan Macmillan The Kray Madness: The shocking truth about Reg and Ron from the East End gangster they almost destroyed
For many, the Kray twins are legends but for Chris Lambrianou they were something else entirely . . . As a young East End tearaway, Chris turned to crime to escape the grinding poverty of his life. Armed robbery, safe blowing, fraud, even attempted murder - the big brash Cockney did the lot. Then, when he became too successful, the Krays decided they wanted a slice of his action. Pulled into their orbit, Chris was unimpressed by a crime empire built on fear, and alarmed to realise his brother Tony had become a paid up member of their firm. Then Chris was lured to the party that ended in the murder of Jack the Hat McVitie. Wanting to protect Tony, Chris helped dispose of the body. He was arrested along with the Krays and their firm, and after a sensational trial he was jailed for life in 1969.In this searing autobiography, he also describes what it's like to face life as a category A prisoner, the beatings and harsh regime, the friendship he found with other prisoners like Charlie Richardson and Bruce Reynolds. Still, in deep despair after years inside, he tried to kill himself but ultimately found the strength not just to survive but to change his life forever . . .
Temple University Press,U.S. Political Black Girl Magic: The Elections and Governance of Black Female Mayors
Political Black Girl Magic explores black women’s experiences as mayors in American cities. The editor and contributors to this comprehensive volume examine black female mayoral campaigns and elections where race and gender are a factor—and where deracialized campaigns have garnered candidate support from white as well as Hispanic and Asian American voters. Chapters also consider how Black female mayors govern, from discussions of their pursuit of economic growth and how they use their power to enact positive reforms to the challenges they face that inhibit their abilities to cater to neglected communities. Case studies in this interdisciplinary volume include female mayors in Atlanta, Baltimore, Charlotte, Chicago, Compton, and Washington, DC, among other cities, along with discussion of each official’s political context. Covering mayors from the 1960s to the present, Political Black Girl Magic identifies the most significant obstacles black women have faced as mayors and mayoral candidates, and seeks to understand how race, gender, or the combination of both affected them. Contributors: Andrea Benjamin, Nadia E. Brown, Pearl K. Dowe, Christina Greer, Precious Hall, Valerie C. Johnson, Yolanda Jones, Lauren King, Angela K. Lewis-Maddox, Minion K.C. Morrison, Marcella Mulholland, Stephanie A. Pink-Harper, Kelly Briana Richardson, Emmitt Y. Riley, III, Ashley Robertson Preston, Taisha Saintil, Jamil Scott, Fatemeh Shafiei, James Lance Taylor, LaRaven Temoney, Linda Trautman, and the editor
David R. Godine Publisher Inc American Masterpieces: Singular Expressions of National Genius
Twenty-five essays on great works of American art and design from the “Masterpiece” column in The Wall Street Journal. John Wilmerding’s “Masterpiece” column is among the The Wall Street Journal’s most popular features. This book gathers those essays by Wilmerding, the distinguished former curator of American art at the National Gallery. Each essay integrates a detailed visual analysis with insights not only into the art and its creator, but also into the historical context at the time of the artwork’s execution.American Masterpieces features a full-sized reproduction of each sculpture, painting, piece of architecture, and photograph discussed. Some such as Mary Cassatt’s “Little Girl in a Blue Armchair” (along with pieces by Thomas Eakins and Andrew Wyeth) are well known. Many others (such as Henry H. Richardson’s Crane Memorial Library in Quincy, Massachusetts) are largely unregarded. No matter how well you know art, you are certain to make new discoveries. This broad, representative, and eclectic selection of the best this country has produced is for anyone looking for a smart, opinionated, and always engaging guide to American art and art history.
Princeton University Press The Holy and the Daemonic from Sir Thomas Browne to William Blake
Focusing particularly on literary texts, but including biographical and intellectual background, this study examines numinous feeling as it is recorded by a number of seventeenth and eighteenth-century writers: Browne, Drydcn, Pascal; Pope and Swift; Hume and Johnson; eight other poets, including Watts, Smart, Cowper, and Blake; and four novelists, including Richardson, Radcliffe, and Monk" Lewis. Professor Stock demonstrates that the Enlightenment was far more complicated than can be grasped by an exclusive focus on its rationalism and skepticism. Originally published in 1982. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Orion Publishing Co A Fish Supper and a Chippy Smile: Love, Hardship and Laughter in a South East London Fish-and-Chip Shop
'Oi, Hilda, the sign outside says you're frying today but I ain't seeing nothing done in ere!' The voice cut through my daydream, startling me into remembering where I was: standing in the fish-and-chip shop I worked in. We opened for business at 5 p.m. and already there was a queue of hungry customers on the cobbled street of London's East End. In 1950s and 60s Bermondsey, the fish-and-chip shop was at the centre of the community. And at the heart of the chippy itself was 'Hooray' Hilda Kemp, a spirited matriarch who dispensed fish suppers and an abundance of sympathy to a now-vanished world of East Enders. For 'Hooray' Hilda knew all to well what it was like to feel real, aching hunger. Growing up in the slums of 1920s south-east London, the daughter of a violent alcoholic who drank away his wages rather than put food on the table, she could spot when a customer was in need and would sneak them an extra big portion of chips, on the house. As Hilda works in the chippy six days a week - cutting the potatoes and frying the fish, yesterday's rag becoming today's dinner plate - she hears all the gossip from the close-knit community. There are rumours that the gang wars are hotting up: the Richardsons and the Krays are playing out their fights across south-east London. And the industrial strike is carrying on for a painfully long time for the mothers with many mouths to feed. At home, Hilda's children are latchkey kids, letting themselves in from school and helping themselves to whatever is in the larder until she gets in from her long, hard day at work. Despite tragedy striking her family, Hilda never complained of the loss of her daughter at a tragically young age, nor the tough upbringing she narrowly escaped. With a cast of colourful characters - dirty ragamuffins, struggling housewives, rough-diamond gang members - 'Hooray' Hilda's story is one of grit, romance, nostalgia and British endurance. Told to her granddaughter Cathryn, this memoir is the uplifting sequel to 'WE AIN'T GOT NO DRINK, PA' and is a testament to a woman who lived life to the full, who enjoyed laughter and loved fiercely - even though her heart was broken many times over.
Harvard University Press Touché: The Duel in Literature
The monarchs of seventeenth-century Europe put a surprisingly high priority on the abolition of dueling, seeing its eradication as an important step from barbarism toward a rational state monopoly on justice. But it was one thing to ban dueling and another to stop it. Duelists continued to kill each other with swords or pistols in significant numbers deep into the nineteenth century. In 1883 Maupassant called dueling “the last of our unreasonable customs.” As a dramatic and forbidden ritual from another age, the duel retained a powerful hold on the public mind and, in particular, the literary imagination.Many of the greatest names in Western literature wrote about or even fought in duels, among them Corneille, Molière, Richardson, Rousseau, Pushkin, Dickens, Hugo, Dumas, Twain, Conrad, Chekhov, and Mann. As John Leigh explains, the duel was a gift as a plot device. But writers also sought to discover in duels something more fundamental about human conflict and how we face our fears of humiliation, pain, and death. The duel was, for some, a social cause, a scourge to be mocked or lamented; yet even its critics could be seduced by its risk and glamour. Some conservatives defended dueling by arguing that the man of noble bearing who cared less about living than living with honor was everything that the contemporary bourgeois was not. The literary history of the duel, as Touché makes clear, illuminates the tensions that attended the birth of the modern world.
Cornell University Press Infamous Commerce: Prostitution in Eighteenth-Century British Literature and Culture
In Infamous Commerce, Laura J. Rosenthal uses literary and historical sources to explore the meaning of prostitution from the Restoration through the eighteenth century, showing how both reformers and libertines constructed the modern meaning of sex work during this period. From Grub Street's lurid "whore biographies" to the period's most acclaimed novels, the prostitute was depicted as facing a choice between abject poverty and some form of sex work.Prostitution, in Rosenthal's view, confronted the core controversies of eighteenth-century capitalism: luxury, desire, global trade, commodification, social mobility, gender identity, imperialism, self-ownership, alienation, and even the nature of work itself. In the context of extensive research into printed accounts of both male and female prostitution—among them sermons, popular prostitute biographies, satire, pornography, brothel guides, reformist writing, and travel narratives—Rosenthal offers in-depth readings of Samuel Richardson's Clarissa and Pamela and the responses to the latter novel (including Eliza Haywood's Anti-Pamela), Bernard Mandeville's defenses of prostitution, Daniel Defoe's Roxana, Henry Fielding's Tom Jones, and travel journals about the voyages of Captain Cook to the South Seas. Throughout, Rosenthal considers representations of the prostitute's own sexuality (desire, revulsion, etc.) to be key parts of the changing meaning of "the oldest profession."
The University of Chicago Press Race and Schooling in the South, 1880-1950: An Economic History
The interrelation among race, schooling, and labor market opportunities of American blacks can help us make sense of the relatively poor economic status of blacks in contemporary society. The role of these factors in slavery and the economic consequences for blacks has received much attention, but the post-slave experience of blacks in the American economy has been less studied. To deepen our understanding of that experience, Robert A. Margo mines a wealth of newly available census data and school district records. By analyzing evidence concerning occupational discrimination, educational expenditures, taxation, and teachers' salaries, he clarifies the costs for blacks of post-slave segregation. "A concise, lucid account of the bases of racial inequality in the South between Reconstruction and the Civil Rights era. . . . Deserves the careful attention of anyone concerned with historical and contemporary race stratification."—Kathryn M. Neckerman, Contemporary Sociology"Margo has produced an excellent study, which can serve as a model for aspiring cliometricians. To describe it as 'required reading' would fail to indicate just how important, indeed indispensable, the book will be to scholars interested in racial economic differences, past or present."—Robert Higgs, Journal of Economic Literature"Margo shows that history is important in understanding present domestic problems; his study has significant implications for understanding post-1950s black economic development."—Joe M. Richardson, Journal of American History
Thames & Hudson Ltd Beaton in Vogue
Cecil Beaton (1904–1980) was a man of dazzling charm and style, and his talents were many. In his twenties he recorded London and New York society in needle-sharp words and drawings, and then, at Condé Nast’s insistence, in photographs. The resulting work earned him a place among the great chroniclers of fashion. In this classic book, now in a sumptuous paperback edition after many years out of print, Josephine Ross selects and introduces articles, drawings and photographs by Beaton dating from the 1920s to the 1970s. It includes Beaton’s essays and vignettes on high society and its denizens, as well as such stars of the arts as Greta Garbo, Ralph Richardson, Pablo Picasso and David Hockney. It also reproduces Beaton’s war photographs, drawings and writings, from bombed London to China and the North Africa Desert. Beaton loved Vogue, and his contributions testify to the wit, imagination and professionalism that the man and the magazine always had in common.
St David's Press The Boxers of Newport: The Gwent Valleys and Monmouthshire
There has always been a great boxing tradition in Newport and the valleys of Monmouthshire, but recently the area has excelled itself. Over the last two decades, no fewer than four world champions have been groomed in local gyms. Robbie Regan, Gavin Rees, Nathan Cleverly and the incomparable Joe Calzaghe may be the stand-out achievers featured in this book, but they are far from the only stars remembered here. Johnny Basham and the `Maesglas Marciano’, Dick Richardson, lead the way for the city on the Usk, while there are many others who have worn the Lonsdale Belt or claimed Commonwealth Games medals. And the changing face of boxing is epitomised by Ebbw Vale girl Ashley Brace, the first woman to top a professional bill in Wales – and the first to win an international title. Some 70 boxers are pictured and profiled. Any fight fan, whether a `Gwentie’ or not, will enjoy this book.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Gallifrey - Time War
Four new chapters in the Gallifrey saga. The Time Lords and the Daleks have opposed one another across millennia. But now, their conflict tips into an all - out Time War, and nowhere across the universe of spacetime is safe. Battle plans will be drawn, allies recruited, and innocents caught in the crossfire. Gallifrey is going to war, and the cosmos will never be the same again. 1. Celestial Intervention by David Llewellyn. The Temporal Powers are under threat. It is only a matter of time before the Daleks attack. Now CIA Coordinator, Romana must protect the interests of Gallifrey, while dealing with demands from President Livia and an increasingly powerful War Council. As allies are whittled away, the Time Lords are drawn into a conflict they can no longer avoid. 2. Soldier Obscura by Tim Foley. Braxiatel has always planned for contingencies. As hostilities escalate, he takes Ace into a deadly region of spacetime - The Obscura - to locate an ancient research station. But Ace is about to learn more about Irving Braxiatel than anyone should know. Some soldiers are ready for this fight, but some will not make it through the first round. 3. The Devil You Know by Scott Handcock. The Time War has begun in earnest, and Romana must think the unthinkable. For a most dangerous mission, she selects the most dangerous warrior - the Master. But he will not be alone. Leela accompanies her old enemy as they begin an unusual interrogation. What does Finnian Valentine know? And can Leela and the Master ever truly be on the same side? 4. Desperate Measures by Matt Fitton. he Dalek Emperor attacks a vital Time Lord outpost. Victory would be a devastating blow to Gallifrey. Romana is caught in the machinations of a President who sees control slipping away. Is it time to bargain with the War Council, or perhaps to parlay with even more dangerous parties? The Time War has barely begun, and for Gallifrey, desperate times are already here. The ninth series of Big Finish's hugely popular spin-off from the main Doctor Who range is set on the Doctor's homeworld Gallifrey This is the first of the Gallifrey stories to directly deal with The Time War - the horrific and universe-wide battle between Daleks and Time Lords with everything at stake! Louise Jameson and Lalla Ward played the Doctor's companions Leela and Romana respectively opposite Tom Baker in the late 1970s. They've since reprised their much-loved characters for Big Finish across a wide number of stories. CAST: Louise Jameson (Leela), Lalla Ward (Romana), Sophie Aldred (Ace), Sean Carlsen (Narvin), Miles Richardson (Braxiatel), Derek Jacobi (The Master), Pippa Bennett-Warner (Livia), Paul Marc Davis (Trave), Ebony Wong (Karla), David Sibley(Valerian), Zulema Dene (Danna), Bryan Dick (Finnian Valentine), Guy Adams (Beglis) and Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks).
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Information, Opportunism and Economic Coordination
This book is an integrated collection of a dozen of Peter Earl's lively and thought-provoking essays, carefully edited and updated. Theoretical topics include the prediction of corporate behaviour, the economic foundations of marketing and shopping mall design, pricing strategy and its relationship with the existence of second-hand markets, and the microfoundations of macroeconomics. Case studies include cooperation in the car industry, managerialist reforms in New Zealand and the university sector, structural change in the advertising industry and the place of G.B. Richardson and G.L.S. Shackle in the literature of economics.Information, Opportunism and Economic Coordination will be of particular interest to historians of economic thought, business economists, behavioural economists and Post Keynesians.
Cassava Republic Press In Dependence
In the early sixties, Tayo Ajayi sails to England from Nigeria to take up a scholarship at Oxford University. There he discovers a whole generation high on visions of a new and better world. He meets Vanessa Richardson, the beautiful daughter of a former colonial officer. Their story, which spans four decades, is a bittersweet tale of a brave but doomed affair and the universal desire to fall truly, madly and deeply in love. A lyrical and moving story of unfulfilled love fraught with the weight of history, race and geography and intertwined with questions of belonging, aging, faith and family secrets. In Dependence explores the complexities of contemporary Africa, its Diaspora and its interdependence with the rest of the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Sustainable Careers
What is a sustainable career? And how can individuals and organizations develop pathways that lead to them? With current levels of global unemployment and the need for life-long learning and employability enhancement, these questions assume a pressing significance. Offering twenty-eight chapters from leading scholars, the Handbook of Research on Sustainable Careers makes an important contribution to our understanding of sustainable careers and lays the foundation for the direction of future research.With the aim of advancing existing knowledge surrounding the meaning, antecedents and outcomes of sustainable careers, this book discusses the topic from several different angles combining both theoretical and empirical as well as practical insights. Topics include crafting sustainable careers in organizations, merits and challenges of career adaptability, psychological mobility during unemployment and the role of employee adaptability.Students and academics of varied disciplines looking for multidimensional perspectives on sustainable careers will find this to be a worthwhile read. HR professionals, career counsellors and public policy makers will find use in the practical guidance offered in this book.Contributors: T. Aalbers, M.B. Arthur, P.M. Bal, Y. Baruch, C. Bernhard-Oettel, T. Bipp, N. Bozionelos, J.P. Briscoe, M.B.W. Buyken, A. De Coen, N. De Cuyper, S. De Hauw, A.H. De Lange, P. De Prins, A. De Vos, H. De Witte, N. Dries, N. Egold, C. Fleisher, A. Forrier, F. Fraccaroli, A. Froidevaux, J.H. Greenhaus, D.E Guest, D.T. Hall, A. Hirschi, I.M. Jawahar, C. Kelliher, S.N. Khapova, U. Kinnunen, U.-C. Klehe, D. Kooij, M. Latzke, B.S. Lawrence, A. Mäkikangas, S. Mauno, W. Mayrhofer, A. Milissen, K. Näswall, K. Pernkopf, P.Peters, J. Rantanen, J. Richardson, R. Rodrigues, C. Rohr, R. Schalk, M.M. Schipper, T.M. Schneidhofer, J. Segers, L. Sels, J.H. Semeijn, T.H. Stone, D.M. Truxillo, M. Valcour, L. Van Beirendonck, K. Van Dam, A. Van den Broeck, B. Van der Heijden, R. Van Dick, M. van Engen, J. van Ruysseveldt, S. Vansteenkiste, A.E.M. Van Vianen, T. Van Vuuren, M. Verbruggen, C.J. Vinkenburg, S. Zaniboni, J. Zikic
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Sustainable Careers
What is a sustainable career? And how can individuals and organizations develop pathways that lead to them? With current levels of global unemployment and the need for life-long learning and employability enhancement, these questions assume a pressing significance. Offering twenty-eight chapters from leading scholars, the Handbook of Research on Sustainable Careers makes an important contribution to our understanding of sustainable careers and lays the foundation for the direction of future research.With the aim of advancing existing knowledge surrounding the meaning, antecedents and outcomes of sustainable careers, this book discusses the topic from several different angles combining both theoretical and empirical as well as practical insights. Topics include crafting sustainable careers in organizations, merits and challenges of career adaptability, psychological mobility during unemployment and the role of employee adaptability.Students and academics of varied disciplines looking for multidimensional perspectives on sustainable careers will find this to be a worthwhile read. HR professionals, career counsellors and public policy makers will find use in the practical guidance offered in this book.Contributors: T. Aalbers, M.B. Arthur, P.M. Bal, Y. Baruch, C. Bernhard-Oettel, T. Bipp, N. Bozionelos, J.P. Briscoe, M.B.W. Buyken, A. De Coen, N. De Cuyper, S. De Hauw, A.H. De Lange, P. De Prins, A. De Vos, H. De Witte, N. Dries, N. Egold, C. Fleisher, A. Forrier, F. Fraccaroli, A. Froidevaux, J.H. Greenhaus, D.E Guest, D.T. Hall, A. Hirschi, I.M. Jawahar, C. Kelliher, S.N. Khapova, U. Kinnunen, U.-C. Klehe, D. Kooij, M. Latzke, B.S. Lawrence, A. Mäkikangas, S. Mauno, W. Mayrhofer, A. Milissen, K. Näswall, K. Pernkopf, P.Peters, J. Rantanen, J. Richardson, R. Rodrigues, C. Rohr, R. Schalk, M.M. Schipper, T.M. Schneidhofer, J. Segers, L. Sels, J.H. Semeijn, T.H. Stone, D.M. Truxillo, M. Valcour, L. Van Beirendonck, K. Van Dam, A. Van den Broeck, B. Van der Heijden, R. Van Dick, M. van Engen, J. van Ruysseveldt, S. Vansteenkiste, A.E.M. Van Vianen, T. Van Vuuren, M. Verbruggen, C.J. Vinkenburg, S. Zaniboni, J. Zikic
University of Pennsylvania Press The Breakthrough: Human Rights in the 197s
Between the 1960s and the 1980s, the human rights movement achieved unprecedented global prominence. Amnesty International attained striking visibility with its Campaign Against Torture; Soviet dissidents attracted a worldwide audience for their heroism in facing down a totalitarian state; the Helsinki Accords were signed, incorporating a "third basket" of human rights principles; and the Carter administration formally gave the United States a human rights policy. The Breakthrough is the first collection to examine this decisive era as a whole, tracing key developments in both Western and non-Western engagement with human rights and placing new emphasis on the role of human rights in the international history of the past century. Bringing together original essays from some of the field's leading scholars, this volume not only explores the transnational histories of international and nongovernmental human rights organizations but also analyzes the complex interplay between gender, sociology, and ideology in the making of human rights politics at the local level. Detailed case studies illuminate how a number of local movements—from the 1975 World Congress of Women in East Berlin, to antiapartheid activism in Britain, to protests in Latin America—affected international human rights discourse in the era as well as the ways these moments continue to influence current understanding of human rights history and advocacy. The global south—an area not usually treated as a scene of human rights politics—is also spotlighted in groundbreaking chapters on Biafran, South American, and Indonesian developments. In recovering the remarkable presence of global human rights talk and practice in the 1970s, The Breakthrough brings this pivotal decade to the forefront of contemporary scholarly debate. Contributors: Carl J. Bon Tempo, Gunter Dehnert, Celia Donert, Lasse Heerten, Patrick William Kelly, Benjamin Nathans, Ned Richardson-Little, Daniel Sargent, Brad Simpson, Lynsay Skiba, Simon Stevens.
University of Nebraska Press As Long as the Earth Endures: Annotated Miami-Illinois Texts
As Long as the Earth Endures is an annotated collection of almost all of the known Native texts in Miami-Illinois, an Algonquian language of Indiana, Illinois, and Oklahoma. These texts, gathered from native speakers of Myaamia, Peoria, and Wea in the 1890s and the early twentieth century, span several genres, such as culture hero stories, trickster tales, animal stories, personal and historical narratives, how-to stories, and translations of Christian materials. These texts were collected from seven speakers: Frank Beaver, George Finley, Gabriel Godfroy, William Peconga, Thomas Richardville, Elizabeth Valley, and Sarah Wadsworth. Representing thirty years of study, almost all of the stories are published here for the first time. The texts are presented with their original transcriptions along with full, corrected modern transcriptions, translations, and grammatical analyses. Included with the texts are extensive annotation on all aspects of their meaning, pronunciation, and interpretation; a lengthy glossary explaining and analyzing in detail every word; and an introduction placing the texts in their philological, historical, linguistic, and folkloric context, with a discussion of how the stories compare to similar texts from neighboring Great Lakes Algonquian tribes.
Johns Hopkins University Press Lyric Generations: Poetry and the Novel in the Long Eighteenth Century
Eighteenth-century British literary history was long characterized by two central and seemingly discrete movements-the emergence of the novel and the development of Romantic lyric poetry. In fact, recent scholarship reveals that these genres are inextricably bound: constructions of interiority developed in novels changed ideas about what literature could mean and do, encouraging the new focus on private experience and self-perception developed in lyric poetry. In Lyric Generations, Gabrielle Starr rejects the genealogy of lyric poetry in which Romantic poets are thought to have built solely and directly upon the works of Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare, and Milton. She argues instead that novelists such as Richardson, Haywood, Behn, and others, while drawing upon earlier lyric conventions, ushered in a new language of self-expression and community which profoundly affected the aesthetic goals of lyric poets. Examining the works of Cowper, Smith, Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Keats in light of their competitive dialogue with the novel, Starr advances a literary history that considers formal characteristics as products of historical change. In a world increasingly defined by prose, poets adapted the new forms, characters, and moral themes of the novel in order to reinvigorate poetic practice.