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John Wiley & Sons Inc To Improve Health and Health Care, Volume V: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Anthology
Since 1972, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has been the nation's largest philanthropy devoted exclusively to health. To further its mission of improving the health and health care of all Americans, it provides funds for demonstration projects, educational and communications activities, training, policy analysis, and research. As part of the Foundation's efforts to inform the public, To Improve Health and Health Care, the fifth volume in The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Anthology series, provides an in-depth look into the programs it funds. Written for policy makers and practitioners as well as interested members of the public, the series offers useful lessons for leaders and educators developing plans for the coming years. This volume includes chapters on: * The Nurse Home Visitation Program * Strategies to treat tuberculosis * Health of Native Americans * Service credit banking * Consumer choice in long-term care * The Health Policy Fellowships Program * Recovery High School * On Doctoring, an anthology of literature and medicineAIDS * Program-related investments * The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's grantmaking in New Jersey
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Quality Handbook for Health Care Organizations: A Manager's Guide to Tools and Programs
This important book is a practical, theory-based resource on the topic of health care quality management written for health care administrators and practitioners. It offers the tools needed to help managers make decisions, prioritize resources (financial and human), and analyze and improve the care they deliver. The Handbook offers a hands-on approach to specific topics such as the implementation of managerial goals, instructions for developing accurate measurements for evaluating care, the utilization of data as a basis for process improvement, exploration of quality management tools and techniques, guidelines for the complex integration of collaborative services in health care, and methods for effective communication and improving accountability.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Pathways Healthcare Management: Tools and Techniques for Managing in a Health Care Environment
You can get there Where do you want to go? You might already be working in the health care field and may be looking to expand your skills. You might be setting out on a new career path. Or, you might want to learn more about exciting opportunities in health care management. Wherever you want to go, Health Care Management will help you get there. Easy-to-read, practical, and up-to-date, this text not only helps you learn fundamental health care management concepts; it also helps you master the core competencies and skills you need to succeed in the classroom and beyond. The book's brief, modular format and variety of built-in learning resources enable you to learn at your own pace and focus your studies. With this book, you will be able to: * Understand the health care supervisor's job, roles, functions, and authority. * Respond to common types of ethical dilemmas. * Explore the fundamentals of organizational structures. * Lead and develop work teams that are efficient, focused, and flexible. * Examine the legal and labor issues that impact human resource management. * Implement planning tools and techniques. * Use controls to assess performance, improve processes, and boost quality. * Make smart decisions with effective strategies for analyzing situations. * Become an effective leader and guide others through challenging times. * Develop outstanding interpersonal communication skills. Wiley Pathways helps you achieve your goals When it comes to learning about health care management, not everyone is on the same path. But everyone wants to succeed. The new Wiley Pathways series in Health Care Management helps you achieve your goals with its brief, inviting format, clear language, and focus on core competencies and skills. The books in this series--Introduction to US Health Care, Health Care Management, Health Care Economics, and Health Care Law & Ethics--offer a coordinated curriculum for learning health care management. Learn more at
John Wiley & Sons Inc It's All About Service: How to Lead Your People to Care for Your Customers
Practical strategies for better customer service based on the principles of servant-leadership Individuals in the workforce and the clients they serve are the fundamental building blocks of every company in America. Executives talk about customer service; but their employees are the ones who make it happen (or not). Author Ray Pelletier reveals the vital importance of a happy workforce in creating a happy client. By caring for employees, managers create an environment in which employees can care for customers. This book shows senior leaders, managers, and supervisors how to develop a managerial style that combines teamwork, trust, listening, forethought, and ethics to nurture a happy workforce and improve customer service. Built on the foundations of the servant-leadership model, the book offers effective, easy-to-implement strategies to develop these vital managerial skills. It's All About Service reveals that leaders who care for their people create businesses that care for their clients-and gain an edge over the competition.
John Wiley & Sons The Early Years Matter Education Care and the WellBeing of Children Birth to 8
Introduces current and future teachers, child care providers, and others interested in early childhood education to the importance of the early years in children’s well-being and success. It summarizes the research on the value of high-quality services for young children, families, and society, showing why early education matters both today and into the future.
Random House USA Inc Thank You, Helpers: Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Grocery Workers, and More Who Care for Us
Help make our new reality a little less scary for kids with this joyful tribute to all the helpers of today. Perfect for parents, caregivers, and teachers looking to model appreciation and thankfulness.With all the talk of germs, social distancing, and the pandemic, it's easy for kids to be confused or overwhelmed. Help reassure by encouraging them to see all the amazing ways people are keeping each other safe. From healthcare workers to delivery people, grocery workers, teachers, and more, kids can learn about the heroes in our communities taking care of us all. With a joyful rhyme scheme made for reading aloud, this is the perfect book to read together and foster an appreciation of those around us. In conjunction with the publication of this book, a contribution will be made by Random House Children's Books to Americares to benefit health workers.
Teachers' College Press We Are the Change We Seek: Advancing Racial Justice in Early Care and Education
This timely book will help early care and education teachers, leaders, administrators, coaches, and staff deliver on the promise of high-quality education for all children. The authors provide inspiration, practical tools, and resources through the antibias, antiracist, culturally responsive practices framework (ABAR CRP). This teacher-friendly text shows how to engage in self-inquiry and evaluate current classroom practices while embedding new ones that advance the learning and well-being of children, especially those from minoritized and poor communities. Readers will find tools and assessments to support the implementation of culturally grounded practices that will improve outcomes for diverse children in early childhood settings and systems. This book connects history to current events, supports self-inquiry, encourages a shift in mindset and, most importantly, offers guidance for creating affirming and joyful spaces for young children to learn. Book Features: “Design an Activity for Children” section asks teachers to create a classroom activity incorporating the information they have learned. “Discussions About Real-World Dilemmas” presents a problem and asks readers to discuss how they would resolve it. “Exercises That Promote Critical Reflection” activities that encourages teachers to think about how they are a product of the beliefs, values, and social-political history of their cultural group. “What Would You Do” reflective questions that help teachers to problem-solve how they might react during difficult situations.
William Morrow & Company Sacred Pampering Principles: An African-American Woman's Guide to Self-Care and Inner Renewal
John Wiley & Sons Inc Customer Service in Health Care: A Grassroots Approach to Creating a Culture of Service Excellence
Research confirms that it is six times more costly to attract anew customer than it is to retain an existing one. Creating a culture of service excellence requires planning,preparation, and persistence. Customer Service in HealthCare is designed to provide readers with the fundamentalinformation and skills to start or strengthen a customer serviceinitiative within a health care organization. This bookconcentrates on action as opposed to theory. It offers a practical,step-by-step process for creating a culture shift toward customerservice excellence at all levels of an organization, and presentsthe essentials to improving performance that will bring theindividuals closer to the mission, values, and standards. * Chapters focus on: * Tools for establishing and measuring customer service teamgoals * Creating customer service standards unique to yourorganization * Tips on training sessions * Strategies for maintaining top-of-mind awareness of customerservice among employees * Customer service techniques for physicians and nurses * An overview of customer service as an essential component ofbusiness development and marketing
John Wiley & Sons Inc Informing American Health Care Policy: The Dynamics of Medical Expenditure and Insurance Surveys, 1977-1996
Informing American Health Care Policy provides a critical perspective on the National Medical ExpAnditure Surveys (NMES) and how these surveys have responded to the sometimes conflicting challenges of policy and research. Sponsored by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research and written by a stellar panel of interdisciplinary experts including contributions from nationally known economists, sociologists, and survey researchers, this essential resource is filled with lessons learned and emerging strategies for the future.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Consent, Rights and Choices in Health Care for Children and Young People
This books gives guidance for doctors and other health professionals who are involved in providing health care for children and young people. The books sets out best practice guidance, and explains that children and young people should be allowed to participate in decisions about their health care to the extent they wish. It explains who can give consent to treatment on behalf of a person under 18 and when children and young people can seek health care and advice independently. It also explores the issue of refusal of treatment; what parents are entitled to refuse on behalf of their young children, and what to do if young people refuse treatment. A comprehensive summary of chapters provides quick reference for the key ethical and legal issues.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Certification and Core Review for High Acuity, Progressive, and Critical Care Nursing
The 7th edition of this powerful review tool helps you assess and build your knowledge of the information covered in the Core Curriculum for High Acuity, Progressive, and Critical Care Nursing - and achieve Adult CCRN® or PCCN® certification. Three 150-question exams mirror the style and content of the CCRN exam and PCCN exam. You can also access these same practice exams, along with 100 additional questions, on an accompanying Evolve website for interactive practice. Integration of the ACCN Synergy Model for Patient Care ensures that the needs or characteristics of patients and families influence and drive the characteristics or Developed in conjunction with and based on the AACN Core Curriculum for High Acuity, Progressive, and Critical Care Nursing, the Certification and Core Review is an ideal study companion to the Core Curriculum. Each exam mirrors the certification exam content, question format, and content distribution, giving you realistic practice for the Adult CCRN® exam and PCCN® exam. Answers are provided for each question, accompanied by rationales and references, to assist you in remediation. NEW! Three 150-item interactive exams on a secure Evolve site allow for access to interactive exam practice on any HTML5-compatible device, including desktop computers, iPhones, iPads, and Android devices. Exams address the complete range of vital content in critical care nursing and challenge your mastery of the essential knowledge base for Adult CCRN® and PCCN® certification. NEW and EXPANDED! 100 additional interactive questions on Evolve go beyond what can be found in the printed or electronic book, and provide even more practice for the Adult CCRN® exam and PCCN® exam. NEW and UPDATED! Content distribution matches that of the latest Adult CCRN® exam and PCCN® exam test blueprints, so you better know what to expect come exam day. NEW! Updated content throughout ensures currency, accuracy, and consistency with standardized guidelines and the latest evidence-based practice. UPDATED and NEW! All questions feature integration of the AACN Synergy Model, including both patient characteristics (resiliency, vulnerability, stability, complexity, resource availability, participation in care, participation in decision making, and predictability) and nurse characteristics (clinical judgment, advocacy/moral agency, caring practices, collaboration, systems thinking, response to diversity, facilitation of learning, and clinical inquiry). NEW! New behavioral and psychosocial content addresses new content now found on AACN's Adult CCRN® exam and PCCN® exam. NEW! Updated illustrations reflect current clinical procedures and assessment skills.
Baker Publishing Group For the Beauty of the Earth – A Christian Vision for Creation Care
Caring for the environment is a growing interest among evangelicals. This award-winning book provides the most thorough evangelical treatment available on a theology of creation care. "Authentic Christian faith requires ecological obedience," writes Steven Bouma-Prediger. He urges Christians to acknowledge their responsibility and privilege as stewards of the earth. The second edition has been substantially revised and updated with the latest scientific and environmental research.
New York University Press Entitled to Nothing: The Struggle for Immigrant Health Care in the Age of Welfare Reform
In Entitled to Nothing, Lisa Sun-Hee Park investigates how the politics of immigration, health care, and welfare are intertwined. Documenting the formal return of the immigrant as a “public charge,” or a burden upon the State, the author shows how the concept has been revived as states adopt punitive policies targeting immigrants of color and require them to “pay back” benefits for which they are legally eligible during a time of intense debate regarding welfare reform. Park argues that the notions of “public charge” and “public burden” were reinvigorated in the 1990s to target immigrant women of reproductive age for deportation and as part of a larger project of “disciplining” immigrants. Drawing on nearly 200 interviews with immigrant organizations, government agencies and safety net providers, as well as careful tracking of policies and media coverage, Park provides vivid, first-person accounts of how struggles over the “public charge” doctrine unfolded on the ground, as well as its consequences for the immigrant community. Ultimately, she shows that the concept of “public charge” continues to lurk in the background, structuring our conception of who can legitimately access public programs and of the moral economy of work and citizenship in the U.S., and makes important policy suggestions for reforming our immigration system.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Research in Health Care: Design, Conduct and Interpretation of Health Services Research
This volume provides health care professionals with a comprehensive but readable guide to the design, conduct and interpretation of health services research. It strips the research process of its technical jargon, illuminating the methods of research by an extensive use of real examples. The common pitfalls of the design and interpretation of studies are reviewed, together with guidance on how to avoid them. The result is a user-friendly text which will enable all health care professionals to carry out research with confidence and success.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Measuring Health Care: Using Quality Data for Operational, Financial, and Clinical Improvement
This invaluable guide shows students and professionals how measurements and data can be used to balance quality services and financial viability and how measures can help to evaluate and improve organizational, clinical, and financial processes. The book explains the various performance measurement methods used in health care and shows their practical impact on clinical patient outcomes.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care, An International Handbook
Learn intervention strategies to counter the effects of terrorismIn the twenty-first century, terrorism has become an international scourge whose effect devastates individuals, weakens societies, and cripples nations. The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care, An International Handbook and Shared Care provides a comprehensive, penetrating look at the effects of terrorism, at the prevention and treatment of immediate and long-term sequelae, at preparedness for terrorism, and at the range of individual, community, and national responses. International authorities discuss the latest knowledge and research about terror, its root causes, and its psychological impact on individuals, families, societies, and nations, as well as the societal and political responses and services that may help lessen its impact.The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care, An International Handbook analyzes the full scope of terrorism. This compendium explores numerous issues in detail, such as the nature and psychology of terrorism, how to foster a community’s capacity for resilience, the psychosocial consequences of terrorism in children and adults, the centrality of traumatic grief, the need for multicultural understanding in services and treatment, interventions for children and adolescents, training programs for mental health professionals, and proactive community organization in the face of terrorism. Treatment options and services are thoroughly explored and their effectiveness evaluated. Chapters are international in scope, well-referenced, and geared to provide thoroughly reasoned recommendations to lessen the effects of terrorism. Original witness voices from survivors and professionals worldwide give depth to the scientific character of the book. Helpful tables and graphs clearly illustrate data and ideas.The Trauma of Terrorism: Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care, An International Handbook presents in-depth examinations of:The Origins of Terrorism in Modern Society the origin and nature of terrorism terrorism as a strategy of psychological warfare the content and form of terrorism propaganda tactical and strategic terrorism the motivations of suicide bombers The Psychological Consequences of Terrorism the psychological impact of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks the PTSD effects of watching terrorist attacks on television the effects of acute stress symptoms on the general population after a national trauma somatization and bioterrorism the short- and long-term effects of terrorism on an individual the importance of measuring grief in the context of terrorism the psychological burden of bioterrorism the psychological impact of terrorism on children and families post-traumatic distress in adolescents with exposure to ongoing terrorism The Impact of Terrorism on Individuals, Groups, and Society terrorism’s toll on civil liberties media-oriented terrorism media guidelines for helping reduce individual and national traumatic reactivity to terrorism culture-sensitive interventions in the treatment of terrorism the effects of terrorism on refugees Psychological First Aid, Acute and Long-Term Treatment Following Terrorist Attacks mental health interventions in hospitals following terrorist attacks treating survivors in an ongoing terrorist situation the treatment of children impacted by the World Trade Center attack traumatic bereavement, and its link to terrorism School- and Community-Based Interventions in the Face of Terrorist Attacks the Building Resilience Project-school-based interventions for children community-based interventions like Project Liberty and
Teachers' College Press On Being and Well-Being in Infant/Toddler Care and Education: Life Stories From Baby Rooms
With its real-life stories and invitations for reflection and conversation, this book is an ideal professional development resource for pre- and in-service birth–age 3 professionals. The author shares lived experiences of being in four distinctly different baby rooms as a researcher over extended periods of time. She frames each life story around elements of well-being and asks readers to consider whether and how environmental and relational factors supported or hindered the physical, psychological, and emotional well-being of the children and adults. The author encourages readers to see themselves in the stories, to consider how they may have acted in the circumstances described, and to deliberate on their own practices and beliefs. With empathy and respect, McMullen fully conveys an intent to elevate, celebrate, and honor those who spend their days in infant toddler care and education, while examining the critical role all adults in society play in the lives of our youngest citizens.Book Features: Invites personal reflection and discussion with colleagues in the form of prompts and questions after each story. Provides a friendly but scholarly look at the spaces, conditions, and quality of birth-to-age three settings, the area of fastest growing need in early childhood care and education (ECCE). Focuses on the well-being of the adults and children featured in the book, providing a holistic perspective on their needs, motivations, and experiences. Emphasizes a here-and-now perspective in contrast to books that tend to focus primarily on preparing children for future outcomes and accomplishments.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Suppression, Deception, Snobbery, and Bias: Why the Press Gets So Much Wrong—And Just Doesn't Care
Russian collusion. The lab-leak theory. The Hunter Biden laptop. Mostly peaceful protests. What if America’s misinformation problem is coming from inside the mainstream media?Fox contributor Ari Fleischer says most Americans live in a media-created fantasyland. Never before have we been so information-rich yet so poorly informed. America’s liberal media keeps getting the news wrong.In Suppression, Deception, Snobbery, and Bias, Fleischer notes that half the country is keenly aware that they are routinely mocked and looked down on by much of the media. The disdain shown by too many reporters for too many Americans is a major reason our nation is polarized and divided.Today’s mainstream media is dominated by college-educated Democratic voters who write stories for other college-educated Democrats. These journalists haven’t just slanted the media; they take sides in our debates and are too often activists for a cause. There is no secret meeting where liberals decide how to slant the news. There is no central source of propaganda. It’s worse than that. It comes naturally to the media because they’re too much alike—they have a diversity problem.It’s time the press faced up to why so few people trust them and why they’ve been losing viewers and readers for decades. Suppression, Deception, Snobbery, and Bias is the reckoning they will never do on their own.
Georgetown University Press The Health Care Professional as Friend and Healer: Building on the Work of Edmund D. Pellegrino
This book illuminates issues in medical ethics revolving around the complex bond between healer and patient, focusing on friendship and other important values in the healing relationship. Embracing medicine, philosophy, theology, and bioethics, it considers whether bioethical issues in medicine, nursing, and dentistry can be examined from the perspective of the healing relationship rather than external moral principles. Distinguished contributors explore the role of the health professional, the moral basis of health care, greater emphasis on the humanities in medical education, and some of the current challenges facing healers today.
Springer Publishing Co Inc Quick Reference to Child and Adolescent Forensics: A Guide for Nurses and Other Health Care Professionals
John Wiley & Sons Inc Culture and the Child: A Guide for Professionals in Child Care and Development
This, the first book in the Wiley Series in Culture andProfessional Practice, is designed as a practical guide forprofessionals who work with children from differing culturalbackgrounds. It relates cultural differences in development to theproblems and practice of child care with a special contributionfrom cross-cultural psychology. The book includes the main issueswhich professionals are likely to encounter, for example: * how individual differences in temperament and behaviour interactwith cultural traditions * how a sense of mixed identity develops and how this conflictaffects many young people in different cultural settings * how the anxieties and motivations of children are influenced bytheir cultural backgrounds The book draws upon a theoretical and research base incross-cultural psychology but presents the issues in practicalterms leading to appropriate action. This book is unique with itsfocus on promoting the well-being of the children and those whocare for them. Theory and practice are combined in a convenientvolume intended for everyday use by professionals in the field,including pre-school teachers, child care workers and psychologistsworking with children and adolescents in multiculturalenvironments. Culture and the Child concludes with a discussion ofthe effects of multicultural interaction and cultural change intothe 21st century.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Technology and the Future of Health Care: Preparing for the Next 30 Years
Most experts believe that innovation in every aspect of patient care will be nothing less than astonishing as we move into the next century. Technology and the Future of Health Care brings together a remarkable group of health care visionaries who have identified and begun to analyze which trends and technological advances will likely shape and inform the next generation of medicine. From fundamental advances in computing and administration, research, nursing, and patient care delivery to noninvasive surgery, biomolecular therapies, bionics, and beyond, this ground-breaking book offers professional, executive-level insight into topics that until recently existed only in the realm of science fiction.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Systems of Care: The New Community Psychiatry
The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Systems of Care is a groundbreaking volume that presents the latest thinking in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry written by a stellar panel of child and adolescent psychiatrists. The Handbook shows that the best way to help at-risk children is not in isolated doctor and patient treatment rooms but with community-based systems of care (SOC) that incorporate an interagency integration of services based on a client-centered and family empowering orientation. This important resource offers psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counselors, pediatricians, nurses, educators, lawyers and judges, politicians, child advocates, parents, and families a guide to this dynamic new theory and practice. Comprehensive in scope, The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Systems of Care includes vital information on a wide variety of topics including Developmental and cognitive psychology in systems of care (SOCs) Social sciences, neurobiology, and prevention in SOC The best way to use psychopharmacology Family- and community-based interventions Culturally diverse populations Youth in juvenile justice and child welfare, school-based services Partnerships among parents, consumers, and clinicians
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Handbook of Patient Safety Compliance: A Practical Guide for Health Care Organizations
Written for virtually every professional and leader in the health care field, as well as students who are preparing for careers in health services delivery, this book presents a framework for developing a patient safety program, shows how best to examine events that do occur, and reveals how to ensure that appropriate corrective and preventative actions are reviewed for effectiveness. The book covers a comprehensive selection of topics including The link between patient safety and legal and regulatory compliance The role of accreditation and standard-setting organizations in patient safety Failure modes and effect analysis Voluntary and regulatory oversight of medical error Evidence-based outcomes and standards of care Creation and preservation of reports, data, and device evidence in medical error situations Claims management when dealing with patient safety events Full disclosure Patient safety in human research Managing confidentiality in the face of litigation Managing patient safety compliance through accountability-based credentialing for health care professionals Planning for the future
John Wiley & Sons Inc Global Health Care Markets: A Comprehensive Guide to Regions, Trends, and Opportunities Shaping the International Health Arena
Keeping in step with the ever expanding global economy, health care providers and pharmaceutical companies are establishing themselves in foreign health markets at an unprecedented rate. The question is, How can these organizations prepare themselves for the challenges and opportunities they will find in today's worldwide health care marketplace? Written by an international panel of highly acclaimed health care experts, Global Health Care Markets is a comprehensive guide to the current state of health care delivery systems worldwide. This much-needed resource profiles the world's most significant regions and markets, analyzes the important trends in international medicine and technology, and provides helpful projections of the opportunities for providers, vendors, agencies, and governments.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Medical Work, Medical Knowledge and Health Care: A Sociology of Health and Illness Reader
This Reader introduces students of sociology and health care to the changing fields of medical knowledge and medical work. Provides a chronicle of reseach in the field of medical knowledge, medical work and health care over the past 25 years. Summarises changes in how health care was delivered and how medical knowledge and practice were conceptualised over this period. Section introductions by the editors situate the articles within a wider body of literature. A valuable resource for student of sociiology, social policy, social work, health policy or health care.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Innate Immune System of Skin and Oral Mucosa: Properties and Impact in Pharmaceutics, Cosmetics, and Personal Care Products
An in-depth look at cutting-edge research on the body's innate immune system Innate immunity is the body's first line of protection against potential microbial, viral, and environmental attacks, and the skin and oral mucosa are two of the most powerful barriers that which we rely on to stay well. The definitive book on the subject, Innate Immune System of Skin and Oral Mucosa: Properties and Impact in Pharmaceutics, Cosmetics, and Personal Care Products provides a comprehensive overview of these systems, including coverage of antimicrobial peptides and lipids and microbial challenges and stressors that can influence innate immunity. Designed to help experts and newcomers alike in fields like dermatology, oral pathology, cosmetics, personal care, and pharmaceuticals, the book is filled with suggestions to assist research and development. Looking at the many challenges facing the innate immune system, including the impact of topically applied skin products and medications, Innate Immune System of Skin and Oral Mucosa paves the way for next generation treatment avenues, preventative approaches, and drug development.
Springer Science+Business Media Biopsychosocial Approaches in Primary Care: State of the Art and Challenges for the 21st Century
ST MEDICINE IN A CHANGING UNIVERSE AT THE THRESHOLD OF THE 21 CENTURY Hoyle Leigh, M. D. I Professor ofPsychiatry San Francisco, University ofCalifornia, and Fresno VAMedical Center INTRODUCTION During my lifetime, the universe has changed beyond recognition. The universe into 111 which I was born, in the first halfofthe 20 century, was still infinite, permanent, orderly, and tranquil --- a universe that worked like a masterfully constructed clock. Matter and energy followed Newton's lawsofconservation. Shortly after my birth, Hiroshima proved, with a big bang, that matter was no longer permanent, everything was relative. Einstein had also shown thateverything that happened was local, that is, there was an event horizon beyond which no information could reach as nothing can travel faster than light. When I was growing up, the moon was for lovers, and going there was an impossible dream. Cosmologically, the Big Bang theory that postulates that the universe was born out ofan explosion some 10-15 billion years ago from a primordial point won over steady state. Ithas been expanding ever since, although the ultimate fateofthe universe is still unknown whetherit will keep on expanding resulting in aperpetual stateofheat death, or will at some point startcontracting, resulting in a big crunch ofgravitational collapse ending in a single black hole out ofspace, time, and existence. Quantum theory has defeated even Einstein's genius and proven that God indeed plays dice.
Castle Point Books The One-Minute Self-Care Journal: 365 Ways to Nurture Your Physical, Mental, and Emotional Well-Being Every Day
Give yourself the gift of self-care you need to be at your best. It’s simple and enjoyable with this friendly guided journal. Just one minute each day will help you focus on ways (big and little) to invest in and love yourself. With 365 prompts designed to nourish your mind, body, and spirit, Eva Olsen's The One-Minute Self-Care Journal will help you live a life filled with energy, purpose, and joy. Discover how self-care can be your superpower, starting today. - Find 365 ways to treat yourself with kindness in just one minute each day. - Make your heart happy with fun, creative journaling prompts. - Cultivate calm confidence so you can tackle anything that comes your way. Show yourself the love and care you deserve with The One-Minute Self-Care Journal!
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Self-Care Solution: A Year of Becoming Happier, Healthier, and Fitter--One Month at a Time
ABC’s chief medical correspondent helps you ring in the New Year right with a resolution that’s actually doable: a year-long plan to improve your emotional and physical health—from giving up alcohol to doing a digital detox, but each for only one month.Dr. Jennifer Ashton is at the top of her field as an ob-gyn and news correspondent. But even at the top there’s still room to improve, and with The Self-Care Solution, she upends her life one month at a time, using her own experiences to help you improve your health and enhance your life.Dr. Ashton becomes both researcher and subject as she focuses on twelve separate challenges. Beginning with a new area of focus each month, she guides you through the struggles she faces, the benefits she experiences, and the science behind why each month’s challenge—giving up alcohol, doing more push-ups, adopting an earlier bedtime, limiting technology—can lead to better health. Month by month, Dr. Ashton tackles a different area of wellness with the hope that the lessons she learns and the improved health she experiences will motivate her (and you) to make each change permanent. Throughout, she offers easy-to-comprehend health information about the particular challenge to help you understand its benefits and to stick with it. Whether it’s adding cardio or learning how to meditate, Dr. Ashton makes these daily lifestyle choices and changes feel possible—and shows how beneficial a mindful lifestyle can be.Inspiring, practical, and informative, illustrated with helpful photos and charts, The Self-Care Solution teaches you how to recalibrate your life to enjoy a better, healthier year, one month at a time. Featuring guidance from top experts, entertaining case studies, easy-to-follow advice and tips, and Dr. Ashton’s observations and insights, this book can help you achieve a better life balance and a more active and healthy lifestyle.
Sage Publications Ltd I Can′t Do That!: My Social Stories to Help with Communication, Self-Care and Personal Skills
Are you teaching or supporting students with special educational needs (SEN) who are struggling with social rules and conventions? This book introduces you to the concept of social stories which are a positive and practical way to help children with these difficulties. The new edition of this book has over 90 examples of social stories, including over 30 new stories and also contains a new section on: - why social stories are important - how to use them in your setting - how to write your own social stories. Suitable for use with children of any age, the book includes examples for those children with language delays, communication difficulties, difficult behaviour, antisocial behaviour as well as those with autism. Broken down into 8 sections it is easy to find an example suitable for the situation you are facing so you can work together with the child to create their personal story. A great book for any setting, the stories are practical and achievable, the language is down to earth and believable, and the subjects include those that we are often embarrassed to deal with. A must-have for the SEN practitioner.
Columbia University Press Advocating for Children in Foster and Kinship Care: A Guide to Getting the Best out of the System for Caregivers and Practitioners
This book is the first to provide strategies for effective advocacy and placement within the foster care and kinship care systems. It also takes a rare look at the dynamics of the foster and kinship relationship, not just among children and the agency workers and service providers who intervene on their behalf, but also between children and those who take in and care for them as permanency develops. Drawing on their experience interacting with and writing about the institution of foster care, Mitchell Rosenwald and Beth N. Riley have composed a unique text that helps practitioners, foster parents, and relative caregivers realize successful transitions for youth, especially considering the traumas these children may suffer both before and after placement. Advocating for a child's best interests must begin early and remain consistent throughout assignment and adjustment. For practitioners, Rosenwald and Riley emphasize the best techniques for assessing a family's capabilities and for guiding families through the challenges of foster care. Part one details the steps potential foster parents and kinship caregivers must take, with the assistance of practitioners, to prepare themselves for placement. Part two describes tactics for successful advocacy within the court system, social service agencies, schools, and the medical and mental health establishments. Part three describes how to lobby for change at the agency and legislative levels, as well as within a given community. The authors illustrate recommendations through real-life scenarios and devote an entire chapter to brokering positive partnerships among practitioners, families, and other teams working to protect and transition children.
Asthma Care Sleep With Buteyko
Sage Publications Ltd Normal Midwifery Practice
For new students the language and concepts of midwifery care can at first be daunting. This book helps students to understand the expectations of midwifery training in relation to normal midwifery practice. It covers the basics of midwifery care including professional practice, frameworks informing midwifery care, key concepts and philosophies of care, communication and care skills, antenatal care, normal labour and birth, postnatal care, neonatal care and breastfeeding, as well as a brief introduction to medicines management in normal midwifery care. The book is designed to work alongside first taught modules in midwifery, and underpin training in subsequent years.
Wiley Caring for the Older Person
The number of older people in our society is increasing rapidly and as they age, the demand for safe, effective care is growing. This book offers readers the knowledge and skill to provide all aspects of care. Caring for the Older Person is written in six sections, covering the fundamental needs of an older person: Assistance with personal cleansing Assistance with movement Assistance to maintain nutrition and fluid intake Assistance with toilet needs Assistance with the need for observation and monitoring Care of the person immediately following death Each section starts with an explanation and includes care procedures in a step-by-step format. Written by two experienced nurses, the book is systematic and evidence-based, using up-to-date knowledge and government policy. It is intended to be a practical aid to improve care for the older person, whether in hospital, care home or at home and to give the re
John Wiley & Sons Inc Quality of Life
The way we think about health and health care is changing. Two factors driving this change are that we recognise the importance of the social consequences of disease and secondly, we acknowledge that health care aims to increase both the quantity and quality of survival. For these reasons, health care focusses more and more on 'quality of life'. Measuring quality of life brings many challenges. What do we mean by 'quality of life'? Who should measure it? How can we measure it? What can we use the information for? This book provides an accessible but up to date and authoritative overview of the measurement of quality of life in health care. It brings together the work of authors from Medicine, Palliative Care, Nursing, Ethics, Dentistry, Assistive Technology, Sociology, Epidemiology and Statistics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Disease Management: A Systems Approach to Improving Patient Outcomes
Motivated by business pressures, market consolidation, and the pursuit of quality care, health care professionals in all areas of practice are beginning to explore more fully the tremendous potential of disease management-- a systemwide strategy for proactively managing chronic diseases across the entire continuum of care. Disease Management is the first book to bring together systems thinking and organizational structure in a framework for designing, developing, and implementing a comprehensive health management system.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Status One: Breakthroughs in High Risk Population Health Management
A Proactive Framework for Organizational Change Learn to apply the principles of total quality management to themanagement of high-risk patients and improve quality of care,patient outcomes-and the bottom line. "Finally, a model of managed health care that resonates withphysicians and patients. A new direction for care management thatmakes sense on both humanitarian and financial grounds."--SanfordT. Kurtz, M.D., vice president and chief medical officer, LaheyClinic "An exciting, promising, practical, and brand new approach tosolving the cost/quality dilemma in managed care--high-riskpopulation health management. This well thought-out program focuseson managing patients, not physicians."--Stuart Baker, M.D.,executive vice president of clinical affairs, Voluntary HospitalAssociation
John Wiley & Sons Inc Clinical Audit in Mental Health: Toward a Multidisciplinary Approach
This book fully describes the purpose, methods, and implementation of clinical audit programs in mental health care in order to meet the demands of purchasers, providers, clinicians, carers and patients. It provides a practical guide to implementation in hospital and community settings. Applies well-established models for clinical audit to mental health care. Reflects current trends in quality assurance in health care. Provides detailed, specific advice on assessing the effectiveness of mental health treatment programs.
University of Illinois Press Respecting Patient Autonomy
Against a backdrop of real clinical situations, Benjamin H. Levi examines the dynamics that shape relations between patient and health care provider, addressing fundamental questions about how medical decisions should be reached and compelling the reader to think about health care issues and decisions in terms of the values and goals they promote. Presenting bioethics as a practical, educational activity rather than an abstract intellectual exercise, this important volume shows how dialogue between patients and health care providers can clarify both medical and ethical issues, promoting patient autonomy and advancing health care.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organization Development in Healthcare: Conversations on Research and Strategies
This volume is a collection of critical ideas relating organization science to both operations and accomplishments in the health care environment. A thematic guide for current leaders and practitioners, as well as health administration, business administration and organization development professors and students alike, this work pulls in a broad cross-section of perspectives on the important linkage of scholarship and practice with a solid global perspective. Covering key themes from culture, change, leadership, teams, IT and a systemic perspective of health care overall, it provides both practical insights and theoretical perspectives that will support immediate improvements and encourage longer term dialogue on how organization science can impact the delivery, structure and operations of health care systems globally. "Advances in Health Care Management" provides a forum for leading research on health care management with previous volumes providing reviews of the field, conference papers and research on selected topics including bioterrorism, international health care management, entrepreneurship, patient safety and nursing and health professional shortages.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Non-Random Reflections: On Health Services Research: On the 25th Anniversary of Archie Cochrane's Effectiveness and Efficiency
Leading researchers in health care write about Archie Cochrane and his work, examining the legacy he left in research methods that have begun to revolutionise policy making and the delivery of health care today. Includes chapters on epidemiology, effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and evolution
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Manual of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for Nurses
This handbook details the nursing care of patients undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery. It deals with diseases, disorders and injuries of the mouth, jaw and face and provides information on the full spectrum of patient care from pre-admission to discharge planning. It is jointly written by nurses and consultants in the area of maxillofacial surgery, and combines elements of nursing care with medical and surgical information. It provides an attractive alternative to the heavier medical tomes that nurses have come to rely upon.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc A Book of Kisses
There are all kinds of kisses in the world, for all different occasions: congratulations kisses I'm sorry kisses butterfly kisses good night kisses A kiss is a wonderful way to show someone you care. Show someone you care--share this book and a kiss!