Search results for ""author thomas"
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Kohelet (Prediger): (Sonderband)
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Die Protokolle Des Osterreichischen Ministerrates 1848-1867. Abteilung II: Das Ministerium Schwarzenberg Band 5 (4.Juni 1851 - 5.April 1852)
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Das Konzept Sozialraum: Vielfalt, Verschiedenheit Und Begegnung: Soziale Arbeit Lernen Am Beispiel Bahnhofsmission
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Comment Devient-On Prophete?: Actes Du Colloque Organise Par Le College de France, Paris, Les 4-5 Avril 2011
Theologischer Verlag Konfirmationsarbeit in Der Schweiz: Ergebnisse, Interpretationen, Konsequenzen
Les Belles Lettres Heliodore, Les Ethiopiques. Theagene Et Chariclee: Tome I: Livres I-III
Capstone Press Exploring Virtual Reality Max Axiom Graphic
Turner Publishing Company Cape Hatteras America's Lighthouse: Guardian of the Graveyard of the Atlantic
This is the complete story of the lighthouse at Cape Hatteras, which for almost two hundred years has guided mariners through the treacherous waters off North Carolina's easternmost point.
Fordham University Press Curriculum by Design: Innovation and the Liberal Arts Core
This book tells the story of how a team of colleagues at Boston College took an unusual approach (working with a design consultancy) to renewing their core and in the process energized administrators, faculty, and students to view liberal arts education as an ongoing process of innovation. It aims to provide insight into what they did and why they did it and to provide a candid account of what has worked and what has not worked. Although all institutions are different, they believe their experiences can provide guidance to others who want to change their general education curriculum or who are being asked to teach core or general education courses in new ways. The book also includes short essays by a number of faculty colleagues who have been teaching in BC’s new innovative core courses, providing practical advice about the challenges of trying interdisciplinary teaching, team teaching, project-or problem-based learning, intentional reflection, and other new structures and pedagogies for the first time. It will also address some of the nuts and bolts issues they have encountered when trying to create structures to make curriculum change sustainable over time and to foster ongoing innovation.
McGraw-Hill Education Loose Leaf for Advanced Accounting
University of Washington Press 100 Danish Poems: From the Medieval Period to the Present Day
The poems harvested for this collection provide a concise overview of Danish poetry, with a representative selection of works by 65 poets. The fresh translations of the poems, the majority of which have not previously been available in English, poignantly capture the many qualities to be found in Danish lyric poetry. Distilled from a rich and long lyric tradition, the collection displays an astonishing range of voices, showcasing the ability of Danish poetry, even while it speaks to a long tradition with many threads running through it, to constantly reinvent and recast itself. The edition is bilingual, allowing the Danish and English texts to be read side by side. An informative introduction outlines the central developments in the history of Danish poetry, situating its most important oeuvres and themes within a larger international framework.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Intimate Merton: His Life from His Journals
Springer Multicomponent Polymeric Materials
The book offers an in-depth review of the materials design and manufacturing processes employed in the development of multi-component or multiphase polymer material systems. This field has seen rapid growth in both academic and industrial research, as multiphase materials are increasingly replacing traditional single-component materials in commercial applications. Many obstacles can be overcome by processing and using multiphase materials in automobile, construction, aerospace, food processing, and other chemical industry applications. The comprehensive description of the processing, characterization, and application of multiphase materials presented in this book offers a world of new ideas and potential technological advantages for academics, researchers, students, and industrial manufacturers from diverse fields including rubber engineering, polymer chemistry, materials processing and chemical science. From the commercial point of view it will be of great value to those involved in processing, optimizing and manufacturing new materials for novel end-use applications. The book takes a detailed approach to the description of process parameters, process optimization, mold design, and other core manufacturing information. Details of injection, extrusion, and compression molding processes have been provided based on the most recent advances in the field. Over two comprehensive sections the book covers the entire field of multiphase polymer materials, from a detailed description of material design and processing to the cutting-edge applications of such multiphase materials. It provides both precise guidelines and general concepts for the present and future leaders in academic and industrial sectors.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Strömungsmechanik: für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler
Das Lehrbuch Strömungsmechanik führt anschaulich in die Grundlagen, Grundgleichungen und Lösungsmethoden der Strömungsmechanik ein und hat sich zu einem Standardwerk in der Strömungsmechanikausbildung entwickelt. Es behandelt systematisch die Einführung strömungsmechanischer Software, die der Entwicklungsingenieur in der Industrie vorfindet. Der Naturwissenschaftler findet die strömungsphysikalischen Grundlagen, deren Kenntnisse insbesondere für die Meteorologie und Geophysik erforderlich sind. In der aktuellen Auflage wurden weitere Anwendungsbeispiele ergänzt und substantielle Leserhinweise berücksichtigt.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Schattendasein: Das unverstandene Leiden Depression
Menschen mit Depression können oft über ihre Erkrankung nicht sprechen, nutzen aber das Internetforum des Kompetenznetzes Depression, Suizidalität. Vier Betroffene und eine Angehörige haben für diesen Ratgeber die Einträge gesichtet und kommentiert – fachlich betreut von Ärzten des Kompetenznetzes. Erläutert werden die wichtigsten Fragen, die sich Betroffene stellen: Wie äußert sich eine Depression? Welche Therapien gibt es? Welche Rolle spielt das soziale Umfeld? Für Betroffene, aber auch für Fachleute, die die „Innenansicht“ interessiert.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Elektrokonvulsionstherapie kompakt: Für Zuweiser und Anwender
Elektrokonvulsionstherapie (EKT) bietet bei schweren psychischen Störungen eine sehr sichere, hochwirksame und relativ zur Erkrankung nebenwirkungsarme Behandlung. Ihr Einsatz fängt oft an, wo Medikamente nicht ausreichend wirken. Immer noch vermeiden Therapeuten aus Unwissenheit oder Vorurteilen eine Überweisung zur EKT. Eine rechtzeitige und adäquate Aufklärung der Patienten und ihrer Angehörigen über EKT ist notwendig und juristisch gefordert. Wie stelle ich die Indikation zur EKT? Was muss ich wann beachten? Wie spreche ich mit meinen Patienten über EKT? Wie erkläre ich ihnen die Nebenwirkungen? Wie funktioniert EKT? Auf solche Fragen finden Sie in diesem Buch eine Antwort. - Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und Südtirol: ein Buch für den deutschsprachigen Raum unter Berücksichtigung der nationalen Empfehlungen - Als niedergelassener oder im Krankenhaus tätiger Zuweiser unterstützen wir Sie bei Indikation, Aufklärung, Überweisung und Nachbehandlung - Als Behandler unterstützen wir Sie durch Empfehlungen, klare Anwendungsbeispiele, Literaturhinweise und Tipps
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Einführung in die Organische Chemie: Arbeitsbuch
Das international bewährte Lehrbuch für Nebenfachstudierende jetzt erstmals in deutscher Sprache - übersichtlich, leicht verständlich, mit vielen Beispielen, Exkursen, Aufgaben und begleitendem Arbeitsbuch. Wie sind Moleküle aufgebaut? Wie bestimmt man die Struktur einer organischen Verbindung? Was sind Säuren und Basen? Welche Bedeutung hat Chiralität in der Biologie und Chemie? Welche Kunststoffe werden in großen Mengen wiederverwertet? Was ist der genetische Code? Dieses neue Lehrbuch gibt Antworten auf diese und alle anderen wesentlichen Fragen der Organischen Chemie. Die wichtigsten Verbindungsklassen, ihre Eigenschaften und Reaktionen werden übersichtlich und anschaulich dargestellt. Zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele, eine umfassende Aufgabensammlung und kompakte Zusammenfassungen am Ende eines jeden Kapitels erleichtern das Lernen und Vertiefen des Stoffes. Mit seinem bewährten Konzept und erstmals in deutscher Sprache ist der "Brown/Poon" eine unverzichtbare Lektüre für Dozenten und Studierende an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen in den Disziplinen Chemie, Biochemie, Biologie, Pharmazie, Medizin, Chemieingenieurwesen und Verfahrenstechnik. Zusätzlich zum Lehrbuch ist ein kompaktes Arbeitsbuch erhältlich, das ausführliche Lösungswege zu den Aufgaben im Lehrbuch enthält. Auch als preislich attraktives Set als Deluxe Version erhältlich.
Bohlau Verlag Historisch-Politische Mitteilungen: Archiv Fur Christlich-Demokratische Politik. Band 25
Springer International Publishing AG Applied Scientific Computing: With Python
This easy-to-understand textbook presents a modern approach to learning numerical methods (or scientific computing), with a unique focus on the modeling and applications of the mathematical content. Emphasis is placed on the need for, and methods of, scientific computing for a range of different types of problems, supplying the evidence and justification to motivate the reader. Practical guidance on coding the methods is also provided, through simple-to-follow examples using Python.Topics and features: provides an accessible and applications-oriented approach, supported by working Python code for many of the methods; encourages both problem- and project-based learning through extensive examples, exercises, and projects drawn from practical applications; introduces the main concepts in modeling, python programming, number representation, and errors; explains the essential details of numerical calculus, linear, and nonlinear equations, including the multivariable Newton method; discusses interpolation and the numerical solution of differential equations, covering polynomial interpolation, splines, and the Euler, Runge–Kutta, and shooting methods; presents largely self-contained chapters, arranged in a logical order suitable for an introductory course on scientific computing.Undergraduate students embarking on a first course on numerical methods or scientific computing will find this textbook to be an invaluable guide to the field, and to the application of these methods across such varied disciplines as computer science, engineering, mathematics, economics, the physical sciences, and social science.
Kohlhammer Selbst- Und Welterleben in Der Schizophrenie: Die Phanomenologischen Interviews Ease Und Eawe
Kohlhammer Nikotinabhangigkeit Und Tabakpravention
John Donald Publishers Ltd 1820: Scottish Rebellion: Essays on a Nineteenth-Century Insurrection
The 1820 Scottish Rising has been increasingly studied in recent decades. This collection of essays looks especially at local players on the ground across multiple regional centres in the west of Scotland, as well as the wider political circumstances within government and civil society that provide the rising’s context. It examines insurrectionist preparation by radicals, the progress of the events of 1820, contemporary accounts and legacy memorialisation of 1820, including newspaper and literary testimony, and the monumental ‘afterlife’ of the rising. As well as the famous march of radicals led by John Baird and Andrew Hardie, so often seen as the centre of the 1820 ‘moment’, this volume casts light on other, more neglected insurrectionary activity within the rising and a wide set of cultural circumstances that make 1820 more complex than many would like to believe. 1820: Scottish Rebellion demonstrates that the legacy of 1820 may be approached in numerous ways that cross disciplinary boundaries and cause us to question conventional historical interpretations.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Thirlwall's Law at 40
2019 marked the 40th anniversary of the publication of Anthony P. Thirlwall's classic paper that laid out what became known as Thirlwall''s law. This article introduced and provided empirical evidence in favor of the proposition that the long-run rate of growth of an economy compatible with balance-of-payments equilibrium can be approximated by the simple rule of the ratio of the growth of exports to the income elasticity of demand for imports.Thirlwall's law provides a theoretical underpinning for several of the arguments traditionally espoused by the heterodox followers of Keynes. In addition, Thirlwall's law can also be viewed as a guide to policy-making. It has spurred a rich research agenda at both the theoretical and empirical levels. Theoretically the core model has been extended to include the different components of the current account of the balance of payments. Empirically, it has withstood the test of time and has been corroborated, with perhaps a few exceptions, for a variety of developed and developing countries under different historical contexts and different periods of time.This re-release of the special issue of the Review of Keynesian Economics brings together experts and researchers to present the latest developments and debates on Thirlwall's law. Students, economists and policy makers will find this volume enlightening.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rethinking the Business Models of Business Schools: A Critical Review and Change Agenda for the Future
Management education growth and the rise in accompanying business schools over the last few decades are fuelled by global economic development, coupled with the promise of success in business careers. Recently, questions have been raised about the value and relevance of a traditional business school education – so what does the future hold for traditional business schools? In this book, we examine the current model and the pressure points of business schools by considering the evolution of – and the various value chains that are associated with – business school offerings (including MBA, undergraduate, pre-experienced and executive programmes). We also offer insight on funding and value orientation, and the potential challenges these may raise for some schools. To highlight these challenges, we provide a strategic group framework for business schools and review the implications of future strategies for these groups. Finally, after reviewing the current landscape of business school mergers, alliances and failures, we reflect on innovation considerations for the business school business model. Management education is changing, and business schools must be ready to re-evaluate their strategies for growth… and, in some cases, survival.
Emerald Publishing Limited Var Models in Macroeconomics - New Developments and Applications: Essays in Honor of Christopher A. Sims
Vector autoregressive (VAR) models are among the most widely used econometric tools in the fields of macroeconomics and financial economics. Much of what we know about the response of the economy to macroeconomic shocks and about how various shocks have contributed to the evolution of macroeconomic and financial aggregates is based on VAR models. VAR models also have been used successfully for economic and business forecasting, for modelling risk and volatility, and for the construction of forecast scenarios. Since the introduction of VAR models by C.A. Sims in 1980, the VAR methodology has continuously evolved. Even today important extensions and reinterpretations of the VAR framework are being developed. Examples include VAR models for mixed-frequency data, VAR models as approximations to DSGE models, factor-augmented VAR models, new tools for the identification of structural shocks in VAR models, panel VAR approaches, and time-varying parameter VAR models. This volume collects contributions from some of the leading VAR experts in the world on VAR methods and applications. Each chapter highlights and synthesizes a new development in this literature in a way that is accessible to practitioners, to graduate students, and to readers in other fields.
Metropolitan Museum of Art Cubism and the Trompe l'Oeil Tradition
A pioneering study of how Picasso, Braque, and Gris engaged with the pictorial tradition of illusion and deception in their influential Cubist works The age-old tradition of pictorial illusionism, known as trompe l’oeil (“deceive the eye”), employs visual tricks that confound the viewer’s perception of reality and fiction, truth and falsehood. This radically new take on Cubism shows how Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, and Juan Gris both parodied and paid homage to classic trompe l’oeil themes and motifs with wit and invention. More than one hundred illustrated works juxtapose Cubist paintings, drawings, and collages with related compositions by the old masters. Essays based on new research explore connections between the Cubists and the trompe l’oeil specialists of earlier centuries and their games of creative one-upmanship. The informed and engaging texts trace the changing status of trompe l’oeil over the centuries, reveal Braque’s training in artisanal trompe l’oeil techniques as an integral part of his Cubist practice, examine the materials used in Gris’s collages, and discuss the previously unstudied trompe l’oeil iconography within Cubist still lifes—including newspapers, word puns, pictures-within-pictures, imitation wood grain, and tools of the trade.Published by The Metropolitan Museum of Art/Distributed by Yale University PressExhibition Schedule:The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (October 20, 2022–January 22, 2023)
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Young Hellboy: The Hidden Land
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Dollar Hegemony: Past, Present, and Future
Dollar hegemony is a defining structural feature of the modern international financial order, and it confers significant economic and political privileges on the US. This book explores the political economic foundations of and prospects for dollar hegemony.The dollar’s hegemony rests on the economic, military, and international political power of the US. There have been two eras of dollar hegemony which were characterized by different models. Dollar hegemony 1.0 corresponded to the Bretton Woods era (1946-1971). Dollar hegemony 2.0 corresponds to the Neoliberal era (1980-Today). The deep foundation of both models is US power, but the two models have different economic operating systems. The articles in this book explore this and consider two further questions: what is the future of dollar hegemony? And: is there a better way of organizing the world monetary order? There has been considerable speculation of a drift to currency multipolarity but, so far, there is little evidence of that. The Chinese renminbi might join or displace the dollar as the world’s hegemonic currency, but that will require China making significant changes to its financial markets and monetary policy. Dollar hegemony imposes significant costs on developing and emerging market economies, but the international political economy of systemic reform is fraught, making reform unlikely.Economists, researchers, policymakers, and students will find this volume an enlightening look at an important subject.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Big Data in Small Business: Data-Driven Growth in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
This important book considers the ways in which small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can thrive in the age of big data. To address this central issue from multiple viewpoints, the editors introduce a collection of experiences, insights, and guidelines from a variety of expert researchers, each of whom provides a piece to solve this puzzle.Contributions address the limitations faced by SMEs in their access to data and demonstrate that the key to overcoming this issue is to be aware of these limitations, to work within them, and to use them to think creatively about how to overcome obstacles in new ways. They discuss Artificial Intelligence, revenue blueprinting, GDPR compliance, and other key topics related to the relationships between SMEs and data. Offering ideas to inspire big data-driven success by SMEs making smaller investments, the book argues that there must be a place for “ordinary” data-driven journeys that are available to firms of any size.Stimulating further thought and action, Big Data in Small Business will be of great interest to academics, researchers, and practitioners in areas such as strategic management, organizational and innovation studies, marketing, and sales. The ideas and information in this book will help fill knowledge gaps related to important aspects of capabilities, functions, and transformations of big data that drive business growth.
Liverpool University Press Sophocles: Fragmentary Plays I
The Athenian tragic dramatist Sophocles wrote over 120 plays in his sixty-year career, of which only seven have survived complete. This volume presents what is known, or can be inferred or conjectured, about half a dozen plays known to us only from quotations, indirect references, and occasionally a papyrus. The selection includes four plays about the Trojan War and its aftermath, all concerned with Achilles or his son Neoptolemus (The Diners, Troilus, Polyxene, and Hermione), and two presenting episodes from Athenian legend (Tereus and Phaedra). The editors have taken a special interest in the history of the myths that Sophocles dramatised and the often startling modifications he made to them; several of the plays also throw important light on parallel dramas of Euripides such as Hippolytus, Andromache, and Hecuba. A second volume of Fragmentary Plays is now available. Greek text with facing-page translation.
New York University Press Blacks at Harvard: A Documentary History of African-American Experience At Harvard and Radcliffe
The history of blacks at Harvard mirrors, for better or for worse, the history of blacks in the United States. Harvard, too, has been indelibly scarred by slavery, exclusion, segregation, and other forms of racist oppression. At the same time, the nation's oldest university has also, at various times, stimulated, supported, or allowed itself to be influenced by the various reform movements that have dramatically changed the nature of race relations across the nation. The story of blacks at Harvard is thus inspiring but painful, instructive but ambiguousa paradoxical episode in the most vexing controversy of American life: the "race question." The first and only book on its subject, Blacks at Harvard is distinguished by the rich variety of its sources. Included in this documentary history are scholarly overviews, poems, short stories, speeches, well-known memoirs by the famous, previously unpublished memoirs by the lesser known, newspaper accounts, letters, official papers of the university, and transcripts of debates. Among Harvard's black alumni and alumnae are such illustrious figures as W.E.B. Du Bois, Monroe Trotter, and Alain Locke; Countee Cullen and Sterling Brown both received graduate degrees. The editors have collected here writings as diverse as those of Booker T. Washington, William Hastie, Malcolm X, and Muriel Snowden to convey the complex ways in which Harvard has affected the thinking of African Americans and the ways, in turn, in which African Americans have influenced the traditions of Harvard and Radcliffe. Notable among the contributors are significant figures in African American letters: Phyllis Wheatley, William Melvin Kelley, Marita Bonner, James Alan McPherson and Andrea Lee. Equally prominent in the book are some of the nation's leading historians: Carter Woodson, Rayford Logan, John Hope Franklin, and Nathan I. Huggins. A vital sourcebook, Blacks at Harvard is certain to nourish scholarly inquiry into the social and intellectual history of African Americans at elite national institutions and serves as a telling metaphor of this nation's past.
Edinburgh University Press Ethnographies of Islam: Ritual Performances and Everyday Practices
An exploration into the ways in which ethnography can create a greater understanding of Islam in particular social contexts This comparative approach to the various uses of the ethnographic method in research about Islam in anthropology and other social sciences is particularly relevant in the current climate. Political discourses and stereotypical media portrayals of Islam as a monolithic civilisation have prevented the emergence of cultural pluralism and individual freedom. Such discourses are countered by the contributors who show the diversity and plurality of Muslim societies and promote a reflection on how the ethnographic method allows the description, representation and analysis of the social and cultural complexity of Muslim societies in the discourse of anthropology. Key Features * shows the benefit of using ethnography as a method to engage with and relate to specific empirical realities * includes case studies on rituals and symbols in Syria, Tunisia, Damascus, Algeria, Britain, Pakistan, Brazil and Lebanon * covers practices such as veiling, students' religious practices, charitable activities, law, and scholarship in Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Yemen
Pluto Press Development Against Democracy: Manipulating Political Change in the Third World
This new, updated edition of the influential Development Against Democracy is a critical guide to postwar studies of modernisation and development. In the mid-twentieth century, models of development studies were products of postwar American policy. They focused on newly independent states in the Global South, aiming to assure their pro-Western orientation by promoting economic growth, political reform and liberal democracy. However, this prevented real democracy and radical change. Today, projects of democracy have evolved in a radically different political environment that seems to have little in common with the postwar period. Development Against Democracy, however, testifies to a revealing continuity in foreign policy, including in justifications of 'humanitarian intervention' that echo those of counterinsurgency decades earlier in Latin America, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Irene L. Gendzier argues that the fundamental ideas on which theories of modernisation and development rest have been resurrected in contemporary policy and its theories, representing the continuity of postwar US foreign policy in a world permanently altered by globalisation and its multiple discontents, the proliferation of 'failed states,' the unprecedented exodus of refugees, and Washington's declaration of a permanent war against terrorism.
University of California Press Critical Han Studies
Constituting over ninety percent of China's population, Han is not only the largest ethnonational group in that country but also one of the largest categories of human identity in world history. In this pathbreaking volume, a multidisciplinary group of scholars examine this ambiguous identity, one that shares features with, but cannot be subsumed under, existing notions of ethnicity, culture, race, nationality, and civilization.
University of California Press The Anthropology of Sport: Bodies, Borders, Biopolitics
Few activities bring together physicality, emotions, politics, money, and morality as dramatically as sport. In Brazil's stadiums or parks in China, on Cuba's baseball diamonds or rugby fields in Fiji, human beings test their physical limits, invest emotional energy, bet money, perform witchcraft, and ingest substances, making sport a microcosm of what life is about. The Anthropology of Sport explores not only what anthropological thinking tells us about sports, but also what sports tell us about the ways in which the sporting body is shaped by and shapes the social, cultural, political, and historical contexts in which we live. Core themes discussed in this book include the body, modernity, nationalism, the state, citizenship, transnationalism, globalization, and gender and sexuality.
Penguin Putnam Inc 1984: 75th Anniversary
Yale University Press Dance: American Art, 1830-1960
A landmark examination of the art and artists inspired by American dance from 1830 to 1960 As an enduring wellspring of creativity for many artists throughout history, dance has provided a visual language to express such themes as the bonds of community, the allure of the exotic, and the pleasures of the body. This book is the first major investigation of the visual arts related to American dance, offering an unprecedented, interdisciplinary overview of dance-inspired works from 1830 to 1960. Fourteen essays by renowned historians of art and dance analyze the ways dance influenced many of America’s most prominent artists, including George Caleb Bingham, William Sidney Mount, Winslow Homer, John Singer Sargent, Cecilia Beaux, Isamu Noguchi, Aaron Douglas, Malvina Hoffman, Edward Steichen, Arthur Davies, William Johnson, and Joseph Cornell. The artists did not merely represent dance, they were inspired to think about how Americans move, present themselves to one another, and experience time. Their artwork, in turn, affords insights into the cultural, social, and political moments in which it was created. For some artists, dance informed even the way they applied paint to canvas, carved a sculpture, or framed a photograph. Richly illustrated, the book includes depictions of Irish-American jigs, African-American cakewalkers, and Spanish-American fandangos, among others, and demonstrates how dance offers a means for communicating through an aesthetic, static form. Distributed for the Detroit Institute of ArtsExhibition Schedule:Detroit Institute of Arts (03/20/16–06/12/16)Denver Art Museum (07/10/16-10/02/16)Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art (10/22/16-01/16/17)
Columbia University Press The Cinema of Steven Soderbergh: Indie Sex, Corporate Lies, and Digital Videotape
The industry's only director-cinematographer-screenwriter-producer-actor-editor, Steven Soderbergh is contemporary Hollywood's most innovative and prolific filmmaker. A Palme d'or and Academy Award-winner, Soderbergh has directed nearly thirty films, including political provocations, digital experiments, esoteric documentaries, global blockbusters, and a series of atypical genre films. This volume considers its slippery subject from several perspectives, analyzing Soderbergh as an expressive auteur of art cinema and genre fare, as a politically-motivated guerrilla filmmaker, and as a Hollywood insider. Combining a detective's approach to investigating the truth with a criminal's alternative value system, Soderbergh's films tackle social justice in a corporate world, embodying dozens of cinematic trends and forms advanced in the past twenty-five years. His career demonstrates the richness of contemporary American cinema, and this study gives his complex oeuvre the in-depth analysis it deserves.
Columbia University Press The Cinema of Steven Soderbergh: Indie Sex, Corporate Lies, and Digital Videotape
The industry's only director-cinematographer-screenwriter-producer-actor-editor, Steven Soderbergh is contemporary Hollywood's most innovative and prolific filmmaker. A Palme d'or and Academy Award-winner, Soderbergh has directed nearly thirty films, including political provocations, digital experiments, esoteric documentaries, global blockbusters, and a series of atypical genre films. This volume considers its slippery subject from several perspectives, analyzing Soderbergh as an expressive auteur of art cinema and genre fare, as a politically-motivated guerrilla filmmaker, and as a Hollywood insider. Combining a detective's approach to investigating the truth with a criminal's alternative value system, Soderbergh's films tackle social justice in a corporate world, embodying dozens of cinematic trends and forms advanced in the past twenty-five years. His career demonstrates the richness of contemporary American cinema, and this study gives his complex oeuvre the in-depth analysis it deserves.
HarperCollins Amelia Bedelia 5Book I Can Read Box Set 1 Amelia Bedelia Hit the Books I Can Read Level 2