Search results for ""author thomas"
Catholic Courses The Imitation of Christ - Zippered Cover
Cornell University Press Fyodor DostoevskyDarkness and Dawn 18481849
MP-NCA Uni of North Carolina Henry Wallaces 1948 Presidential Campaign and the Future of Postwar Liberalism
B&H Publishing Group Salvation
Pearson Education Strategic Management and Business Policy Globalization Innovation and Sustainability Global Edition MyLab Management with Pearson eText Package
Charles E. Bamford, PhD (University of Tennessee), MBA (Virginia Tech), and BS (University of Virginia). Chuck worked in industry for 12 years prior to pursuing his PhD. His last position was as the Manager of Business Analysis (Mergers & Acquisitions, Dispositions, and Business Consulting) for Dominion Bankshares Corporation (now Wells Fargo). He is an Adjunct Professor of Strategy at Duke University (Fuqua) where he teaches in both the MBA and EMBA programs. He was previously a professor at the University of Notre Dame, University of Richmond, Texas Christian University, and Tulane University among others. He has been honored with 22 Professor of the Year Awards. He was named a Noble Foundation Fellow in Teaching Excellence and a Poets & Quants EMBA Favorite Professor. In 2013, Chuck founded Bamford Associates, LLC on a full-time basis. He has worked with tens of thousands of managers with organizations in
John Wiley & Sons Applying Lean Six Sigma in Health Care A Practical Guide to Performance Improvement
Cambridge University Press Behavioral Network Science
Tan Books & Publishers Inc. Catholic Prayers
MP-AMM American Mathematical Continuous Time Markov Processes An Introduction
Markov processes are among the most important stochastic processes for both theory and applications. This book develops the general theory of these processes, and applies this theory to various special examples.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lectures in Geometric Combinatorics
Presents a course in the geometry of convex polytopes in arbitrary dimension, suitable for an advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate student. This book starts with the basics of polytope theory. It introduces Schlegel and Gale diagrams as geometric tools to visualize polytopes in high dimension and to unearth bizarre phenomena in polytopes.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Principles of Catholic Theology Book 3 On God Trinity Creation and Christ
Baker Publishing Group - Baker Books These Tangled Threads
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Timpani The Solo Collection
MP-KAN Uni Press of Kansas Material Culture A Research Guide
MP-WIS Uni of Wisconsin Dancing Many Drums Excavations in African American Dance
This volume explores the influence of African American music on world culture. It brings together issues of race, gender, politics, history and dance, includes discussions of dance instruction songs, the blues aesthetic, and Katherine Dunham's controversial ballet about lynching, ""Southland"".
MH - Indiana University Press A History of the Ostrogoths
Oxford University Press Inc Volds Theoretical Criminology
Peeters Publishers Gloria Et Laus: Etude Semantique
Conduite durant une periode assez large, de Plaute a Tacite et Pline le Jeune, l'etude de gloria et laus s'attache a montrer la richesse semantique des deux termes. L'examen des contextes permet de proposer des definitions plus precises que les traductions les plus couramment utilisees de gloire, merite, eloge, etc. Des valeurs rares et peu connues sont mises en evidence, "eclat" et "personne prestigieuse" pour gloria, "talent" et "estime" pour laus. Enfin les deux substantifs designent des formes a la fois proches et differentes de la gloire. Toutes ces nuances invitent a reflechir sur l'unite semantique. Laus exprime un jugement appreciatif a la base de l'eloge, du merite, de l'estime et de la gloire. Il n'est pas indifferent que gloria designe la gloire et aussi la vanite, deux manieres de se trouver en representation. L'analyse des significations ouvre naturellement sur des donnees litteraires, historiques et culturelles. De la gloire militaire a celle de l'orateur jusqu'a l'honneur de la conduite stoicienne sous l'Empire, de la louange qui recompense a l'eloge qui argumente, sont ainsi etudies differents aspects de la position sociale. L'epopee, l'eloquence, le recit historique, la philosophie pratique sont autant de domaines ou se nuancent les emplois des termes pour dire la valorisation collective dans une societe ou il est essentiel d'etre connu et reconnu.
Aarhus University Press The Story of Danish Museums: 1909
La Misa de Teilhard una aproximación a La misa sobre el Mundo
La Misa sobre el Mundo es una extensa oración compuesta por el jesuita Pierre Teilhard de Chardin durante la Gran Guerra y retocada años después mientras se encontraba solo en el desierto de Ordos en Mongolia. Se trata de un texto para entender cómo un cristiano puede transformar su vida y su muerte en una ofrenda capaz de abrazar el universo entero sobre el Altar del Mundo. Este libro ayuda a comprender la dimensión cósmica de la celebración eucarística y a orar a la manera de Teilhard durante las veces en los que le fue imposible celebrar la eucaristía.
Herder & Herder Japanese Philosophy: A Sourcebook
Sandstein Verlag Simone Distler
V&R unipress GmbH Homo audiens: Der Hörakt des Glaubens und die akustische Rezeption im Predigtgeschehen
Wartberg Verlag Reutlingen gestern und heute
Universitatsverlag Winter Spuren Lesen Und Zeichen Deuten: 11 Versuche Zum Kriminalroman
Haufe Lexware GmbH Verkehrssicherungspflichten in der Immobilienwirtschaft
Kroener Alfred GmbH + Co. Summe der Theologie 3. Der Mensch und das Heil
Pointed Leaf Press Paris, Before It Is Too Late: The Photographs of Andre Ostier
Catholic Book Publishing My Golden Book of Mary
Sourcebooks More 123 Magic
Guernica Editions,Canada Easily Fooled
Less than an hour after Millington receives his permanent resident visa, he wonders if his husband Jay would now end their marriage. And Jay has multiple reasons to. Millington is an ex-Methodist minister, who once believed he could be celibate. When he fled Caribbean Methodism and came to Montreal, he thought he'd resolved the issues that made him leave, but he comes to understand that psychological trauma, childhood conditioning, parental and community expectations and his own need for community and family valorization are not easily exorcised. The third installment in the No Safeguards quartet of novels.
Ediciones Lerner Criptología Digital (Digital Cryptology)
Capstone Press Beating the Odds: The Greatest Upsets in Sports
Capstone Press Strikers and Scarves: Behind the Scenes of Match Day Soccer
Pebble Books Clouds and Their Patterns
Black Rabbit Books Extreme Near-Death Stories
West Academic Publishing Estates, Future Interests and Powers of Appointment in a Nutshell
This comprehensive guide provides an overview of the rules and principles of estates and future interests, including concurrent estates, marital estates (including the modern elective share), and powers of appointment. It includes new innovations from the Restatement 3d of Property, modernizing the law of future interests and dramatically changing the Rule Against Perpetuities. With respect to powers of appointment, the book incorporates the clarifications and modernizations of the law in the Restatement 3d of Property and the Uniform Powers of Appointment Act (2013, with subsequent amendments). The book also has exercises, with answers at the back. Valuable for students in first-year Property and upper-year courses in Trusts and Estates.
Fonthill Media LLc America's Bloody Hill of Destiny: A New Look at the Struggle for Little Round Top, Gettysburg, July 2, 1863
"No chapter in the annals of the most important battle of America's national epic has been more celebrated than the key struggle for possession of the rocky hill at the extreme southern flank of the battle line at Gettysburg, Little Round Top. And no contest during the battle of Gettysburg was deadlier or as dramatic as the high stakes showdown for Little Round Top on the afternoon of July 2, 1863. Gettysburg was the decisive turning point of America's history, and Little Round Top was the crucial turning point of that three-day struggle in Adams County, Pennsylvania. Little Round Top was indeed the bloody Hill of Destiny, when the fate of America hung in the balance and was ultimately determined on the most decisive day of the three days at Gettysburg, July 2. However, some of the most important aspects of the famous struggle for Little Round Top have been distorted by misconceptions, myths, and layers of romance. For the first time, this ground-breaking book, America's Bloody Hill of Destiny, A New Look at the Struggle for Little Round Top, July 2, 1863, has presented a fresh and new look at the key leaders and hard-fighting common soldiers on both sides, who played the most important roles during the climactic struggle that decided the fate of America during one of the most pivotal moments in American history."
Skyhorse Publishing Meltdown
Skyhorse Publishing The Problem with Socialism
Wisdom Publications,U.S. Entangling Vines: A Classic Collection of Zen Koans