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RIBA Publishing Targeting Zero: Embodied and Whole Life Carbon Explained
Embodied and Whole Life Carbon thinking will change the way buildings are designed, yet carbon emissions associated with the construction and life of buildings are not wholly understood by the profession. Energy is assumed to be the province of services engineers, but energy from materials is as big an issue. Architects have the opportunity to take the lead in redefining how buildings are designed to achieve a low carbon future. Targeting Zero is an accessible and friendly read, introducing and explaining many of the concepts around Embodied and Whole Life Carbon, using case studies taken from in-depth research. It will demonstrate how architects can become central to the carbon resource impacts of the buildings they design and how low carbon approaches should drive innovation.
Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd Typology: Collections at the Harvard Museums of Science & Culture
Patterns resonate and reveal themselves in this unique photographic essay featuring objects from the six museums associated with the Harvard Museums of Science & Culture (HMSC). The museums' encyclopaedic collections hold great significance in documenting our world - Typology: Collections at the Harvard Museums of Science & Culture shows us that they are visually captivating as well. Photographer and museologist Diana Zlatanovski explores the museums' storage cabinets to assemble collections of related objects, which she calls typologies. Seeing similar objects in multitudes compels us to study the details of each singular object and how it differs from the last. Through her striking images, Zlatanovski hints at the awe-inspiring collections held within the museums' storerooms and encourages us to look closely and learn more about their significance.
Hay House Inc The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential
The Map of Consciousness Explained is an essential primer on the late Dr David R. Hawkins's teachings on human consciousness and their associated energy fields. Using muscle testing, Dr Hawkins conducted more than 250,000 calibrations during 20 years of research to define a range of values, attitudes and emotions that correspond to levels of consciousness. This range of values - along with a logarithmic scale of 1 to 1,000 - became the Map of Consciousness, which Dr Hawkins first wrote about in his New York Times bestseller, Power vs. Force. In this book, readers will gain an introduction and deeper understanding of the Map, with visual charts and practical applications to help them heal, recover and evolve to higher levels of consciousness and energy.
Tuttle Publishing A Complete Guide to Chinese Brush Painting: Ink, Paper, Inspiration - Expert Step-by-Step Lessons for Beginners
Paint the classic subjects that inspired ancient Chinese masters. This book introduces the venerable art of painting with ink on rice paper using traditional techniques developed over a thousand years ago. It is ideal for a beginner hoping to practice a large variety of techniques and subjects.With this practical guide, you will learn to paint: Towering landscapes The elegant Four Gentlemen Plants like bamboo, orchids, plum blossoms, and chrysanthemums Five animals from the Chinese Zodiac The basic strokes used in calligraphy And more! Known as a "soft martial art," brush painting is as meditative as it is artistic. As you move through the lessons and exercises, you'll gain insight into and appreciation for the symbolism, historical context, techniques, and mindfulness associated with this ancient art form.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Jewels of Passion: Costume Jewelry Masterpieces
This stunning new book showcases fantastic costume jewelry from 53 top designers of the 20th century. Examples from Christian Dior, Miriam Haskell, Kenneth Jay Lane, Elsa Schiaparelli, Stanley Hagler, Trifari, Vendome, and may others are shown in profusion. 360 luscious color photographs display exquisite examples of each designers’ best work. Masterpieces abound, including many rare examples. The authors illustrate ways to enjoy these pieces today, with candid photography of friends adorned for casual occasions. Delightful stories are shared of memories associated with their passion for jewelry over the years. This remarkable exhibition displays costume jewelry as absolutely beautiful works of art. Sit back with this eye candy, relax with the fairytale spirit it projects, and enjoy the romance. Let the passion roll!
Pen & Sword Books Ltd History of the South Yorkshire Countryside
?South Yorkshire has some of the most varied countryside in England, ranging from the Pennine moors and the wooded hills and valleys in the west to the estate villages on the magnesian limestone escarpment and the lowlands in the east. Each of these different landscapes has been shaped by human activities over the centuries. This book tells the story of how the present landscape was created. It looks at buildings, fields, woods and moorland, navigable rivers and industrial remains, and the intriguing place-names that are associated with them. Chapters include: The Oldest Parish Churches Monasteries and their Granges Pennine Farms Wombwell Ings and Old Moor Inland Waterways Wentworth Castle Cannon Hall and its Park Coal Mining and many more.
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Incorporated (TESOL) The Common Core State Standards in Mathematics for English Language Learners, High School
Copublished with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). With a focus on ways to best tailor instruction to captitalize upon the strengths each ELL brings to the classroom, The Common Core State Standards in Mathematics for English Language Learners, High School, explores some of the ways high school mathematics content can be made accessible to ELLs by building from their strengths and scaffolding their opportunities to learn more. The chapters included in this text describe specific lessons and instructional moves teachers may make that will not only support their students in learning the mathematical content, but also the associated English structures that accompany the content. Each chapter also provides Reflection Questions and Action Plans that are useful for practicing teachers, preservice teachers, graduate students, academics, researchers, and professional development providers.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Semi-Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning: Novel Strategies
This book provides a detailed and up-to-date overview on classification and data mining methods. The first part is focused on supervised classification algorithms and their applications, including recent research on the combination of classifiers. The second part deals with unsupervised data mining and knowledge discovery, with special attention to text mining. Discovering the underlying structure on a data set has been a key research topic associated to unsupervised techniques with multiple applications and challenges, from web-content mining to the inference of cancer subtypes in genomic microarray data. Among those, the book focuses on a new application for dialog systems which can be thereby made adaptable and portable to different domains. Clustering evaluation metrics and new approaches, such as the ensembles of clustering algorithms, are also described.
Archaeopress Roma prima del mito: Abitati e necropoli dal neolitico alla prima eta’ dei metalli nel territorio di roma (VI-III millennio a.C.)
The area corresponding to the modern city of Rome is usually known for the magnificent remains of the Roman civilization and the myths of its foundation in 753 BC. Less known is evidence of the prehistoric occupation occurring until the Bronze Age along the territory corresponding to the city of Rome and the surrounding area, called "Campagna Romana". Indeed, until a few years ago, the archaeological evidence relating to the phases of recent prehistory, from the Neolithic to the beginning of the Bronze Age, were completely, or almost completely, unknown. Recent excavations, mainly related to preventive archaeology, led to the identification of settlements and necropolises associated with a complex cultural scenario and shed light on the social and cultural aspects of daily life of the human groups who occupied this territory before the Latium civilization.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Crustal Permeability
Permeability is the primary control on fluid flow in the Earth’s crust and is key to a surprisingly wide range of geological processes, because it controls the advection of heat and solutes and the generation of anomalous pore pressures. The practical importance of permeability – and the potential for large, dynamic changes in permeability – is highlighted by ongoing issues associated with hydraulic fracturing for hydrocarbon production (“fracking”), enhanced geothermal systems, and geologic carbon sequestration. Although there are thousands of research papers on crustal permeability, this is the first book-length treatment. This book bridges the historical dichotomy between the hydrogeologic perspective of permeability as a static material property and the perspective of other Earth scientists who have long recognized permeability as a dynamic parameter that changes in response to tectonism, fluid production, and geochemical reactions.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Organic Meat Production and Processing
Organic Meat Production and Processing describes the challenges of production, processing and food safety of organic meat. The editors and international collection of authors explore the trends in organic meats and how the meat industry is impacted. Commencing with chapters on the economics, market and regulatory aspects of organic meats, coverage then extends to management issues for organically raised and processed meat animals. Processing, sensory and human health aspects are covered in detail, as are the incidences of foodborne pathogens in organic beef, swine, poultry and other organic meat species. The book concludes by describing pre-harvest control measures for assuring the safety of organic meats. Organic Meat Production and Processing serves as a unique resource for fully understanding the current and potential issues associated with organic meats.
Rowman & Littlefield From Class to Race: Essays in White Marxism and Black Radicalism
In From Class to Race, Charles Mills maps the theoretical route that brought him to the innovative conceptual framework outlined in his academic bestseller The Racial Contract (1997). Mills argues for a new critical theory that develops the insights of the black radical political tradition. While challenging conventional interpretations of key Marxist concepts and claims, the author contends that Marxism has been "white" insofar as it has failed to recognize the centrality of race and white supremacy to the making of the modern world. By appealing to both mainstream liberal values and the structuralism traditionally associated with the left, Mills asserts that critical race theory can radicalize the mainstream Enlightenment and develop a new kind of contractarianism that deals frontally with race and other forms of social oppression rather than evading them.
Penguin Putnam Inc Who Was Che Guevara?
Viva la revolución! Find out how Che Guevara--a doctor turned communist leader and much more than a face on a T-shirt--ended up paying the ultimate price for his cause. His very image has become associated with a spirit of rebellion, but Ernesto Guevara--known around the world simply as Che--didn't dream of becoming a revolutionary. Author Ellen Labrecque takes readers on a journey through Che's life starting with his childhood in Argentina, to his travels through South and Central America as a young physician, and ending with his final years as a key player in the Cuban revolution. His legacy--as the author of The Motorcycle Diaries, a champion of the poor, and a force for change in Cuba--is both personal and political.
Springer Honey in Food Science and Physiology
1. Therapeutic Applications of Honey: Traditional and Contemporary Approaches in Human Health Management.- 2. Honey for nutrition and health benefits: An overview.- 3. Honey as potential cosmeceuticals agent and functional food.- 4. Golden Nectar: Unveiling Honey's Healing Touch as Nature's Immunity Booster.- 5. Medicinal and Pharmacological Potential of Herbal Resources in Combination with Honey.- 6. Honey: a potential anthelmintic agent.- 7. Phenolic and mineral content in honey and their associated health benefits.- 8. Honey as potential preservative in food industry .- 9. Physiochemical and therapeutic properties of Stingless bee miracle liquid.- 10. Honey for Nutrition and Health Benefits: An Overview.- 11. Cardioprotective effects, antiatherogenic and anti-cancerous potential of honey.- 12. Role of Honey as potential anti neuro degenerative agent.- 13. Honey: A sweet solution to oral healthcare problems.- 14. Neurological, antiproliferative and apoptotic effects
Amsterdam University Press Language Learning and Teaching in Missionary and Colonial Contexts: L'apprentissage et l'enseignement des langues en contextes missionnaire et colonial
This volume assembles texts dedicated to the linguistic and educational aspects of missionary and colonial enterprises, taking into account all continents and with an extended diachronic perspective (15th–20th centuries). Strictly speaking, this “linguistics” is contemporary to the colonial era, so it is primarily the work of missionaries of Catholic orders and Protestant societies. It can also belong to a retrospective outlook, following decolonization. In the first category, one mostly finds transcription, translation, and grammatization practices (typically, the production of dictionaries and grammar books). In the second category, one finds in addition descriptions of language use, of situations of diglossia, and of contact between languages. Within this framework, the volume focuses on educational and linguistic policies, language teaching and learning, and the didactics that were associated with them.
Hirmer Verlag Helmut Sturm: Subverting the Real
Helmut Sturm’s paintings radiate powerful colours and forms, yet are simultaneously both lyrically tender and poetical. He developed his individual pictorial language in a study of Cubism and Art Informelas well as artists like Max Beckmann, Asger Jorn and Willem de Kooning. The publication pays tribute to one of the most important witnesses of abstract-expressive painting in Germany. Helmut Sturm (1932–2008) was the initiator of the SPUR artists’group (1957–1965) and was at one time closely associated with the Situationist International movement. From 1985 he taught at theAcademy of Fine Arts in Munich as the successor to Günter Fruhtrunk.Characteristic of his painting is the free association of representational and abstractelements, the energy of disorder and the delight in chance. This multi-faceted volume shows Sturm’s impressive and diverse creative works from 1957–2007.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Fundamentals of Renal Pathology
Fundamentals of Renal Pathology is a compact and up-to-date resource on the basics of renal pathology that will be of particular value for residents and fellows in training in renal pathology, general pathology, and nephrology, but will also serve as a handy reference for the more experienced. This second, revised and updated edition of the book offers an integrated approach based on contributions from established experts in the field. Key diseases are discussed within the context of clinical presentations, with the emphasis on clinicopathological correlation and differential diagnosis. Topics discussed include glomerular diseases with nephrotic or nephritic syndrome presentations; systemic and vascular diseases affecting the kidney, including diseases affecting the renal transplant; tubulointerstitial diseases; and plasma cell dyscrasias and associated diseases. Well-chosen color illustrations and electron micrographs enhance and complement the text.
Springer International Publishing AG Health Information Systems: Technological and Management Perspectives
This heavily revised open access edition provides a thorough overview of the technologies available to assemble, manage and assess the quality of health information systems. It details a variety of scenarios in the context of both health and heath care, including where prevention and wellness are related, such as the treatment of both acute and chronic diseases. Stakeholder requirements are also described to provide perspectives for describing the architectures and management techniques associated with health information systems, enabling the reader to develop a detailed holistic overview of the subject. Health Information Systems: Technological and Management Perspectives features a detailed overview of how information systems in health care can be managed and is a vital resource for medical informatics students seeking an up-to-date text on the topic.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Instability
This book presents a study of the stability of mechanical systems, i.e. their free response when they are removed from their position of equilibrium after a temporary disturbance. After reviewing the main analytical methods of the dynamical stability of systems, it highlights the fundamental difference in nature between the phenomena of forced resonance vibration of mechanical systems subjected to an imposed excitation and instabilities that characterize their free response. It specifically develops instabilities arising from the rotor–structure coupling, instability of control systems, the self-sustained instabilities associated with the presence of internal damping and instabilities related to the fluid–structure coupling for fixed and rotating structures. For an original approach following the analysis of instability phenomena, the book provides examples of solutions obtained by passive or active methods.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Video Atlas of Anterior Segment Repair and Reconstruction
The quintessential video atlas on anterior segment surgery from world-renowned pioneer and international experts!Disorders of the anterior segment are a leading cause of ocular morbidity. As a result of structural abnormalities associated with trauma, degeneration, developmental disorders, or iatrogenic causes, reconstruction is required. Significant breakthroughs have been made in anterior segment reconstructive approaches, including the use of stem cells, selective tissue transplant, glued lenses, and advanced suturing techniques. Video Atlas of Anterior Segment Repair and Reconstruction: Managing Challenges in Cornea, Glaucoma, and Lens Surgery by renowned ophthalmic surgery pioneers Amar Agarwal, Priya Narang, and international contributors is the most comprehensive resource available to date on anterior segment surgery, reflecting cutting-edge innovations. Five sections and 27 chapters organized by ocular anatomy provide in-depth coverage on reconstructive techniques of the corn
Guilford Publications Handbook of Developmental Systems Theory and Methodology
Developmental systems theory provides powerful tools for predicting complex, dynamic interactions among biological and environmental processes in human behavior and health. This groundbreaking handbook provides a roadmap for integrating key concepts of developmental systems theory (such as self-organization, reciprocal dynamic interaction, and probabilistic epigenesis) and simulation models (connectionist and agent-based models) with advanced dynamic modeling approaches for testing these theories and models. Internationally renowned developmental science scholars present innovations in research design, measurement, and analysis that offer new means of generating evidence-based decisions to optimize the course of health and positive functioning across the life span. Topics include epigenetic development and evolution; the relationship between neural systems growth and psychological development; the role of family environments in shaping children's cognitive skills and associated adult outcomes, and more.
Hachette Children's Group Follow the Food Chain: Who Ate the Penguin?: An Ocean Food Chain
All living things need food to give them energy to live. Plants that make their own food and animals that eat plants or other plant-eating animals are linked together by many different food chains. This book looks at an ocean food chain in Antarctica. The text introduces young children to the scientific vocabulary associated with food chains and big, beautiful photographs bring the ocean food chain to life.The Follow the Food Chain series helps children aged 6 and up to explore food chains and webs in a range of habitats, from an ocean to a pond and from a rainforest to a desert. Titles in the 4-book series are: Who Ate the Butterfly?, Who Ate the Frog?, Who Ate the Penguin? and Who Ate the Snake?.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Dance-Punk
Beginning in the late 1970s as an offshoot of disco and punk, dance-punk is difficult to define. Also sometimes referred to as disco-punk and funk-punk, it skirts, overlaps, and blurs into other genres including post-punk, post-disco, new wave, mutant disco, and synthpop. This book explores the historical and cultural conditions of the genre as it appeared in the late 1970s and early 1980s and then again in the early 2000s, and illuminates what is at stake in delineating dance-punk as a genre. Looking at bands such as Gang of Four, ESG, Public Image Ltd., LCD Soundsystem, The Rapture, and Le Tigre, this book examines the tensions between and blurring of the rhetoric and emotion in dance music and the cynical and ironic intellectualizing associated with post-punk.
Bristol University Press Morality and Public Policy
With an increasingly bitter secular religious divide, there is a messy, defective relationship between the state and morality in the UK. In response, Morality and Public Policy puts forward proposals to enhance the capacity of public policy to respond more effectively to morality and associated shifts in social mores in different cultural settings. Spanning religion, moral philosophy and scientific understanding of the human condition, this unique book draws together and adds to the latest thinking on morality, its causes, mutations, tensions and common features. It challenges misplaced concepts of ‘moral progress’ and the supremacy of empathy, and puts forward the management of the full span of human impulses - some complementary, some conflicting - as the function of morality with major implications for the interface between morality and public policy.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Legend of Arthur in the Middle Ages Studies presented to A H Diverres
This volume, a festschrift for Professor A,H. Diverres, has been included in the Arthurian Studies series because it contains highly important new work on the medieval aspects of Arthurian legend, ranging from Rachel Bromwich's essay on the Celtic elements in Arthurian romance and A.O.H Jarman's study of Arthurian allusions in the Black Book of Carmarthen to examinations of the Spanish and French romances of the 15th century. There are five papers on theromances of Chretien de Troyes, including pieces by Tony Hunt, Kenneth Varty and Charles Foulon, two on Welsh and German romances associated with Chretien's work, while other studies are on the Breton lais and on the English romances. In all, this is a wide-ranging and valuable collection, and a welcome addition to the series.
Fordham University Press Intimacy and Italian Migration: Gender and Domestic Lives in a Mobile World
This provocative collection of essays adds a new dimension to our understanding of nation-building through its examination of the role of intimate cultural processes. First, by exploring the private lives of migrants from Italy through biography, oral history, and ethnography, these essays suggest why and how—across cultures—Italianness has come to be associated with a particular kind of femininity and supposedly distinctive elements of domestic life symbolized by long-held stereotypes of the Italian mother. On a larger scale, while the editors and contributors share with previous works on the Italian diaspora a keen interest in the imagining of nations across national borders, here they refocus our attention to the significance of the domestic, particularly the lives of individual men and women, their families, and the communities they loved—and left behind.
Fordham University Press Intimacy and Italian Migration: Gender and Domestic Lives in a Mobile World
This provocative collection of essays adds a new dimension to our understanding of nation-building through its examination of the role of intimate cultural processes. First, by exploring the private lives of migrants from Italy through biography, oral history, and ethnography, these essays suggest why and how—across cultures—Italianness has come to be associated with a particular kind of femininity and supposedly distinctive elements of domestic life symbolized by long-held stereotypes of the Italian mother. On a larger scale, while the editors and contributors share with previous works on the Italian diaspora a keen interest in the imagining of nations across national borders, here they refocus our attention to the significance of the domestic, particularly the lives of individual men and women, their families, and the communities they loved—and left behind.
Taylor & Francis Inc Broadcast and Internet Indecency: Defining Free Speech
Indecency--arguably among the most provocative and incendiary issues in today's media--is speech at the edge of social tolerance. This timely volume examines broadcast and Internet indecency from legal and social perspectives, utilizing current cases and well-publicized examples. In exploring the issues associated with this highly controversial area, author Jeremy Harris Lipschultz makes headway toward an understanding of how indecency, as communication on the fringes of social norms, functions in defining free expression through specific types of speech. He contrasts conceptualizations of indecency and obscenity, synthesizes case law and social research, and develops theoretical generalizations for future research and study. His work provides a comprehensive examination of broadcast and Internet indecency issues and cases that serve to test generalizations about freedom of expression and one's ability to define free speech.
Stanford University Press Popular Injustice: Violence, Community, and Law in Latin America
Popular Injustice focuses on the spread of highly punitive forms of social control (known locally as mano dura) in contemporary Latin America. Many people have not only called for harsher punishments, such as longer prison sentences and the reintroduction of capital punishment, but also support vigilante practices like lynchings. In Guatemala, hundreds of these mob killings have occurred since the end of the country's armed conflict in 1996. Drawing on dozens of interviews with residents of lynching communities, Godoy argues that while these acts of violence do reveal widespread frustration with the criminal justice system, they are more than simply knee-jerk responses to crime. They demonstrate how community ties have been reshaped by decades of state violence and by the social and economic changes associated with globalization.
Johns Hopkins University Press Death and Burial in the Roman World
Never before available in paperback, J. M. C. Toynbee's study is the most comprehensive book on Roman burial practices. Ranging throughout the Roman world from Rome to Pompeii, Britain to Jerusalem-Toynbee's book examines funeral practices from a wide variety of perspectives. First, Toynbee examines Roman beliefs about death and the afterlife, revealing that few Romans believed in the Elysian Fields of poetic invention. She then describes the rituals associated with burial and mourning: commemorative meals at the gravesite were common, with some tombs having built-in kitchens and rooms where family could stay overnight. Toynbee also includes descriptions of the layout and finances of cemeteries, the tomb types of both the rich and poor, and the types of grave markers and monuments as well as tomb furnishings.
University of British Columbia Press Recognition versus Self-Determination: Dilemmas of Emancipatory Politics
The political concept of recognition has introduced new ways of thinking about the relationship between minorities and justice in plural societies. But is a politics informed by recognition valuable to minorities today?Contributors to this volume examine the successes and failures of struggles for recognition and self-determination in relation to claims of religious groups, cultural minorities, and indigenous peoples on territories associated with Canada, the United States, Europe, Latin America, India, New Zealand, and Australia. The chapters look at cultural recognition in the context of public policy about intellectual and physical property, membership practices, and independence movements, while probing debates about toleration, democratic citizenship, and colonialism.Together the contributions point to a distinctive set of challenges posed by a politics of recognition and self-determination to peoples seeking emancipation from unjust relations.
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Spinning Wyrd
Expanding on the radically inclusive practices presented in The Way of Fire and Ice, this next-step book teaches you how to tap into the forces of the Nordic cosmos. The greatest of these forces is Wyrd, the symphony of life co-created by the actions of all beings, from the humblest plants to the mightiest gods. Ryan Smith guides you deep into the mysteries, where you'll discover the role of Fate, the importance of the Nine Worlds, the Norse concept of the self, and more. Ryan also helps you develop direct relationships with animistic powers, commune with the dead, and cultivate your skills in ecstatic trance journeywork. Spinning Wyrd is for practitioners who are looking for more than the basics, who want to develop skills in the deeper forms of mysticism associated with Heathenry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Underground Construction: Civil Engineering Special Issue
This Civil Engineering special issue is on underground construction. It explores some of the latest developments and innovations that are transforming underground construction across the world. The wide-ranging papers cover various ways in which underground spaces can meet society's future needs, and the innovations in underground construction technology that are helping to improve safety, delivery and environmental performance. The issue has been supported by the British Tunnelling Society (BTS), an Institution of Civil Engineers associated society, which celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2021. Since its first meeting in March 1971, it has since grown to become one of the world's most vibrant gatherings of professional tunnellers in the world, providing industry guidelines, codes of practice, training, conferences and advice to government on all aspects of underground construction.
Princeton University Press The British Fertility Decline: Demographic Transition in the Crucible of the Industrial Revolution
Building on the theory of the demographic transition, Michael S. Teitelbaum assesses the dramatic decline in British fertility from 1841 to 1931 in terms of social transformations associated with the Industrial Revolution. His book is an intensive analysis of the British case at both county and national levels. Originally published in 1984. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 53: November 9, 1918-January 11, 1919
This volume begins on November 9, 1918, the eve of the Armistice between the Allied and Associated Powers and the principal Central Powers, Germany and Austria-Hungary. It ends on January 11, 1919, just before the first plenary session of the Paris Peace Conference. The interval finds Wilson preoccupied with preparations for the conference. Accompanied by a large entourage of State Department officials and "experts" from the Inquiry grup, Wilson sails for France on December 4, convinced that he alone will represent the liberal, forward-looking peoples of the world. After initial meetings with Allied leaders in Paris, he makes triumphal tours of England and Italy. At the same time, he begins to focus his attention on what he now considers to be the foundation stone of future peace -- the League of Nations.
Thames & Hudson Ltd The Book of Durrow
The Book of Durrow is among the earliest surviving decorated manuscripts in north-western Europe, dating to the late seventh century AD. A masterpiece of Celtic art, it is believed to be the oldest fully decorated Insular Gospel that survives, pre-dating the Book of Kells by more than a century. Created in a monastery associated with the Irish saint Colum Cille (St Columba), its text and artwork reflect the formative years of a ‘golden age’ of artistic production in Ireland and Britain. This richly decorated introductory guide explores the manuscript’s distinctive artwork and tells the extraordinary story of its preservation in the Irish monastery at Durrow – first as sacred text then as relic – and its acquisition in the seventeenth century by the Library of Trinity College Dublin.
John Wiley & Sons Inc CBT for Chronic Illness and Palliative Care: A Workbook and Toolkit
There is a growing awareness of the need to address the psychological distress associated with physical ill health; however, current resources are limited and difficult to access. The best way to tackle the issue is by enhancing the skills of those professionals who have routine contact with them. CBT provides the evidence-based skills that most readily meet these requirements in a time and cost efficient manner. Based on materials prepared for a Cancer Network sponsored training programme and modified to address the needs of a larger client population of people experiencing psychological distress due to physical ill-health, this innovative workbook offers a basic introduction and guide to enable healthcare professionals to build an understanding of the relevance and application of CBT methods in everyday clinical practice.
Yale University Press Victorian Bloomsbury
While Bloomsbury is now associated with Virginia Woolf and her early-twentieth-century circle of writers and artists, the neighborhood was originally the undisputed intellectual quarter of nineteenth-century London. Drawing on a wealth of untapped archival resources, Rosemary Ashton brings to life the educational, medical, and social reformists who lived and worked in Victorian Bloomsbury and who led crusades for education, emancipation, and health for all. Ashton explores the secular impetus behind these reforms and the humanitarian and egalitarian character of nineteenth-century Bloomsbury. Thackeray and Dickens jostle with less famous characters like Henry Brougham and Mary Ward. Embracing the high life of the squares, the nonconformity of churches, the parades of shops, schools, hospitals and poor homes, this is a major contribution to the history of nineteenth-century London.
University of Washington Press Bhakti and Power: Debating India's Religion of the Heart
Bhakti, a term ubiquitous in the religious life of South Asia, has meanings that shift dramatically according to context and sentiment. Sometimes translated as “personal devotion,” bhakti nonetheless implies and fosters public interaction. It is often associated with the marginalized voices of women and lower castes, yet it has also played a role in perpetuating injustice. Barriers have been torn down in the name of bhakti, while others have been built simultaneously. Bhakti and Power provides an accessible entry into key debates around issues such as these, presenting voices and vignettes from the sixth century to the present and from many parts of India’s cultural landscape. Written by a wide range of engaged scholars, this volume showcases one of the most influential concepts in Indian history—still a major force in the present day.
Columbia University Press Rethinking Investment Incentives: Trends and Policy Options
Governments often use direct subsidies or tax credits to encourage investment and promote economic growth and other development objectives. Properly designed and implemented, these incentives can advance a wide range of policy objectives (increasing employment, promoting sustainability, and reducing inequality). Yet since design and implementation are complicated, incentives have been associated with rent-seeking and wasteful public spending. This collection illustrates the different types and uses of these initiatives worldwide and examines the institutional steps that extend their value. By combining economic analysis with development impacts, regulatory issues, and policy options, these essays show not only how to increase the mobility of capital so that cities, states, nations, and regions can better attract, direct, and retain investments but also how to craft policy and compromise to ensure incentives endure.
John Benjamins Publishing Co The Sociophonetics of Dublin English: Phonetic realisation and sociopragmatic variation
The Sociophonetics of Dublin English shows how social inequalities and language are connected by the stances speakers take in interaction. It is based on an instrumental phonetic analysis of recorded interviews and broadcasting data and a detailed qualitative account of the same data as well as the socio-cultural context in Ireland. The analysis not only considers macro-social categories but also pragmatic norms and situational, more fluid aspects of communication. Contemporary social meanings and associated phonetic realisations are described and explained as the result of diachronic developments. Since the independence of Ireland local pronunciations have been re-evaluated and realisations connected with the former coloniser have fallen out of use even in formal and powerful domains. This investigation thus highlights the importance of diachronic data to understand contemporary sociolinguistic variation.
Hodder & Stoughton The Shadows We Hide
The stunning new novel from the bestselling author of The Life We Bury.A young reporter must come to terms with his past - and present - while investigating the murder of a man he believes could be his father.Joe Talbert, Jr. has never once met his namesake. A cub reporter for the Associated Press in Minneapolis, he stumbles across a story describing the murder of a man named Joseph Talbert in a small town in Minnesota. Curious about whether this man might be his father, Joe is shocked to discover that the dead man was a loathsome lowlife who squandered his wife's inheritance - an inheritance that may now be Joe's. Mired in uncertainty, Joe must piece together his family history - before his quest for discovery threatens to put him in a grave of his own.
Kapon Editions Guide du musée archéologique de Thessalonique: French language edition
The Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, one of the most important in Greece, houses masterpieces of Greek art associated with the history of Ancient Macedonia, from the 2nd millennium BC to the 4th century BC and the reigns of Philip II and Alexander the Great. The Guide to the Museum presents the rich, varied finds from Vergina, Sindos and Derveni and many other important Macedonian sites. Detailed illustrations accompany the descriptions of the objects on display. The introduction to Ancient Macedonia and the informative texts prefacing the descriptions of individual sections are designed to set the objects on display in their historical context, to help visitors to the Museum to enjoy the beauty of ancient art and follow the history of Macedonia. 240 colour illustrations. French language text. Also available in English, German and Italian editions.
Arnoldsche AfterGlow: New Nordic Porcelain
After Glow documents the New Nordic Porcelain Forum, a project which focuses on the Nordic tradition of porcelain production. The focal point is the collaborative work of 13 ceramic artists from the Scandinavian regions, who gathered for a residency in Denmark in 2019 and in 2021 for a two-week stay in various workshops associated with porcelain production in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. This publication not only serves as an exhibition catalogue, it offers insights into the important industrial and design histories of northern Europe, as well as into today’s use of porcelain as an artistic medium. In doing so, it is hoped that the production of Nordic contemporary ceramics will advance to a new collaborative practice in order to transform and therefore preserve this important cultural heritage.
Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd Excursions of Imagination: 100 Great British Drawings from The Huntington's Collection
Over the past century, The Huntington has collected more than 12,000 drawings and watercolors by British artists from the late 16th to mid-20th century. Excursions of Imagination showcases 100 stunning works on paper from this "hidden museum", many of them never published before. This generously illustrated volume features landscape and figurative subjects by the acknowledged masters of the medium-J. M. W. Turner, Thomas Girtin, John Constable, and Henry Fuseli-as well as artists associated with the Pre-Raphaelite movement and such modernists as David Bomberg and Paul Nash. An introduction by curator Melinda McCurdy discusses the formation of The Huntington's British drawings collection. An essay by Ann Bermingham, a historian of British art, places The Huntington's collection within the context of the historical practice of drawing in Britain.
Channel View Publications Ltd Globally Speaking: Motives for Adopting English Vocabulary in Other Languages
This volume accounts for the motives for contemporary lexical borrowing from English, using a comparative approach and a broad cross-cultural perspective. It investigates the processes involved in the penetration of English vocabulary into new environments and the extent of their integration into twelve languages representing several language families, including Icelandic, Dutch, French, Russian, Hungarian, Hebrew, Arabic, Amharic, Persian, Japanese, Taiwan Chinese, and several languages spoken in southern India. Some of these languages are studied here in the context of borrowing for the first time ever. All in all, this volume suggests that the English lexical 'invasion', as it is often referred to, is a natural and inevitable process. It is driven by psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic, and socio-historical factors, of which the primary determinants of variability are associated with ethnic and linguistic diversity.
Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited Understanding and Optimising the Nutraceutical Properties of Fruit and Vegetables
As populations in many developed countries age and the burden of chronic disease increases, there remains a need to establish effective preventative measures. Fruit and vegetables are a natural source of vitamins and minerals which can contribute to good health.Understanding and optimising the nutraceutical properties of fruit and vegetables reviews the associated health benefits of key horticultural crops, including apples, broccoli and cranberries. The book provides authoritative discussions on the nutraceutical properties of the major phytochemical compounds, including antioxidants and flavonoids, and how these properties can be optimised to prevent the onset of chronic diseases.By providing a comprehensive insight into the human health benefits of fruit and vegetables, the book highlights the emergence of a more sustainable, alternative method to preventing the onset of disease with less reliance on overburdened healthcare systems.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd In Pursuit of Justice: Just Us! Coffee Roasters Co-op and the Fair Trade Movement
This book describes its successes and its failures and details how a small group of people - "just us" - worked against adversity and defied many of the norms associated with building a business. In this fascinating tale, general readers, business owners and community activists will find hope and the courage to forge new paths, build new organizations and shape a new society. This story is also about the fair trade movement, providing a snapshot of the struggle of the small coffee producers in the South to control their own production, find a fair market for their coffee and get a fair hearing for their concerns. Just Us! Coffee Roasters Co-op is an experiment in a radical business model - one rooted in cooperation, social justice and meaningful social change.