Search results for ""author richard"
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Reflections on Gospel Songs Piano Solo Arrangements of Gospel Favorites David Carr Glover Christian Piano Library
Crown Archetype House of Nutter: The Rebel Tailor of Savile Row
Alfred A. Knopf A Life of Picasso IV: The Minotaur Years: 1933-1943
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Doctor Who: The Time Lord Letters
Gerstenberg Verlag Sissinghurst
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Mein Gemüsegarten
Outlook Verlag Clarissa Harlowe
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH Der Seidenpalast
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Business English for Beginners A1A2 Teaching Guide mit CDROM Europischer Referenzrahmen A1A2
Illuminate Publishing WJEC/Eduqas GCSE Music Revision Guide - Revised Edition
Welsh Language Edition. This revised edition covers the new prepared extracts in Unit 3 (WJEC) and Component 3 (Eduqas) for assessment from summer 2022: WJEC: Peer Gynt Suite No.1: Anitra's Dance: Grieg, Everything Must Go: Manic Street Preachers // Eduqas: Badinerie by J.S.Bach for Flute and String Orchestra with Harpsichord, Africa: Toto // This practical and concise revision guide is designed to support students preparing for their WJEC and Eduqas GCSE Music assessment. // Provides the necessary musical information in a succinct and accessible format, ensuring students are fully equipped for assessment // Offers students the opportunity to practise identifying the elements of music when listening, and how they are used in composing // Highlights the required Musical Terms with definitions and includes plenty of Practice Questions to assist students in developing their musical theory skills // Provides help and advice on how to approach the listening examination and coursework // Contains Sample Exam Questions with example answers and commentaries to demonstrate ways to approach the exam aspect of the course // Free audio clips and web links to music to accompany this book will be provided via a dedicated website. 'Listening' icons alongside relevant sections within the book indicate when to go online.
Bookmarks Publications Bob Marley: Roots Reggae & Revolution
The History Press Ltd King's Lynn
A history of King's Lynn.
Easyway Guides Keeping Books And Accounts For Small To Medium Size Business
Straightforward Publishing Tax For Small To Medium Size Business: Revisted Edition 2019/2020
Emerald Publishing Beating The Bully: Recognising, Reporting and Empowering
Straightforward Publishing A Straightforward Guide To Tax For Small To Medium Size Business: Revised Edition 2022
Cicerone Press Walking the Lake District Fells - Buttermere: High Stile, Grasmoor, Grisedale Pike and Haystacks
Ready for adventure in the Lake District Fells? Cicerone’s Walking the Lake District Fells guides are your ultimate fell-by-fell companions. A series of eight guidebooks, one for each of the main valley bases, cover ALL the routes up ALL the fells in each area – that’s 230 fells in total. This guidebook covers 32 Lakeland summits that can be climbed from Buttermere, Crummock Water, Loweswater, Lorton and the Newlands valley. Highlights include Grasmoor, Haystacks, Grisedale Pike, High Stile and Rannerdale Knotts. Suggestions for longer ridge routes are also given. Those with some previous hiking experience will find all the info needed to climb the fells with confidence, plus a fresh perspective on both classic and lesser-known fells. Keen summit-baggers can use our tick lists to tick off the fells as they go. What sets these guidebooks apart from the rest? Complete coverage – every route covered, not just the main one. Devise your own routes – a variety of ascents, descents, and ridge routes, so you can choose to climb one fell or combine routes to craft your own adventure. Up-to-date route information – complete route description and HARVEY mapping for each fell. Hand-drawn toposand panoramas – easily see the routes up each fell and views from the top. Fell-friendly routes – designed to minimise environmental impact.
Pitch Publishing Ltd Can We Run With You; Grandfather?: Seven Continents: Seven Decades
In his previous book, Running Hot & Cold, Doug described his journey from couch potato in late middle age to running long-distance races across deserts, mountains, jungles and snow fields in locations as diverse as the Sahara Desert and the polar ice-cap of Greenland. Having completed major events on four of Earth's continents, Can We Run With You, Grandfather? describes Doug's ongoing journey towards his ultimate dream of running at least a half marathon on all seven continents before his 70th birthday. Still living with occasional bouts of anxiety and depression, as well as other health scares, Doug combines his running travels with motivating and inspiring others, of all ages and abilities, to discover the physical and mental health benefits that running can bring. Join Doug as he tackles new adventures including the villages and temples of central Myanmar, the heat of the Australian outback and the frozen wilderness of Antarctica.
Simon And Schuster Group USA Copperplate Calligraphy from A to Z
Little, Brown & Company A Cowboy for Christmas: Includes a bonus novella
Come home to Topaz Falls, Colorado, where the best way to spend Christmas is in the arms of a cowboy!As director of the Topaz Falls Chamber of Commerce, Darla Michaels has come up with the perfect way to save the town from a recent slump in tourism and to distract herself from the upcoming tenth anniversary of her husband's death. But planning the first annual Cowboy Christmas Festival means she has to work with Ty Forrester, head of the town's rodeo association and irresistible bull rider who keeps testing her keep-things-casual policy.Ty is more than happy to help Darla. Despite the sparks between them, the woman has always kept him at an arm's length but he's determined to make this Christmas different. During the festival, Ty plans to compete for not only the title of Christmas Cowboy but also to win Darla's heart. He knows he can't erase the pain from her past but with a little Christmas magic, maybe he can help her find the hope and healing she needs to embrace a whole new life.
Hachette Children's Group A Question of Geography Can You Stop a Volcano Erupting
A fun, quirky geography series that tackles the questions other books are afraid to ask!What makes a volcano blow its top? How violent is Mount Vesuvius? And just HOW do volcanoes help tomatoes grow? Find out these answers to all these questions and much more in this book!With an engaging question and answer format, these books draw kids into geography in a fun way. Each book features one question per spread with a clear explanation to follow, maps, photos and fun and humorous illustrations. The quirky questions are designed to range from those that children will often ask to things they may never have thought of, but will still be keen to know the answer to.Perfect reading for curious young geographers aged 8 and up.Titles in the series:A Question of Geography: What Makes Land Wobble? and other questions about earthquakesA Question of Geography: Why Don;t Bees Freeze in the Arctic? and other questions about biomesA Question
Hachette Children's Group Wise Words: 100 Science Words Explained
Discover the key words and terms from the world of science. Find out what they mean and learn about some tricks, tips and games that will help you remember them forever.The key to success in any school subject is an understanding of the words used. The Wise Words series presents key vocabulary for each STEAM subject area. The words are presented in a clear, brief and uncomplicated fashion with a visual aid (illustrated or photographic) to help with memory. Perfect for readers aged 9+.Other titles in the series:Wise Words: 100 Technology Words ExplainedWise Words: 100 Engineering Words ExplainedWise Words: 100 Art Words ExplainedWise Words: 100 Maths Words Explained
Hachette Children's Group Extreme Science Magnificent Habitats
When the world of science is viewed at its extremes it is easier to study and understand and it is also much more awesome!Inside Magnificent Habitats find out about all of Earth''s biomes, and how life on Earth is adapted to live in these rich and varied environments, such as the deep ocean, boreal forests and vast deserts. Uncover how plants and animals are adapted to survive droughts, extreme rainfall, freezing temperatures and scorching heat, and how landscapes change with the seasons, or due to changing conditions, such as wind, tide or volcanic eruptions .This series looks at extreme qualities and experiences, and how things have evolved and adapted to reach their extreme state and how we can identify scientific information from this. Presented in a highly graphic and accessible way, Extreme Science will appeal to visual learners and reluctant readers. Aimed at children aged 9 and up.Extreme Science is a series of six book:
Hachette Children's Group Infomojis Animals
Hachette Children's Group Science in Infographics: Materials
From the creators of the award-winning World in Infographics series, Science in Infographics: Materials uses numbers to explain the topic of materials.Welcome to the world of infographics! This exciting form of data visualisation uses icons, pictograms and graphics to present information in a whole new way. Read about the states of matter, find out how substances change state, and discover the different properties of materials - all visualised in beautifully designed infographics. Ideal for children of 9+, and fact and science geeks of all ages, finding out about materials has never been more exciting!
Little, Brown & Company Comeback Cowboy
Lucas Cortez was never planning on coming back to Topaz Falls. To everyone in town, he's the hoodlum who set fire to the stables on the rodeo grounds when he was eighteen years old. Little do they know, he took the fall to protect his little brother. But now his father is battling Parkinson's disease and Lucas must come home. As a single mom, Naomi Sullivan keeps her beloved daughter's world perfectly organized. As the finance manager at the Cortez Ranch, she reconciles the books to the penny. Everything is wonderful until Lucas Cortez, her disgraced high school sweetheart, comes back to Topaz Falls. She was heartbroken when he was sent to prison at the end of their senior year. In her grief she made a mistake and slept with his friend, Mark. But, she never knew for sure if she was carrying Mark's baby or Lucas's. But now Lucas is back and her perfectly ordered world starts to unravel. As she spends time with him, she forgets about her boundaries and sees the man she'd once loved. But things get complicated when her ex comes back to town and wants to be a part of their daughter's life. Suddenly, Naomi finds herself facing the secrets of her past head on.
Hachette Children's Group Animal Migrations The Big Picture
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Chatterbugs Manual: A 12-Week Speech, Language and Communication Programme for Early Years
The Chatterbugs Manual is a practical resource for all those supporting the development of the foundation communication skills of attention and listening, turn-taking and early vocabulary in children. The Chatterbugs programme has been designed to bridge the gap between education and specialist speech, language and communication provision, specifically with Early Years mainstream settings in mind. It enables school staff to prepare children—including those with delayed communication skills, EAL learners, or children with suspected special education needs—for learning in school by developing their communication skills through the use of robust communication strategies. The Chatterbugs Manual contains: An overview of the programme, including step-by-step instructions on how to plan and deliver a Chatterbugs session Guidance on identifying children likely to benefit from the programme Progress Tracking documents, along with information on measuring outcomes Child-friendly, illustrated session resources Frequently Asked Questions A parent-friendly information leaflet Information on models of implementation Information on accessing training and supportDeveloped by an experienced speech and language therapist, Chatterbugs has consistently recorded successful outcomes for over 80% of participants since the programme’s inception in 2012, and for over 90% of participants since 2016. With its hands-on approach, the programme is an essential resource for educators, support staff, and speech and language therapists working with Early Years children.
Harriman House Publishing University Intellectual Property
The traditional role of the university has been to teach and conduct original research, but this situation is changing. As governments judge universities on new criteria - including the 'impact' they have - and as universities are driven to search for finance from new sources, those that run universities are increasingly looking to exploit the intellectual property created by their researchers to help deliver this impact and income. How this should be done, and whether it should be done at all, is subject to much debate. The key issues are: - What constitutes intellectual property? - Do academics or universities own IP? - Does the commercialisation of IP impact academic freedom? - How can IP best be exploited and who should be financially rewarded when it is? - What assistance can governments and other bodies provide? This book investigates these issues. After a review of how the current situation came to be, the views and experiences of a range of experts are presented, including those of a former high court judge, a senior lawyer, a patent attorney and professionals involved in technology transfer.The contributors examine whether the roles of higher education institutions have changed, what academics and universities should be doing, and how technology transfer can be made more effective and efficient. To conclude, a provocative look at the ethics of the situation is presented. This insightful and thought-provoking book will help readers to understand more about an increasingly important aspect of academia and business.
James Currey No Peace, No War: An Anthropology of Contemporary Armed Conflicts
The proliferation of 'new wars' since the end of the Cold War has forced scholars to re-open the debate about 'what is war?' For most commentators, 'new war' is 'mindless' mass action. It has become a behavioural problem. Like a disease, the risk of infection must be contained. This book takes a different approach. Anthropologists who have lived with and through the wars they describe here reflect a paradoxical assumption that to understand war we must deny it a special status. Rather than quarantine war and leave it to security specialists they attempt to grasp its character asbut one among many phases or aspects of social reality, organised by social agents, made through social action. All war is long-term struggle organised for political ends, and neither the means nor the ends can be understood without reference to a specific social context. North America: Ohio U Press
Kregel Publications,U.S. Burying Daisy Doe – A Star Cavanaugh Cold Case
Kensington A Need for Violence
Crabtree Publishing Co,Canada Life in Ancient South America
Mira Books The House Guests
Hachette Children's Books Mapographica Our Creative World
A beautifully designed, map-focused visual literacy series.
Harvard University Press The Urban Origins of Suburban Autonomy
Using the urbanized area that spreads across northern New Jersey and around New York City as a case study, this book presents a convincing explanation of metropolitan fragmentation—the process by which suburban communities remain as is or break off and form separate political entities. The process has important and deleterious consequences for a range of urban issues, including the weakening of public finance and school integration. The explanation centers on the independent effect of urban infrastructure, specifically sewers, roads, waterworks, gas, and electricity networks. The book argues that the development of such infrastructure in the late nineteenth century not only permitted cities to expand by annexing adjacent municipalities, but also further enhanced the ability of these suburban entities to remain or break away and form independent municipalities. The process was crucial in creating a proliferation of municipalities within metropolitan regions.The book thus shows that the roots of the urban crisis can be found in the interplay between technology, politics, and public works in the American city.
O'Reilly Media JBoss - A Developer's Notebook
There's nothing ordinary about JBoss. What began, as an open source EJB container project six years ago has become a fully certified J2EE 1.4 application server with the largest market share, competitive with proprietary Java application servers in features and quality. And with its dynamic architecture, JBoss isn't just a J2EE server. You can alter the services to make J2EE work the way you want, or even throw J2EE away completely. After more than a million downloads, many JBoss users are no longer trying it out on internal test boxes, but rolling it out on production machines. "JBoss: A Developer's Notebook" takes you on a complete tour of JBoss in a very unique way: rather than long discussions, you will find code--lots of code. In fact, the book is a collection of hands-on labs that take you through the critical JBoss features step-by-step. You don't just read about JBoss, you learn it through direct practical application. That includes exploring the server's many configurations: from bare features for simple applications, to the lightweight J2EE configuration, to everything JBoss has in store-including Hibernate and Tomcat. "JBoss: A Developer's Notebook" also introduces the management console, the web services messaging features, enhanced monitoring capabilities, and shows you how to improve performance. At the end of each lab, you'll find a section called "What about..." that anticipates and answers likely follow-up questions, along with a section that points you to articles and other resources if you need more information. JBoss is truly an extraordinary application server. And we have an extraordinary way for you to learn it.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bankers in the Selling Role: A Consultative Guide to Cross-Selling Financial Services
Intended to develop the essential selling skills needed to effectively market the broad range of credit and noncredit services banks now offer. Assist bankers in their roles as financial consultants to their customers. Updated and revised, it offers bankers a framework they can use to assess their sales effectiveness, improve their post-sales-call evaluation, and recover during a call.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Psychology: The Key Concepts
Psychology: The Key Concepts is a comprehensive overview of 200 concepts central to a solid understanding of Psychology and includes the latest recommendations from the British Psychology Society (BPS). The focus is on practical uses of Psychology in settings such as nursing, education and human resources, with topics ranging from Gender to Psychometrics and Perception.
Scion Publishing Ltd Clinical Specialties MLA edition
All the core knowledge you need at medical school in one place! Now mapped to the MLA curriculum. Clinical Specialties contains the core information on: Community-based medicine; Geriatric medicine; Gynaecology; Obstetrics; Paediatrics; Psychiatry; Dermatology; ENT; Ophthalmology; Anaesthetics; Palliative care.
SPCK Publishing The Sinister Student
It’s a Thursday evening in 1936. Clive Staples Lewis (known to all his friends as "Jack") is hosting a gathering of that well-known literary group, The Inklings. Among the regulars are his brother Warnie, J. R. R. Tolkien, Neville Coghill, Hugo Dyson and Adam Fox. Two visitors are also attending – Jack’s old pupil Tom Morris and an undergraduate named Auberon Willesden. The following morning Willesden is found murdered in his room in Magdalen, though both the door and the windows were locked from the inside. And not only has he been murdered: he has been beheaded – and the head is missing! Who killed the student? And why? And, more baffling still – how was it done? It’s a puzzle that will tax the brilliant ingenuity of Jack and his fellow Inklings to the limit. Praise for The Corpse in the Cellar: ‘A satisfying, many-faceted piece of holiday reading.’ Methodist Recorder ‘Charming.’ The Tablet
Greenhill Books Winston Churchill in 100 Objects
'A book that brings Churchill's long life alive; connecting the reader to his many actions and interests through a carefully curated selection of objects.' Allen Packwood, Director of Churchill Archives CentreOne of the most recognisable public figures of the twentieth century, Sir Winston Churchill has been the subject of countless works of fiction and non-fiction alike. _Winston Churchill in 100 Objects_elevates this portrayal to another level entirely. The one hundred objects featured in this book chart the long and storied life of Winston Churchill, accompanied by fascinating descriptions and captivating photographs. Readers are taken back to Churchill's infancy (with his baby rattle and his christening robe); to his life as a young boy (with his tin soldiers and a school report); to his time as a young man in military service (with his 4th Hussars service uniform); right through to his many years in public office (with letters from kings, queens and presidents; his chair in the
Pen & Sword Books Ltd A History of the Sidecar TT Races 19232023
The Isle of Man TT is arguably the most historic motorsport event on the planet. Its 37 mile Mountain Course is the world's oldest racing circuit that is still in use. Three wheeled machines first appeared in 1923, and were an instant hit with the spectators. Early pioneer Fred Dixon set the standard for technical innovation with his banking sidecar, but lack of manufacturer support meant that the class was soon dropped. When sidecar outfits made a comeback at the TT in the 1950s, it was West German BMW machines which dominated the podium places. The Munich factory supported World Championship contenders such as Max Deubel, Georg Auerbacher and Siegfried Schauzu, and it was not until the late 60s that BSA-mounted British riders began a fight-back. Through the 1970s Yamaha two stoke engines were the weapon of choice at the TT, and powered the likes of World Champions George O'Dell and Jock Taylor; that is until Mick Boddice secured the support of Honda UK. Boddice battled it out wi
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sustainable Marketing Planning
There are two major parallel challenges facing managers and leaders: first, how to adapt to global changes in markets, competition and supply, and second, how to grow a business while observing recognisably sustainable practices. Companies must now align their values with customers who increasingly seek people-friendly and planet-friendly products and services. Using sustainable marketing techniques to create value ultimately leads to improved customer satisfaction, better professional relationships and increased effectiveness.With marketing planning absent from the current textbook offering, this book provides practical insights, tools and frameworks to help readers produce tactically and strategically appropriate marketing plans. Showing how to embed sustainability in these strategies and reflecting on the historical and current criticisms aimed at marketing, students will be shown how to implement changes while being encouraged to reflect on why they are needed. Full of tools and frameworks to improve comprehension, including chapter-by-chapter learning outcomes, summaries, exercises, applied activities and mini case studies, it bridges the gap between theory and practice effectively and accessibly. Finally, PowerPoint lecture slides and Multiple Choice Questions sections are provided for each chapter as electronic resources.Presenting contemporary themes and challenges at the cutting edge of business research and practice, this book should be core reading for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of sustainable marketing, marketing planning and marketing strategy, as well as professionals seeking to improve the competitive advantage of their organisations.
Northern Bee Books Beekeeping for Beginners
Casemate Publishers After the Wall Came Down: Soldiering Through the Transformation of the British Army, 1990-2020
The generation of young men and women who joined the British Army during the mid to late 1980s would serve their country during an unprecedented period of history. Unlike the two world war generations, they would never face total war – there was never any declaration of war and there was no one single country to defeat. In fact, it was supposed to have been the end of a war, a time of peace and stability. Politicians started to use the term, Peace Dividend, with government officials even planning on how and where it should be spent. But for those in the military, the two decades following the end of the Cold War would not be a time of peace. Government spending and the size of the military was reduced but the Army's commitments increased exponentially. Those serving not only faced continuous deployment in overseas operations, they would also be involved in immense upheavals that took place within the army. When the Berlin Wall came down, the British Army had not changed for decades. The ending of the Cold War, combined with a technological revolution, a changing society at home, and new global threats mean that the Army of the second decade of the twentieth-first century – the army this generation of soldiers is now retiring from – is unrecognizable from the one they joined in the late 1980s. This is the story of the soldiers who served in the British Army in those tumultuous decades.
Casemate Publishers The Flag: The Story of Revd David Railton Mc and the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior
This book describes the wartime experiences of Reverend David Railton, MC, who was a chaplain on the Western Front during WWI. As a chaplain, Railton supported soldiers in their worst moments, he buried the fallen, comforted the wounded, wrote to the families of the missing and killed, and helped the survivors to remember and mark the loss of their comrades so that they were able to move on and do their job. He was present at many battles, and received the Military Cross for rescuing an officer and two men under heavy fire on the Somme.It was Railton’s idea to bring home the body of a fallen comrade, whose identity was unknown, from the battlefields of Belgium and France to be buried in Westminster Abbey. Although suffering from what was obviously Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, after the war he carried out his duties as the vicar of Margate and took on many philanthropic works on behalf of the poor, especially supporting ex-servicemen who came home and had to deal with the aftermath of a terrible war and crippling unemployment.The story of the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior has been told several times, including the part played by the Reverend David Railton, M.C. However, this book – based on hundreds of Railton's original letters, notes, and writings – is the first book to tell the story of the man himself and his flag, which he used as an altar cloth and shroud throughout the war, was consecrated a year after the burial of the Unknown Warrior, and now hangs in Westminster Abbey.