Search results for ""author bob""
University of Texas Press The Silver Cradle: Las Posadas, Los Pastores, and Other Mexican American Traditions
Originally published in 1955, The Silver Cradle is the story of a year in the life of the Mexican American people of San Antonio, Texas. During the 1950s, Julia Nott Waugh recorded the performances of such seasonal and religious traditions as Las Posadas, Los Pastores, Las Calaveras, the Blessing of the Animals, the liturgical observances of Holy Week, and festivities of el diez y seis de septiembre (Mexican Independence Day), among others.Although years have passed and many of the details of observances have changed, the festival calendar and the joy and sincerity of the Mexican American people in honoring its customs and obligations have not disappeared. Now, in fact, a much wider population shares and appreciates the pageantry preserved for us by people like Graciana Reyes, in whose prized silver cradle the Christ Child slept every year at Christmas, and like Doroteo Domínguez, whose annual devotion to presenting a thousand-year-old pastoral epic in his back yard was legendary.Waugh has done much more than just open a window onto a charming past. She has captured for us one of the true gifts of our Mexican American heritage—the willingness to ritually celebrate the passage of time and to embellish the occasions with sensitivity and fervor. This book will appeal to the general reader as well as to those interested in folk traditions and Mexican American culture.
American University in Cairo Press The Luxor Obelisk and Its Voyage to Paris
The extraordinary story of how an obelisk from the banks of Luxor was transferred to the Place de la Concorde in Paris in the early 19th century Transporting the Luxor obelisk from Egypt to Paris was one of the great engineering triumphs of the early nineteenth century. No obelisk this size (two hundred and fifty tons) had left Egypt in nearly two thousand years, and the task of bringing it fell to a young engineer, Apollinaire Lebas, a man of extraordinary resolve and ability. His is a tale of adventure, excitement, and drama, but one hardly known to the English-speaking world. Lebas’ team was struck by the plague; they ran out of wood; they had to wait four months for the Nile to rise to free their beached ship. But in the end, The Luxor, with its precious cargo on board, sailed down the Nile. On October 25, 1836 before two hundred thousand cheering Parisians, Lebas raised his obelisk. He was rewarded handsomely by his king, a medal with his name on it was struck, and his body lies in the famous Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris along with French luminaries. Now this first-ever translation of Lebas’s account, including digitally enhanced copies of his beautiful drawings, makes his remarkable story available to a wide audience.
John Wiley & Sons EVOS EMS Vehicle Operator Safety Includes eBook with Interactive Tools
Schiffer Publishing Ltd D. B. Cooper and Flight 305: Reexamining the Hijacking and Disappearance
The only unsolved act of air piracy in US history from the perspective of a mathematician and pilot. On November 24, 1971, a polite, nondescript, and dark-complexioned man calling himself "Dan Cooper" hijacked Northwest Airlines Flight 305, Boeing 727, between Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. At Seattle International Airport, he demanded and received $200,000 and four parachutes, released the passengers, and ordered the crew to take him to Mexico. Somewhere along the way, he jumped. He was never found or identified. Forty-five years later, the FBI gave up the hunt. To show where and how the FBO could resume the search and possibly find out at last who “D. B. Cooper” really was, this book utilizes: Previously unexamined data and original-source documents Using statistics, aeronautics, and meteorology Author Bob Edwards is an economist and a contractor in economic, demographic, and market research. He holds a private pilot's license and has experience in parachuting, giving him a unique perspective in the possibilities of the D. B. Cooper case.
Permuted Press Mind Golf: The Troubled Genius of Moe Norman
This may be the most unusual golf book ever written.At one of a series of clinics that former USPGA teacher of the year Craig Shankland staged, he asked Moe Norman in front of about 300 people, “What’s it like to hit perfect shots, Moe?” Moe paused and looked at the audience. Then, in jest, said, “You will never know.” Mind Golf assembles and ignites the mental energy of the image of the shot-to-be. Moe “Pipeline Moe” Norman was a Canadian professional golfer and the best ball-striker the world has ever known. Author Bob Young met the eccentric golfer and traveled between Canada and Florida from the early 1960s to 2004, where he was able to observe Pipeline Moe for decades. Mind Golf is about life and golf and the metaphysical connection between Norman’s mechanics and Young’s perception of the mental construct of ball striking. The core of Mind Golf recounts the trail to Young’s discovery, which will help you discover it too.
Advantage Media Group Foundation Repair Secrets: Learn How to Protect Yourself and Save Thousands
You may think you know a foundation problem when you see one. Cracked or deteriorating walls, uneven floors, and sticking windows and doors are hard to miss. But once you crack open this book by a real foundation repair expert, you will learn about telltale signs that often get missed. Experienced building contractors and ordinary homeowners alike will benefit from author Bob Brown’s plain-language explanation of what causes foundation problems, how they should be investigated, and what solutions apply in different situations.Get the inside story on what it takes to do a real investigation of foundation problems and come up with the right solution. Learn how contractors who lack knowledge or have conflicts of interest regularly charge homeowners thousands of dollars for “repairs” that are useless or make problems worse. Find out how and why Bob’s Arizona company spent years working with experts to develop a patented solution to remediate a damaging type of problem in which saturated soil heaves up under concrete slab foundations. Find out the questions you need to ask about foundations before a costly repair.This book clears up common misconceptions about the repair of foundation problems that plague many homes all over the world. An industry insider reveals that product suppliers have trained contractors and their salespeople to perform quick and dirty inspections that can result in misdiagnoses. A real investigation of a foundation problem involves many steps and a thorough understanding of building construction and soil dynamics.Bob Brown has spent decades working with engineers and scientists to find out how to thoroughly investigate different kinds of foundation problems in all of the unique ways and locations in which homes are built. He shares his proprietary solution for remediating the foundation problems most often given the wrong treatment. Homeowners who read this book will come away understanding more about foundation repair than some people who work in the field.
City Lights Books On to the Next Dream
Paul Madonna's popular comic, "All Over Coffee" had been running for twelve years in the San Francisco Chronicle when he was evicted from his longtime home and studio in the Mission District, ground-zero in the "tech wars" transforming the city. Suddenly finding himself yet another victim of San Francisco's overheated boomtown housing market, with its soaring prices and rampant evictions, Madonna decided to use his comic as a cathartic public platform to explore the experience, and to capture the complex, highly charged atmosphere of a city--and a life--being forced through a painful transition. In a series of drawings and stories, Madonna evokes the sense of vertigo induced by being forced from his home, and the roil of emotions that ensue as he enters into the city's brutal competition for a place to live. The line between reality and surreality begins to blur almost immediately, in real life and in his comic. Absurd, maddening, and all-too-poignant, these drawings and stories capture the spirit of not just San Francisco, but a cultural epidemic that has now spread to cities around the world. "For years I've been intrigued and charmed by Paul Madonna's careful and thoughtful drawings of overlooked nooks and by-ways of San Francisco. In his new book he now combines them with manic, delirious, and increasingly paranoid writings as he struggles with the all-consuming City dilemma of gentrification; of who came first, who gets to stay, which wave of usurpers is more 'real' and deserving than the next, and finally, what happens when someone decides it's your turn to go. Beautiful and engaging."--Sandow Birk, visual artist "Madonna has created a kind of San Francisco Realism, details so absurd, cruel, and beautiful that they can only come from our infuriating home. If Charlie Kaufman squatted in an illegal sublet in Armistead Maupin's mind, this would be the lovely tenant."--Joshua Mohr, author of All This Life "Paul Madonna's On to the Next Dream is bleak, terrifying, hilarious and lovely."--MariNaomi, author and illustrator of Turning Japanese "Simply delightful. I really don't like much out there, I really don't, but On to the Next Dream I couldn't put down. It was sharp, clever, honest, and maybe the funniest book on eviction ever written." --New Yorker cartoonist and New York Times bestselling author, Bob Eckstein, Footnotes from the World's Greatest Bookstores Praise for Everything is its own reward by Paul Madonna: "The book is fantastic. Of time and tenderness. Beautiful drawings. Beautiful text. Ethereal and serious at once. The book is its own reward."--Maira Kalman, illustrator "Mesmerizing ...When his international images are paired with his sparse, poetic words--sometimes thought-provoking one-liners such as 'You don't get anywhere without searching' and sometimes long, meandering sections of dialogue and story--the effect is haunting." Paul Madonna is a San Francisco-based artist and writer. He is the creator of the comic series "All Over Coffee" and the author of two books, All Over Coffee and Everything is its own reward. His drawings and stories have appeared in numerous books and journals as well as galleries and museums, including the San Francisco Contemporary Jewish Museum and the Oakland Museum of California.