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John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Reactions, Volume 93
The latest volume in this series for organic chemists in industry presents critical discussions of widely used organic reactions or particular phases of a reaction. The material is treated from a preparative viewpoint, with emphasis on limitations, interfering influences, effects of structure and the selection of experimental techniques. The work includes tables that contain all possible examples of the reaction under consideration. Detailed procedures illustrate the significant modifications of each method.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 109 Ways to Retain Volunteers and Members
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides great ideas and techniques to retain more of your volunteers and members, including step-by-step plans to create a retention plan that helps strengthen and increase your volunteer and membership base. This resource contains dozens of actionable techniques and procedures for retention, including strategies to develop member loyalty, communicate better, offer unique benefits, and avoid volunteer burnout. Successful ideas and programs from other organizations are presented, such as incentive programs, retreats that involve volunteers, “member of the month” programs, etc. Additionally, several useful sample forms and reports are provided, including feedback forms, member interests surveys, volunteer activity/involvement reports, complaint procedures, assessment forms, and more. Important topics covered include: Staff and Volunteer Engagement Recognition and Awards Leadership Effective Communication with Members and Volunteers Automatic Renewal Strategies Member and Volunteer Incentives Effective Meeting Planning Frequent 'Rituals' that Help Formalize New Relationships Member Benefits that Attract and Retain Mentoring Volunteer Member and Volunteer Evaluation Special Events for Volunteers Large Awards Program that Generates Big Benefits Using E-newsletters to Inform, Involve Your Base Handling Volunteer Complaints Catering to Diverse Volunteers or Members Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Endowment Builder: Practical Ideas for Securing Endowment Gifts
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource helps nonprofit organizations generate more endowment gifts. This resource provides step-by-step procedures to help build endowments, ideas and approaches to raise needed funds, actionable tips and techniques, and helpful charts, forms, and useful examples. Important topics covered include: Annual endowment goals Endowment FAQs Endowed scholarships community engagement Marketing endowment opportunities Donor cultivation Named gifts Board member engagement Exclusive donor clubs Endowment agreements Endowment-only campaigns Methods for determining ask amounts Employee naming gifts Bequests Matching gifts Endowment ethics policies Endowment ideas for beginners Endowment brochures Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 96 Ways to Make Your Website More Donor, Member and Volunteer Friendly
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource offers strategies for nonprofit organizations to connect with more donors, members, and volunteers through their websites, and presents examples of successful website features from a variety of nonprofit organizations. It’s filled with tips on strengthening relationships, reaching a broader audience, and driving traffic to a website. Important topics covered include: Publicizing membership Online donations Blogging Membership kits Sponsorship promotion Donor spotlight programs Member feedback FAQs Personalized web pages Volunteer opportunities Press rooms Online advertising Member privacy Online commerce Online renewals Virtual volunteers Online wish lists Chapter activities Social networking Virtual donor walls Planned gifts Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 87 Ways to Make Your Website More Volunteer Friendly
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides strategies for nonprofit organizations to connect with more volunteers through their websites. It includes proven techniques for tailoring a website to meet volunteers' needs and provides examples of effective website features from a variety of organizations. Important topics covered include: Essential elements of a volunteer website How to target baby boomer volunteers How an online conferencing system helps bridge the gap Boost online contact through social media Ways to offer virtual volunteering opportunities Launching a Facebook page How online training can streamline orientation How volunteer blogs promotes communication Online publications How to increase website usage Virtual volunteer projects Useful online tools Recruiting virtual volunteers Migrating existing volunteer programs online Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nonprofit Website Essentials: 124 Tips, Techniques and Ideas to Add Value to Your Website
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides nonprofit organizations with ideas and strategies to maximize the impact and effectiveness of their websites. From adding social media or an online press room to driving traffic or enhancing features, this manual has it all. Important topics covered include: Customizable pages Guest books Incorporating sponsor information Social media strategies RSS feeds Online pressrooms Online publications Website copy Blogs Website marketing Donor outreach Online registrations Virtual tours Marketing Mass emails Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Challenge Gifts and Grants: 76 Ways to Multiply Your Fundraising Dollars
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource helps nonprofit leaders and professionals pursue challenge gifts and grants, enhance donor bases and existing donors, and discover new and creative ways to use challenge gifts. In addition to step-by-step procedures on how to secure more challenge gift and grants, examples are given of what various nonprofit organizations have successfully accomplished with challenge gifts. Important topics covered include: Setting up challenge gifts Encouraging new donors Building endowment funds Foundation perspectives Successful campaigns Matching gift programs Presidential connections Group challenge gifts Grant negotiations Annual campaigns Multipurpose challenges Donor fatigue Donor recognition Prospect identification Challenge grant requirements Challenge gift approaches Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Youth Volunteers: How to Recruit, Train, Motivate and Reward Young Volunteers
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides strategies for nonprofit organizations to recruit, train, motivate, and reward young volunteers. It addresses: Beginning a youth volunteer program Tips and techniques to recruit young volunteers Connecting with and motivating young people in volunteer efforts Benefits and rewards for young volunteers Reaching and engaging college-age volunteers Important topics covered include: Volunteer selection guidelines Teen incentive programs College and university partnerships Online recruitment Communicating with younger volunteers Internships Grants and awards Youth volunteer benefits Cultural awareness Family engagement Working with first-time offenders Youth volunteer boards Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Celebrating Your Nonprofit's Milestones: 81 Great Ideas for Planning and Celebrating Milestone Events
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource features strategies for nonprofit organizations to plan, celebrate, and engage constituents in milestone events. Important topics covered include: Community engagement Fundraising Planning and preparation essentials for yearlong events Inauguration ceremonies Facility dedications Organizational collaboration Recognition programs Celebrity events Talent competitions Time capsules Grand re-openings Celebrating organizational history Anniversary milestones Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to Get a Planned Gifts Program Up and Running
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this is a step-by-step guide for launching effective planned gifts programs. Readers will learn how to plan and set goals, identify prospects, build mailing lists, involve volunteers, publicize planned gifts, build awareness, recognize donors, and more. Important topics covered include: Estate gift modeling Advisory councils Testimonials Deferred payments Promoting bequests Planned gift expectancies Cultivating agents of wealth Building prospect lists Accepting life insurance Planned gift ambassadors Challenge gifts Intention forms Endowment donors Planned gifts newsletters Planned giving marketing plans Estate donors Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 138 Ways to Generate New, First-time Gifts
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides nonprofit leaders and professionals with proven methods and techniques for increasing revenue from first-time gifters. It delivers step-by-step procedures for motivating nondonors to give and explains how to increase success through direct mail, calls, phonathons, events, online giving, and more. Important topics covered include: Motivating non-donors Attracting first-time corporate donors Annual giving strategies: Restricted gifts Employee giving Social media outreach In-kind gifts Increasing return on direct mail appeals Online giving Prospect research Monthly and annual appeals Expanding your prospect database Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Social Media and Communications Technology: Essential Strategies for Nonprofits and Associations
Social media has become a must for organizations to master in order to be successful. Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides nonprofit leaders and professionals with strategies to harness the power of social media to support their causes and organizations. It’s filled with interaction techniques and examples from a variety of nonprofits. Important topics include: Facebook essentials Professional networking Twitter benefits Press releases and media blogs Blogs YouTube Videos and marketing Social media guidelines Online tools Mobile applications Social networking and special events Virtual meetings Web-based communication options Virtual memberships Landing pages Outreach to a younger demographic Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Volunteer Selection, Screening and Placement Procedures: 66 Tips and Actions You can Take to Ensure the Best Volunteer Fit
Nonprofit organizations often struggle with selecting and screening volunteers and placing them in the best possible positions. This practical resource, originally published by Stevenson, Inc., provides actionable tips and techniques to improve volunteer selection, screening, and placement. The articles in this resource cover useful topics such as: recruitment procedures aimed at filling key volunteer positions, techniques for screening volunteers in advance, interviewing procedures, tips for checking references, how to conduct thorough background checks, how to decline a volunteer appointment with tact, advice on clarifying volunteer tasks before assigning them, steps for conducting volunteer evaluations. Other topics include: Background check rejection follow-up Defining volunteer roles Conducting the right check for the right position Matching tools Conducting volunteer interviews Effective task delegation Staff preparation Consultant programs Training and supervision Agreements and policies Special skills volunteers Evaluation and assessment Placement questionnaires Volunteer satisfaction Advocacy volunteers Codes of conduct Constituent safety Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nurturing New Volunteers: 86 Ways to Build Long-term Relationships With New Recruits
Although volunteer recruitment can be difficult for nonprofit organizations, volunteer retention is often even more difficult. Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides nonprofit organizations and professionals with strategies for nurturing long-term relationships with volunteers and examples of what various organizations have done to retain new volunteers. Important topics covered include: Welcome kits Volunteer assignments Goal setting Volunteer motivation Risk management measures Volunteer handbooks Volunteer incentives Volunteer communication Retention approaches Volunteer training Engaging volunteers Volunteer recognition Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Reactions, Volume 80
Volume 80 in the venerable Organic Reactions series contains two chapters. The first describes the use of chiral rhodium complexes to effect catalytic, asymmetric carbon-hydrogen insertion reactions intramolecularly. It details the structural scenarios in which diazocarbonyl compounds can be generated and activated to form, inter alia, lactones, lactams and cyclic ketones. The second chapter describes the use of (chiral) rhodium complexes in combination with diazocarbonyl compounds, but in this case to effect a remarkable transformation that dramatically increases the molecular complexity of the substrates.
Fordham University Press The Early Heidegger's Philosophy of Life: Facticity, Being, and Language
In his early lecture courses, Martin Heidegger exhibited an abiding interest in human life. He believed that human life has philosophical import while it is actually being lived; language has philosophical import while it is being spoken. In this book, Scott Campbell traces the development of Heidegger’s ideas about factical life through his interest in Greek thought and its concern with Being. He contends that Heidegger’s existential concerns about human life and his ontological concerns about the meaning of Being crystallize in the notion of Dasein as the Being of factical human life. Emphasizing the positive aspects of everydayness, Campbell explores the contexts of meaning embedded within life; the intensity of average, everyday life; the temporal immediacy of life in early Christianity; the hermeneutic pursuit of life’s self-alienation; factical spatiality; the temporalizing of history within life; the richness of the world; and the facticity of speaking in Plato and Aristotle. He shows how Heidegger presents a way of grasping human life as riddled with deception but also charged with meaning and open to revelation and insight.
Ohio University Press Victory on Two Fronts: The Cleveland Indians and Baseball through the World War II Era
Beginning with the Cleveland Indians’ hard luck during World War II, this thrilling history follows the team through its historic role in racial integration and its legendary postwar comeback. Rich with player photographs and stories, this book is sure to excite American history buffs and baseball fans alike. In early 1942, baseball team owners across the country scrambled to assemble makeshift rosters from the remaining ballplayers who had not left the sport for the armed forces. The Cleveland Indians suffered a tremendous loss when star pitcher Bob Feller became the first Major Leaguer to enlist, taking his twenty-plus wins per year with him. To make matters worse, the Indians’ new player-manager, Lou Boudreau, had no coaching or managing experience. The resulting team was mediocre, and players struggled to keep up morale. Feller’s return in late 1945 sparked a spectacular comeback. A year later Bill Veeck bought the franchise and, over the next two years, signed the first American League players to break the color barrier: Larry Doby and Satchel Paige. The 1948 season ended with the Indians and Boston Red Sox tied, resulting in the American League’s first playoff game. Thanks in part to rookie Gene Bearden’s outstanding pitching, the Indians went on to beat the National League’s Boston Braves for their second World Series title.
Tuttle Publishing Outside the Box Origami: A New Generation of Extraordinary Folds: Includes Origami Book With 20 Projects Ranging From Easy to Complex
This step-by-step origami book features models that range from simple to complex—all with a touch of creativity and whimsy.Outside the Box Origami features a mix of single-sheet and modular origami models accompanied by beautiful photos and easy-to-follow diagrams. The offerings range from geometric models like the "Starburst" and "Wreath" to more adventurous and organic models such as "When Pigs Fly!" The book culminates with "Folding Outside the Box"—a challenging single-sheet model that depicts two hands reaching out of a box folding a piece of origami paper.Since the origami projects start out simple and progress towards more difficulty, this makes a great origami for beginners guide and is a great way to learn origami! Origami projects include: Skull Elephant Flapping Bird Sitting Dog When Pigs Fly And many more!
Ohio University Press Welcome to the Neighborhood: An Anthology of American Coexistence
How to live with difference—not necessarily in peace, but with resilience, engagement, and a lack of vitriol—is a defining worry in America at this moment. The poets, fiction writers, and essayists (plus one graphic novelist) who contributed to Welcome to the Neighborhood don’t necessarily offer roadmaps to harmonious neighboring. Some of their narrators don’t even want to be neighbors. Maybe they grieve, or rage. Maybe they briefly find resolution or community. But they do approach the question of what it means to be neighbors, and how we should do it, with open minds and nuance. The many diverse contributors give this collection a depth beyond easy answers. Their attentions to the theme of neighborliness as an ongoing evolution offer hope to readers: possible pathways for rediscovering community, even just by way of a shared wish for it. The result is an enormously rich resource for the classroom and for anyone interested in reflecting on what it means to be American today, and how place and community play a part. Contributors include Leila Chatti, Rita Dove, Jonathan Escoffery, Rebecca Morgan Frank, Amina Gautier, Ross Gay, Mark Halliday, Joy Harjo, Edward Hirsch, Marie Howe, Sonya Larson, Dinty W. Moore, Robert Pinsky, Christine Schutt, and many more.
Ohio University Press Welcome to the Neighborhood: An Anthology of American Coexistence
How to live with difference—not necessarily in peace, but with resilience, engagement, and a lack of vitriol—is a defining worry in America at this moment. The poets, fiction writers, and essayists (plus one graphic novelist) who contributed to Welcome to the Neighborhood don’t necessarily offer roadmaps to harmonious neighboring. Some of their narrators don’t even want to be neighbors. Maybe they grieve, or rage. Maybe they briefly find resolution or community. But they do approach the question of what it means to be neighbors, and how we should do it, with open minds and nuance. The many diverse contributors give this collection a depth beyond easy answers. Their attentions to the theme of neighborliness as an ongoing evolution offer hope to readers: possible pathways for rediscovering community, even just by way of a shared wish for it. The result is an enormously rich resource for the classroom and for anyone interested in reflecting on what it means to be American today, and how place and community play a part. Contributors include Leila Chatti, Rita Dove, Jonathan Escoffery, Rebecca Morgan Frank, Amina Gautier, Ross Gay, Mark Halliday, Joy Harjo, Edward Hirsch, Marie Howe, Sonya Larson, Dinty W. Moore, Robert Pinsky, Christine Schutt, and many more.
Cornell University Press Cluny and the Muslims of La Garde-Freinet: Hagiography and the Problem of Islam in Medieval Europe
In the summer of 972 a group of Muslim brigands based in the south of France near La Garde-Freinet abducted the abbot of Cluny as he and his entourage crossed the Alps en route from Rome to Burgundy. Ultimately, the abbot was set free, but the audacity of this abduction outraged Christian leaders and galvanized the will of local lords. Shortly thereafter, Count William of Arles marshaled an army and succeeded in wiping out the Muslim stronghold. The monks of Cluny kept this tale alive over the next century. Scott G. Bruce explores the telling and retelling of this story, focusing on the representation of Islam in each account and how that representation changed over time. The culminating figure in this study is Peter the Venerable, one of Europe's leading intellectuals and abbot of Cluny from 1122 to 1156, who commissioned Latin translations of Muslim texts such as the Qur'an. Cluny and the Muslims of La Garde-Freinet provides us with an unparalleled opportunity to examine Christian perceptions of Islam in the Crusading era.
Edinburgh University Press Linguistic Variation and Change
The study of variation and change is at the heart of the sociolinguistics. Providing a wide survey of the field, this textbook is organised around three constraints on variation: linguistic structure, social structure and identity, and social and linguistic perception. By considering both structure and meaning, Scott F. Kiesling examines the most important issues surrounding variation theory, including canonical studies and terms, as well as challenges to them. Research in non-English and non-European contexts is also addressed. A range of different topics within sociolinguistics is covered including: * The linguistic variable and its status * Sociolinguistic methods * The description of variable patterns * Linguistic and social structure * Social meaning and perception. With over 50 figures and a practical section on methodology, this textbook is an ideal solution for undergraduate and postgraduate students of sociolinguistics seeking a comprehensive study of variation and change.
Princeton University Press The Limits of Safety: Organizations, Accidents, and Nuclear Weapons
Environmental tragedies such as Chernobyl and the Exxon Valdez remind us that catastrophic accidents are always possible in a world full of hazardous technologies. Yet, the apparently excellent safety record with nuclear weapons has led scholars, policy-makers, and the public alike to believe that nuclear arsenals can serve as a secure deterrent for the foreseeable future. In this provocative book, Scott Sagan challenges such optimism. Sagan's research into formerly classified archives penetrates the veil of safety that has surrounded U.S. nuclear weapons and reveals a hidden history of frightening "close calls" to disaster.
Dover Publications Inc. The Complete Book of Bird House Construction for Woodworkers
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Reactions, Volume 75
This series provides the most comprehensive and highly focused treatment of important organic reactions currently available. All volumes of Organic Reactions (including this one) are collections of chapters each devoted to a single reaction or a definitive phase of a reaction, of wide applicability. The authors have had experience with the processes surveyed. The subjects are presented from the preparative viewpoint and particular attention is given to limitations, interfering influences, effects of structure, and the selection of experimental techniques. Each chapter includes several detailed procedures illustrating the significant modifications of the method.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Reactions, Volume 76
Volume 76 in the venerable Organic Reactions series comprises three chapters that cover the ever-increasing emphasis of transition metal catalysis in organic synthesis. These three chapters represent some of the most important transformations that enable the construction of carbon-carbon bonds, heterocycles and carbon-heteratom bonds. This volume features a comprehensive treatment of transition metal (palladium, nickel, copper) catalyzed a-arylation of enolates derived from many common functional groups such as ketones, aldehydes, esters and nitriles (Prim, Marque, Gaucher, Campagne) including enantioselective variants; palladium catalyzed cyclization to form indoles (Cacchi, Fabrizi, Goggiamani) one of the most prevalent and important classes of heterocycles in natural products and pharmaceutical agents; and an overview of a newly developed dihydroxylation reaction of alkenes (Donohoe, Bataille, Innocenti) that uses hydrogen bonding interactions to direct the delivery of an osmium catalyst with high selectivity. As with all Organic Reactions chapters, these reviews emphasize the preparative aspects of the featured transformation and contain comprehensive compilations of all known examples in the tables.
Indiana University Press Crawdad Creek
There's always something happening at Crawdad Creek. That's what Lizzie and Michael call the stream that runs behind their house. Come pan for gold, hunt for fossils, find an arrowhead in the mud or a crayfish under a stone. Watch whirligig beetles and water striders skate across the water, teasing the fish below, and count the turtles sunning themselves on moss-covered logs. Follow tracks along the bank, then sit in quiet amazement as deer, raccoons, and other animals visit the creek. There's a wild and beautiful world here waiting to be discovered. Take the time to look!
Indiana University Press Globalization and the Cultures of Business in Africa: From Patrimonialism to Profit
Can Africa develop businesses beyond the extractive or agricultural sectors? What would it take for Africa to play a major role in global business? By focusing on recent changes, Scott D. Taylor demonstrates how Africa's business culture is marked by an unprecedented receptivity to private enterprise. Challenging persistent stereotypes about crony capitalism and the lack of development, Taylor reveals a long and dynamic history of business in Africa. He shows how a hospitable climate for business has been spurred by institutional change, globalization, and political and economic reform. Taylor encourages a broader understanding of the mosaic of African business and the diversity of influences and cultures that shape it.
University of Illinois Press Return to the City of Joseph: Modern Mormonism's Contest for the Soul of Nauvoo
In the mid-twentieth century, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) returned to Nauvoo, Illinois, home to the thriving religious community led by Joseph Smith before his murder in 1844. The quiet farm town became a major Mormon heritage site visited annually by tens of thousands of people. Yet Nauvoo's dramatic restoration proved fraught with conflicts. Scott C. Esplin's social history looks at how Nauvoo's different groups have sparred over heritage and historical memory. The Latter-day Saint project brought it into conflict with the Community of Christ, the Midwestern branch of Mormonism that had kept a foothold in the town and a claim on its Smith-related sites. Non-Mormon locals, meanwhile, sought to maintain the historic place of ancestors who had settled in Nauvoo after the Latter-day Saints' departure. Examining the recent and present-day struggles to define the town, Esplin probes the values of the local groups while placing Nauvoo at the center of Mormonism's attempt to carve a role for itself within the greater narrative of American history.
Titan Books Ltd Lowdown Road
Join a heart-racing road trip across 1970s America as two cousins make the heist of their lives and must avoid the cops and criminals hot on their tails. It's the summer of '74...Richard Nixon has resigned from office, CB radios are the hot new thing, and in the great state of Texas two cousins hatch a plan to drive $1 million worth of stolen weed to Idaho, where some lunatic is gearing up to jump Snake River Canyon on a rocket-powered motorcycle. But with a vengeful sheriff on their tail and the revered and feared marijuana kingpin of Central Texas out to get his stash back, Chuck and Dean are in for the ride of their lives - if they can make it out alive... Scott Von Doviak, longtime pop-culture journalist for The A.V. Club, Film Threat, The Hollywood Reporter, and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, made a splash with his debut novel, CHARLESGATE CONFIDENTIAL, which Stephen King called "terrific" and "a fun machine...the white-knuckle kind." With LOWDOWN ROAD, he cements his reputation for pedal-to-the-metal storytelling that also makes you think about just who we are and where our darker roads might lead us.
Scott Palmer Great Adventure Films
Alma Books Ltd The Pat Hobby Stories
A Hollywood hack who has fallen on hard times since the end of the Silent Era, Pat Hobby spends his time hanging out in the studio lot attempting to devise schemes - such as pressing his secretary for blackmail material against a studio executive - to get more work and earn on-screen credits. Oblivious to his own shortcomings and filled with feelings of self-importance, he embarks on a course towards ever-increasing humiliation, suffering setbacks on both the professional and romantic fronts. A vivid account of Hollywood and its politics and hierarchies, these stories - which draw from Fitzgerald's own travails as a screenwriter - were first printed in Esquire, although they were written with a view to being published as a cohesive volume.
Hodder & Stoughton The New World: The TimeBomb Trilogy 3
The epic, thrilling conclusion to the most mind-bending, time-warping series since Doctor Who.Kaz, Dora and Jana - three people from three different time periods, brought together by forces they don't understand, given powers they can barely comprehend.Their powers have brought them together.And nothing - not war, not betrayal, and not even death - has been able to tear them apart.And now, after everything they've been through, they're about to find the bonds of their friendship tested in ways they could never have imagined.This is the stunning, epic conclusion to the incredible story begun in TimeBomb and continued in Second Lives: a story of friendship, of love, and of learning what it means to be extraordinary.*~*Readers love the TimeBomb series!*~* 'A fast-paced, time-hopping thriller' SciFiNow 'Tremendous fun... a riveting series opener... I finished the book in one sitting. If you enjoy fast-paced, action-driven time travel stories, this book is for you' A Fantastical Librarian 'A rip roaring roller coaster ride of a read that keeps you on your toes and is a WHOLE lot of fun' Liz Loves Books 'I was sucked into this book from the beginning and found it extremely hard to put down' Escapades of a Bookworm 'Impeccably unique and mesmerising, Andrews takes an astoundingly interesting take on time travel' Once Upon a Moonlight Review 'Executed perfectly, with likeable, intelligent and witty characters thrust into the mix of things' The Book Bag 'Well-written, funny, sad and exciting... a rocket of a timeslip adventure, designed to appeal to adults young and old and it most certainly succeeds' For Winter's Nights
Hodder & Stoughton Second Lives: The TimeBomb Trilogy 2
It began when three people from three different moments in history discovered that they could travel through time when they clasped hands. But the mysteries surrounding them have only deepened.There are risks to tampering with established events... timelines become snarled, histories become tangled... and one false move could destroy time itself!Jana, Kaz and Dora have escaped from their mysterious enemy, Quil, wounded and scared. Taking refuge in a place outside of time, they devise a plan to change the past, altering Quil's life so that she never meets them.From the streets of Beirut in 2010 to the domed cities of Mars in 2155 and beyond, the three teenagers fight for their future, and that of all humanity, by trying to rewrite the history of the person who has sworn to destroy them.What could be more complicated - and important - than trying to save the world? As their feelings for each other grow stronger, though, Jana, Kaz and Dora find themselves at the centre of a different kind of battle. And when it comes to matters of the heart, there can be no real victors.*~*Readers love the TimeBomb series!*~*'A fast-paced, time-hopping thriller' SciFiNow'Tremendous fun... a riveting series opener... I finished the book in one sitting. If you enjoy fast-paced, action-driven time travel stories, this book is for you' A Fantastical Librarian'A rip roaring roller coaster ride of a read that keeps you on your toes and is a WHOLE lot of fun' Liz Loves Books'I was sucked into this book from the beginning and found it extremely hard to put down' Escapades of a Bookworm'Impeccably unique and mesmerising, Andrews takes an astoundingly interesting take on time travel' Once Upon a Moonlight Review'Executed perfectly, with likeable, intelligent and witty characters thrust into the mix of things' The Book Bag'Well-written, funny, sad and exciting... a rocket of a timeslip adventure, designed to appeal to adults young and old and it most certainly succeeds' For Winter's Nights
Harvard Business Review Press The Little Black Book of Innovation, With a New Preface: How It Works, How to Do It
Innovation may be the hottest discipline around today--in business circles and beyond. And for good reason. Innovation transforms companies and markets. It's the key to solving vexing social problems. And it makes or breaks professional careers. For all the enthusiasm the topic inspires, however, the practice of innovation remains stubbornly impenetrable. No longer. In The Little Black Book of Innovation, long-time innovation expert Scott D. Anthony draws on stories from his research and field work with companies like Procter & Gamble to demystify innovation. In his trademark conversational and lively style, Anthony presents a simple definition of innovation, breaks down the essential differences between types of innovation, and illuminates innovation's vital role in organizational success and personal growth. This unique hybrid of professional memoir and business guidebook also provides a powerful 28-day program for mastering innovation's key steps: * Finding insight * Generating ideas * Building businesses * Strengthening innovation prowess in your workforce and organization With its wealth of illustrative case studies and vignettes from a range of companies around the globe, this engaging and potent playbook is a must-read for anyone seeking to turn themselves or their companies into true innovation powerhouses.
Travelers' Tales, Incorporated French Like Moi: A Midwesterner in Paris
When Scott Carpenter moves from Minnesota to Paris, little does he suspect the dramas that await: scheming neighbors, police denunciations, surly demonstrators, cooking disasters, medical mishaps—not to mention all those lectures about cheese! It turns out that nothing in the City of Light can be taken for granted, where even trips to the grocery store lead to adventure. In French Like Moi, Carpenter guides us through the merry labyrinth of the everyday, one hilarious faux pas after another. Through it all, he keeps his eye on the central mystery of what makes the French French (and Midwesterners Midwestern).
Nova Science Publishers Inc Text & Beyond: Issues in the Mobile Marketplace
Rowman & Littlefield From Hitler's Germany to Saddam's Iraq: The Enduring False Promise of Preventive War
This book boldly challenges conventional wisdom about the value of preventive war. Beginning with the rise of German power and the French and British response to the Rhineland crisis leading to World War II, Scott Silverstone overturns the common impulse to point an accusing finger at British leadership for its alleged naïveté, willful blindness, or outright cowardice. Arguing against the belief that Britain could have contained Germany and avoided war if it had used force when Hitler remilitarized the Rhineland, the author uses this dramatic event to wrestle with a general strategic problem that has broad relevance for our current foreign policy dilemmas. Silverstone argues that the Rhineland crisis is a critical case for studying a central dynamic of world history—power shifts among states—and the preventive war temptation that power shifts frequently produce. There has been surging interest in the idea of preventive war, an interest stimulated by the Bush administration’s articulation of the “preemption doctrine” in 2002 and the disastrous invasion of Iraq in 2003, and by frustration over the difficulty of preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons by such states as North Korea and Iran. Clarifying the way we think about preventive war, the author analyzes the enduring strategic flaws in preventive war that must inform how political leaders and the public think about this option as a means of dealing with shifting threats in the modern world. Offering a radically conservative argument for when to wage war, this persuasive book will be essential reading for policy makers and concerned citizens alike.
Animal Dreaming Publishing World Animal Dreaming Oracle Revised and Expanded Edition
The WORLD ANIMAL DREAMING ORACLE cards were created by Scott Alexander King, leading author on Animal symbolism, to help you identify, acknowledge and embrace the traits and energies of your personal power and totem animals. The animal energies are presented as beautiful illustrated portraits, with each world animal''s meaning clearly interpreted in the accompanying guidebook, allowing you to give and receive accurate and inspirational readings for yourself and others.''With the creation of the WORLD ANIMAL DREAMING ORACLE Cards comes the desire to foster within the seeker, a deeper appreciation of the animals that you have bonded with or that you may spiritually sense around you. I hope to broaden the understanding of the animals that physically share this planet with you, too, by endorsing them as more than just pets or playthings. The animals, to me, are and, always have been, sacred messengers of Spirit and I am thrilled to have been given this opportunity to share the symbolisms t
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Delaware Reflections
The Delaware Coast conjures images of pastel sunrises and brilliant sunsets, of historic communities and wooden boardwalks, of memories past and vacations present. The essence of the Delaware coast is captured in over 240 of the author’s stunning photographs of Lewes, Rehoboth Beach, Dewey Beach, Bethany Beach, and Fenwick Island, as well as state parks at Cape Henlopen, Delaware Seashore, and Fenwick Island. Tour Delaware’s coastal towns, beaches, and bays through this keepsake book, and visit them all year long.
Faithlife Corporation The Trinity & the Bible
HarperCollins Focus Master Mentors Volume 2: 30 Transformative Insights from Our Greatest Minds
Experience a quantum leap in your personal mindset and career toolset through 30 transformative insights from our world’s greatest minds.Mining the best and brightest revelations from FranklinCovey’s global podcast, On Leadership With Scott Miller, Scott personally introduces you to 30 Master Mentors, featuring the single most transformative insight from each of them.Depending on where you are in your journey, Master Mentors will: Challenge your current mindset and beliefs, leading to what could be the most important career and thought process shifts of your life! Restore you to the mindset and beliefs you find effective but aren’t currently living in alignment with. Validate that you are on the right path with your current mindset and beliefs and empower you on your way forward. Whether you are challenged, affirmed, informed, or inspired—Master Mentors guarantees you will experience a transformative shift in your personal mindset, life skillset, and career toolset.
Princeton University Press Friendly Fire: The Accidental Shootdown of U.S. Black Hawks over Northern Iraq
On April 14, 1994, two U.S. Air Force F-15 fighters accidentally shot down two U.S. Army Black Hawk Helicopters over Northern Iraq, killing all twenty-six peacekeepers onboard. In response to this disaster the complete array of military and civilian investigative and judicial procedures ran their course. After almost two years of investigation with virtually unlimited resources, no culprit emerged, no bad guy showed himself, no smoking gun was found. This book attempts to make sense of this tragedy--a tragedy that on its surface makes no sense at all. With almost twenty years in uniform and a Ph.D. in organizational behavior, Lieutenant Colonel Snook writes from a unique perspective. A victim of friendly fire himself, he develops individual, group, organizational, and cross-level accounts of the accident and applies a rigorous analysis based on behavioral science theory to account for critical links in the causal chain of events. By explaining separate pieces of the puzzle, and analyzing each at a different level, the author removes much of the mystery surrounding the shootdown. Based on a grounded theory analysis, Snook offers a dynamic, cross-level mechanism he calls "practical drift"--the slow, steady uncoupling of practice from written procedure--to complete his explanation. His conclusion is disturbing. This accident happened because, or perhaps in spite of everyone behaving just the way we would expect them to behave, just the way theory would predict. The shootdown was a normal accident in a highly reliable organization.
Yale University Press Strategic Assessment in War
How do military organizations assess strategic policy in war? In this book Scott Gartner develops a theory to explain how military and government leaders evaluate wartime performance, how much they change strategies in response to this evaluation, and why they are frequently at odds when discussing the success or failure of strategic performance.Blending history, decision theory, and mathematical modeling, Gartner argues that military personnel do reevaluate their strategies and that they measure the performance of a strategy through quantitative, "dominant" indicators. But different actors within a government use different indicators of success: some will see the strategy as succeeding when others see it as failing because of their different dominant indicators. Gartner tests his argument with three case studies: the British shift to convoys in World War I following the German imposition of unrestricted submarine warfare; the lack of change in British naval policy in the Battle of the Atlantic following the German introduction of Wolf Packs in World War II; and the American decision to deescalate in Vietnam after the Tet Offensive. He also tests his approach in a nonwar situation, analyzing the Carter Administration's decision to launch the hostage rescue attempt. In each case, his dominant indicator model better predicts the observed behavior than either a standard-organization or an action-reaction approach.
Columbia University Press War and Peace in the Taiwan Strait
As tensions continue to rise between the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan, numerous analysts and officials have warned of a growing risk of military conflict, which could potentially draw in the United States. How worried should we be about a war in the Taiwan Strait?Scott L. Kastner offers a comprehensive analytical account of PRC-Taiwan relations that sheds new light on the prospects for cross-strait military conflict. He examines several key regional trends that have complex implications for stability, including deepening economic integration, the shifting balance of military power, uncertainty about the future of U.S. commitment, and domestic political changes in both the PRC and Taiwan. Kastner argues that the risks of conflict are real but should not be exaggerated. Several distinct pathways could lead to the breakout of hostilities, and the mechanisms that might allay one type of conflict do not necessarily apply to others—yet war is anything but inevitable. Although changes to the balance of power introduce risks, powerful mitigating factors remain in place and there are plausible steps to reduce the likelihood of military conflict.Drawing on both international relations theory and close empirical analysis of regional trends, this book provides vital perspective on how a war in the Taiwan Strait could occur—and how one could be avoided.
Rowman & Littlefield Changing the Status Quo: Courage to Challenge the Education System
Have you ever wondered where the ever expanding layers of bureaucracy are taking us in the field of education? This book challenges us to think carefully about this question. The status quo in education consists of policies, practices, and power structures impacting the way we teach, and prevent students from learning in meaningful and significant ways. Assessment techniques drive our teaching practices resulting in a learning process that students strongly dislike. Technology like PowerPoint presentations and clickers force students to pay attention to lectures, but the end result is the same-memorizing information for exams. It is causing students to become less focused on comprehending what they read. It is also physically changing the way students read focusing on small sound bites on what they believe is necessary to remember for tests. Discriminating against students of color continues to be a prevalent problem as well. Data show that white educators consist of a huge majority often lacking cultural awareness in our classrooms. Reading this book will inspire you to become a courageous educator and implement meaningful changes in your classroom on how to asses your students, what kind and how much technology to use, and how to sensitively treat educators and students of color.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd The Creed: Professing the Faith Through the Ages
Why were the early Christians willing to die to protect a single iota of the creed? Why have the Judeans, Romans, and Persians among others seen the Christian creed as a threat to the establishment social order? In The Creed: Professing the Faith Through the Ages, bestselling author Dr. Scott Hahn recovers and conveys the creed's revolutionary character. Tracing the development of the first formulations of faith in the early Church through later ecumenical councils. The Creed tells the story of how the very profession of our belief in Christ fashions us for heavenly life as we live out our earthly days.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth
Reveals a long-lost secret of the Church: the early Christians' key to understanding the mysteries of the Mass was the New Testament's Book of Revelation.