Search results for ""author judith"
Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies,US Letters to Her Sons, 1447–1470
The seventy-three surviving letters written by Florentine widow, Alessandra Macinghi Strozzi (c.1406–1471), to her distant sons first appeared in print well over a century ago, but are here translated into English in their entirety for the first time. Whether for the professional historian or for the general reader interested in Renaissance Florence, they constitute a most precious testimony regarding both private and public life in the mid-fifteenth century, with themes ranging from familial relations, motherhood, marriage, and aspects of material culture to the harsh realities of political exile meted out by the Medici to their perceived opponents, these latter including her husband and, subsequently, her sons.
Pharmaceutical Press Pharmaceutical Calculations Workbook
This is a companion self-study aid to Introduction to Pharmaceutical Calculations for practising calculations similar to those that may be presented in pharmacy examinations and in practice. Each section contains a variety of exercises which give the opportunity to practise calculations using the methods covered in Introduction to Pharmaceutical Calculations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Information Technology and Evidence-Based Social Work Practice
Learn to use the latest technological advances in evidence-based social workSocial work practice can be positively or negatively impacted by the advance of technology. Advances and applications must be up-to-date as possible, yet they may be ineffective if not simple enough to easily learn and use. InformationTechnology and Evidence-Based Social Work presents leading social work experts exploring the latest technological advances and the innovative practical applications which can be used effectively in evidence-based social work. Students and practitioners get creative practical advice on how best understand technology and apply it to their work.Information Technology and Evidence-Based Social Work is divided into four sections. The first section provides the context for understanding the technological link between social work and evidence-based practice. The second section presents examples of how information technology can be used to effectively teach students and practitioners in the field. Section three explores ways to implement technology for use by clients. The fourth section summarizes and then takes a look at the future of technology in evidence-based social work. Chapters include questions for practitioners and for clients to illuminate the current and future issues surrounding technology and evidence-based practice. The text also includes extensive references, and useful tables and figures.Topics in Information Technology and Evidence-Based Social Work include: the impact of technology on social work computer-assisted evidence-based practice customized web-based technology and its use in clinical supervision enhanced technology-based evidence-based practice model and its applicability to large human service organizations. using information technology to provide evidence for planning and evaluating programs using technology in advocacy the geographic information system (GIS) as a useful tool in all aspects of programs and policies evaluating practice through information technology the development and evaluation of an online social work service psychotherapeutic group intervention for family caregivers over the Internet support group online chat a case study of how Internet chat group technology can be implemented with cancer survivors technology as a service learning mechanism for promoting positive youth development in a community-based setting a model which can be used to collect information and—by using best evidence available—arrive at a confident decision and more! Information Technology and Evidence-Based Social Work is timely, stimulating reading for educators, undergraduate students, graduate students, and practitioners in the fields of social work, psychology, and public administration.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Everyday Negotiation: Navigating the Hidden Agendas in Bargaining
Everyday Negotiation shows how to recognize the shadow negotiation-- where the unspoken attitudes, hidden assumptions, and conflicting agendas that drive the bargaining process play out-- and how to put that knowledge to work. Originally titled The Shadow Negotiation and named by Harvard Business Review as one the Ten Best Books of 2000, this best-selling book revealed how women could master the hidden agendas that determine bargaining success. Now, the new edition, Everyday Negotiation, broadens the scope and offers the same illuminating advice for both men and women. Everyday Negotiation lays out simple steps to * Overcome acts of self-sabotage * Increase your bargaining power * Establish the terms of your advocacy and encourage a collaborative discussion * Encourage a collaborative discussion * Think about the negotiation process in a whole new way
Simon & Schuster Earrings!
Indiana University Press Posthuman Bodies
" . . . will draw a wide readership from the ranks of literary critics, film scholars, science studies scholars and the growing legion of 'literature and science' researchers. It should be among the essentials in a posthumanist toolbox." —Richard DoyleAutomatic teller machines, castrati, lesbians, The Terminator: all participate in the profound technological, representation, sexual, and theoretical changes in which bodies are implicated. Posthuman Bodies addresses new interfaces between humans and technology that are radically altering the experience of our own and others' bodies.
Demos Medical Publishing Acute Leukemia: An Illustrated Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment
Vallentine Mitchell & Co Ltd Gender, Place and Memory in the Modern Jewish Experience: Replacing Ourselves
Lil Libros la Azotea de mi Abuela
WorldRD Beyond the Mediterranean Diet: European Secrets of the Super-Healthy
It is true! You can become slender and healthy while enjoying pasta, chocolate, cheese, bread and wine! Internationally recognised nutrition Expert Layne Lieberman, MS, RD, CDN, shows you how in this exciting book. Award-winning registered dietician Layne Lieberman discovered that three European countries were leaders in longevity, with very low rates of heart disease, obesity and diabetes. And yet, these countries -- Italy, France and Switzerland -- boast some of the world's most decadent foods. Layne travelled to Europe to learn first-hand just how these countries could combine superb food, a relaxed lifestyle and exceptional health. Now, she shares her findings with readers who face the daily temptations of processed foods loaded with fat, sugar and salt. To help readers avoid becoming part of the world-wide obesity epidemic, Layne has written this book. In it, she reveals how to make Europe's health secrets work for you -- wherever you live! Includes 50 mouth-watering and nutritious recipes with nutritional analysis.
Cambridge University Press Wisdom: The Psychology of Wise Thoughts, Words, and Deeds
The world is simultaneously facing many crises that humanity is failing to solve. Yet, at the same time, humans are smarter (with IQs on average thirty points higher than a century ago) and more knowledgeable (with the world's knowledge base at our fingertips), and scientific advances are accelerating. However, intelligence and knowledge are not enough: wisdom harnesses these strengths to serve the common good. Education is focused on acquiring knowledge, but schools would do better also to teach and test for the development of wisdom. To a lot of people, wisdom is an abstraction, but there is a growing body of scientific research into what wisdom is and how it works. This introduction sets out why wisdom is so important. Drawing on insights from psychology, philosophy, science, and common sense, this book provides a complete account of wisdom and how we can develop it throughout our lives.
Andrews McMeel Publishing The Back in the Swing Cookbook, 10th Anniversary Edition: Recipes for Eating and Living Well Every Day After Breast Cancer
The 10-year anniversary edition of the groundbreaking and award-winning The Back in the Swing Cookbook answers the number-one question on every cancer survivor's mind: "How do I safely and smartly get back in the swing of life every day after experiencing breast cancer?" Completely revised and updated, this life-affirming book is full of 150 feel-good recipes that are easy to prepare, with fresh ingredients specifically designed to help breast cancer survivors get back in the swing of joyful, healthy living. Some of these include: Celebration Chocolate Cake Pomegranate Sparkler and Aztec Guacamole with Chips Provencal Salmon Aioli Platter Island Fish Tacos with Fresh Pineapple Salsa Roasted Spaghetti Squash with Tomatoes, Kale, and Herbs “What a concept!” says expert Maura Harrigan, MS, RDN, CSO, Certified Specialist Oncology Nutrition, and Project Manager, The Lifestyle, Exercise and Nutrition (LEAN) Study at Yale University. “Nutrition and movement: your contribution to your lifelong health. The Back in the Swing Cookbook gives you a tool kit to build a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.” Sheryl Crow, songwriter, singer, and breast cancer survivor, says, “Simply put, The Back in the Swing Cookbook is more than just a bunch of wonderful recipes. There’s so much to know about food and what fortifies our bodies and what is a contributor to well-being. This cookbook is a wonderful resource to help all of us in the kitchen, to eat great, and to combine science with great common sense.” In addition to fabulous food and drinks, the beautiful pages include luscious photographs and fun-to-read, smart, friendly nuggets on topics ranging from genetics, lifestyle choices, and the environment to the influence of all three on living a full and happy life. Every page is brilliantly designed to nurture your mind, body, and spirit with new information not found in any other cookbook. It is a special gift of goodness to give oneself, a friend, a coworker, or a family member that will reap healthy rewards for a lifetime.
MP-MLA Modern Lanuage Assoc Integrating Literature and Writing Instruction
Gedisa Terapia Cognitiva
Ediciones Paidós Ibérica Cuerpos aliados y lucha poltica hacia una teora performativa de la asamblea
Butler, una de las pensadoras más audaces y radicales de nuestro tiempo, revisa el estado actual de la soberanía, la resistencia, y otras acciones concertadas ?término acuñado por Hannah Arendt? en relación con la pertenencia política, en un ensayo que amplía su teoría de la performatividad. A raíz de las recientes protestas populares como las de la plaza Tahrir o los movimientos como el Occupy Wall Street, la autora analiza el sentido de libertad en los distintos espacios ?públicos, privados, cerrados y virtuales? y la forma en que las personas pueden llevar a cabo actos políticos más allá de lo puramente retórico? El análisis de la soberanía popular y el asambleísmo público de Butler es incisivo y exigente.
Campus Verlag GmbH Deutschland ist eins vieles
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gott unterwegs: Die traditions- und religionsgeschichtlichen Hintergründe des Habakukliedes
Die Aufdeckung der traditions- und religionsgeschichtlichen Hintergründe des Habakukliedes eröffnet den Blick auf eine innovative Theologie, die es ermöglichte, auch in der Exilszeit an der Gegenwart Gottes festzuhalten.Judith E. Filitz stellt in diesem Werk die Frage nach dem literarischen Wachstum von Habakuklied und -buch. Eine umfangreiche Analyse offenbart 3,*3-12 als ältesten Kern, den vier spätere Redaktionen bearbeitet haben. Sie legt die Motive ausführlich dar und erklärt sie aus den alttestamentlichen, syrischen und mesopotamischen Kontexten, wobei Hab 3* sich als ein poetischer Theophanietext zu erkennen gibt. Zugleich verweisen einige Motive des Liedes auf die neubabylonische akītu-Prozession, die detailreich beschrieben wird. Hab 3* erscheint so als ein Mischgebilde aus Theophanietext und Prozessionserfahrung. Dies hat eine facettenreiche Theologie der praesentia dei zur Folge, welche die Möglichkeit einer Gottesbegegnung in spätexilisch-frühnachexilische Zeit entwirft.
Classiques Garnier Entre Atlantique Et Ocean Indien: Les Voix de la Caraibe Anglophone
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press The Collected Letters of Joanna Baillie: Vol 1
These annotated letters present the first personal glimpse of this Scottish playwright as she wrote and lived. It documents her problems with publishers, describes her encounters with Wordsworth, Byron, Southey, Berry and other literary figures, outlines a long relationship with Scott and places an active literary woman in the historical and social setting of early to mid-nineteenth century Britain.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Political Campaign Communication Principles and Practices Communication Media and Politics
This updated eighth edition of Political Campaign Communication adds an essential overview of the 2016 presidential campaign. The concise update explores key issues that arose in 2016 including candidate surfacing, the changing role of advertising, social media, journalism and the rise of fake news, and issues of gender.
Barron's Educational Series Lets Prepare for the PARCC Grade 8 Math Test Lets Prepare for the PARCC Tests
McGraw-Hill Education Connect Access Card for Teaching Physical Education for Learning
North Country Books A Painter’s Guide To The Catskills Of Rip Van Winkle
A personal journey of discovery through the Catskills. Sixty paintings illustrate the land of James Fenimore Cooper's Leatherstocking stories and the site of the Hudson River School of Painting.
University Press of America Media Access and the Military: The Case of the Gulf War
Media Access and the Military shows that, in the context of war, the simple typologies of the press which have been accepted as conventional wisdom are not only out of date, but err in classifying societies monolithically. Within the national culture of the United States, military and media groups differ in the way each frames its vision of the role of the press, and the result is conflict. This study offers a uniquely detailed description of the daily negotiations between the military and the press corps over battlefield access during the Gulf War, and explains how their differing views of the media's role influenced policy.
Arcadia Publishing Cuyahoga County: The First 200 Years
Penguin Putnam Inc The Duel: The Parallel Lives of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr
Matthes & Seitz Verlag ber Hannah Arendt
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Storchennest in Gefahr Begleitmaterial
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Monsterboy. Begleitmaterial
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Den Weihnachtsräubern auf der Spur
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH und jetzt sehen mich alle Schulausgabe
Waxmann Verlag GmbH Towards inclusive teachers
Lauinger Verlag Besuch für König Mangold
MW - Rutgers University Press Contemporary Francophone African Plays An Anthology
Brandeis University Press Midrashic Women Formations of the Feminine in Rabbinic Literature
Guilford Publications The World of Maps: Map Reading and Interpretation for the 21st Century
Maps have power--they can instruct, make life easier, mislead, or even lie. This engaging text provides the tools to read, analyze, and use any kind of map and assess its strengths and weaknesses. Requiring no advanced math skills, the book presents basic concepts of symbolization, scale, coordinate systems, and projections. It gives students a deeper understanding of the types of maps they encounter every day, from turn-by-turn driving directions to the TV weather report. Readers also learn how to use multiple maps and imagery to analyze an area or region. The book includes 168 figures, among them 22 color plates; most of the figures can be downloaded as PowerPoint slides from the companion website. Appendices contain a glossary, recommended resources, a table of commonly used projections, and more.
University of California Press In the House of the Law: Gender and Islamic Law in Ottoman Syria and Palestine
In an rewarding new study, Tucker explores the way in which Islamic legal thinkers understood Islam as it related to women and gender roles. In seventeenth and eighteenth century Syria and Palestine, Muslim legal thinkers gave considerable attention to women's roles in society, and Tucker shows how fatwas, or legal opinions, greatly influenced these roles. She challenges prevailing views on Islam and gender, revealing Islamic law to have been more fluid and flexible than previously thought. Although the legal system had a consistent patriarchal orientation, it was modulated by sensitivities to the practical needs of women, men, and children. In her comprehensive overview of a field long neglected by scholars, Tucker deepens our understanding of how societies, including our own, construct gender roles.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Preventing Identity Theft in Your Business: How to Protect Your Business, Customers, and Employees
Preventing Identity Theft in Your Business is a reliable guide to help protect companies, their customers, and their employees from the growing problem of identity theft. Real-life examples show managers and executives how to identify business, customer, and employee identity theft, how these crimes are committed, how best to prevent them, and overall, develop an honest company culture. It also covers how to manage this threat in business reorganizations such as mergers, acquisitions, globalization, and outsourcing.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Review of Hemodialysis for Nurses and Dialysis Personnel
Get complete dialysis coverage and an excellent review for the certification exam! Review of Hemodialysis for Nurses and Dialysis Personnel, 10th Edition uses a concise Q&A format to cover the principles, diseases, and problems of dialysis treatment for kidney failure. A new chapter on case management of the patient with chronic kidney disease keeps you current with the latest in dialysis treatment and equipment. Dialysis expert Judy Kallenbach provides clear, easy-to-read guidelines that will apply to every member of the dialysis team, from technicians and nurses to social workers and patients. Comprehensive coverage provides the knowledge needed to care for dialysis patients and to prepare for the certification exam, with topics including a review of body fluids and electrolytes, infection control, transplantation, and key psychosocial aspects of dialysis treatment. Question-and-answer format makes learning easier and makes the book suitable for independent study. Multidisciplinary approach includes a chapter on the different roles in the hemodialysis team, describing how dialysis care is coordinated and what patients go through during their treatment. Easy-to-understand style introduces new terms and concepts without assuming prior knowledge of dialysis. Home Dialysis Therapies chapter describes the use of home dialysis treatment as a possible cost-cutting measure. Useful appendixes offer a quick reference to the sodium and potassium content of various foods, nephrology organizations and resources, a list of dialysis lab tests, a glossary, and more. Coverage of the entire lifespan helps you care for patients of different ages, with separate chapters on pediatric dialysis and end-stage renal disease in the elderly. 70 illustrations depict all aspects of dialysis treatment and care. NEW Case Management of the Chronic Kidney Disease Patient chapter is added. EXPANDED Patient Education Guidelines chapter adds coverage of motivational interviewing. EXPANDED Psychosocial Aspects of Dialysis Therapy chapter adds information on patient care. UPDATED content includes new guidelines and information on medication.
Pennsylvania State University Press Feminist Interpretations of Saint Augustine
Since the establishment of Christianity in the West as a major religious tradition, Augustine (354–430 CE) has been considered a principal architect of the ways philosophy can be used for reasoning about faith. In particular, Augustine effected the joining of Platonism with Christian belief for the Middle Ages and beyond. The results of his enterprise continue to be felt, especially with regard to the contested topics of human embodiment, sexuality, and the nature and roles of women. As a result, few thinkers have been as problematic for feminists as he has been. He is the thinker that a number of feminists love to hate. What do feminist thinkers make of this problematic legacy? These lively essays address that question and provide thoughtful arguments for the value of engaging Augustine’s ideas and texts anew by using the well-established methodologies that feminists have developed over the last thirty years. Augustine and his legacy have much to answer for, but these essays show that the body of his work also has much to offer as feminists explore, challenge, and reframe his thinking while forging new paradigms for construing gender, power, and notions of divinity.
Archaeopress Thirsty Seafarers at Temple B of Kommos: Commercial Districts and the Role of Crete in Phoenician Trading Networks in the Aegean
The island of Crete was an important place for cultural and economic exchanges between Greeks and Near Easterners in the Aegean during the 1st millennium BC. Kommos and its temple provided materials that attest the connections between different populations, such as Greeks and Phoenicians. An examination of these objects and those from other Cretan sites such as Knossos, the Idaean Cave and Eleutherna is presented in this book. Moreover, the case of Kommos is compared to other Aegean cult structures with similar characteristics, such as the Sanctuary of Apollo in Eretria, the Heraion of Samos, the temple of Kition in Cyprus and the Temple of Vroulia in Southern Rhodes. These appear to be not just religious spaces but also economic and social meeting points, integrated into networks of commercial districts connected by land and sea routes. The book aims to understand the Phoenician presence and trade in Aegean temples, as well as how Crete shaped its role within the context of Mediterranean trade routes from the East to the West.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Writing Revolution 2.0
Lead a writing revolution in your classroom with the proven Hochman Method Building on the success of the original best-seller, this new edition of The Writing Revolution adds valuable guidance for teachers seeking a way to bring their students' writing ability up to rigorous state standards. As thousands of educators have already discovered, The Writing Revolution provides the road map they need, clearly explaining how to incorporate the Hochman Method into their instruction, no matter what subject or grade they're teaching and regardless of the ability level of their students. The new edition provides a reorganized sequence of activities and even more student-facing examples, making it easier than ever to bring the method to your classroom. The Writing Revolution isn't a separate curriculum or program teachers need to juggle. Rather, it is a method providing strategies and activities that teachers can adapt to their preexisting curriculum and weave into their content instruction. By
Daylight Books Mortal Highway
For years Northern New Mexico’s dominant Hispanic population has erected powerful and poignant descansos or roadside memorials to remember family and friends killed in automobile accidents. Mortal Highway offers an intimate view in photographs and verse into the lives of families who find expression of their grief in these increasingly elaborate works of art. The photographs bring into focus details of the descansos and anchor the memorials in the physical context of the dramatic high desert landscape of the Southwest.
Linden Publishing Co Inc 5@55: The 5 Essential Legal Documents You Need by Age 55
Medieval Institute Publications Spenser's Narrative Figuration of Women in The Faerie Queene
Concentrating on major figures of women in The Faerie Queene, together with the figures constellated around them, Anderson's Narrative Figuration explores the contribution of Spenser's epic romance to an appreciation of women's plights and possibilities in the age of Elizabeth. Taken together, their stories have a meaningful tale to tell about the function of narrative, which proves central to figuration in the still moving, metamorphic poem that Spenser created.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Lithographed Paper Toys, Books, and Games: 1880-1915
Collecting antique paper lithographed toys is an exciting and visually rewarding hobby. These vividly printed toys remind us of a time gone by when games, blocks, toys, dollhouses, puzzles, and books were designed by a method called chromolithography--a process that is as close to artistic perfection as a nineteenth-century painting. Filled with over 500 full color photographs, this book provides a fascinating and informative glimpse into the late Victorian era of toy making. Organized by type of item, each chapter includes useful facts about the history, manufacturing, and typical illustrations found on the toys and books, while values, measurements, dates, and game pieces are all provided in the captions. In addition, readers will find a valuable listing of the most prominent American and European manufacturers of the time, including McLoughlin Bros., Milton Bradley, Bliss, W. & S. B. Ives, Raphael Tuck, E.P. Dutton, and more. Never before has one book provided such a colorful guide to paper litho toy collecting, so take a step back in time to when toy making was a rare art!