Search results for ""academia""
Emerald Publishing Limited Collapse of the Global Order on Drugs: From UNGASS 2016 to Review 2019
This book describes the events, activities and negotiations leading up to the 2016 UN General Assembly Special Session on international drug policy. A range of respected authors from International institutions, academia and civil society organisations detail the background to the negotiations and the outcome; and possible future scenarios for continued reform and change at the High Level Review in 2019. The chapters include consideration of the positions taken by blocs and nation-states at all points on the prohibition – reform continuum. Topics covered include discussions on the importance of human rights, access to essential medicines and the role played by cannabis in revealing the contradictions and divisions in both national and international contexts. The break-down of the previous international consensus on ‘the world drug problem’ is clearly described and analysed, as is the slow progress being made to the adoption of a human rights and health-based approach to currently illegal drugs. Consideration is also given to the nations and arguments which continue to defend prohibition and its repressive impacts on national populations, and the prioritising of geo-politics over population health this represents in practice. There are lessons and examples here for international politics and national policy reform.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Radicalisation: A Global and Comparative Perspective
Radicalisation has become an important part of the twenty-first-century security and political landscape. It is a seemingly ubiquitous term, employed by academics, policymakers, civil society actors, practitioners and media alike, in ever-expanding ways--describing everything from changing domestic social movements to the growth of international terrorism. This volume provides a comprehensive treatment of 'radicalisation': the processes during which individuals or groups adopt increasingly extreme political, social or religious beliefs, positions or aspirations, particularly in cases associated with the use of violence. Adopting a multifaceted and comparative approach, the contributors interrogate this phenomenon from wide-ranging social, ideological, religious and historical angles. The first part of the book explores how academia has engaged with the concept of radicalisation, including the ontological and epistemological concerns of Critical Terrorism Studies; theoretical models for understanding radicalisation; and approaches to radicalisation through the various lenses of identity, gender, youth and media. The second part explores manifestations of radicalisation through a range of diverse case studies, including the Falun Gong movement; Aum Shinrikyo; Far-Right trans-nationalism; white nationalist lone wolves and the 'Great Replacement' thesis; ISIS and Western jihadists; deradicalisation programmes; hero myths; the Extreme Right in Eastern Europe; and the dark side of globalisation.
Taylor & Francis Inc Numerical Methods for Finance
Featuring international contributors from both industry and academia, Numerical Methods for Finance explores new and relevant numerical methods for the solution of practical problems in finance. It is one of the few books entirely devoted to numerical methods as applied to the financial field.Presenting state-of-the-art methods in this area, the book first discusses the coherent risk measures theory and how it applies to practical risk management. It then proposes a new method for pricing high-dimensional American options, followed by a description of the negative inter-risk diversification effects between credit and market risk. After evaluating counterparty risk for interest rate payoffs, the text considers strategies and issues concerning defined contribution pension plans and participating life insurance contracts. It also develops a computationally efficient swaption pricing technology, extracts the underlying asset price distribution implied by option prices, and proposes a hybrid GARCH model as well as a new affine point process framework. In addition, the book examines performance-dependent options, variance reduction, Value at Risk (VaR), the differential evolution optimizer, and put-call-futures parity arbitrage opportunities.Sponsored by DEPFA Bank, IDA Ireland, and Pioneer Investments, this concise and well-illustrated book equips practitioners with the necessary information to make important financial decisions.
Cornell University Press Love and Liberation: Humanitarian Work in Ethiopia's Somali Region
Lauren Carruth's Love and Liberation tells a new kind of humanitarian story. The protagonists are not volunteers from afar but rather Somali locals caring for each other: nurses, aid workers, policymakers, drivers, community health workers, and bureaucrats. The contributions of locals are often taken for granted, and the competencies, aspirations, and effectiveness of local staffers frequently remain muted or absent from the planning and evaluation of humanitarian interventions structured by outsiders. Relief work is traditionally imagined as politically neutral and impartial, and interventions are planned as temporary, extraordinary, and distant. Carruth provides an alternative vision of what "humanitarian" response means in practice—not driven by International Humanitarian Law, the missions of Western relief organizations, or trends in the aid industry or academia but instead by what Somalis call samafal. Samafal is structured by the cultivation of lasting relationships of care, interdependence, kinship, and ethnic solidarity. Samafal is also explicitly political and potentially emancipatory: humanitarian responses present opportunities for Somalis to begin to redress histories of colonial partitions and to make the most out of their political and economic marginalization. By centering Love and Liberation around Somalis' understanding and enactments of samafal, Carruth offers a new perspective on politics and intervention in Africa.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Performance Curve: Maximize Your Potential at Work while Strengthening Your Well-being
Shortlisted for the Business Book Awards 2022 Many of us are striving to reach our full potential at work and beyond - to achieve our goals, rise to challenges and connect well with others. But how can we actively develop our performance, while also taking care of our well-being and life satisfaction? The Performance Curve is a ground-breaking guide to success and happiness in both work and life. Rather than telling you what to do, this book allows you to come up with a roadmap for evolving your inner operating system (your mindsets, emotions and habits) for your unique circumstances. Crucially, this book explores both how you can improve individual performance and how to build relationships and cultures that bring out the best others. By interweaving individual and collective development, this approach is transformational for building leadership and organizational performance. The Performance Curve is a powerful combination of neuroscience, psychological research and practical guidance. These concepts are then brought to life through the stories of remarkable individuals from different sectors, including business, the arts, academia and not-for-profits. Laura Watkins and Vanessa Dietzel draw upon their vast experience and research as consultants and leadership coaches to deliver a ground-breaking guide to enhancing your performance in your life and career.
Bristol University Press The Collaborating Planner?: Practitioners in the Neoliberal Age
Since the turn of the 21st century, there has been a greater pace of reform to planning in Britain than at any other time. As a public sector activity, planning has also been impacted heavily by the wider changes in the way we are governed. Yet whilst such reform has been extensively commented upon within academia, few have empirically explored how these changes are manifesting themselves in planning practice. This new book aims to understand how both specific planning and broader public sector reforms have been experienced and understood by chartered town planners working in local authorities across Great Britain. After setting out the reform context, successive chapters then map responses across the profession to the implementation of spatial planning, to targets, to public participation and to the idea of a 'customer-focused' planning, and to attempts to change the culture of the planning. Each chapter outlines the reaction by the profession to reforms promoted by successive central and devolved governments over the last decade, before considering the broader issues of what this tells us about how modernisation is rolled-out by frontline public servants. This accessible book fills a gap in the market and makes ideal reading for students and researchers interested in the UK planning system.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 3DTV: Processing and Transmission of 3D Video Signals
A novel and timely primer to the 3DTV system chain from capture to display This book examines all aspects of the 3DTV chain, from capture to display. It helps the reader learn about the key issues for 3DTV technology. It also provides with a systems level appreciation of 3DTV systems, and an understanding of the fundamental principles behind each part of the chain. At the end of each chapter, the author provides resources where readers can learn more about the technology covered (e.g. more focused text books, key journal papers, and key standards contributions). Provides a fundamental and systematic introduction and description of 3DTV key techniques, which build up the whole 3DTV system from capture to consumer viewing at the home. Addresses the quick moving field of 3D displays which is attracting increasing interest from industry and academia. Concepts in the book will be illustrated using diagrams and example images of processed 3D content. The 3D content will be presented as 2D images in the book. Authors to host website providing pointers to more information on the web, freely available tools which would enable readers to experiment with coding video, simulate its transmission over networks, play it back in 3D, and measure the quality and links to important news and developments in the field.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis: Text and Cases
In the newly revised fourteenth edition of Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis: Text and Cases, a decorated team of accounting veterans delivers an authoritative exploration of how accounting standards impact the daily decisions of accounting professionals. You'll discover how accounting theory explains why particular companies select particular accounting methods and predicts the attributes of firms by analyzing the accounting methods they employ. The authors examine the latest empirical research relevant to theories of accounting and the uses of accounting information, including the fundamental analysis model, the efficient markets hypothesis, the behavioral finance model, the positive accounting theory model, and more. This latest edition robustly summarizes current disclosure requirements for various financial statement items and reviews the development and current state of accounting theory. It also includes: Discussions of the decline of the movement to adopt international accounting standards in the United States Coverage of the proposed IASB amendment to require reporting on ESG metrics Explorations of recent attempts to promote relevant and practical accounting research in academia Updated analysis exercises for real-world financial statements Analysis of the differences between FASB and IASB accounting standards pertaining to fair value Coverage of the changes related to stock compensation contained in ASU 2021-04 and ASU 2018-07
John Wiley & Sons Inc Skin Microbiome Handbook: From Basic Research to Product Development
The book provides a comprehensive detailed summary of current status on skin microbiome research in health and disease as well as key regulatory and legal aspects. In the past decade, interest and technology have greatly advanced to unravel the nature and effect of skin microbiome on our health. Diseases such as atopic dermatitis and acne are at the forefront of this research, but also other conditions such as skin cancer are under investigation. In addition, mapping of the skin microbiome has gone from basic to more detailed with attempts to correlate it to various ages, ethnicities and genders. In parallel to mapping it, a great deal of research is dedicated to understanding its functionality and communication (and hence effect) on human cells. The Skin Microbiome Handbook is a summary of current status of knowledge, research tools and approaches in skin microbiome, in health and disease. It contains the following categories: healthy skin microbiome and oral-skin interaction; skin microbiome observational research; skin microbiome in disequilibrium and disease; skin's innate immunity; testing and study design; regulatory and legal aspects for skin microbiome related products. The 18 chapters of the book are written by carefully selected leaders in the academia and industry exhibiting extensive experience and understanding in the areas of interest.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fog for 5G and IoT
The book examines how Fog will change the information technology industry in the next decade. Fog distributes the services of computation, communication, control and storage closer to the edge, access and users. As a computing and networking architecture, Fog enables key applications in wireless 5G, the Internet of Things, and big data. The authors cover the fundamental tradeoffs to major applications of fog. The book chapters are designed to motivate a transition from the current cloud architectures to the Fog (Chapter 1), and the necessary architectural components to support such a transition (Chapters 2-6). The rest of the book (Chapters 7-xxx) are dedicated to reviewing the various 5G and IoT applications that will benefit from Fog networking. This volume is edited by pioneers in Fog and includes contributions by active researchers in the field. Covers fog technologies and describes the interaction between fog and cloud Presents a view of fog and IoT (encompassing ubiquitous computing) that combines the aspects of both industry and academia Discusses the various architectural and design challenges in coordinating the interactions between M2M, D2D and fog technologies "Fog for 5G and IoT" serves as an introduction to the evolving Fog architecture, compiling work from different areas that collectively form this paradigm
John Wiley & Sons Inc Lignin and Lignans as Renewable Raw Materials: Chemistry, Technology and Applications
As naturally occurring and abundant sources of non-fossil carbon, lignin and lignans offer exciting possibilities as a source of commercially valuable products, moving away from petrochemical-based feedstocks in favour of renewable raw materials. Lignin can be used directly in fields such as agriculture, livestock, soil rehabilitation, bioremediation and the polymer industry, or it can be chemically modified for the fabrication of specialty and high-value chemicals such as resins, adhesives, fuels and greases. Lignin and Lignans as Renewable Raw Materials presents a multidisciplinary overview of the state-of-the-art and future prospects of lignin and lignans. The book discusses the origin, structure, function and applications of both types of compounds, describing the main resources and values of these products as carbon raw materials. Topics covered include: • Structure and physicochemical properties• Lignin detection methods• Biosynthesis of lignin• Isolation methods• Characterization and modification of lignins• Applications of modified and unmodified lignins • Lignans: structure, chemical and biological properties• Future perspectives This book is a comprehensive resource for researchers, scientists and engineers in academia and industry working on new possibilities for the application of renewable raw materials. For more information on the Wiley Series in Renewable Resources, visit
New York University Press Is Academic Feminism Dead?: Theory in Practice
What role does theory play in academia today? How can feminist theory be made more relevant to the very real struggles undertaken by women of all professions, races, and sexual orientation? How can it be directed into more effective social activism, and how is theory itself a form of practice? Feminist theory and political activism need not—indeed cannot—be distinct and alienated from one another. To reconcile the gulf between word and deed, scholar-activists from a broad range of disciplines have come together here to explore the ways in which practice and theory intersect and interact. The authors argue against overly abstract and esoteric theorizing that fails its own tests of responsible political practice and suggest alternative methods by which to understand feminist issues and attain feminist goals. They also examine the current state of affairs in the academy, exposing the ways in which universities systematically reinforce social hierarchies and offering important and intelligent suggestions for curricular and structural changes. Is Academic Feminism Dead? marks a significant step forward in relating academic and social movement feminism. It recognizes and examines the diverse realities experienced by women, as well as the changing political, cultural, and economic realities shaping contemporary feminism.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Service Automation and Dynamic Provisioning Techniques in IP / MPLS Environments
Save time & resources with this comprehensive guide to automation configuration for the value-added IP services of the future. As the Internet becomes the medium of choice for value-added IP service offerings such as TV broadcasting, videoconferencing, and Voice over IP, the ability of automating configuration processes has become a key challenge for service providers. In fact, this feature has become crucial with the ever-growing level of expertise required to deploy such services and the scope of the techniques that need to be activated in order to provide such services with a guaranteed level of quality. Service Automation and Dynamic Provisioning Techniques in IP/MPLS Environments: Discusses architectures and protocols for services information, covering the state-of-the-art in current implementations of Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS), Diameter, Common Open Policy Service (COPS), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and NETCONF Explains various application examples, covering the dynamic enforcement of QoS, security, and IP Traffic Engineering policies. Covers the automated production of MPLS-based VPNs. The authors offer an invaluable guide for IT facilitators, network managers, and researchers in industry and academia, as well as students studying advanced IP/MPLS networking communications courses. System designers and architects will also find this book helpful.
Royal Society of Chemistry Binding, Transport and Storage of Metal Ions in Biological Cells
Metal ions play key roles in biology. Many are essential for catalysis, for electron transfer and for the fixation, sensing, and metabolism of gases. Others compete with those essential metal ions or have toxic or pharmacological effects. This book is structured around the periodic table and focuses on the control of metal ions in cells. It addresses the molecular aspects of binding, transport and storage that ensure balanced levels of the essential elements. Organisms have also developed mechanisms to deal with the non-essential metal ions. However, through new uses and manufacturing processes, organisms are increasingly exposed to changing levels of both essential and non-essential ions in new chemical forms. They may not have developed defenses against some of these forms (such as nanoparticles). Many diseases such as cancer, diabetes and neurodegeneration are associated with metal ion imbalance. There may be a deficiency of the essential metals, overload of either essential or non-essential metals or perturbation of the overall natural balance. This book is the first to comprehensively survey the molecular nature of the overall natural balance of metal ions in nutrition, toxicology and pharmacology. It is written as an introduction to research for students and researchers in academia and industry and begins with a chapter by Professor R J P Williams FRS.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, Vol. 8, No. 2 (2022): Russian Disinformation and Western Scholarship
Western academics, experts, and journalists specializing in Eastern Europe and Eurasia have grappled with two fundamental analytical crises in connection with the 1991 disintegration of the USSR and Russia's 2014 invasion of Ukraine. Both crises were brought about by similar lack of understanding by scholars, think tank experts, and journalists of Moscow's relations with its neighbors. Typically, they were characterized by a downplaying of the historic and current role of Russian great power nationalism.The authors of this issue of JSPPS investigate how the Kremlin's recent turbo-charging of Russia's information warfare, 24-hour TV, and social media activity has expanded on traditional pro-Russian sentiments among Western academics, experts, and journalists. The contributors analyze the downplaying of Russian nationalism, misinterpretations of the 2014 crisis, sympathetic portrayals of Crimea's occupation, and the use of the term "civil war" rather than "Russian–Ukrainian war" for the Donbas conflict in academia as well as the think tank world and media in the UK, Germany, Poland, Japan, USA, and Canada.The list of contributors includes: Olga Bertelsen (Tiffin University, Ohio), Paul D'Anieri (University of California at Riverside), Sanshiro Hosaka (University of Tartu), Andrei Znamenski (University of Memphis, Tennessee), and Sergei I. Zhuk (Ball State University, Indiana).
She Writes Press Carry Me: Stories of Pregnancy Loss
After Frieda Hoffman’s second miscarriage, she felt alone, ignorant, and overwhelmed with emotions. Finding little literature or support available, her entrepreneurial spirit kicked in and she decided to create the resource she wished she’d had: real stories about pregnancy loss from real women without the off-putting lens of religion or academia so typical of the self-help genre. Through Hoffman’s own journey and those of nineteen women she interviewed, Carry Me explores universal themes of grief, bearing witness, transforming adversity into opportunity, and the paradox of feeling alone while sharing a common experience. The diverse women and narratives unpack the physical, emotional, and financial challenges of loss; notions of womanhood and motherhood; and the intersections of public health, body politics, and patient care. Readers are called to action to share their own stories in order to heal themselves and support others. Nearly everyone knows someone affected by pregnancy loss, yet most of us are not comfortable, even in the relative safety of the company of friends and sisters, discussing this serious health issue. It’s time to normalize the dialogue and help one another through our losses by sharing our resources, our wisdom, and our stories—by carrying one another.
Open University Press Keywords in News and Journalism Studies
"The authors are familiar with the emerging jargon of media convergence and they define large parts of it well. They have also laboured impressively to gather and define useful examples of journalese …This book is a labour of love that reflects immense care and learning. It makes a helpful contribution to a fledgling field of academia and to uniting the cultures of news and journalism studies."Tim Luckhurst, University of Kent, UKThis comprehensive glossary offers clear and insightful definitions of the most significant keywords in news and journalism studies.Ranging from 'above the fold' to 'zinger', and with over 400 terms in between, it covers words associated with newspapers, radio and television news, magazines, photojournalism and internet reporting. Other examples include 'agenda setting', 'libel', 'news values', 'objectivity,' 'scoop' and 'tabloidization'. Written by two of the field's leading scholars, it offers an informed perspective on the key terms. It considers a range of genres, including business, crime, environmental, fashion, lifestyle, investigative, science, sports and war journalism as well as looking at new alternatives such as 'Wikinews' and 'Twitter'. This lively and engaging treatment will provide students, researchers and journalists with a solid grounding in the fast-moving vocabulary of news and journalism studies.
The American University in Cairo Press Media Arabic: A Coursebook for Reading Arabic News
In light of the rapidly growing number of people studying Arabic--in academia, governments, NGOs, and business--Media Arabic is a unique and timely learning tool for anyone looking to access news information from this important global region firsthand. Media Arabic introduces the language of the newspapers, magazines, and internet news sites to intermediate and advanced level students of Modern Standard Arabic. Using this textbook, students will be able to master core vocabulary and structures typical of front-page news, recognize various modes of coverage, distinguish fact from opinion, detect bias, and read critically in Arabic. Drawing on their long experience as Arabic instructors, Alaa Elgibali and Nevenka Korica have organized the book into six chapters, each covering a dominant news topic: Talks and Conferences, Demonstrations and Protests, Conflicts and Terrorism, Elections, Rule of Law, and Business. In addition, the book offers three self-assessment units and a glossary organized by theme. The book enables students to read extended texts with greater accuracy and speed by focusing on the relationships among meaning, language form, and markers of cohesive discourse. The activities include pre-reading discussions as well as extensive practice on vocabulary in context, organizing information, skimming, scanning, critical reading, and analyzing content.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Self-Employment as Precarious Work: A European Perspective
Since the 1970s the long term decline in self-employment has slowed - and even reversed in some countries - and the prospect of 'being your own boss' is increasingly topical in the discourse of both the general public and within academia. Traditionally, self-employment has been associated with independent entrepreneurship, but increasingly it is linked to being a form of precarious work. This book utilises evidence-based information to address both the current and future challenges of this trend as the nature of self-employment changes, as well as to demonstrate where, when and why self-employment has emerged as precarious work in Europe. Bringing together leading international experts in the field, this book provides insight into key issues surrounding self-employment from a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives. Covering existing theory and context, providing empirical results of studies into self-employment and precarious work from across Europe, and discussion of the implications of this research, it offers key insights into future avenues for research. Students of European studies and social policy, as well as policy makers and researchers with a particular interest in employment, self-employment and precarious work across Europe, will find the data and policy ideas presented in this book an invaluable read.
Emerald Publishing Limited Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure focuses on Sustainable Development Goal number nine (SDG9): resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation. Examining family businesses in Algeria, Japan, Australia and Germany, each case study presents a unique perspective from their respective countries of how the SDG9 translates into culture and the practice of doing business, providing insights and key takeaways into how family businesses can play a role in advancing innovation, enabling industrialisation and developing robust infrastructure. The United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 Goals pledged by 193 nations in 2015 which would help engender an improved, fairer, and more sustainable world – one in which ‘no one is left behind’. The SDGs are a call to action, to develop innovative solutions to the most complex, societal, and environmental global challenges. In Family Businesses on a Mission, series editors Naomi Birdthistle and Rob Hales bring together international case studies to illustrate how family businesses can attain the UN 2030 SDGs. Accessible to those working in the field beyond academia – such as family business practitioners, family business owners, government and policymakers, members of NGOs, business associations and philanthropic centres – the book series equally appeals to those with a general interest in entrepreneurship and business.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Civil Avionics Systems
Civil Avionics Systems, Second Edition, is an updated and in-depth practical guide to integrated avionic systems as applied to civil aircraft and this new edition has been expanded to include the latest developments in modern avionics. It describes avionic systems and potential developments in the field to help educate students and practitioners in the process of designing, building and operating modern aircraft in the contemporary aviation system. Integration is a predominant theme of this book, as aircraft systems are becoming more integrated and complex, but so is the economic, political and technical environment in which they operate. Key features: • Content is based on many years of practical industrial experience by the authors on a range of civil and military projects • Generates an understanding of the integration and interconnectedness of systems in modern complex aircraft • Updated contents in the light of latest applications • Substantial new material has been included in the areas of avionics technology, software and system safety The authors are all recognised experts in the field and between them have over 140 years’ experience in the aircraft industry. Their direct and accessible style ensures that Civil Avionics Systems, Second Edition is a must-have guide to integrated avionic systems in modern aircraft for those in the aerospace industry and academia.
Academica Press Terror in the Western Mind: Cultural Responses to 9/11
Twenty years after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, we can now see that the War on Terror profoundly affected Western self-understanding and the secular liberal image it sought to project onto a global canvas at what was widely assumed to be the end of history. The dramatic change in awareness that 9/11 brought about was particularly vivid, this book maintains, in the media that sustained and displayed the West's self-image. In particular, fiction, film, drama, the visual arts, and popular music have all struggled to come to grips with the phenomena of terror, asymmetrical warfare, home grown jihadist activism, and the moral and political dilemmas they evoke. The book further argues that the evolving progressive response to 9/11 assumed an increasingly ideological character via the critical and normative international relations theories that came to dominate Western campuses after 2001. These perspectives gave substance to an increasingly critical depiction of the West's War on Terror and its popular promotion through works of literature, film, music, and the visual arts. Promoted through these popular genres, it combined the ingredients that formed "woke" ideology in an accessible formula that subsequently dominated both the mainstream media, academia, and, in time, government agencies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc WiMAX Security and Quality of Service: An End-to-End Perspective
WiMAX is the first standard technology to deliver true broadband mobility at speeds that enable powerful multimedia applications such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), online gaming, mobile TV, and personalized infotainment. WiMAX Security and Quality of Service, focuses on the interdisciplinary subject of advanced Security and Quality of Service (QoS) in WiMAX wireless telecommunication systems including its models, standards, implementations, and applications. Split into 4 parts, Part A of the book is an end-to-end overview of the WiMAX architecture, protocol, and system requirements. Security is an essential element in the wireless world and Part B is fully dedicated to this topic. Part C provides an in depth analysis of QoS, including mobility management in WiMAX. Finally, Part D introduces the reader to advanced and future topics. One of the first texts to cover security, QoS and deployments of WiMAX in the same book. Introduces the primary concepts of the interdisciplinary nature of WiMAX security and QoS, and also includes discussion of hot topics in the field. Written for engineers and researchers, answering practical questions from industry and the experimental field in academia. Explains how WiMAX applications’ security and QoS are interconnected and interworked among the cross layers.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH LED Packaging Technologies: Design, Manufacture, and Applications
LED Packaging Technologies Up-to-date practitioner’s guide on LED packaging technologies, with application examples from relevant industries, historical insight, and outlook LED Packaging Technologies provides expert insight into current and future trends in LED packaging technologies, discussing the fundamentals of LED packaging technologies, from electrical contact design, thermal management and optical emission, and extraction, to manufacturing technologies, including the JEDEC testing standards, followed by accounts on the main applications of these LED packages in the automotive, consumer electronics, and lighting industries. LED Packaging Technologies includes information on: History of primitive lighting in human civilization to the invention of modern LEDs based lighting, and historic evolution of LED packaging technology Basic light emission and extraction technology in LED packages, covering package design impacting light emission and extraction Medical industry applications of LEDs, especially in healthcare treatments, such as in skin rejuvenation and wound healing and closures Quantum confinement phenomena and size-dependent optical properties of quantum dots, and the advancement of future quantum dot LEDs Covering the fundamentals, design, and manufacturing of LED packaging technology and assisting in removing some of the barriers in the development of LED packaging and new applications, LED Packaging Technologies is an essential source of information for engineers in the LED and lighting industries, as well as researchers in academia.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Academic Careers and Managing Academics
This timely Research Handbook provides a broad analysis and discussion on how academics are managed. It addresses key issues, including the changing nature of academic work and academic labour markets, issues of power, leadership, ageing, human resource management practices, and mobility.As academia is increasingly questioned as an elite profession, a narrative of casualisation, precarity, inequality, long hours, surveillance, austerity, erosion of pay, exacerbated competition, and harmful power relations has come to dominate. Expert contributors provide multiple perspectives on how academics are managed and how the management of academics influences their roles and careers. Chapters consider how academics’ characteristics, such as gender, age, and position in their academic career, influence or are influenced by the way in which academics are managed. Drawing together a range of theoretical approaches as well as a broad geographical coverage, this Research Handbook offers an important contribution to the debates surrounding the shifting frontiers of managing academics and the questions raised for individuals, higher education institutions, and higher education systems.This Research Handbook will be a useful resource for academics and advanced students with an interest in human resource management, management and universities, and management education. Higher education professionals and policy makers will also find it to be a helpful guide.
Emerald Publishing Limited Harold Cecil Edey: A Collection of Unpublished Material from a 20th Century Accounting Reformer
Harold Cecil Edey (1913–2007) and his colleagues David Solomons (1912–1995) and William T. Baxter (1907–2006) at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) were instrumental in the development of British accounting thought in the mid-1900s. These three influential scholars influenced a generation of students who came to populate the British accounting profession and academia to the point where, in the early 1970s, half of all full-time accounting professors in the United Kingdom were LSE alumni. Edey’s role in these developments, however, remains relatively underappreciated. This edited volume contains 13 of Edey’s unpublished manuscripts written during the heyday of the LSE Triumvirate. These manuscripts address issues of accounting education, measurements, and theory, and they are accompanied by editorial comments that put the material in its historical context. The volume also contains an aide-mémoire of Edey’s professional activities and a complete bibliography of his published work. The material offers new insight into Edey’s contribution to the British accounting profession, and developments at the LSE, during a critical period of academic expansion and struggle to address the problem of accounting for rising inflation. The material is of value to anyone interested in the development of accounting thought.
Titan Books Ltd Dark Things I Adore
A searing psychological thriller of trauma, dark academia, complicity, and revenge, revealing the horrors that happen in the dark, the girls who become cautionary tales, and the guilty who go unpunished. Until now. "A smart, dark, feminist revenge thriller" pHEAT MAGAZINE Barnes & Noble Thriller of the month Three campfire secrets. Two witnesses. One dead in the trees. And the woman, thirty years later, bent on making the guilty finally pay. 1988. A group of outcasts gather at a small, prestigious arts camp nestled in the Maine woods. They're the painters: bright, hopeful, teeming with potential. But secrets and dark ambitions rise like smoke from a campfire, and the truths they tell will come back to haunt them in ways more deadly than they dreamed. 2018. Esteemed art professor Max Durant arrives at his protégé's remote home to view her graduate thesis collection. He knows Audra is beautiful and brilliant. He knows being invited into her private world is a rare gift. But he doesn't know that Audra has engineered every aspect of their weekend together. Every detail, every conversation. Audra has woven the perfect web. Only Audra knows what happened that summer in 1988. Max's secret, and the dark things that followed. And even though it won't be easy, Audra knows someone must pay.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Knowledge Commercialization and Valorization in Regional Economic Development
The commercialization of academic knowledge is increasingly seen as a potential economic development model, particularly for improving the capabilities and economic performance of regions. This insightful volume investigates the emerging factors in knowledge commercialization from an international perspective and highlights research agendas and challenges to be met across academia, industry and government.The expert contributors focus specifically on the new role of universities in regional economic development through knowledge commercialization, as well as university-industry interaction and the factors that influence knowledge and technology transfer. They explore knowledge commercialization in the US, 'knowledge valorization' in Europe, and technology transfer dynamics in China. A forum for discussion of whether, why, and how commercialization and valorization of knowledge can lead to higher levels of innovation and economic development from an international perspective is also provided.This thought-provoking book will prove a stimulating read for academics, students and researchers with an interest in regional economics, regional studies and knowledge management.Contributors: J. Aberman, Z.J. Acs, T. Baycan, T. Buddingh , M. Fernández-Esquinas, E. Feser, H. Goldstein, V. Grinevich, M. Ljunggren, E. Masurel, X.-f. Meng, D.J. Miller, P. Nijkamp, G.H.F. Noltes, A. Piccaluga, H. Pinto, K. Rao, A. Rehbogen, R.R. Stough, M. van Geenhuizen, P. van Hemert, P. Vulto, H. Westlund
Hanser Publications Discontinuous Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Fundamentals and Applications
There are many books on composite material analysis, but most cover mainly continuous fiber materials, rather than those filled with discontinuous fibers, which are particularly attractive for large-volume and low-cost applications. This book provides the theoretical and practical background to design and use discontinuous fiber-reinforced polymer materials, with an emphasis on structural parts for the automotive industry. Moreover, the product of years of collaborative work between industry and academia is presented in an easy-to-use, comprehensive manner.The information provided makes it possible for someone with an engineering background to understand the micromechanics of discontinuous fiber-reinforced materials and, hence, analyze the structural performance of components designed with such materials. The book employs a practical approach to cover the key, unique capabilities that are critical for a successful structural analysis of discontinuous fiber-reinforced polymer structures: Process simulation to estimate the condition of fibers in the finished parts, i.e., fiber length, orientation, and concentration Capability to measure micro structure, i.e., fiber length distribution, fiber orientation tensors, and fiber concentration, etc. Estimation of material properties in the part based on fiber condition, as well as environmental conditions such as temperature A broad range of areas is included, such as joining and assembly.
Stanford University Press Whose Islam?: The Western University and Modern Islamic Thought in Indonesia
In this incisive new book, Megan Brankley Abbas argues that the Western university has emerged as a significant space for producing Islamic knowledge and Muslim religious authority. For generations, Indonesia's foremost Muslim leaders received their educations in Middle Eastern madrasas or the archipelago's own Islamic schools. Starting in the mid-twentieth century, however, growing numbers traveled to the West to study Islam before returning home to assume positions of political and religious influence. Whose Islam? examines the far-reaching repercussions of this change for major Muslim communities as well as for Islamic studies as an academic discipline. As Abbas details, this entanglement between Western academia and Indonesian Islam has not only forged powerful new transnational networks but also disrupted prevailing modes of authority in both spheres. For Muslim intellectuals, studying Islam in Western universities provides opportunities to experiment with academic disciplines and to reimagine the faith, but it also raises troubling questions about whether and how to protect the Islamic tradition from Western encroachment. For Western academics, these connections raise pressing ethical questions about their own roles in the global politics of development and Islamic religious reform. Drawing on extensive archival research from around the globe, Whose Islam? provides a unique perspective on the perennial tensions between insiders and outsiders in religious studies.
Stanford University Press Whose Islam?: The Western University and Modern Islamic Thought in Indonesia
In this incisive new book, Megan Brankley Abbas argues that the Western university has emerged as a significant space for producing Islamic knowledge and Muslim religious authority. For generations, Indonesia's foremost Muslim leaders received their educations in Middle Eastern madrasas or the archipelago's own Islamic schools. Starting in the mid-twentieth century, however, growing numbers traveled to the West to study Islam before returning home to assume positions of political and religious influence. Whose Islam? examines the far-reaching repercussions of this change for major Muslim communities as well as for Islamic studies as an academic discipline. As Abbas details, this entanglement between Western academia and Indonesian Islam has not only forged powerful new transnational networks but also disrupted prevailing modes of authority in both spheres. For Muslim intellectuals, studying Islam in Western universities provides opportunities to experiment with academic disciplines and to reimagine the faith, but it also raises troubling questions about whether and how to protect the Islamic tradition from Western encroachment. For Western academics, these connections raise pressing ethical questions about their own roles in the global politics of development and Islamic religious reform. Drawing on extensive archival research from around the globe, Whose Islam? provides a unique perspective on the perennial tensions between insiders and outsiders in religious studies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Parallel Science and Engineering Applications: The Charm++ Approach
Developed in the context of science and engineering applications, with each abstraction motivated by and further honed by specific application needs, Charm++ is a production-quality system that runs on almost all parallel computers available. Parallel Science and Engineering Applications: The Charm++ Approach surveys a diverse and scalable collection of science and engineering applications, most of which are used regularly on supercomputers by scientists to further their research.After a brief introduction to Charm++, the book presents several parallel CSE codes written in the Charm++ model, along with their underlying scientific and numerical formulations, explaining their parallelization strategies and parallel performance. These chapters demonstrate the versatility of Charm++ and its utility for a wide variety of applications, including molecular dynamics, cosmology, quantum chemistry, fracture simulations, agent-based simulations, and weather modeling. The book is intended for a wide audience of people in academia and industry associated with the field of high performance computing. Application developers and users will find this book interesting as an introduction to Charm++ and to developing parallel applications in an asynchronous message-driven model. It will also be a useful reference for undergraduate and graduate courses in computer science and other engineering disciplines. Courses devoted to parallel programming and writing of parallel CSE applications will benefit from this book.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cyber Security Policy Guidebook
Drawing upon a wealth of experience from academia, industry, and government service, Cyber Security Policy Guidebook details and dissects, in simple language, current organizational cyber security policy issues on a global scale—taking great care to educate readers on the history and current approaches to the security of cyberspace. It includes thorough descriptions—as well as the pros and cons—of a plethora of issues, and documents policy alternatives for the sake of clarity with respect to policy alone. The Guidebook also delves into organizational implementation issues, and equips readers with descriptions of the positive and negative impact of specific policy choices. Inside are detailed chapters that: Explain what is meant by cyber security and cyber security policy Discuss the process by which cyber security policy goals are set Educate the reader on decision-making processes related to cyber security Describe a new framework and taxonomy for explaining cyber security policy issues Show how the U.S. government is dealing with cyber security policy issues With a glossary that puts cyber security language in layman's terms—and diagrams that help explain complex topics—Cyber Security Policy Guidebook gives students, scholars, and technical decision-makers the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions on cyber security policy.
Rutgers University Press Be Not Deceived: The Sacred and Sexual Struggles of Gay and Ex-gay Christian Men
Homosexuality has become increasingly accepted in mainstream America over the past two decades. Yet despite indications of progress that can be found everywhere from academia to popular culture, gay men and women remain the target of much discrimination and stigma, particularly within conservative Christianity.In Be Not Deceived, Michelle Wolkomir explores the difficult dilemma that gay Christians face in their attempts to reconcile their religious and sexual identities. She introduces the ideologies and practices of two alternative and competing ministries that offer solutions for Christians who experience homosexual desire.One organization—the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches—believes that God made people gay to suit divine purposes. Changing one’s sexuality is therefore impossible and a defiance of God. In contrast, Exodus International preaches that homosexuality is a sin and a symptom of disordered psychological development—one that can be cured through redemptive prayer. By comparing participant experiences in these ministries, Wolkomir explores the paths and processes by which members learn to become gay or ex-gay Christians.Through careful analysis of the groups’ ideologies, interactions, and symbolic resources, Be Not Deceived goes far beyond the obvious differences between the ministries to uncover their similarities, namely that both continue to define heterosexuality as the normative and dominant lifestyle.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Women, Portraiture and the Crisis of Identity in Victorian England: My Lady Scandalous Reconsidered
Exploring the concept of portrait as memoir, Women, Portraiture and the Crisis of Identity in Victorian England: My Lady Scandalous Reconsidered examines the images and lives of four prominent Victorian women who steered their way through scandal to forge unique identities. The volume shows the effect of celebrity, and even notoriety, on the lives of Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Lady Dilke, Millicent Garrett Fawcett, and Sarah Grand. For these women, their portraits were more than speaking likenesses-whether painted or photographic, they became crucial tools the women used to negotiate their controversial identities. Women, Portraiture and the Crisis of Identity in Victorian England shows that the fascinating power of celebrity - and specifically its effects on women - was as much of a phenomenon in Victorian times as it is today. Colleen Denney explores how these women used their portraits as tools of persuasion, performing a domestic masquerade to secure privacy and acceptance, or sites of resistance, tearing down male constructions of female propriety and fighting Victorian stereotypes of intellectual women. Questioning the classic Victorian notions of "separate spheres," this volume celebrates women's search for self within the constraints of the nineteenth century, as well as within the world of present-day academia.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Modern Techniques in Raman Spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy is now well established as one of the most versatile techniques for the chemical analysis of molecular species. Major advances have been made in a number of areas in the field in recent years which enable the researcher and practising analytical scientist to solve the complex chemical problems of today. The ten chapters in Modern Techniques in Raman Spectroscopy cover some of the most exciting fields of research in modern Raman techniques, and illustrate the power of modern Raman spectroscopy for molecular analysis in both theoretical and practical problems. The volume opens with chapters on signal expressions and instrumentation in Raman spectroscopy, and then goes on to discuss in detail Fourier and Hadamard Transform Raman spectroscopies, micro-Raman spectroscopy, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Raman optical activity, coherent and time-resolved techniques and the use of optical fibres in Raman spectroscopy. The chapters are written by leading researchers from a broad range of disciplines. Throughout, applications of the various techniques are discussed. Modern Techniques in Raman Spectroscopy will be of great interest to all those involved in molecular spectroscopy, in both industry and academia. The inclusion of a wide range of modern techniques in a single volume will make this a particularly valuable work to researchers across the whole field of Raman spectroscopy.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Metal Vapour Ion Lasers: Kinetic Processes and Gas Discharges
Metal vapour ion lasers are a mature class of gas laser for which a number of applications has developed in recent years. This is the first book to appear in the English language on this topic, and concentrates on the physical processes which occur in the laser, in particular the kinetic processes which are responsible for the pumping of excited ion levels, and the production of population inversion. The most important types of electrical discharges used in this class of laser are discussed in detail, and all the major types of metal vapour ion laser are examined. A highly useful appendix tabulates all the known transitions used in metal vapour ion lasers. Metal Vapour Ion Lasers: Kinetic Processes and Gas Discharges provides a much needed review of this important field. It identifies current problem areas, and points to future research directions. It is an invaluable source for all those, both in industry and academia, working on the development or applications of metal vapour ion lasers, and for all those involved in gas laser research. It will also be of great interest to all those interested in the physics of gas discharges. The authors and translators have been involved with some of the key advances in the field over recent years.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Air, Waste and Environmental Research Faculty Profile Directory
The Air & Waste Management Association is a nonprofit technical and educational organization with 13,000 members worldwide. Founded in 1907, the Association attracts decision makers from government agencies, industry, and the academic and research communities who exchange technical and managerial information about air pollution control and waste management. The Association serves these members and the public by promoting environmental responsibility and providing technical and managerial leadership in the fields of air and waste management. Dedication to these objectives enables the Association to work toward its goal: a cleaner environment. About the Book An important way for improving competitiveness in industry is to improve technology transfer among industry, academia, and government. This unique resource provides the first single-source access to the details of university research being conducted on a number of critical technologies in environmental management. The Air, Waste and Environmental Research Faculty Profile Directory contains profiles of researchers in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada who are working in such diverse areas as air and groundwater pollution, hazardous and nonhazardous waste, liquid and solid waste, municipal solid waste, rivers and streams, ecological and health effects of various pollution sources, and many other areas. Included is information on funding sources, staff size, and the willingness of researchers to perform as expert witnesses.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation: Fundamentals, Analysis and Design
Presenting a thorough overview of bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM), this book introduces the tools for the analysis and design of BICM transceivers. It explains in details the functioning principles of BICM and proposes a refined probabilistic modeling of the reliability metrics–the so-called L-values–which are at the core of the BICM receivers. Alternatives for transceiver design based on these models are then studied. Providing new insights into the analysis of BICM, this book is unique in its approach, providing a general framework for analysis and design, focusing on communication theoretic aspects of BICM transceivers. It adopts a tutorial approach, explains the problems in simple terms with the aid of multiple examples and case studies, and provides solutions using accessible mathematical tools. The book will be an excellent resource for researchers in academia and industry: graduate students, academics, development engineers, and R & D managers. Key Features: Presents an introduction to BICM, placing it in the context of other coded modulation schemes Offers explanations of the functioning principles and design alternatives Provides a unique approach, focusing on communication theory aspects Shows examples and case studies to illustrate analysis and design of BICM Adopts a tutorial approach, explaining the problems in simple terms and presenting solutions using accessible mathematical tools
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Descriptive Analysis in Sensory Evaluation
A comprehensive review of the techniques and applications of descriptive analysis Sensory evaluation is a scientific discipline used to evoke, measure, analyse and interpret responses to products perceived through the senses of sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. It is used to reveal insights into the ways in which sensory properties drive consumer acceptance and behaviour, and to design products that best deliver what the consumer wants. Descriptive analysis is one of the most sophisticated, flexible and widely used tools in the field of sensory analysis. It enables objective description of the nature and magnitude of sensory characteristics for use in consumer-driven product design, manufacture and communication. Descriptive Analysis in Sensory Evaluation provides a comprehensive overview of a wide range of traditional and recently-developed descriptive techniques, including history, theory, practical considerations, statistical analysis, applications, case studies and future directions. This important reference, written by academic and industrial sensory scientist, traces the evolution of descriptive analysis, and addresses general considerations, including panel set-up, training, monitoring and performance; psychological factors relevant to assessment; and statistical analysis. Descriptive Analysis in Sensory Evaluation is a valuable resource for sensory professionals working in academia and industry, including sensory scientists, practitioners, trainers and students, and industry-based researchers in quality assurance, research and development, and marketing.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Vanilloid Receptor TRPV1 in Drug Discovery: Targeting Pain and Other Pathological Disorders
Examines the emerging therapeutic role of TRPV1 TRPV1 is considered an integrator of noxious stimuli and therefore may be at a crossroads for pain transmission pathways. Because of its potential for managing multiple pain types, including osteoarthritis, chronic low back pain, neuropathic pain, and cancer pain, some consider it "the holy grail" of pain management. This dedicated reference summarizes available data related to the potential therapeutic utility for TRPV1 ligands. With contributions from many of the world's leading experts on TRP channels, Vanilloid Receptor TRPV1 in Drug Discovery covers the important TRPV1 target for drugs to treat painful conditions such as inflammation, arthritis, and cancer pain. The book discusses: Recent advances in biology, chemistry, and pharmacology at both the preclinical and clinical stage of the dynamic area of TRPV1 drug discovery research The potential for drugs targeting TRPV1 in painful conditions such as inflammation, arthritis, and cancer The development of analgesic drugs Other applications for TRPV1, including the treatment of respiratory disease and diabetes Featuring data relevant to the therapeutic potential of TRPV1 and the medicinal chemistry involved in designing TRPV1 antagonists, Vanilloid Receptor TRPV1 in Drug Discovery is a key tool for researchers in the pharmaceutical industry and academia involved in pain, ion channels, and analgesic drug development.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Parametric Design for Landscape Architects: Computational Techniques and Workflows
Parametric Design for Landscape Architects provides a sequence of tutorial-based workflows for the creation and utilization of algorithmic tools calibrated toward the field of landscape architecture. Contemporary practice and projective theory in landscape architecture require the processing and design of data associated with complex systems to adequately represent composite, emergent scenarios. Aligning to both traditional and nascent processes of analysis and digital modeling, this book unpacks and decodes the characterization of algorithmic-based automation, leveraging software that is widely accessible in both academia and professional practice. Curated throughout are workflows that apply to a multiplex of computation programs that widely support the design, analysis, and production of landscapes, primarily concentrated on digital modeling tools Grasshopper and Rhinoceros. It is a much-needed, visually accessible resource to aid in more efficient understanding and creation of tools that automate and re-examine traditional calculations, analyses, drawing standards, form-finding strategies, fabrication preparations, and speculative assessments/simulation. This primer provides professionals and students with multifaceted skill-sets that, when applied in practice, expand and expedite conventional and speculative design workflows applicable to spatial design, and more specifically landscape architecture. The book includes over 200 full-colour drawings, images, and tables to illustrate and support examples throughout.
Columbia University Press Catastrophic Incentives: Why Our Approaches to Disasters Keep Falling Short
Societies are vulnerable to any number of potential disasters: earthquakes, hurricanes, infectious diseases, terrorist attacks, and many others. Even though the dangers are often clear, there is a persistent pattern of inadequate preparation and a failure to learn from experience. Before disasters, institutions pay insufficient attention to risk; in the aftermath, even when the lack of preparation led to a flawed response, the focus shifts to patching holes instead of addressing the underlying problems.Examining twenty years of disasters from 9/11 to COVID-19, Jeff Schlegelmilch and Ellen Carlin show how flawed incentive structures make the world more vulnerable when catastrophe strikes. They explore how governments, the private sector, nonprofits, and academia behave before, during, and after crises, arguing that standard operational and business models have produced dysfunction. Catastrophic Incentives reveals troubling patterns about what does and does not matter to the institutions that are responsible for dealing with disasters. The short-termism of electoral politics and corporate decision making, the funding structure of nonprofits, and the institutional dynamics shaping academic research have all contributed to a failure to build resilience.Offering a comprehensive and incisive look at disaster governance, Catastrophic Incentives provides timely recommendations for reimagining systems and institutions so that they are better equipped to manage twenty-first-century threats.
Pentagon Press Selected Essays from the Vivekananda International Foundation: From the Vivekananda International Foundation
Over the past decade, the VIF has charted an academically independent path of research and analyses. The Foundation has thus been disseminating a vast stream of analyses of key developments and decision dilemmas concerning the nation to its wide circle of associates and readers. Non-partisan and balanced strategic objectivity, and conformity with India`s exalted native civilisational values being its fundamental competencies, it has earned a reputation for the highest level of credibility among national and international opinion as well as decision makers which include governments, strategists and academia.To commemorate the Tenth Anniversary of the Foundation, a selection of 15 articles of contemporary national concerns, along with analyses and prognoses, are presented in this volume after due revision and updating. Authored by the fraternity of VIF stalwarts, with a sprinkling of potential researchers, the topics chosen are diverse, and as the reader would find, the analyses are as concurrent today as when the papers were written in the past few years. The lead authors, of course, are among the top strategic thinkers of contemporary times—Shri S. Gurumurthy, Shri Satish Chandra, General N. C. Vij and Dr. Arvind Gupta, to mention just a few. As the reader will appreciate, each article goes a step ahead to look beyond the usual, mundane discourses.
Goodfellow Publishers Limited Tourism: A temporal analysis
Examines how temporality manifests in and impacts tourism in different parts of the world looking at climate, culture and/or structural conditions of the tourism operation. It looks at the reasons and causes for temporality within tourism and how this effects both the industry, the consumer and the environment. Divided into four parts, Tourism: A temporal analysis looks at: * The dimensions and relationships between time and tourism: the causal reasons for seasonality in tourism, links between seasonal variations and visitation and why people travel when they do. * The operational dimensions of temporality: the challenges of 'peak season' and 'low season', pricing, planning, managing the labour demands and yield systems. * Strategic responses to temporal variation: the role of temporality/seasonal variation as a policy issue, the role of festivals and events in combatting temporality and the effect of social media. * The End of Temporality?: the rise of 'year-round ' tourism, its enablers and its’ resulting effects both positive nad negative in the industry, the environments and the economy. With contributions from international experts from academia and industry, this text uses case students and vignettes throughout to contextualise the theory and enabling students to have a better understanding in order to critique and question the issues discussed.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Next-Generation Algae, Volume 2: Applications in Medicine and the Pharmaceutical Industry
NEXT-GENERATION ALGAE The book comprehensively details the novel and biologically active compounds derived from algae for sustainable healthcare delivery that could be used for the treatment of an ever-increasing population, prevention of high rate of morbidity rates, as well as in the treatment of numerous diseases, and serve as an alternative drug for the prevention of high level of resistance to synthetic drugs. This second volume places a special emphasis on the discovery of novel and biologically active compounds from algae. It covers a wide range of applications, including the use of astaxanthin and carotenoids derived from algae for the production of nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, additives, food supplements, and feed. The book also discusses the production of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and their biomedical applications, recent advancements in the research of sulfated polysaccharides from algal origin, and their antiulcer bioactivities. Other topics include the application of algae in wound healing, the use of nanotechnology for the bioengineering of useful metabolites derived from algae and their multifaceted applications, and the production of single-cell proteins and pigments with high relevance in the industry. Audience Researchers in industry and academia as well as clinicians in the fields of microbiology, biotechnology, and food science will find this book very pertinent.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon The Indivisible Globe, the Indissoluble Nation – Universality, Postcoloniality, and Nationalism in the Age of Globalization
Li-Chun Hsiao attempts to rethink, under the rubric of globalization, several key notions in postcolonial theory and writings by revisiting what he conceives as the primal scene of postcoloniality -- the Haitian Revolution. He unpacks and critiques the post-structuralist penchants and undercurrents of the postcolonial paradigm in First-World academia while not reinstating earlier Marxist stricture. Focusing on Edouard Glissants, C. L. R. Jamess, and Derek Walcotts representations of Toussaint LOuverture and the Haitian Revolution, the textual analyses approach the issues of colonial mimicry, postcolonial nationalism, and post-coloniality in light of recent reconsiderations of the universal and the particular in critical theories, and psychoanalytic conceptions of trauma, identity, and jouissance. Hsiao argues that postcolonial intellectuals characteristic celebration of the Particular, together with their nuanced denunciation of the postcolonial nation and the Revolution, doesnt really do away with the category of the Universal, nor twist free of the problematic of the logics of difference/equivalence that sustains the living on of the nation-state, despite an ever expanding globality; rather, such a postcolonial phenomenon is symptomatic of a disavowed traumatic event that mirrors and prefigures the predicament of the postcolonial experience while invoking its simulacra and further struggles centuries later.
Royal Society of Chemistry Emerging Drugs and Targets for Parkinson's Disease
Affecting over 1.5 million people across the world, Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological condition characterized, in part, by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta. It affects 1.5% of the global population over 65 years of age. As life expectancy is increasing, over the next few years the number of patients with Parkinson´s disease will grow exponentially. To date, there are no available treatments that are capable of curing Parkinson´s disease, and the current goal of therapy, dopamine replacement strategies, is to reduce symptoms. After several years of disease progression, treatment is complicated by the onset of motor fluctuations and dyskinesias. This information reveals the great importance and social need of finding an effective therapeutic intervention for Parkinson´s disease. This exemplary new book reviews some of the most outstanding examples of new drugs currently in pharmaceutical development or new targets currently undergoing the validation process to try to reach the Parkinson´s drug market in the next few years as potential disease modifying drugs. Providing up to date and comprehensive coverage, this book is essential reading for researchers working in academia and industry in any aspect of medicinal chemistry or drug discovery.