Search results for ""springer-verlag berlin and heidelberg gmbh co. kg""
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Knots in Orthopedic Surgery: Open and Arthroscopic Techniques
This well-illustrated book presents the state of the art in suture materials and provides clear, step-by-step guidance on how to tie the most frequently used knots. The opening section addresses terminological issues and describes how the biological and mechanical properties of suture materials may impact on healing potential. The basics of knot biomechanics are explained, highlighting the risk of failure of knots and sutures if their capacities are exceeded. Subsequent sections give precise instructions on the tying techniques for the various open and arthroscopic knots, including the square knot, the surgeon’s knot, half hitches, and sliding and non-sliding knots. The special instruments available to facilitate the tying of arthroscopic knots are thoroughly discussed, equipping the surgeon with the knowledge required to ensure optimal handling of the soft tissues and manipulation of sutures in arthroscopic surgery. A literature review on suture materials and arthroscopic knots completes the coverage. This book is published in cooperation with ESSKA. It will be a valuable instruction manual for surgeons in training and will supply more experienced surgeons with an excellent update that will further enhance their practice.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Lesser Flamingos: Descendants of Phoenix
This book provides insights into the fascinating life of the Lesser Flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor) and describes how this enigmatic bird has adapted to the extreme conditions of tropical soda lakes and can even withstand the caustic effects of brine. However, humans are increasingly disrupting the natural cycles of these wetlands, and for these pink birds characteristic of these salt lakes, it is becoming more and more difficult to find suitable habitats, food and breeding grounds. Their fate is considered a cautionary example of man’s dealings with nature. Will the Lesser Flamingo survive in a man-made world?Flamingos are considered to be an embodiment of the Phoenix, and the author interweaves his personal experiences with and observations of the flamingos’ unusual habitats with the Phoenix motif in order to stimulate reflection on the circle of life. Written in an accessible style that combines science, biological information and the author’s own travels and fieldwork, the book also includes a wealth of captivating images. As such, it offers a unique resource for biologists and nature-loving Africa and Asia enthusiasts alike.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Hydrogeology
This textbook provides a complete introduction to Hydrogeology. It is a comprehensive reference for earth science professionals involved in groundwater exploitation as well as for geotechnical engineers. This English translation of the German textbook "Hydrogeologie" by Hölting & Coldewey, which has been published in its 8th edition, provides insights into the sources and reservoirs of groundwater, the dynamics of fluid flow, and the physical and chemical composition of groundwater. It also gives an overview about the economic value of groundwater and its exploitation and use. A consistent use of the internationally accepted SI units as well as the formula symbols in the text contributes to the understandability.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Atoms, Molecules and Photons: An Introduction to Atomic-, Molecular- and Quantum Physics
This introduction to Atomic and Molecular Physics explains how our present model of atoms and molecules has been developed over the last two centuries both by many experimental discoveries and, from the theoretical side, by the introduction of quantum physics to the adequate description of micro-particles. It illustrates the wave model of particles by many examples and shows the limits of classical description. The interaction of electromagnetic radiation with atoms and molecules and its potential for spectroscopy is outlined in more detail and in particular lasers as modern spectroscopic tools are discussed more thoroughly. Many examples and problems with solutions are offered to encourage readers to actively engage in applying and adapting the fundamental physics presented in this textbook to specific situations.Completely revised third edition with new sections covering all actual developments, like photonics, ultrashort lasers, ultraprecise frequency combs, free electron lasers, cooling and trapping of atoms, quantum optics and quantum information.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Pediatric Surgery: General Principles and Newborn Surgery
Pediatric Surgery provides an up-to-date and comprehensive analysis of current practice in the field. It is divided into three topical volumes, with a total of seven sections focusing on general principles, newborn surgery, general pediatric surgery, tumor surgery, trauma, transplantation, and pediatric urology surgery. Detailed descriptions of surgical techniques and pre- and postoperative management are provided by experts from various parts of the world.The result is an international reference on the surgical management of both common and rare diseases of infants and children that will be an ideal source of information and guidance for pediatric surgeons, pediatric urologists, neonatologists, pediatricians, and all those seeking more detailed information on surgical conditions in children.The three topical volumes are as follows: General Principles and Newborn Surgery General Pediatric Surgery, Tumors, Trauma and Transplantation Pediatric Urology
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Data Matching: Concepts and Techniques for Record Linkage, Entity Resolution, and Duplicate Detection
Data matching (also known as record or data linkage, entity resolution, object identification, or field matching) is the task of identifying, matching and merging records that correspond to the same entities from several databases or even within one database. Based on research in various domains including applied statistics, health informatics, data mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence, database management, and digital libraries, significant advances have been achieved over the last decade in all aspects of the data matching process, especially on how to improve the accuracy of data matching, and its scalability to large databases.Peter Christen’s book is divided into three parts: Part I, “Overview”, introduces the subject by presenting several sample applications and their special challenges, as well as a general overview of a generic data matching process. Part II, “Steps of the Data Matching Process”, then details its main steps like pre-processing, indexing, field and record comparison, classification, and quality evaluation. Lastly, part III, “Further Topics”, deals with specific aspects like privacy, real-time matching, or matching unstructured data. Finally, it briefly describes the main features of many research and open source systems available today.By providing the reader with a broad range of data matching concepts and techniques and touching on all aspects of the data matching process, this book helps researchers as well as students specializing in data quality or data matching aspects to familiarize themselves with recent research advances and to identify open research challenges in the area of data matching. To this end, each chapter of the book includes a final section that provides pointers to further background and research material. Practitioners will better understand the current state of the art in data matching as well as the internal workings and limitations of current systems. Especially, they will learn that it is often not feasible to simply implement an existing off-the-shelf data matching system without substantial adaption and customization. Such practical considerations are discussed for each of the major steps in the data matching process.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Making Waves: The Story of Ruby Payne-Scott: Australian Pioneer Radio Astronomer
This book is an abbreviated, partly re-written version of "Under the Radar - The First Woman in Radio Astronomy: Ruby Payne-Scott." It addresses a general readership interested in historical and sociological aspects of astronomy and presents the biography of Ruby Payne-Scott (1912 – 1981). As the first female radio astronomer (and one of the first people in the world to consider radio astronomy), she made classic contributions to solar radio physics. She also played a major role in the design of the Australian government's Council for Scientific and Industrial Research radars, which were in turn of vital importance in the Southwest Pacific Theatre in World War II. These radars were used by military personnel from Australia, the United States and New Zealand. From a sociological perspective, her career offers many examples of the perils of being a female academic in the first half of the 20th century. Written in an engaging style and complemented by many historical photographs, this book offers fascinating insights into the beginnings of radio astronomy and the role of a pioneering woman in astronomy. To set the scene, the first colourfully illustrated chapter presents an overview of solar astrophysics and the tools of the radio astronomer.From the reviews of “Under the Radar”:“This is a beautifully-researched, copiously-illustrated and well-written book that tells us much more than the life of one amazing female radio astronomer. It also provides a profile on radar developments during WWII and on Australia’s pre-eminent place in solar radio astronomy in the years following WWII. Under the Radar is compelling reading, and if you have taken the time to read right through this review then it certainly belongs on your bookshelf!” (Wayne Orchiston, Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, March, 2010)
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Design Thinking: Understand – Improve – Apply
“Everybody loves an innovation, an idea that sells.“ But how do we arrive at such ideas that sell? And is it possible to learn how to become an innovator? Over the years Design Thinking – a program originally developed in the engineering department of Stanford University and offered by the two D-schools at the Hasso Plattner Institutes in Stanford and in Potsdam – has proved to be really successful in educating innovators. It blends an end-user focus with multidisciplinary collaboration and iterative improvement to produce innovative products, systems, and services. Design Thinking creates a vibrant interactive environment that promotes learning through rapid conceptual prototyping. In 2008, the HPI-Stanford Design Thinking Research Program was initiated, a venture that encourages multidisciplinary teams to investigate various phenomena of innovation in its technical, business, and human aspects. The researchers are guided by two general questions: 1. What are people really thinking and doing when they are engaged in creative design innovation? How can new frameworks, tools, systems, and methods augment, capture, and reuse successful practices? 2. What is the impact on technology, business, and human performance when design thinking is practiced? How do the tools, systems, and methods really work to get the innovation you want when you want it? How do they fail? In this book, the researchers take a system’s view that begins with a demand for deep, evidence-based understanding of design thinking phenomena. They continue with an exploration of tools which can help improve the adaptive expertise needed for design thinking. The final part of the book concerns design thinking in information technology and its relevance for business process modeling and agile software development, i.e. real world creation and deployment of products, services, and enterprise systems.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Statistical Physics: An Advanced Approach with Applications Web-enhanced with Problems and Solutions
The book is divided into two parts. The first part looks at the modeling of statistical systems before moving on to an analysis of these systems. This second edition contains new material on: estimators based on a probability distribution for the parameters; identification of stochastic models from observations; and statistical tests and classification methods.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Manufacturing Simulation with Plant Simulation and Simtalk: Usage and Programming with Examples and Solutions
Based on the competition of international production networks, the pressure to - crease the efficiency of production systems has increased significantly. In ad- tion, the number of technical components in many products and as a consequence also the requirements for corresponding assembly processes and logistics pr- esses increases. International logistics networks require corresponding logistics concepts. These requirements can be managed only by using appropriate Digital Factory tools in the context of a product lifecycle management environment, which allows reusing data, supports an effective cooperation between different departments, and provides up-to-date and relevant data to every user who needs it. Simulating the complete material flow including all relevant production, st- age, and transport activities is recognized as a key component of the Digital F- tory in the industry and as of today widely used and accepted. Cutting inventory and throughput time by 20–60% and enhancing the productivity of existing p- duction facilities by 15–20% can be achieved in real-life projects.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Critical Phenomena in Natural Sciences: Chaos, Fractals, Selforganization and Disorder: Concepts and Tools
Concepts, methods and techniques of statistical physics in the study of correlated, as well as uncorrelated, phenomena are being applied ever increasingly in the natural sciences, biology and economics in an attempt to understand and model the large variability and risks of phenomena. This is the first textbook written by a well-known expert that provides a modern up-to-date introduction for workers outside statistical physics.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Contrast Media in Radiology: Appraisal and Prospects
Journalists, always very direct and in search of sensation, essentially asked me two questions on the occasion of this workshop: What were the goals of the meeting? With the improvement of diagnosis through the development of image techniques, didn't the contrast media already have their future behind them? Many answers were provided during the course of the workshop, and in order to best answer the journalists I proposed the following synopsis. 1. Since the 1979 Colorado Springs workshop organized by E. Lasser, progress has been so rapid and the newly available works so numerous that another meeting on an international level for the purpose of pre senting and discussing these advances appeared indispensable. Why not then in Europe and why not in Lyon? To expand on this progress, by 1981 the new contrast media with less-hyperosmolar molecules, still in the trial stage in 1979, were al most all available commercially for angiography, albeit at prohibitive prices. The advantages of these various media are becoming better known; moreover, in the wake of Lasser's work, our understanding of the pathophysiology of their noxious effects is also advancing rapidly owing to the use of models (for the target organs: heart, vessel wall, nervous system, kidney; and for the more general reactions: blood cells, coagulation, complement system, circulating enzymatic systems). In addition, further new molecules are currently being studied in re search laboratories. 2.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL): Band 13: Pin–Roo
Darauf haben Interessierte und Kenner gewartet: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon neu aufgelegt. Von den ersten schriftlichen Zeugnissen der Menschheit bis zur Gegenwart versammelt das epochale Nachschlagewerk rund 13.000 Werke aus allen Literaturen der Welt. Völlig neu bearbeitet und um eine Fülle von Einträgen ergänzt, erschließt das Werklexikon in 17 Bänden und einem Registerband Belletristik, Briefe, Tagebücher und Memoiren, Populär-, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur sowie Sachtexte vielfältiger Disziplinen. Neu: Einleitende Biogramme (biografische Kurzinformationen) skizzieren die zentralen Lebensdaten der Autoren. Eine Vielzahl zusätzlicher Werkgruppenartikel eröffnet kompakte Einblicke in das Gesamtwerk einzelner Schriftsteller. Die komplett überarbeiteten Literaturangaben schaffen mit Hinweisen auf die wichtigsten weiterführenden Werke eine fundierte wissenschaftliche Basis. Rund 600 anonyme Werke und Artikel zu Stoffen der Weltliteratur runden das Lexikon ab. Ein unentbehrlicher und einzigartiger Wissensfundus.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL): Band 16: Tab–Vik
Darauf haben Interessierte und Kenner gewartet: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon neu aufgelegt. Von den ersten schriftlichen Zeugnissen der Menschheit bis zur Gegenwart versammelt das epochale Nachschlagewerk rund 13.000 Werke aus allen Literaturen der Welt. Völlig neu bearbeitet und um eine Fülle von Einträgen ergänzt, erschließt das Werklexikon in 17 Bänden und einem Registerband Belletristik, Briefe, Tagebücher und Memoiren, Populär-, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur sowie Sachtexte vielfältiger Disziplinen. Neu: Einleitende Biogramme (biografische Kurzinformationen) skizzieren die zentralen Lebensdaten der Autoren. Eine Vielzahl zusätzlicher Werkgruppenartikel eröffnet kompakte Einblicke in das Gesamtwerk einzelner Schriftsteller. Die komplett überarbeiteten Literaturangaben schaffen mit Hinweisen auf die wichtigsten weiterführenden Werke eine fundierte wissenschaftliche Basis. Rund 600 anonyme Werke und Artikel zu Stoffen der Weltliteratur runden das Lexikon ab. Ein unentbehrlicher und einzigartiger Wissensfundus.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL): Band 11: Mas–Nek
Darauf haben Interessierte und Kenner gewartet: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon neu aufgelegt. Von den ersten schriftlichen Zeugnissen der Menschheit bis zur Gegenwart versammelt das epochale Nachschlagewerk rund 13.000 Werke aus allen Literaturen der Welt. Völlig neu bearbeitet und um eine Fülle von Einträgen ergänzt, erschließt das Werklexikon in 17 Bänden und einem Registerband Belletristik, Briefe, Tagebücher und Memoiren, Populär-, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur sowie Sachtexte vielfältiger Disziplinen. Neu: Einleitende Biogramme (biografische Kurzinformationen) skizzieren die zentralen Lebensdaten der Autoren. Eine Vielzahl zusätzlicher Werkgruppenartikel eröffnet kompakte Einblicke in das Gesamtwerk einzelner Schriftsteller. Die komplett überarbeiteten Literaturangaben schaffen mit Hinweisen auf die wichtigsten weiterführenden Werke eine fundierte wissenschaftliche Basis. Rund 600 anonyme Werke und Artikel zu Stoffen der Weltliteratur runden das Lexikon ab. Ein unentbehrlicher und einzigartiger Wissensfundus.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL): Band 1: A–Bak
Darauf haben Interessierte und Kenner gewartet: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon neu aufgelegt. Von den ersten schriftlichen Zeugnissen der Menschheit bis zur Gegenwart versammelt das epochale Nachschlagewerk rund 13.000 Werke aus allen Literaturen der Welt. Völlig neu bearbeitet und um eine Fülle von Einträgen ergänzt, erschließt das Werklexikon in 17 Bänden und einem Registerband Belletristik, Briefe, Tagebücher und Memoiren, Populär-, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur sowie Sachtexte vielfältiger Disziplinen. Neu: Einleitende Biogramme (biografische Kurzinformationen) skizzieren die zentralen Lebensdaten der Autoren. Eine Vielzahl zusätzlicher Werkgruppenartikel eröffnet kompakte Einblicke in das Gesamtwerk einzelner Schriftsteller. Die komplett überarbeiteten Literaturangaben schaffen mit Hinweisen auf die wichtigsten weiterführenden Werke eine fundierte wissenschaftliche Basis. Rund 600 anonyme Werke und Artikel zu Stoffen der Weltliteratur runden das Lexikon ab. Ein unentbehrlicher und einzigartiger Wissensfundus.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Supplier Relationship Management: How to Maximize Vendor Value and Opportunity
There’s a new buzz phrase in the air: Supplier Relationship Management (SRM). Corporate executives know it’s necessary, but there’s only one problem. Nobody yet knows how to do it. Or they think it’s all about bashing your vendors over the head until they reduce the price another 4%. Supplier Relationship Management: How to Maximize Vendor Value and Opportunity changes all that. Containing the best and most innovative advice from the operations and procurement experts at consultant AT Kearney, this book shows that SRM is at root a strategic discussion requiring cross-functional interaction and internal alignment at the highest levels. It requires an honest appraisal of the value that suppliers now bring to your firm, as well as their potential value. It then requires a frank and constructive business-to-business dialogue about how to improve the relationship. When this happens, a company reaps myriad benefits, ranging from new opportunity to added value to competitive advantage—and, quite likely, to overall (and sometimes substantial) cost reductions. This book shows the most concrete methods you can use today to: Identify value-adding opportunities in the supply chain Work closely with suppliers to maximize the benefits Work the "Critical Cluster" of suppliers, where the greatest opportunity for advantage lies Review suppliers to encourage constant gains in quality and cost Turn your SRM strategy into a major competitive advantage Supplier Relationship Management introduces and explains the Supplier Interaction Model, a key tool that will help you get the most from your supplier relationships. It segments the supplier universe into nine categories, from those you want to run away from fast to those so good and so useful to your organization that it can make sense to invest in them directly. Numerous case studies show how to apply the principles to your situation. Supplier Relationship Management burns off the fog that has surrounded the procurement process for far too long. It is the definitive guide for business executives who want to get the maximum benefits from suppliers and gain very real advantages over competitors.