Search results for ""author bernd"
Kohlhammer Neues Testament Kompakt
Reclam Philipp Jun. Meisterwerke der Fotografie
Reclam Philipp Jun. Schlsselwerke der Musik Reclam premium
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Songbuch stliche Bundeslnder und Berlin Schlerbuch
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Mind of the Raven: Investigations and Adventures with Wolf-Birds
Mercury Learning & Information Microsoft Excel Functions and Formulas
Microsoft Excel Functions & Formulas 4/e demonstrates the secrets of Excel through the use of practical and useful examples in a quick reference format. Easy to use and equipped with a variety of functions, Microsoft Excel is the tool of choice when it comes to crunching numbers, building charts, and analyzing tables.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Why We Run: A Natural History
Soccer Books Ltd The Asian Football Yearbook 2022-2023
This is a statistical yearbook of both domestic and international football in Asia during the 2021-2022 season. Includes full line-ups and statistics for international matches played by AFC members. This 13th edition also includes full statistics for the AFC Champions League 2021 and the AFC Cup 2021.
Soccer Books Ltd The Yearbook of European Football 2021-2022
This is a statistical yearbook of both domestic and international football in Europe during the 2020-21 season.Includes full line-ups and stats for international matches played by UEFA members.This is the 4th edn and also includes stats for UEFA Champions Lge & Europa Lge games for 20/21.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Formulare Fur Referendare
Universitatsverlag Winter Celan-Perspektiven 2019
Walter de Gruyter Völkisches Denken 1848 bis 1948
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Methoden der empirischen Kommunikationsforschung: Eine Einführung
Das Standardwerk ist eine Einführung in die wesentlichen Methoden der empirischen Kommunikationswissenschaft. Es wendet sich insbesondere an Studierende der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft, die erste Erfahrung mit empirischen Methoden sammeln und eignet sich als vertiefende Begleitung einführender Vorlesungen und als praxisorientierte Handreichung für Methodenübungen. Leichte Verständlichkeit, Anwendungsorientierung und eine klare Gliederung sind die Haupteigenschaften dieses Lehrbuchs. Für die achte Auflage wurde der Band überarbeitet und erweitert, vor allem im Hinblick auf automatisierte Verfahren der Datenerhebung und -analyse. Dies trägt der zunehmenden Bedeutung von Verfahren der „Computational Communication Science“ Rechnung. Beispiele wurden aktualisiert und auf geschlechtersensible Sprache Wert gelegt.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk Law & Economics: Essays in Honour of Erling Eide
Lit Verlag The Fukushima Dai-Ichi Accident: Volume 1
Springer International Publishing AG Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology Vol. 174
Leading researchers are specially invited to provide a complete understanding of a key topic within the multidisciplinary fields of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. In a form immediately useful to scientists, this periodical aims to filter, highlight and review the latest developments in these rapidly advancing fields.
Universitatsverlag Winter Celan-Perspektiven 2021
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Alles Wirkliche Leben Ist Begegnung: Festschrift Zum Vierzigjahrigen Bestehen Von Studium in Israel
Baraka Books Inuit and Whalers on Baffin Island Through German Eyes: Wilhelm Weike's Arctic Journal and Letters (1883–84)
Told from an ordinary man’s perspective, these are the journal and letters of Wilhelm Weike as he accompanied Franz Boas—the father of modern anthropology—on his journey to the arctic from 1883 to 1884. This extraordinary document of early arctic history provides a plain, direct view of the Inuit and the whalers in their arctic environment at the end of the 19th century. With invaluable contextual and complementary information, this book contributes key insights during the recent wave of scientific assessment of Franz Boas’s legacy in all social sciences.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Formulare Fur Referendare
Argobooks Egill Saebjornsson: The Book
Springer International Publishing AG Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol. 175
Leading researchers are specially invited to provide a complete understanding of a key topic within the multidisciplinary fields of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. In a form immediately useful to scientists, this periodical aims to filter, highlight and review the latest developments in these rapidly advancing fields.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Restatement of Labour Law in Europe: Volume III: Dismissal Protection
This book carves out the structures of national regulations and identifies similarities and differences in a Europe-wide view. The book brings together reports on dismissal law from thirty six countries, including all Member States of the European Union. The relevant law is examined in full, with the reports following a uniform structure. The book also provides a comparative overview. The similarities and differences identified are presented in a way that is easy for the reader to understand.
V&R unipress GmbH Menschen Recht Frieden
Matthias Grunewald Verlag Mit Abraham Aufbrechen: Theologische Entwurfe Der 'fraternite d'Abraham' Fur Ein Miteinander Von Juden, Christen Und Muslimen
Kohlhammer Werkbuch Paulus: Inspirationen Und Provokationen Fur Gemeinde, Schule Und Erwachsenenbildung
Prometheus Books Numbers: Their Tales, Types, and Treasures
Did you grow up thinking math is boring? It's time to reconsider. This book will teach you everything you ever wondered about numbers-and more. How and why did human beings first start using numbers at the dawn of history? Would numbers exist if we Homo sapiens weren't around to discover them? What's so special about weird numbers like pi and the Fibonacci sequence? What about rational, irrational, real, and imaginary numbers? Why do we need them? Two veteran math educators explain it all in ways even the most math phobic will find appealing and understandable. You'll never look at those squiggles on your calculator the same again.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Von Der Traditionsborse Zum Digitalen Marktplatz: Die Frankfurter Wertpapierborse Und Der Wertpapierhandel in Deutschland Von Der Weimarer Zeit Bis Ins 21. Jahrhundert
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economic Analysis of Civil Law
This comprehensive textbook provides a thorough guide to the economic analysis of law, with a particular focus on civil law systems. It encapsulates a structured analysis and nuanced evaluation of norms and legal policies, using the tools of economic theory.Key features include: Examples and cases that illustrate central concepts of the economic analysis of law in relation to civil law doctrines Examination of the core areas of civil law: tort law, contract law, property law, intellectual property law as well as basic problems of insolvency law and corporate law In-depth analysis of the legal rules of statutory law and judge-made law, demonstrating the extent to which these rules are either based on economic criteria or run parallel to them – and the extent to which such criteria facilitate the application and further development of law. This substantially revised second edition presents the latest insights into legal economic research, including important empirical and behavioural deliberations. It will be a valuable guide for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of law and economics.
Schnell & Steiner Innovationen Durch Deuten Und Gestalten: Kloster Im Mittelalter Zwischen Jenseits Und Welt
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Biblisch-Theologische Studien: Der frÃ"hchristliche Dialog zur eschatologischen Vollendung
Matthias Grunewald Verlag Seht, Da Ist Der Mensch. Und Gott?: Herausforderungen Missionarischer Spiritualitat
Stackpole Books Luftwaffe Fighter-Bombers Over Britain: The Tip and Run Campaign, 1942-43
Chronicles the air war above Britain from March 1942 to June 1943 and includes in-the-cockpit accounts from German and British pilots Assesses offensive and defensive tactics Incorporates hundreds of rarely seen photos As the Battle of Britain came to a close, the Luftwaffe began arming its single-engine fighters with bombs and using them instead of bombers for many daylight raids against shipping and coastal installations, railways, fuel depots, and other military and civilian objectives. The fighter-bombers also launched unopposed attacks against London and numerous other cities and towns across England. Known as "tip and run" attacks, these raids had a detrimental effect on British morale."
JOVIS Verlag Planung für Morgen: Zukunft Stadt und Raum
The future of cities and their spaces lies in the redevelopment of existing housing stock and its associated transformation tasks. The discipline of urban planning needs to reposition itself, and—at the intersection of climate change and the mobility revolution—seek to champion the cause of increased participation and greater resilience. How can challenges be overcome in the face of more stringent planning requirements, faster implementation times, and limited resources? Renowned experts from the fields of urban policy, city management, and both practical and academic urban planning discussed the future of cities and urban planning at three symposia hosted by the Professor Albert Speer Foundation. Their arguments encourage us to leave behind established patterns of thinking and approach the tasks of the future with visionary ideas.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Aufstand Der Aussenseiter: Die Herausforderung Der Europaischen Politik Durch Den Neuen Populismus
Hirmer Verlag GmbH Emile Gallé: Keramik, Glas Und Möbel Des Art Nouveau
De Gruyter §§ 284-305a
Emerald Publishing Limited Developing Leaders for Positive Organizing: A 21st Century Repertoire for Leading in Extraordinary Times
As revealed in the most recent global survey of human capital trends conducted by Deloitte University, leadership is rated as the top priority across all organizational levels, geographies, and functional areas in every industry. The evolving shift in leadership from individual leaders at the top to collective leadership throughout organizations requires creating and sustaining the necessary conditions through which leaders and those being led can flourish and positive organizing can thrive. Developing Leaders for Positive Organizing examines this challenge by taking the reader on an investigative journey into everyday leadership as framed in the increasingly interconnected context of human relationships within and across organizations around the globe. This book offers broad appeal for the novice working practitioner; corporate, not-for-profit, or non-profit executive; experienced scholar or academic student.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook on the Aging Mind and Brain
A thought-provoking treatise on understanding and treating the aging mind and brain This handbook recognizes the critical issues surrounding mind and brain health by tackling overarching and pragmatic needs so as to better understand these multifaceted issues. This includes summarizing and synthesizing critical evidence, approaches, and strategies from multidisciplinary research—all of which have advanced our understanding of the neural substrates of attention, perception, memory, language, decision-making, motor behavior, social cognition, emotion, and other mental functions. Written by a plethora of health experts from around the world, The Wiley Handbook on the Aging Mind and Brain offers in-depth contributions in 7 sections: Introduction; Methods of Assessment; Brain Functions and Behavior across the Lifespan; Cognition, Behavior and Disease; Optimizing Brain Function in Health and Disease; Forensics, Competence, Legal, Ethics and Policy Issues; and Conclusion and New Directions. Geared toward improving the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of many brain-based disorders that occur in older adults and that cause disability and death Seeks to advance the care of patients who have perceptual, cognitive, language, memory, emotional, and many other behavioral symptoms associated with these disorders Addresses principles and practice relevant to challenges posed by the US National Academy of Sciences and National Institute of Aging (NIA) Presents materials at a scientific level that is appropriate for a wide variety of providers The Wiley Handbook on the Aging Mind and Brain is an important text for neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, physiatrists, geriatricians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, and other primary caregivers who care for patients in routine and specialty practices as well as students, interns, residents, and fellows.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Applications of NMR to Organometallic Chemistry
This new series offers leading contributions by well known chemists reviewing the state-of-the-art of this wide research area. Physical Organometallic Chemistry aims to develop new insights and to promote novel interest and investigations applicable to organometallic chemistry. NMR spectroscopy has had a considerable impact on many fields of chemistry, although it has served organometallic chemistry mainly on a routine level. In a collection of reviews, leading chemists provide an insight into the scope of applications and uncover the potential of this technique for organometallic chemists. Advanced Applications of NMR to Organometallic Chemistry; Illustrates how recent 1D and 2D and specialized multinuclear applications can solve specific problems encountered by organometallic chemists Surveys modern NMR techniques in organometallic chemistry Includes metal NMR related techniques Focuses on the advent of solid state NMR in organometallic chemistry This book will prove invaluable to the NMR spectroscopist and organometallic chemists and will also be of interest to all organic, inorganic and physical chemists Contents: Selective Excitation and Selective Detection in 29Si NMR; Two-dimensional 13C, Metal Nuclei Correlation; Two-dimensional 1H-119Sn Proton Detected Correlation Spectroscopy in Coordination Chemistry of Hypervalent Organotin Compounds; Indirect Nuclear 119Sn-X Spin-Spin Coupling; Solid State NMR Applications in Organotin and Organolead Chemistry; Solid State NMR Investigations of Metal Carbonyl Complexes; High Pressure NMR in Organometallic Chemistry; Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy in Supercritical Fluids; High Resolution 6,7Li NMR of Organolithium Compounds; Metal NMR of Organovanadium, -Niobium and -Tantalum Compounds; NMR of Metallic Nuclei in Clusters; 171Yb NMR Spectroscopy.
Spector Books TXT IMG