Search results for ""author arnold a."
Baker Publishing Group Encountering the Book of Genesis
An introduction to the Book of Genesis which examines introductory issues, overarching themes, and the overall argument of the book.
Elsevier Health Sciences Interpersonal Relationships Professional Communication Skills for Nurses
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Grandma Mix Up
Plough Publishing House Discipleship
John Wiley & Sons Inc Making Strategy Happen: Transforming Plans into Reality
Strategic business plans, the key to gaining and sustaining competitive advantage in an increasingly turbulent and complex world, are useless until successfully implemented. Yet managements' failures in execution are far more common than their successes. This book explains in a practical, down-to-earth way how management can ensure successful implementation of its business strategy and achieve desired outcomes both in the marketplace and inside the organization. The new edition of this bestselling primer contains an extensive, entirely new chapter on strategic management, further elaboration of recommended processes, and many additional international examples.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Progress in Self Psychology, V. 17: The Narcissistic Patient Revisited
Volume 17 of Progress in Self Psychology, The Narcissistic Patient Revisited, begins with the next installment of Strozier's "From the Kohut Archives": first publication of a fragment by Kohut on social class and self-formation and of four letters from his final decade. Taken together, Hazel Ipp's richly textured "Case of Gayle" and the commentaries that it elicits amount to a searching reexamination of narcissistic pathology and the therapeutic process. This illuminating reprise on the clinical phenomenology Kohut associated with "narcissistic personality disorder" accounts for the volume title. The ability of modern self psychology to integrate central concepts from other theories gains expression in Teicholz's proposal for a two-tiered theory of intersubjectivity, in Brownlow's examination of the fear of intimacy, and in Garfield's model for the treatment of psychosis. The social relevance of self psychology comes to the fore in an examination of the experience of adopted children and an inquiry into the roots of mystical experience, both of which concern the ubiquity of the human longing for an idealized parent imago. Among contributions that bring self-psychological ideas to bear on the arts, Frank Lachmann's provocative "Words and Music," which links the history of music to the history of psychoanalytic thought in the quest for universal substrata of psychological experience, deserves special mention. Annette Lachmann's consideration of empathic failure among the characters in Shakespeare's Othello and Silverstein's reflections on Schubert's self-states and selfobject needs in relation to the specific poems set to music in his Lieder round out a collection as richly broad based as the field of self psychology itself.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Free Trade: Current Issues & Prospects
Spurbuch Verlag Wrzburger Gschichtli
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Verständliche Chemie: für Basisunterricht und Selbststudium
Die zweite Auflage der "Verständlichen Chemie" führt Sie auf dem kürzesten Weg vom Atombau bis hin zu den Biomolekülen, und das auch ohne Vorkenntnisse in der Chemie. Dabei erlernen Sie nicht nur das chemische Fachwissen, sondern auch eine Arbeitsmethode, die für Sie in der Schule, im Studium oder im Berufsleben von großem Nutzen ist. Die Verständlichkeit für Lernende steht hier voll und ganz im Mittelpunkt; diese wird durch die konsequente Vernetzung der Lerninhalte erreicht. Der Lernstoff ist in klar formulierte Schritte von jeweils einer Seite gegliedert, die mit Fragen zur Lern- und Verständniskontrolle abschließen. Um den eigenen Kenntnisstand fortwährend überprüfen zu können, wird jede Frage im Lösungsteil ausführlich beantwortet. Darüber hinaus schließt jedes Kapitel einen umfangreichen Test mit ein, um die Erfolgskontrolle zu optimieren. Wer nach der Bearbeitung der "Verständlichen Chemie" seine Kenntnisse in Allgemeiner, Anorganischer und Organischer Chemie festigen und erweitern möchte, kann dies mit den analog konzipierten "Grundkursen Chemie I und II" erreichen.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Encyclopedia of Public Health (22 Volume Set)
This encyclopedia contains 22 volumes and a total of 552 chapters covering up-to-date research in the field of public health.
Scholastic Inc. Hombre Mosca Contra El Matamoscas Fly Guy vs. the Flyswatter
Penguin Young Readers Group No More Water in the Tub Picture Puffin Books
William is getting ready for his bath when the faucet breaks, sending him and his tub surfing through the building! On his wet ride, he collects a strange fleet in his wake -- from Uncle Nash, who sits in the trash, to Little Dottie, who sails the potty. Who will William carry off next? Bath-lovers and bath-haters alike will want to know!Full of amusing detail that will keep young readers coming back again and again. -- School Library Journal
Santillana Educación, S.L. Sapo y sepo inseparables
Sapo y Sepo son amigos inseparables, no saben vivir el uno sin el otro. Juntos salen de paseo, cuidan el jardín, se reparten unas riquísimas galletas y viven emocionantes aventuras en la montaña y en el teatro.
Entredos El Príncipe Beltrán El Bicho
Classiques Garnier Les Femmes Dans La Correspondance de Luther
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. Butterflies in Room 6
Holiday House Inc Fix This Mess!
G. Schirmer, Inc. Concerto
Chester Music Elegiac Trio
Simon & Schuster Elephants Can Paint Too!
Elephants live in Asia. They eat three hundred pounds of food a day. They spray water out of their trunks. They even like to paint pictures. In this true story you'll learn about an amazing class of elephants that are taught to become artists. Ages 3-7.
Penguin Putnam Inc Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life
Faber Music Ltd Trevelyan Suite
Faber Music Ltd This Christmas Night
Faber Music Ltd Concerto for Two Pianos (3 hands)
Faber Music Ltd Symphonic Study: Machines
Faber Music Ltd Trumpet Concerto
Faber Music Ltd The Fair Field Overture
Faber Music Ltd Fantasy for Horn
Scholastic US Fly Guy Presents: Sharks
The Perseus Books Group Moores Law The Life of Gordon Moore Silicon Valleys Quiet Revolutionary
Scholastic Inc. Hi Fly Guy Scholastic Reader Level 2 01
Heel Verlag GmbH Die OffRoadFahrschule
morisel Verlag GmbH Die Welt der Neuen Bilder
Ziel- Zentrum F. Interdis Grundlinien einer Ermglichungsdidaktik Bildung ermglichen Vielfalt gestalten
Rüffer&Rub Sachbuchverlag Wenn Familien wanken und Kinder leiden
Laaber Verlag Giacomo Puccini und seine Zeit
Juventa Verlag GmbH Strategisches Controlling
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Secret Places Skandinavien
Haufe Lexware GmbH Familienunternehmen der Zukunft
Haufe Lexware GmbH Wir sind Chef Wie eine unsichtbare Revolution Unternehmen verndert
Oldenbourg Schulbuchverl. Wege Werte Wirklichkeiten Jahrgangsstufe 78 Schlerbuch
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH Salvatore
Kösel-Verlag Firmung vernetzt Die Welt ist nicht genug Jugendbuch
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Das große Buch von Frosch und Kröte