Search results for ""author andreas""
De Gruyter Franz von Pocci: Phantasie und Spott
Franz Graf von Pocci (1807–1876) war nicht nur Zeremonienmeister, Opernintendant, Komponist, Schriftsteller und Erfinder des Kasperl Larifari, sondern ein geradezu besessener Zeichner. „Und hättʼ ich wohl an hundert Händʼ / mit Burgen kämʼ ich nie zu Endʼ!", dichtete er selbst über seine Leidenschaft, ständig die Bildphantasie spielen zu lassen. Sie kreiste um erfundene Landschaften oder illustrierte seine Texte, konnte aber auch genauso gut in unbestechlicher Boshaftigkeit seine Kollegen in Verwaltung und Künstlerschaft als Karikaturen aufspießen. Der Bestand der Staatlichen Graphischen Sammlung München wurde durch eine bedeutende Stiftung von 82 Zeichnungen jüngst bereicherte. Daneben dokumentiert das Buch auch erstmals den Zeichner Ludwig Graf von Otting (1818–1894), der bei der Vereinigung »Altengland« Poccis Nachfolger als zeichnender Chronist wurde.
De Gruyter Skizzenbuchgeschichte[n]: Skizzenbücher der Staatlichen Graphischen Sammlung München
Zeichnen und Schreiben in Skizzenbüchern sind seit Jahrhunderten und bis heute wesentlicher Bestandteil künstlerischer Praxis. Die graphischen Spuren in den Büchern sind geprägt durch große Unmittelbarkeit sowie Heterogenität: Gesehenes, Gehörtes und Gelesenes, Einfälle, Gedanken und Erinnerungen können bewahrt, strukturiert und reflektiert werden. Gleichzeitig bieten Skizzenbücher einen ganz privaten und geschützten Raum, um jenseits aller ästhetischen Erwartungen und Konventionen Neues zu entwickeln. Die Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München stellt das Medium Skizzenbuch erstmals in den Mittelpunkt einer umfassenden musealen Präsentation. Der Ausstellungskatalog umfasst sowohl eine Typologie des Schreibens und Zeichnens im Skizzenbuch als auch aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zu kunsttechnologischen Aspekten. Nicht zuletzt wird der Gesamtbestand von mehr als 250 Skizzenbüchern vom 18. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart, von Malern, Zeichnern, Bildhauern, Architekten wie auch Reiseskizzenbücher typologisiert und in einer detaillierten Bestandsliste erfasst.
De Gruyter Alfred Polgar
Unverstaubteres als seine Prosa lässt sich nicht denken. Wer ihn liest, fühlt sich belebt durch seinen Witz, seine feine Bosheit, helle Vernunft und unbedingte Humanität. Robert Musil zufolge war es leichter, eine Forelle mit der Hand zu fangen, als eine ernsthafte Unterredung mit Alfred Polgar zu führen. Andreas Nentwich versucht es gar nicht erst, sondern wendet sich der Oberfläche zu: Maßschuhen und Geldnöten, Neurasthenien und Lebensspuren auf dem fotografischen Abbild. Und er passt Polgar dort ab, wo er mit seiner ganzen Person anwesend ist, weil er nicht 'ich' sagen muss: in den Vexierspielen seiner kritischen Erzählungen und erzählenden Kritiken.
De Gruyter Kunstmuseum Magdeburg: Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen
Im ältesten erhaltenen Bauwerk Magdeburgs, dem ehemaligen Marienstift 'Unser Lieben Frau', befindet sich heute neben wechselnden Kunstausstellungen vor allem die museale Skulpturensammlung der Stadt Magdeburg mit Werken von der Antike über das Mittelalter bis zu einem großen zeitgenössischen Bestand. Außerhalb der Klausurräume wurde in der DDR ein großer Skulpturenpark begründet, dessen Ausbau heute auf die internationale Kunst der Gegenwart fokussiert ist. Die romanische Klosterkirche wird für musikalische Aufführungen genutzt.
Aschendorff Verlag Baumberger Sandstein: Der Marmor Des Munsterlandes
Thieme Publishing Group Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery - Techniques, Evidence, and Controversies
Minimally invasive spine surgery, in some form or other, has historical roots dating back more than 100 years, and recent advances in technology now make it increasingly effective in treating suitable spine patients. While minimally invasive approaches have shown to reduce muscle damage, blood loss, and post-operative pain, to perform this t ype of surgery correctly, even highly skilled modern-day surgeons must prepare themselves for a demanding learning curve. For this reason, AOSpine proudly presents Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Techniques, Evidence, and Controversies, the most comprehensive book of its kind, which includes more than 500 pages of surgical techniques, illustrations, case images, tips and tricks, and research, providing an invaluable tool for spine surgeons around the world. Each technique is fully examined: The pros and cons of each is objectively reviewed Its spectrum of indications and contraindications is summarized Historical and modern day controversies relating to each technique are discussed Uniquely, chapters in the text are further supported by an evidence-based section summarizing research studies, analysis, and conclusions into each technique, from peer-reviewed journals The text covers more than just a range of interesting medical techniques. By including brief historical introductions on each technique and the surgeons that explored and founded its methods, their early (sometimes self-made) instrumentation, right through to todays current best-practice, this book provides an interesting, informative, and topical instruction on minimally invasive surgery and its increasingly encouraging results for spine-patient care.
Birkhauser Keller
Keller, Bauteile unter anschließendem Gelände, stellen spezielle Anforderungen an Planung und Ausführung. Die 2. Auflage dieser Einführung geht ausführlich auf die maßgeblichen mechanischen Einwirkungen und bauphysikalischen Anforderungen ein. Systematisch werden in dem Band Funktion und Anforderung von Kellern, Konstruktionselemente, Feuchtigkeitsschutz und Detailausbildungen behandelt. Der Feuchtigkeitsschutz erdberührender Bauteile wird im Hauptabschnitt von den Grundlagen bis zu Detaillösungen besonders ausführlich dargestellt, aber auch der Planung und Ausstattung von Schutzräumen ist unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Vorgaben ein eigener Abschnitt gewidmet. Beispiele, Bildmaterial und Normhinweise wurden für die 2. Auflage aktualisiert.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Adam Smith’s System: A Re-Interpretation Inspired by Smith's Lectures on Rhetoric, Game Theory, and Conjectural History
Inspired by his lectures on rhetoric and by game theory, this book provides a new interpretation of Adam Smith’s system of thought. It highlights its coherence through the identification of three reasoning routines and a meta-reasoning routine throughout his work on languages, rhetoric, moral sentiments, self-command, and the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. The identification of these reasoning routines allows the authors to uncover a hitherto poorly understood deep structure of Smith’s work and to explain its main characteristics. How these routines emerged in Smith’s early research on the principles of the human mind is also traced. This book sheds new light on Adam Smith and his work, highlighting his sophisticated understanding of strategic interaction in all things rhetorical, moral, and economic. It will be relevant to students and researchers interested in the history of ideas, the history of economic thought, game theory, Enlightenment studies, and rhetoric.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Introducing Relational Political Analysis: Political Semiotics as a Theory and Method
This book introduces relational thinking to political analysis. Instead of merely providing an overview of possible trajectories for articulating a relational political analysis, Peeter Selg and Andreas Ventsel put forth a concrete relational theory of the political, which has implications for research methodology, culminating in a concrete method they call political form analysis. In addition, they sketch out several applications of this theory, methodology and method. They call their approach “political semiotics” and argue that it is a fruitful way of conducting research on power, governance and democracy – the core dimensions of the political – in a manner that is envisioned in numerous discussions of the “relational turn” in the social sciences. It is the first monograph that attempts to outline an approach to the political that would be relational throughout, from its meta theoretical and theoretical premises through to its methodological implications, methods and empirical applications.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics
The Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics is a cutting-edge collection of specially commissioned contributions highlighting not only the broad scope but also the common ground between all branches of this prolific and fast developing field of economics.For 25 years economists have been investigating industrial dynamics under the heading of neo-Schumpeterian economics, which has itself become a mature and widely acknowledged discipline in the fields of innovation, knowledge, growth and development economics. The Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics surveys the achievements of the most visible scholars in this area. The contributions to the Companion give both a brief survey on the various fields of neo-Schumpeterian economics as well as insights into recent research at the scientific frontiers. The book also illustrates the potential of neo-Schumpeterian economics to overcome its so far self-imposed restriction to the domains of technology driven industry dynamics, and to become a comprehensive approach in economics suited for the analysis of development processes in all economic domains. Integrating both the public sector and financial markets, the book focusses on the co-evolutionary processes between the different domains.As a roadmap for the development of a comprehensive neo-Schumpeterian theory, the Companion will be an invaluable source of reference for researchers in the fields of industrial dynamics and economic growth, and academics and scholars of economics generally. PhD students will find the Companion an indispensable general introduction to the field of neo-Schumpeterian economics. It will also appeal to politicians and consultants engaged in national and international policy as the Companion deals with the highly important and ever topical phenomena of economic development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Risk and Conflicts: Local Responses to Natural Disasters
Communities affected by natural disasters are often stigmatized as being passive with regard to disaster prevention, mitigation and adaptation, waiting only for government assistance in the aftermath of such events. However, many innovative community initiatives have been developed to address natural disasters, which are often characterized as "local responses". While scrutinizing the potential strength and comparative advantage of community-based disaster response, this book analyzes and illustrates how individuals, families and social groups in rural and urban communities perceive natural disasters, their underlying reasons and their effects on their livelihoods, and documents and analyzes the role of local responses to natural disasters and conflict. Key factors determining the degree of vulnerability and resilience of affected communities are also elicited. Several pivotal issues related to community-based disaster responses are addressed, such as the relationship between local and external knowledge in addressing disasters, the relevance of institutional and policy frameworks for community-based disaster response and the role of social capital and collective action.
Edinburgh University Press Republican Democracy: Liberty, Law and Politics
This book critically assesses conceptions of democracy in different republican traditions. This book explores the historical and theoretical relationships between democracy and republicanism, and their consequences. It expands on the foundational principle of republicanism, putting forward new insights into connections between liberty, law and democratic politics, and a radically new conceptualisation of the meaning and structure of democratic institutions and procedures. It includes contributions from Philip Pettit, John Ferejohn, Rainer Forst, James Bohman, Cecile Laborde, Jack N. Rakove and John P. McCormick.
Taylor & Francis Inc Game Theory in Communication Networks: Cooperative Resolution of Interactive Networking Scenarios
A mathematical tool for scientists and researchers who work with computer and communication networks, Game Theory in Communication Networks: Cooperative Resolution of Interactive Networking Scenarios addresses the question of how to promote cooperative behavior in interactive situations between heterogeneous entities in communication networking scenarios. It explores network design and management from a theoretical perspective, using game theory and graph theory to analyze strategic situations and demonstrate profitable behaviors of the cooperative entities.The book promotes the use of Game Theory to address important resource management and security issues found in next generation communications networks, particularly heterogeneous networks, for cases where cooperative interactive networking scenarios can be formulated. It provides solutions for representative mechanisms that need improvement by presenting a theoretical step-by-step approach. The text begins with a presentation of theory that can be used to promote cooperation for the entities in a particular interactive situation. Next, it examines two-player interaction as well as interactions between multiple players. The final chapter presents and examines a performance evaluation framework based on MATLAB®.Each chapter begins by introducing basic theory for dealing with a particular interactive situation and illustrating how particular aspects of game theory can be used to formulate and solve interactive situations that appear in communication networks regularly. The second part of each chapter presents example scenarios that demonstrate the applicability and power of the theory—illustrating a number of cooperative interactions and discussing how they could be addressed within the theoretical framework presented in the first part of the chapter. The book also includes simulation code that can be downloaded so you can use some or all of the proposed models to improve your own network designs. Specific topics covered include network selection, user-network interaction, network synthesis, and context-aware security provisioning.
£140.00 Simple Steps to Total Health
Stanford University Press Deterring Terrorism: Theory and Practice
During the Cold War, deterrence theory was the cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy. Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, however, popular wisdom dictated that terrorist organizations and radical fanatics could not be deterred—and governments shifted their attention to combating terrorism rather than deterring it. This book challenges that prevailing assumption and offers insight as to when and where terrorism can be deterred. It first identifies how and where theories of deterrence apply to counterterrorism, highlighting how traditional and less-traditional notions of deterrence can be applied to evolving terrorist threats. It then applies these theoretical propositions to real-world threats to establish the role deterrence has within a dynamic counterterrorism strategy—and to identify how metrics can be created for measuring the success of terrorism deterrence strategies. In sum, it provides a foundation for developing effective counterterrorism policies to help states contain or curtail the terrorism challenges they face.
Stanford University Press Human Capital and Economic Growth
This book provides an in-depth investigation of the link between human capital and economic growth. The authors take an innovative approach, examining the determinants of economic growth through a historical overview of the concept of human capital. The text fosters a deep understanding of the connection between human capital and economic growth through the exploration of different theoretical approaches, a review of the literature, and the application of nonlinear estimation techniques to a comprehensive data set. The authors discuss nonparametric econometric techniques and their application to estimating nonlinearities—which has emerged as one of the most salient features of empirical work in modeling the human capital-growth relationship, and the process of economic growth in general. By delving into the topic from theoretical and empirical standpoints, this book offers an insightful new view that will be extremely useful for scholars, students, and policy makers.
Cornell University Press Economic Nationalism in a Globalizing World
Is economic nationalism an outdated phenomenon in light of globalization? Economic Nationalism in a Globalizing World demonstrates the enduring, and even heightened, economic significance of national identities and nationalism in the current age. The volume's contributors, pioneers in the reinterpretation of economic nationalism, explore diverse ways in which national identities and nationalism continue to shape contemporary economic policies and processes. The authors examine the question in a range of geographical contexts and issues: European Union food politics, competitiveness strategies in New Zealand, East Asian development strategies, Japanese liberalization, monetary politics in Quebec and Germany, and post-Soviet economic reforms. Together, the cases explore the policy breadth of nationalism. It is not just a "protectionist" ideology but is in fact associated with a wide variety of economic policies, including support for economic liberalization and globalization.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Invention of Creativity: Modern Society and the Culture of the New
Contemporary society has seen an unprecedented rise in both the demand and the desire to be creative, to bring something new into the world. Once the reserve of artistic subcultures, creativity has now become a universal model for culture and an imperative in many parts of society.In this new book, cultural sociologist Andreas Reckwitz investigates how the ideal of creativity has grown into a major social force, from the art of the avant-garde and postmodernism to the ‘creative industries’ and the innovation economy, the psychology of creativity and self-growth, the media representation of creative stars, and the urban design of ‘creative cities’. Where creativity is often assumed to be a force for good, Reckwitz looks critically at how this imperative has developed from the 1970s to the present day. Though we may well perceive creativity as the realization of some natural and innate potential within us, it has rather to be understood within the structures of a very specific culture of the new in late modern society. The Invention of Creativity is a bold and refreshing counter to conventional wisdom that shows how our age is defined by radical and restrictive processes of social aestheticization. It will be of great interest to those working in a variety of disciplines, from cultural and social theory to art history and aesthetics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Mediated Construction of Reality
Social theory needs to be completely rethought in a world of digital media and social media platforms driven by data processes. Fifty years after Berger and Luckmann published their classic text The Social Construction of Reality, two leading sociologists of media, Nick Couldry and Andreas Hepp, revisit the question of how social theory can understand the processes through which an everyday world is constructed in and through media. Drawing on Schütz, Elias and many other social and media theorists, they ask: what are the implications of digital media�s profound involvement in those processes? Is the result a social world that is stable and liveable, or one that is increasingly unstable and unliveable?
John Wiley & Sons Inc Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks
Learn all you need to know about wireless sensor networks! Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks provides a thorough description of the nuts and bolts of wireless sensor networks. The authors give an overview of the state-of-the-art, putting all the individual solutions into perspective with one and other. Numerous practical examples, case studies and illustrations demonstrate the theory, techniques and results presented. The clear chapter structure, listing learning objectives, outline and summarizing key points, help guide the reader expertly through the material. Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks: Covers architecture and communications protocols in detail with practical implementation examples and case studies. Provides an understanding of mutual relationships and dependencies between different protocols and architectural decisions. Offers an in-depth investigation of relevant protocol mechanisms. Shows which protocols are suitable for which tasks within a wireless sensor network and in which circumstances they perform efficiently. Features an extensive website with the bibliography, PowerPoint slides, additional exercises and worked solutions. This text provides academic researchers, graduate students in computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering, as well as practitioners in industry and research engineers with an understanding of the specific design challenges and solutions for wireless sensor networks. Check out for accompanying course material! "I am deeply impressed by the book of Karl & Willig. It is by far the most complete source for wireless sensor networks...The book covers almost all topics related to sensor networks, gives an amazing number of references, and, thus, is the perfect source for students, teachers, and researchers. Throughout the book the reader will find high quality text, figures, formulas, comparisons etc. - all you need for a sound basis to start sensor network research." Prof. Jochen Schiller, Institute of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin
John Wiley & Sons Inc Named Organic Reactions
This Second edition contains consise information on 134 carefully chosen named organic reactions - the standard set of undergraduate and graduate synthetic organic chemistry courses. Each reaction is detailed with clearly drawn mechanisms, references from the primary literature, and well-written accounts covering the mechanical aspects of the reactions, and the details of side reactions and substrate limitations. For the 2nd edition the complete text has been revised and updated, and four new reactions have been added: Baylis-Hillmann Reaction, Sonogashira Reaction, Pummerer Reaction, and the Swern Oxidation und Cyclopropanation. An essential text for students preparing for exams in organic chemistry.
Indiana University Press Writing Jewish Culture: Paradoxes in Ethnography
Focusing on Eastern and Central Europe before WWII, this collection explores various genres of "ethnoliterature" across temporal, geographical, and ideological borders as sites of Jewish identity formation and dissemination. Challenging the assumption of cultural uniformity among Ashkenazi Jews, the contributors consider how ethnographic literature defines Jews and Jewishness, the political context of Jewish ethnography, and the question of audience, readers, and listeners. With contributions from leading scholars and an appendix of translated historical ethnographies, this volume presents vivid case studies across linguistic and disciplinary divides, revealing a rich textual history that throws the complexity and diversity of a people into sharp relief.
Dutch University Press The Old Men in the Mountains: Muslim Culture and the Psychological Side of Terrorism
Aarhus University Press Historicizing Infrastructure
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Socio-Economic Foundations of the Russian Post-Soviet Regime: The Resource-Based Economy and Estate-Based Social Structure of Contemporary Russia
This monograph discloses the estate-based social structure of contemporary Russia by way of outlining the principles of the USSR's peculiar estate system, and explaining the new social estates of post-Soviet Russia. Simon Kordonsky distinguishes and describes in particular the currently existing Russian service and support estates. He introduces the notions of a resource-based state and resource-based economy as the political and economic foundations for Russian society's estate structure. His study demonstrates, moreover, how the method of inventing and institutionalizing threats plays a dominant role in the mode of distribution of scarce resources in such a social system. The book shows fundamental differences between resource- as well as threat-based economies, on the one side, and traditional risk-based economies, on the other, and discloses what this means for Russia's future.
Peter Lang AG Strategische Unternehmenssteuerung in Der Abfallwirtschaft Mit Hilfe Der Balanced Scorecard
Peter Lang AG Welthandel Und Menschenrechte in Der Arbeit: The Compatibility of Human Rights at Work with the Wto-System
Imprint Academic Trusting the Subject?: Volume One: Volume 1
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Power of Example: Anthropological Explorations in Persuasion, Evocation and Imitation
The Power of Example is an interdisciplinary examination of the integral role that examples and exemplification play in anthropological theory and practice. Explores the evocative and persuasive power, both positive and negative, of ‘exemplary examples’ in social life Includes contributions from established and up-and-coming anthropologists, as well as leading scholars of religious and cultural studies Features an international array of case studies on exemplification from Left radical activists in Denmark to scientific metrological practice in Brazil
O'Reilly Media Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain
Join the technological revolution that's taking the financial world by storm. Mastering Bitcoin is your guide through the seemingly complex world of Bitcoin, providing the knowledge you need to participate in the internet of money. Whether you're building the next killer app, investing in a startup, or simply curious about the technology, this revised and expanded third edition provides essential detail to get you started. Bitcoin, the first successful decentralized digital currency, has already spawned a multibillion-dollar global economy open to anyone with the knowledge and passion to participate. Mastering Bitcoin provides the knowledge. You supply the passion. The third edition includes: A broad introduction to Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain-ideal for nontechnical users, investors, and business executives An explanation of Bitcoin's technical foundation and cryptographic currency for developers, engineers, and software and systems architects Details of the Bitcoin decentralized network, peer-to-peer architecture, transaction lifecycle, and security principles New developments such as Taproot, Tapscript, Schnorr signatures, and the Lightning Network A deep dive into Bitcoin applications, including how to combine the building blocks offered by this platform into powerful new tools User stories, analogies, examples, and code snippets illustrating key technical concepts
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Invention of Creativity: Modern Society and the Culture of the New
Contemporary society has seen an unprecedented rise in both the demand and the desire to be creative, to bring something new into the world. Once the reserve of artistic subcultures, creativity has now become a universal model for culture and an imperative in many parts of society.In this new book, cultural sociologist Andreas Reckwitz investigates how the ideal of creativity has grown into a major social force, from the art of the avant-garde and postmodernism to the ‘creative industries’ and the innovation economy, the psychology of creativity and self-growth, the media representation of creative stars, and the urban design of ‘creative cities’. Where creativity is often assumed to be a force for good, Reckwitz looks critically at how this imperative has developed from the 1970s to the present day. Though we may well perceive creativity as the realization of some natural and innate potential within us, it has rather to be understood within the structures of a very specific culture of the new in late modern society. The Invention of Creativity is a bold and refreshing counter to conventional wisdom that shows how our age is defined by radical and restrictive processes of social aestheticization. It will be of great interest to those working in a variety of disciplines, from cultural and social theory to art history and aesthetics.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Big Data im Gesundheitswesen kompakt: Konzepte, Lösungen, Visionen
Das kompakte Fachbuch gibt einen Überblick über die Möglichkeiten von „Big Data“ im Gesundheitswesen und beschreibt anhand von ausgewählten Szenarien mögliche Einsatzgebiete.Die Autoren erläutern zentrale Systemkomponenten und IT-Standards und thematisieren anhand wichtiger Daten des Gesundheitswesens die Notwendigkeit der Strukturierung und Modellierung von Daten. Das Buch gibt Hinweise wie Geschäftsprozesse im Gesundheitswesen dokumentiert, analysiert und verbessert werden können. Anwendungsszenarien, wie die Datenanalysen für Krankenhäuser, Labore, Versicherungen und die Pharmaindustrie, zeigen die praktische Relevanz des Themas. Aber auch rechtliche und ethische Aspekte werden inhaltlich angeschnitten.Ein Buch für Entscheider in der medizinischen Leitung und Verwaltung von Krankenhäusern, Fachleute sowie niedergelassene Ärzte und Apotheker, aber auch Personen in Ausbildung und Studium im Gesundheitswesen.
Emerald Publishing Limited Climate-Induced Disasters in the Asia-Pacific Region: Response, Recovery, Adaptation
Climate-induced disasters constitute a major risk to peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. Drawing on case studies from Cambodia, Fiji, Solomon Islands and Samoa, the contributions in this volume examine local response, recovery and adaptation strategies, incorporating the perspectives and knowledge of affected individuals and communities. Asia-Pacific is the world's most disaster-prone region, accounting for about half of the climate-related displacements of 19 million people globally in 2017. Climate-related, fast-onset hazards, such as floods, cyclones and typhoons, have claimed many lives, displaced a high number of people and caused widespread damage over the past twenty years. The cost of short-term response to and medium- to long-term recovery from climate-induced disasters falls disproportionately on the poorest and most marginalised communities within Asia-Pacific countries. This book presents richly-detailed qualitative research from diverse contexts across the Asia-Pacific region, and adds to scholarship on the trajectory of community resilience and adaptation to climate-related hazards.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inventing Mobility for All: Mastering Mobility-as-a-Service with Self-Driving Vehicles
Inventing Mobility For All: Mastering Mobility-as-a-Service with Self-Driving Vehicles explores ‘Mobility-as-a-Service’ and explains the impact of this mobility concept on social and societal life, as well as on global travel behaviours. In this volume, Andreas Herrmann and Johann Jungwirth powerfully illustrate that mobility is a fundamental human right that can best be fulfilled with new autonomous vehicle development and use, showcasing how these forms of mobility will improve accessibility for the disabled, aid protection for the environment and to open how we design our cities in completely new ways.
Manning Publications Amazon Web Services in Action
DESCRIPTION Distributed systems are unpredictable, and it can be an enormous challenge to manage around potentially-crippling obstacles like hardware failures, unanticipated changes in load, and network issues. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a platform for hosting distributed applications in a secure, flexible cloud environment. AWS provides a suite of services designed to keep the focus on what an application does instead of the infrastructure required to run it. Whether serving up blog pages, analyzing fast data in real-time, building software as a service, or implementing a massive e-commerce site, AWS provides both a stable platform and services that will scale with every application. Amazon Web Services in Action introduces readers to computing, storing, and networking in the AWS cloud. It starts with a broad overview of AWS, and shows how to spin up servers manually and from the command line. Then, it explores infrastructure automation with the AWS CloudFormation service, where readers can describe a blueprint of their infrastructure as code. Readers will learn how to isolate systems using private networks to increase security, how to use the most valuable AWS managed services available on AWS, and about the benefits of stateless servers. In the end, they’ll look to the AWS model for high availability, scaling, decoupling with queues and load balancers, and fault tolerance. KEY SELLING POINTS Explains the key concepts of AWS Gives an overview of the most important services Allows readers to take full advantage of the AWS platform AUDIENCE Written for developers and DevOps engineers who are moving traditionally-deployed distributed applications to the AWS platform. No experience with AWS is required. ABOUT THE TECHNOLOGY Amazon Web Services is a platform of services in the Cloud to provide everything needed to run applications—from hosting a private blog, to running one of the biggest websites on earth, analyzing data for cancer research, or providing business applications.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Parenting Essentials: Equipping Your Children for Life
The world desperately needs parents who care deeply about parenting, who embrace their God–given role with humility, grace, commitment, a sense of stewardship, love, and a healthy dose of humor. This book takes a practical, biblical–theological approach to what a mom and dad can do together to parent in a realistic, relational and responsible way.
V&R unipress GmbH Fritz Buri: Sein Weg: Leben â Denken â Glauben