Search results for ""author francis"
Simon & Schuster Barefoot Dogs: Stories
Winner of the Jesse H. Jones Award for Best Work of Fiction from the Texas Institute of Letters * A San Francisco Chronicle Recommended Book of 2015 * Fiction Finalist for the 2015 Writers’ League of Texas Book Awards * A Kirkus Reviews Best Book of 2015 * One of the Texas Observer’s “Five Books We Loved in 2015” * One of PRI’s “The World’s Five Books You Should Read in 2016” “Profound and wrenching…A deeply moving chronicle of one family’s collective devastation, full of remarkable wisdom and humor” (The New York Times Book Review) that follows the members of a wealthy Mexican family after their patriarch is kidnapped.On an unremarkable night, José Victoriano Arteaga—the head of a thriving Mexico City family—vanishes on his way home from work. The Arteagas find few answers; the full truth of what happened to Arteaga is lost to the shadows of Mexico’s vast underworld. But soon packages arrive to the family house, offering horrifying clues. Fear, guilt, and the prospect of financial ruin fracture the once-proud family and scatter them across the globe, yet delicate threads still hold them together: in a swimming pool in Palo Alto, Arteaga’s grandson struggles to make sense of the grief that has hobbled his family; in Mexico City, Arteaga’s mistress alternates between rage and heartbreak as she waits, in growing panic, for her lover’s return; in Austin, the Arteagas’ housekeeper tries to piece together a second life in an alienating new land; in Madrid, Arteaga’s son takes his dog through the hot and unforgiving streets, in search of his father’s ghost. A stunningly original exploration of the wages of a hidden war, Barefoot Dogs is a heartfelt elegy to the stolen innocence of every family struck by tragedy. Urgent and vital fiction, “these powerful stories are worthy of rereading in order to fully digest the far-reaching implications of one man’s disappearance…this singular book affords the reader the chance to step inside a world of privilege and loss, and understand how the two are inextricably intertwined” (San Francisco Chronicle).
Annick Press Ltd Secrets Underground: North America's Buried Past
Uncover the spine-tingling mysteries and eerie surprises that lurk right under your feet! In Secrets Underground, history buff Elizabeth MacLeod takes readers deep down, below the earth's surface, and introduces them to a completely different world--sometimes terrifying, often baffling, and always fascinating. Discover: * the Civil War secrets carefully concealed in Organ Cave, West Virginia * the top-secret equipment that lies deep below Grand Central Terminal in New York City * how the Aztec city Tenochtitlan, the largest and most powerful city of its time in what is now North America, nearly disappeared without a trace * the abandoned ships buried beneath San Francisco that reveal the city's history as a top destination for fortune seekers during the Gold Rush * the nuclear shelter the U.S. government kept hidden for decades underneath an exclusive resort in West Virginia called The Greenbrier. Guiding readers through these fascinating places, MacLeod reveals their long-kept secrets and deftly explains how these lost and hidden subterranean passages, spaces, and caves answer decades-old puzzles, help us understand our own past, and lead us to discover what life was really like in eras gone by.
Columbia University Press Sachiko: A Novel
In novels such as Silence, Endō Shūsaku examined the persecution of Japanese Christians in different historical eras. Sachiko, set in Nagasaki in the painful years between 1930 and 1945, is the story of two young people trying to find love during yet another period in which Japanese Christians were accused of disloyalty to their country.In the 1930s, two young Japanese Christians, Sachiko and Shūhei, are free to play with American children in their neighborhood. But life becomes increasingly difficult for them and other Christians after Japan launches wars of aggression. Meanwhile, a Polish Franciscan priest and former missionary in Nagasaki, Father Maximillian Kolbe, is arrested after returning to his homeland. Endō alternates scenes between Nagasaki—where the growing love between Sachiko and Shūhei is imperiled by mounting persecution—and Auschwitz, where the priest has been sent. Shūhei’s dilemma deepens when he faces conscription into the Japanese military, conflicting with the Christian belief that killing is a sin. With the A-bomb attack on Nagasaki looming in the distance, Endō depicts ordinary people trying to live lives of faith in a wartime situation that renders daily life increasingly unbearable. Endō’s compassion for his characters, reflecting their struggles to find and share love for others, makes Sachiko one of his most moving novels.
Instituta Hispaniae celtica
En este libro aparecen por primera vez reunidos quince trabajos del Profesor Francisco Javier Fernández Nieto, editados en su momento de forma dispersa, en los que se recogen aspectos variados de las instituciones de estirpe céltica de los pueblos antiguos de nuestra protohistoria peninsular; argumentos puestos en relación con los de otras gentes indoeuropeas y con sus pervivencias a lo largo de los siglos. En ellos se analizan ritos y costumbres, instituciones religiosas, sociales, económicas, políticas y etnográficas, problemas sobre magia, anfictionías y fiestas comunes peninsulares, sobre el campo y las cosechas, sobre las prácticas pecuarias y las formas propias del derecho celtibérico. Se nos revelan así de forma fructífera diversos y originales caminos para el estudio comparativo de los pueblos celtibéricos, constituyendo un conjunto de trabajos muy provechoso para cuantos estén interesados en indagar en la vida, costumbres, etnografía e instituciones de la Hispania céltica y de
San Pablo, Editorial Evangelio 2019 camino verdad y vida ciclo C
Evangelio 2019. Camino, verdad y vida - Ciclo C nos ofrece los Evangelios que se proclaman en la Misa diaria. Cada día ofrece un comentario pastoral y espiritual con una sencilla oración. La página se complementa con el tiempo litúrgico, la semana del salterio para la Liturgia de las Horas, la abreviatura de las lecturas del día, la memoria litúrgica, el santoral y la jornada conmemorativa para determinados días del año. Incluye además un útil calendario litúrgico de cada mes, índice alfabético y onomástico de los principales santos, beatos y advocaciones marianas con su fecha de celebración, así como un compendio de las oraciones del cristiano, algunos himnos y salmos, y el examen de conciencia del papa Francisco. Finalmente se añade el Ordinario de la misa con la liturgia de la Palabra y la liturgia eucarística. El Evangelio dedica una página para cada día y una doble para los domingos.
Fórcola Ediciones Los aos de Madridgrado
En noviembre de 1936, Madrid era para la llamada España nacional una ciudad que se había vuelto extranjera, como demostraba la presencia de las Brigadas Internacionales, cuyo número e importancia se exageraban intencionadamente, lo que dotaba a la Guerra Civil de una dimensión de cruzada. Madridgrado, el título de la novela de Francisco Camba publicada en 1939, tomado a su vez de una de las emisiones radiofónicas del general Queipo de Llano desde Radio Sevilla, es un término afortunado que da cuenta de la imagen negativa de Madrid que tenían los sublevados y del discurso ideológico al que respondía.La idea de ciudad roja, de urbe comunista sucursal de Moscú, tenía la virtud de recoger la tradicional animadversión de la capital que manifestaban desde el siglo XIX amplios sectores conservadores de la población, y actualizada por el fascismo. Lo sucedido en Madrid durante las primeras semanas de la guerra hizo que la capital fuera considerada por los nacionales el escenario de una revo
University of Washington Press No More Cherry Blossoms: Sisters Matsumoto and Other Plays
In these four new plays, renowned playwright Philip Kan Gotanda explores the choices and challenges Japanese American women face. Although set in different decades of the twentieth century, the playsare all absolutely modern in the human struggles they depict. "Sisters Matsumoto" tells of three Japanese American sisters who return to their family farm in Stockton, California, after living in an internment camp during World War II. "The Wind Cries Mary" is a gripping drama set in the tumultuous heyday of social upheaval that was San Francisco in 1968, when California's Asian American intellectuals were first finding a political voice. "Ballad of Yachiyo," set in 1919 in Hawai'i, is a moving story of a girl's coming to sexual maturity after being sent from home to work for an alcoholic artisan and his wife.
Chronicle Books Brown Sugar Kitchen
Brown Sugar Kitchen is more than a restaurant. This soul-food outpost is a community gathering spot, a place to fill the belly, and the beating heart of West Oakland, a storied postindustrial neighborhood across the bay from San Francisco. The restaurant is a friendly beacon on a tree-lined parkway, nestled low and snug next to a scrap-metal yard in this Bay Area rust belt. Out front, customers congregate on long benches and sprawl in the grass, soaking up the sunshine, sipping at steaming mugs of Oakland-roasted coffee, waiting to snag one of the tables they glimpse through the swinging doors. Deals are done, friends are made; this is a community in action. In short order, they'll get their table, their pecan-studded sticky buns, their meaty hash topped with a quivering poached egg. Later in the day, the line grows, and the orders for chef-owner Tanya Holland's famous chicken and waffles or oyster po'boy fly. This is when satisfaction arrives. Brown Sugar Kitchen, the cookbook, stars 86 recipes for re-creating the restaurant's favorites at home, from a thick Shrimp Gumbo to celebrated Macaroni & Cheese to a show-stopping Caramel Layer Cake with Brown Butter-Caramel Frosting. And these aren't all stick-to-your-ribs recipes: Tanya's interpretations of soul food star locally grown, seasonal produce, too, in crisp, creative salads such as Romaine with Spring Vegetables & Cucumber-Buttermilk Dressing and Summer Squash Succotash. Soul-food classics get amodern spin in the case of B-Side BBQ Braised Smoked Tofu with Roasted Eggplant and a side of Roasted Green Beans with Sesame-Seed Dressing. Straight-forward, unfussy but inspired, these are recipes you'll turn to again and again. Rich visual storytelling reveals the food and the people that made and make West Oakland what it is today. Brown Sugar Kitchen truly captures the sense-and flavor-of this richly textured and delicious place.
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Desprecio del mundo y alegra de vivir en la Edad Media
La Edad Media ha sido objeto de dos opuestas y monolíticas visiones. O bien reino de miserias, plagas y violencias; o bien tiempo de las grandes conquistas del espíritu: monasterios, catedrales, imponentes elaboraciones teológicas o desarrollo de las primeras universidades. Pero hay otra Edad Media que se aborda aquí: la de la coexistencia de esas dos visiones. De un lado, la que exalta la ascesis del contemptus mundi (desprecio del mundo en todas sus manifestaciones) tal y como hizo el papa Inocencio III a finales del siglo XII. De otro lado, la que aporta diversas expresiones de la dicha de vivir: san Francisco juglar de Dios, los goliardos y los ideales corteses (el fine amor), las muchas fiestas religiosas y cívicas que jalonan el calendario cristiano. Incluso la guerra ?extendida calamidad? puede tener cierta dimensión lúdica, como la tiene también el espíritu competitivo de las disputationes académicas. El cristiano medieval, en fin, podía soñar con la felicidad en mundos aún no
Edicions Bellaterra Arquitecturas art déco en el Mediterráneo
En este libro se recogen arquitecturas Art Déco de una buena serie de países que pueden nuclearse en torno al Mediterráneo, aunque no todas sean ciudades propiamente mediterráneas. De este modo, España, Francia, Italia, Grecia, Egipto, Argelia y Marruecos han recibido la atención de los profesores e investigadores que firman sus correspondientes capítulos, demostrando cómo el Art Déco es un fenómeno de trascendencia internacional y que por esta misma razón, debe ser abordado desde un prisma que supere el propiamente localista.Esta obra cuenta con la participación de expertos internacionales en Art Déco. Francisco Javier Pérez Rojas (Catedrático de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Valencia, España) ofrece un interesante e intenso recorrido por la exposición de París de 1925 que nos permite apreciar sus principales características y los diversos pabellones que la conformaron. Por su parte Ezio Godoli (Profesor de Historia de la Arquitectura y de la Ciudad, Universidad de Floren
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. En cuerpo y alma ser mujer en tiempos de Franco
Francisco Franco consider? la Guerra Civil como una lucha ?entre los hijos del mismo pueblo, de la misma madre patria? y a ?l mismo, como ?jefe y salvador de la patria? encontrando en Espa?a una mujer, madre e indefensa.En cuerpo y alma aborda la relaci?n simb?lica entre el estado dictatorial de Franco y el cuerpo aleg?rico femenino de la naci?n. Trata la utilizaci?n metaf?rica de las im?genes sexuadas o denominadas ?de g?nero? en el discurso pol?tico, desde el primer periodo aut?rquico de la d?cada de los cuarenta hasta los a?os del ?consumismo? y el ?aperturismo? que habr?an de sucederle a finales de los cincuenta y los sesenta.En esta met?fora org?nica de la naci?n, en la que la ?naci?n? se transmuta en la figura f?sica de una ?mujer? con todas sus cualidades (maternidad, vulnerabilidad, fertilidad?), los cuerpos de las mujeres vendr?n a desempe?ar un papel central en el imaginario pol?tico, y el control de esos cuerpos se torna en herramienta esencial del ?biopoder? del r?gim
Astiberri Ediciones Espacios en blanco
'Espacios en blanco' es una historia autobiográfica sobre silencios transmitidos de generación en generación. Sobre silencios que cuentan historias. Miguel, como tantos otros al empezar la crisis en España, decide emigrar y parte a Finlandia para trabajar en una empresa de videojuegos. Los recuerdos de su infancia, las historias sobre la guerra y la posguerra que su padre le contó durante toda su vida y los silencios intercalados entre ellas se hacen más presentes en la distancia, y le obligan a plantearse cómo poder transmitirle todas esas pequeñas historias a su hijo. Cómo continuar con la tradición oral y cómo llenar todos esos espacios en blanco para que la memoria individual y colectiva no desaparezca. Tal y como subraya el maestro Josep Maria Beà en el prólogo, la importancia de ?la memoria como herramienta esencial que evitará que según qué pasajes de la historia se repitan?.Y es que Miguel Francisco, que acaba labrándose una carrera internacional en el ámbito de la animación
Mirador de Velintonia
Construido a partir de sus recuerdos como periodista, el nuevo libro de Fernando Delgado tiene mucho de memoria personal, aunque se centra sobre todo en los otros y en particular en los exiliados de fuera o de dentro ?los habitantes del llamado exilio interior y su círculo de amigos? que fueron reintegrados a la vida colectiva a lo largo de la década de los setenta, entre el tardofranquismo y los inicios de la democracia. Con la mirada, dice el autor, de un ?cronista de cercanía? que tuvo el privilegio de tratarlos o de conversar con ellos en aquellos años inaugurales, Delgado traza sus retratos yrecuenta sus palabras, en un relato articulado en torno a la figura de Vicente Aleixandre que desde su ya mítica residencia de Velintonia tejió una vasta red de afinidades. Emociones, impresiones, gratitudes o desafectos pasan por estaspáginas donde comparecen nombres fundamentales de la España peregrina como Francisco Ayala, Max Aub, Rosa Chacel, Rafael Alberti, Manuel Andújar, Juan Marichal,
Monacelli Press Improvisations on the Land: Houses of Fernau + Hartman
The first monograph of the California firm whose regional sensibility and early attention to sustainable design anticipated the prevalent trends in residential architecture today. A generous look at the San Francisco Bay Area architects’ pioneering approach to sustainable houses, ranging from the vineyard regions of California to Telluride, Colorado; the rugged ranch lands of Montana and the picturesque hamlets of the Hudson Valley and Martha’s Vineyard. Since its formation in 1981, Fernau + Hartman has become renowned for its imaginative expansion of the possibilities of site- and region-specific architecture. Leaders in these concepts, as well as in sustainable design long before its currency today, Fernau + Hartman’s houses maximize the connection between the natural and built environments, intensify the experience of place, and invite an open, playful, and inventive approach to life. A Newport Beach weekend house has flexible sleeping quarters and almost everything else (spaces for cooking, eating, showering, and bathing) is outdoors; a house made of alternating indoor and outdoor rooms climbs up a Sonoma County hillside; and an island house inspired by the fishing village of Menemsha is composed as three independent gabled “sheds” docked at a central screened porch featuring a fireplace and dining table. With essays by Beth Dunlop, Laura Hartman, Thomas Fisher, and Daniel P. Gregory, Improvisations on the Land creates a multifaceted portrait of the firm’s history, philosophy, and practice - revealing as much about their process as the finished houses themselves. Models, axonometric drawings, floor and site plans, elevations, and photographs of vernacular structures - from a collapsed barn in Montana, to Colorado mining compounds and a louvered colonnade in the Sacramento River Delta - contribute to a full appreciation of Fernau + Hartman’s work, how its sense of spontaneity and joy provides the antidote to so much of the self-conscious architecture that surrounds us, and results in houses that push the possibilities of residential design today.
University of California Press Rethinking Andrew Wyeth
Andrew Wyeth is one of the best loved and most widely recognized artists in American history, yet for much of his career he was reviled by the art world's critical elite. Rethinking Andrew Wyeth reevaluates Wyeth and his place in American art, trying to reconcile these two opposing images of the man and his work. In addition to surveying the American critical reception of Wyeth's art over the seven decades of his career, David Cateforis brings together a collection of essays featuring new critical and scholarly responses to the artist. Donald Kuspit's compelling psycho-philosophical interpretation of Wyeth exemplifies the possibility of new approaches to understanding his work that move beyond the Wyeth "curse," as do those of the other contributors to this volume - from the close analysis of Wyeth's technical means offered by Joyce Hill Stoner, to the adventuresome interpretive readings of individual Wyeth paintings advanced by Alexander Nemerov and Randall C. Griffin, the considerations of Wyeth's critical reception in historical context offered by Wanda M. Corn and Katie Robinson Edwards, and the connections of Wyeth to other canonical artists such as Francine Weiss' comparison of him to Robert Frost and Patricia Junker's linkage of Wyeth and Marcel Duchamp. Rethinking Andrew Wyeth includes an appendix with data from visitor surveys conducted at the Wyeth retrospectives in San Francisco in 1973 and Philadelphia in 2006. Illustrated throughout with both iconic and lesser-known examples of Wyeth's work, this book will appeal to academic, museum, and popular audiences seeking a deeper understanding and appreciation of Andrew Wyeth's art through its critical reception and interpretation. Edited by David Cateforis, with essays by David Cateforis, Wanda M. Corn, Katie Robinson Edwards, Randall C. Griffin, Patricia Junker, Donald Kuspit, Alexander Nemerov, Joyce Hill Stoner, and Francine Weiss. This volume's release coincides with an exhibition at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. in 2014, Andrew Wyeth: Looking Out, Looking In.
Siglio Press Jess: O! Tricky Cad and Other Jessoterica
The San Francisco artist Jess (1923–2004) has for decades been known to cognoscenti as an inventive and sophisticated master of the collage aesthetic. Recently however, his works are receiving fresh attention from a younger generation attuned to Jess’ interests in myth, narrative and appropriation. Jess used images taken from sources ranging from Dick Tracy to Dürer, from a Beatles bubblegum card to medical textbook drawings, from 1887 Scientific American line engravings to frames from George Herriman’s Krazy Kat. In reexamining myth through a synthesis of art and literature, Jess’ work remains a crucial assemblage of the meanings of our time. This volume brings to light collages, collage books, word poems and altered comics that have been largely inaccessible or unavailable since their making. Originally published in small editions and hard-to-find journals, or made as one-off artist’s books, these works demonstrate the full range of Jess’s extraordinary verbal and visual play. Several of Jess’s surreal comic-strip manipulations, Tricky Cad (1954–1959), are reproduced for the first time in their entirety, as are others such as Ben Big Bolt and Nance that have never before been published. The book also includes a group of complex wraparound book covers, several unpublished collage poems, and two artist’s books never before reproduced in full: From Force of Habit, a “fantastic tale” which plays with the pages of a Swedish cult sci-fi novel, and When a Young Lad Dreams of Manhood, a homoerotic paean (and naughty parody) of the priapic urge. A facsimile reproduction of the 20-page collage masterpiece O! is included as a separate booklet, and the book sports a dustjacket that folds out into a poster-size collage.
University of New Mexico Press The Jailing of Cecilia Capture
Cecelia Capture Welles, an Indian law student and mother of two, is jailed on her thirtieth birthday for drunk driving. Held on an old welfare fraud charge, she reflects back on her life on the reservation in Idaho, her days as an unwed mother in San Francisco, her marriage to a white liberal, and her decision to return to college. This mixed inheritance of ambition and despair brings her to the brink of suicide.
University of California Press Phoenix Kingdoms: The Last Splendor of China's Bronze Age
This stunning exhibition unveils the remarkable art and historical legacy of two mysterious kingdoms of ancient China. Phoenix Kingdoms brings to life the distinctive Bronze Age cultures that flourished along the middle course of the Yangzi River in South Central China about 2,500 years ago. With over 150 objects on loan from five major Chinese museums, Phoenix Kingdoms explores the artistic and spiritual landscape of the southern borderland of the Zhou dynasty, featuring remarkable archaeological finds unearthed from aristocratic tombs of the phoenix-worshipping Zeng and Chu kingdoms. By revealing the splendid material cultures of these legendary states, whose history has only recently been recovered, Phoenix Kingdoms highlights the importance of this region in forming a southern style that influenced centuries of Chinese art. This exhibition catalogue includes six essays that contextualize the stylistically rich material—mythical creatures, elaborate patterns, and elegant forms—and introduces readers to the technologically and artistically sophisticated cultures that thrived before China’s first empire. Lavishly illustrated with over 240 images, Phoenix Kingdoms showcases works from the exhibition across six categories—jades, bronze ritual vessels, musical instruments and weapons, lacquerware for luxury and ceremony, funerary bronze and wood objects, and textiles and unique objects featuring distinctive designs—many of which are considered national treasures. Published in association with the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Chasing Utopia: A Hybrid
The poetry of Nikki Giovanni has spurred social justice movements and inspired songs, turned hearts and informed generations about the reality of life—especially Black life--in America. One of the foremost African-American writers and activists of her generation, she has been hailed as a healer and a sage, a powerful voice on issues of race, equality, violence, and discrimination. With Chasing Utopia, Giovanni demands that the prosaic—flowers, food, birdsong, winter—be seen as poetic, and reaffirms once again why she is as energetic, "remarkable" (Gwendolyn Brooks), "wonderful" (Marian Wright Edelman),"outspoken, prolific, energetic" (New York Times), and relevant as ever. “This slim volume delights on every page. There are stories, imaginings, whimsy, and startling images which prove the poet’s power and her command of language . . . Anyone with a love of language will be delighted with this book and the continuing publication of America’s treasured poet.”—San Francisco Book Review
Quirk Books Find Momo Coast to Coast: A Photography Book
Momo the adorable Border collie is back! This time you can play hide-and-seek with Momo as he travels from coast to coast, visiting iconic North American landmarks and exploring back roads Americana and Canada. Part game, part photography book, part road-trip journal, all fun. In FIND MOMO, readers were introduced to Momo the Border collie, who plays hide-and-seek in the beautiful photography of his best buddy Andrew Knapp. Now the game continues. This time readers can travel with the Instagram sensation as he journeys from Portland, Maine to Austin, Texas to Seattle, Washington; from British Columbia back home to Ontario, all the while visiting iconic landmarks and unique off-map marvels. Look for Momo hiding in Grand Central Station, in front of the White House, or on the streets of San Franciscoand at diners, camp grounds, museums, and other locales that only a seasoned road-tripper like Andrew could find.
HarperCollins The Great Divide
A TODAY Show Read With Jenna Book Club Pick! A powerful novel about the construction of the Panama Canal, casting light on the unsung people who lived, loved, and labored thereIt is said that the canal will be the greatest feat of engineering in history. But first, it must be built. For Francisco, a local fisherman who resents the foreign powers clamoring for a slice of his country, nothing is more upsetting than the decision of his son, Omar, to work as a digger in the excavation zone. But for Omar, whose upbringing was quiet and lonely, this job offers a chance to finally find connection.Ada Bunting is a bold sixteen-year-old from Barbados who arrives in Panama as a stowaway alongside thousands of other West Indians seeking work. Alone and with no resources, she is determined to find a job that will earn enough money for her ailing sister’s surgery. When she sees a young man—Omar—who has collapsed after a gru
Marquand Books Inc Lily Samii: Fifty Years of Fashion
This book invites readers to step inside the mesmerizing world of San Francisco-based Iranian fashion designer Lily Samii. From her upbringing in Iran to the runways of Paris, Lily Samii: Fifty Years of Fashion; takes readers on a fascinating journey through Lily Samii's incredible life. We learn about her magnificent life in Iran and her secret obsession with fabrics, nature and movement as a young child; we travel with her across the globe and peek into the glamorous world of Hollywood and costume design where she was trained by Edith Head and James Galanos; and we join Samii as she opens her iconic Bay Area boutique, LYZ, that was the talk of the town for 30 years, recognized by national fashion magazines including Harper's Bazaar;, Vogue; and Women's Wear Daily;. From LYZ, Lily launched her career as a couture designer with gowns and outfits for celebrities and influential women in politics, society, philanthropy and the arts.
Little, Brown Book Group The Counterfeit Candidate
Berlin, 30 April, 1945As the Russian Army closes in on the war-torn City, Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun take their own lives. Their bodies are burned and buried in the Reich Chancellery garden, above the Führer''s bunker.Buenos Aires, 9 January, 2012Three audacious thieves carry out the biggest safe depository heist in Argentine history, escaping with more than one hundred million dollars'' worth of valuables. Within hours, an encrypted phone call to America triggers a blood-soaked manhunt as the thieves are tracked down, systematically tortured, then murdered.San Francisco, 18 January, 2012Senator John Franklin, hailed as the ''Great Unifier'', secures the Republican Presidential nomination and seems destined for the Oval Office. Despite the sixty-seven year interval and a span of thirteen thousand miles, these events are indelibly linked.Chief Inspector Nicolas Vargas of the Buenos Aires Police Department and Lieutenant Troy He
3DTotal Publishing Ltd Eleeza: The Art of Eliza Ivanova
The Art of Eliza Ivanova is an evocative, edgy, and beautiful book filled with the work of this exciting artist. A graduate of the California Institute of Arts, Bulgarian-born Eliza now lives in San Francisco where she created much of the art on these pages. She produces effortless movement with her sketched lines and animation-influenced dynamic touches. Well known for her portraits and figures of women and children, Eliza’s style is distinctive and rich in detail. In addition to a gallery filled with a mix of old favorites, new creations and bespoke commissions for this book, you will be invited into Eliza’s world. Enter her studio to discover her workspace and favorite tools. Eliza also shares techniques with us in step-by-step workshops to help us capture some of that dynamic movement that infuses her work. Both aspiring and established artists will benefit from Eliza’s technical tips and words of wisdom about life, work, and more.
Rizzoli International Publications Kelly Wearstler: Evocative Style
Celebrated for luxurious interiors that capture the swankiness of old-world Hollywood with a modern pop sensibility, Wearstler is known for her decadent designs of residences and boutique hotels, such as the line of Viceroys and the tastemakers Maison 140 and Avalon. Her ornate interiors are distinctive for layers of bold textures, patterns, and rich colors juxtaposed with lustrous surfaces, adding up to a whimsical and elegant look that has been called mod baroque. Here Wearstler shares her creative world, profiling in detail her latest residential and commercial designs (several previously unpublished) and her sumptuous new San Francisco Proper Hotel, as well as her creative process. Full of ideas and with beautiful images of many never-before-photographed interiors, Kelly Wearstler: Evocative Style is an inspirational look at the designer s inventive work. Filled with new work, this volume is a must for other designers and homeowners looking for elegant design inspiration and ideas.
Abbeville Press Inc.,U.S. The Art of Rock
From the 1950s through today, here is the - complete - visual history of the rock concert poster: the funkiest bills advertising Elvis, B.B. King, and Howlin'' Wolf; the multicoloured psychedelic hallucinations promoting the Grateful Dead, Dylan, and the Doors; the deliciously tasteless art for the Sex Pistols, Crime, and the Clash. From the Red Dog Saloon in San Francisco, where the psychedelic scene started, to CBGB, New York''s punk Mecca, and beyond. 1,500 images searched out world-wide from clubs, attics, and bedroomsas well as more formal collectionsare reproduced in their original blazing colours. Replete with firsthand historyincluding exclusive interviews with scores of insiders, poster artists, musicians, and promotersthis is the ultimate high for the rock music fan, required reading for the poster collector, a treasure trove for the graphic artist, and a riotous feast for anyone who digs pop culture.
Little, Brown Book Group The Historian: The captivating international bestseller and Richard and Judy Book Club pick
THE SUMPTUOUS INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER. 'A smart retelling of the Dracula story' New Yorker'Quite extraordinary....Kostova is a natural storyteller....She has refashioned the vampire myth into a compelling contemporary novel, a late-night page-turner' - San Francisco ChronicleBreathtakingly suspenseful and beautifully written, The Historian is the story of a young woman plunged into a labyrinth where the secrets of her family's past connect to an inconceivable evil: the dark fifteenth-century reign of Vlad the Impaler and a time-defying pact that may have kept his awful work alive through the ages. The search for the truth becomes an adventure of monumental proportions, taking us from monasteries and dusty libraries to the capitals of Eastern Europe-in a feat of storytelling so rich, so hypnotic, so exciting that it has enthralled readers around the world.'Filled with fascinating details of archaic vampire lore, the splendours of the Ottoman Empire and the beauty of the Romanian countryside' - Times Literary Supplement
WW Norton & Co Arthur Brown Jr.: Progressive Classicist
Celebrated by his peers for such masterpieces as the City Hall, War Memorial Opera House, Temple Emanu-El, and Coit Tower in San Francisco; the Pasadena City Hall; and the Labor-ICC block of the Federal Triangle in Washington, DC, Brown epitomized the idea that architecture not only houses society’s daily rituals and defining events but also can itself shape the sociopolitical landscape of America. Arthur Brown Jr.: Progressive Classicist, the first full study of Brown within his architectural and social context, unifies the varied strands of the architect’s life, from the architectural forms and methods of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris to the reforming spirit and self-reliant confidence of San Francisco after the earthquake and fire of 1906 to the challenging economics and changing aesthetics of machine-age America. It details the development of Brown’s major works and many other civic, commercial, religious, academic, and residential buildings. It chronicles his unflagging commitment to the classical tradition, which he employed in contemporary, forward-looking institutional buildings that emphasized continuity with the past while meeting the needs of the future. To Brown, the classical tradition was not a sacrosanct, unchanging body of knowledge; it was an expanding and evolving set of ideas about architectural design that permitted, and even demanded, change as new conditions and technologies were developed. Arthur Brown Jr. is a fascinating look at the man-captivated by the classical movement and obsessed with the slightest architectural detail-and at his buildings, at once canonical and inventive and singularly American.
Fordham University Press Land of Stark Contrasts: Faith-Based Responses to Homelessness in the United States
An important new volume showcasing a wide range of faith-based responses to one of today’s most pressing social issues, challenging us to expand our ways of understanding. Land of Stark Contrasts brings together the work of social scientists, ethicists, and theologians exploring the profound role of religion in understanding and responding to homelessness and housing insecurity in all corners of the United States—from Seattle, San Francisco, and Silicon Valley to Dallas and San Antonio to Washington, D.C., and Boston. Together, the essays of Land of Stark Contrasts chart intriguing ways forward for future initiatives to address the root causes of homelessness. In this way they are essential reading for practical theologians, congregational leaders, and faith-based nonprofit organizers exploring how to combine spiritual and material care for homeless individuals and other vulnerable populations. Social workers, nonprofit managers, and policy specialists seeking to understand how to partner better with faith-based organizations will also find the chapters in this volume an invaluable resource. Contributors include James V. Spickard, Manuel Mejido Costoya and Margaret Breen, Michael R. Fisher Jr., Laura Stivers, Lauren Valk Lawson, Bruce Granville Miller, Nancy A. Khalil, John A. Coleman, S.J., Jeremy Phillip Brown, Paul Houston Blankenship, María Teresa Dávila, Roberto Mata, and Sathianathan Clarke. Co-published with Seattle University’s Center for Religious Wisdom and World Affairs
Uncivilized Books Jacob Bladders and the State of the Art
Jacob Bladders: illustrator, braggart, and victim of assault by thugs sent by the mysterious Charlie. Part satire of commercial art, part noirish detective story, part puzzle to be solved or left in pieces. Roman Muradov's latest is an ink-smeared Blakean vision of 1940s New York where Twitter exists as a network of pneumatic tubes, but artwork is still delivered by hand.Roman Muradov was born in Moscow, Russia. He now resides in San Francisco, California. As an illustrator he has worked for Vogue, Random House, the New Yorker, the New York Times, and Penguin. In 2013, Muradov received a Gold Medal from the Society of Illustrators. His first book, (In a Sense) Lost and Found, was published last year by Nobrow Press.
Penguin Putnam Inc Nana, Nenek & Nina
Nina lives in San Francisco with her parents, and she loves visiting her two grandmas across the world. Follow Nina as her two trips unfold side by side: Young readers will love poring over the details of what is the same and what is different at Nana’s home in England and at Nenek’s home in Malaysia. In each place, Nina wears different clothes, plays different games, and eats different food. But so much about visiting Nana and Nenek is the same, from warm hugs at the airport to beach days and bedtime snuggles. Nina is equally at home across the world in Malaysia or England, and both of her grandmas love her to California and back.
Temple University Press,U.S. City Of Sisterly And Brotherly Loves: Lesbian And Gay Philadelphia, 1945-1972
Marc Stein's City of Sisterly and Brotherly Loves is refreshing for at least two reasons: it centers on a city that is not generally associated with a vibrant gay and lesbian culture, and it shows that a community was forming long before the Stonewall rebellion. In this lively and well received book, Marc Stein brings to life the neighborhood bars and clubs where people gathered and the political issues that rallied the community. He reminds us that Philadelphians were leaders in the national gay and lesbian movement and, in doing so, suggests that New York and San Francisco have for too long obscured the contributions of other cities to gay culture.
Indiana University Press Black Women Scientists in the United States
"There is very little reference material on black scientists in the US and even less that includes black women scientists. This book fills a void . . . " —Choice" . . . a valuable new survey of a social group almost universally neglected by chroniclers of American culture . . . [an] admirable book . . . " —San Francisco Examiner" . . . an illuminating collection of more than 100 profiles . . . " —Publishers WeeklyThis pathbreaking book goes beyond the lip-service traditionally paid to Black women scientists and illuminates their scientific contributions, struggles, strategies, and triumphs. Drawn heavily from primary sources, Warren's original reference guide includes biographies of more than 100 Black women scientists in fields from anatomy and mathematics to psychology and zoology.
Nightboat Books The Danish Notebook
A reissue of Michael Palemer’s poetry notebook first published in 1999 and now considered a classic of the genre of poet’s prose. In The Danish Notebook Michael Palmer sets out to discover which images and designs will appear when his reflections (on poetry, collaboration, work, travel) and memories (of chance meetings, conversations among friends, books read and movies seen) are set down on paper. The result is part memoir, part correspondence, travel diary, and poetic essay. Moving from the streets of Paris and San Francisco to the top of a Hawaiian volcano, it reveals a rare, personal look at one of the most original and influential poets of our time.
El Pas de la Canela Triloga sobre la conquista del Nuevo Mundo 2
Premio Rómulo Gallegos 2009, El País de la Canela es la historia de una expedición fracasada, de la locura que se apoderó de aquellos conquistadores del Nuevo Mundo que deliraban a causa de las promesas de oro y opulencia.Fue en las terrazas saqueadas del Quzco donde Gonzalo Pizarro oyó por primera vez hablar del País de la Canelea. Él tenía como todos la esperanza de que hubiera canela en el Nuevo Mundo, y cuando oudo dio a probar a los indios bebidas con canela, para ver si la reconocían. [...] Sé que los indios no pudieron haberle descrito todo con exactitud, porque las dificultades de comunicación eran muchas, pero Pizarro adivinó las arboledas rojas de árboles leñosos y perfumados, un país entero con toda la canela del mundo, la comarca más rica que alguien pudiera imaginar.Un grupo de hombres, guiados al principio por Gonzalo Pizarro y después por Francisco de Orellana, emprende una expedición en busca de un soñado bosque de canela. Bajo su mando
Ciudad Real de leyenda
Conoce el informe secreto que realizó el escritor Mateo Alemán, donde destapó las nefastas condiciones laborales de los trabajadores de las minas de Almadén? Sabía que en Malagón existió un personaje que quiso imitar a Ícaro y volar con unas alas lo más lejos posible? Ha escuchado hablar de los misteriosos casos de apariciones fantasmagóricas en distintos puntos de la capital ciudadrealeña, para asombro y pavor de quienes han sido testigos? Ha visitado Villanueva de los Infantes, donde se encuentran los restos de Francisco de Quevedo, que comenzaron con una leyenda y acabaron con un estudio científico de gran rigor? Está al tanto de las historias de san Juan de Ávila o de el cura de los bichos, magnos personajes de la provincia de Ciudad Real y con sin par calado postrero??En este libro encontrará un buen ramillete de leyendas y misterios que le darán una mejor visión de una tierra única y de cómo ha sido su discurrir a lo largo de los milenios. Desde monjas sin vocación que luchaba
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Yes, You Are Trans Enough: My Transition from Self-Loathing to Self-Love
LONGLISTED FOR THE POLARI FIRST BOOK PRIZE 'Honest, raw, moving' CHRISTINE BURNS 'Radical vulnerability at its finest' OWL FISHER'Highly recommended' SAN FRANCISCO REVIEW OF BOOKSThis is the deeply personal and witty account of growing up as the kid who never fitted in. Transgender blogger Mia Violet reflects on her life and how at 26 she came to finally realise she was 'trans enough' to be transgender, after years of knowing she was different but without the language to understand why. From bullying, heartache and a botched coming out attempt, through to counselling, Gender Identity Clinics and acceptance, Mia confronts the ins and outs of transitioning, using her charged personal narrative to explore the inaccuracies of trans representation and confront what the media has gotten wrong. Deeply affecting, and narrated with warmth and honesty, this is an essential read for anyone who has had to fight to be themselves.
Hardie Grant Explore Ultimate Motorcycle Tours
Ultimate Motorcycle Tours covers 20 of the best motorcycle rides from around the world, including rides in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, India and Vietnam. Perfect for casual motorcycle riders (not just hardcore adventurers), all routes included in this guide are on made, public roads with only average skill levels required for those inspired to recreate the rides. Featured rides include Canada’s Icefields Parkway, the Pacific Coast road between Los Angeles and San Francisco, Northern Ireland’s Causeway Coastal Route, Scotland’s North Coast 500, Germany’s Black Forest, Italy’s Amalfi Coast, parts of the Route Napoleon and Australia’s Great Ocean Road. There are also interviews with avid motorcyclists from around the world, sharing their expertise and experiences. Additional material includes riding tips and motorcycle recommendations to get the most
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Jeans of the Old West, 2nd Edition
The ever-popular blue jean originated in the Old West frontier of San Francisco in the late 1800s, and here is an extensive look at the entire era of Old West denim. Gathered from collections around the world, it presents never-before-seen pictures of antique “miner’s denim” worn in the frontier communities of Nevada and California, including Levi denim that is over 120 years old. More than a dozen other brands that helped make blue jeans what they are today include Greenebaum Brothers, Neustadter Brothers, S. R. Krouse, A. B. Elfelt & Co., Heynemann & Co., Harman Adams, W. & I. Steinhart & Co., Toklas, Brown, and others. Many of these innovative blue-jean designs have been lost in the dust of history and were inaccessible to the public until now. Over 300 color photos and illustrations chronicle examples, patent drawings, and the histories of the manufacturers. This is invaluable information for fashion historians and collectors alike.
Manchester University Press Friars’ Tales: Sermon Exempla from the British Isles
Exempla are illustrative stories used by preachers to seize the attention of their congregations and to drive home a moral lesson. This book presents annotated translations from two collections of exempla, one Franciscan and one Dominican, put together in the British Isles around 1275. The two collections used are amongst the earliest to survive from the British Isles. The 270 exempla translated cover a wide range of topics, both ecclesiastical and secular, and offer vivid insights into medieval life and attitudes in the broadest sense. An introduction discusses the place of preaching in the medieval church, the development of preaching aids and the exemplum genre, the main topics covered by the exempla, the dating of the two collections translated and the use which the compilers made of their material, and how far exempla can be relied upon as historical evidence.
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs nació en San Francisco, California, en 1955. A los doce años, en un campamento de verano, vio por primera vez un ordenador que ocupaba toda una habitación y quedó impresionado. Más tarde se hizo amigo de Steve Wozniak, al que le propuso montar una empresa juntos; ambos compartían la idea de que todo el mundo debía tener un ordenador personal en su casa. Construyeron el Apple 1 en el garaje de Jobs. Fue el primer ordenador personal de su tipo y con él comenzó la carrera de una de las empresas de tecnología más exitosas de todos los tiempos, creadora de dispositivos tan revolucionarios como el iPhone, el iPad, el iWatch, etcétera. Jobs enfermó de cáncer y murió a los cincuenta y seis años. La increíble visión y el coraje de Steve Jobs para seguir su intuición siguen vivos hoy en día.
B (Ediciones B) Londres
Encuadernación: CartonéColección: Magos del humorMortadelo y Filemón no pueden faltar a su cita con las olimpiadas!Ediciones en castellano y en catalán!En las aventuras de Mortadelo y Filemón no pueden faltar, como cada cuatro años, las Olimpiadas, el mayor evento del deporte mundial. En esta ocasión los personajes de Francisco Ibáñez se trasladarán a Londres, como encargados de equipamiento de la delegación española, a la vez que tienen la misión de descubrir posibles pagos ilegales a deportistas de elite.
Red Globe Press A World of Difference
General Preface.- The Ultimate Safari; N.Gordimer.- In Cuba I was a German Shepherd; A.Menendez.- The Joy Luck Club; A.Tan.- What Do You Do in San Francisco?; R.Carver.- Mr Sumarsono; R.Robinson.- The Last Mohican; B.Malamud.- The End of the World; M.Gallant.- The Distant Past; W.Trevor.- American Dreams; P.Carey.- Bella Makes Life; L.Goodison.- Martha, Martha; Z.Smith.- Pit Strike; A.Sillitoe.- Storm Petrel; R.Gunesekera.- Squatter; R.Mistry.- One Out of Many; V.S.Naipaul.
Lehigh University Press Mirror, Mirror on the Page: Identity and Subjectivity in Spanish Women's Poetry (1975-2000)
This book offers detailed studies of eight works of poetry written by Spanish women in the years following the death of Francisco Franco and the evolution of a democratic government. Each chapter, devoted to a single work, shows how the poet defines herself as both as a woman and a poet by portraying a female figure in the text of the poem. The linguistic interaction between the woman writing and the figure portrayed in the poem sets in motion a fascinating play of similarity and difference through which these poets inscribe themselves as women and writers in the new, democratic Spain.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd The Way of Silence
One of the most influential and beloved spiritual teachers of our time shows how to practice deep listening in everyday life: how to turn away from noise and distraction, pay closer attention, and embrace silence. Humbly, trusting in God, you'll discover how to quiet your mind in order to receive wisdom and insight, listen deeply with a trusting heart, and joyously discover a new interior freedom. The Way of Silence was published in 2016 by Franciscan Media, and some of the text has appeared in other publications; this edited arrangement is approved by him.
University of Washington Press Anne Hirondelle: Ceramic Art
For three decades, nationally renowned ceramist Anne Hirondelle has pushed the boundaries of traditional pottery, producing beautiful works that appear warmly alive and visually engaging. From her early majestic urns to her architectural impulse for sedate forms to her bright ropes of clay coiling to the sky, she keeps exploring new possibilities without rejecting the traditions of her chosen material.Hirondelle's Port Townsend, Washington, studio is the nexus of her creative and imaginative life. The works she has produced in that space have been exhibited in numerous one-person shows throughout the United States. Among the many museums whose collections include her work are the Crocker Art Museum; Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco; Museum of Arts and Design, New York; Tacoma Art Museum; and the White House Collection housed at the William J. Clinton Library in Little Rock, Arkansas.A Thomas T. Wilson Book
Albatros nakladatelstvi as Bustling Cities of the World
A unique guide to 30 of the world’s most beloved cities, including 5 U.S. cities, accompanied by more than 1,000 gorgeous watercolor illustrations, matched by a vibrant writing style.From the rain-soaked streets of London to the blooming cherry blossoms of Kyoto and the sun-scorched alleys of Cairo, this captivating book takes kids on a globe-trotting journey through the world’s most picturesque cities. It features more than 1,000 individual watercolor illustrations of 30 cities, including 5 cities from the USA: New York San Francisco Miami New Orleans Santa Fe By being immersed in the vibrant illustrations, kids will feel like they’re right there in each location, whether they’re boarding a red double-decker bus in London or zigzagging through crowds in a tuk-tuk in Cairo. As we stroll along streets steeped in history, we’ll admire ancient monuments and marvel at some wonders of modern architecture. And when we’re ready for a break, we can taste local delicacies, from croissants in France to sushi in Japan.
La novela corta contemporánea
Se ofrece un estudio sobre la novela corta española desde mediados del siglo xx hasta las dos primeras décadas del siglo xxi. Desde las perspectivas histórica y teórica se enfrenta a los veri cuetos de ese género narrativo: tras delimitar el estado de la cuestión, se examina su lugar en las historias de la literatura, sus problemas terminológicos, sus salidas editoriales y sus características propias (como el tratamiento narrativo y descriptivo, tiempos y espacios, temas y personajes, juegos experimentales e intergenéricos). Ilustrada con numerosos ejemplos de escritores contemporáneos, la panorámica se complementa con un primer plano sobre tres autores diferentes en el periodo abarcado: Francisco Ayala, Enrique VilaMatas y Andrés Barba. Se buscará la aguja en el pajar: la novela corta española contemporánea en los recovecos de las historias de la literatura española, tras los espejismos terminológicos del idioma, a través de los pasadizos de la edición literaria y los premios, dentro