Search results for ""terrain""
Workman Publishing Real Food/Fake Food: Why You Don't Know What You're Eating and What You Can Do About It
“Olmsted makes you insanely hungry and steaming mad--a must-read for anyone who cares deeply about the safety of our food and the welfare of our planet.” —Steven Raichlen, author of the Barbecue! Bible series“The world is full of delicious, lovingly crafted foods that embody the terrain, weather, and culture of their origins. Unfortunately, it’s also full of brazen impostors. In this entertaining and important book, Olmsted helps us fall in love with the real stuff and steer clear of the fraudsters.” —Kirk Kardashian, author of Milk Money: Cash, Cows, and the Death of the American Dairy Farm You’ve seen the headlines: Parmesan cheese made from wood pulp. Lobster rolls containing no lobster at all. Extra-virgin olive oil that isn’t. So many fake foods are in our supermarkets, our restaurants, and our kitchen cabinets that it’s hard to know what we’re eating anymore. In Real Food / Fake Food, award-winning journalist Larry Olmsted convinces us why real food matters and empowers consumers to make smarter choices. Olmsted brings readers into the unregulated food industry, revealing the shocking deception that extends from high-end foods like olive oil, wine, and Kobe beef to everyday staples such as coffee, honey, juice, and cheese. It’s a massive bait and switch in which counterfeiting is rampant and in which the consumer ultimately pays the price. But Olmsted does more than show us what foods to avoid. A bona fide gourmand, he travels to the sources of the real stuff to help us recognize what to look for, eat, and savor: genuine Parmigiano-Reggiano from Italy, fresh-caught grouper from Florida, authentic port from Portugal. Real foods that are grown, raised, produced, and prepared with care by masters of their craft. Part cautionary tale, part culinary crusade, Real Food / Fake Food is addictively readable, mouthwateringly enjoyable, and utterly relevant.
University of California Press Infinite City: A San Francisco Atlas
What makes a place? "Infinite City", Rebecca Solnit's brilliant reinvention of the traditional atlas, searches out the answer by examining the many layers of meaning in one place, the San Francisco Bay Area. Aided by artists, writers, cartographers, and twenty-two gorgeous color maps, each of which illuminates the city and its surroundings as experienced by different inhabitants, Solnit takes us on a tour that will forever change the way we think about place. She explores the area thematically - connecting, for example, Eadweard Muybridge's foundation of motion-picture technology with Alfred Hitchcock's filming of "Vertigo". Across an urban grid of just seven by seven miles, she finds seemingly unlimited landmarks and treasures - butterfly habitats, queer sites, murders, World War II shipyards, blues clubs, Zen Buddhist centers. She roams the political terrain, both progressive and conservative, and details the cultural geographies of the Mission District, the culture wars of the Fillmore, the South of Market world being devoured by redevelopment, and much, much more. Breathtakingly original, this atlas of the imagination invites us to search out the layers of San Francisco that carry meaning for us - or to discover our own infinite city, be it Cleveland, Toulouse, or Shanghai. Contributors include: Cartographers - Ben Pease and Shizue Seigel; Designer - Lia Tjandra; Artists - Sandow Birk, Mona Caron, Jaime Cortez, Hugh D'Andrade, Robert Dawson, Paz de la Calzada, Jim Herrington, Ira Nowinski, Alison Pebworth, Michael Rauner, Gent Sturgeon and Sunaura Taylor; Writers and researchers - Summer Brenner, Adriana Camarena, Chris Carlsson, Lisa Conrad, Guillermo Gomez-Pena, Joshua Jelly-Schapiro, Paul La Farge, Genine Lentine, Stella Lochman, Aaron Shurin, Heather Smith and Richard Walker; and, Additional cartography - Darin Jensen, Robin Grossinger and Ruth Askevold, as well as San Francisco Estuary Institute.
Little, Brown Book Group Guarded by Dragons: Encounters with Rare Books and Rare People
The Times Best Literary Non-fiction Books 2021 - 'a super yarn' 'Rick Gekoski's encyclopaedic knowledge of rare books is matched only by the enthusiasm and brio with which he writes about them' Ian Rankin Rick Gekoski has been traversing the rocky terrain of the rare book trade for over fifty years. The treasure he seeks is scarce, carefully buried and often jealously guarded, knowledge of its hiding place shared through word of mouth like the myths of old. In Guarded by Dragons, Gekoski invites readers into this enchanted world as he reflects on the gems he has unearthed throughout his career. He takes us back to where his love of collecting began - perusing D.H. Lawrence first editions in a slightly suspect Birmingham carpark. What follows are dizzying encounters with literary giants as Gekoski publishes William Golding, plays ping-pong with Salman Rushdie and lunches with Graham Greene. A brilliant stroke of luck sees Sylvia Plath's personal copy of The Great Gatsby fall into Gekoski's lap, only for him to discover the perils of upsetting a Poet Laureate when Ted Hughes demands its return. Hunting for literary treasure is not without its battles and Gekoski boldly breaks the cardinal rule never to engage in a lawsuit with someone much richer than yourself, while also guarding his bookshop from the most unlikely of thieves. The result is an unparalleled insight into an almost mythical world where priceless first editions of Ulysses can vanish, and billionaires will spend as much gold as it takes to own the manuscript of J.K. Rowling's Tales of Beedle the Bard. Engaging, funny and shrewd, Guarded by Dragons is a fascinating discussion on value and worth. At the same time, Gekoski artfully reveals how a manuscript can tell a thousand stories.
Harvard University Press Automating the News: How Algorithms Are Rewriting the Media
From hidden connections in big data to bots spreading fake news, journalism is increasingly computer-generated. An expert in computer science and media explains the present and future of a world in which news is created by algorithm.Amid the push for self-driving cars and the roboticization of industrial economies, automation has proven one of the biggest news stories of our time. Yet the wide-scale automation of the news itself has largely escaped attention. In this lively exposé of that rapidly shifting terrain, Nicholas Diakopoulos focuses on the people who tell the stories—increasingly with the help of computer algorithms that are fundamentally changing the creation, dissemination, and reception of the news.Diakopoulos reveals how machine learning and data mining have transformed investigative journalism. Newsbots converse with social media audiences, distributing stories and receiving feedback. Online media has become a platform for A/B testing of content, helping journalists to better understand what moves audiences. Algorithms can even draft certain kinds of stories. These techniques enable media organizations to take advantage of experiments and economies of scale, enhancing the sustainability of the fourth estate. But they also place pressure on editorial decision-making, because they allow journalists to produce more stories, sometimes better ones, but rarely both.Automating the News responds to hype and fears surrounding journalistic algorithms by exploring the human influence embedded in automation. Though the effects of automation are deep, Diakopoulos shows that journalists are at little risk of being displaced. With algorithms at their fingertips, they may work differently and tell different stories than they otherwise would, but their values remain the driving force behind the news. The human–algorithm hybrid thus emerges as the latest embodiment of an age-old tension between commercial imperatives and journalistic principles.
Harvard University Press Desert Navigator: The Journey of an Ant
Winner of the Association of American Publishers PROSE Award for Excellence in Biological and Life SciencesA world-renowned researcher of animal behavior reveals the extraordinary orienteering skills of desert ants, offering a thrilling account of the sophisticated ways insects function in their natural environments.Cataglyphis desert ants are agile ultrarunners who can tolerate near-lethal temperatures when they forage in the hot midday sun. But it is their remarkable navigational abilities that make these ants so fascinating to study. Whether in the Sahara or its ecological equivalents in the Namib Desert and Australian Outback, the Cataglyphis navigators can set out foraging across vast expanses of desert terrain in search of prey, and then find the shortest way home. For almost half a century, Rüdiger Wehner and his collaborators have devised elegant experiments to unmask how they do it.Through a lively and lucid narrative, Desert Navigator offers a firsthand look at the extraordinary navigational skills of these charismatic desert dwellers and the experiments that revealed how they strategize and solve complex problems. Wehner and his team discovered that these insect navigators use visual cues in the sky that humans are unable to see, the Earth’s magnetic field, wind direction, a step counter, and panoramic “snapshots” of landmarks, among other resources. The ants combine all of this information to steer an optimal course. At any given time during their long journey, they know exactly where to go. It is no wonder these nimble and versatile creatures have become models in the study of animal navigation.Desert Navigator brings to light the marvelous capacity and complexity found in these remarkable insects and shows us how mini brains can solve mega tasks.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Sticker Encyclopedia Trucks
A fantastic selection of facts and as stunning selection of stickers to keep children entertained for hours!Did you know there are trucks that can go in the water, trucks big enough to transport space shuttles, and even jet-powered trucks? Well, now you do! In this exciting, fact-filled and interactive encyclopedia, children will learn all about these extreme machines around the world, as well as the trucks they see everyday on the road or at construction sites.From bulldozers and diggers to monster trucks and driverless vehicles, children will love discovering the details of what these vehicles do, finding the right truck stickers to complete every page, and even creating their own adventurous stories with the scenery pages in the back of the book.Get stuck into this savvy sticker book to discover: -Features over 90 trucks, from popular rescue vehicles and building site machines, to tough terrain vehicles and monster trucks-More than 600 reusable stickers throughout the book-Text provides facts about a range of trucks and their special features and uses-Every page is designed for children to add stickers to the page-Fun feature spreads allow children to create their own scenes using stickersThe highly interactive sticker book format of Sticker Encyclopedia Trucks promotes learning through play, and the "Sticker fun" pages encourage children to revisit their learning about trucks. With more than 600 reusable stickers that can be used to decorate children's belongings, and 90 amazing trucks, this is the perfect sticker book for children aged 5-7, who love trucks and vehicles, doubling up as the ideal gift for parents, carers and relative who want to encourage learning through play in youngsters!
Oxford University Press Inc In and Out of Sight: Modernist Writing and the Photographic Unseen
In a post-digital media landscape tracked endlessly by streams and feeds of images, it is clearer than ever that photography is an art poised between arresting singularity and ambiguous plurality. Drawing on work in visual culture studies that emphasizes the interplay between still and moving images, In and Out of Sight provides a provocative new account of the relationship between photography and modernist literature--a literature which has long been considered to trace, in its formal experimentation, the influence of modern visual technologies. Making pioneering claims about the importance of photography to the writing of Gertrude Stein, Jean Toomer, John Dos Passos, and F. Scott Fitzgerald, Alix Beeston traverses the history of photography in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. From the composite experiments of Francis Galton to the epic portrait project of August Sander; from the surrealist self-fashioning of Claude Cahun to the reappropriation of lynching photographs by black activist groups; from the collectable postcards of Broadway stars to the glamour shots of Hollywood celebrities-these and other serialized photographic projects provide essential contexts for understanding the fragmentary, composite forms of literary modernism. In a series of richly detailed literary analyses, Beeston argues that the gaps and intervals of the composite literary text model the visual syntax of photography--as well as its silences, absences, and equivocations. In them, the social and political order of modernity is negotiated and reshaped. Moving in and out of these textual openings, In and Out of Sight pursues the fleeting, visible and invisible figure of the woman-in-series, who recasts absence and silence as forms of presence and witness. This shadowy figure emerges as central to the conceptual space of modernist literature--a terrain not only gendered but radically constructed around the instability of female bodies and their desires.
Cornerstone Star Wars: Lords of the Sith
When the Emperor and his notorious apprentice, Darth Vader, find themselves stranded in the middle of insurgent action on an inhospitable planet, they must rely on each other, the Force, and their own ruthlessness to prevail.“It appears things are as you suspected, Lord Vader. We are indeed hunted.”Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, is just a memory. Darth Vader, newly anointed Sith Lord, is ascendant. The Emperor’s chosen apprentice has swiftly proven his loyalty to the dark side. Still, the history of the Sith Order is one of duplicity, betrayal, and acolytes violently usurping their Masters—and the truest measure of Vader’s allegiance has yet to be taken. Until now.On Ryloth, a planet crucial to the growing Empire as a source of slave labor and the narcotic known as “spice,” an aggressive resistance movement has arisen, led by Cham Syndulla, an idealistic freedom fighter, and Isval, a vengeful former slave. But Emperor Palpatine means to control the embattled world and its precious resources—by political power or firepower—and he will be neither intimidated nor denied. Accompanied by his merciless disciple, Darth Vader, he sets out on a rare personal mission to ensure his will is done.For Syndulla and Isval, it’s the opportunity to strike at the very heart of the ruthless dictatorship sweeping the galaxy. And for the Emperor and Darth Vader, Ryloth becomes more than just a matter of putting down an insurrection: When an ambush sends them crashing to the planet’s surface, where inhospitable terrain and an army of resistance fighters await them, they will find their relationship tested as never before. With only their lightsabers, the dark side of the Force, and each other to depend on, the two Sith must decide if the brutal bond they share will make them victorious allies or lethal adversaries.
Little, Brown Book Group The Mammoth Book of Superstition: From Rabbits' Feet to Friday the 13th
Rather than providing a dictionary of superstitions, of which there are already numerous excellent, exhaustive and, in many cases, academic works which list superstitions from A to Z, Bainton gives us an entertaining flight over the terrain, landing from time to time in more thought-provoking areas. He offers an overview of humanity's often illogical and irrational persistence in seeking good luck and avoiding misfortune. While Steve Roud's two excellent books - The Penguin Dictionary of Superstitions and his Pocket Guide - and Philippa Waring's 1970 Dictionary concentrate on the British Isles, Bainton casts his net much wider. There are many origins which warrant the full back story, such as Friday the thirteenth and the Knights Templar, or the demonisation of the domestic cat resulting in 'cat holocausts' throughout Europe led by the Popes and the Inquisition. The whole is presented as a comprehensive, entertaining narrative flow, though it is, of course, a book that could be dipped into, and includes a thorough bibliography. Schoenberg, who developed the twelve-tone technique in music, was a notorious triskaidekaphobe. When the title of his opera Moses und Aaron resulted in a title with thirteen letters, he renamed it Moses und Aron. He believed he would die in his seventy-sixth year (7 + 6 = 13) and he was correct; he also died on Friday the thirteenth at thirteen minutes before midnight.As Sigmund Freud wrote, 'Superstition is in large part the expectation of trouble; and a person who has harboured frequent evil wishes against others, but has been brought up to be good and has therefore repressed such wishes into the unconscious, will be especially ready to expect punishment for his unconscious wickedness in the form of trouble threatening him from without.'
Himalayan MapHouse Langtang & Helambu: Great Himalaya Trail Map
Langtang and Helambu, map no. 105, at 1:125,000 on a waterproof and tear-resistant trekking map from the Himalayan MapHouse in their series covering the whole of northern Nepal. The map highlights main trekking routes north of Kathmandu, including Gosainkund Trek, Kangja la - Naya Kanga trek, Paldor Trek, Tamang Heritage Trek, Bhairav Kund Trek, and the relevant sections of the GHT Cultural Trail and the GHT High Route. Contours are at 80m intervals. Route profile shows the Langtang section of the GHT High Route between Syno Jyandan and Tipling. Cartography in these waterproof editions, first published in 2011, is identical to what Himalayan MapHouse use in most maps in their other series, published under the Nepa Maps imprint. Contours are at intervals of 80m or 40m (please check individual descriptions), with relief shading plus colouring to show different types of terrain or vegetation. The maps show names of numerous chains, peaks glaciers, valleys, rivers, lakes, etc. Main trekking routes are prominently highlighted, as are selected settlements along them, indicating where tourist accommodation and other services are provided. Also clearly marked are campsites or base camps and various places of interest. The maps also show other local trekking paths, often providing variants or shortcuts to the main routes. The maps are not indexed. Latitude and longitude coordinates are given as margin ticks at 5' intervals. Unless indicated to the contrary in its individual description, each map also includes a profile of the main trekking route(s) across its area and provides on the inside cover other relevant information, including stage-by-stage distances and timings. The maps are published on thick, sturdy, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic.
Sounds True Inc Yoga and Psyche: Integrating the Paths of Yoga and Psychology for Healing, Transformation, and Joy
Has yoga improved your health and expanded your awareness—but emotional and relationship issues continue to challenge you? Or have you found psychotherapy helpful . . . yet you yearn for further spiritual discovery? With Yoga & Psyche, Mariana Caplan invites you to explore these two profound domains of transformation and learn how they so effectively complement each other. In this compelling guide—rich with original research, clinical findings, Dr. Caplan's own personal experiences, and many direct, hands-on practices—she takes you on an in-depth exploration of this emerging terrain. Along the way, you are invited to become a participant in the evolution of this emergent field. Using the core principles and practices of trauma healing, yoga therapy, somatics and somatic therapies, depth psychology, and neuroscience—seamlessly combined with yoga postures, breathwork, meditation, and visualization—Yoga & Psyche will help you to: • Apply the insights of psychology in a practical way to your own yoga practice, teaching, professional work, and personal life • Discover how to use psychological inquiry to amplify yoga—turning it into a powerfully effective "free therapy on the mat" • Delve into the many emotional layers of asana and yoga practice for trauma healing and recovery • Experience step-by-step exercises to transform your yoga practice and experience greater calm, clarity, and emotional well-being Yoga & Psyche is emerging as a go-to reference guide to the joining of these two fields, now being adopted in yoga and somatic teacher training programs and university psychology classes nationwide. If you're seeking healing, transformation, and greater moments of daily joy and fulfillment—or want to help others do so—this comprehensive guide provides the compassionate, practical, and groundbreaking guidance you need.
Trinity University Press,U.S. All the Powerful Invisible Things: A Sportswomen's Notebook
All the Powerful Invisible Things is an eloquent memoir of self-discovery and a chronicle of outdoor life. Refusing “impoverished ideas of passion,” Gretchen Legler writes about the complexities of being a woman who fishes and hunts, as well as about the more intimate terrain of family and sexuality. The result is a unique literary confluence filled with the ineffable graces of the natural world. She writes: “I used to hate being a woman. When I was young, I believed I was a boy. Throughout college I never knew what it was like to touch a woman, to kiss a woman, to have a woman as a friend. All of my friends were men. I am thirty years old now, and I feel alone. I am not a man. Knowing this is like an earthquake. Just now all the lies are starting to unfold. I don’t blend in as well or as easily as I used to. I refuse to stay on either side of the line.” Like many women, Legler finds that her presence identifies the unmarked boundaries of where she is and is not welcome, learning when it is advantageous to pass as male and when it is better to disappear into the woods and trees around her. This contrasts sharply with her experience of nature as a source of spiritual sustenance, a space of unparalleled freedom where she can lose herself in something larger. Twenty-five years after it was first published, All the Powerful Invisible Things remains a highwater mark for women writing about the outdoors and is one of the few works to tackle the intricacies of gender identity and sexuality with transcendental aplomb.
University of Nebraska Press In Mountain Shadows: A History of Idaho
Idaho is now seen as one of the most intriguing and attractive states in the Union. Any view of the Gem State is likely to be broadened and deepened by this superbly written history of it, In Mountain Shadows. Carlos A. Schwantes illustrates the extent to which Idahoans have always been divided by geography, transportation patterns, religion, and history. Although the state motto should have been "Divided We Stand," as he says in affectionate jest, it is also true that Idahoans come together on some basics—on avoiding crowds and maintaining the good life close to scenic mountains and streams. Schwantes reaches back to 1805, when Lewis and Clark were among the first white men to enter present-day Idaho. He describes the Indians then living in the Great Basin and Plateau, and proceeds through layers of history to show how fur traders, missionaries, and overland emigrants defined the land that became a territory in 1863 and, finally, a state in 1890. The vigilantism, Indian wars, mining booms and busts, and an-imosity toward Mormons and Chinese immigrants that marked the territorial years gave way to more troubles in the early years of statehood: an economic downturn, industrial violence, political protest. The arrival of automobiles promised to end isolation, but the formidable terrain slowed the building of north-south highways, just as it had railroads. Nevertheless, future Idaho would be a product of engineering and witness the coming of irrigation systems and hydroelectric plants. Schwantes brings his history through the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War, noting everyday life, colorful personalities, political and economic cycles, raging controversies, and current trends.
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press Murder on the Iditarod Trail
"Adrenaline-pumping ...[A] polished action mystery ...[with] dazzling Arctic sights and historical trail markers laid down by the author in smooth, uncluttered prose."--Marilyn Stasio, New York Times Book Review Now in Grove Press paperback for the first time, Murder on the Iditarod Trail is a gripping mystery set during Alaska's world-famous Iditarod: a grueling eleven-hundred-mile dogsled race across hazardous Arctic terrain. It is an arduous sport, but not a deadly one. But suddenly the top Iditarod contestants are dying in bizarre ways: first a veteran musher smashes into a tree, then competitors begin turning up dead, with each murder more brutal than the last. State trooper Alex Jensen begins a homicide investigation, determined to track down the killer before more blood stains the pristine Alaskan snow. Meanwhile, Jessie Arnold, Alaska's premier female musher, has a shot at winning for the first time. But as her position in the race improves, so do her chances of being the killer's next target. As the mushers thread their way through the treacherous trails, Jessie and Jensen are drawn deep into the frozen heart of the perilous wild: where nature can kill as easily as a bullet and only the Arctic night can hear your final screams. "Engrossing ...The howling winds, the snow, the ice, the dancing away from wolves, the crazing fatigue, the welcome heat and food, are almost palpable."--Los Angeles Times Book Review "Excellent ...well-paced, well-conceived, engrossing ...moves along like a healthy, well-trained dog team."--Anchorage Times "A book that will give you a feel for how the Iditarod is ...Sue Henry has a genius for characterization, plot, and setting."--Mystery News
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Copyright Law and the Progress of Science and the Useful Arts
The American Constitution empowers Congress to enact copyright laws to 'promote the progress of science and the useful arts'. This book offers the first in-depth analysis of the connection between copyright law as a legal institution and the constitutional goal of promoting social and cultural advancement. Focusing on the relationship between this explicit purpose and the normative uses and production of creative works, Alina Ng argues that a robust copyright system that embodies moral and ethical principles is necessary to protect the different values and expectations of authors, publishers and users of creative works. The author demonstrates that a more nuanced understanding of property rights and statutory privileges, as bearing different types of entitlements, is critical to the sustainable development of society and culture at both national and international levels. She posits that as communication technologies become ubiquitous and facilitate greater connectivity between authors and their readers, the notion of authorship as a creative endeavor producing works with significant influence upon society and culture must form the central tenet of the copyright system. This unique approach to copyright law will be of interest to legal, cultural and literary scholars as well as others interested in the relationship between creativity, authorship and progress. Contents: Foreword Introduction: How Did We Get Here? Part I: Our Present 1. Knowledge in a Global Society 2. Cultural and Social Development Part II: Our Past 3. The Social Contract 4. A Second Opportunity 5. Landscaping the Legal Terrain Part III: Our Future 6. Building Bridges for Progress 7. The International Stage Conclusion: Where Do We Go From Here? Bibliography
Atlantic Books Arctic Summer: Author of the 2021 Booker Prize-winning novel THE PROMISE
FROM THE BOOKER PRIZE-WINNING AUTHOR OF THE PROMISE'A masterly piece of fiction. Delicate and detailed' Daily Mail'It is a project to which Galgut, whose fiction has often covered the terrain of love, race and politics, seems perfectly suited as a writer... A remarkable, lyrical tribute' GuardianIn this literary tour de force, twice Booker shortlisted novelist Damon Galgut evokes the life and work of E. M. Forster, his travels to India, and the freedom and inspiration he found there.In 1912, the SS Birmingham approaches India. On board is Morgan Forster, novelist and man of letters, who is embarking on a journey of discovery. As Morgan stands on deck, the promise of a strange new future begins to take shape before his eyes. The seeds of a story start to gather at the corner of his mind: a sense of impending menace, lust in close confines, under a hot, empty sky. It will be another twelve years, and a second time spent in India, before A Passage to India, E. M. Forster's great work of literature, is published. During these years, Morgan will come to a profound understanding of himself as a man, and of the infinite subtleties and complexity of human nature, bringing these great insights to bear in his remarkable novel.At once a fictional exploration of the life and times of one of Britain's finest novelists, his struggle to find a way of living and being, and a stunningly vivid evocation of the mysterious alchemy of the creative process, Arctic Summer is a literary masterpiece, by one of the finest writers of his generation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Raising Goats For Dummies
No buts: discover the addictive joy of raising goats Goats are amazing, multi-talented creatures that have been domesticated for over 10,000 years. As well as being a source of food, clothes, and milk, they're wonderful companions: cute, intelligent, and playful—and often as friendly and attentive as dogs. In addition, they make endearing noises and—according to ancient Ethiopian legend—discovered coffee. So what's holding you back? The new edition of Raising Goats For Dummies rebuts all your excuses, and shows you why having one—or, actually, a few—of these companionable ruminants (cud-chewing animals) in your life will bring you great joy, and, if you choose, unbeatable homemade milk and cheese—and possibly a cozy new sweater. A happy goat aficionado since 1998, Cheryl K. Smith takes you from the grassroots of raising your goat—choosing and buying the breed you want, building and maintaining goat-friendly housing—to more elevated terrain, including how to build your own milk stand, participate in online goat shows (it’s a thing!), and even monetize your goat. You'll also learn the fundamentals of proper care to make sure your goats are fed, kept healthy, and bred in ways that ensure they have the happiest life you can provide. Study the history and breeds of goat, like the Nigerian Dwarf or Pygmy Live sustainably from and even profit from your goat Identify and alleviate common ailments Have fun raising the kids! Whether you're researching buying a goat or learning on the hoof about the ones you have, this book has everything you need to see why getting your goat will bring years and years of joy.
Duke University Press Sleaze Artists: Cinema at the Margins of Taste, Style, and Politics
Bad Girls Go to Hell. Cannibal Holocaust. Eve and the Handyman. Examining film culture’s ongoing fascination with the low, bad, and sleazy faces of cinema, Sleaze Artists brings together film scholars with a shared interest in the questions posed by disreputable movies and suspect cinema. They explore the ineffable quality of “sleaze” in relation to a range of issues, including the production realities of low-budget exploitation pictures and the ever-shifting terrain of reception and taste.Writing about horror, exploitation, and sexploitation films, the contributors delve into topics ranging from the place of the “Aztec horror film” in debates about Mexican national identity to a cycle of 1960s films exploring homosexual desire in the military. One contributor charts the distribution saga of Mario Bava’s 1972 film Lisa and the Devil through the highs and lows of art cinema, fringe television, grindhouse circuits, and connoisseur DVD markets. Another offers a new perspective on the work of Doris Wishman, the New York housewife turned sexploitation director of the 1960s who has become a cult figure in bad-cinema circles over the past decade. Other contributors analyze the relation between image and sound in sexploitation films and Italian horror movies, the advertising strategies adopted by sexploitation producers during the early 1960s, the relationship between art and trash in Todd Haynes’s oeuvre, and the ways that the Friday the 13th series complicates the distinction between “trash” and “legitimate” cinema. The volume closes with an essay on why cinephiles love to hate the movies.Contributors. Harry M. Benshoff, Kay Dickinson, Chris Fujiwara, Colin Gunckel, Joan Hawkins, Kevin Heffernan, Matt Hills, Chuck Kleinhans, Tania Modleski, Eric Schaefer, Jeffrey Sconce, Greg Taylor
Cornell University Press Socialist Insecurity: Pensions and the Politics of Uneven Development in China
Over the past two decades, China has rapidly increased its spending on its public pension programs, to the point that pension funding is one of the government's largest expenditures. Despite this, only about fifty million citizens—one-third of the country's population above the age of sixty—receive pensions. Combined with the growing and increasingly violent unrest over inequalities brought about by China's reform model, the escalating costs of an aging society have brought the Chinese political leadership to a critical juncture in its economic and social policies. In Socialist Insecurity, Mark W. Frazier explores pension policy in the People's Republic of China, arguing that the government's push to expand pension and health insurance coverage to urban residents and rural migrants has not reduced, but rather reproduced, economic inequalities. He explains this apparent paradox by analyzing the decisions of the political actors responsible for pension reform: urban officials and state-owned enterprise managers. Frazier shows that China's highly decentralized pension administration both encourages the "grabbing hand" of local officials to collect large amounts of pension and other social insurance revenue and compels redistribution of these revenues to urban pensioners, a crucial political constituency. More broadly, Socialist Insecurity shows that the inequalities of welfare policy put China in the same quandary as other large uneven developers—countries that have succeeded in achieving rapid growth but with growing economic inequalities. While most explanations of the formation and expansion of welfare states are derived from experience in today's mature welfare systems, developing countries such as China, Frazier argues, provide new terrain to explore how welfare programs evolve, who drives the process, and who sees the greatest benefit.
DK Sticker Encyclopedia Trucks
A fantastic selection of facts and a stunning selection of stickers to keep children entertained for hours!Did you know some trucks can go in the water, trucks big enough to transport space shuttles, and even jet-powered trucks? Well, now you do! In this exciting, fact-filled and interactive encyclopedia, children will learn all about these extreme machines around the world, as well as the trucks they see every day on the road or at construction sites.From bulldozers and diggers to monster trucks and driverless vehicles, children will love discovering the details of what these vehicles do, finding the right truck stickers to complete every page, and even creating their own adventurous stories with the scenery pages in the back of the book.Get stuck into this savvy sticker book to discover: -Features over 90 trucks, from popular rescue vehicles and building site machines, to tough terrain vehicles and monster trucks-More than 600 reusable stickers throughout the book-Text provides facts about a range of trucks and their special features and uses-Every page is designed for children to add stickers to the pageFun feature spreads allow children to create their own scenes using stickersThe highly interactive sticker book format of Sticker Encyclopedia Trucks promotes learning through play, and the “Sticker fun” pages encourage children to revisit their learning about trucks. With more than 600 reusable stickers that can be used to decorate children’s belongings and 90 amazing trucks, this is the perfect sticker book for children aged 5-7, who love trucks and vehicles, doubling up as the ideal gift for parents, carers and relative who want to encourage learning through play in youngsters!
Princeton University Press Policing the Second Amendment: Guns, Law Enforcement, and the Politics of Race
An urgent look at the relationship between guns, the police, and raceThe United States is steeped in guns, gun violence—and gun debates. As arguments rage on, one issue has largely been overlooked—Americans who support gun control turn to the police as enforcers of their preferred policies, but the police themselves disproportionately support gun rights over gun control. Yet who do the police believe should get gun access? When do they pursue aggressive enforcement of gun laws? And what part does race play in all of this? Policing the Second Amendment unravels the complex relationship between the police, gun violence, and race. Rethinking the terms of the gun debate, Jennifer Carlson shows how the politics of guns cannot be understood—or changed—without considering how the racial politics of crime affect police attitudes about guns.Drawing on local and national newspapers, interviews with close to eighty police chiefs, and a rare look at gun licensing processes, Carlson explores the ways police talk about guns, and how firearms are regulated in different parts of the country. Examining how organizations such as the National Rifle Association have influenced police perspectives, she describes a troubling paradox of guns today—while color-blind laws grant civilians unprecedented rights to own, carry, and use guns, people of color face an all-too-visible system of gun criminalization. This racialized framework—undergirding who is “a good guy with a gun” versus “a bad guy with a gun”—informs and justifies how police understand and pursue public safety.Policing the Second Amendment demonstrates that the terrain of gun politics must be reevaluated if there is to be any hope of mitigating further tragedies.
Princeton University Press Village Atheists: How America's Unbelievers Made Their Way in a Godly Nation
A much-maligned minority throughout American history, atheists have been cast as a threat to the nation's moral fabric, barred from holding public office, and branded as irreligious misfits in a nation chosen by God. Yet, village atheists--as these godless freethinkers came to be known by the close of the nineteenth century--were also hailed for their gutsy dissent from stultifying pieties and for posing a necessary secularist challenge to majoritarian entanglements of church and state. Village Atheists explores the complex cultural terrain that unbelievers have long had to navigate in their fight to secure equal rights and liberties in American public life. Leigh Eric Schmidt rebuilds the history of American secularism from the ground up, giving flesh and blood to these outspoken infidels, including itinerant lecturer Samuel Porter Putnam; rough-edged cartoonist Watson Heston; convicted blasphemer Charles B. Reynolds; and atheist sex reformer Elmina D. Slenker. He describes their everyday confrontations with devout neighbors and evangelical ministers, their strained efforts at civility alongside their urge to ridicule and offend their Christian compatriots. Schmidt examines the multilayered world of social exclusion, legal jeopardy, yet also civic acceptance in which American atheists and secularists lived. He shows how it was only in the middle decades of the twentieth century that nonbelievers attained a measure of legal vindication, yet even then they often found themselves marginalized on the edges of a God-trusting, Bible-believing nation. Village Atheists reveals how the secularist vision for the United States proved to be anything but triumphant and age-defining for a country where faith and citizenship were--and still are--routinely interwoven.
Columbia University Press The Quest for the Cure: The Science and Stories Behind the Next Generation of Medicines
After more than fifty years of blockbuster drug development, skeptics are beginning to fear we are reaching the end of drug discovery to combat major diseases. In this engaging book, Brent R. Stockwell, a leading researcher in the exciting new science of chemical biology, describes this dilemma and the powerful techniques that may bring drug research into the twenty-first century. Filled with absorbing stories of breakthroughs, this book begins with the scientific achievements of the twentieth century that led to today's drug innovations. We learn how the invention of mustard gas in World War I led to early anti-cancer agents and how the efforts to decode the human genome might lead to new approaches in drug design. Stockwell then turns to the seemingly incurable diseases we face today, such as Alzheimer's, many cancers, and others with no truly effective medicines, and details the cellular and molecular barriers thwarting scientists equipped with only the tools of traditional pharmaceutical research. Scientists such as Stockwell are now developing methods to combat these complexities--technologies for constructing and testing millions of drug candidates, sophisticated computational modeling, and entirely new classes of drug molecules--all with an eye toward solving the most profound mysteries of living systems and finding cures for intractable diseases. If successful, these methods will unlock a vast terrain of untapped drug targets that could lead to a bounty of breakthrough medicines. Offering a rare, behind-the-scenes look at this cutting-edge research, The Quest for the Cure tells a thrilling story of science, persistence, and the quest to develop a new generation of cures.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co The New Wildcrafted Cuisine: Exploring the Exotic Gastronomy of Local Terroir
“This gorgeous book will make you salivate and dream. Pascal Baudar is exploring important culinary terrain.”—Sandor Ellix Katz, author of the New York Times bestseller The Art of Fermentation The New Wildcrafted Cuisine takes incorporating wild foods into your meals to a new, palate-bending level and in the process redefines terroir as we’ve come to know it. Award-winning author and “culinary alchemist” Pascal Baudar, a professional forager and wild food instructor, combines his research and in-depth knowledge of plants and landscapes with the fascinating and innovative techniques of a master food preserver. This beautifully photographed book offers up dozens of creative, seasonal recipes and instructions for preparing a variety of preserved foods, including Pickled Acorns, White Sage–Lime Cider, Wild Kimchi Spice, Wild Mustards, Currant Capers, Infused Salts with Wild Herbs, Pine Needle Vinegar, and much more. The New Wildcrafted Cuisine is sure to inspire both chefs and adventurous eaters to explore their own bioregions and find an astonishing array of plants and other materials that can be used in their own kitchens. “A beautiful book, loaded with recipes and techniques.”—Saveur “Pascal’s book contains some of the most unique and innovative ideas that you’ll ever find for using wild flavors. Clear instructions accompany each recipe, along with striking photos of the ingredients and finished products.”—Samuel Thayer, author of The Forager’s Harvest “[Baudar is] perhaps the prince of wildcrafted haute cuisine: He creates visually stunning, palate-pleasing recipes using innovative cooking processes and foraged ingredients”—NPR’s “The Salt” “A gorgeously photographed collection of prose and recipes that’s both survival manual and mission statement.”—Los Angeles Times
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Natural Remedies for Inflammation
From aspirin and ibuprofen to antihistamines and cortisone, anti-inflammatory drugs are now the top-selling pharmaceuticals in the world. But daily use of these powerful drugs comes with a price: side effects, many of which can lead to other chronic conditions and the further use of medications. In this practical guide to natural remedies for inflammation, naturopath Christopher Vasey explores 38 anti-inflammatory herbs, such as laurel, basil, turmeric, and devil's claw, as well as other natural substances, such as propolis and fish oil. He explains which conditions each addresses most effectively, proper dosage, and the best methods of ingestion. Vasey explains how, like fever, inflammation is a defensive reaction of the body and also carries out a cleansing process, which natural remedies support but pharmaceuticals can destabilize by contributing more toxins to the internal terrain. He examines many of the most common inflammation-related ailments--such as allergies, asthma, conjunctivitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, cystitis, tendonitis, arthritis, eczema, and sciatica--and explains which medicinal plant or food supplement is best suited to safely alleviate unpleasant symptoms while helping the body complete the healing the inflammation was initiated to perform. Revealing the important role of omega-3s in defending the body against inflammation and reducing the damage caused by chronic inflammation, Vasey explores what foods are rich in these key molecules, how much must be eaten to defend the body, and what omega-3 supplements are most suited to your body's needs. The author also examines how to deacidify the body, as acids have an inflammatory effect, as well as how to use hydrotherapy to calm inflammation.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Out of Thin Air: Running Wisdom and Magic from Above the Clouds in Ethiopia: Winner of the Margaret Mead Award 2022
‘Full of wonderful insights and lessons from a world where the ability to run is viewed as something almost mysterious and magical.’ - Adharanand Finn, author of Running with the Kenyans What we can learn from Ethiopian running culture – written by an anthropologist and 2:20 marathon runner who trained with the Ethiopians. ‘Ethiopia is a place where I have been told that energy is controlled by angels and demons and where witchdoctors can help you to acquire another runner’s power. It is a place where an anonymous runner in the forest told me, miming an imaginary scoreboard and with a completely straight face, that he had dreamt that he would run 10km in 25 minutes. It is a place where they tell me that the air at Mount Entoto will transform me into a 2.08 marathon runner. It is a place, in short, of wisdom and magic, where dreaming is still very much alive.’ Why does it make sense to Ethiopian runners to get up at 3am to run up and down a hill? Who would choose to train on almost impossibly steep and rocky terrain, in hyena territory? And how come Ethiopian men hold six of the top ten fastest marathon times ever? Michael Crawley spent fifteen months in Ethiopia training alongside (and sometimes a fair way behind) runners at all levels of the sport, from night watchmen hoping to change their lives to world class marathon runners, in order to answer these questions. Follow him into the forest as he attempts to keep up and get to the heart of their success.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Crash Proof 2.0: How to Profit From the Economic Collapse
A fully updated follow-up to Peter Schiff's bestselling financial survival guide-Crash Proof, which described the economy as a house of cards on the verge of collapse, with over 80 pages of new material The economic and monetary disaster which seasoned prognosticator Peter Schiff predicted is no longer hypothetical-it is here today. And nobody understands what to do in this situation better than the man who saw it coming. For more than a decade, Schiff has not only observed the economy, but also helped his clients restructure their portfolios to reflect his outlook. What he sees today is a nation facing an economic storm brought on by growing federal, personal, and corporate debt; too little savings; and a declining dollar. Crash Proof 2.0 picks up right where the first edition-a bestselling book that predicted the current market mayhem-left off. This timely guide takes into account the dramatic economic shifts that are reshaping the world and provides you with the insights and information to navigate the dangerous terrain. Throughout the book, Schiff explains the factors that will affect your future financial stability and offers a specific three step plan to battle the current economic downturn. Discusses the measures you can take to protect yourself-as well as profit-during these difficult times Offers an insightful examination of the structural weaknesses underlying the economic meltdown Outlines a plan that will allow you to preserve wealth and protect the purchasing power of your savings Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, Crash Proof 2.0 will help you survive and thrive during the coming years of economic uncertainty.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Veil of Winter
She’s hounded from every side by treacherous elements and foes, but her greatest enemy lies within.In the mountains near France, the medieval Princess Elyce is being forced to marry, thus forming an alliance that will enrich her father but enslave her kingdom. Instead, she chooses to feign her death and flee to Prague to beg King Wenceslaus to help save her people.In England, the young knight Sir Gerard has a vision from God instructing him to help Elyce on her quest. When he arrives to find she has been near death for days, he manages to revive her. However, thinking the stranger was trying to kiss her, the princess immediately distrusts him. But her desperate situation forces her to accept his aid.Pursued by her enemy’s guards over mountainous terrain, they must also battle the deadly winter elements. Her greatest challenge may be to overcome the voices of disapproval and accusation from her childhood. Will her emotions lead her into her true identity, or will they undermine her ability to work with Gerard and to save her people, who desperately need her help?In this dazzling and romantic story, New York Times bestselling author Melanie Dickerson takes the classic Sleeping Beauty fairy tale to satisfying new heights.“When it comes to happily-ever-afters, Melanie Dickerson is the undisputed queen.” —Julie Lessman, award-winning author Sweet historical medieval romance Part of the Dericott series: Book 1: Court of Swans; Book 2: Castle of Refuge; Book 3: Veil of Winter; Book 4: Fortress of Snow Book length: 85,000 words Includes discussion questions for book clubs
Thames & Hudson Ltd Abstract Art: A Global History
Taking a radically new approach to the history of abstract painting, Pepe Karmel applies a scholarly yet fresh vision to reconsider the history of abstraction from a global perspective and to demonstrate that abstraction is embedded in the real world. Moving beyond the orthodox canonical terrain of abstract art, he surveys artists from across the globe, examining their work from the point of view of content rather than form. Previous writers have approached the history of abstraction as a series of movements solving a series of formal problems. In contrast, Karmel focuses on the subject matter of abstract art, showing how artists have used abstract imagery to express social, cultural and spiritual experience. An introductory discussion of the work of the early modern pioneers of abstraction opens up into a completely new approach to abstract art based around five inclusive themes – the body, the landscape, the cosmos, architecture, and the repertory of man-made signs and patterns – each of which has its own chapter. Starting from a figurative example, Karmel works outwards to develop a series of narratives that go far beyond the established figures and movements traditionally associated with abstract art. Each narrative is complemented by a number of ‘featured’ abstract works, which provide an in-depth illustration of the breadth of Karmel’s distinctive vision. A wide-ranging examination of topics – from embryos to the surface of skin, from vortexes to waves, planets to star charts, towers to windows – is interwoven with detailed analysis of works by established figures like Joan Miró and Jackson Pollock alongside pieces by lesser-known artists such as Wu Guanzhong, Hilma af Klint and Odili Donald Odita.
Liverpool University Press Scotland's Mountain Landscapes: A Geomorphological Perspective
The diversity of Scotland's mountains is remarkable, encompassing the isolated summits of the far northwest, the serrated ridges of Skye, the tor-studded high plateau of the Cairngorms and the rolling hills of the Southern Uplands. Born on ancient continents and uplifted by tectonic forces, the mountains of Scotland have been sculpted by successive ice sheets, landslides, frost, wind and running water. This book explains the geological evolution of Scotland's mountains, and how this has produced an unparalleled variety of mountain forms. It outlines the effects of successive ice sheets on mountain scenery, and explains the dramatic changes in climate that terminated the Ice Age only 11,500 years ago. In non-technical terms it explains the effects of frost action in forming the rubble that mantles many mountain summits, and how such debris has slowly migrated downslope by freezing and thawing of the ground. The dramatic effects of deglaciation and earthquakes in triggering catastrophic landslides and downslope displacement of entire mountainsides are described, along with accounts of more recent events involving the rapid downslope flow of saturated debris. The book also outlines how Scottish mountains experience frequent gale-force winds, and their impact of wind in scouring plateaus and depositing expanses of windblown sand on lee slopes. The role of floods in eroding upland terrain and depositing floodplains, terraces and fans of sediment is described in the context of possible human influence on river regime through forest clearance.Written in clear, non-technical language and abundantly illustrated, this book is designed to provide an essential guide to landforms for all those who walk, climb, live and work in the mountains of Scotland.
Little, Brown Book Group A Brief History of Italy: Indispensable for Travellers
'Jeremy Black skilfully sketches social, cultural and political trends' - Christina Hardyment, Times audiobook of the week'A remarkable mixture of cold history, wide culture and personal experience'Ciro Paoletti, Secretary General of the Italian Commission of Military HistoryDespite the Roman Empire's famous 500-year reign over Europe, parts of Africa and the Middle East, Italy does not have the same long national history as states such as France or England. Divided for much of its history, Italy's regions have been, at various times, parts of bigger, often antagonistic empires, notably those of Spain and Austria. In addition, its challenging and varied terrain made consolidation of political control all the more difficult. This concise history covers, in very readable fashion, the formative events in Italy's past from the rise of Rome, through a unified country in thrall to fascism in the first half of the twentieth century right up to today. The birthplace of the Renaissance and the place where the Baroque was born, Italy has always been a hotbed of culture. Within modern Italy country there is fierce regional pride in the cultures and identities that mark out Tuscany, Rome, Sicily and Venice to name just a few of Italy's many famous regions. Jeremy Black draws on the diaries, memoirs and letters of historic travellers to Italy to gain insight into the passions of its people, first chronologically then regionally. In telling Italy's story, Black examines what it is that has given Italians such cultural clout - from food and drink, music and fashion, to art and architecture - and explores the causes and effects of political events, and the divisions that still exist today.
Transworld Publishers Ltd Into Africa: The Epic Adventures Of Stanley And Livingstone
In 1866 Britain's foremost explorer, Dr David Livingstone, went in search of the answer to an age-old geographical riddle: where was the source of the Nile? Livingstone set out with a large team, on a course that would lead through unmapped, seemingly impenetrable terrain into areas populated by fearsome man-eating tribes. Within weeks his expedition began to fall apart - his entourage deserted him and Livingstone vanished without trace. He would not be heard from again for two years.While debate raged in England over whether Livingstone could be found in the unmapped wilderness of the African interior, James Gordon Bennet, a brash young American newspaper tycoon, hatched a plan to capitalise on the world's fascination with the missing legend. He commissioned his star reporter, Henry Morton Stanley (born John Rowlands in Wales!), to search for Livingstone. Stanley undertook his quest with gusto, filing reports that captivated readers and dominated the front page of the New York Herald for months.INTO AFRICA traces the journeys of Livingstone and Stanley in alternating chapters. Livingstone's is one of trials and set-backs, that finds him alone and miles from civilisation. Stanley's is an awakening to the beauty of Africa, the grandeur of the landscape and the vivid diversity of its wildlife. It is also a journey that succeeds beyond his wildest dreams, clinching his place in history with the famous enquiry: 'Dr Livingstone, I presume?'. In this, the first book to examine the extraordinary physical challenges, political intrigue and larger-than-life personalities of this legendary story, Martin Dugard has opened a fascinating window on the golden age of exploration that will appeal to everyone's sense of adventure.
The University of Chicago Press A Region among States: Law and Non-sovereignty in the Caribbean
Based on long-term ethnographic fieldwork at the Caribbean Court of Justice, A Region among States explores the possibility of constituting a region on a geopolitical and ideological terrain dominated by the nation-state. How is it that a great swath of the independent, English-speaking Caribbean continues to accept the judicial oversight of their former colonizer via the British institution of the Privy Council? And what possibilities might the Caribbean Court of Justice—a judicial institution responsive to the region, not to any single nation—offer for untangling sovereignty and regionhood, law and modernity, and postcolonial Caribbean identity? Joining the Court as an intern, Lee Cabatingan studied its work up close: she attended each court hearing and numerous staff meetings, served on committees, assisted with the organization of conferences, and helped prepare speeches and presentations for the judges. She now offers insight into not only how the Court positions itself vis-à-vis the Caribbean region and the world but also whether the Court—and, perhaps, the region itself as an overarching construct—might ever achieve a real measure of popular success. In their quest for an accepting, eager constituency, the Court is undertaking a project of extrajudicial region building that borrows from the toolbox of the nation-state. In each chapter, Cabatingan takes us into an analytical dimension familiar from studies of nation and state building—myth, territory, people, language, and brand—to help us understand not only the Court and its ambitions but also the regionalist project, beset as it is with false starts and disappointments, as a potential alternative to the sovereign state.
Penguin Books Ltd Victoria's Wars: The Rise of Empire
In Victoria's Wars: The Rise of Empire Saul David explores the early part of Queen Victoria's reign,when the British Empire was well on the way to becoming the greatest empire the world had ever seen. This is the story of how it happened and the people who made it happen. In a fast-moving narrative ranging from London to the harsh terrain of India, Russia and the Far East, Saul David shows how Britain ruthlessly exploited her position as the world's only superpower to expand her empire. Yet little of this territorial acquisition was planned or sanctioned by the home government. Instead it was largely the work of the men on the ground, and to those at home it really did seem that the empire was acquired in a 'fit of absence of mind'. Saul David creates a vivid portrait of life on the violent fringes of empire, and of the seemingly endless and brutal wars that were fought in the name of trade, civilization and the balance of power.'Splendid . . . a terrific treasure-chest of anecdotes . . . a splendidly brisk, cool and judicious narrator' Daily Telegraph 'Incisive and acute . . . thorough and occasionally revelatory, [David] always finds a telling phrase, an eye-catching detail or a human story' Sunday Times Saul David is Professor of War Studies at the University of Buckingham and the author of several critically acclaimed history books, including The Indian Mutiny: 1857 (shortlisted for the Westminster Medal for Military Literature), Zulu: The Heroism and Tragedy of the Zulu War of 1879 (a Waterstone's Military History Book of the Year) and, most recently, Victoria's Wars: The Rise of Empire.
Oro Editions Expanded Field: Installation Architecture beyond Art
***Delayed title, now published*** At the end of the late 1970s, art theorist and critic Rosalind Krauss had written a seminal text entitled "Sculpture in the Expanded Field," in an attempt to both locate and analyse vanguard sculptural practices of the time such as the work of Richard Serra, Robert Smithson, Mary Miss, and Donald Judd whose practices crossed outside of the limits of traditional sculpture and entered into the realms of architecture and landscape through the production of works that she classified as site constructions, marked sites, earthworks and axiomatic structures. Over the past three decades, the boundaries between art and architecture have continued to blur, giving rise to a series of works known as installations whose conceptual, spatial and material trajectories have generated a new and expanding network of relations between the domains of architecture, interiors, sculpture and landscape. At the same time, the range of institutional venues advancing architectural installation practices, such as the PS1 program spawned by the MoMA in New York, the Serpentine Gallery's annual architectural pavilion in London and the Art and Architectural Biennale's in Venice, have provided platforms to intensify the production and reach of contemporary installations. Installations have not only contributed to the advancement of architectural research but have also enabled the redefinition and progressive development of architecture's disciplinary territory allowing architects to explore spatial and tectonic ideas, experiment with emerging technological strategies, and distill perceptual and experiential conditions without the limitations traditionally imposed by the permanence and utility of building. Following the legacy of Rosalind Krauss, 'Expanded Field: Installation Architecture Beyond Art' by Ila Berman and Douglas Burnham explores the realm of art and architecture across a broad terrain of installation practices, revealing a critical territory that, despite its exuberant proliferation, has been historically defined as a negativity: the progeny of that which is both not-architecture and not-art. Within this book, a wide range of art and architectural works are positioned and mapped as constellations within a newly expanded field suspended between Architecture, Interiors, Sculpture, and Landscape. These four terms are the initial reference points used to elaborate a more extensive taxonomical framework defining twelve distinct territories where the analytical drawings and photographic indexes of seventy-five installation projects are situated. The expanded field diagram is a conceptual framework that operates on many levels. It acts as a lens through which to theorise and classify the trajectories of current installation practices and serves as an infrastructure to organise the content of the book. Along the trajectory from interiors to sculpture, for example, one finds the immersive chromatic environments of Carlos Cruz-Diez, the thermal and radiant atmospheres of Philippe Rahm, the intensely graphic patterned surfaces of Jurgen Mayer and Yayoi Kusama, and the interactive mediated light landscapes of Ryoji Ikeda and Julio Le Parc. These are installations intent on foregrounding immersive atmospheric spaces rather than sculptural objects and that collectively define Chromatic/Graphic Immersion, one of the twelve typologies through which the book is organised. Along the path from interiors toward landscape, are situated a different series of installation projects including the undulating orange strata of Bamscape and the pink spongy terrain of Mute Room, two works by Thom Faulders both of which redefine ground as a programmed surface and occupiable topography. AUTHOR: Ila Berman, principal of Scaleshift design and the new O'Donovan Director of the University of Waterloo School of Architecture, is an architect, theorist, and curator of architecture and urbanism whose research investigates the relationship between culture and the evolution of contemporary material and spatial practices. Douglas Burnham is principal and founder of envelope a+d, an award-winning architecture and design firm whose work reconceptualises modes of living and building to advance compelling visions of the emerging urban condition. Illustrations throughout
Amis du Centre d'histoire et de civilisation de Byzance Pierre Gilles, Itinéraires byzantins: Lettre à un ami. Du Bosphore de Thrace. De la topographie de Constantinople et de ses antiquités
Si l'on a pu qualifier Charles du Fresne, sieur Du Cange (1610-1688) de fondateur des études d'histoire byzantine, il faut reconnaître que, quatre générations plus tôt, Pierre Gilles (1489-1555) en fut le pionnier. Deux ouvrages rédigés en latin et publiés de façon posthume, Du Bosphore de Thrace et De la topographie de Constantinople, ont fait de lui une autorité incontestable pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent aux choses de Byzance. Pendant près d'un demi-millénaire, voyageurs, cosmographes, espions, historiens, archéologues, voire rédacteurs de guide touristique en ont fait leur miel, même si certains n'éprouvèrent pas toujours la nécessité de citer leur source. On a choisi d'en présenter, pour la première fois, une traduction complète en français, précédée de celle de la Lettre à un ami, que Gilles rédigea pour rendre compte de son voyage d'Istanbul à Tabriz et Alep, dans l'escorte du sieur d'Aramon, ambassadeur du roi de France auprès de Soliman le Magnifique. En tant qu'humaniste, Gilles considère que la vérité doit résider dans les textes transmis depuis l'Antiquité. Mais des travaux antérieurs dans le domaine de l'ichtyologie lui avaient montré que les enquêtes de terrain peuvent aussi apporter des améliorations et des compléments. Sa méthode consiste donc, dans un premier temps, à recueillir dans les sources antiques et médiévales, déjà imprimées ou encore inédites, les informations topographiques nécessaires à son propos. Puis il confronte celles-ci à ses propres observations, reflet des matérialités de son époque. S'il constate une contradiction entre texte et réalité, à lui de la résoudre, quitte à laisser, devant une aporie, l'éventuelle solution à de plus diligents. Maintenant, au lecteur qui voudra bien mettre ses pas dans ceux de Pierre Gilles, nous rappellerons la formule de son contemporain Rabelais: Croyez le, si voulez; si ne voulez, allez y veoir. Mais je sçay bien ce que je veidz.
Archaeopress La parure en callaïs du Néolithique européen
La callaïs désigne les pierres vertes dont sont faites les remarquables parures découvertes dans plusieurs sites néolithiques d’Europe occidentale. Terme utilisé au début de notre ère par Pline l’Ancien et repris par les premiers archéologues du début du XXème siècle lors des premières fouilles des grands tumulus de la région de Carnac (Morbihan), la callaïs regroupe plusieurs espèces minérales, surtout la variscite et la turquoise, tous deux des phosphates d’aluminium hydratés de couleur verte à bleue. Les perles et pendeloques en cette matière précieuse, associées à d’autres objets tels que haches en jade alpin, en fibrolite, perles en ambre ou en jais, provenant de sources parfois très éloignées, étaient déposés auprès des défunts, témoignant de leur haut rang au sein des premières sociétés agropastorales, ou « sacrifiées » sous forme de dépôts. La question de la nature et de l’origine de ces perles et pendeloques en callaïs a été maintes fois abordée durant le siècle dernier par les minéralogistes et les préhistoriens. Depuis les premières découvertes sur cette gemme, de nombreuses recherches ont été menées tant sur le terrain qu’en laboratoire afin d’élucider ce que certains avaient baptisé « les mystères de la callaïs ». Ce volume, préfacé par Yves Coppens, Professeur honoraire du Collège de France, regroupe les contributions des meilleurs spécialistes européens de la callaïs, variscite et turquoise, qui sont intervenus lors d’un colloque consacré à cette gemme ancienne qui s’est tenu en avril 2015 à Carnac. L’objectif de cet ouvrage est de divulguer le fruit des dernières recherches relatives à ces bijoux en balayant de multiples domaines : géologie de la variscite, gemmologie, exploitations néolithiques mais aussi romaines, caractérisation chimique, production des objets et leur diffusion, inventaire, datation, place de ces bijoux au sein de sociétés agropastorales qui occupaient une partie de l’Europe du 5ème au 3ème millénaire.
Johns Hopkins University Press A Guide to Humanistic Studies in Aging: What Does It Mean to Grow Old?
This volume explores the moral, spiritual, and cultural terrain of aging through interdisciplinary scholarship and clinically based research. Aging has long been of interest to scholars and practitioners in a vast array of academic fields and professions. Thomas R. Cole, Ruth E. Ray, and Robert Kastenbaum have brought together leaders from a variety of academic realms to explore how aging is depicted in the modern era and the effect of these portrayals on individuals and society. The first section views aging and old age through the lenses of four disciplines: history, literature, religion, and philosophy. It probes the idea and effect of age in different places and times in history; discusses the concept as put forth in novels, memoirs, and literary studies and criticism; and raises important existential and spiritual questions about the meaning of growing old. The chapters in the second section demonstrate how interdisciplinary humanities can be applied to the study of aging through such thoughtful queries as: How do creativity and health relate in old age? What does "old" mean in an era of high-tech medicine, and what is our moral obligation to care for elderly persons? Why are friendships of special importance to older people? Section three uses semiotics, cultural analysis, and ideological critiques to identify key social issues related to aging, including the concept of "home," ageism and discrimination, and our understanding of aging in the era of globalization. The text closes with Robert Kastenbaum's poignant reflection on his own considerations of meaning and mortality as he journeyed back to health following heart surgery. This comprehensive guide works at the nexus of the humanities and health professions to provide the intellectual rationale, history, and a substantive overview of humanistic gerontology as it has emerged in the United States and Europe.
Pearson Education (US) Foundations of Economics
For courses in Economics. An engaging, practice-oriented approach to understanding core economic principles Foundations of Economics, 8th Edition introduces readers to the economic principles they can use to navigate the financial decisions of their futures. Each chapter concentrates on a manageable number of ideas, usually 3 to 4, with each reinforced several times throughout the text. This patient approach helps guide individuals through unfamiliar terrain and focus them on the most important concepts. The text does four core things to help readers grasp and apply economic principles: it motivates with compelling issues and questions, focuses on core ideas, offers concise points, and encourages learning with activities and practice questions. After completing this text, readers will have the foundational knowledge of how the economy works and can apply it to their lives going forward. Also available with MyLab Economics MyLab™ Economics is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Economics does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Economics, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Economics, search for: 0134641728 / 9780134641720 Foundations of Economics Plus MyLab Economics with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0134486811 / 9780134486819 Foundations of Economics 0134518314 / 9780134518312 MyLab Economics with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Foundations of Economics
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Mountain Republic: A Lake District Parish - Eighteen Men, The Lake Poets and the National Trust
An affectionate but meticulously researched history of one of the most beautiful and best-loved corners of England – Crosthwaite Parish, nestling deep within the mountains and valleys of the Lake District. 'A unique contribution to English history' Hunter Davies 'A delightful, refreshingly written book, attentive to social detail and telling the only story that matters – history' Simon Jenkins 'A wonderful book' Margaret Drabble 'A completely fresh perspective on the Lakes and Lake Poets... I hugely enjoyed it' Andrew Marr Bounded by the peaks of Scafell, Skiddaw and Helvellyn, and embracing such well-known landmarks as Borrowdale, Derwentwater and Keswick, it lies within the heart of the Lake Poets' landscape and its rugged terrain excites passion in all those who know it. The Parish also boasts a remarkable history. Its 90 square miles were governed, from medieval times, by eighteen annually chosen 'customary tenants'; ancestors of the people who later prompted Wordsworth's portrayal of the area as 'a perfect Republic of Shepherds and agriculturalists'. His fellow poet Robert Southey lived within the Parish for forty years, was an active parishioner and rests in St Kentigern's churchyard. Here he is given his rightful position as a Lake Poet. In the nineteenth century, the Victorian state killed off the old parish system, sweeping away the egalitarian rule of the Eighteen Men. But a degree of redemption was at hand. Canon Rawnsley, vicar of Crosthwaite from 1883, pledged to defend the Lake District for future generations. So the Parish was at the heart of the creation of the National Trust and blazed a trail for a wider movement to preserve the English landscape. Writing with a historian's rigour and bearing aloft the banner of the Lake District statesmen, Philippa Harrison has produced a magisterial and fascinating record of a parish with a unique social, cultural and aesthetic resonance in English history.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The New Consumer Online: A Sociology of Taste, Audience, and Publics
Ed McQuarrie has been a leading light among sociological consumer researchers for a long time, his research devoted to deep and interdisciplinary exploration. This book is a much-needed development of the vast new terrain of consumers' online behaviors. From megaphone effects to soapbox imperatives, from Bourdieu to Goffman, cultural capital to trust, McQuarrie builds on his prior work to provide exciting new thinking to help us understand the radical and important changes that the Internet continues to spur. Highly recommended!'- Robert Kozinets, York University, CanadaIt's a new world online, where consumers can publish their writing and gain a public presence, even a mass audience. This book links together blogging, writing reviews for Yelp, and creating pinboards for Pinterest, all of which provide ordinary people the opportunity to display their tastes to strangers. Edward McQuarrie shows how the operation of taste in consumption has been changed by the Internet and offers a fresh perspective on why websites like Yelp and Pinterest have become so successful.Drawing on Bourdieu and Campbell to support his thesis, Edward McQuarrie uncovers what is new online by:- presenting a sociological perspective on what consumers do online and contrasting it to more familiar economic, psychological and ethnographic views- reinterpreting Bourdieu s idea of cultural capital to understand the success of fashion bloggers- showing how the meaning of taste and what it means to dress fashionably have changed with the Web- explaining why online reviews cannot be considered word-of-mouth and therefore cannot be understood using that idea- examining why Pinterest is so attractive to female consumers while relating Pinterest to Walter Benjamin's ideas about how mechanical reproduction changes the meaning of art.This book will be valuable to students and scholars interested in consumer research, marketing, and sociology, specifically those who seek an alternative to purely psychological and economic explanations for what consumers do online.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd European Union Human Rights Law: The Dynamics of Interpretation and Context
The European Union's jurisprudence is responsible for a complex body of human rights law which pursues a busy, multi-tiered agenda and is essential for the lawful and the effective operation and development of the EU polity and its legal order. This innovative book investigates the character of EU human rights law as shaped by the interplay between interpretation and context in the jurisprudence of EU courts.Marton Varju offers a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of EU human rights case law. Providing a comprehensive analytical framework for the jurisprudence he sheds new light on key EU constitutional principles and reveals the complex character of the legal analysis. He distinguishes between different applications of human rights to reveal the 'relational' character of EU human rights law. Examining the interpretative considerations and practices followed by EU courts in their human rights jurisprudence, the author discusses their impact on the protection of human rights in the difficult constitutional and governance terrain of the EU.Identifying the considerations and agendas behind EU human rights law which should be taken into account in EU litigation, this unique and timely book will be of great interest to practitioners in the field and is essential reading for academics and postgraduate students in EU constitutional law.Contents: Preface 1. European Union Human Rights Law: The Dynamics of Interpretation and Context 2. The Rule of Law and Human Rights in the EU 3. Regulation and Human Rights in the EU 4. The Regulation of Human Rights in the EU 5. Justice and Human Rights in the EU 6. European Union Procedures and Human Rights 7. The Multi-layered Character of EU Human Rights Law 8. The Law of the ECHR and Human Rights in the EU 9. European Union Human Rights Law: The Dynamics of Interpretation and Context - Conclusions Index
Johns Hopkins University Press Voices of Campus Sexual Violence Activists: #MeToo and Beyond
The stories and strategies of student activists fighting against sexual violence in the #MeToo era.The global #MeToo movement that began in 2017 sparked an explosion of activism to address systemic problems of discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence. In Voices of Campus Sexual Violence Activists, Ana M. Martínez-Alemán and Susan B. Marine share the important stories of college student activists fighting sexual violence. Based on research and interviews, this timely book provides a close examination of the promise and perils of activism on today's college campuses. Martínez-Alemán and Marine map the terrain of student activists whose work to influence institutional, state, and federal policy represents a testament to the rich legacies of 1960s activism and signals a new wave of social media–centered work in the #MeToo era. These students share their strategies for addressing sexual violence on their campuses and organizing and rallying other students to their work. They describe their motivations, their experiences dealing with the police and campus administrations, and their goals as well as the effects of activism on their mental health and physical well-being. Gen Z students describe how they use collective mobilization and activism through social media in addition to long-established campus organizing techniques in the service of eradicating sexual violence on campus. Unlike other explorations of the #MeToo movement, this book highlights the experiences of prominent campus activists and their allies and the policy and practice implications of their movements for campus leaders, including senior student affairs administrators and faculty. Martínez-Alemán and Marine conclude with recommendations for institutional decision-making and practices that incorporate the experiences and opinions of student activists. Voices of Campus Sexual Violence Activists calls for a cultural reset in institutional cultures to end sexual violence on campuses.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Respatialising Finance: Power, Politics and Offshore Renminbi Market Making in London
RESPATIALISING FINANCE ‘In Respatialising Finance Sarah Hall uses the internationalisation of the Chinese Renminbi (RMB) to work through a sympathetic conceptual and empirical critique of prevailing analyses of International Financial Centres (IFCs). Her conceptual (re)framing stresses the politics, institutions and economics of IFCs and will be essential reading for all social scientists interested in the dynamism of contemporary finance and financial centres.’Professor Jane Pollard, Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS), Newcastle University, UK‘Through detailed study of Chinese RMB internationalisation and combining analytical insights from economic geography, sociology, and international political economy, Sarah Hall shows why offshore networks anchored in territories such as the City of London are both core to global monetary and financial landscapes, and provide a key terrain for state power and politics.’Professor Paul Langley, Department of Geography, Durham University, UKRespatialising Finance is one of the first detailed empirical studies of how and why London became the leading western financial centre within the wider Chinese economic and political project of internationalising its currency, the renminbi (RMB). This in-depth volume examines how political authorities in both London and Beijing identified the potential value of London’s international financial centre in facilitating and legitimising RMB internationalisation, and how they sought to operationalise this potential through a range of market-making activities.The text features original data from on-the-ground research in London and Beijing conducted with financial and legal professionals working in RMB markets and offers an original theoretical approach that brings economic geography into closer dialogue with international political economy. Recent work on territory illustrates how financial centres are not simply containers and facilitators of global financial flows – rather they serve as territorial fixes within the dynamic and crisis-prone nature of global finance.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Radio Propagation and Adaptive Antennas for Wireless Communication Networks: Terrestrial, Atmospheric, and Ionospheric
Radio Propagation and Adaptive Antennas for Wireless Communication Networks, 2nd Edition, presents a comprehensive overview of wireless communication system design, including the latest updates to considerations of over-the-terrain, atmospheric, and ionospheric communication channels. New features include the latest experimentally-verified stochastic approach, based on several multi-parametric models; all-new chapters on wireless network fundamentals, advanced technologies, and current and modern multiple access networks; and helpful problem sets at the conclusion of each chapter to enhance clarity. The volume’s emphasis remains on a thorough examination of the role of obstructions on the corresponding propagation phenomena that influence the transmission of radio signals through line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation conditions along the radio path between the transmitter and the receiver antennas—and how adaptive antennas, used at the link terminals, can be used to minimize the deleterious effects of such obstructions. With its focus on 3G, 4G, MIMO, and the latest wireless technologies, Radio Propagation and Adaptive Antennas for Wireless Communication Networks represents an invaluable resource to topics critical to the design of contemporary wireless communication systems. Explores novel wireless networks beyond 3G, and advanced 4G technologies, such as MIMO, via propagation phenomena and the fundamentals of adapted antenna usage. Explains how adaptive antennas can improve GoS and QoS for any wireless channel, with specific examples and applications in land, aircraft and satellite communications. Introduces new stochastic approach based on several multi-parametric models describing various terrestrial scenarios, which have been experimentally verified in different environmental conditions New chapters on fundamentals of wireless networks, cellular and non-cellular, multiple access networks, new applications of adaptive antennas for positioning, and localization of subscribers Includes the addition of problem sets at the end of chapters describing fundamental aspects of wireless communication and antennas.
Fordham University Press Lessons in Secular Criticism
Secular criticism is a term invented by Edward Said to denote not a theory but a practice that counters the tendency of much modern thinking to reach for a transcendentalist comfort zone, the very space philosophy wrested away from religion in the name of modernity. Using this notion as a compass, this book reconfigures recent secularism debates on an entirely different basis, by showing (1) how the secular imagination is closely linked to society’s radical poiesis, its capacity to imagine and create unprecedented forms of worldly existence; and (2) how the space of the secular animates the desire for a radical democratic politics that overturns inherited modes of subjugation, whether religious or secularist. Gourgouris’s point is to disrupt the co-dependent relation between the religious and the secular—hence, his rejection of fashionable languages of postsecularism—in order to engage in a double critique of heteronomous politics of all kinds. For him, secular criticism is a form of political being: critical, antifoundational, disobedient, anarchic, yet not negative for negation’s sake but creative of new forms of collective reflection, interrogation, and action that alter not only the current terrain of dominant politics but also the very self-conceptualization of what it means to be human. Written in a free and combative style and given both to close readings of texts and to gazing off into the broad horizon, these essays cover a range of issues—historical and philosophical, archaic and contemporary, literary and political—that ultimately converge in the significance of contemporary radical politics: the assembly movements we have seen in various parts of the world in recent years. The secular imagination demands a radical pedagogy and unlearning a great many established thought patterns. Its most important dimension is not battling religion per se but dismantling theological politics of sovereignty in favor of radical conditions for social autonomy.
Duke University Press Down in the Dumps: Place, Modernity, American Depression
Mucking around in the messy terrain of American trash, Jani Scandura tells the story of the United States during the Great Depression through evocative and photo-rich portraits of four locales: Reno, Key West, Harlem, and Hollywood. In investigating these Depression-era “dumps,” places that she claims contained and reclaimed the cultural, ideological, and material refuse of modern America, Scandura introduces the concept of “depressive modernity,” an enduring affective component of American culture that exposes itself at those moments when the foundational myths of America and progressive modernity—capitalism, democracy, individualism, secularism, utopian aspiration—are thrown into question. Depressive modernity is modernity at a standstill. Such a modernity is not stagnant or fixed, nor immobile, but is constituted by an instantaneous unstaging of desire, territory, language, and memory that reveals itself in the shimmering of place. An interpretive bricolage that draws on an unlikely archive of 1930s detritus—office memos, scribbled manuscripts, scrapbooks, ruined photographs, newspaper clippings, glass eyes, incinerated stage sets, pulp novels, and junk washed ashore—Down in the Dumps escorts its readers through Reno’s divorce factory of the 1930s, where couples from across the United States came to quickly dissolve matrimonial bonds; Key West’s multilingual salvage economy and its status as the island that became the center of an ideological tug-of-war between the American New Deal government and a politically fraught Caribbean; post-Renaissance Harlem, in the process of memorializing, remembering, grieving, and rewriting a modernity that had already passed; and Studio-era Hollywood, Nathanael West’s “dump of dreams,” in which the introduction of sound in film and shifts in art direction began to transform how Americans understood place-making and even being itself. A coda on Alcatraz and the Pentagon brings the book into the present, exploring how American Depression comes to bear on post-9/11 America.
Duke University Press Pedagogies of Crossing: Meditations on Feminism, Sexual Politics, Memory, and the Sacred
M. Jacqui Alexander is one of the most important theorists of transnational feminism working today. Pedagogies of Crossing brings together essays she has written over the past decade, uniting her incisive critiques, which have had such a profound impact on feminist, queer, and critical race theories, with some of her more recent work. In this landmark interdisciplinary volume, Alexander points to a number of critical imperatives made all the more urgent by contemporary manifestations of neoimperialism and neocolonialism. Among these are the need for North American feminism and queer studies to take up transnational frameworks that foreground questions of colonialism, political economy, and racial formation; for a thorough re-conceptualization of modernity to account for the heteronormative regulatory practices of modern state formations; and for feminists to wrestle with the spiritual dimensions of experience and the meaning of sacred subjectivity.In these meditations, Alexander deftly unites large, often contradictory, historical processes across time and space. She focuses on the criminalization of queer communities in both the United States and the Caribbean in ways that prompt us to rethink how modernity invents its own traditions; she juxtaposes the political organizing and consciousness of women workers in global factories in Mexico, the Caribbean, and Canada with the pressing need for those in the academic factory to teach for social justice; she reflects on the limits and failures of liberal pluralism; and she presents original and compelling arguments that show how and why transgenerational memory is an indispensable spiritual practice within differently constituted women-of-color communities as it operates as a powerful antidote to oppression. In this multifaceted, visionary book, Alexander maps the terrain of alternative histories and offers new forms of knowledge with which to mold alternative futures.