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El libro de la fotografa digital Ms de 150 recetas consejos y trucos para fotografiar con luz natural Spanish Edition
En esta guía paso a paso, Scott Kelby nos revela todos los secretos de la fotografía digital para que nuestras fotos tengan un aspecto profesional, y lo hace de una manera sencilla, desprovista de tecnicismos y conceptos teóricos, como si estuviese aconsejando a un amigo sobre el terreno en vez de dando una lección magistral.Los más de 200 consejos profesionales sobre configuraciones, herramientas, impresión y otros trucos que comparte Scott con los lectores hacen de este volumen un compañero de sesión fotográfica perfecto, tanto para principiantes como para fotógrafos más experimentados que buscan dar a sus fotos ese toque profesional que vemos en exposiciones y revistas.El libro no tiene desperdicio: cada página es una pequeña lección que nos muestra los entresijos de la fotografía digital de una forma sencilla, desde la elección del equipo hasta la impresión del resultado, pasando por el enfoque, el uso del flash y otros trucos para saca
Cómo hacer esto en Lightroom Classic el flujo de trabajo en Lightroom Classic y CC
Por su potencia y posibilidades, Lightroom constituye la gran herramienta del fotógrafo, pero tal diversidad de opciones en ocasiones está oculta o no es realmente obvia. A veces nos preguntamos dónde ubicó Adobe esa característica concreta o acción secreta. Ese es el propósito de este libro: enseñarle la técnica, los atajos y la configuración correcta y rápida de Lightroom Classic.Scott Kelby explica en esta obra el flujo de trabajo fotográfico completo. Él sabe exactamente cuáles son las herramientas vitales para el fotógrafo, y cuáles descartar y describe todo tan claro, comprensible y entretenido que tratar con Lightroom será muy fácil.Para saber cómo funciona una herramienta en particular, basta con consultar el capítulo correspondiente. Es fácil, pues cada página cubre un único tema y Kelby dice exactamente cómo hacerlo, sin teoría, ni conceptos confusos. Este libro explica qué botón clicar, qué configuración usar y, exactamente, cómo y cuándo hacerlo. Un texto, en fin, de
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. Dawkins en observación una crítica al nuevo ateísmo
Magnífica crítica sobre el pensamiento de Richard Dawkins en El espejismo de Dios, que disecciona los argumentos de éste para demonizar y ridiculizar todo lo divino. Un libro fundamental para entender las fisuras del "nuevo ateísmo".
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. La cena del cordero la Misa el cielo en la tierra
El autor -conocido ya en España por su libro Roma, dulce hogar- explica la celebración eucarística a la luz del Apocalipsis, y ofrece claves litúrgicas que iluminan el sentido del último libro del Nuevo Testamento. Tantos católicos que valoran la Misa, encontrarán en este libro motivos para vivirla con más fruto y profundidad, como participación temporal del culto del cielo: la Misa, el cielo en la tierra.
El surgimiento de la filosofía analítica Frege Moore Russell y Wittgenstein
Este volumen recoge las lecciones impartidas por el destacado filósofo del lenguaje e historiador de la filosofía analítica, Scott Soames, durante los meses de junio y julio de 2015 en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú como parte del seminario El surgimiento de la filosofía analítica. En él, Soames examina los orígenes de la tradición filosófica analítica (1879 -1922) en la obra de sus cuatro grandes fundadores: Gottlob Frege, G. E. Moore, Bertrand Russell y Ludwig Wittgenstein. Soames explica y analiza sus principales aportes a la lógica, la filosofía de las matemáticas, la epistemología, la metafísica, la filosofía del lenguaje y la ética. Los temas fundamentales que discute incluyen la crítica y subsecuente abandono del idealismo absoluto, el rol fundamental asignado al llamado sentido común en el desarrollo de una epistemología anti-escéptica, el proyecto de formular una teoría ética autónoma sin compromisos metafísicos, el desarrollo vertiginoso de la lógica simbólica co
Montena Uglies Spanish Edition
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Mi sombra es rosa / My Shadow Is Pink
Planeta Publishing ¿Qué Me Está Pasando? Guía Para Chicos
JRP Ringier Scott King: Anxiety and Depression
Dpunkt.Verlag GmbH Scott Kelbys FotoRezepte für das iPhone
Simon & Schuster The Chill
Zmok Books The Great Martian War: The Grand Alliance
Empty Set Entertainment Earthcore
Empty Set Entertainment The MVP: Galactic Football League: Book Four
Special Interest Model Books Model Ships from Scratch
Model ship building does not have to be an expensive hobby. The author takes you by the hand on a journey through one of the oldest crafts - nowadays a hobby - and shows how you can build an end product of fascination, history, skill and value using low-cost materials and a minimum of tools - from 'scratch' in fact. The book starts by explaining hull lines and hull construction methods, then moves on to masts, yards, booms and gaffs, deck equipment and furniture, anchors, rigging and blocks, armament and simple sail making. Finally instruction is given to painting, mounting and displaying the models. The author's text is packed with useful hints and tips derived from his lifetime of modelling which, together with the large number of detailed drawings and photographs depicting many of the ship models in his collection, some showing useful close-ups on details and fittings, provides a very practical guide to the art and craft of model ship building.
Boom! Studios Garfield The Thing in the Fridge
Weldon Owen, Incorporated Delicious Dessert Cocktails
Take a break from your typical cocktail party and have some fun with this delicious collection of recipes that will introduce you to a whole new side of cocktails—a significantly sweeter side. Delicious Dessert Cocktails features over 70 recipes for traditional, as well as new and inventive libations to savor at the end of a meal. From classic cocktails to sip on after dinner, to fresh and fruity concoctions that serve as dessert and an after-dinner drink, to cups of spiked hot chocolate, toddies, and coffee to savor at the end of a holiday meal, this book will deliver spirited dessert drinks that are decadent, luxurious, and delicious. In addition, there are recipes for light and sumptuous dessert bites such as Lemon Wafers, Chocolate Meringues, Strawberries & Cream, and Grilled Peaches with Ice Cream & Prosecco that are easy, elegant, and fun to serve.
Aladdin Paperbacks The Problem with Prophecies
States Academic Press Entrepreneurship: New Perspectives
Murphy & Moore Publishing Introduction to Postharvest Management
Rodale Incorporated Seedtime: On the History, Husbandry, Politics and Promise of Seeds
Scott Chaskey—working farmer, poet, and spiritual father of the community farming movement—considers "the web of biodiversity and resilience at the heart of our cultural inheritance" by masterfully weaving history, politics, botany, literature, mythology, and memoir into a beautiful and instructive book.It's hard to think of a subject more fundamental to the sustenance of the human race than seeds. Having coevolved with the Earth's plants, insects, and animals, seeds are entwined with the core myths of ancient cultures and the development of human consciousness. Their story remains vitally important today, as the corporations that manufacture GMOs threaten our food security and the future of seed-cultivated agriculture.The stakes, for those concerned with preserving biodiversity and ecological integrity, are high. Balancing a wide view of politics and history, Chaskey alights from life on the farm he has cultivated for 25 years to conjure Gregor Mendel's breeding experiments that yielded our modern understanding of genetics; he also introduces us to several "bioneers," such as the geobotanist Nikolay Vavilov and agriculturalist Cary Fowler, who are preserving global biodiversity through seeds. Integrating scholarship with accessible storytelling, Seedtime is a celebration as well as a call to action urging us to renew our role as citizens of nature, in ecologist Aldo Leopold's phrase, not as conquerors of it.
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Souls in the Sea: Dolphins, Whales, and Human Destiny
Alfred Music RagTime Dance Score Parts Eighth Note Publications
Amazon Publishing Justice Lost
In the Wall Street Journal bestseller, lawyer turned rogue Darren Street faces the most personal and ruthless vendetta of his life. After forfeiting years serving time for a false murder conviction, former criminal defense attorney Darren Street finally got his freedom back and is trying to build a regular life. But when an unthinkable tragedy shatters his hard-earned normalcy, Street is left reeling from the devastating blow. As the criminal-justice system refuses to dispense justice, he sets out—without mercy—after the man responsible. Unwilling to stop at simply righting one wrong, Street decides to dust off his legal skills and dive back in—this time to unseat the district attorney general in Knoxville, whose callous indifference nearly let a man get away with murder. Now navigating a broken establishment already steeped in corruption, Street will find the retribution and redemption he so desperately needs—unless it draws him even deeper into the very chaos that derailed his life in the first place.
Grand Central Publishing Pleading Guilty
Skyhorse Publishing Golf University: Become a Better Putter, Driver, and More—the Smart Way
Here is comprehensive advice to excelling on the golf course. Scott Weems goes beyond traditional tips on putting and driving. Divided into four academic years, Scott Weems incorporates the disciplines of physics, math, medicine, sociology, geology, and more to help you improve your game and have more fun on the linksThe many lessons that Weems offers include: Achieving maximum efficiency in the golf swing, meaning no loss of kinetic energy from club to ball, would require a driver 72 feet long. And a club the same weight as the ball. Twelve percent of business executives rate golf as more important than sex. Players shot half a stroke higher when paired with Tiger Woods in his prime. The effect was even worse on the final day of competition. Putting against the direction of the grain (i.e., opposite the most recent mowing) leaves the ball 15 percent shorter than putting in the opposite direction. Closing your eyes occasionally while putting will leave your ball almost 10 percent closer to the pin. And more! Golf University uses a mixture of research, interviews, and Weems’s own experiences as a scientist and golfer to introduce readers to the latest discoveries in the sport.
Skyhorse Publishing Illinois Wildlife Encyclopedia: An Illustrated Guide to Birds, Fish, Mammals, Reptiles, and Amphibians
Here, naturalist Scott Shupe offers detailed information on all the wildlife that resides in the Prairie State. Included are over 800 color photographs, depicting the different species of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and fish, while also offering over 600 range maps to show their territoryIllinois’s wildlife has always played an important role in the history of human beings inhabiting the state. Native Americans depended on birds, mammals, and fish for sustenance and the state’s first Europeans came in search of Beaver and buckskins. Although the state’s wildlife is still an important resource for human consumption, wildlife is also increasingly important in today’s culture for its intrinsic, aesthetic value. For many Illinoisans, the age-old traditions of hunting and fishing have been replaced by a desire to simply observe wildlife and experience nature. But most Illinoisans are largely unaware of the diversity of species inhabiting their state. This volume is intended to provide an introduction to the state’s fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.Along with basic information for the biology of each animal, Shupe includes the size, habitat, and abundance of each species located in the state.Whether you’re a lover of the outdoors, photography, or are looking to learn more about your state, this comprehensive guide will teach you about the wonderful wildlife that covers the water, earth, and skies of Illinois.
Skyhorse Publishing TSA Baggage: An Inside Look at the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly at America's Airports
Scott Becker spent over 12 years working for the TSA at Chicago’s O’Hare airport and served it in numerous capacities, from baggage screener to manager. He brings to TSA Baggage a wealth of experience and stories that have something for everyone:•Candid Cameos: Several stories in TSA Baggage feature appearances from celebrities, including Madeleine Albright, Patch Adams, and the Kardashians•Behind-the-Scenes Look: For anyone who’s ever wondered what happens in the parts of airports hidden from a view or during a shift at a security check, this book provides first-hand accounts of the inner workings of airports and the people who keep them humming•Laugh Track: Airports seem to attract the misguided, confused, and weird, and this provides for plenty of laughs, whether its passengers attempting to bring grenades in their luggage or trying to skip through security in a drunken tizzy•Travel Warning: This book can also be a great guide to do’s and don’ts for all future travelers, with tips from someone who’s seen everything that can go right and wrong at an airportTravel brings out the good, bad, and ugly in everyone, and TSA Baggage captures all of it for readers from a first-hand witness to the whole circus. Strap in and get ready for a great read.
Simon & Schuster Ernst Lubitsch: Laughter in Paradise
Sourcebooks, Inc How to Think Like Einstein: Simple Ways to Break the Rules and Discover Your Hidden Genius
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Candy Cane Lane
Simon & Schuster Print the Legend: The Life and Times of John Ford
Through a career that spanned decades and included dozens of films-among them such American masterpieces asThe Searchers, The Grapes of Wrath, The Quiet Man, Stagecoach, and How Green Was My Valley-John Ford managed to leave as his legacy a body of work that few filmmakers will ever equal. Yet as bold as the stamp of his personality was on each film, he was reticent about his personal life. Basically shy, and intensely private, he was known to enjoy making up stories about himself, some of them based loosely on fact but many of them pure fabrications. Ford preferred instead to let his films speak for him. What mattered to Ford was always what was up there on the screen. Now, in this definitive look at the life and career of one of America's true cinematic giants, noted biographer and critic Scott Eyman, working with the full participation of the Ford estate, has managed to document and delineate both aspects of John Ford's life-the human and the legend.
Alfred Music Ghosts in the Graveyard: Conductor Score & Parts
Alfred Music Glaciers: Conductor Score & Parts
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Pumping Nylon Complete
Arcadia Publishing Twin Cities Beer A Heady History American Palate
Arcadia Publishing Oregon Surfing Central Coast Images of Modern America
Grand Central Publishing Testimony
Little, Brown & Company Identical
Little, Brown & Company Identical