Search results for ""Author George""
University Press of Kansas The Enemy of My Enemy: The Alarming Convergence of Militant Islam and the Extreme Right
In the violent world of radical extremists, ""the enemy of my enemy is my friend."" In this provocative study, George Michael reveals how that precept plays out in the unexpected bonding between militant Islam and the extreme right in America and Europe. At first glance, these two groups would seem to share little if any common ground. Why would various neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers, white separatists, and antigovernment radicals find themselves attracted to movements, such as Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Egyptian Islamic Jihad? After all, the extreme right's racist and radical Christian segments tend to deride and exclude all nonwhites and non-Christians, while Islamic fundamentalists angrily denounce all non-Muslims, especially Americans, as infidels. Nevertheless, as Michael shows, they have developed strikingly similar critiques on such issues as American foreign policy, the media, modernity, and the New World Order. The first book to focus on the growing linkage between these two movements, ""The Enemy of My Enemy"" analyzes the histories and ideologies guiding these disparate groups, clarifies the nature of their mutual appeal, and shows how the Internet and globalization have made increased interaction possible. Michael notes that one particularly dominant thread running throughout both camps is a fervent anti-Semitism, accompanied by strong pro-Palestinian views, anger over Israel's influence on American policymakers, and opposition to the Iraq War and the U.S. presence in the Middle East. Michael also speculates on how the so-called War on Terror might unfold if this unexpected and alarming convergence grows stronger. While the thought of Americans assisting or fighting alongside Islamic militants - in America - sounds utterly far-fetched, Michael points out that some members of the extreme right have publicly expressed admiration for Al Qaeda's audacious attacks on 9/11. Daring to consider the unthinkable, Michael provides an insightful and sane look at the possibilities for collaboration between these groups and raises a quiet but clear alarm for anyone concerned about America's future.
Faber Music Ltd Concerto for Orchestra
Dedicated to the memory of Oliver Knussen, George Benjamin’s 2021 Concerto for Orchestra premiered at the BBC proms by the Mahler Chamber Orchestra. Benjamin said that the piece attempts “to conjure a trace of the energy, humour, and spirit” of Knussen. It is varied and dynamic across its unbroken 17-minute span – skittish lines play against still, suspended ones – and full of star turns for its various instrumental protagonists. Available here as a full score. Parts available to hire from September 2022. “A terrific 17-minute tour de force, clearly inspired by the virtuosity of the Mahler CO players, but far from being merely a glittering showcase.” The Times (Richard Morrison), August 2021 "As with everything Benjamin writes, the concerto gleams, all the sonic ingredients individuated, clarity and intricate detail turning every player into a soloist. In this composer’s music it’s as if every bar, every idea, is an essence of the whole: an atom, more like the smallest in a set of Russian dolls." The Observer (Fiona Maddocks), September 2021
Faber Music Ltd The Best Of Gershwin
Barrie Carson Turner has taken fourteen Gershiwn songs as well as some of the themes from Rhapsody in Blue and out them together in this collection. While the arrangements occasionally branch out in their own harmonic directions, they still preserve Gershwin's own initimate style.
Faber Music Ltd Viola, Viola
Faber Music Ltd Antara
Faber Music Ltd Jubilation
Faber Music Ltd At First Light
Random House USA Inc Life Between Heaven and Earth
Penguin Putnam Inc Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment
Penguin Putnam Inc Silas Mariner
McGraw Hill LLC Connect Access Card for Essentials of World Regional Geography
Brill Trends and Perspectives in Modern Computational Science
This volume contains a collection of the lectures of the invited speakers and symposium organizers presented at the International Conference of Computational methods in Science and Engineering (ICCMSE 2006), held in Chania, Greece, October 2006. The content of the papers bears upon new developments of Computational Science pertinent to Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Mathematics and Engineering. Molecular Science is a privileged ground for the application and evaluation of new mathematical tools and computational methods. In recent years, novelty and progress with greatest conceivable speed is common experience. This flavor of research findings carrying many consequences for distant fields is easily evidenced in the lectures collected in this volume.
EasyOriginal Verlag e.U. Animal Farm Farm der Tiere mit 2 MP3 AudioCDs StarterSet
Knesebeck Von Dem GmbH Human Planet Wie der Mensch die Erde formt
Media Maria Die Berufung wurde abgewiesen
Narayana Verlag GmbH Multiple Sklerose überwinden
Schiler & Mücke GbR Koranauslegung Und Islamisches Recht
Ars Vivendi Hard Revolution
Plassen Verlag George Friedman Der Sturm vor der Ruhe Amerikas Spaltung die heraufziehende Krise und der folgende Triumph
TOKYOPOP GmbH Dance Dance Danseur 2in1 01
TOKYOPOP GmbH Dance Dance Danseur 2in1 07
Prestel Great Pubs of London Pocket Edition
A pocket-sized edition of the best-selling Great Pubs of London, this book celebrates London''s most significant and historic pubs.For centuries, the pub has been an essential part of London''s cultural and social fabric. This book takes readers through the doors of 25 historically and architecturally significant London pubs. Through photographs specially commissioned for this project, readers can explore these institutions--from snob screens to 400-hundred-year-old flagstone floors. Engaging texts highlight what makes each pub so special, their place in London''s history, the personalities who have frequented them, the events that occurred inside, and the ways pubs have contributed phrases such as on the wagon and one for the road to the modern lexicon. This book reveals why the Lamb and Flag in Covent Garden earned the nickname the Bucket of Blood, and features a pub that Charles Dickens described as a great rambling queer old place. Furthermore, the book muses over th
Anaconda Verlag 1984 Neu bersetzt von Jan Strmpel
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Sprache und Schweigen Essays ber Sprache Literatur und das Unmenschliche
btb Taschenbuch Zehnter Dezember
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Ein Winter auf Mallorca
Hansebooks Poems of George Eliot
Diogenes Verlag AG Auftauchen um Luft zu holen
Diogenes Verlag AG Erledigt in Paris und London
Reclam Philipp Jun. Adam Bede
Klett Sprachen GmbH Nineteen EightyFour Lektre AudioOnline
Klett Sprachen GmbH Nineteen EightyFour
Klett Sprachen GmbH King Arthur and his Knights Englische Lektre fr das 4 und 5 Lernjahr Buch AudioCD
Le Livre de poche La petite Fadette
Gallimard La ferme des animaux
Smokestack Books The Call of the Clerihew
Walking Together Press The Princess and the Goblin
Floris Books Psychotronics and a Biodynamic Garden: How to Grow and Harvest Healthier Food through Radionics and Dowsing
Radionics treatments have been recognised for their ability to rebalance the soil to produce quality crops and to treat pests and disease. Dowsing can enable gardeners to identify the best planting locations by considering the influence of the moon and underground water patterns. Together, these procedures can be combined with traditional biodynamic approaches to help boost the growth of crops and plants. Drawing on his decades of experience in sustainable and organic farming and gardening, George Kuepper describes practical methods for implementing these practices in this helpful and clear guidebook. With numerous illustrations, photographs, tables and examples this is a useful and practical resource for gardeners and farmers looking to improve the quality of their crops and plants.
Birlinn General St Kilda
The small island archipelago of St Kilda, which rises majestically from the stormy waters of the North Atlantic, has a magic and allure which is both enduring and inexplicable. For centuries, St Kilda’s remoteness (it lies sixty miles west of the Scottish Hebrides), together with the way of life of its inhabitants, has attracted huge attention from outsiders, who have been fascinated by this small community literally clinging to the edge of the world. Although St Kildans were always few in number (the population was under 100 when Hirta, the only inhabited island, was evacuated in 1930), their society was extraordinarily well developed – they famously had their own daily ‘parliament’, at which the men of the island would meet and discuss the tasks of the day. This remains a work of vital importance for the understanding of this fascinating island society.
Mortons Media Group Diesel Part 3: North British Warships
Raceform Ltd Taking My Time
Arc Publications 56
56 is a collaboration between two poets from very different literary traditions whose ears are tuned to a mutual music. With a painting by Jenny Saville as a starting point, this collaboration grew into a sequence of 56 poems which, by coincidence, was begun fifty-six years after 1956, the year in which George Szirtes came to England.
Akashic Books,U.S. D.c. Noir
Liverpool University Press From Lisbon to the World: Fernando Pessoas Enduring Literary Presence
Fernando Pessoa is one of the greatest poets of the 20th century. Until some years ago known in the English-speaking world only among a minority of connaisseurs, his work is finally becoming available in English translations, and more are in the process of reaching the literary public. Born in Lisbon in 1888, Pessoa was only forty-seven when he died, but he left behind a staggering number of unpublished manuscripts that are still being screened and brought to light. George Steiner heralded the day Pessoa discovered his major Portuguese heteronyms, for no country had ever seen the birth of four great poets in a single day. That was a reference to the personae Pessoa created, the famous heteronyms Alberto Caeiro, Alvaro de Campos, and Ricardo Reis, besides the man himself -- all poets in their own right with their biographies and even critical exchanges among themselves. Today well over a hundred Pessoa heteronyms are known, including, notably, the semi-heteronym Bernardo Soares, author of The Book of Disquiet, presently available in two English translations. Lately, another Pessoa is emerging -- an English writer, as well as a thinker. Indeed, having been educated in Durban, South Africa, where his stepfather was the consul of Portugal, the poet had a strong English education that shaped his life and thought. George Monteiro has been in the forefront of the uncovering of this side of Pessoa. Author, among many other works, of The Presence of Pessoa: English, American, and Southern African Literary Responses, and Fernando Pessoa and Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American Literature, in this volume Monteiro continues to explore and interpret the world of Pessoa to English-speaking readers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Companion to Construction Economics
This innovative Research Companion considers the history, nature and status of construction economics, and its need for development as a field in order to be recognised as a distinct discipline. It presents a state-of-the-art review of construction economics, identifying areas for further research. Contributors explore topics that have been under-discussed in the literature, including the philosophy of construction economics and its practice in classical antiquity. Chapters also offer new takes on the development of the construction industry, the economics of housing, construction labour and the economics of informatics applications. Comprehensive in outlook, the Research Companion goes on to provide in-depth analyses of procurement, bidding, stakeholder management, construction data, transaction costs and sustainability in construction. The Research Companion will be critical reading for scholars and students of construction economics, construction management, cost engineering, quantity surveying, urban economics and institutional economics. Its use of empirical research and exploration of the methods of analysis used in construction economics will also be beneficial for administrators of the construction industry and practitioners in these fields.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC All the Best Lines: An Informal History of the Movies in Quotes, Notes and Anecdotes
Pithy put-downs, hard-boiled snarlings, words of love and regret... All the Best Lines presents 500 memorable movie quotes, embracing both one-liners ('My name is Pussy Galore') and slices of snappy dialogue from pictures as diverse as When Harry Met Sally and Pulp Fiction. Arranged under such timeless themes as Dreams, Friends, Libido and Memories, the quotes juxtapose films and stars from every era and every genre. Dotted throughout the text are feature capsules focusing on themes and stories in the movies from Goldwynisms to Mae West, plus a generous scattering of cinema anecdotes, making the book both a joy to browse and an authoritative reference. Lavishly illustrated with full-colour photographs, All the Best Lines will delight and entertain you in equal measure, reacquainting you with your favourite movies and introducing you to some forgotten classics.