Search results for ""author richard"
Candlewick Press,U.S. Andy Shane and the Very Bossy Dolores Starbuckle
University Press of America Deductive Logic: An Introduction to Evaluation Technique and Logical Theory
Deductive Logic is designed as an intermediate-level text directed at upper-division students from philosophy and the humanities. Its focus is exclusively on deductive logic, avoiding altogether topics such as informal reasoning and scientific method normally included in introductory logic courses. Its exposition of logical topics is informal, with emphasis on explaining the basic concepts and procedures of modern symbolic logic in the simplest and most intuitive manner possible rather than on developing a rigorous formal system and providing proofs of its properties. The fact that the text presupposes a course offered to philosophy students and serves to introduce them to logic as the "language of philosophy" has strongly influenced the selection of topics. The topics here are controversial, and the problems not easily resolved, but this text strives to relate the formal logical structures introduced to issues of philosophic interest.
Hal Leonard Corporation The Sound of Music: Instrumental Play-Along
Penguin Putnam Inc The Art of Woo: Using Strategic Persuasion to Sell Your Ideas
Penguin Putnam Inc Why We Do What We Do: Understanding Self-Motivation
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Tarantula in My Purse
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Year of the Cat
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Fierce Yellow Pumpkin
Hirmer Verlag Innovative Impressions: Prints by Cassatt, Degas, and Pissarro
Innovative Impressions explores an under-examined aspect of three impressionists’ careers: their groundbreaking prints and the new techniques they developed through collaboration and experimentation. In 1879, Mary Cassatt, Edgar Degas, and Camille Pissarro formed the most active core of a group of artists planning a periodical to feature their prints. Through this collaborative effort they challenged each other to develop a new language of printmaking whose visual and expressive potential went well beyond the traditional reproductive purpose of the medium. Indeed, the intimacy of small-scale works on paper at times spurred the artists to be even more daringly creative than they were in their paintings. Their interactions and engagement with printmaking varied over time, culminating in the 1890s, when each developed distinctive methods of introducing color into their work. For much of their careers this unlikely trio of artists inspired and challenged each other, and these dynamics played a crucial role in their creative processes.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Technische Mechanik. Dynamik: Grundlagen - effektiv und anwendungsnah
Dieses Lehr- und Übungsbuch vermittelt an Praxisbeispielen und selbsterklärenden Abbildungen sehr effektiv die wesentlichen Grundlagen der Dynamik. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Kinematik und Kinetik geradliniger, ebener und räumlicher Bewegungen sowie freie und erzwungene Schwingungen. Ausgewählte Übungsbeispiele und Klausuraufgaben ermöglichen ideal das erfolgreiche Selbststudium. In der aktuellen Auflage wurden vier neue Klausuraufgaben mit Lösungen aufgenommen.
Springer International Publishing AG Durchführung von Miranda-Evaluierungen: Anwendungen von psychologischem Fachwissen und Wissenschaft im forensischen Kontext
This innovative book provides both the conceptual framework and clinical methods needed to appropriately handle problems that arise in the administration of Miranda warnings and waivers. Largely overlooked for decades, Miranda rights have been compromised in multiple ways, and in millions of cases. For example, each year, thousands of adult arrestees with intellectual disabilities or severe mental disorders waive their rights with markedly impaired Miranda understanding and reasoning. This also applies to thousands of developmentally immature juvenile detainees, who are often provided with complex warnings far beyond their comprehension levels. Addressing this continued crisis, Conducting Miranda Evaluations presents balanced and empirically based guidelines for conducting forensic assessments and communicating their empirical conclusions to the legal community. This book provides psychologists, and related professionals with the essential forensic and legal knowledge for carrying out evaluations of both Miranda comprehension and waiver-relevant reasoning.Dieses innovative Buch bietet sowohl den konzeptionellen Rahmen als auch die klinischen Methoden, die erforderlich sind, um Probleme, die bei der Verwaltung von Miranda-Warnungen und Verzichtserklärungen auftreten, angemessen zu behandeln. Die Miranda-Rechte, die jahrzehntelang weitgehend übersehen wurden, sind auf vielfältige Weise und in Millionen von Fällen beeinträchtigt worden. So verzichten beispielsweise jedes Jahr Tausende von erwachsenen Festgenommenen mit geistigen Behinderungen oder schweren psychischen Störungen auf ihre Rechte, ohne dass sie die Miranda-Belehrung richtig verstanden haben und vernünftig denken können. Dies gilt auch für Tausende von entwicklungsgestörten jugendlichen Häftlingen, die oft mit komplexen Warnungen konfrontiert werden, die sie bei weitem nicht verstehen. Conducting Miranda Evaluations (Miranda-Bewertungen durchführen) stellt ausgewogene und empirisch fundierte Richtlinien für die Durchführung forensischer Bewertungen und die Vermittlung ihrer empirischen Schlussfolgerungen an die juristische Gemeinschaft vor, um dieser anhaltenden Krise zu begegnen. Dieses Buch vermittelt Psychologen und verwandten Berufsgruppen die wesentlichen forensischen und juristischen Kenntnisse für die Durchführung von Beurteilungen sowohl des Miranda-Verständnisses als auch der für den Verzicht relevanten Argumentation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics and its Discontents: Twentieth Century Dissenting Economists
Dissenters have a common dissatisfaction with economics as it is currently practised, and they recognise that twentieth century economics has failed to explain real world economic phenomena. This major book focuses on the work and lives of seventeen of the most influential dissenting economists who have shaped twentieth century economics and who continue to make economics more relevant.In Economics and its Discontents each chapter explains what it means to be a dissenting economist and examines how and why the work of the featured economist constitutes dissent. It demonstrates that dissent in the profession extends beyond ideology and that dissenters can come from radical, liberal or conservative backgrounds. Dissent is considered in many respects, including how economics is taught, the methodology of economic analysis, the lack of attention economists pay to the real world behaviour of individuals, the narrow and limited assumptions made by economists, the inappropriate attempt of economics to dominate all social sciences, and the policy conclusions reached by standard economic analysis. The dissenters featured in this book suggest that there is a better way to do economics, and a better way to be an economist, and each has helped keep economics honest by constantly questioning traditional thinking. This book salutes and celebrates these dissenters who exemplify the very best of the discipline. If economics is again to be a respected field and a highly regarded profession, we must look to these dissenters to point the way forward.This book will be welcomed by professional economists, researchers and postgraduate students, especially those interested in the history of economic thought, and economic methodology and philosophy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Law and Economics
This collection presents an authoritative selection of the most important articles in law and economics literature, written by distinguished scholars such as Ronald Coase, Robert Cooter, Henry Manne, Steven Shavell and Oliver Williamson. The articles are arranged by theme into 12 sections, ranging across the entire spectrum of private and public law.66 articles, dating from 1960 to 1995 Contributors: G. Becker, G. Calabresi, R. Coase, R. Cooter, H. Demsetz, R. Epstein, W. Landes, H. Manne, S. Shavell, G. Stigler, O. Williamson
Bloodaxe Books Ltd Selected Poems
This comprehensive edition of Russia's greatest modern poet, Anna Akhmatova (1899-1966), includes the complete texts of her major works Requiem, commemorating all of Stalin's victims, and Poem Without a Hero. Akhmatova published her first book of poems in 1912, and in the same year founded the Acmeist movement with her husband, the poet Gumilev. Her intense, highly personal love lyrics were later attacked as anti-revolutionary, and in 1925 her poetry was banned. Gumilev was shot in 1921 for alleged involvement in an anti-Bolshevik plot, and in the years of terror which followed under Stalin, Akhmatova was persecuted for her work along with fellow poets Mandelstam, who died in a camp, and Tsvetaeva, who committed suicide. She was able to publish some work during the war, but in 1946 she again came under attack, this time from Zhdanov, who denounced her with Pasternak and others for trying to ‘poison the minds’ of Soviet youth. These were attacks on her published work. What she was writing – but could not publish – was far more dangerous. For she had entered her years of silence. As she fought for her son’s release from prison, she was writing her greatest poetry: the cycle Requiem, which commemorated all of Stalin’s victims, and Poem without a hero, which she began in 1940 and worked on for over 20 years. All she wrote she committed to memory. Several trusted friends also memorised her poems, among them Mandelstam’s widow Nadezhda. She wrote nothing down, and so survived, the people’s conscience, the one who kept 'the great Russian word' alive.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Case Studies and Conflicting Interests
This fascinating study describes efforts to define and protect traditional knowledge and the associated issues of access to genetic resources, from the negotiation of the Convention on Biological Diversity to The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Nagoya Protocol. Drawing on the expertise of local specialists from around the globe, the chapters judiciously mix theory and empirical evidence to provide a deep and convincing understanding of traditional knowledge, innovation, access to genetic resources, and benefit sharing. Because traditional knowledge was understood in early negotiations to be subject to a property rights framework, these often became bogged down due to differing views on the rights involved. New models, developed around the notion of distributive justice and self-determination, are now gaining favor. This book suggests - through a discussion of theory and contemporary case studies from Brazil, India, Kenya and Canada - that a focus on distributive justice best advances the interests of indigenous peoples while also fostering scientific innovation in both developed and developing countries. Comprehensive as well as nuanced, Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge will be of great interest to scholars and students of law, political science, anthropology and geography. National and international policy makers and those interested in the environment, indigenous peoples' rights and innovation will find the book an enlightening resource. Contributors: T. Bubela, J. Carbone, R. Crookshanks, L. DeBusschere, G. Dutfield, E.R. Gold, D.S. Hik, A. Kumbamu, C. Lawson, C. Metcalf, S. Nickels, K. Nnadozie, P.W.B. Phillips, E.B. Rodrigues Jr, T. Williams, S. Zhang
Taylor & Francis Ltd Textbook of Peripheral Vascular Interventions
Textbook of Peripheral Vascular Intervention, Second Edition, discusses therapies that can make a real difference in the lives of patients. As there are increasing demands for effective, less invasive approaches to therapies for critical limb ischemia, chronic total occlusions, as well as therapies for some subsets.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Thai Massage with Neuromuscular Techniques: A Practitioner's Manual
Despite many books and courses teaching Thai Massage techniques, therapeutic application remains a confusing and inaccessible area. This high-level visual manual seeks to elucidate this challenge for students and professionals in Thai Massage. The reader will learn how to apply techniques and for whom, in the correct conditions, sequence, and pace.This comprehensive book incorporates neuromuscular treatments for an array of conditions whilst guiding students on how to develop fluidity in transition from technique to technique. Relying on visual prompts such as photographs, muscle charts, and anatomical images, this is an invaluably practical resource for bodywork students and teachers.
Liverpool University Press Samuel Hirszenberg, 1865–1908: A Polish Jewish Artist in Turmoil
Samuel Hirszenberg is an artist who deserves to be more widely known: his work intertwined modernism and Jewish themes, and he influenced later artists of Jewish origin.Born into a traditional Jewish family in Łódź in 1865, Hirszenberg gradually became attached to Polish culture and language as he pursued his artistic calling. Like Maurycy Gottlieb before him, he studied at the School of Art in Kraków, which was then headed by the master of Polish painting, Jan Matejko. His early interests were to persist with varying degrees of intensity throughout his life: his Polish surroundings, traditional east European Jews, historical themes, the Orient, and the nature of relationships between men and women. He also had a lifelong commitment to landscape painting and portraiture.Hirszenberg’s personal circumstances, economic considerations, and historical upheavals took him to different countries, strongly influencing his artistic output. He moved to Jerusalem in 1907 and there, as a secular and acculturated Jew who had adopted the world of humanism and universalism, he strove also to express more personal aspirations and concerns. This fully illustrated study presents an intimate and detailed picture of the artist’s development.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Research Methodology in Education and Training: Postures, Practices and Forms, Volume 12
This book is a methodological guide intended for those who wish to better understand how to conduct research in the education and training sciences. It is organized into three main parts. The first part deals with postures, emphasizing the idea that engaging in a research process involves taking a different stance from that of a social or professional actor. For example, this may require converting a professional or social question into a research question or reflecting on the use of a social vocabulary in research. The second part concerns practices, that is, how research is conducted: the definition of a research question based on findings, theoretical exploration and problematization, the production of empirical information and its analysis and restitution. The third and final part concludes by focusing on the diversity of research forms; not only research cultures specific to disciplinary fields and approaches, such as action research, collaborative research or research training, but also the design choices in terms of multi-, inter- or trans-disciplinarily.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Infrared Spectroscopy of Symmetric and Spherical Spindles for Space Observation 1
This book is dedicated to the description and application of various different theoretical models to identify the near and mid-infrared spectra of symmetric and spherical top molecules in their gaseous form. Theoretical models based on the use of group theory are applied to rigid and non-rigid molecules, characterized by the phenomenon of tunneling and large amplitude motions. The calculation of vibration-rotation energy levels and the analysis of infrared transitions are applied to molecules of ammonia (NH3) and methane (CH4). The applications show how interactions at the molecular scale modify the near and mid-infrared spectra of isolated molecules, under the influence of the pressure of a nano-cage (the substitution site of a rare gas matrix, clathrate, fullerene or zeolite) or a surface, and allow us to identify the characteristics of the perturbing environment. This book provides valuable support for teachers and researchers but is also intended for engineering students, working research engineers and Master�s and doctorate students.
Collective Ink Los Indignados: Tides of Social Insertion in Spain
The emergent Indignados movement in Spain is transforming Spanish politics and society, heralding an end to the Transition since Franco, and responding to multiple legitimation crises in Spain and in Europe. This movement is rooted in the Stop Evictions campaign led by Ada Colau in Barcelona following the bursting of the subprime mortgage bubble in the wake of the 2008; as well as the 15-M Movement arising in May 2011 Puerta del Sol of Madrid, symbolizing the Indignez-Vous outrage of a lost generation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Public Policy and Professional Sports: International and Australian Experiences
This volume provides a comprehensive examination of public policy aspects of the economics of professional sports.The book offers a unique focus on public policy, covering regulation and competition in the sports industry and its labour markets, governance issues including unethical behavior (corruption, doping, etc.), and public spending on stadiums and mega-events. It also offers an original combination of economic analysis and well-known international examples, from Australia, the United States and Europe, which have provided alternative organizational models of professional team sports. Australia is an interesting case study not only because sport holds a particularly important place in the national psyche but also due to the range of popular professional sports played. The book also analyses the globalization of many sports, the role of international governing bodies, and the difficulties in pursuing effective public policies in this context.This book is a significant contribution to research in sports economics aimed at students and academics interested in both the economics of professional sports and public policy.Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Industry Structure of Team Sports 3. Labour Markets 4. Stadium Funding 5. Economic Benefits of Mega-events 6. Mega-event Bidding 7. Unethical Behaviour in Sport 8. Governing Bodies 9. Conclusions Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd TRIPS Compliance, National Patent Regimes and Innovation: Evidence and Experience from Developing Countries
With respect to intellectual property regimes, a significant change in international governance rules is mandated by the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).This topical volume deals with the processes through which TRIPS compliance was achieved in four developing country jurisdictions: Brazil, China, India and Thailand. More importantly, it analyses the macro and micro implications of TRIPS compliance for innovative activity in industry in general, but focuses specifically on the agrochemical, automotive and pharmaceutical sectors.This unique volume will appeal to a wide range of scholars working on development, evolutionary economics and technology.Contributors: T. Caliari, P. Charoenporn, S. Chaudhuri, S. Hong, P. Intarakumnerd, S. Mani, R. Mazzoleni, L. Nagarajan, R.R. Nelson, L. Martins Costa Póvoa, C. Pray, V.K. Unni
Fonthill Media Ltd Liberators Over the Atlantic
An informative and personal account of a young man’s flying experiences during WW2. Growing up in York, shaped by the threat of war—Jack Colman achieves his long held desire to become a pilot, joining the RAF in October 1940 just after his 21st birthday. He is sent to Canada to learn to fly and becomes intrigued by the technical and practical aspects of flying and navigation. Becoming a Pilot/Navigator, he joins Costal Command on Liberators based in Iceland. The practical difficulties of flying over the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans protecting the convoys and hunting U-boats are relived as he battles with atrocious weather and navigational uncertainties. His brushes with death whether due to mechanical failure, hitting the sea, U-boat gun fire or running out of fuel, in an ever changing hostile environment are described realistically and calmly (often with humour), situations helped by a confidence in the good advice given by others, his knowledge, skills and a trust in his crew. When training he hears about the death of his father, on leave he finds time to fall in love and marry.
CABI Publishing Keys to the Tropical Fruit Flies of South-East Asia: (Tephritidae: Dacinae)
Fruit flies are a major issue facing horticultural producers, and as global warming and species migration become more prevalent issues there is an urgent need for easy identification of these pests. A companion volume to the recently published “Tropical Fruit Flies of South-East Asia (Tephritidae: Dacinae)”, this book provides fully-illustrated keys for the identification of all currently-known Dacinae fruit flies. Focusing on south-east Asian fauna, it covers areas including India, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, China, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, Palau, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. This major new reference work is produced by experts with over 80 years' combined research experience, and through simple identification information can help prevent these major pest species being introduced to new geographical areas. Of particular value to agriculture and quarantine officers responsible for the detection of new incursions, where early detection is both economical and essential to guarantee eradication, this book is also a valuable resource for researchers and students of agriculture and entomology.
CABI Publishing Fungicides in Crop Protection
Plant pathogenic fungi cause devastating damage to crop production worldwide. The growing global population necessitates reduced crop losses to improve food security, and the control of fungal plant pathogens is vital to help maintain food production. Providing a concise and balanced review of fungicides used in crop protection, this book describes the science of fungicide use, selection and resistance within the context of farming situations. Major updates and additions reflecting the emergence of two new classes of fungicides (strobilurins and SDHI) and the increased incidence of fungicide resistance are included in this new edition, which also discusses legislative requirements to reduce fungicide applications, and current trends in fungicide use.
Arsenal Pulp Press Polaroids
University of Nebraska Press The Ultimate Engineer: The Remarkable Life of NASA's Visionary Leader George M. Low
From the late 1950s to 1976, the U.S. human spaceflight program advanced as it did largely due to the extraordinary efforts of Austrian immigrant George M. Low. Described as the “ultimate engineer” during his career at NASA, Low was a visionary architect and leader from the agency’s inception in 1958 to his retirement in 1976. As chief of manned spaceflight at NASA, Low was instrumental in the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs. At the end of his NASA career, Low was one of the leading figures in the development of the Space Shuttle in the early 1970s, and he was instrumental in NASA’s transition into a post-Apollo world. Chronicling Low’s escape from Nazi-occupied Austria to his helping land a man on the moon, The Ultimate Engineer sheds new light on one of the most fascinating and complex personalities of the golden age of U.S. human space travel.
University of Nebraska Press Making a Modern U.S. West: The Contested Terrain of a Region and Its Borders, 1898-1940
To many Americans in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the West was simultaneously the greatest symbol of American opportunity, the greatest story of its history, and the imagined blank slate on which the country’s future would be written. From the Spanish-American War in 1898 to the Great Depression’s end, from the Mississippi to the Pacific, policymakers at various levels and large-scale corporate investors, along with those living in the West and its borderlands, struggled over who would define modernity, who would participate in the modern American West, and who would be excluded. In Making a Modern U.S. West Sarah Deutsch surveys the history of the U.S. West from 1898 to 1940. Centering what is often relegated to the margins in histories of the region—the flows of people, capital, and ideas across borders—Deutsch attends to the region’s role in constructing U.S. racial formations and argues that the West as a region was as important as the South in constructing the United States as a “white man’s country.” While this racial formation was linked to claims of modernity and progress by powerful players, Deutsch shows that visions of what constituted modernity were deeply contested by others. This expansive volume presents the most thorough examination to date of the American West from the late 1890s to the eve of World War II.
Human Kinetics Publishers Management Strategies in Athletic Training 5th Edition
Management Strategies in Athletic Training, 5th Edition prepares students to address the many administrative and managerial challenges they are likely to face as an athletic trainer. This brand new fifth edition gives future athletic trainers the skills needed to be successful with all clients. There is also key information about the new trends and issues within the profession today. The comprehensive resource offers a great deal of new content, including new chapters on the profession and professional advocacy. There’s also new information on documentation, injury surveillance, reimbursement and salary issues.
Taylor & Francis Inc Numerical Analysis for Engineers: Methods and Applications, Second Edition
Numerical Analysis for Engineers: Methods and Applications demonstrates the power of numerical methods in the context of solving complex engineering and scientific problems. The book helps to prepare future engineers and assists practicing engineers in understanding the fundamentals of numerical methods, especially their applications, limitations, and potentials. Each chapter contains many computational examples, as well as a section on applications that contain additional engineering examples. Each chapter also includes a set of exercise problems. The problems are designed to meet the needs of instructors in assigning homework and to help students with practicing the fundamental concepts. Although the book was developed with emphasis on engineering and technological problems, the numerical methods can also be used to solve problems in other fields of science.
Taylor & Francis Inc Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of the Dog and Cat
Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of the Dog and Cat is the ultimate reference for veterinarians and other professionals trying to diagnose and treat both common and less frequently diagnosed diseases and conditions of the ear, nose and throat.The book is divided into four sections: The Ear, The Nose, The Throat and Surgery of the Ear, Nose and Throat. Each of the first three sections begins by discussing anatomy and physiology and then reviews a wide variety of diagnostic procedures including video-endoscopic examination of the external ear canal, nose and throat, radiography and advanced imaging, and histopathological examination of biopsy samples. Chapters in each of the three sections then provide a detailed and extensive review of the diseases of the pinna, external ear canal, middle ear and inner ear – nasal planum, nasal cavities and sinuses and nasopharynx – pharynx and larynx. The final section opens with a chapter on perioperative management with subsequent chapters that cover surgery of the ear, nose and throat.Extensively referenced, and including nearly 500 color illustrations to assist in diagnosis and treatment, the book is an invaluable resource for both veterinarians in training and in practice for the accurate diagnosis and management of diseases of the ear, nose and throat.
Edinburgh University Press Gothic Film: An Edinburgh Companion
This anthology explores the resilience and ubiquity of the Gothic in cinema from its earliest days to its most contemporary iterations. Fifteen newly commissioned chapters by prominent scholars in the field of Gothic and cinema studies examine the myriad ways that filmmakers mobilise Gothic conceits across multiple film genres and in conjunction with several significant film styles. In the process, the book contributes exciting new readings of canonical works of Gothic cinema as well as important new critical examinations of emerging horror subgenres.
University of Toronto Press Epistola ad Joannem Millium
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Shakespeare's Works, Volume II: The Histories
This four-volume Companion to Shakespeare's Works, compiled as a single entity, offers a uniquely comprehensive snapshot of current Shakespeare criticism. Brings together new essays from a mixture of younger and more established scholars from around the world - Australia, Canada, France, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Examines each of Shakespeare’s plays and major poems, using all the resources of contemporary criticism, from performance studies to feminist, historicist, and textual analysis. Volumes are organized in relation to generic categories: namely the histories, the tragedies, the romantic comedies, and the late plays, problem plays and poems. Each volume contains individual essays on all texts in the relevant category, as well as more general essays looking at critical issues and approaches more widely relevant to the genre. Offers a provocative roadmap to Shakespeare studies at the dawning of the twenty-first century. This companion to Shakespeare's histories contains original essays on every history play from Henry VI to Henry V as well as fourteen additional articles on such topics as censorship in Shakespeare's histories, the relation of Shakespeare's plays to other dramatic histories of the period, Shakespeare's histories on film, the homoerotics of Shakespeare's history plays, and nation formation in Shakespeare's histories.
John Wiley & Sons Inc African American Millionaires
Meet the black Achievers who attained the American Dream-from the early years to modern times "This wonderful book should be required reading for young people, who will learn how some of the nation's most successful Black men and women became role models." -Joyce Ladner, Ph.D. Robert Sengstacke Abbott Tyra Banks Matel "Mat" Dawson Jr. Joe L. Dudley Sr. Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds S. B. Fuller Arthur George Gaston Earl G. Graves Earvin "Magic" Johnson John H. Johnson Robert L. Johnson Quincy Jones Shelton "Spike" Jackson Lee William Alexander Leidesdorff Abraham Lincoln Lewis Reginald Francis Lewis Annie Turnbo Malone Bridget "Biddy" Mason Anthony Overton Mary Ellen Pleasant Russell Simmons Madame C. J. Walker Oprah Gail Winfrey Eldrick "Tiger" Woods Crispus Attucks Wright
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Health Care Reform in Radiology
The first book-length treatment of the absolutely essential topic of U.S. health care reform for imaging specialists This latest volume in the Current Clinical Imaging series offers all professionals involved with imaging a cogent, concise discussion of major issues related to health care reform from the perspective of fellow imaging specialists. It provides radiologists with a solid footing in understanding where they are now and where they can expect to be in the evolution of health care reform over the next ten years. Presenting an excellent balance of clinical and health care policy issues, Health Care Reform in Radiology reinforces the central role of health promotion and preventive medicine in U.S. health care systems while offering an international perspective on the subject. Topical coverage includes evidence-based outcomes for health care delivery, the impact of the determination of imaging tests' effectiveness, patient safety, medicolegal reform, reimbursement issues, and universal healthcare benefits and challenges. Health Care Reform in Radiology presents a program to: Enhance patient safety and quality of care Anticipate new or revised standards for all imaging modalities Suggest the more appropriate use of imaging based on the latest clinical evidence Discuss the evolving regulations defining the training required to perform imaging procedures Encourage career-long learning (CME, maintenance of certification, etc.) Show fellow radiologists how to provide added value for patients and referring physicians Developed and written by two top experts in the field, this is an ideal book for all professionals involved with imaging as well as physician groups that depend on radiology.
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection Reconsidering the Chavín Phenomenon in the Twenty-First Century
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Stoke by Clare Cartulary: Part Three BL Cotton App.XXI
The first two volumes make available all the existing pre-Reformation charter material, the third consists of an introduction and index. Taken together the three volumes illuminate the social and economic as well as the ecclesiastical organisation of the Suffolk-Essex border in the 12th and 13th Centuries.
Kregel Publications,U.S. For the Love of God`s Word – An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
Fordham University Press Systems of Life: Biopolitics, Economics, and Literature on the Cusp of Modernity
Systems of Life offers a wide-ranging revaluation of the emergence of biopolitics in Europe from the mid– eighteenth to the mid–nineteenth century. In staging an encounter among literature, political economy, and the still emergent sciences of life in that historical moment, the essays collected here reopen the question of how concepts of animal, vegetable, and human life, among other biological registers, had an impact on the Enlightenment project of thinking politics and economics as a joint enterprise. The volume’s contributors consider politics, economics, and the biological as distinct, semi-autonomous spheres whose various combinations required inventive, sometimes incomplete, acts of conceptual mediation, philosophical negotiation, disciplinary intervention, or aesthetic representation.
University of Minnesota Press Globalization Under Construction: Govermentality, Law, and Identity
New York University Press The Next Generation: Immigrant Youth in a Comparative Perspective
One fifth of the population of the United States belongs to the immigrant or second generations. While the US is generally thought of as the immigrant society par excellence, it now has a number of rivals in Europe. The Next Generation brings together studies from top immigration scholars to explore how the integration of immigrants affects the generations that come after. The original essays explore the early beginnings of the second generation in the United States and Western Europe, exploring the overall patterns of success of the second generation. While there are many striking similarities in the situations of the children of labor immigrants coming from outside the highly developed worlds of Europe and North America, wherever one looks, subtle features of national and local contexts interact with characteristics of the immigrant groups themselves to create variations in second-generation trajectories. The contributors show that these issues are of the utmost importance for the future, for they will determine the degree to which contemporary immigration will produce either durable ethno-racial cleavages or mainstream integration. Contributors: Dalia Abdel-Hady, Frank D. Bean, Susan K. Brown, Maurice Crul, Nancy A. Denton, Rosita Fibbi, Nancy Foner, Anthony F. Heath, Donald J. Hernandez, Tariqul Islam, Frank Kalter, Philip Kasinitz, Mark A. Leach, Mathias Lerch, Suzanne E. Macartney, Karen G Marotz, Noriko Matsumoto, Tariq Modood, Joel Perlmann, Karen Phalet, Jeffrey G. Reitz, Rubén G. Rumbaut, Roxanne Silberman, Philippe Wanner, Aviva Zeltzer-Zubida, andYe Zhang.
University of Nebraska Press The Ultimate Engineer: The Remarkable Life of NASA's Visionary Leader George M. Low
From the late 1950s to 1976, the U.S. human spaceflight program advanced as it did largely due to the extraordinary efforts of Austrian immigrant George M. Low. Described as the “ultimate engineer” during his career at NASA, Low was a visionary architect and leader from the agency’s inception in 1958 to his retirement in 1976. As chief of manned spaceflight at NASA, Low was instrumental in the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs. At the end of his NASA career, Low was one of the leading figures in the development of the Space Shuttle in the early 1970s, and he was instrumental in NASA’s transition into a post-Apollo world. Chronicling Low’s escape from Nazi-occupied Austria to his helping land a man on the moon, The Ultimate Engineer sheds new light on one of the most fascinating and complex personalities of the golden age of U.S. human space travel.
University of Toronto Press Canadian Economic Policy and the Impact of International Capital Flows