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John Wiley & Sons Inc Patent Strategy: For Researchers and Research Managers
As individuals and companies realise the importance of their inventions, issues surrounding patent laws and practices are taking centre stage around the world. Patent Strategy introduces researchers to patent applications and patent portfolios. With minimum use of ‘legal jargon’ it provides the technical professional with the assistance and advice they require to understand the legal complexities that they may encounter before and during a patent application. It also discusses the responsibilities of the researcher after patent applications have been filed and the role the researcher can play in the maintenance of a global patent estate. This updated edition of the best selling book has been expanded to keep pace with modern day movements and addresses the global issue surrounding intellectual property. Including new information on areas such as software and biotechnology it shows the techniques that can be used by individuals and academic inventors to protect their work and is the ideal reference source. Bridges the gap between the legal system and scientific research and avoids legal jargon Details the reasons behind patents, their importance and relevance to all researchers and the strategy needed for filing for a patent Focuses on the strategy and reasons rather than just being a textbook of patent law Presents an overview of tools a researcher can use while working with a patent attorney or agent Adopts a readable style that explains the basics right up to developing a strategy Essential reading for all those who wish to keep pace and protect their work Reviews from previous edition: "...I can recommend it for technology managing types. Does a nice job of explaining many aspects of the patent system and patent strategies with a minimum of jargon and case citations..." —Internet Patent News "...provides an enlightened approach to a complex subject. It is relatively easy to read and follow..." — Polymers Paint and Colour Journal "This handy book provides the researcher with useful guidance on how to maximize the benefit of their inventiveness to themselves and their organization". —Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
Manning Publications Svelte and Sapper in Action
For front-end web developers familiar with the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Svelte and Sapper in Action is a comprehensive guide to building web apps with Svelte and Sapper. You’ll dive straight into coding a complete travel packing app as you learn to write, compile, and organize Svelte components for your app’s UI. From there, you’ll master Svelte’s awesome state management model and learn to use Sapper for simplified page routing, creating static sites, and providing offline support with Service Workers. By the time you’re done, you’ll be able to build web applications that are easier to understand, offer great UX, and don’t compromise on SEO. Creating Svelte applications and components Communicating between Svelte components Routing between pages in both Svelte and Sapper Adding animation to components Debugging, testing, and deploying applications Implementing and invoking REST services in a Sapper app Exporting a Sapper app as a static site Imagine web apps with fast browser load times that also offer amazing developer productivity and require less code to create. That’s what Svelte and Sapper deliver! Svelte pushes a lot of the work a frontend framework would handle to the compile step, so your app components come out as tight, well-organized JavaScript modules. Sapper is a lightweight web framework that minimizes application size through server-rendering front pages and only loading the JavaScript you need. The end result is more efficient apps with great UX and simplified state management. Rather than loading a framework like Angular, Vue, or React into the browser, Svelte compiles your components into tiny, well-organized JavaScript modules. That means your app loads lightning fast and runs even faster, in part because there’s no need to load “just-in-case” framework code. Svelte also streamlines your UI development with a host of powerful features such as reactive statements, two-way data binding, stores, and context. The Sapper framework pairs perfectly with Svelte for efficient server-side rendering, code splitting, and API development.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Quantum Science of Psychedelics: The Pineal Gland, Multidimensional Reality, and Mayan Cosmology
A groundbreaking exploration of how psychedelics and quantum science are vital to understanding the evolution of consciousness and reality • Explains why altered states of consciousness exist, how they work, and why psychedelics have the effects that they do • Describes how quantum waves, rather than the DNA molecule, have been the driving force behind biological and historical evolution • Explains how psychedelics interact with the human mind to create altered states that may further the continued evolution of consciousness In this groundbreaking book, Carl Johan Calleman reveals the quantum science of the Maya, a science lost to the modern world that explains the phenomenology of psychedelics and altered states of consciousness. The ancient Maya had a sophisticated understanding of the multidimensional nature of reality and the forces that drive the evolution of consciousness. Calleman explains how quantum waves, illustrated by the Mayan Calendar, emanate from the center of the universe and activate new phases in the evolution of consciousness through holographic resonance, which alters the dualities of the human mind. For example, the 5th Wave, which dominated in Paleolithic times and evolved human consciousness above that of animals, brought a chaotic floating state reminiscent of the psychedelic or shamanic state, and the recent 8th Wave brought the digital revolution. The 9th Wave, which began in 2011, offers the potential for individual development of higher consciousness and healing if we can synchronize ourselves with its positive holograms. This multidimensional perspective explains why altered states of consciousness exist and how they work. Calleman describes the role of the pineal gland for the human mind, how it controls our state of consciousness and how it can connect us to the cosmic Tree of Life. He shows that the mind is a “reducing valve” that normally limits our experience of cosmic consciousness but that this can be reversed through altered states. As Calleman concludes, psychedelics like ayahuasca and DMT not only give rise to extraordinary mystical and cosmic experiences and enable access to healing states, but they also are important for harmoniously synchronizing humanity with the 9th Wave to further the evolution of consciousness.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Raising Your Spirited Child, Third Edition: A Guide for Parents Whose Child Is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, and Energetic
Including real life stories, this newly revised third edition of the award-winning bestseller-voted one of the top twenty parenting books-provides parents with the most up-to-date research, effective discipline tips, and practical strategies for raising spirited children. Do you ever wonder why your child acts the way he or she does? Are you at a loss regarding your child's emotional intelligence and how to prevent meltdowns? Do you find yourself getting frustrated and feeling like you're at the end of your rope? You are not alone! Many parents are dealing with the same challenges. In Raising Your Spirited Child, Third Edition, parenting expert Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, Ed.D, offers ALL parents a glimpse into what makes their children behave the way they do. Through vivid examples and a refreshingly positive viewpoint, this invaluable guide offers parents emotional support and proven strategies for handling the toughest times. Dr. Kurcinka has devised a plan for success with a simple, four-step program that will help you discover the power of positive-rather than negative-labels, understand your child's and your own temperamental traits, cope with tantrums and blowups when they do occur, develop strategies for handling mealtimes, bedtimes, holidays, school, and many other situations. In this third revised edition, you will find: * More practical strategies to help you manage your own intensity (keep your cool) * Effective discipline tips-including how to win cooperation and establish clear expectations and limits * New strategies for managing the meltdowns-including how to prevent them in the future * Revised tips for helping your spirited child fall asleep and stay asleep * Revised tips for finding the school that "fits" your child * Ideas for working with your child when he or she does not want to talk about emotions * Steps to teaching your child how to be "problem solvers," work well with others, and be more flexible * ...and more! Including charts and quick tips for today's time-challenged parents, this newly updated edition of Raising Your Spirited Child will help you foster a supportive, encouraging, and loving environment for your children.
Springer International Publishing AG Reconciling Law and Morality in Human Rights Discourse: Beyond the Habermasian Account of Human Rights
In this book I argue for an approach that conceives human rights as both moral and legal rights. The merit of such an approach is its capacity to understand human rights more in terms of the kind of world free and reasonable beings would like to live in rather than simply in terms of what each individual is legally entitled to. While I acknowledge that every human being has the moral entitlement to be granted living conditions that are conducive to a dignified life, I maintain, at the same time, that the moral and legal aspects of human rights are complementary and should be given equal weight. The legal aspect compensates for the limitations of moral human rights the observance of which depends on the conscience of the individual, and the moral aspect tempers the mechanical and inhumane application of the law. Unlike the traditional or orthodox approach, which conceives human rights as rights that individuals have by virtue of their humanity, and the political or practical approach, which understands human rights as legal rights that are meant to limit the sovereignty of the state, the moral-legal approach reconciles law and morality in human rights discourse and underlines the importance of a legal framework that compensates for the deficiencies in the implementation of moral human rights. It not only challenges the exclusively negative approach to fundamental liberties but also emphasizes the necessity of an enforcement mechanism that helps those who are not morally motivated to refrain from violating the rights of others. Without the legal mechanism of enforcement, the understanding of human rights would be reduced to simply framing moral claims against injustices. From the moral-legal approach, the protection of human rights is understood as a common and shared responsibility. Such a responsibility goes beyond the boundaries of nation-states and requires the establishment of a cosmopolitan human rights regime based on the conviction that all human beings are members of a community of fate and that they share common values which transcend the limits of their individual states. In a cosmopolitan human rights regime, people are protected as persons and not as citizens of a particular state.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Project Manager's Guide to Mastering Agile: Principles and Practices for an Adaptive Approach
THE PROJECT MANAGER’S GUIDE TO MASTERING AGILE Updated guide to Agile methodologies, with real-world case studies and valuable frameworks for project managers moving to Agile The Project Manager’s Guide to Mastering Agile helps project managers who are faced with the challenge of adapting their project management approach to an Agile environment, showing how these approaches can work jointly to improve project outcomes in any project, with discussion topics and real-world case studies that facilitate hands-on learning. It also provides project managers with the fundamental knowledge to take a leadership role in working with companies to develop a well-integrated, enterprise-level Agile Project Management approach to fit their business. The original edition of this book has been very successful and is used as a graduate-level textbook in several universities. This new edition builds on the success of the original edition and includes updated content from the latest PMBOK Guide, updated sections on stakeholder management, value-driven delivery, adaptive planning, and distributed project management, with an all-new chapter on Hybrid project management. It also includes new case studies on applying an Agile Hardware Development at Tesla and Project Management in a non-software environment. Sample topics covered in The Project Manager’s Guide to Mastering Agile include: Bridging the chasm in project management philosophies, impact on the project management profession, evolution of Agile and Waterfall, and learning to see Agile and traditional plan-driven project management as complementary to each other rather than competitive The roots of Agile and understanding Agile at a deeper level including the Agile manifesto from 2001, adapting an Agile approach to fit a business, and Scrum overview, roles, framework, principles, and values Time-boxing, Kanban, and theory of constraints, Agile estimation overview and estimation practices, and velocity and burn-down/burn-up charts Scaling Agile to an enterprise level, including challenges, obstacles to overcome, implementation considerations, management practices, and enterprise-level Agile transformations With comprehensive, accessible, and highly practical coverage of Agile, a leading project management platform, The Project Manager’s Guide to Mastering Agile is a highly valuable resource for professional project managers, students studying project management, and those studying for PMI’s Agile Certified Practitioner Certification (PMI-ACP).
Archaeopress Mosaici funerari tardoantichi in Italia: Repertorio e analisi
The potential of tomb mosaics as an academic resource has often been underestimated and consequently they have only been partially analysed not only in Italy but also throughout the Western Mediterranean. This work is intended to shed a new light on these finds, which are often incomplete, lost, or little studied. The first part of the book presents the history of previous studies on the subject and briefly explains the structure of the corpus. The corpus, in turn, is organised according to current Italian administrative regions, specifically: Sardegna, Sicilia, Puglia, Campania, Lazio, Marche, and Friuli Venezia Giulia. Every region is then further divided following current provinces and municipalities. This work does not aim to present merely a compilation of data in a catalogue; thus the second part of the book focuses specifically on tomb mosaics found in the Italic peninsula and major islands, and provides information on their geographic distribution, dating, typology, place of discovery and iconography, and considers the potential identification of individual workshops. The purpose of the book is to bring tomb mosaics to greater consideration, since they have not survived in academic literature to the same extent as did their rich villa or domus counterparts. This work does not therefore aspire to be a complete analysis of the subject, but rather a starting point which can be both useful and a stimulus for future studies. ITALIAN DESCRIPTION: Il mosaico funerario è una particolare tipologia musiva spesso sottovalutata e poco studiata. Le origini sono da ricercarsi, probabilmente, nell’antica regione della Bizacena, attuale Tunisia, a partire dagli ultimi decenni del III secolo d.C. Nel IV secolo iniziò l’esportazione dei cartoni musivi funerari nel resto del Mediterraneo occidentale, raggiungendo l’Italia e la Spagna; in entrambi i casi però il mosaico funerario non riscosse particolare successo. La richiesta maggiore di questo nuovo monumento funerario avveniva da parte dei cristiani, e solo in minima parte dai pagani. In questo libro si cerca di fare ordine sui mosaici funerari presenti nell’odierno territorio italiano, catalogando tutte le evidenze musive, sia oggigiorno scomparse che ancora in situ, per cercare di delineare un’analisi sul fenomeno che ha, in maniera seppur ridotta, investito la Penisola italiana e le sue Isole maggiori. Infatti le testimonianze musive si concentrano in zone dove particolari condizioni hanno permesso la loro messa in posa. La prima parte è dedicata al repertorio dei sessanta mosaici funerari dell’attuale Italia, ognuno catalogato secondo una scheda pensata e studiata per rendere più agevole possibile la consultazione. La seconda parte è invece incentrata sullo studio d’insieme del fenomeno dei mosaici funerari in Italia, nella quale si cerca di fare chiarezza e dare dei punti fermi su questa categoria di mosaici. L’analisi conclusiva cerca di spiegare il perché in Italia, pur essendoci condizioni apparentemente favorevoli alla produzione delle coperture tombali musive, non si siano trovati che poche testimonianze musive funerarie se paragonate a quelle ritrovate nel Nord Africa e in special maniera in Bizacena.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Finding Your Authentic Self: More than 200 Unique, Focused Writing Prompts and Self-Exploration Exercises
Stop curating your life as a perfect social media post, and start living authentically as who you really are. Social media and digital content are deeply woven into our daily lives. Reports suggest we check our phones almost 100 times a day! As a result of this, coupled with endlessly streaming shows, news, and gossip, we are bombarded with media that tells us how to look, act, and feel. The reality is that almost all media, and society, is like a house of mirrors, where images can be distorted. Amongst all the photo filters, online shopping, and family and societal pressures, it’s not hard for anyone to start presenting a heavily curated—but ultimately hollow—version of themselves to the world. So how do you stop presenting who you think you should be and start living authentically as who you really are? How do you live your life according to your own values and goals, rather than those of other people? The answer is not to disengage from media or other people altogether—there’s a better way! Finding Your Authentic Self is a guided workbook that will help you connect with your true self, your better self. Through a series of 200+ writing exercises, you will: Observe yourself objectively Explore your values, strengths, and personality Develop compassion for yourself and others Live with integrity and take responsibility Challenge belief systems and communicate honestly Develop self-confidence and manage your emotions Find your life’s purpose A layflat binding facilitates your progress by making it physically easier to write inside the book. Once you realize your true potential, you’ll find you have the respect of others—as well as yourself. You won’t care what others think because you will be living your own personal truth, a truth you can stand behind. Sample prompts include: What currently rules your life? What would you like to rule your life? Do you generally like whom you have become? Why or why not? What has been holding you back emotionally? What do you feel is needed to right your emotional ship? What can you do to reinforce the parts of your soul that make you you? With inspiring and uplifting quotes and affirmations throughout, you can discover the fulfillment and peace that comes from living as a more authentic person, a more genuine you. Other books in the series include: The Adulting Workbook, Stop Overthinking, 5-Minute Productivity Workbook, 3-Minute Positivity Workbook, 52 Weeks to Better Mental Health, The Anti-Anxiety Journal, Manifest Your Intentions, 369 Laws of Attraction Guided Workbook, Tarot: A Guided Workbook to Unlock and Explore Your Magickal Intuition, Astrology: A Guided Workbook to Understand and Explore the Wisdom of the Universe, and Finding Your Balance: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workbook.
Oxbow Books Making One's Way in the World: The Footprints and Trackways of Prehistoric People
The book draws on the evidence of landscape archaeology, palaeoenvironmental studies, ethnohistory and animal tracking to address the neglected topic of how we identify and interpret past patterns of movement in the landscape. It challenges the pessimism of previous generations which regarded prehistoric routes such as hollow ways as generally undatable.The premise is that archaeologists tend to focus on ‘sites’ while neglecting the patterns of habitual movement that made them part of living landscapes. Evidence of past movement is considered in a multi-scalar way from the individual footprint to the long distance path including the traces created in vegetation by animal and human movement. It is argued that routes may be perpetuated over long timescales creating landscape structures which influence the activities of subsequent generations. In other instances radical changes of axes of communication and landscape structures provide evidence of upheaval and social change. Palaeoenvironmental and ethnohistorical evidence from the American North West coast sets the scene with evidence for the effects of burning, animal movement, faeces deposition and transplantation which can create readable routes along which are favoured resources.Evidence from European hunter-gatherer sites hints at similar practices of niche construction on a range of spatial scales. On a local scale, footprints help to establish axes of movement, the locations of lost settlements and activity areas. Wood trackways likewise provide evidence of favoured patterns of movement and past settlement location. Among early farming communities alignments of burial mounds, enclosure entrances and other monuments indicate axes of communication. From the middle Bronze Age in Europe there is more clearly defined evidence of trackways flanked by ditches and fields. Landscape scale survey and excavation enables the dating of trackways using spatial relationships with dated features and many examples indicate long-term continuity of routeways. Where fields flank routeways a range of methods, including scientific approaches, provide dates.Prehistorians have often assumed that Ridgeways provided the main axes of early movement but there is little evidence for their early origins and rather better evidence for early routes crossing topography and providing connections between different environmental zones. The book concludes with a case study of the Weald of South East England which demonstrates that some axes of cross topographic movement used as droveways, and generally considered as early medieval, can be shown to be of prehistoric origin. One reason that dryland routes have proved difficult to recognise is that insufficient attention has been paid to the parts played by riverine and maritime longer distance communication. It is argued that understanding the origins of the paths we use today contributes to appreciation of the distinctive qualities of landscapes. Appreciation will help to bring about effective strategies for conservation of mutual benefit to people and wildlife by maintaining and enhancing corridors of connectivity between different landscape zones including fragmented nature reserves and valued places. In these ways an understanding of past routeways can contribute to sustainable landscapes, communities and quality of life.
Intellect Books Agency: A Partial History of Live Art
Notoriously difficult to define as a genre, Live Art is commonly positioned as a challenge to received artistic, social and political categories: not theatre, not dance, not visual art... and often wilfully anti-mainstream and anti-establishment. But as it has become an increasingly prevalent category in international festivals, major art galleries, diverse publications and higher education streams, it is time for a reassessment. This collection of essays, conversations, provocations and archival images takes the twentieth anniversary of the founding of one of the sector’s most committed champions, the Live Art Development Agency (LADA) in London, as an opportunity to consider not only what Live Art has been against, but also what it has been for. Rather than defining the practices in oppositional terms – what they might be seeking to critique, reject or disrupt – this collection reframes these practices in terms of the relations and commitments they might be used to model or advocate. What kinds of care and recovery do they enable? What do they connect as well as reject? What do they make possible as they test the impossible? What ideas of success do they stand for as they risk failure? In this way, the central theme of the collection, and to which all contributors were invited to respond, is the idea of agency: the capacity for new kinds of thoughts, actions and energies as enacted by individual artists and groups. It seems appropriate that this question would be considered in relation to the history of one particular ‘agency’: LADA itself. These questions are explored in a unique conversational format, bringing together a diverse range of emerging and established practitioners, curators and leading figures in the field, each paired with another practitioner for a live conversation that has been sensitively edited for the page. Curated within a structure of five overlapping themes – Bodies, Spaces, Institutions, Communities and Actions – this format produces unexpected insights and accounts of the development of the field. Each theme also contains two provocative essays by leading scholars, thinkers and makers, exploring the conceptual frames in more detail. The result is a collection that is as heterogeneous, ambitious, contradictory and inspiring as the field of Live Art itself. Contributors: Aaron Williamson, Adrian Heathfield, Alan Read, Alastair MacLennan, Alexandrina Hemsley, Amelia Jones, Andrew Mottershead, Andy Field, Anne Bean, Barby Asante, Bryan Biggs, Cassils, Catherine Wood, David A. Bailey, Dominic Johnson, Gary Anderson, George Chakravarthi, Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Hayley Newman, Heike Roms, Helen Paris, James Leadbitter, Jamila Johnson-Small, Jane Trowell, Jen Harvie, Johanna Tuukkanen, John Jordan, John McGrath, Jordan McKenzie, Joshua Sofaer, Katherine Araniello, Kira O'Reilly, Lena Šimić, Leslie Hill, Lois Keidan, Lois Weaver, Manuel Vason, Martin O'Brien, Mary Paterson, Rajni Shah, Rebecca French, Richard Dedomenici, Ron Athey, RoseLee Goldberg, Selina Thompson, Simon Casson and Tim Etchells. Co-published with Live Art Development Agency. Winner of the 2021 TaPRA Edited Collection Prize
Advantage Media Group Beyond the Jumbotron: New Way to Create Consumer Engagements
A simple guidebook for navigating the new world of sports marketing and brand managementThe modern consumer, today’s fan, is no longer passive. Over three quarters of millennials say they prefer experiences over traditional advertising. Old approaches won’t work. Yard barkers handing out free towels. A stadium plastered with billboards. Maybe a new Jumbotron. Today’s fan is looking for something more engaging, more interactive, and more immersive.Industry pioneer, James Giglio, the founder of MVP Interactive, takes us through his fascinating decade-long journey, starting out with a vision for immersive experiences, well before anyone had ever heard of virtual reality. Over that time, he has had the opportunity to work with many leading sports teams, professional leagues, advertising agencies, and consumer brands, to completely redefine the fan experience and now he shares those lessons with us.James also takes us through his own personal story of building a startup, from growing up as a daydreaming kid in Ocean County, New Jersey, to working with an advertising agency in New York and recognizing that three themes were emerging: the iPhone app explosion, the increased use of digital signage or so-called “street furniture,” and the emergence of “pop up events” by leading brands. He began to wonder how these three trends could be brought together. What if the immersive technology on our iPhone could be brought to the streetscape? What if those digital displays could become interactive? And what if brands could attract consumers to them rather them just hawking them promotions and free stuff? The result was MVP Interactive. But like any startup, there were bumps along the way and James’ story is a heartfelt, honest tale of making many... let’s just say, learning a lot of lessons along the way.The timing could not be better. Post Covid, events are back and back big. During the pandemic, we all went fully remote and realized it was just way too much screentime. But we are also not going back to the way it was. Beyond the Jumbotron lies a new, hybrid world where human interaction and technology combine. James takes us through not only the why — the dramatic changes in consumer attitudes and behavior that are driving the adoption of immersive technology, but more importantly the how — how to bring these projects to life and lead to real, measurable result after case study and shows the possibilities of new technology are not only endless, but also just the beginning. lts for sports properties and brands. James and his team at MVP Interactive have completed over 200 immersive technology projects and the book is filled with case study after case study and shows the possibilities of new technology are not only endless, but also just the beginning.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Endometriosis: From Diagnosis to Treatment
Endometriosis is a chronic benign estrogen-dependent disease which is characterized by the presence of endometriotic glands and stroma outside the uterine cavity. It affects women during reproductive age, but it may also be diagnosed in menopausal women. Endometriosis can be asymptomatic; but most frequently it can be responsible for pain symptoms and/or infertility, severely impacting women' quality of life. Overall, clinical presentation depends on the location of endometriotic lesions: intestinal symptoms can occur in case of bowel nodules whereas urinary symptoms can occur in case of urinary tract endometriosis. At the moment, the exact prevalence of endometriosis is unknown because its definitive diagnosis requires surgery and histological evaluation. It has been estimated that this benign chronic disease affects at least 3.6% of reproductive age women; however, its prevalence could significantly increase considering women suffering from dysmenorrhea, chronic pelvic pain and/or infertility. The etiology of endometriosis is unclear: various factors, such as multiple abnormalities of the immune system, genetic factors and environmental factors may influence women' susceptibility to develop this chronic disease. Although the gold standard for the diagnosis of endometriosis is the pathological evaluation of surgical biopsies or specimens, today transvaginal ultrasonography is largely employed to reliably identify the presence of deep infiltrating endometriosis or ovarian endometriomas. The aim of the surgery for endometriosis is to restore the normal anatomy by removing endometriotic lesions and by performing adequate removal of abdominal adhesions. However, surgery, in case of deep infiltrating implants, can be rather challenging for gynecologists due to the complexity of pelvic adhesions involving several structures and it may be characterized by rare but not negligible urological, intestinal, neurological and vascular complications. Furthermore, pain may recur after conservative surgery for endometriosis. Although surgery is obviously required in cases of ureteral stenosis, bowel occlusion or ovarian cysts with doubtful characteristics of malignancy, medical therapy, and, particularly, hormonal therapies, are the initial therapeutic approach today for most patients with endometriosis-related pain. Long-term medical therapy for endometriosis aims to minimize the production and action of estradiol, inhibiting the production of cyclic hormones from the ovaries. Numerous medical options (such as estroprogestins, progestins, gonadotropin- releasing hormones analogs and antagonists) are available for treating women with endometriosis: the choice of the most suitable compound is based on several factors, such as intensity of pain, age, desire to conceive, costs, route of administration and impact of the endometriosis on work capacity, sexual function and quality of life of each women. Currently, research is focused on finding new innovative targets to treat this benign chronic disease; in fact, it is well known that development, maintenance and progression of endometriosis depend on a variety of aberrant mechanisms including cell proliferation, immune function, apoptosis, invasion capacity and angiogenesis. The aim of this book is to give an accurate overview on pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of endometriosis.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Comprehensive Guide to Nutrition in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the single largest cause of infertility in women of childbearing age, with the incidence having risen from around 15 % to 21 % within 6-8 years. Not only has the incidence risen in this population, but in adolescents, PCOS is being diagnosed earlier and more frequently, than ever before. There is no written "diet" or single food that cures PCOS, but factors from Westernised eating such as trans fats, advanced glycation end-products and fructose overload, are factors which affect both the development of PCOS and the resistance to drug-related treatment of it. For the woman with PCOS, whether trying to fall pregnant of manage symptoms, it is of cardinal importance to understand that a "diet mentality"' is inappropriate, since the entire lifestyle should be changed to favour the menstrual cycle and the production of its hormones for at least 3three months prior to expecting normal ovulation. The awakening and development of the primordial follicle destined to become the ovulatory one, 85 days prior to ovulation, points to the compulsory consistency of improved eating habits and lifestyle. Almost every single food/meal/drink/snack has an influence on your ovulatory capacity. It is imperative that the PCOS woman seeking help for either symptomatic relief or fertility, understands the relationship of the hormonal chaos of PCOS to the hormonal chaos of a poor diet. The standard dietary composition, of 20% protein, 50% carbohydrate and 30 % fat, was used to treat PCOS since the beginning of research, after the discovery of PCOS as Stein-Leventhal syndrome in 1935. Weight loss was known to be the most important factor in treating PCOS, but no progress was made, and the drop-out rate of diets given to these women was extremely high. For some reason, women with PCOS could not adhere to a formal diet, and battled weight loss, although small studies could not confirm this. The answer to this probably lies in the disturbance of their hunger and satiety cascade, regulated by insulin. New drugs have seen the light and were tested on females with PCOS with mediocre results, showing that something else but the PCOS was at play. This book is dedicated to show the power and strength of poor dietary habits (and visa versa) on drug treatment of PCOS, and the lack of need for it when dietary habits and lifestyles are improved. In PCOS, drugs could probably never win over a poor eating lifestyle, which is a point often missed by fertility specialists eager to help with a quick -fix, rather than a longer process that can be maintained over the long-term. The mere fact that in women undergoing IVF treatment, end-stage-glycation products were found in their oocytes, tells a story of the horrendous effect of poor dietary habits on fertility. Both the keto-genic diet and intermittent fasting (done under professional dietetic supervision), either apart or together, have provided a means for quicker and safer weight loss, especially if time is of the essence in older couples.
Open University Press Simplifying Coaching: How to Have More Transformational Conversations by Doing Less
Fundamentally, coaching is about enabling someone to feel heard and to access new insights into their own life. But how can you facilitate someone else’s thinking when you don’t know what they already know? It is almost impossible to remember models and questions whilst giving your companion your full attention at the same time. Coaching simply means that you can listen and notice more, getting quickly to the heart of the conversation. Whether you are brand new to coaching, are a trained coach who has lost confidence, or have many years’ experience coaching at a senior level, this deeply practical book will teach you how to:• Do less so that your companion can do more• Understand why saying what you see is more useful than listening to any particular story• Put boundaries around a conversation, making it more effective for your companion and easier for you• Tailor how you sit and how you speak to allow a collaborative environment• End any conversation in partnershipTailored to help the practising coach, this deeply practical book is nonetheless useful for anyone who has conversations with people.“Claire stimulated a desire to know more about how to use existing skills in new and simplified ways. An altogether great book.”Clive Avril, Executive Coach and Mentor (ACC)“This is the kind of book that, after reading, you will want to have nearby for easy reference and reminders. I suspect that the well-worn pages will be a symbol of the book’s lasting contribution to coaching – and to transformational conversations. A clear, concise summation of coaching that will benefit the new and the seasoned coach alike.” J. Val Hastings, MCC and President of Coaching4TodaysLeaders and Coaching4Clergy“This book is written for anyone with an interest in coaching who is looking to improve their coaching style in the workplace. It is ideal for people who are working to complete their studies and gain accreditation from any of the coaching bodies… This is now one of my all time favourite coaching books… I found something new in every chapter of the book.” Claire Caine, EMCC Book Club Review“Simplifying Coaching is great at bringing you back to basics and reflecting on trying to resist the urge to ‘actively help’, rather than allowing the client to do the thinking. In a small book, it covers a lot of ground, and I would recommend reading the whole book and then dipping into it periodically for practical advice on particular topics. It is a brilliant and simple book that every coach should read.” Sally Twisleton, EMCC Book Club ReviewClaire Pedrick has been coaching for over 30 years. A coach, mentor coach and coaching supervisor, she trains managers, leaders and experienced coaches across multiple sectors to reap the benefits of working more simply. Claire is the Founding Partner of 3D Coaching. Claire received an award from Henley Business School for Outstanding Contribution to Coaching 2022
Lehigh University Press Writing the Past, Writing the Future: Time and Narrative in Gothic Sensation Fiction
This book links popular British fiction from the 1790s through the 1860s to anxieties about time. The cataclysm of the French Revolution, discoveries in geology, biology, and astronomy that greatly expanded the age and size of the universe, and technological developments such as the railway and the telegraph combined to transform the experience of time and dramatize its aporetic nature¯time as inarticulable contradiction. Themes of usurpation, bigamy, and stolen identity that characterize popular fiction during this period reflect anxieties about inheritance. Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France characterizes English history as an unbroken and orderly chronicle of property, generations, and values, in contrast to the chaotic events taking place in France. Albright uses Burke’s “sure principle of transmission” as the idealized, coherent view of time as narrative and argues that many popular novels of this period encode discourses on temporality in which time’s aporias are imaginatively reconciled through a variety of narrative strategies. Ann Radcliffe’s The Mysteries of Udolpho, written during the Terror of the French Revolution, uses a past setting, descriptions of sublime and picturesque landscapes, and the heroine’s prolonged suspension between memory and expectation to create a dreamy temporality that offers an antidote to revolutionary fears. Charles Robert Maturin’s Melmoth the Wanderer employs narrative to “humanize” what Frank Kermode calls the “disorganized time” represented by “the interval between tick and tock,” an effort that assumes greater importance in response to industrialization’s dehumanizing effects. Mary Shelley’s The Last Man capitalizes on the Romantic theme of “lastness,” weaving together memory and prophecy to attain a narrative perspective that encompasses the whole of human history. Albright concludes with a chapter on the sensation novels of the 1860’s, which bring Gothic themes of usurpation from the distant past to the contemporary world of railways and divorce courts. Writing the Past, Writing the Future offers a fresh approach that focuses less on feminist and psychoanalytic approaches to Gothic and sensation fiction than on the contemporary temporal anxieties often encoded in these popular genres. While there has been some criticism that has dealt with temporal discourses within individual works—most notably, The Last Man?there has not been a wider exploration of the topic that encompasses the period from about 1790 to 1870. Rather than attempt an exhaustive survey of a large number of novels, Albright has focused on several key texts from this period, analyzing them with the aid of the temporal meditations of Aristotle, Augustine, and Heidegger, as well as Paul Ricoeur’s work on the relationship between time and narrative.
Little, Brown Book Group Israelophobia: The Newest Version of the Oldest Hatred and What To Do About It
'This is an important and necessary book by a superb and subtle writer. There's no one more qualified to write it than Jake Wallis Simons, both as ground-breaking Middle East security correspondent and Editor of the Jewish Chronicle. It analyses the often prejudiced coverage and intense scrutiny of Israel that so often veers into obsession and outright demonisation; and traces its origins from Medieval European and Stalinist antisemitism to the present day. It discusses why this nation is judged so differently from others in a supposedly rational and progressive era. A companion in some ways to David Baddiel's Jews Don't Count, it is a book that fascinatingly analyses the dark sides of our world today -political, national, cultural and digital - and exposes uncomfortable truths' SIMON SEBAG MONTEFIORE'"I can't be anti-Semitic: I have nothing against Jews individually, I only hate them by the country." Such is the delusion that Jake Wallis Simons sets out to discredit in this excellent and fearless book, dismantling its mendacities with a scholarly and logical thoroughness that makes you wonder if there will ever be an Israelophobe left standing again. Buy copies to distribute to your kindergarten groups and universities, anyway, just in case. And then buy another copy for yourself. It does the heart good to see one of the greatest expressions of collective animus exposed for the sanctimonious posturing it is. Israelophobia is a book we all need' HOWARD JACOBSON'Timely and important' TELEGRAPH'Fascinating' SPECTATORIn the Middle Ages, Jews were hated for their religion. In the twentieth century, they were hated because of their race. Today, Jews are hated for something else entirely, their nation-state of Israel. Antisemitism has morphed into something both ancient and modern: Israelophobia. But how did this transformation occur? And why?Award-winning journalist Jake Wallis Simons answers these questions, clarifying the line between criticism and hatred, exploring game-changing facts and exposing dangerous discourse.Urgent, incisive and deeply necessary, Israelophobia reveals why the Middle East's only democracy, which uniquely respects the rights of women and sexual and religious minorities, attracts such disproportionate levels of slander. Rather than defending Israel against all criticism, it argues for reasonable disagreement based on reality instead of bigotry.Through charting the history of Israelophobia - starting in Nazi Germany, travelling via the Kremlin to Tehran and along fibre optic cables to billions of screens - and using it to understand contemporary prejudice, this timely book will restore much-needed sanity to the debate, creating the space for mutual understanding, tolerance and peace.
Zondervan KJV, Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Large Print, Genuine Leather, Cowhide, Black, Red Letter, Comfort Print
An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible studyBeloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson® Chain-Reference® Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. This unique reference Bible enables you to search the breadth of Scripture’s teachings on thousands of topics and allows you to follow those topics throughout the entire Bible. With over 100,000 references, covering over 8,000 topics, the chain-reference system is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary.The KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Large Print is printed in the KJV Comfort Print® typeface for easy reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the King James Version (KJV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the translation. This Bible also features a fresh, two-color design that preserves the original look of the chain-reference system, while making each page cleaner and easier to read. Features: Complete text of the King James Version (KJV) Easy-to-understand chain-reference system with over 100,000 references Alphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own topic number, for exhaustive topical study An extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study tools Fresh, two-color page design 66 book introductions 16-page full-color map section with map index Line-matched text for enhanced readability Words of Jesus in red Presentation page for gift-giving Raised spine hubs Two double-sided satin ribbon markers, each 3/8-inch wide Genuine leather cover lies flat when open Exclusive KJV Comfort Print typeface Print size: 10.5
Zondervan KJV, Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Handy Size, Leathersoft, Burgundy, Red Letter, Comfort Print
An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible studyBeloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson® Chain-Reference® Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. This unique reference Bible enables you to search the breadth of Scripture’s teachings on thousands of topics and allows you to follow those topics throughout the entire Bible. With over 100,000 references, covering over 8,000 topics, the chain-reference system is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary.The KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Handy Size is printed in the KJV Comfort Print® typeface for easy reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the King James Version (KJV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the translation. This Bible also features a fresh, two-color design that preserves the original look of the chain-reference system, while making each page cleaner and easier to read. Features: Complete text of the King James Version (KJV) Easy-to-understand chain-reference system with over 100,000 references Alphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own topic number, for exhaustive topical study An extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study tools Fresh, two-color page design 66 book introductions 16-page full-color map section with map index Line-matched text for enhanced readability Words of Jesus in red Presentation page for gift-giving Personal size for easy carrying Gilded page edges Two double-sided satin ribbon markers, each 3/8-inch wide Leathersoft™ cover lies flat when open Exclusive KJV Comfort Print typeface Print size: 8
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc This is Me: 1001 Questions to Learn More About Yourself: Volume 31
With 1001 questions asking everything you never knew you didn’t know about yourself, this guided journal encourages exploration into the curious corners of yourself.This is Me can be an informative read for others or an informative writing journey for you. Broken up into 4 sections–About Me, A Little History, The Present is a Present, and Looking forward to the Future–these thoughtful questions flesh out every aspect of a person. Both reflective and entertaining, these questions offer a chance to delve into the depths of your soul or joke around with yourself in an insightful way. Use these answers to discover more about yourself, write an autobiography, or just pass the time with something other than doom scrolling. Check out the following prompts as a taste and see if they offer any insight into your innermost self. Have you ever had a second home? Is there an aspect of home it replicated? Or did this second home have something your first home didn’t? Do you remember the last time someone told you what your shortcomings were? Did you agree with them? Pick a random person and imagine what they would say are your shortcomings. Make a list of what you consider to be your worst habits. Then make a list of your best habits. Are there any habits that other people can view as both excellent and sinister? What is the one thing you’ve ever wanted but realized later on that you didn’t need it? How did you come to that realization? Prompts are thoughtful yet encourage brevity. Simple answers often yield the most interesting and thoughtful conclusions. Create and fully realize the best and most interesting version of yourself with these 1001 questions. With so much of our lives and contact going digital, the Creative Keepsakes journals offer an intimate way to nurture your connection with yourself and the people around you. An entertaining way to get off your screen, these guided and free-form journals are great for writers and artists alike. Each journal offers content around a different theme, including silly prompts for a laugh, random yet thoughtful questions, inspiration for art and composition, interactive prompts to learn about your heritage, and blank interiors on high-quality paper stock to use as your creative canvas. Beautifully designed and full of mindful prompts, channel your inspiration as you put pen (or pencil, or marker, or crayon!) to paper to learn more about yourself, your talents, and the people you love. Also in this Series: 3,001 Questions All About Me, 3,001 Would You Rather Questions, 3,001 This or That Questions, 301 Things to Draw, 301 Writing Ideas, Anti-Anxiety Journal, Complete the Drawing, Create a Poem, Create a Story, Create Comics: A Sketchbook, Design & Destroy, Forever Friends, Gratitude Journal, Inner Me, Inspired by Prayer, Internet Password Book, Mom & Me, My Family Story, My Father's Life, My Grandfather's Life, My Grandmother's Life, My Life Story, My Mother's Life, Our Love Story, Sermon Notes, Sketch - Large Black, Sketch - Large Kraft, Sketch - Medium Black, Sketch - Medium Kraft,Write - Medium Black, Write - Medium Black
University of Pennsylvania Press Argentina Betrayed: Memory, Mourning, and Accountability
The ruthless military dictatorship that ruled Argentina between 1976 and 1983 betrayed the country's people, presiding over massive disappearances of its citizenry and, in the process, destroying the state's trustworthiness as the guardian of safety and well-being. Desperate relatives risked their lives to find the disappeared, and one group of mothers defied the repressive regime with weekly protests at the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires. How do societies cope with human losses and sociocultural traumas in the aftermath of such instances of political violence and state terror? In Argentina Betrayed, Antonius C. G. M. Robben demonstrates that the dynamics of trust and betrayal that convulsed Argentina during the dictatorship did not end when democracy returned but rather persisted in confrontations over issues such as the truth about the disappearances, the commemoration of the past, and the guilt and accountability of perpetrators. Successive governments failed to resolve these debates because of erratic policies made under pressure from both military and human rights groups. Mutual mistrust between the state, retired officers, former insurgents, and bereaved relatives has been fueled by recurrent revelations and controversies that prevent Argentine society from conclusively coming to terms with its traumatic past. With thirty years of scholarly engagement with Argentina—and drawing on his extensive, fair-minded interviews with principals at all points along the political spectrum—Robben explores how these ongoing dynamics have influenced the complicated mourning over violent deaths and disappearances. His analysis deploys key concepts from the contemporary literature of human rights, transitional justice, peace and reconciliation, and memory studies, including notions of trauma, denial, accountability, and mourning. The resulting volume is an indispensable contribution to a better understanding of the terrible crimes committed by the Argentine dictatorship in the 1970s and their aftermath.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Chronicles of a Million Dollar Trader: My Road, Valleys, and Peaks to Final Trading Victory
Trading strategies always look great on paper. But when it comes to trading in the real world, market chaos and human unpredictability often make even the best strategies seem inadequate to the task. The hard truth all traders eventually learn is that trading is far more difficult when your chips are down and the pressure is on. In the tradition of Edwin Lefèvre’s legendary book Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, Don Miller’s Chronicles of a Million Dollar Trader offers an inside look at the ups and downs, failures and victories of one of the few traders to have ever earned $1 million in a calendar year by trading futures intraday. In this detailed journal, Miller lets you peek over his shoulder as he tiptoes through a minefield of potential mistakes, miscalculations, and self-defeating behaviors in search of consistent profits. Along the way, he shares trading diary excerpts from 2008 to 2012, as well as his actual performance for every futures trading day from 2004 to 2011—almost 2,000 days worth of real trading results and analysis. You’ll follow along as the challenge of everyday trading teaches Miller the importance of focus, motivation, controlled aggression, and just showing up—especially on those mornings he’d rather sleep in. As you track his progress hour by hour and day by day through the journal, you’ll see how he recognizes his strengths and weaknesses, reaches or falls short of his daily goals, analyzes his results, and applies everything he learns to future trades, including valuable insights gleaned from sports, poker, and life. If you’re thinking of quitting your day job to be a full-time trader, Miller offers a clear-eyed look at what you’re getting into. His path to success was rocky, with ecstatic highs interspersed with intermittent setbacks. Despite his well-crafted plan, his intelligence, and his dedication, Miller began his trading career the way so many others do—with losses due to a lack of training and a poor business plan. Though he learned his lesson, ate his humble pie, and got back into the game successfully, there’s no reason for you to repeat his mistakes. Chronicles of a Million Dollar Trader reveals how successful trading is about much more than reading charts, because you’re not just playing the numbers—you’re competing against the markets, other traders, and yourself. Much like a sport, winning is the result of good planning, practice, and execution, and if you’re not on your game, then you’re already on your way to losing. If you’re a full-time trader, part-time trader, or just considering becoming one, this insightful, revealing look inside Miller’s mind offers vital lessons on how to trade like a champion.
Rutgers University Press Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism, 1860-1925
Higham's work stands as the seminal work in the history of American nativism. The work is a careful, well-documented study of nationalism and ethnic prejudice, and chronicles the power and violence of these two ideas in American society from 1860 to 1925. He significantly moves beyond previous treatments of nativism, both in chronology and in interpretive sophistication. Higham defines nativism as a defensive type of nationalism or an intense opposition to an internal minority on the grounds of the group's foreign connections. By defining nativism as a set of attitudes or a state of mind, he sets the course for his book as tracing "trace an emotionally charged impulse" rather than "an actual social process or condition." As he argues that the ideological content of nativism remained consistent, he uses emotional intensity as a measure to trace in detail public opinion from the relative calm following the Civil War to the Johnson-Reed act of 1924 that severely limited European immigration. Strangers in the Land is, then, a history of public opinion, whose purpose is to show how nativism evolved in society and in action. Higham seeks to explain what could inflame xenophobia and who resisted it. He saw his work as part of a renewed interest in the study of nationalism following the national upheavals in the wake of the McCarthy hearings. Surely Higham's mentor at the University of Wisconsin, intellectual historian Merle Curti, influenced Higham's approach in seeking to examine the power of nationalism as an idea. Also influential was the intellectual climate of the 1950s with its of distrust of ideology and distain of prejudice. Higham admits being repelled by the nationalist delusions of the Cold War, again helping to explain why his study concentrates on seeking some explanation for the irrational and violent outbreaks. The book thus focuses on points of conflict, "antagonisms that belong within ideologies of passionate national consciousness." For example, Higham's explains the 100 percent American movement in terms of progressive ideals and the desire of Americans to shape immigrants into a particular ideal of "Americanness" through education and assimilation. This intellectual construct eventually gave way to the racial thinking to which Higham assigns much influence in the efforts to restrict immigration. Ideology is also central to his chapter on the history of the idea of racism in which he argues that Anglo-Saxon nationalism, literary naturalism and a nascent understanding of genetics combined to bring forth arguments for immigration restriction to preserve the racial purity of the American people. Thus, key for Higham's argument is the power of ideas in shaping individual behavior and thereby shaping history. This text is an absolute must-read for anyone seeking to understand American nativism and the darker side of nationalism.
Edition Axel Menges Spaces Inspired by Nature
Book & CD. Husain Lehri, the director of Super Book House, approached Yashwant Pitkar, teaching at the Sir J J College of Architecture in Mumbai, to bring out a book on a contemporary Indian architect whose approach is different from the run of the mill. Pitkar had no hesitation in choosing Shirish Beri who in a career spanning almost forty years has built works ranging from private residences to educational complexes and large public projects across India. As it turned out, this book is the result of an extensive collaboration between Lehri, Piktar and Beri -- Pitkar describes the process of making the book as one of slow and deep unfolding. What is most interesting about this book is its structure. Interspersed with the projects are Beri's written and sketched expressions. Each set of two projects is bookended by his illustrated essays and poetry. The essays are more like collections of rambling thoughts, posers and anecdotes -- seeking connections between nature, art, architecture, and life. There is a seamless rhythm set up in the book that constantly keeps the reader acquainted with the architect's outer manifestations in form of his buildings and his inner thought processes, integral to that creation. The opening essay, "Working with Wature ... Towards Sustainability" sets a tone towards not just architecture but life in general. Beri asks whether man's relationship with nature could become a universal archetype for a sustainable future. He advocates an approach towards architecture that grows out from the place and its spirit rather than imposed technocratic solutions. The book features about a dozen projects in greater detail, well illustrated with clear drawings, evocative sketches and excellent photographs accompanied by the architect's own analysis of the design process and governing concerns in each project. The opening section of the book contains a note by B V Doshi and a foreword by Christopher Charles Benninger who was Beri's mentor when he was a student at the CEPT in Ahmedabad. The Hirwai Farmhouse in Nathawade for himself, one of his earliest projects, is perhaps the best example of his avowed philosophy: spaces inspired by nature. The Sanjeevan Primary School and the Laboratory for the Conservation of Endangered Species at Hyderabad display Beri's playful and unconventional approach towards space organisation which is at once in harmony with the site's topography and natural features. Projects such as the Dharwad Engineering College or the Computational Mathematics Laboratory in Pune display a nuanced sense of structure, construction and meticulousness towards detail. In the closing section of the book there is an exhaustive list of projects with thumbnails giving a good idea of the full range of the architect's work. Accompanying the book is a CD titled "The Unfolding White: Shirish Beri's search for wholeness.
MACK Kodachrome
In 1978 Luigi Ghirri self-published his first book, an avant-garde manifesto for the medium of photography and a landmark in his own remarkable oeuvre. Kodachrome has long been out of print and on the 20th anniversary of Ghirri's death, MACK is proud to publish the second edition. 'Ghirri fights to maintain our ability to see. His works are powerful devices for the re-education of the gaze. They alter the perception we have of the world without proposing a single path to follow, rather they provide us with the tools we need to find the one we're looking for.'Francesco Zanot Part amateur photo-album, Ghirri presents his surroundings in tightly cropped images, making photographs of photographs and recording the Italian landscape through it's adverts, postcards, potted plants, walls, windows, and people. His work is deadpan, reflecting a dry wit, and is a continuous engagement with the subject of reality and of landscape as a snapshot of our interaction with the world. This new edition of Kodachrome is published as a facsimile of the original, adopting the original design, text layout and image sequence, but using new image files scanned from Ghirri's original film to take advantage of modern technology and printing methods. A small booklet is included with an essay by Francesco Zanot, which offers a contemporary perspective on the historical impact of Kodachrome, alongside French and German translations of the original texts from the book (which were published in English and Italian). 'The daily encounter with reality, the fictions, the surrogates, the ambiguous, poetic or alienating aspects, all seem to preclude any way out of the labyrinth, the walls of which are ever more illusory... to the point at which we might merge with them... The meaning that I am trying to render through my work is a verification of how it is still possible to desire and face a path of knowledge, to be able finally to distinguish the precise identity of man, things, life, from the image of man, things, and life.' Luigi Ghirri Born in Scandiano in 1943, Luigi Ghirri spent his working life in the Emilia Romagna region, where he produced one of the most open and layered bodies of work in the history of photography. He was published and exhibited extensively both in Italy and internationally and was at the height of his career at the time of his death in 1992. Photography critic and curator Francesco Zanot has been working with some of the most renowned European and international photographers, including Alec Soth and Olivo Barbieri, for over 10 years. He has participated in multiple conferences and seminars on photography in different institutions such as Columbia University in New York and the American Academy in Rome. He is associate editor of Fantom, photographic quarterly magazine based in Milan and New York.
Little, Brown Book Group Snowflakes on Silver Cove: A festive, feel-good Christmas romance
'Full of Christmas romance and just so gorgeous - you will not be able to put this book down!' Rather Too Fond of Books'It captivated me, drew me in, held me under its magical spell and left me feeling as if I'd just stepped out of a winter wonderland, the fairy-tale sort' Becca's BooksCome and spend a picture perfect romantic Christmas at White Cliff BayLibby Joseph is famous for her romantic Christmas stories. Every December, readers devour her books of falling in love against the magical backdrop of the Christmas season. If only Libby believed in the magic herself...Struggling to finish her current novel, Libby turns to her best friend and neighbour George Donaldson to cheer her up. But George also needs a bit of support himself. Nervous about getting back into the dating saddle after splitting from his wife, he and Libby strike a deal. She will teach George how to win over the ladies, and Libby will in turn be inspired to inject her novel with a good dose of romance.As Libby and George explore the beautiful White Cliff Bay on a series of romantic Christmas-themed dates, Libby finds herself having more fun than she's had in ages and...discovers feelings that she never knew she had for George.But is it too late? Will George win someone else's heart or can Libby act like the heroine in one of her stories and reach for her own love under the mistletoe this Christmas?Snuggle up with a piece of Christmas cake and mulled wine, and spend the festive season at White Cliff Bay. You won't want to leave!Read what everyone is saying about Snowflakes on Silver Cove:'It has been such a long time since I last laughed out so loud because of a book. This has to be the MOST HILARIOUS READ' A Page of Love'This whole book is just the most perfectly adorable, squishy, fluffy, festive, romantic and wonderful story!' Paris Baker's Book Nook'Charming and sweet like a Christmas treat' For the Love of Books'Holly's stories are always filled with a little bit of magic and lots and lots strong relationships that make you all warm and fuzzy inside' Silke Reads and Writes'A "feel good" book that will keep you entertained on a miserable cold winters night' The Review Café'A wonderful Christmassy book which will warm your heart and is a delight to read' Rachel's Random Reads'Holly Martin once again serves up a wonderful romance sprinkled with several laugh-aloud moments and a generous offering of holiday magic!' Kimberley's Bookshelf'Fantastic heart-warming read that had me longing for winter evenings watching films with popcorn and cuddles' Afternoon Bakery
Dialogue Diamond Hill: Totally unputdownable and evocative literary fiction
'A rapid-fire debut with a cinematographer's eye for detail... Fan strikes a deft balance between agile set-pieces and lingering beauty.' Naoise Dolan 'A vivid, powerful portrait of a vanishing world.' David Nicholls'Do you know what it was like here? You wouldn't believe the glamour. We had our own film studio, redbrick houses for the stars, even Jackie Chan. Now look at us - the Hollywood of the Orient will soon be gone altogether.'1987, Hong Kong. Trying to outrun his demons, a young man who calls himself Buddha returns to the bustling place of his birth. He moves into a small Buddhist nunnery in the crumbling neighbourhood of Diamond Hill, where planes landing at the nearby airport fly so close overhead that travellers can see into the rooms of those below.As Buddha begins to care for the nuns and their neighbours, this pocket of the old city is vanishing. Even the fiery Iron Nun cannot prevent the frequent landslides that threaten the nunnery she fights for, and in the nearby shanty town, a faded film actress who calls herself Audrey Hepburn is hiding a deep secret and trying to survive with her teenage daughter who has a bigger fish to fry.But no one arrives in Diamond Hill by accident, and Buddha's ties to this place run deeper than he is willing to admit. Can he make peace with his past and survive in this disappearing city?Beautifully written and utterly compelling, Diamond Hill is a gorgeous love letter that perfectly captures a lost place, filled with unforgettable characters. If you love books by Hanya Yanagihara, Colm Tóibín and Ocean Vuong, you'll adore this haunting and evocative novel.What people are saying about Diamond Hill:'The best debut I've read in ages... A glorious luminosity to the writing and the reading experience is rather like looking into a kaleidoscope and giving it several twirls.' Cathy Rentzenbrink 'A gripping and highly accomplished debut... A thoroughly enjoyable and profound exploration of powerlessness, identity and the evolution of a city.' Guardian'Fan is an exuberant chronicler of a lost time and place... It's a timely consideration of Hong Kong's recent past.' The Times'An exhilarating and original tale, Diamond Hill marks award-winning Fan as a writer to watch.' Cosmopolitan 'Fan creates a textured, unsettled portrait of a territory facing a decisive ending... The dark drama that unfolds is an elegy to that vanished vanishing world.' The Wall Street Journal'Gleams with pleasurable insights... Memorable moments are sketched by a poet's hand.' South China Morning Post
John Wiley & Sons Inc Power Phone Scripts: 500 Word-for-Word Questions, Phrases, and Conversations to Open and Close More Sales
Start closing sales like top producers! Have you ever found yourself at a loss for what to say when the gatekeeper asks you what your call is about? Have your palms ever sweated when the decision maker shuts you down with: “I wouldn’t be interested”? Has your heart taken a fast dive into your stomach when, at the start of your presentation, your prospect tells you that they’ve thought about it and are just going to pass? If you’re in sales, then the question isn’t “Have you ever felt this way?”, but rather, “How often do you feel this way? Are you finally ready to learn how to confidently and effectively overcome these objections, stalls, and blow-offs? If so, Power Phone Scripts was written for you! Unlike other books on sales that tell you what you should do (like build value – hard to do when the prospect is hanging up on you!), Power Phone Scripts provides word-for-word scripts, phrases, questions, and comebacks that you can use on your very next call. Learn to overcome resistance, get through to the decision maker, and then, once you have him or her on the phone, make an instant connection and earn the right to have a meaningful conversation. You’ll be equipped with proven questions, conversation starters, and techniques to learn whether or not they are even right for your product or service, and, if they aren’t, who else in their company or another department might be. Power Phone Scripts is the sales manual you’ve been looking for: over 500 proven, current, and non-salesy phrases, rebuttals, questions, and conversation openers that will instantly make you sound more confident – just like the top producing sales pros do right now. Gone will be your call reluctance; gone will be your fear of calling prospects back for presentations and demos; gone will be the fear of asking for the sale at the end of your pitch! This practical guide is filled with effective scripts for prospecting, emailing, voice mails, closes, and tons of rebuttals to recurring objections you get like: “It costs too much” “We already have a vendor for that” “I’m going to need to think about it” “I need to talk to the boss or committee” and so many others… More than just phone scripts, this book provides practical, comprehensive guidance that every inside sales rep needs. Conquer concerns, provide answers, motivate action, and be the conduit between your prospect’s problems and your solution. Actionable, fun, and designed to work within the current sales environment, this invaluable guide is your ticket to the top of the leader board. With Power Phone Scripts, you will never be at a loss of what to say to a prospect or client. Communication is everything in sales, and being on top of your game is no longer enough when top producers are playing a different game altogether. You cannot achieve winning stats if you're not even on the field. If you're ready to join the big league, Power Phone Scripts is the playbook you need to win at inside sales.
Coach House Books Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space
A CBC BOOKS BEST NONFICTION OF 2020AN ENTROPY MAGAZINE BEST NONFICTION 2020/21A NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOK OF THE DAY (07/23/2022)Fairy tales shape how we see the world, so what happens when you identify more with the Beast than Beauty?If every disabled character is mocked and mistreated, how does the Beast ever imagine a happily-ever-after? Amanda Leduc looks at fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm to Disney, showing us how they influence our expectations and behaviour and linking the quest for disability rights to new kinds of stories that celebrate difference."Historically we have associated the disabled body image and disabled life with an unhappy ending” – Sue Carter, Toronto Star"Leduc persuasively illustrates the power of stories to affect reality in this painstakingly researched and provocative study that invites us to consider our favorite folktales from another angle." – Sara Shreve, Library Journal"She [Leduc] argues that template is how society continues to treat the disabled: rather than making the world accessible for everyone, the disabled are often asked to adapt to inaccessible environments." – Ryan Porter, Quill & Quire"Read this smart, tenacious book." – The Washington Post"A brilliant young critic named Amanda Leduc explores this pernicious power of language in her new book, Disfigured … Leduc follows the bread crumbs back into her original experience with fairy tales – and then explores their residual effects … Read this smart, tenacious book." – The Washington Post"Leduc investigates the intersection between disability and her beloved fairy tales, questioning the constructs of these stories and where her place is, as a disabled woman, among those narratives." – The Globe and Mail"It gave me goosebumps as I read, to see so many of my unexpressed, half-formed thoughts in print. My highlighter got a good workout." – BookRiot"Disfigured is not just an eye-opener when it comes to the Disney princess crew and the Marvel universe – this thin volume provides the tools to change how readers engage with other kinds of popular media, from horror films to fashion magazines to outdated sitcom jokes." – Quill & Quire“It’s an essential read for anyone who loves fairy tales.” – Buzzfeed Books"Leduc makes one thing clear and beautifully so – fairy tales are fundamentally fantastic, but that doesn’t mean that they are beyond reproach in their depiction of real issues and identities." – Shrapnel Magazine"As Leduc takes us through these fairy tales and the space they occupy in the narratives that we construct, she slowly unfolds a call-to-action: the claiming of space for disability in storytelling." – The Globe and Mail"A provocative beginning to a thoughtful and wide-ranging book, one which explores some of the most primal stories readers have encountered and prompts them to ponder the subtext situated there all along." – LitHub"a poignant and informative account of how the stories we tell shape our collective understanding of one another.” – BookMarks "What happens when we allow disabled writers to tell stories of disability within fairytales and in magical and supernatural settings? It is a reimagining of the fairytale canon we need. Leduc dares to dream of a world that most stories envision is unattainable." – Bitch Media
Beta-Plus Michael del Piero: Traveled and Textural
Interiors designed by Michael Del Piero are full of delightful contradictions. She designs minimalist rooms rich with historical character, meticulously edited gallery-like spaces that still have the comforting warmth of home, and breezy abodes with crisp architectural details that feel tailored rather than severe. But the fact that her projects, sprinkled across the United States, come off as reassuringly familiar yet entirely fresh, as they blend elements of American and European style, is a direct result of her background. The designer was born and raised in Chicago. She worked for decades as a business coach, advising executives at Fortune 500 companies on how to further their goals, inspire their people and energise their operations. At the same time, she dove head-first into design, almost without realising it. Thrilled by the hunt for distinctive antiques, unusual objects and compelling art, she loved few things more than combing auction houses and flea markets for unexpected finds. Enjoying herself too much to go back to corporate consulting, Del Piero took on the mantle of antiques dealer, and began making regular buying trips to Europe and hosting biannual sales, composing a different interior design scheme in a different house each time. Every sale was more successful than the last, but it didn’t take long for some of her customers to see the larger picture: the objects Del Piero brought back were beautiful, but it was the way she used them to create cohesive, compelling interiors that was the real attraction. One of those customers eventually asked Del Piero to design her home. She spent the next year designing every aspect of the client’s Chicago house while learning how to manage a construction site. When it was finished, the home was published and widely lauded, and Del Piero’s interior design firm was off and running. She formally established her studio in 2007. Since then, the designer’s work has been rooted in her early travels and experiences, and reflects her natural curiosity and embrace of decorative arts from different cultures and periods. As her studio has grown, the scale of her projects has grown as well, creating more opportunities to expand her creative vision. Today, she embraces an increasingly holistic approach to design as her projects move beyond interior design to architecture. She is conceiving new-construction houses built from the ground up, including an oceanfront house in Florida and a multibuilding compound on the site of an old hunting lodge in Westchester, New York, as well as interiors for a sleek new modernist house in Amagansett, a stately Upper East Side apartment in Manhattan and the overhaul of a historic greystone on Chicago’s Gold Coast. Some projects appear more polished than others, but all feature overlapping elements that might seem incongruous in less skilled hands: refinement mixed with rusticity, artful composition without pretension and exacting details that nevertheless contribute to an inviting sense of calm.
The University of Chicago Press Everyday Mathematics for Parents: What You Need to Know to Help Your Child Succeed
The Everyday Mathematics (EM) program was developed by the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project (UCSMP) and is now used in more than 185,000 classrooms by almost three million students. Its research-based learning delivers the kinds of results that all school districts aspire to. Yet despite that tremendous success, EMoften leaves parents perplexed. Learning is accomplished not through rote memorization, but by actually engaging in real-life math tasks. The curriculum isn't linear, but rather spirals back and forth, weaving concepts in and out of lessons that build overall understanding and long-term retention. It's no wonder that many parents have difficulty navigating this innovative mathematical and pedagogic terrain.Now help is here. Inspired by UCSMP's firsthand experiences with parents and teachers, Everyday Mathematics for Parents will equip parents with an understanding of EM and enable them to help their children with homework the heart of the great parental adventure of ensuring that children become mathematically proficient.Featuring accessible explanations of the research-based philosophy and design of the program, and insights into the strengths of EM, this little book provides the big-picture information that parents need. Clear descriptions of how and why this approach is different are paired with illustrative tables that underscore the unique attributes of EM. Detailed guidance for assisting students with homework includes explanations of the key EM concepts that underlie each assignment. Resources for helping students practice math more at home also provide an understanding of the long-term utility of EM. Easy to use, yet jam-packed with knowledge and helpful tips, Everyday Mathematics for Parents will become a pocket mentor to parents and teachers new to EM who are ready to step up and help children succeed. With this book in hand, you'll finally understand that while this may not be the way that you learned math, it's actually much better.
Bartleby Press The Hague Odyssey: Israel's Struggle for Security on the Front Lines of Terrorism and Her Battle for Justice at the United Nations
When the State of Israel came into existence in 1948, its very legitimacy as a nation was immediately challenged, often by the same people who questioned the rights of the Jewish people to live at peace on their own land. Yet since its independence, Israel has stood out as a nation with a truly democratic form of government surrounded by countries and peoples mostly ruled by tyrants and despots.This has led to wars, border skirmishes and other assaults against Israel. This reached a pinnacle with the steady terrorist assaults against innocent civilians known as suicide bombings. Instead of condemning these attacks, many ignored the inhuman brutality or even worse, glorified the Palestinian Arab perpetrators as martyrs.One of the favored forums for attempts to isolate Israel is at the United Nations. Rather than empathy for the Jewish victims of terrorist attacks, the UN has repeatedly excoriated Israel for its actions toward the Palestinians, ignoring the fact that most of the Palestinian people lived in areas controlled by their own Arab leaders.As a result of the onslaught of the Second Intifada, Israel planned and began the construction of a terrorism prevention security barrier. Built roughly between Israel and the Palestinian territories, Israeli leaders made clear that it was not an attempt to create a border and preempt negotiations, but solely for the purpose of defending and protecting her people.There have been a number of objections from Palestinians, with support from some Israelis, who felt that they were unduly burdened by the barrier. Many of these complaints were lodged with Israel's vibrant and independent court system. Instead of rubber-stamping decisions, courts looked at each situation and in some cases have ordered that the route be changed or altered.In 2004, Israel's detractors at the UN, who refused to even recognize the right or need for Israel to be able to protect its citizens, saw another avenue to demonize the state. Defying its own charter, the UN General Assembly requested of the International Court of Justice at the Hague an advisory opinion about the security fence and its applicability under international law, some calling it an apartheid wall. Few people around the world were even aware that such an important tribunal was looming . Fewer still seemed to understand the potential difficulties it might cause for Israel and other countries desiring to protect their own citizens from terror attacks. One who immediately understood the danger if Israel was not allowed to adequately defend its citizens was Richard D. Heideman. An internationally known attorney, former President of B'nai B'rith International and advocate for the rights of victims of terrorism both in the US, in Israel, in Lebanon and in Europe, he understood how vulnerable innocent civilians would become under such limitations. Heideman filed the only brief on behalf of a non-governmental organization, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. He forcefully laid out the case to the ICJ for Israel's right, and obligation, like every nation-state, to provide for the defense of her population. At the same time, he served as lead counsel at hearings held at The Hague, highlighting the victims and their suffering. We follow Heideman's meticulous and passionate defense of Israel's right to defend its people. He complements his arguments with sharp, insightful analysis of the Court's eventual negative and, some would say, inevitable ruling. and is sure to be essential reading for any contemporary discussion of the Arab-Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the questionable ability of the United Nations to have a positive role in achieving a just and secure Israel.
Cornell University Press Mystic and Pilgrim: The Book and the World of Margery Kempe
Margery Kempe, a middle-class English housewife at the turn of the fifteenth century, was called to weep and to pray for her fellow Christians and to adopt an unconventional way of life. Separating herself from her husband and many children, she became a pilgrim travelling around England and as far away as Jerusalem. In old age, she dictated to scribes an autobiography that recounts her extraordinary intimacy with Christ as well as her intense, commotion-filled life. At first glance, she does not seem very saintly in character or disposition, and her spiritual experiences can easily appear to be extreme or egotistical. To appreciate and interpret Margery Kempe's life and spirituality properly, one must go beyond conventional categories of social and religious history. In Mystic and Pilgrim, Clarissa Atkinson does this from six perspectives: the character of Margery's autobiography, her mysticism and pilgrim way of life, her social and family environment, her relations with her church and its clergy, the tradition that shaped her piety, and the context of late medieval female sanctity. Margery's Book was shaped by the writings of famous holy women and by pressures on memory and motivation that come with age. The vocation that called Margery to mysticism and pilgrimage made her unusual, therefore open to suspicion. It required her to leave her husband and children, to dress in white (a color usually reserved for virgins), to go on pilgrimage as a way to participate in Christ's earthly life and death. It graced her with a conspicuous gift: tears she could not control or resist. Her domestic and social background (she came from a powerful merchant family) gave her the courage to persist in her strange vocation and unpopular way of life. She met scorn from most of her relatives, but found encouragement in Christ, the saints, and the representatives of the Church. During Margery's lifetime the Church displayed intense anxiety over the related issues of religious enthusiasm, discernment of spirits, and female visionaries. Yet many church officials, including Dame Julian of Norwich, advised Margery to accept what God sent her and judged her feelings to be "the work of the Holy Ghost." Having examined these aspects of Margery's life and piety, Atkinson goes on to make an original and significant contribution by explaining their specific spiritual context. It is in the tradition of affective piety and of late medieval female sanctity, she argues, that Margery's religious emotions and expressions can best be understood. From Anselm of Canterbury, through Francis of Assisi, to Nicolas Love, affective writers and preachers aimed to promote intense feelings. Principal among these were compassion and contrition. Margery incorporated these feelings in her own devotional life: identification with the human Christ, conspicuous humility inspired by Saint Francis, and "boistrous" emotion in sympathy with Mary grieving at the Cross. Against this background, the religious life of Margery Kempe seems neither aberrant nor even very unusual. Rather, it is her unique response to a tradition established by great saints. Among the saintly persons of late medieval Europe were many women: Catherine of Siena, Birgitta of Sweden, Joan of Arc, Julian of Norwich. They characteristically saw visions, communicated directly with God, found scribes or biographers who publicized their experiences. An increasing number of them were wives and mothers who struggled, like Margery, with the married state and eventually transcended it, becoming in effect "honorary" virgins through their holiness and by God's special favor. Traveling widely, speaking publicly, departing from traditional women's roles, these women were a new creation of the late Middle Ages.
Cornell University Press Mystic and Pilgrim: The Book and the World of Margery Kempe
Margery Kempe, a middle-class English housewife at the turn of the fifteenth century, was called to weep and to pray for her fellow Christians and to adopt an unconventional way of life. Separating herself from her husband and many children, she became a pilgrim travelling around England and as far away as Jerusalem. In old age, she dictated to scribes an autobiography that recounts her extraordinary intimacy with Christ as well as her intense, commotion-filled life. At first glance, she does not seem very saintly in character or disposition, and her spiritual experiences can easily appear to be extreme or egotistical. To appreciate and interpret Margery Kempe's life and spirituality properly, one must go beyond conventional categories of social and religious history. In Mystic and Pilgrim, Clarissa Atkinson does this from six perspectives: the character of Margery's autobiography, her mysticism and pilgrim way of life, her social and family environment, her relations with her church and its clergy, the tradition that shaped her piety, and the context of late medieval female sanctity. Margery's Book was shaped by the writings of famous holy women and by pressures on memory and motivation that come with age. The vocation that called Margery to mysticism and pilgrimage made her unusual, therefore open to suspicion. It required her to leave her husband and children, to dress in white (a color usually reserved for virgins), to go on pilgrimage as a way to participate in Christ's earthly life and death. It graced her with a conspicuous gift: tears she could not control or resist. Her domestic and social background (she came from a powerful merchant family) gave her the courage to persist in her strange vocation and unpopular way of life. She met scorn from most of her relatives, but found encouragement in Christ, the saints, and the representatives of the Church. During Margery's lifetime the Church displayed intense anxiety over the related issues of religious enthusiasm, discernment of spirits, and female visionaries. Yet many church officials, including Dame Julian of Norwich, advised Margery to accept what God sent her and judged her feelings to be "the work of the Holy Ghost." Having examined these aspects of Margery's life and piety, Atkinson goes on to make an original and significant contribution by explaining their specific spiritual context. It is in the tradition of affective piety and of late medieval female sanctity, she argues, that Margery's religious emotions and expressions can best be understood. From Anselm of Canterbury, through Francis of Assisi, to Nicolas Love, affective writers and preachers aimed to promote intense feelings. Principal among these were compassion and contrition. Margery incorporated these feelings in her own devotional life: identification with the human Christ, conspicuous humility inspired by Saint Francis, and "boistrous" emotion in sympathy with Mary grieving at the Cross. Against this background, the religious life of Margery Kempe seems neither aberrant nor even very unusual. Rather, it is her unique response to a tradition established by great saints. Among the saintly persons of late medieval Europe were many women: Catherine of Siena, Birgitta of Sweden, Joan of Arc, Julian of Norwich. They characteristically saw visions, communicated directly with God, found scribes or biographers who publicized their experiences. An increasing number of them were wives and mothers who struggled, like Margery, with the married state and eventually transcended it, becoming in effect "honorary" virgins through their holiness and by God's special favor. Traveling widely, speaking publicly, departing from traditional women's roles, these women were a new creation of the late Middle Ages.
Stanford University Press Queer Alliances: How Power Shapes Political Movement Formation
A unique investigation into how alliances form in highly polarized times among LGBTQ, immigrant, and labor rights activists, revealing the impacts within each rights movement. Queer Alliances investigates coalition formation among LGBTQ, immigrant, and labor rights activists in the United States, revealing how these new alliances impact political movement formation. In the early 2000s, the LGBTQ and immigrant rights movements operated separately from and, sometimes, in a hostile manner towards each other. Since 2008, by contrast, major alliances have formed at the national and state level across these communities. Yet, this new coalition formation came at a cost. Today, coalitions across these communities have been largely reluctant to address issues of police brutality, mass incarceration, economic inequality, and the ruthless immigrant regulatory complex. Queer Alliances examines the extent to which grassroots groups bridged historic divisions based on race, gender, class, and immigration status through the development of coalitions, looking specifically at coalition building around expanding LGBTQ rights in Washington State and immigrant and migrant rights in Arizona. Erin Mayo-Adam traces the evolution of political movement formation in each state, and shows that while the movements expanded, they simultaneously ossified around goals that matter to the most advantaged segments of their respective communities. Through a detailed, multi-method study that involves archival research and in-depth interviews with organization leaders and advocates, Queer Alliances centers local, coalition-based mobilization across and within multiple movements rather than national campaigns and court cases that often occur at the end of movement formation. Mayo-Adam argues that the construction of common political movement narratives and a shared core of opponents can help to explain the paradoxical effects of coalition formation. On the one hand, the development of shared political movement narratives and common opponents can expand movements in some contexts. On the other hand, the episodic nature of rights-based campaigns can simultaneously contain and undermine movement expansion, reinforcing movement divisions. Mayo-Adam reveals the extent to which inter- and intra-movement coalitions, formed to win rights or thwart rights losses, represent and serve intersectionally marginalized communities—who are often absent from contemporary accounts of social movement formation.
Fordham University Press When God Was a Bird: Christianity, Animism, and the Re-Enchantment of the World
2019 NAUTILUS GOLD WINNER In a time of rapid climate change and species extinction, what role have the world’s religions played in ameliorating—or causing—the crisis we now face? Religion in general, and Christianity in particular, appears to bear a disproportionate burden for creating humankind’s exploitative attitudes toward nature through unearthly theologies that divorce human beings and their spiritual yearnings from their natural origins. In this regard, Christianity has become an otherworldly religion that views the natural world as “fallen,” as empty of signs of God’s presence. And yet, buried deep within the Christian tradition are startling portrayals of God as the beaked and feathered Holy Spirit – the “animal God,” as it were, of historic Christian witness. Through biblical readings, historical theology, continental philosophy, and personal stories of sacred nature, this book recovers the model of God in Christianity as a creaturely, avian being who signals the presence of spirit in everything, human and more-than-human alike. Mark Wallace’s recovery of the bird-God of the Bible signals a deep grounding of faith in the natural world. The moral implications of nature-based Christianity are profound. All life is deserving of humans’ care and protection insofar as the world is envisioned as alive with sacred animals, plants, and landscapes. From the perspective of Christian animism, the Earth is the holy place that God made and that humankind is enjoined to watch over and cherish in like manner. Saving the environment, then, is not a political issue on the left or the right of the ideological spectrum, but, rather, an innermost passion shared by all people of faith and good will in a world damaged by anthropogenic warming, massive species extinction, and the loss of arable land, potable water, and breathable air. To Wallace, this passion is inviolable and flows directly from the heart of Christian teaching that God is a carnal, fleshy reality who is promiscuously incarnated within all things, making the whole world a sacred embodiment of God’s presence, and worthy of our affectionate concern. This beautifully and accessibly written book shows that “Christian animism” is not a strange oxymoron, but Christianity’s natural habitat. Challenging traditional Christianity’s self-definition as an other-worldly religion, Wallace paves the way for a new Earth-loving spirituality grounded in the ancient image of an animal God.
Stanford University Press Romantic Returns: Superstition, Imagination, History
Romantic Returns explores the theorization and operation of "imagination" in pre-romantic and romantic writing. Drawing on the poetry and prose of William Collins, William Hazlitt, and Percy Bysshe Shelley, it shows the continuing importance of their understanding of imagination for contemporary debates about the historicity of literature. Historicist readings of romanticism have done much to establish how and why romantic aesthetics is ideological—an illusory if effective evasion of its material conditions. Romantic Returns challenges this position by arguing that romantic aesthetics is, rather, critical—a reflective if problematic articulation of those conditions. The argument foregrounds the ways in which the aesthetics of romanticism inform its political and economic speculations. The book opens with an examination of mid-eighteenth-century debates about the role of superstition in the constitution of a national literary tradition. It considers, in particular, how Collins's odes figure Scotland as the site of a "superstitious" poetry that must be assimilated into British history even as Collins questions the very framework of assimilation. This ambiguous defense of superstition in the national polity is rewritten by romanticism as a defense of imagination. For the romantics, the concept of imagination involves an explicit theorization of how the mind's projections play a constitutive role in what appear to be social norms and economic facts. Hazlitt clarifies this position in his Essay on the Principles of Human Action. The Essay develops a rhetorical theory of imagination in order to deconstruct the entire metaphysical basis of self-interest on which eighteenth- and nineteenth-century political economy is based. Hazlitt's political pamphlets bring this argument to bear on his analysis of the economic interests fueling the Napleonic wars. Despite Hazlitt's enormous and widely acknowledged influence, his writings have been little studied on their own account. Romantic Returns underlies their centrality to the romantic articulation of aesthetics and politics. The final sections of the book engage Shelley's complex interrogation of the contradictions involved in just such articulations. In both his poetry and prose, Shelley turns to law and history as fields in which these contradictions can be negotiated or even resolved. But Shelley, who once called poets "unacknowledged legislators," suggests that violence may be unavoidable in any imaginative legislation that attempts to realize itself in properly "historical" action. The passage from poetry to politics cannot evade the problem of force. Tracing the crossings between "superstition," "imagination," and "history" in all three of these writers, Romantic Returns shows how difficult it is to maintain such crossings. In doing so, it shows, too, the continuing challenge of romanticism to contemporary historicism.
Johns Hopkins University Press A Theory of Global Capitalism: Production, Class, and State in a Transnational World
In this book, sociologist William I. Robinson offers a theory of globalization that follows the rise of a new capitalist class and a transnational state. Growing beyond national boundaries, this new class comprises a global system in which Japanese capitalists are just as comfortable investing in Latin America as North Americans are in Southeast Asia. Their development of global, interconnected industries and businesses make them drivers of world capitalism. Robinson explains how global capital mobility has allowed capital to reorganize production worldwide in accordance with a whole range of considerations that allow for maximizing profit making opportunities. As a result, production systems that were once located in a single country have been fragmented and integrated externally into new globalized circuits of accumulation. What this means, however, is not simply that factories are located overseas where labor might be cheaper, but rather that the whole production process is broken down into smaller parts and each of those parts moved to a different country, depending on where investment might be highest. Yet at the same time, this worldwide decentralization and fragmentation of the production process has taken place alongside the centralization of command and control of the global economy in transnational capital. In turn, this economic organization finds a political counterpart in the rise of a transnational state. The leaders of global businesses and industries think about themselves and how they live in new ways. Hegemony in the twenty-first century, Robinson argues, will be exercised not by a particular nation-state but by this new global ruling class through the machinery of this transnational state. Robinson observes, for example, that global elites, regardless of their nationality, increasingly tend to share similar lifestyles and interact through expanding networks of the transnational state. Globalization is in this way unifying the world into a single mode of production and a single global system and bringing about the integration of different countries and regions into a new global economy and society. But the new global capitalism is rife with contradictions, such as the growing rift between the global rich and the global poor, concludes Robinson. The twenty-first century is likely to harbor ongoing conflicts and disputes for control between the new transnational ruling group and the expanding ranks of the poor and the marginalized. Sure to stir controversy and debate, A Theory of Global Capitalism will be of interest to sociologists and economists alike.
O'Reilly Media Web Design in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference
Are you still designing web sites like it's 1999? If so, you're in for a surprise. Since the last edition of this book appeared five years ago, there has been a major climate change with regard to web standards. Designers are no longer using (X)HTML as a design tool, but as a means of defining the meaning and structure of content. Cascading Style Sheets are no longer just something interesting to tinker with, but rather a reliable method for handling all matters of presentation, from fonts and colors to the layout of the entire page. In fact, following the standards is now a mandate of professional web design. Our popular reference, "Web Design in a Nutshell", is one of the first books to capture this new web landscape with an edition that's been completely rewritten and expanded to reflect the state of the art. In addition to being an authoritative reference for (X)HTML and Cascading Style Sheets, this book also provides an overview of the unique requirements of designing for the Web and gets to the nitty-gritty of JavaScript and DOM Scripting, web graphics optimization, and multimedia production. It is an indispensable tool for web designers and developers of all levels. The third edition covers these contemporary web design topics: Structural layer - HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 (9 chapters), including an alphabetical reference of all elements, attributes and character entities; Presentation layer - ten all-new chapters on Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2.1, including an alphabetical reference of all properties and values; Behavior layer - JavaScript and scripting with the Document Object Model (DOM); Web environment - new web standards, browsers, display devices, accessibility, and internationalization; Web graphics optimization - producing lean and mean GIF, JPEG, PNG, and animated GIFs; and Multimedia - Web audio, video, Flash, and PDF. Organized so that readers can find answers quickly, "Web Design in a Nutshell, Third Edition" helps experienced designers come up to speed quickly on standards-based web design, and serves as a quick reference for those already familiar with the new standards and technology. There are many books for web designers, but none that address such a wide variety of topics. Find out why nearly half a million buyers have made this the most popular web design book available.
University of Texas Press John O. Meusebach: German Colonizer in Texas
Otfried Hans Freiherr von Meusebach chose a life of hardship and freedom in Texas rather than a life of comfort and influence in his native Germany, where he had lived his formative years within a framework of unconstitutional government. In 1845 the young liberal relinquished his hereditary German title, left behind his close family ties and his various intellectual and political associations, and arrived in Texas as John O. Meusebach, commissioner-general for the Society for the Protection of German Immigrants. His background enabled him to assume an enlightened leadership of fellow immigrants who were pouring in from Germany. Lacking adequate financial backing, he nevertheless led the settling of some five thousand people in a land that was largely occupied by Indians. Irene Marschall King presents the full sweep of Meusebach's vigorous life: Meusebach as the young liberal in Germany, as the colonizer in the 1840s, as a Texas senator and, later, an observer of the Civil War, and as a Texan who devoted his later years to bringing the Texas soil to fruition—all set against a background of the immigration movement and frontier life. "Freedom is not free; it is costly," Meusebach believed. In Texas he found for himself and others freedom worth the price he paid. Rich in historic detail, King's story recounts the founding of Fredericksburg, the crippling effect of the Mexican War upon the mass of immigrants huddled in illness on the coast, the signing of the Indian Treaty, which opened to settlement over three million acres of land, and the final collapse of the Society for the Protection of German Immigrants. Also depicted is the colonists' influence on the land—the gardens and orchards of south central Texas, the "Easter Fires" that blaze on the hills surrounding Fredericksburg, the mixture of German custom with American necessity that created a unique culture. Throughout the narrative Mrs. King presents a fascinating cast of characters: the noble Prince Solms, who tries to establish a German military outpost in Texas; Henry Fisher, who attempts by devious methods to control the colonists and their land and finally incites a mob which tries to hang Meusebach; Philip Cappes, a special commissioner and Meusebach's assistant, who plots through intriguing correspondence with Count Castell, the executive secretary in Germany, to overthrow Meusebach; and the colorful and courageous Indian fighter and Texas Ranger, Colonel Jack Hays. Primarily, however, this is the story of a man who found strength in his family's motto, "Perseverance in Purpose," and gave of his energies to build Texas.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Medicare: Value-Based Care, Pharmacy Benefit Managers, Trust Fund Reports and Fee-For-Service
Over the course of the last few years, our healthcare system has begun a shift toward rewarding physicians for the quality of care rather than the quantity, and building off these efforts, providers, doctors, health systems, and payers are willing to explore new value-based arrangements and open the door to providing new benefits for their beneficiaries. The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act began to shift Medicare towards being a more value-based payment system. Chapter 1 discusses the models that are working toward improve the quality of care and reducing cost. Total expenditures for the Medicare Part D drug program exceeded $100 billion in 2016. Part D plan sponsors may use a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) to provide drug benefit management services for Part D coverage, such as negotiating drug rebates and other price concessions and paying pharmacy claims. Policymakers have sought a better understanding of PBMs' roles in the drug supply chain and plans' and PBMs' efforts to manage Part D drug spending and use. Chapter 2 examines, (1) the extent to which Part D plan sponsors use PBMs, (2) trends in rebates and other price concessions obtained by both PBMs and plan sponsors for Part D drugs, and (3) how PBMs earn revenue for services provided to Part D plans. The Social Security Act requires boards of trustees to issue reports to Congress by April 1 each year on the financial status of the Social Security and Medicare trust funds. Chapter 3 (1) describes how the boards of trustees develop the annual Trustees reports, and (2) examines the extent to which the boards of trustees have provided the reports to Congress by the April 1 deadline, and what factors account for any delays. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) implemented a competitive bidding program (CBP) for certain durable medical equipment (DME), such as wheelchairs and oxygen. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act required CMS to adjust fee-for-service payment rates for certain DME items in non-bid areas. On January 1, 2016, adjusted rates for 393 items went into effect in non-bid areas. Chapter 4 examines (1) payment rate reductions and any changes in the number of suppliers; (2) any changes in the utilization of rate-adjusted items; and (3) available evidence related to potential changes in beneficiaries' access to rate-adjusted items.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Counterfeiting the Holocaust: A Historical and Archival Examination of Holocaust Artifacts
The collecting of Holocaust artifacts can often result in an emotional and historical dilemma. Survivors and some militaria collectors regard these items as “stained” with the blood of Holocaust victims, and therefore should not be bought and sold. However, to honor the memory of those who perished and to keep a proper historical record, these items must be preserved. While a small contingent of collectors deal in Holocaust artifacts, the vast majority of Holocaust-oriented artifacts are purchased by individuals who intend to donate these items to museums. This book is a reference and resource guide to help determine the authenticity of these artifacts, and provides a detailed look at various Holocaust-related artifacts in a manner that follows the experiences of the survivors and victims. As an example; the Germans identified some individuals with outward markings, forced them to register, pressed them into forced labor, ghettoized, and eventually deported them to concentration camps or labor facilities, and due to the different times that these activities took place in conquered and occupied countries, they are distinguished here by the action rather than by a general timeline (for example, Jews in occupied Poland were forced to wear “Jewish badges” in 1939, while this did not occur in Germany until 1941). The Holocaust is a difficult period of history to examine, and although some of the photographs contained in this book are horrific in nature, this book in no way trivializes the magnitude of the Holocaust by discussing the collection and identification of Holocaust-related artifacts. The issue at hand is the callous disregard by those who profit from the Holocaust by manufacturing and selling counterfeit and fake items. Alec Tulkoff has been a collector of World War II militaria for the past twenty-five years. Over the past seven years he has taken an interest in Holocaust history and artifacts. During the past two years, while working at the SHOAH Visual History Foundation as a cataloguer, he compiled the information and materials contained in this book. As a cataloguer in the Foundation, he had the opportunity to hear hundreds of first hand Holocaust survivor testimonies. Tulkoff has worked hard in combating the vast amount of Holocaust artifact fraud that has spread in the collecting community and has posted a website dealing with this fraud and also publishes a quarterly newsletter on this topic.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Astrology Colouring Book
If the zodiac signs were a colouring book, this would be it! Get to know yourself, your intuition and the universe better as you colour these 100+ gorgeous, cosmic-inspired patterns. Whether you’re new to astrology or you know your way around the zodiac, there’s something for you in Astrology Colouring Book. These captivating colouring designs will help you tune in to your astrological potential and help you zone in on your celestial goings-on. Mindfully colour the unique, beautiful templates that are printed on both sides of the paper so you can extend your colouring experience. Just as there is no right or wrong way to use this book, there is no right or wrong way to colour. Colour these beautiful illustrations however you wish and in whatever way feels right to you. This is about getting in touch with yourself on your spiritual journey, so if one colouring page doesn’t appeal to you, simply move on to one that does. If you’re a fiery Aries, Leo or Sagittarius: Maybe you’ll be drawn to warmer colors (such as red, oranges and yellows), which are colours associated with initiative, courage and passion – much like these signs. If you’re an airy Aquarius, Gemini or Libra: The cool colours (such as blues, greens and purples) might have the more calming qualities your intellect is after. If you’re an earthy Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn: Then darker colours or shades, with their lower-energy vibes, might echo your practicality, diligence and sensitivity. If you’re a watery Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio: Bright colours tend to have more energy whilst pastel and tinted colours tend to communicate softer energy – either of which might speak to your emotions and intuition. So why make a colouring book for adults? As we add responsibilities to our lives, we sometimes push aside those things we used to do for sheer enjoyment. With that in mind, these astrology-inspired designs are intended for adult sensibility and dexterity, rather than for children, so these are all yours! One of the great things about colouring is that it’s accessible to anyone, and being able to add your own colours helps make the experience more personal. Astrology is so much more than your daily horoscope, as these colouring pages show. Pick the one that speaks to you, and see where it takes you!
Zondervan KJV, Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Leathersoft, Black, Red Letter, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print
An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible studyBeloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson® Chain-Reference® Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. This unique reference Bible enables you to search the breadth of Scripture’s teachings on thousands of topics and allows you to follow those topics throughout the entire Bible. With over 100,000 references, covering over 8,000 topics, the chain-reference system is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary.The KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is printed in the KJV Comfort Print® typeface for easy reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the King James Version (KJV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the translation. This Bible also features a fresh, two-color design that preserves the original look of the chain-reference system, while making each page cleaner and easier to read. Features: Complete text of the King James Version (KJV) Easy-to-understand chain-reference system with over 100,000 references Alphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own topic number, for exhaustive topical study An extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study tools Fresh, two-color page design 66 book introductions 16-page full-color map section with map index Line-matched text for enhanced readability Words of Jesus in red Presentation page for gift-giving Gilded page edges Two double-sided satin ribbon markers, each 3/8-inch wide Leathersoft™ cover lies flat when open Thumb indexed to make finding the books of the Bible easier Exclusive KJV Comfort Print typeface Print size: 9.5
Zondervan NASB, Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Leathersoft, Brown, 1995 Text, Red Letter, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print
An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible studyBeloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson® Chain-Reference® Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. This unique reference Bible enables you to search the breadth of Scripture's teachings on thousands of topics and allows you to follow those topics throughout the entire Bible. With over 100,000 references, covering over 8,000 topics, the chain-reference system is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary.Available for the first time in the beloved 1995 text of the New American Standard Bible (NASB), the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible is printed in Zondervan's Exclusive NASB Comfort Print® typeface for easy reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New American Standard Bible text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the translation. This Bible also features a fresh, two-color design that preserves the original look of the chain-reference system, while making each page cleaner and easier to read. Features: Complete text of the New American Standard Bible (NASB), 1995 Text Easy-to-understand chain-reference system with over 100,000 references Alphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own topic number, for exhaustive topical study An extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study tools Fresh, two-color page design 66 book introductions 16-page full-color map section with map index Line-matched text for enhanced readability Words of Jesus in red Presentation page for gift-giving Gilded page edges Two double-sided satin ribbon markers, each 3/8-inch wide Leathersoft™ cover lies flat when open Thumb indexed to make finding the books of the Bible easier Exclusive NASB Comfort Print typeface Print size: 9.5
Zondervan NKJV, Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Handy Size, Leathersoft, Navy, Red Letter, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print
An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible studyBeloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson® Chain-Reference® Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. This unique reference Bible enables you to search the breadth of Scripture's teachings on thousands of topics and allows you to follow those topics throughout the entire Bible. With over 100,000 references, covering over 8,000 topics, the chain-reference system is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary.The NKJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Handy Size is printed in the NKJV Comfort Print® typeface for easy reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New King James Version (NKJV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the translation. This Bible also features a fresh, two-color design that preserves the original look of the chain-reference system, while making each page cleaner and easier to read.Features: Complete text of the New King James Version (NKJV) Easy-to-understand chain-reference system with over 100,000 references Alphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own topic number, for exhaustive topical study An extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study tools Fresh, two-color page design 66 book introductions 16-page full-color map section with map index Line-matched text for enhanced readability Words of Jesus in red Presentation page for gift-giving Personal size for easy carrying Gilded page edges Two double-sided satin ribbon markers, each 3/8-inch wide Leathersoft™ cover lies flat when open Thumb indexed to make finding the books of the Bible easier Exclusive NKJV Comfort Print typeface Print size: 8
Royal Society of Chemistry Ion Specific Hofmeister Effects: Faraday Discussion 160
The hydration of ions and the interactions of ions with (bio)molecules play a key role in many natural and technological processes. These effects are usually framed in terms of the lyotropic or Hofmeister series which traditionally orders cations and anions according to their ability to salt-out proteins. Since its formulation more than one hundred years ago, the lyotropic series has been invoked in myriad effects including the crystallization of proteins, enzyme activities, the swelling of tissues, salt solubilities, ion exchange, surface tension of electrolytes, and bubble coalescence. Although it is now clear that the Hofmeister series is intimately connected with ion hydration in homogeneous and heterogeneous environments and with ion pairing, the molecular origin of these effects has been poorly understood. Biochemists and physical chemists have been typically using the term Hofmeister series to put a label on ion specific behaviour in various environments, rather than to reach a molecular level understanding and, consequently, an ability to predict a particular effect of a specific salt ion. This meeting (which took place at Queen's College Oxford in September 2012) aimed to respond to the emerging situation in which science has matured enough to be able to provide answers about the molecular nature of ion specific effects. It explored the most important issues in understanding the chemistry and biological effects of ions, with state of the art work being presented using advanced experimental and computational methods. Investigation of ion specific effects is truly interdisciplinary since it requires chemists, biochemists, and biophysicists to collaborate with each other, combining experimental and computational approaches. We invited researchers in these fields to take part in the Discussion and join the chosen speakers who are among the key scientists behind the recent renaissance of interest in ion specific effects. Themes covered included: Solvation of ions in the aqueous bulk and at interfaces Ion-ion interactions in water Interactions between ions and biomolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, membranes, etc.) in water. Specific Hofmeister effects of ions and osmolytes on protein association, precipitation, folding/unfolding, and activity
Zondervan KJV, Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Large Print, European Bonded Leather, Black, Red Letter, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print
An easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for in-depth Bible studyBeloved and acclaimed for more than five generations, the Thompson® Chain-Reference® Bible is unparalleled in its ability to enrich personal devotions, topical study, and sermon preparation. This unique reference Bible enables you to search the breadth of Scripture’s teachings on thousands of topics and allows you to follow those topics throughout the entire Bible. With over 100,000 references, covering over 8,000 topics, the chain-reference system is an ideal tool for comprehensive topical study. The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible also offers a library of additional study resources that allows readers to interpret the Bible using related scripture passages rather than consulting a commentary.The KJV Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Large Print is printed in the KJV Comfort Print® typeface for easy reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the King James Version (KJV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the translation. This Bible also features a fresh, two-color design that preserves the original look of the chain-reference system, while making each page cleaner and easier to read. Features: Complete text of the King James Version (KJV) Easy-to-understand chain-reference system with over 100,000 references Alphabetical and numerical indexes highlight study materials for over 8,000 topics, each with its own topic number, for exhaustive topical study An extensive study resource section includes biographical sketches, illustrated studies of the Bible, a concordance, Bible harmonies, and many other helpful study tools Fresh, two-color page design 66 book introductions 16-page full-color map section with map index Line-matched text for enhanced readability Words of Jesus in red Presentation page for gift-giving Gilded page edges Two double-sided satin ribbon markers, each 3/8-inch wide European bonded leather cover lies flat when open Thumb indexed to make finding the books of the Bible easier Exclusive KJV Comfort Print typeface Print size: 10.5
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nonprofit Investment Policies: Practical Steps for Growing Charitable Funds
An accessible and thorough guide to nonprofit investment policy fornonfinancial managers --essential information for maintainingfiscal health and the public trust The first book to discuss the development of investment policiesspecifically for nonprofit organizations, Nonprofit InvestmentPolicies helps directors, trustees, and development officers atnonprofits create sound, comprehensive policies for their financialadvisors. Covering every element of investment strategy fornonprofits, the book explains investing legal concerns, theinvestment environment, the internal organization of an efficientcharity, how to get started in investment, how to use investmentsuccesses as a fund-raising tool, and much more. Written in language that both financial and nonfinancial managerscan understand, Nonprofit Investment Policies includes: * An exploration of the unique characteristics of nonprofitresources, including endowment management, planned gifts, andsocially responsible investing * A full examination of the legal issues involved in nonprofitinvestment -- the tools officers and directors of charities need toprotect themselves from investment liability in an increasinglylitigious world * Case studies from the real world of nonprofit investment showingsuccessful policies in action --and failures that display policypitfalls to avoid * Advice on finding and hiring outside advisors, plus anexplanation of the essentials of investment accounting andperformance reporting * Tables and checklists to guide nonprofit managers in fiscaldecisionmaking. If a nonprofit organization has any money in the bank, theorganization already has an investment policy, however informal.For many nonprofits, managing extra money is such a novel conceptthat they don't take full advantage of their on-hand resources. Butas organizations grow and their financial conditions improve,decision-makers must consider how best to manage and invest theseadditional funds. The nonprofit organizations Robert P. Fry, with understand investing and how to spot and avoid shadyinvestments, as well as how to safeguard assets. Written inlanguage that both financial and non-financial managers canunderstand, Nonprofit Investment Policies explains the basics ofinvesting, how investing for nonprofits is unique, and how to workwith an investment manager. This is not another get-rich-quick book about picking stocks andbonds. Rather, it is a book on how nonprofits can make gooddecisions. In the world of investments, good decisions areultimately more important than the occasional wizardry of anoutstanding portfolio manager, for unlike such wizardry, gooddecisions can be replicated in good times and bad by anyorganization that is committed to doing so --now, months from now,and years from now. Clearly written investment policies codify these good decisions,increasing returns on investments and protecting boards andexecutive directors from possible litigation over the handling ofthe nonprofit's assets. Fry's principal goal is to providesufficient information on the overall investment environment sothat any organization can comfortably implement investmentpolicies. Nonprofit Investment Policies includes sample investmentpolicies plus analysis and guidance on these policies to helporganizations develop the policies that most closely fit theirgoals and objectives, resources, time constraints, risk tolerance,and limitations.