Search results for ""author george"
Librairie generale francaise Maigret et le corps sans tete
Gallimard Felicie est la
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Objective Falaise: 8 August 1944-16 August 1944
On the night of 8 August 1944, the First Canadian Army launched Operation Totalize, directing their advance towards Falaise, with the intention of breaking through the German defences south of Caen. In spite of large numbers, they were halted by the 12.SS- Panzer-Division "Hitierjugend", who managed to block the 600 armored vehicles. During one of the German counter-attacks, several Tiger tanks were destroyed, including that of panzer ace, Michael Wittmann, who was killed in the process. The offensive was relaunched a few days later under the name Operation Tractable, the intention this time being to capture the strategically important town of Falaise and close the 'Falaise Pocket', also known as the 'Corridor of Death'. This book provides the reader with a day-by-day account of this forgotten battle, while also acting as a field guide, including maps and both comtemporary and modern photographs.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Battle of Cotentin: 9 - 19 June 1944
In June 1944, the Americans left the Sainte-M re-Eglise and Utah Beach bridgehead and crossed the Merderet river to the Chauss e de la Fiere, taking Picauville on 10 June. Their advance was slowed following the failure of the 90th Infantry Division, but they were able to take Pont-l'Abbe on 12 June and Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte 16 June. Two days later they cut the Cotentin peninsula at Barneville, before heading north towards Cherbourg. As well as authentic eyewitness testimony, the book also acts as a field guide, including maps and both comtemporary and modern photographs.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Objective Saint-Lo
This book provides a day-by-day account of the forty-two days of fighting from Omaha Beach to Saint-L. Follow Lt. Allsup from the beaches at Hill 108 (the 'bloody hill'), where he was injured, and Lt. Jones, who was among the first to enter Saint-L; a town destroyed by bombs, which was to become the graveyard of hundreds of Normans. On the opposing side, discover the fate of the fearsome 'green devil' paratroopers of General Schimpf and follow in the footsteps of paratroopers Erwin Schmieger and Rudi Frhbeisser, as they defend their armed camp, ensuring that every hedge will only be taken at the highest price. Objective Saint-L takes the reader along the little or un-known routes from the horrors of Omaha Beach to Trvires, La Cambe, Isigny, through the Aure valley to Hill 108, ('Purple Heart Hill') and Hills 192 and 122. As well as authentic eyewitness testimony, the book also acts as a field guide, including maps and both comtemprary and modern photographs.
Penguin Books Ltd Ancient Iraq
First published in 1964, Ancient Iraq is the classic work on Mesopotamia and the great civilizations that sprung from the region bounded by the Euphrates and Tigris. It remains an invaluable primer for anyone fascinated by the extraordinary ruins and artworks which have emerged from generations of archaeological digs. The book gives a lively, comprehensive account, from the earliest city fragments through the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians through to its decline under Hellenistic rule.
Cornerstone The Unfinished Clue
'Pure joy from start to finish' Dorothy L Sayers____________________________________The stabbing of irascible General Sir Arthur Billington-Smith fails to stir up grief in anyone - least of all his family, which is no wonder considering the way he had treated them all during the fateful weekend. He had disinherited his son, humiliated his wife, refused to help his financially stricken nephew and made no secret of his loathing for his son's fiancée, a cabaret dancer. As Inspector Harding investigates, he must pick his way through a mass of familial discontent to find the culprit - and find much more besides ...
Wisdom Publications,U.S. Svatantrika-Prasangika Distinction: What Difference Does a Difference Make?
Classiques Garnier Emblemes, Ou Devises Chrestiennes (1567)
Classiques Garnier Les Exposicions Sur Verite Mal Prise Le Dit de Verite
Arcadia Publishing Nantucket
DC Comics Harley Quinn Vol. 4: Task Force XX
One small step for the Gotham villains, one giant leap for clown-kind! That s right this fashionably vocal clown is headed to space. Turns out there s some old experiment left in the JLA moon base, and Luke Fox has put together a team of former villains to help clean up the mess. Sendin a buncha villains to the moon ? What could go right? Join me, Killer Frost, Bronze Tiger, Solomon Grundy, and more as we learn to moonwalk and put the X in Task Force XX! Harley Quinn Vol. 4: Task Force XX collects Harley Quinn #18-21, Harley Quinn 2022 Annual #1, and Shadow War Zone #1!
Les Belles Lettres Ovide, Les Metamorphoses: Tome III: Livres XI-XV
Beacon Press Three Leaves Three Roots
Schott Musik International GmbH & Co KG Music for the Piano Volume IV Hymns from a Great Temple and Other Selected Works 4
Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner Index Documentaire Des Textes de Mari: Fasc. 1: Liste/Codage Des Textes. Index Des Ouvrages de Reference
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Der versperrte Weg
Brill Fink Bilder Trotz Allem
btb Taschenbuch Der versperrte Weg
Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd Class, Aves
Schiffer Publishing Ltd American Stonewares: The Art and Craft of Utilitarian Potters
This entirely different book on American Stonewares presents the history and the technology of production. Complete chapters describe the method of turning clay into pots, common and uncommon forms in which pots were made, the meaning of various marks and the varieties of decoration, the glazes employed, and the firing process. Never before have the various forms manufactured been so completely described and pictured. Temporal and regional variations are presented. Pots from different areas of the United States and Canada and dating from the earliest eighteenth century pieces into the twentieth century are included. A detailed chapter on glazes describes the characteristics of the four major forms of glaze used upon American Stonewares, including the curious Southern Alkaline glaze. The manner of preparation, components, characteristics and defects of these glazes are fully presented. A chapter on firing includes a description of various methods of stacking and furniture for this as well as a discussion of the effects of firing upon the body clay and the glazes.
Ediciones Paidós Ibérica Imagenes pese a todo Images Despite All Memoria Visual Del Holocausto Visual Memory Of The Holocoust
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Zerstoben
Classiques Garnier Actualites Huysmansiennes: Melanges En Hommage a Jean-Marie Seillan
Theosophical Publishing House,U.S. Little Tyke: The True Story of a Gentle Vegetarian Lioness
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Das Nachleben der Bilder
John Wiley & Sons Inc Social Structures and Natural Systems: Is a Scientific Assemblage Workable?
Trapped between the caricatured causalities of biological determinism and the sinister abdications of sociological relativism, socio-ecological interdisciplinarity stagnates. It has lost sight of the ambition of a long-term program and no longer works to conduct applied research on the concrete prerequisites for reliable cooperation, despite an accumulation of emergencies. The difficulty lies in the general and prolonged abandonment of necessary procedures under the influence of hidden philosophical presumptions. In the end, ecology, sociology, history, economics, agronomy, etc. are seriously handicapped by the absence of a common epistemology of comparative practice, an absence maintained by the dominant epistemology itself. Social Structures and Natural Systems seeks to demonstrate, with regard to social anthropology and ecology, a scientific compatibility of research subject to methodological requirements that are deductible from the conditions of the existence of science itself. All of this boils down to one observation: this book will be a success if, and only if, it becomes a beginning.
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Structures sociales et systèmes naturels: L'assemblage scientifique est-il réalisable ?
Logos Verlag Berlin Die Wissenschaftliche Neubegrundung Der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin
Nova Science Publishers Inc Evolutionary Classification & English-Based Nomenclature in Cretaceous Planktic Foraminifera
Peeters Publishers La Version Grecque Ancienne du Livre Armenien D'Agathange: Edition Critique
Peeters Publishers La Version Armenienne Des Oeuvres D'Aphraate Le Syrien, III: T.
Molire El nacimiento de un autor Spanish Edition
Esta biografía trata de presentar al Molière que conocieron sus contemporáneos más allá del mito edificado sobre diversas leyendas (marido celoso y malhumorado, soñador y melancólico, actor dotado solo para la comedia, enfermo crónico), que todavía hoy componen su retrato.Para poder conocer la figura del hombre, el actor itinerante, el audaz director de teatro, el creador ingenioso, hace falta bucear en testimonios desconocidos, documentos olvidados que ayuden a reconstruir la figura del hombre, de su familia, de una compañía de teatro excepcional, de un artista que llegó a ser favorito de Luis XIV, que nos puedan aclarar las luces y las sombras del gran autor cómico.
Editorial Anagrama Tres Habitaciones En Manhattan
Eulenburg Carmen Suite No. 2
Atlantik Verlag Maigret und der Mann auf der Bank
Kampa Verlag Maigret hat Angst
Editions Heimdal Histoire Des Escadres De l'Armée De L'Air
Born at the same time as the ‘Armée de L’air’ itself, in the early 1930s, the squadrons represent the evolution and development of French aerial forces over the decades. Reformed at the end of the Second World War, the number of squadrons for the ‘Armée de l’Air’ peaked during the Cold War after which their numbers were reduced as the threat from the Soviet Union evaporated as the Soviet empire imploded. The very existence of the squadrons came into question during the 1990s, but they were reformed over the next two decades. This title, covering over half a century, covers both French fighter and reconnaissance planes of 1945-2015, the period of the propeller to jet planes, the Spitfire and the Thuderbolt to the Mirage 2000 and the Rafale, including the Ouragan, Mystère and other Mirage 111.Using detailed descriptions and images, each squadron, whether in still in existence or not, is described in detail, not only its history but its insignias, equipment, planes, etc.
Editions Heimdal Emil Maurice: Garde Du Corps Et Ami Juif De Hitler
Of Jewish origin and an intimate friend of Hitler, Emil Maurice was the founder of the SA and of the Stosstrupp Hitler (the origin of the SS). He also helped to edit Mein Kampf in Landsberg Prison. Through the unusual destiny of Emil Maurice, this book mainly describes in detail the relatively unknown but ever so terribly determining period for History, from 1919 to 1933, with some very rare documents in black and white, and some in colour: the beginnings of the DAP going back to the Society of Thule, the Munich Soviet and the Freikorps’ fighting in 1919, the Munich Putsch; Landsberg prison, the history of the Stosstrupp with a list of personal information about all its members, the Geli Raubal affair and lots of other historical details with photographs and documents as yet never published or virtually unknown, coming in part from Emil Maurice’s unpublished archives which we have acquired.
Editions Heimdal The D-Day Landing Beaches: The Guide
A spectacular, large format, full colour book, packed with over 200 photographs, maps and charts. The book is divided into the sectors associated with the Normandy landings in 1944.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Le Cancer Et La Philosophie d'Extreme-Orient
Classiques Garnier Tambours, Theatre Et Te Deum: Pour Une Socio-Economie de la Musique a l'Age Des Lumieres
Encre Marine Les Masques