Search results for ""author gilbert"
Little, Brown & Company Redirect: Changing the Stories We Live by
Les Belles Lettres La Bible. (Torah, Nevihim Et Ketouvim).
Des Moines Art Centre,U.S. Phyllida Barlow: Scree
Since the 1960s, British sculptor Phyllida Barlow (born 1944) has pursued a unique investigation into materiality, form and process in the wake of the minimalist and postminimalist movements of the 1960s and 70s. Barlow's 2013 exhibition Scree, at the Des Moines Art Center, was designed specifically for the museum, responding to and residing within the architecture of its I.M. Pei wing. Built in 1968, this classically Brutalist architecture with its poured concrete structure and expansive windows forms the perfect backdrop to the artist's ongoing development of the minimalist legacy. Scree also includes 55 works on paper from the late 1960s to the present, which are juxtaposed with works she has selected from the Des Moines Art Center's Permanent Collections. These include works by artists who have been central to her artistic development such as Louise Bourgeois, Yayoi Kusama, Magdalena Abakanowicz, John Chamberlain and Eva Hesse.
Red Wheel/Weiser Book of Enoch the Prophet
Princeton University Press Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age
The essays in this volume analyze war, its strategic characterisitics and its political and social functions, over the past five centuries. The diversity of its themes and the broad perspectives applied to them make the book a work of general history as much as a history of the theory and practice of war from the Renaissance to the present. Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age takes the first part of its title from an earlier collection of essays, published by Princeton University Press in 1943, which became a classic of historical scholarship. Three essays are repinted from the earlier book; four others have been extensively revised. The rest--twenty-two essays--are new. The subjects addressed range from major theorists and political and military leaders to impersonal forces. Machiavelli, Clausewitz, and Marx and Engels are discussed, as are Napoleon, Churchill, and Mao. Other essays trace the interaction of theory and experience over generations--the evolution of American strategy, for instance, or the emergence of revolutionary war in the modern world. Still others analyze the strategy of particular conflicts--the First and Second World Wars--or the relationship between technology, policy, and war in the nuclear age. Whatever its theme, each essay places the specifics of military thought and action in their political, social, and economic environment. Together the contributors have produced a book that reinterprets and illuminates war, one of the most powerful forces in history and one that cannot be controlled in the future without an understanding of its past.
Kohlhammer Strategisches Management
Smith|Doorstop Books The Laureate's Choice 2019 Bound Collection 1
Edinburgh University Press Queene Hyde
Heroic, radical and at times hilarious, Queen Hynde is Ossian with jokes; but Hogg's epic has serious purposes in mind. Its picture of the ancient Scottish past has much in common with stories of King Arthur and Camelot; and Queen Hynde aspires to emulate Paradise Lost as a Christian epic.
Leuven University Press Self-Presentation and Social Identification: The Rhetoric and Pragmatics of Letter Writing in Early Modern Times
More often than not, humanist, scholarly and 'scientific' correspondences from the early modern period have been analyzed from a rather narrow point of view. They were either exploited to reveal new biographical and historical evidence or assessed as literary achievements, as precious (or not so precious) pearls of artistic prose and composition. However legitimate such an outspokenly positivist and aesthetic approach may be, it does not exhaust the various possibilities for historical and literary study that early modern correspondences offer. It may, for instance, be doubted whether the traditional approach enables us to address, let alone to answer, one of the key questions that can and should be raised when dealing with letter writing in early modern times: how did the genre function as a social practice? This question can be reformulated as follows: who was writing, what, for whom, and why? At first glance, many, if not most, of the correspondences seem to have functioned as a means to discuss business and family affairs, to express friendship (and, to a lesser extent, love), or to communicate scholarly information. If we scrutinize them more carefully, however, we will discover that epistolary exchange was far more signicifant and played a far more crucial role than this superficial enumeration of topics to be found in early modern correspondences would make us believe. It can indeed be argued that many humanists and other intellectuals wrote letters in order to define themselves as literators, scholars, or scientists. In other words, letters were used as a means of self-presentation and social identification. It is through letters that literators, scholars, and scientists presented a particular, quite often highly apologetic, self-image which they wanted to be divulged and perpetuated. It is through letters, moreover, that literators, scholars, and scientists defined themselves as belonging to a specific group of people who shared the same interests and ideals, and were engaged in similar endeavours. Although these issues have not been entirely neglected by scholars in the past, this book brings together philologists, literary historians and historians of ideas to reflect upon the phenomenon of letter writing, and concentrates on four particular issues: the rhetoric of letter writing, friendship and patronage, criticism and libel, reputation and fame. Moreover, particular attention has been given to the functioning of letter writing as a means of self-presentation and social identification, linking together more closely text and context, literature and society.
Radius Books Land/Art: New Mexico
Land Art emerged in the 1970s when a handful of New York's more adventurous artists departed the gallery scene to make work in the open landscapes of the American West--Robert Smithson, James Turrell and Walter De Maria among them. Today, the genre has been renamed "environmental art," and encompasses the global community, the microscopic world, cyber space, suburban sprawl and the urban environment. Land/Art documents a series of events presented by 18 New Mexico arts organizations which explore the relationship between land, art and community through exhibitions, site-specific works and lectures. Featuring works by more than 40 artists, including the Center for Land Use Interpretation, Laurie Anderson, Erika Blumenfeld, Basia Irland, Patrick Dougherty, Catalina Delgado Trunk and Shelley Niro, this volume includes an introduction by critic Lucy Lippard, one of Land Art's best-known exponents.
Hansebooks Annalen der Physik: Erster Band
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Commune or Nothing!: Venezuela's Communal Movement and Its Socialist Project
Gisela Zauzich Verlag The Hauswaldt Papyri: A Third Century B.C. Family Dossier from Edfu
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Crystals, Fabrics, and Fields: Metaphors That Shape Embryos
Faber Music Ltd Ruddigore (Vocal Score)
Ruddigore is a dark and haunting tale of dastardly deeds and gruesome ghosts whose evil plans get scuppered by a troupe of bridesmaids, a roguish sailor and a 'little book of etiquette'.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Drying of Ceramics: With Laboratory Exercises
This important book will make an excellent addition to anyone involved in the drying of ceramic materials. In order to accommodate readers with a wide range of interest and abilities, most chapters are divided into sections by basic and advanced concepts. Selected chapters include introduction to drying; water, air, and water vapor; drying mechanisms in particulate systems; psychrometry; characterization of dryer operations; dryer control; drying defects; and advanced drying technologies. The book contains problems at the end of each chapter (with answers to selected problems in the appendix) and laboratory exercises.
Duke University Press The Mexico Reader: History, Culture, Politics
The Mexico Reader is a vivid and comprehensive guide to muchos Méxicos—the many varied histories and cultures of Mexico. Unparalleled in scope, it covers pre-Columbian times to the present, from the extraordinary power and influence of the Roman Catholic Church to Mexico’s uneven postrevolutionary modernization, from chronic economic and political instability to its rich cultural heritage. Bringing together over eighty selections that include poetry, folklore, photo essays, songs, political cartoons, memoirs, journalism, and scholarly writing, this volume highlights the voices of everyday Mexicans—indigenous peoples, artists, soldiers, priests, peasants, and workers. It also includes pieces by politicians and foreign diplomats; by literary giants Octavio Paz, Gloria Anzaldúa, and Carlos Fuentes; and by and about revolutionary leaders Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata. This revised and updated edition features new selections that address twenty-first-century developments, including the rise of narcopolitics, the economic and personal costs of the United States’ mass deportation programs, the political activism of indigenous healers and manufacturing workers, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Mexico Reader is an essential resource for travelers, students, and experts alike.
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Survey of French Literature, Volume 4: The Nineteenth Century
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Survey of French Literature, Volume 3: The Eighteenth Century
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Survey of French Literature, Volume 2: The Seventeenth Century
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Survey of French Literature, Volume 1: The Middle Ages and the Sixteenth Century
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Early Zenith Radios: The Battery Powered Table Sets 1922-1927
Covering the tabletop battery radios built by Zenith, the Chicago-based manufacturer, each radio is described in detail. Included are comprehensive functional descriptions on each set's operation, which uses color-coded diagrams to aid in describing the circuits. Over 400 color photos and over 200 diagrams illustrate the thorough text. Each radio section includes a Quick Reference Guide. Previously unpublished information related to these radios is included for the first time. The restoration section covers the reproduction of vital replacement parts (pointers, pulleys, etc.) that typically need replacing, the repair of other parts (variable capacitor, transformers, etc.), appropriate modifications (battery adapter, etc.), and testing in order to get that early radio working. The techniques presented can be applied to the restoration of any 1920s radio. Also included are instructions on reproducing any battery (“A”, “B”, or “C”) in radios built in the 1920s. This is an indispensable reference guide to early Zenith radios.
Amsterdam University Press An Experts' Guide to International Protocol: Best Practice in Diplomatic and Corporate Relations
Although modern life grows increasingly casual, in many sectors, protocol still reigns supreme. An Expert's Guide to International Protocol offers an overview of its associated practices, including those found within the context of diplomatic relations and the business world. Focusing on a wide range of countries and cultures, the book covers topics like precedence, seating arrangements, flags, ceremonies, invitations, dress codes, gifts and honours, and the roles of the protocol officer, guest and host. Throughout, influential diplomatic, business, and cultural figures share their own experiences with protocols around the world, also throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Le Desir
Abrams Film: A World History
Organized both chronologically and thematically, a comprehensive overview of film history ranges from its earliest origins, through the eventful era of the twentieth century, to the present day, charting significant cinematic movements and genres, detailing the evolution of the movie industry, and profiling the great directors and actors, past and present.
Wits University Press New South African Review 6: The Crisis of Inequality
Despite the transition from apartheid to democracy, South Africa is the most unequal country in the world. Its extremes of wealth and poverty undermine intensifying struggles for a better life for all.The wide-ranging essays in this sixth volume of the New South African Review demonstrate how the consequences of inequality extend throughout society and the political economy, crippling the quest for social justice, polarising the politics, skewing economic outcomes and bringing devastating environmental consequences in their wake.Contributors survey the extent and consequences of inequality across fields as diverse as education, disability, agrarian reform, nuclear geography and small towns, and tackle some of the most difficult social, political and economic issues. How has the quest for greater equality affected progressive political discourse? How has inequality reproduced itself, despite best intentions in social policy, to the detriment of the poor and the historically disadvantaged? How have shifts in mining and the financialisation of the economy reshaped the contours of inequality? How does inequality reach into the daily social life of South Africans, and shape the way in which they interact? How does the extent and shape of inequality in South Africa compare with that of other major countries of the global South which themselves are notorious for their extremes of wealth and poverty? South African extremes of inequality reflect increasing inequality globally, and The Crisis of Inequality will speak to all those – general readers, policy makers, researchers and students – who are demanding a more equal world.
PM Press Radical America Komiks
Emerald Publishing Limited New Developments in Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for Trade Policy
The aim of the proposed volume will be to present new developments in the methodology and practice of CGE techniques as they apply to recent issues in international trade policy. The volume will be of interest to academic researchers working in trade policy analysis and applied general equilibrium, advanced graduate students in international economics, applied researchers in multilateral organizations, and policymakers who need to work with and interpret the results of CGE analysis.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Accelerating International Growth
The third title from Executive Development from IMD is devoted toAccelerating International Growth, one of today's most crucialbusiness challenges. It provides the knowledge and the tools neededto speed up the development process and reach a stronger globalposition efficiently and quickly, and is firmly focused onanswering the real questions facing leading companies as theyundertake expansion in the field. Accelerating International Growthfocuses on the strategic, organizational and human aspects ofinternational growth. The book is aimed at practising managers incompanies that are either in the process of expandinginternationally, or are considering whether to do so. Philip Rosenzweig and his IMD colleagues combine a thoroughconceptual understanding of the attractions and challenges ofinternational growth with a practical explanation of the keyelements of successful implementation. Foreign entry modes,managing entry and post-entry phases, cross-border joint ventures,organizational learning, and human resource management are allexplored in detail. Readers will emerge with the skills to clearlyunderstand what drives the process, identify the key challenges,and avoid the greatest pitfalls.
Egypt Exploration Society Sais II: The Prehistoric Period at Sa El-Hagar
Sais II: The Prehistoric Period publishes the EES/Durham/SCA excavations carried out in 2007 in the ‘Great Pit’ at Sa el-Hagar, ancient Sais. It contains a full discussion of the layers dating to the Neolithic and Buto-Maadi Periods, with specialist reports on the chipped and ground stone tools, small finds, pottery, animal bones and flora. As the only Neolithic site so far excavated on the Nile floodplain in Egypt, the site has important implications for understanding the Neolithisation of the Delta and the development of Predynastic settlements in the north of Egypt.
Cengage Learning, Inc Basic Marketing Research: Customer Insights and Managerial Action
In Brown/Suter/Churchill's BASIC MARKETING RESEARCH, 10th Edition, you will learn how to convert marketplace data into actionable marketing information using the two dominant approaches, behavioral data that exists and customer insights gathered for a specific purpose, and how interactions in the research process give managers and researchers confidence in the result. BASIC MARKETING RESEARCH's easy-to-read writing style helps you see the research process from the perspectives of researchers who gather information and marketing managers who use it and helps you apply your market research skills in experiential learning activities.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG National Cyber Summit (NCS) Research Track 2021
This book presents findings from the papers accepted at the Cyber Security Education Stream and Cyber Security Technology Stream of The National Cyber Summit’s Research Track, reporting on latest advances on topics ranging from software security to cyber-attack detection and modelling to the use of machine learning in cyber security to legislation and policy to surveying of small businesses to cyber competition, and so on. Understanding the latest capabilities in cyber security ensures users and organizations are best prepared for potential negative events. This book is of interest to cyber security researchers, educators and practitioners, as well as students seeking to learn about cyber security.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Social Psychology, Volume 2
The classic Handbook of Social Psychology has been the standard professional reference for the field of social psychology for many years. Now available in a new edition, Volume 2 of this internationally acclaimed work brings readers up to date with new chapters on social neuroscience, mind perception, morality, and social stratification. The editors have structured Volume 2 in a way that highlights the many levels of analysis used by contemporary psychologists. All academics, graduate students, and professional social psychologists will want to own a copy of this landmark work.
Legare Street Press Of the Advancement and Proficiencie of Learning; or, The Partitions of Sciences, Nine Books. Written in Latin by the Most Eminent, Illustrious and Famous Lord Bacon
MP-MPP University Press of Mississippi Race in Young Adult Speculative Fiction
Offers a sustained analysis of race and representation in young adult speculative fiction (YASF). The collection considers how characters of colour are represented in YASF, how they participate in speculative worlds, how race affects or influences the structures of speculative worlds, and how race and racial ideologies are implicated in YASF.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Encyclopedie Du Trans/Posthumanisme: L'Humain Et Ses Prefixes
Skyhorse Publishing Woodworking: Techniques, Tools, Projects, and Everything You Need to Know
Tyndale House Publishers Helpfinder Bible NLT
Templar Books Children's Stories from the Bible
Rowman & Littlefield Socializing Metaphysics: The Nature of Social Reality
Human life is conducted within a network of social relations, social groups, and societies. Grasping the implications of that fact starts with understanding social metaphysics. Social metaphysics provides a foundation for social theory, as well as for social epistemology, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, action theory, ethics, and political philosophy. This volume will interest anyone concerned with mind, action, or the foundations of social theory. Socializing Metaphysics supplies diverse answers, from a broad array of voices, to the basic questions of social metaphysics. What is it for human beings to stand in social relations or form social groups? Do these relations and groups bring about something above and beyond the individuals involved? Is there any sense to the notion of a human being apart from social relations? How can an individual achieve autonomy within a society? In what sense are human kinds like race and gender socially constructed? The answers are found within.
Little, Brown & Company The Unlucky Lottery Winners of Classroom 13
Wits University Press New South African Review 5: Beyond Marikana
This fifth volume in the New South African Review series takes as its starting point the shock wave emanating from the events at Marikana on 16 August 2012 and how it has reverberated throughout politics and society. some of the chapters in the volume refer directly to Marikana. In others, the influence of that fateful day is pervasive if not direct. Marikana has, for instance, made us look differently at the police and at how order is imposed on society. Monique Marks and David Bruce write that the massacre ‘has come to hold a central place in the analysis of policing, and broader political events since 2012 …’. The chapters highlight a range of current concerns – political, economic and social. David Dickinson’s chapter looks at the life of the poor in a township from within. in contrast, the chapter on foreign policy by Garth le Pere analyses south Africa’s approach to international relations in the Mandela, Mbeki and Zuma eras. Anthony turton’s account, ‘When gold mining ends’ is a chilling forecast of an impending environmental catastrophe. Both Devan Pillay and noor nieftagodien focus attention on the left and, in different ways, ascribe its rise to a new politics in the wake of Marikana. The essays in Beyond Marikana present a range of topics and perspectives of interest to general readers, but the book will also be a useful work of reference for students and researchers.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Practising Evidence-Based Child Health
Based on the popular courses run by the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine in Oxford, and written by leading figures working in the field of evidence-based medicine, this workbook provides papers appropriate for the study of child health.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC USMC M4A2 Sherman vs Japanese Type 95 Ha-Go: The Central Pacific 1943–44
The different national tank doctrines of the United States and Imperial Japan resulted in a terrible mismatch of the predominant tank types in the crucial Central Pacific campaign. A flawed Japanese doctrine emphasized light infantry support tanks, often used in small numbers. Tactically, tanks were often frittered away in armored versions of the familiar banzai attacks. Meanwhile, the Americans saw the tank as an infantry support weapon, but developed a more systematic tactical doctrine. They settled upon a larger medium tank – in the case of most Marine Corps tank battalions, the diesel-powered M4A2 (unwanted by the US Army). This superbly detailed title reveals how both the two sides’ tactical and technical differences in the approach to armored warfare soon became apparent over a series of deadly engagements, from the first tank fight at the battle of Tarawa in November 1943, through to engagements on Parry Island, Saipan, and Guam, before ending with Peleliu in September 1944.
Taschen GmbH Gropius
Walter Gropius (1883–1969) set out to build for the future. As the founding director of the Bauhaus, the Berlin-born architect had an inestimable influence on our aesthetic environment, championing a bold new hybrid of light, geometry, and industrial design, as dazzling today as it was a century ago. In this essential architect introduction, we survey Gropius’ evolution and influence with 20 of his most significant projects, from the Bauhaus Building in Dessau, Germany, to the Chicago Tribune Tower and Harvard University Graduate Center, completed after Gropius’s exodus to the United States in 1937. We explore his role both as an architectural practitioner, and as a writer and educator, not only as a Bauhaus pioneer, but also, along with Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, as a leading proponent of the International Style. Along the way, we see how many of Gropius’s tenets remain benchmarks for architects, designers, and urbanists today. Whether in his emphasis on a functional beauty or his interest in housing and city planning, Gropius astounds in the agility of his thinking as much as in the luminous precision of his work.