Search results for ""peter lang publishing""
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Ten Dollars in My Pocket: The American Education of a Holocaust Survivor a Memoir in Documents
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Radio Cultures: The Sound Medium in American Life
Radio Cultures examines the manifold ways in which radio has influenced the nation’s social and cultural environment since its inception nearly a century ago. Written by leading scholars in the field, chapters address a wide range of topics, including how this powerful medium has impacted and affected non-mainstream segments of the population throughout its history and how these repressed and neglected groups have employed radio to counter and overcome discrimination and bias. The use of the audio medium for political, economic, and religious purposes is comprehensively probed and analyzed in this insightful and innovative volume.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Newspapers: A Complete Guide to the Industry
In a time of uncertainty and change in the newspaper industry, this book provides a concise and thorough overview of the field, looking back at newspapers’ history, and forward to their future – and insisting there will be one. The authors, former journalists who now teach the subject, review the practices of the profession – from defining news to examining who owns newspapers, from newspaper readership to the new media environment. Written in an accessible style, this comprehensive text is well suited for a range of courses on newspapers.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc United States Relations with South Africa: A Critical Overview from the Colonial Period to the Present
Relations between the United States and South Africa – or the parts of the world these nations now occupy – go nearly as far back as the very beginning of their inception as permanent European colonial intrusions. This book is a critical overview of these relations from the late seventeenth century to the present. Unprecedented in its scope – and supported by substantive and detailed notes, together with an extensive bibliography, chronology, glossary, and appendices – the book distinguishes itself from extant works in a number of other ways. Set against the backdrop of a wider interdisciplinary exploration of both ideational and structural issues of historical context, it not only gives attention to the importance of contributions from nonofficial actors in shaping official relations, but also considers the impact of the geo-political location of South Africa within southern Africa, where the presence of other nations – particularly Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, and Zimbabwe – looms large. Methodologically written from the perspectives of both traditional narrative history and Khaldunian interpretive historical analysis, the book consequently sits at the interdisciplinary interstice of political economy and sociology, where the aim is to advance our understanding of the Braudelian interconnectedness of world history as an important diachronic determinant of the diplomacy of foreign relations. Written for both scholars and policy analysts, this book’s examination of the agency of the marginalized should also be of interest to activists and the reading public.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Cygnifiliana: Essays in Classics, Comparative Literature, and Philosophy Presented to Professor Roy Arthur Swanson on the Occasion of His Seventy-Fifth Birthday
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Teachers in the Middle: Reclaiming the Wasteland of the Adolescent Years of Schooling
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Towards a Knowledge Based Economy?: Knowledge and Learning in European Educational Research
Peter Lang Publishing Inc The Theater of Trauma: American Modernist Drama and the Psychological Struggle for the American Mind, 1900-1930
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Nerea and I
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Standards Primer
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Storyscapes: South African Perspectives on Literature, Space and Identity
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Learning from Children: The Life and Legacy of Caroline Pratt
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Le Creuset des Cultures: La Litterature Antillaise
Dans ce livre, il s'agit d'une comparaison des themes et de l'enonciation des deux romans, Pluie et vent sur Telumee Miracle et Chronique des sept miseres, exemples eux-memes de l'Antillanite et de la Creolite. Apres avoir examine l'arriere-plan des mouvances litteraires antillaises du vingtieme siecle, de l'oralite et de la diglossie, on entre dans l'etude des themes de l'enonce, qui suggerent une vue soit pessimiste, soit ambigue du monde. Mais, des que l'on aborde l'exploration de l'enonciation, le lecteur apprecie l'approche rusee des auteurs pour mettre en relief d'autres messages, ceux d'authenticite, de richesse, de liberte, d'abondance et de vie.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Scenes in the City: Film Visions of Manhattan Before 9/11
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Wartime Schools: How World War II Changed American Education
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Black Protest Thought and Education
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Teaching Like That: The Beginnings of Teacher Education at Bank Street
Peter Lang Publishing Inc The House of Trials: A Translation of Los Empenos De Una Casa by Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Teachers' Thinking in Environmental Education: Consciousness and Responsibility
Peter Lang Publishing Inc The Black I: Author and Audience in African American Literature
Peter Lang Publishing Inc A New World of Writers: Teaching Writing in a Diverse Society
Peter Lang Publishing Inc The Teachers of Stalinism: Policy, Practice, and Power in Soviet Schools of the 1930s
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Hungry Moscow: Scarcity and Urban Society in the Russian Civil War, 1917-1921
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Rewriting North American Borders in Chicano and Chicana Narrative
Peter Lang Publishing Inc The Bosom Serpent: Folklore and Popular Art
Peter Lang Publishing Inc The Literate Communist: 150 Years of the Communist Manifesto / Donald Clark Hodges.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Official Bilingualism and Linguistic Communication in Cameroon: Bilinguisme Officiel et Communication Linguistique au Cameroun
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Freedom, Equality, Power: The Ontological Consequences of the Political Philosophies of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau
Peter Lang Publishing Inc United States Congress and Bilingual Education
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Interdigitations: Essays for Irmengard Rauch
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Breaking the Circle of One: Redefining Mentorship in the Lives and Writings of Educators
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Transfigurations: The Autobiographical Novels of Sibilla Aleramo
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach: Leben und Werk
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach war Oesterreichs groesste Schriftstellerin des 19. Jahrhunderts. Ihr langes Leben verlief parallel zu dem von ihr hochverehrten Kaiser Franz Joseph I (1830-1916). Ihre Stellung als Frau und Aristokratin verschaffte ihr unvergleichliche Einblicke in die politischen und sozialen Zustaende ihrer Zeit, die sie in ihren Werken mit dem ihr eigenen Einfuehlungsvermoegen darstellte. Obgleich sie sich urspruenglich als Dramatikerin sah, fand Ebner-Eschenbach letztlich in der Erzaehlung und in scharfsinnigen Aphorismen literarisch zu sich selbst. Das Leben und Werk dieser bedeutenden Chronistin der Monarchie wird hier in seiner Gaenze dargestellt.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Sievers' Law in Germanic
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Sound and Sense: Musical Allusion and Imagery in the Novels of Iris Murdoch
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Love and Reading: An Essay in Applied Psychoanalysis
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Educating English Language Learners in an Inclusive Environment
As the number of English language learners across the United States – and indeed, the world – increases exponentially, it is critical that pre-service teachers be prepared. Many currently available instructional materials are written primarily for practicing teachers, not for pre-service teachers of the millennial generation who are likely to encounter cultural and linguistic diversity in their classrooms, but who are unlikely to have had experience interacting with diverse groups of children. This engaging and accessible text is specifically designed to help tomorrow’s teachers anticipate the diversity of contemporary classrooms and to understand and meet the needs of English language learners. Key topics are aligned with typical state standards for teacher preparation and include: culture, language, literacy development, effective instruction and assessment, programs, policies, politics, and teacher professionalism. In addition to distillations of essential information in these areas, the book provides an extensive directory of relevant resources that points the way to further study. Teacher educators, school district administrators, home school education programs, and pre-service teachers will all find Educating English Language Learners in an Inclusive Environment an invaluable addition to their professional libraries.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Moral Engagement in Public Life: Theorists for Contemporary Ethics
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Enacting Self-Study: Learning and Leading Through Love
Engaging in a bricolage of critical personal history self-study allowed one school administrator to better understand his roles, responsibilities, and formation of identity within the context of a school system while envisioning the divergent possibilities of a yet-to-be-known future through the lens of love. Pedagogies of love can be understood as more than the embodiment of romantic notions of the word. Pedagogies of love enact relationality and challenge historically adequate practices that conjure a monological, prescriptive, and safe understanding of living classrooms—dynamic systems that are ever-emergent and continually adapting. These classrooms, better understood through a sense of ecological sensibilities, are spaces of the possible and not yet imagined. They can be the fertile locations of growth and change. This book sets out to share the story and journey towards self-knowledge for one school leader; however, the process will likely apply to others interested in social research. Through the recursive journey towards better understandings, the author has come to a place of increased awareness of his relationality and a better recognition of interconnected nature of all social interactions.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Cimarrón Pedagogies: Notes on Auto-ethnography as a Tool for Critical Education
Cimarrón Pedagogies is a testimonial account of how to use Critical Auto-Ethnography as main strategy for undergraduate research projects. The pedagogical approach here shared is a form of marronage, that help us create—at least in the classroom and for one semester—small liberated spaces, bridging the individual and the collective, private and public, past and present, the poetic and the political, and the local/global negotiations in our students’ lives. Researching the ground of student’s everyday experiences through their personal perspectives is a form of engaged pedagogy utilizing experiential, project-based and place-based assignments, as well as other experimental strategies. Through an auto-ethnographic project the feminist phrase “the personal is political” is felt, not just pondered, researched and theorized, generating multiple insights and empowering students to create their own ways of liberation and to document their own cultural histories. This auto-ethnographic narrative is an homage to teachers and mentors, and a celebration of life-long selfdirected learning as embodied in the author’s own educational roots and routes. The book will be useful for college instructors and teachers as well as undergraduate and graduate students for diverse courses ranging from anthropology to the humanities. The guide to the research project and the appendix are also useful for any reader interested in researching and documenting topics of significance to their local lives and to their communities.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Mining Conflict in the Philippines: Part of the Pentalemma Series on Managing Global Dilemmas
Against the backdrop of an increasingly globalized business environment, this book provides readers with a pragmatic approach to strategic management of complex issues that arise from the tension between fiduciary and ethical priorities. If the challenge of management is making decisions in situations of uncertainty, Mining Conflict in the Philippines is the ultimate test of finding business solutions in extremely volatile situations. Based on firsthand experience and years of rigorous research, this book leverages a real-world case of a global mining company facing the challenge of doing business in a highly unpredictable environment in which staff and assets are under threat by a local organization that wants the company to leave. Putting readers in the role of consultants to a client operating in the area lets them experience defining moments of managing this potentially explosive scenario under considerable time pressure and only partial information. Almost as if "parachuting" into an escalating conflict scenario, readers form critical relationships with characters that introduce them to management tools and techniques they need to arrive at a successful conclusion. The excitement and intensity of Mining Conflict in the Philippines equips business leaders of today and tomorrow with valuable know-how they can apply to the uncertainties of everyday business in an international context.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Racialism and the Media: Black Jesus, Black Twitter, and the First Black American President
Racialism and Media: Black Jesus, Black Twitter and the First Black American President is an exploration of how the nature of racial ideology has changed in our society. Yes, there are still ugly racists who push uglier racism, but there are also popular constructions of race routinely woven into mediated images and messages. This book examines selected exemplars of racialism moving beyond traditional racism. In the twenty-first century, we need a more nuanced understanding of racial constructions. Denouncing anything and everything problematic as racist or racism simply does not work, especially if we want to move toward a real solution to America’s race problems. Racialism involves images and messages that are produced, distributed, and consumed repetitively and intertextually based on stereotypes, biased framing, and historical myths about African American culture. These images and messages are eventually normalized through the media, ultimately shaping and influencing societal ideology and behavior. Through the lens of critical race theory these chapters examine issues of intersectionality in Crash, changing Black identity in Black-ish, the balancing of stereotypes in prime-time TV’s Black male and female roles, the power of Black images and messages in advertising, the cultural wealth offered through the Black Twitter platform, biased media framing of the first Black American president, the satirical parody of Black Jesus, contemporary Zip Coon stereotypes in film, the popularity of ghettofabulous black culture, and, finally, the evolution of black representation in science fiction.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Combating Corruption Through Electronic Governance in Least Developed and Post-war Countries: Afghanistan’s Experience
This book discusses the role of electronic governance in least developed countries (LDCs) within the context of public finance management and service delivery keeping in view of the experience of Afghanistan. The book includes examples of good practices in electronic public finance management from the international perspective and to what extent they could be applied in LDCs. This book shares the author’s insights and experiences from the field and accounts on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in public finance management and public service delivery in LDCs, with a focus on Afghanistan. The author explores he challenges and opportunities of the LDCs on the way to modernizing their governance systems, combating corruption, and enhancing the venue for development of their countries.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Critical Consciousness, Social Justice and Resistance: The Experiences of Young Children Living on the Streets in India
Critical Consciousness, Social Justice and Resistance: The Experiences of Young Children Living on the Streets in India reports on an investigation of critical consciousness and social justice conducted with young children living on the streets in Mumbai, India. The book explores how children—through complex, layered and diverse forms of resistant behaviours—struggled against, challenged, and at times, transformed the experiences of structural inequality, injustice and oppression they often faced in their everyday lives. Drawing on insights from critical pedagogy, the study argues that educators can work in solidarity with children, families and communities to transform—rather than simply adapt—to situations of oppression that exist both within and outside of educational contexts. It is argued that practitioners and policy makers open genuine spaces for educational endeavours that value children’s dignity, understand resistant behaviour as a form of communication, and focus on transformative resistance as a praxis of citizenship.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc de la Furia a la Acción Colectiva: Las Represalias Violentas En Argentina
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Reformation Worlds: Antecedents and Legacies in the Anglican Tradition
A reassessment of the precedents, course, and legacy of the Reformation has occurred in the present generation of academic writing. This collection of essays brings together research by established and new scholars on themes of the Reformation with a particular focus on its antecedents and legacies in the Anglican tradition. Utilizing a diversity of topics, approaches, and methods, this book adds measurably to our knowledge of the place of the Reformation in Britain and Ireland as well as its European, North American, and African particularities. Exploring a variety of themes, this collection examines the Reformation in relation to key aspects of church organization, belief, sacrament, conversion, relationships with other denominations, theological education, church and state, worship, and issues of resilience and decline. While these themes are pursued broadly, there is a particular focus on the context of the Anglican tradition in terms of Reformation preoccupations and concerns. This collection’s thematic content, chronological span, and geographical range will also challenge accepted views, deepen understanding, and highlight new areas of enquiry, bringing new research and insights to bear on established observations. Academics will find this book of particular interest for courses on the Reformation, Early Modern Europe, and the history of Christianity.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Worker Resistance and Media: Challenging Global Corporate Power in the 21st Century
With developments in media technologies creating new opportunities and challenges for social movements to emerge and mobilize, this book is a timely and necessary examination of how organized labour and workers movements are engaging with this shifting environment. Based on extensive empirical research into emerging migrant and low-wage workers movements and their media practices, this book takes a critical look at the nature of worker resistance to ever-growing global corporate power in a digital age. Situating trade unionism in historical context, the book considers other forms of worker organizations and unionism, including global unionism, social movement unionism, community unionism, and syndicalist unionism, all of which have become increasingly relevant in a digitized world-system. At a time when the labour movement is said to be in crisis, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in the state of the labour movement, the future of unions, and the possibilities for challenging corporate exploitation of workers today.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Childrenʼs Rights and Education: International Perspectives
This book compares ways in which children’s rights in, to, and through education, formal and informal, are viewed and implemented in a variety of social and political contexts, aiming to shed light on how policies and practices can improve equal access to high quality education in an environment which is respectful of children’s rights. Chapters focus on understanding the opportunities for and challenges of addressing children’s rights to participation and to inclusion. Authors draw from a variety of disciplines, including critical and cultural studies of childhood, and bring internationally comparative policy perspectives to share nuanced and contrasting examples of ways in which a rights-based approach to education might empower children and youth. The book deepens and complicates research on children’s education rights, and will contribute to courses in comparative education, childhood studies, education policy, and children’s rights.