Search results for ""elsevier""
Elsevier Science The Neuroscience of Spinal Cord Injury
Elsevier Science Ludwigs Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants Incorporating Process Safety Incidents
Elsevier Australia The Seven Silly Eaters
Elsevier Science The Neuroscience of Normal and Pathological Development
Elsevier Science Introduction to Optimum Design
Elsevier Science The Neuroscience of Dementia
Elsevier Science The Neuroscience of Parkinsons Disease
Elsevier Science The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates Compact
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Endocrine Diseases
Elsevier Science Neuromodulation
Elsevier Science Learning and Memory A Comprehensive Reference
Elsevier Science Handbook of Asian Finance
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Cell Biology
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Sleep
Elsevier Science Treatise on Geomorphology
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of the Eye
Elsevier Science Handbook of Cell Signaling
Elsevier Science Principles of Bone Biology
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Basic Epilepsy Research
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Neuroscience
Elsevier Science Lockhart Wisemans Crop Husbandry Including Grassland Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science Technology and Nutrition
Elsevier Science Specification of Drug Substances and Products Development and Validation of Analytical Methods
Elsevier Science Urban HighTechnology Zones
Elsevier Australia Clinical Naturopathic Medicine
Elsevier Australia A Guide to Evidence-based Integrative and Complementary Medicine
Elsevier Science Medical Geology of Africa
Elsevier Science Molecular Chaperones in Human Disorders
Elsevier Science Made in Africa
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences
Elsevier Science Groundwater Science
Elsevier Science Mathematical Statistics with Applications in R
Elsevier Science Electricity Generation and the Environment
Elsevier Masson Obesidad en la mujer volumen 36 nmero 2
Elsevier Masson Clnicas anestesiolgicas de norteamrica volmen 27 nmero 3 problemas anestesiolgicos en pacientes geritricos
Elsevier Science International and Life Course Aspects of COVID19
Elsevier Australia Modern Man in Search of a Soul
Elsevier Science Molecular Medical Microbiology
Elsevier India Textbook of Radiology and Imaging - 2 vol set IND reprint
Elsevier Canada OSCE and Clinical Skills Handbook
During their education, medical students must learn and develop the fundamental history-taking and physical examination skills to prepare them for their medical careers. In an effort to standardize the clinical evaluations of these skills, North American medical schools use Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs). Medical students and residents perform clinical tasks with a simulated patient and the student is evaluated on the questions that are asked of the "patient and how the physical examination is conducted. These are generally evaluated in a checklist manner, with appropriate actions receiving a checkmark. Most medical schools use this form of evaluation as early as the first year of medicine. The OSCE and Clinical Skills Handbook was designed as a study aid for medical students preparing for these examinations. It summarizes important history and physical examination skills but also presents the information in a Q & A format, designed to facilitate both individual and group study. It is a practical review for medical students of all levels. The various disorders are described in such a way as to guide the less experienced while also including a more sophisticated multi-system perspective. The OSCE and Clinical Skills Handbook will be a valuable comprehensive reference to which any level of student can return often. Emphasis on basic clinical skills facilitates learning by junior medical students. Question and answer format suitable to a variety of learning levels facilitates the learning of basic skills for junior medical students and helps senior medical students develop an approach to clinical symptomatology. Important points are presented in an easy-to-read bulleted list format. Sample OSCE Scenarios and Sample Checklists provide accurate and realistic simulations of the OSCE exam format for students. The OSCE Checklist Template enables students to construct their own sample checklists using cases from the book and helps them develop an approach to a variety of clinical scenarios. A sample in-depth OSCE case provides an opportunity for practice. The body systems approach and tabbing system provide fast and easy access to the content.
Elsevier Australia Psychology An Introduction for Health Professionals 2e
Elsevier Australia Foundations of Anatomy and Physiology: A Workshop Manual with Laboratory Applications
Elsevier Australia Talley and O'Connor's Examination Medicine: A Guide to Physician Training
Elsevier Australia Portfolios for Nursing, Midwifery and other Health Professions