Search results for ""author the editors of field"
Johns Hopkins University Press Colonial British America: Essays in the New History of the Early Modern Era
"Taken together, these essays constitute a better summing up--part critique, part appreciation--than anything else in print of work done in any field of American history. Nowhere else can we learn so easily and so well what to read about colonial America...A very useful volume of considerable distinction".--William Abbott, editor, "The Papers of George Washington".
WW Norton & Co Economics of the Environment: Selected Readings
The field of Environmental Economics is more important than ever, with new economics theories quickly becoming government policy. The leading ideas in the field are communicated through journal articles, and the most important ones are collected in the new edition of this classic book—half the articles in the Sixth Edition are brand-new. And the editor, Robert Stavins of Harvard, is a leading international economist. The Sixth Edition of Economics of the Environment is the most extensive one in a generation, with seventeen new articles, all of which were published after 2005. In addition, editor Robert Stavins is an increasingly prominent name, with a high-profile recent article (2011: a new look at the “Tragedy of the Commons”) that is included in the book.
The University of Chicago Press I'll Tell You Mine: Thirty Years of Essays from the Iowa Nonfiction Writing Program
The University of Iowa is a leading light in the writing world. In addition to the Iowa Writers' Workshop for poets and fiction writers, it houses the prestigious Nonfiction Writing Program (NWP), which was the first full-time masters-granting program in this genre in the United States. Over the past three decades the NWP has produced some of the most influential nonfiction writers in the country. I'll Tell You Mine is an extraordinary anthology, a book rooted in Iowa's successful program that goes beyond mere celebration to present some of the best nonfiction writing of the past thirty years. Eighteen pieces produced by Iowa graduates exemplify the development of both the program and the field of nonfiction writing. Each is accompanied by commentary from the author on a challenging issue presented by the story and the writing process, including drafting, workshopping, revising, and listening to (or sometimes ignoring) advice. The essays are put into broader context by a prologue from Robert Atwan, founding editor of the Best American Essays series, who details the rise of nonfiction as a literary genre since the New Journalism of the 1960s. Creative nonfiction is the fastest-growing writing concentration in the country, with more than one hundred and fifty programs in the United States. I'll Tell You Mine shows why Iowa's leads the way. Its insider's view of the Iowa program experience and its wealth of groundbreaking nonfiction writing will entertain readers and inspire writers of all kinds.
Franco Cosimo Panini Editore The Basilica of San Francesco
An extraordinary witness to religious faith, the Basilica of San Francesco in Assisi is one of the great monuments of Italy, a treasure-house of masterpieces by great painters such Cimabue, Giotto, Simone Martini and Pietro Lorenzetti. The book illustrates the entire artistic patrimony of the Basilica, showing the frescoes that were damaged or destroyed during the 1997 earthquake, both in their original condition and as they now appear after restoration. This title includes texts by G. Bonsanti, M.M. Donato, G.B. Fidanza, A. Franci, A. Iacuzzi, P. Magro, F. Martin, L. Meoni, P. Mercurelli Salati, A. Monciatti, E. Neri Lusanna, R.P. Novello, G. Rocchi Coopmans de Yoldi, G. Ruf, G. Sapori. Photographs by E. and S. Ciol, G. Roli, G. Ruf. "Mirabilia Italiae" is a series unique in the world.It owes its existence to an innovative and ambitious project: an Atlas of the great monuments of Italy that will display them in all their details, from the best known to the least. This series represents a completely new way of documenting art. "Mirabilia Italiae" provides a guided tour of each monument, fully and accurately explained. Each Atlas contains hundreds of colour photographs, arranged in a precise topographical sequence and accompanied by diagrams showing the exact location of each detail. The Atlas is complemented by a volume of texts edited by the premier scholars in the field, consisting of critical essays and descriptive notes. Essays examine the monument from the art-historical point of view, and record the alterations it has undergone over time. Descriptive notes analyse the content and significance of the images.Extensive cross-references link the essays and notes to the images, facilitating consultation of the work. The General Editor of "Mirabilia Italiae" is Salvatore Settis, Director of the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Higher Education
Higher education is beginning to play an increasingly important role in the process of globalization, which promotes information technologies, development and diffusion of innovations and the ability of economies to benefit from rapid shifts in the production of goods, services, and ideas. In this volume the editors have brought together some of the most significant previously published academic papers describing how highly skilled graduate labour impacts on the economy. Topics covered include the economic benefits of higher education, student choice of subject and university, the technology of higher education, empirical research on the cost functions faced by universities, the funding and financing of university education, the market for higher education and how universities compete.In their scholarly introduction, the editors provide an overview of the volume and offer suggestions for future research in this field.
Mathematical Society of Japan Various Aspects Of Multiple Zeta Functions - In Honor Of Professor Kohji Matsumoto's 60th Birthday - Proceedings Of The International Conference
This volume is the proceedings of the international conference 'Various Aspects of Multiple Zeta Functions' in honor of Professor Kohji Matsumoto's 60th birthday held at Nagoya University, Japan, during August 21 to 25, 2017.The present volume consists of 15 research papers on various recent topics about multiple zeta-functions, which include not only actually multivariate cases but also single-variable cases, additive and multiplicative number theory, and poly-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials.The editors believe that this volume represents the major part of the contributions presented in the conference, and hope that the volume is useful for all researchers and students who are interested in this fruitful research field.Published by Mathematical Society of Japan and distributed by World Scientific Publishing Co. for all markets except North America
Duke University Press The Pre-occupation of Postcolonial Studies
The Pre-Occupation of Postcolonial Studies contains essays by both leading figures and younger scholars engaged in the field of postcolonial studies. In this state-of-the-field reader, editors Fawzia Afzal-Khan and Kalpana Seshadri-Crooks have created a dynamic forum for contributors from a variety of theoretical and disciplinary vantage points to question both the limits and the limitations of postcolonial thought. Since it burst on the academic scene as the “hot” new disciplinary field during the final decade of the twentieth century, postcolonial studies has faced criticism from those who question its “troubling” trajectories, its sometimes suspect epistemological and pedagogical methods, and its relatively narrow focus. With diverse essays that emerge from such disciplines as South Asian, Latin American, Arab, and Jewish studies, this volume responds to skeptics and adherers alike, addressing not only the broad theoretical issues at stake within the field but also the position of the field itself within the academy, as well as its relationship to modern, postmodern, and Marxist discourses. Contributors offer critiques on ahistorical and universalizing tendencies in postcolonial work and confront the need for scholars to attend to issues of class, ideology, and the effects of neocolonial practices. Seeking to broaden the field’s traditionally literary spectrum of methodologies, these essayists take up large thematic issues to examine specific sites of colonial activities with all of their historical, political, and cultural significance. Closing the volume is an insightful interview with Homi Bhabha, in which he discusses postcolonial studies in the context of contemporary cultural politics and theory.The Pre-Occupation of Postcolonial Studies not only offers an overview of the discipline but also pushes and pulls at the edges of postcolonial studies, offering a comprehensive view of the field’s diversity of thought and envisioning clear pathways for its future.Contributors. Fawzia Afzal-Khan, Ali Behdad, Homi Bhabha, Daniel Boyarin, Neil Larsen, Saree Makdisi, Joseph Massad, Walter Mignolo, Hamid Naficy, Ngugi Wa Thingo, Timothy B. Powell, R. Radhakrishnan, Bruce Robbins, Kalpana Seshadri-Crooks, Ella Shohat, Rajeswari Sunder Rajan
Taylor & Francis Inc Classics from IJGIS: Twenty years of the International Journal of Geographical Information Science and Systems
The past 20 years can be regarded as the adolescence of geographic information science (GIS), as it grew from a burgeoning area of study into a mature and thriving field. During those two decades, the International Journal of Geographic Information Science (formerly Systems) (IJGIS) was one of the most prominent academic guiding forces in GIScience, and looks to remain so for the foreseeable future. To celebrate this important milestone, Peter Fisher-the second editor of IJGIS-has compiled 19 of the most significant and influential articles ever published in the journal.Classics from IJGIS: Twenty Years of the International Journal of Geographical Information Science and Systems contains articles that shaped the way we approach the science of GIS, provided seeds from which grew key developments that have molded the field, opened new avenues of discovery across the landscape of modern GIScience, and some that may mark how it will change in the future. Accompanying nearly every article is a commentary written by at least one of the original authors. In these commentaries, the authors reflect on various aspects of the original work, including what drove their original research, why the concepts were widely adopted (or in some cases, why not), and what the future may hold for new research embarking on these and similar areas. The 20th article in this collection is an original contribution that examines the social and collaborative networks operating within and shaping the body of research in the field.
Oxford University Press Inc The Oxford Handbook of Indigenous Sociology
Indigenous sociology makes visible what is meaningful in the Indigenous social world. This core premise is demonstrated here via the use of the concept of the Indigenous Lifeworld in reference to the dispossessed Indigenous Peoples from Anglo-colonized first world nations. Indigenous lifeworld is built around dual intersubjectivities: within peoplehood, inclusive of traditional and ongoing culture, belief systems, practices, identity, and ways of understanding the world; and within colonized realties as marginalized peoples whose everyday life is framed through their historical and ongoing relationship with the colonizer nation state. The Oxford Handbook of Indigenous Sociology is, in part, a response to the limited space allowed for Indigenous Peoples within the discipline of sociology. The very small existing sociological literature locates the Indigenous within the non-Indigenous gaze and the Eurocentric structures of the discipline reflect a continuing reluctance to actively recognize Indigenous realities within the key social forces literature of class, gender, and race at the discipline's center. But the ambition of this volume, its editors, and its contributors is larger than a challenge to this status quo. They do not speak back to sociology, but rather, claim their own sociological space. The starting point is to situate Indigenous sociology as sociology by Indigenous sociologists. The authors in The Oxford Handbook of Indigenous Sociology, all leading and emerging Indigenous scholars, provide an authoritative, state of the art survey of Indigenous sociological thinking. The contributions in this Handbook demonstrate that the Indigenous sociological voice is a not a version of the existing sub-fields but a new sociological paradigm that uses a distinctively Indigenous methodological approach.
Sports Publishing LLC Giants vs. Dodgers: The Coast-to-Coast History of the Rivalry Heard 'Round the World
Games between the Dodgers and Giants are never just another day at the ballpark. Dating back to the late nineteenth centurywhen the teams embodied the competitive spirit of rival metropolises of New York and Brooklynthe Giants-Dodgers rivalry gained intensity throughout the early twentieth century. The cheering and jeering continued unabated until 1957, when the clubs backed the moving vans up to the Polo Grounds and Ebbets Field, and took their rivalry to new venues in Los Angeles and San Francisco.Only six games into the first West Coast season, the clubs had their first beanball dustup. The venue had changed but the venom remained, and the rivalry became author Joe Konte’s obsession. Fifty-eight years ago, he attended one of the first Giants-Dodgers games ever played outside of New York. A longtime newspaper editor and baseball fiend, Konte understands what is so special about this storied rivalry. And sovia statistical analysis, game summaries, roster scrutiny, manager matchups, season recaps, and morehe has put together a rivalry bible. Revised and updated to cover the events of the past three seasonsincluding the Giants’ 2014 World Series win and the Dodgers’ playoff runsGiants vs. Dodgers captures the spirit and intensity of one of the greatest rivalries in American sports.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management, Entrepreneurship
This new volume in the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management volume set: The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship, especially commissioned for the second edition from editors Michael A. Hitt and R. Duane Ireland, charts the key concepts and frameworks in the expanding field of Entrepreneurship. A brand new, state-of-the-art volume in the growing field of Entrepreneurship; Features 90 important entrepreneurship concepts written by 110 international contributors; Charts the key concepts and frameworks of the field, covering: 'creative destruction'; competitive dynamics; real options; social capital; corporate entrepreneurship; risk management; franchising; succession planning; location effects; spinoffs; and product innovation.
Princeton University Press The Structure and Dynamics of Networks
From the Internet to networks of friendship, disease transmission, and even terrorism, the concept--and the reality--of networks has come to pervade modern society. But what exactly is a network? What different types of networks are there? Why are they interesting, and what can they tell us? In recent years, scientists from a range of fields--including mathematics, physics, computer science, sociology, and biology--have been pursuing these questions and building a new "science of networks." This book brings together for the first time a set of seminal articles representing research from across these disciplines. It is an ideal sourcebook for the key research in this fast-growing field. The book is organized into four sections, each preceded by an editors' introduction summarizing its contents and general theme. The first section sets the stage by discussing some of the historical antecedents of contemporary research in the area. From there the book moves to the empirical side of the science of networks before turning to the foundational modeling ideas that have been the focus of much subsequent activity. The book closes by taking the reader to the cutting edge of network science--the relationship between network structure and system dynamics. From network robustness to the spread of disease, this section offers a potpourri of topics on this rapidly expanding frontier of the new science.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Politics
This two-volume anthology contains many of the classic articles from the public choice/rational politics field and includes a new introduction prepared by the editor.Volume I is divided into four parts: The Nature of Democratic Government, Majority Rule, Other Voting Rules and Clubs and Local Politics. Volume II is divided into the following four parts: Representative Democracy, Bureaucracy, Political Business Cycles, and Democratic Dilemmas. Included are excerpts from such classic pieces as Buchanan and Tullock's Calculus of Consent, Downs's Economic Theory of Democracy, Olson's Logic of Collective Action and Niskanen's Bureaucracy and Representative Government, as well as articles by Coase, May, Black, McKelvey, Groves, Ledyard, Vernon Smith, Tiebout, Breton, Stigler, Romer, Rosenthal, Arrow, Sen, Satterthwaite, Gibbard and many more.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Marriage
Shoshana Grossbard, a leading scholar in this field, has selected the most influential classic and recent articles which highlight the economic importance of marriage and related institutions. The volume first considers marriage and related outcomes, including cohabitation, matching, brideprice and dowry, and law and economic questions relating to divorce. It then investigates the consequences of marriage and marriage markets for labour supply, household production, wages, consumption, household finance, education and fertility. A clear original introduction by the editor provides an illuminating guide to the selected articles and to their place within the economic and demographic literature.36 articles, dating from 1971 to 2015Contributors include: G.A. Akerlof, G.S. Becker, B.R. Bergmann, P.-A. Chiappori, W. Darity, S. Lundberg, M.B. McElroy, B. Stevenson, J. Wolfers, J.L. Yellen
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Handbook of Early Childhood Development
The Blackwell Handbook of Early Childhood Development presents a comprehensive summary of research into child development from age two to seven. Comprises 30 contributions from both established scholars and emerging leaders in the field The editors have a distinguished reputation in early childhood development Covers biological development, cognitive development, language development, and social, emotional and regulatory development Considers the applications of psychology to the care and education of young children, treating issues such as poverty, media, and the transition to school A valuable resource for students, scholars and practitioners dealing with young children
Mathematical Society of Japan Mckay Correspondence, Mutation And Related Topics - Proceedings Of The Conference On Mckay Correspondence, Mutation And Related Topics
This volume is the proceedings of the online conference 'McKay correspondence, Mutation and Related Topics,' which was held at Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) in Japan in Summer in 2020.This volume consists of 15 peer-reviewed articles written by speakers who lead currently active research fields of McKay correspondence, crepant resolution, singularities, quiver and cluster algebra.The editors believe that this volume is quite useful for all researchers and students who are interested in these fruitful research fields.Published by Mathematical Society of Japan and distributed by World Scientific Publishing Co. for all markets except North America
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to the Political Culture of the Roman Republic
An insightful and original exploration of Roman Republic politics In A Companion to the Political Culture of the Roman Republic, editors Valentina Arena and Jonathan Prag deliver an incisive and original collection of forty contributions from leading academics representing various intellectual and academic traditions. The collected works represent some of the best scholarship in recent decades and adopt a variety of approaches, each of which confronts major problems in the field and contributes to ongoing research. The book represents a new, updated, and comprehensive view of the political world of Republican Rome and some of the included essays are available in English for the first time. Divided into six parts, the discussions consider the institutionalized loci, political actors, and values, rituals, and discourse that characterized Republican Rome. The Companion also offers several case studies and sections on the history of the interpretation of political life in the Roman Republic. Key features include: A thorough introduction to the Roman political world as seen through the wider lenses of Roman political culture Comprehensive explorations of the fundamental components of Roman political culture, including ideas and values, civic and religious rituals, myths, and communicative strategies Practical discussions of Roman Republic institutions, both with reference to their formal rules and prescriptions, and as patterns of social organization In depth examinations of the 'afterlife' of the Roman Republic, both in ancient authors and in early modern and modern times Perfect for students of all levels of the ancient world, A Companion to the Political Culture of the Roman Republic will also earn a place in the libraries of scholars and students of politics, political history, and the history of ideas.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Linguistics
"The first edition of this Handbook is built on surveys by well-known figures from around the world and around the intellectual world, reflecting several different theoretical predilections, balancing coverage of enduring questions and important recent work. Those strengths are now enhanced by adding new chapters and thoroughly revising almost all other chapters, partly to reflect ways in which the field has changed in the intervening twenty years, in some places radically. The result is a magnificent volume that can be used for many purposes." David W. Lightfoot, Georgetown University "The Handbook of Linguistics, Second Edition is a stupendous achievement. Aronoff and Rees-Miller have provided overviews of 29 subfields of linguistics, each written by one of the leading researchers in that subfield and each impressively crafted in both style and content. I know of no finer resource for anyone who would wish to be better informed on recent developments in linguistics." Frederick J. Newmeyer, University of Washington, University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University "Linguists, their students, colleagues, family, and friends: anyone interested in the latest findings from a wide array of linguistic subfields will welcome this second updated and expanded edition of The Handbook of Linguistics. Leading scholars provide highly accessible yet substantive introductions to their fields: it's an even more valuable resource than its predecessor." Sally McConnell-Ginet, Cornell University "No handbook or text offers a more comprehensive, contemporary overview of the field of linguistics in the twenty-first century. New and thoroughly updated chapters by prominent scholars on each topic and subfield make this a unique, landmark publication."Walt Wolfram, North Carolina State University This second edition of The Handbook of Linguistics provides an updated and timely overview of the field of linguistics. The editor's broad definition of the field ensures that the book may be read by those seeking a comprehensive introduction to the subject, but with little or no prior knowledge of the area. Building on the popular first edition, The Handbook of Linguistics, Second Edition features new and revised content reflecting advances within the discipline. New chapters expand the already broad coverage of the Handbook to address and take account of key changes within the field in the intervening years. It explores: psycholinguistics, linguistic anthropology and ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistic theory, language variation and second language pedagogy. With contributions from a global team of leading linguists, this comprehensive and accessible volume is the ideal resource for those engaged in study and work within the dynamic field of linguistics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economic Development of Modern China
China is poised to become the world's largest economy and market by early next century. Since contemporary China is rooted in its past, the key to understanding the modern Chinese economy is in understanding its historical development.The Economic Development of Modern China traces the development of the Chinese economy from the mid-19th century to the present day. To accomplish this task, this collection brings together the most influential writings in this field during the twentieth century which were originally published in numerous specialized international journals and monographs. This authoritative three volume set, together with a new introduction by the editor, covers a wide range of topics including pre-war Chinese economic growth and development, socialist modernization during 1949-78, and the market orientated reforms since 1979. It will be an essential reference for students, researchers and professionals who are interested in the Chinese economy.
Princeton University Press The Ecology and Evolution of Inducible Defenses
Inducible defenses--those often dramatic phenotypic shifts in prey activated by biological agents ranging from predators to pathogens--are widespread in the natural world. Yet research on the inducible defenses used by vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants in terrestrial, marine, and freshwater habitats has largely developed along independent lines. Ralph Tollrian and Drew Harvell seek to change that here. By bringing together leading researchers from all fields to review common themes and explore emerging ideas, this book represents the most current and comprehensive survey of knowledge about the ecology and evolution of inducible defenses. Contributors examine organisms as different as unicellular algae and higher vertebrates, and consider defenses ranging from immune systems to protective changes in morphology, behavior, chemistry, and life history. The authors of the review chapters, case studies, and theoretical studies pinpoint unifying factors favoring the evolution of inducible defenses. Throughout, the volume emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach, integrating applied and theoretical ecology, evolution, genetics, and chemistry. In addition, Harvell and Tollrian provide an introduction and a conclusion that review the current state of knowledge in the field and identify areas for future research. The contributors, in addition to the editors, are May Berenbaum, Arthur Zangerl, Johannes Jaremo, Juha Tuomi, Patric Nilsson, Anurag Agrawal, Richard Karban, Marcel Dicke, Ellen Van Donk, Miquel Lurling, Winfried Lampert, Simon Frost, John Gilbert, Hans-Werner Kuhlmann, Jurgen Kusch, Klaus Heckmann, Luc De Meester, Piotr Dawidowicz, Erik van Gool, Carsten Loose, Stanley Dodson, Christer Bronmark, Lars Pettersson, Anders Nilsson, Bradley Anholt, Earl Werner, Curtis Lively, Frederick Adler, Daniel Grunbaum, and Wilfried Gabriel.
Giorgio Nada Editore Brembo 60 - 1961 to 2021: The Beauty of Innovation
Brembo, a leader in the development and production of high performance braking systems is turning 60. Over the decades, the principal mission of the Italian company has been to brake to best effect the greats on two and four wheels as well as daily users of private cars and motorcycles. The history, evolution and on-going success of this prestigious Italian company are the themes of this official book, which opens with a preface by the Brembo chairman, Alberto Bombassei. The book reviews the diverse facets of the "Brembo universe": from its commitments in the automotive, motorcycling and motorsport fields to its attention to all aspects of design, always one of Brembo's strong suits, from the progressive internationalization of the company through to the particularly topical aspects of sustainable production. The contributions of the six principal authors - Vincenzo Borgomeo, Massimo Clarke, Gaetano Cocco, Patrizia Giangualano, Lorenzo Ramaciotti and Umberto Zapelloni - are complemented by a similar number of testimonies from figures from within the company and those who worked there at length. The Brembo "phenomenon" is also presented through a wealth of fascinating photographs, mostly drawn from the company archives, which document the unique story of a manufacturing company born in Italy and now a true icon of Italian excellence throughout the world.
Wiley Handbook of Psychology of Inve
Investigative interviewing, and the information obtained from witnesses and victims, plays a vital role in criminal investigations. This comprehensive handbook explores current developments taking place in this rapidly developing field. An authoritative handbook createdby prestigious editors and an international team of recognised authors International in its focus - the book assesses current developments taking place in several countries Takes a holistic approach to the process by including sections on eyewitness indentification and evaluating truthfulness
Open University Press The Social Shaping of Technology
Reviews of the 1st Edition:"....This book is a welcome addition to the sociology of technology, a field whose importance is increasingly recognised." - Sociology"....sets a remarkably high standard in breadth of coverage, in scholarship, and in readability and can be recommended to the general reader and to the specialist alike." - Science and Society"....This remarkably readable and well-edited anthology focuses, in a wide variety of concrete examples, not on the impacts of technologies on societies but in the reverse: how different social contexts shaped the emergence of particular technologies." - Technology and Culture How does social context affect the development of technology? What is the relationship between technology and gender Is production technology shaped by efficiency or by social control? Technological change is often seen as something that follows its own logic - something we may welcome, or about which we may protest, but which we are unable to alter fundamentally. This reader challenges that assumption and its distinguished contributors demonstrate that technology is affected at a fundamental level by the social context in which it develops. General arguments are introduced about the relation of technology to society and different types of technology are examined: the technology of production; domestic and reproductive technology; and military technology.The book draws on authors from Karl Marx to Cynthia Cockburn to show that production technology is shaped by social relations in the workplace. It moves on to the technologies of the household and biological reproduction, which are topics that male-dominated social science has tended to ignore or trivialise - though these are actually of crucial significance where powerful shaping factors are at work, normally unnoticed. The final section asks what shapes the most frightening technology of all - the technology of weaponry, especially nuclear weapons.The editors argue that social scientists have devoted disproportionate attention to the effects of technology on society, and tended to ignore the more fundamental question of what shapes technology in the first place. They have drawn both on established work in the history and sociology of technology and on newer feminist perspectives to show just how important and fruitful it is to try to answer that deeper question. The first edition of this reader, published in 1985, had a considerable influence on thinking about the relationship between technology and society. This second edition has been thoroughly revised and expanded to take into account new research and the emergence of new theoretical perspectives.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Psychotherapy of Hope: The Legacy of Persuasion and Healing
Directly inspired by the work of Jerome D. Frank and his field-defining book Persuasion and Healing, this volume of essays by distinguished contemporary scholars broadly assesses the current state of research and practice in psychotherapy. Editors Renato D. Alarcon, a former student of Frank's, and Julia B. Frank, Jerome Frank's daughter and coauthor, bring diverse perspectives to this work. Each chapter, based on one of the themes of Frank's classic book, offers honest critique and fearless criticism of psychotherapy as it has evolved in the twenty-first century. Contributors update classical psychotherapeutic concepts such as demoralization, hope, meaning, rhetoric, and cultural variation and add new insight into how the neuroscience revolution affects our understanding of mental organization and psychotherapy. As Frank did in his own time, these authors challenge the claims made for the specificity or superiority of cognitive behavioral, psychodynamic, and other varieties of psychotherapy, providing an honest evaluation of the value and limitations of many competing approaches to diagnosis and treatment. They also focus attention on psychotherapies for special populations, including children, people with serious medical illness, and those with culturally and religiously diverse backgrounds. Like Persuasion and Healing, The Psychotherapy of Hope advocates not for any particular approach but for psychotherapy more generally grounded in principles of evolutionary biology, culture, narrative, and behavior change. It provides researchers, theorists, and practitioners of every level of training with a genuinely phenomenological approach to a wide range of psychiatric issues. Echoing Frank's voice, in particular his emphasis on the commonalities of suffering and the therapeutic power of hope, this book offers scholarly wisdom and practical advice on how to understand psychotherapy broadly-and to apply its basic principles to the greatest benefit of patients.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Transaction Costs
Transaction cost economics began to take shape around thirty years ago and has since been established as an essential tool used to illuminate a wide range of problems in economics and other social sciences. This paperback reader for students and scholars presents, in a convenient and accessible form, the articles which together form the foundations of research in transaction cost economics.The volume is divided into three parts: the first part presents the background to the field and includes those path-breaking papers from Coase (1937 and 1972), Williamson (1971) and Alchian and Demsetz (1972). The second part addresses the apparatus of transaction cost economics and includes papers on the structure and limits of firms. The third part presents the applications of transaction cost economics to firm behavior, investment decision-making, contract bidding, regulation and legislation. The editors, themselves distinguished scholars in the field, have written a new introduction which sketches the history of research in the field and offers some thoughts about the future of transaction cost economics.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Fossil Men: The Quest for the Oldest Skeleton and the Origins of Humankind
"Riveting. ... Pattison's uncanny ability [is] to write evocatively about science. ... In this, he is every bit as good as the best scientist writers." —New York Times Book Review (Editors' Choice) "Brilliant. ... A work of staggering depth." —Minneapolis Star TribuneA decade in the making, Fossil Men is a scientific detective story played out in anatomy and the natural history of the human body: the first full-length account of the discovery of a startlingly unpredicted human ancestor more than a million years older than LucyIt is the ultimate mystery: where do we come from? In 1994, a team led by fossil-hunting legend Tim White uncovered a set of ancient bones in Ethiopia’s Afar region. Radiometric dating of nearby rocks indicated the resulting skeleton, classified as Ardipithecus ramidus—nicknamed “Ardi”—was an astounding 4.4 million years old, more than a million years older than the world-famous “Lucy.” The team spent the next 15 years studying the bones in strict secrecy, all while continuing to rack up landmark fossil discoveries in the field and becoming increasingly ensnared in bitter disputes with scientific peers and Ethiopian bureaucrats. When finally revealed to the public, Ardi stunned scientists around the world and challenged a half-century of orthodoxy about human evolution—how we started walking upright, how we evolved our nimble hands, and, most significantly, whether we were descended from an ancestor that resembled today’s chimpanzee. But the discovery of Ardi wasn’t just a leap forward in understanding the roots of humanity--it was an attack on scientific convention and the leading authorities of human origins, triggering an epic feud about the oldest family skeleton.In Fossil Men, acclaimed journalist Kermit Pattison brings us a cast of eccentric, obsessive scientists, including White, an uncompromising perfectionist whose virtuoso skills in the field were matched only by his propensity for making enemies; Gen Suwa, a Japanese savant whose deep expertise about teeth rivaled anyone on Earth; Owen Lovejoy, a onetime creationist-turned-paleoanthropologist with radical insights into human locomotion; Berhane Asfaw, who survived imprisonment and torture to become Ethiopia’s most senior paleoanthropologist; Don Johanson, the discoverer of Lucy, who had a rancorous falling out with the Ardi team; and the Leakeys, for decades the most famous family in paleoanthropology. Based on a half-decade of research in Africa, Europe and North America, Fossil Men is not only a brilliant investigation into the origins of the human lineage, but the oldest of human emotions: curiosity, jealousy, perseverance and wonder.
Anness Publishing Folktales of America: Stockings of buttermilk: traditional stories from the United States of America
This exhilarating book brings together some of the best classic stories told in the United States. Many of the tales were brought to the USA from Europe, and their origins can be traced in English, Scottish, Irish, French, Spanish or German tradition. But wherever they spring from, the tales are filtered through an American consciousness, and told in a rich American voice. These vivid stories, full of magic, humour, and wisdom have been minimally retold by the editor, whose introduction and notes set them securely in their folklore context. Aunt Lizbeth Fields’ thoroughly American tale of `A Stepchild That Was Treated Mighty Bad,’ for example, is identified as a version of the Grimms’ `Snow White’. Read about Cold Feet and the Lonesome Queen, Lady Featherflight, The Gold in the Chimney, and The Cat That Went a-Traveling. These stories are ideal to read aloud or for older readers to enjoy discovering by themselves. Jacqueline Mair’s delightful illustrations, based on American folk art, have the stitched and embroidered texture of a much-loved family quilt.
WildFlower Media, Inc. Slow Flowers Journal: The Best of Slow Flowers from the Pages of Florists' Review
Seattle-based author Debra Prinzing founded the Slow Flowers Movement after the publication of her 2013 book, Slow Flowers: Four Seasons of Locally Grown Bouquets from the Garden, Meadow and Farm, inspiring thousands of gardeners and floral enthusiasts to adopt a seasonal approach to growing and arranging flowers. Now, with her new book, Slow Flowers Journal - Volume One, Prinzing shines a light on the leaders, best practices, inventive floral artistry and creative experiences that are changing the floral marketplace while connecting people with the origin of local and sustainably-grown flowers. Slow Flowers Journal is produced in partnership with Florists' Review magazine, which launched its Slow Flowers Journal section in August 2017, with Prinzing as contributing editor. Since its inception, Slow Flowers Journal has been the voice of the Slow Flowers Movement, delivering news, features, profiles, interviews and an abundance of gorgeous photography tailored to its audience – professional florists and floral enthusiasts alike. This "best of" book draws from the past two years of the magazine's Slow Flowers Journal content, completely redesigned with fresh graphics, new photography selections and streamlined text, including 25 percent new content. The 128-page, full-color book features the following sections: Slow Flowers Heroes, Florist-Farmer, The Business of Flowers, Botanical Couture, Field to Tabletop, Slow Weddings, Resources, Grower's Spotlight and Made in USA Suppliers. Eighty Slow Flowers members from across the U.S. and Canada are featured in the book's pages, illustrated with more than 150 photographs that tell a visually-compelling story of a lifestyle immersed in flowers. "The highlights in this publication show how many in our industry have embraced 'slow' and by doing so helped to foster a new and creative approach to the profession we all love," says Travis Rigby, Wildflower.Media Inc.'s publisher.Prinzing says her goal with the book is to engage readers and stimulate conversations about the relevance of progressive, sustainably-minded floristry, at the heart of which are domestic and seasonal botanicals. "I want Slow Flowers Journal to serve as a handbook for both professionals and floral enthusiasts as they experience every unique bloom, season after season. In these pages, I hope readers will discover and embrace the mission of the Slow Flowers Movement," she says. "It's not just about experiencing the sensory pleasures that an heirloom, artisan-grown and arranged flower provides. It's about individuals motivated by passion, creativity, ethical values and their own aspirations to change the status quo."
Apple Academic Press Inc. New Biotechnologies for Increased Energy Security: The Future of Fuel
This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. The information contained in this compendium volume sets the stage for the future's large-scale production of biofuels. Biomass is an abundant carbon-neutral renewable feedstock for producing fuel. First-generation biofuels gained attention for their problems, but the authors of this book demonstrate that they are well on their way to creating practical and sustainable second-generation biofuels.The book begins with an introduction to synthetic biology. Next, it covers pretreatment technologies, advanced microbial technologies, genetic engineering as it relates to biofuel technologies, and nanotechnology and chemical engineering in relation to biofuels.Well-respected in his field, the editor's firsthand experience gives him the perspective to create a thorough review of the relevant literature. Each chapter is written by experts in biotechnologies, offering graduate and post-doctorate students, as well as other scientific researchers, a wide-angle look at biofuel technologies. At the same time, this volume points to promising directions for new research.
Sage Publications Ltd The SAGE Handbook of Organization Studies
Praise for the award winning First Edition:'This handbook is organized to help teachers and students to cover the mainstream work in the field of organization studies. This is an excellent reference tool with which to study organizational theory and practice' - International Review of Administrative Sciences'The editors have put together an impressive reference work, serious in intent and rigorous in implementation. As a publishing achievement, and a scholarly 'event' in the field, SAGE is to be congratulated. It is designed as a work of synthesis, to link past and present, general and specific' - Journal of General ManagementPraise for the New Edition:'An excellent collection of papers giving a timely overview of the field' - Gareth Morgan'In this substantially updated, revised and extended edition of the widely acclaimed Handbook, the high standard of
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Economics and Theory of the Firm
This unique Handbook explores both the economics of the firm and the theory of the firm, two areas which are traditionally treated separately in the literature. On the one hand, the former refers to the structure, organization and boundaries of the firm, while the latter is devoted to the analysis of behaviors and strategies in particular market contexts. The novel concept underpinning this authoritative volume is that these two areas closely interact, and that a framework must be articulated in order to illustrate how linkages can be created. This interpretative framework is comprehensively developed in the editors' introduction, and the expert contributors - more than fifty academics of renowned authority - further elaborate on the linkages in the seven comprehensive sections that follow, encompassing: background; equilibrium and new institutional theories; the multinational firm; dynamic approaches to the firm; modern issues; firms' strategies; and economic policy and the firm. Bridging economics and theory of the firm, and providing both technical and institutional perspectives on real corporations, this path-breaking Handbook will prove an invaluable resource for academics, researchers and students in the fields of economics, heterodox economics, business and management, and industrial organization. Contributors: Z.J. Acs, M. Aglietta, C. Antonelli, M.C. Becker, M. Bellandi, M.H. Best, H. Bo, J.J. Bouma, H. Bouthinon-Dumas, T. Buchmann, R. Carter, M. Casson, C. Cezanne, M. Cloodt, A. Coad, A. Colombelli, A. Correlje, L. De Propris, M. Dietrich, C. Driver, S.P. Dunn, P.E. Earl, N.J. Foss, M. Fransman, J.-L. Gaffard, J. Groenewegen, S. Guillou, J. Hagedoorn, G. Hanappi, G.M. Hodgson, W. Holzl, G. Ietto-Gillies, A. Jolink, T. Knudsen, J. Krafft, W. Lazonick, S. Lechevalier, B.J. Loasby, F. Marty, L. Nesta, E. Niesten, B. Nooteboom, U. Pagano, P.P. Patrucco, A. Pyka, F. Quatraro, J.-L. Ravix, A. Reberioux, A. Reinstaller, E. Salies, P.P. Saviotti, N. Stieglitz, M. Teubal, S. Toms, N. Wadeson, O. Weinstein, J.F. Wilson
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice
***Selected as a 2015 Outstanding Reference Source by Reference and User Services Association, a division of the American Library Association*** "An excellent introduction to topics under the criminology umbrella for those unschooled in the field and a state-of-the-art refresher for those who are."—Choice Offers wide-ranging and comprehensive coverage spanning 15 substantive areas within criminology and criminal justice, including criminal law, juvenile justice, education and professionalism, history of crime, and victimization Combines state-of-the-art coverage of developments in areas such as homeland security and forensic science, with the core topics within criminology and criminal justice Edited by one of criminology's leading authorities, and peer reviewed by a team of 14 associate editors, all of whom are renowned in their fields Brings together an international team of contributors from ten countries to offer a uniquely global perspective on topics such as transnational crime 5
SAGE Publications Inc The Nature of Leadership
The Nature of Leadership includes the most important areas of leadership in a concise and integrated manner with impactful contributions from the most prominent leadership scholars and researchers in the field. Editors John Antonakis and David V. Day provide an in-depth exploration of the major schools of leadership as well as emerging perspectives. This fully-updated text includes new material examining followership, gender, power, identity, culture, and entrepreneurial leadership. The text concludes by unpacking philosophical and methodological issues in leadership such as ethics and corporate social responsibility. The Third Edition has been fully revised to be more accessible and student friendly with new vignettes, examples, statistics, and recommended case studies and TED Talk-type videos to illuminate the essence of leadership. "This is the definitive higher-level textbook on leadership and leaders written by key scholars. It provides a broad collection of engaging texts for both students and researchers." –Oliver Mallett, Durham University Business School
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Economics and Theory of the Firm
This unique Handbook explores both the economics of the firm and the theory of the firm, two areas which are traditionally treated separately in the literature. On the one hand, the former refers to the structure, organization and boundaries of the firm, while the latter is devoted to the analysis of behaviors and strategies in particular market contexts. The novel concept underpinning this authoritative volume is that these two areas closely interact, and that a framework must be articulated in order to illustrate how linkages can be created. This interpretative framework is comprehensively developed in the editors' introduction, and the expert contributors - more than fifty academics of renowned authority - further elaborate on the linkages in the seven comprehensive sections that follow, encompassing: background; equilibrium and new institutional theories; the multinational firm; dynamic approaches to the firm; modern issues; firms' strategies; and economic policy and the firm. Bridging economics and theory of the firm, and providing both technical and institutional perspectives on real corporations, this path-breaking Handbook will prove an invaluable resource for academics, researchers and students in the fields of economics, heterodox economics, business and management, and industrial organization. Contributors: Z.J. Acs, M. Aglietta, C. Antonelli, M.C. Becker, M. Bellandi, M.H. Best, H. Bo, J.J. Bouma, H. Bouthinon-Dumas, T. Buchmann, R. Carter, M. Casson, C. Cezanne, M. Cloodt, A. Coad, A. Colombelli, A. Correlje, L. De Propris, M. Dietrich, C. Driver, S.P. Dunn, P.E. Earl, N.J. Foss, M. Fransman, J.-L. Gaffard, J. Groenewegen, S. Guillou, J. Hagedoorn, G. Hanappi, G.M. Hodgson, W. Holzl, G. Ietto-Gillies, A. Jolink, T. Knudsen, J. Krafft, W. Lazonick, S. Lechevalier, B.J. Loasby, F. Marty, L. Nesta, E. Niesten, B. Nooteboom, U. Pagano, P.P. Patrucco, A. Pyka, F. Quatraro, J.-L. Ravix, A. Reberioux, A. Reinstaller, E. Salies, P.P. Saviotti, N. Stieglitz, M. Teubal, S. Toms, N. Wadeson, O. Weinstein, J.F. Wilson
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Ethnography of Education
A state-of-the-art reference on educational ethnography edited by leading journal editors This book brings an international group of writers together to offer an authoritative state-of-the-art review of, and critical reflection on, educational ethnography as it is being theorized and practiced today—from rural and remote settings to virtual and visual posts. It provides a definitive reference point and academic resource for those wishing to learn more about ethnographic research in education and the ways in which it might inform their research as well as their practice. Engaging in equal measure with the history of ethnography, its current state-of play as well as its prospects, The Wiley Handbook of Ethnography of Education covers a range of traditional and contemporary subjects—foundational aims and principles; what constitutes ‘good’ ethnographic practice; the role of theory; global and multi-sited ethnographic methods in education research; ethnography’s many forms (visual, virtual, auto-, and online); networked ethnography and internet resources; and virtual and place-based ethnographic fieldwork. Makes a return to fundamental principles of ethnographic inquiry, and describes and analyzes the many modalities of ethnography existing today Edited by highly-regarded authorities of the subject with contributions from well-known experts in ethnography Reviews both classic ideas in the ethnography of education, such as “grounded theory”, “triangulation”, and “thick description” along with new developments and challenges An ideal source for scholars in libraries as well as researchers out in the field The Wiley Handbook of Ethnography of Education is a definitive reference that is indispensable for anyone involved in educational ethnography and questions of methodology.
Oxford University Press Inc The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Philosophy
This exciting new Handbook offers a comprehensive overview of the contemporary state of the field in feminist philosophy. The editors' introduction and forty-five essays cover feminist critical engagements with philosophy and adjacent scholarly fields, as well as feminist approaches to current debates and crises across the world. Authors cover topics ranging from the ways in which feminist philosophy attends to other systems of oppression, and the gendered, racialized, and classed assumptions embedded in philosophical concepts, to feminist perspectives on prominent subfields of philosophy. The first section contains chapters that explore feminist philosophical engagement with mainstream and marginalized histories and traditions, while the second section parses feminist philosophy's contributions to numerous philosophical subfields, for example metaphysics and bioethics. A third section explores what feminist philosophy can illuminate about crucial moral and political issues of identity, gender, the body, autonomy, prisons, among numerous others. The Handbook concludes with the field's engagement with other theories and movements, including trans studies, queer theory, critical race, theory, postcolonial theory, and decolonial theory. The volume provides a rigorous but accessible resource for students and scholars who are interested in feminist philosophy, and how feminist philosophers situate their work in relation to the philosophical mainstream and other disciplines. Above all it aims to showcase the rich diversity of subject matter, approach, and method among feminist philosophers.
Aarhus University Press The Core of Learning: The Philosophical Writings of N.F.S. Grundtvig
The Core of Learning presents the philosophical framework of N.F.S. Grundtvig’s educational, poetic, theological, and political writings. In each of these fields he made a major contribution to the formation of modern Denmark. He situates humanity in the wider background of creation and nature, and in his alternative programme of enlightenment he focuses on the core and advance of Learning in the history of human civilization, and the role of emotions for all philosophical reflection.As part of its agenda to digitalise and translate Grundtvig’s vast output, the Grundtvig Study Centre at Aarhus University is pleased to publish this fifth volume in the series, ‘N.F.S. Grundtvig: Works in English’. Volume 1, The School for Life (2011), contains Grundtvig’s major writings on education, while Volume 2, Living Wellsprings (2015) contains a selection of his hymns, songs, and poems. Volume 3, Human Comes First (2018) contains articles and sermons relating to Grundtvig’s Christian theology, and Volume 4, The Common Good (2019) deals with his historical and political ideas.Recordings by the editor of all the introductions and texts are available free online at>
Taylor & Francis Ltd Information Processing, Affect and Psychopathology: A Special Issue of the Journal of Cognitive Psychology
This special issue is a tribute to Michael W. Eysenck, a distinguished pioneer in the field of cognition and emotion, and the founding editor of the Journal of Cognitive Psychology. It consists of a collection of theoretical as well as empirical papers by eminent scholars who have led the field of cognition and emotion in their own right. In keeping with Mike Eysenck’s original ideas, information-processing and attentional control are dominant themes across a diversity of interesting studies and theoretical models that provide a state-of-the-art update on biological influences on cognition, cognitive influences on emotion, and personality traits influencing cognition and emotion.
University of Nebraska Press Toward a More Perfect Union: The Civil War Letters of Frederic and Elizabeth Lockley
Toward a More Perfect Union is an extraordinary book of husband-and-wife letters written during the Civil War, selected from the Frederic E. Lockley Collection at the Huntington Library in San Marino, California. Appearing here are 162 letters exchanged between Frederic Lockley and his wife Elizabeth, chosen from 405 letters preserved in the collection. The survival of such two-way exchanges is rare. Few soldiers in the field had the opportunity to save letters from home. The Lockleys’ selected letters narrate a chronological three-year story, from 1862 to 1865. When Frederic enlisted at thirty-seven, he and Elizabeth promised each other they would write twice a week and, for the most part, they did. These are not average letters. A published author, Frederic was remarkably insightful and articulate and Elizabeth was literate and expressive as well. Although primarily a love story set during the Civil War, Toward a More Perfect Union also offers ample military material, some not well represented elsewhere in Civil War literature. Frederic wrote of life in garrison duty in defense of Washington, manning the siege lines at Petersburg, and guarding Union parolees and Confederate prisoners of war. But his letters also show strong ties to home and his need for those ties in order to maintain his own mental and emotional equilibrium in the face of the horrors of war. Elizabeth’s letters reflect an urban setting and the perspective of a young, recently married woman who spent much of her time parenting three young children from Frederic’s first marriage. In fact, children and parenting assume a theme in Fred and Lizzie’s correspondence almost as constant and consequential as the war itself. Providing background and framework for these exceptional letters, editor Charles E. Rankin’s introduction and contextualization create a continuous narrative that allows readers to follow these correspondents through a time critical to their marriage and to our nation’s history.
Oxford University Press Inc Intelligence: The Secret World of Spies, An Anthology
Intelligence: The Secret World of Spies--An Anthology, is the most up-to-date reader in intelligence studies. Editors Loch K. Johnson and James J. Wirtz present a diverse, comprehensive, and highly accessible set of thirty-three readings by leading experts in the field. This unique volume features coverage of many topics including methods of intelligence collection, intelligence analysis, the danger of intelligence politicization, relationships between intelligence officers and the policymakers they serve, covert action, counterintelligence, accountability and civil liberties, and the global struggle against ISIS.
University of Notre Dame Press Seeing Things Their Way: Intellectual History and the Return of Religion
While religious history and intellectual history are both active, dynamic fields of contemporary historical inquiry, historians of ideas and historians of religion have too often paid little attention to one another's work. The intellectual historian Quentin Skinner urged scholars to attend to the contexts as well as the texts of authors, in order to 'see things their way.' Where religion is concerned, however, historians have often failed to heed this good advice; this book helps to remedy that failure. The editors and contributors urge intellectual historians to explore the religious dimensions of ideas and at the same time commend the methods of intellectual history to historians of religion. The introduction is followed by an essay by Brad Gregory reflecting on issues related to the study of the history of religious ideas. Subsequent essays by John Coffey, Anna Sapir Abulafia, Howard Hotson, Richard A. Muller, and Willem J. van Asselt explore the importance of religion in the intellectual history of Great Britain and Europe in the medieval and early modern periods. James Bradley shifts forward with his essay on religious ideas in Enlightenment England. Mark Noll and Alister Chapman deal respectively with British influence on the writing of religious history in America and with the relationship between intellectual history and religion in modern Britain. David Bebbington provides a concluding reflection on the challenges inherent in restoring the centrality of religion to intellectual history.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Encyclopedia of Special Education, 4 Volume Set: A Reference for the Education of Children, Adolescents, and Adults Disabilities and Other Exceptional Individuals
The only encyclopedia or comprehensive reference devoted to special education Editors-In-Chief and Contributing Editors are leading researchers and scholars in the field New edition includes over 200 more entries than previous edition, with increased attention given to those topics that have grown in importance since the publication of the third edition, such as technology, service delivery policies, international issues, neuropsychology, and Response to Intervention, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Autism and Applied Behavior Analysis. In addition, the entries will be updated to cover the latest editions of the assessment instruments frequently administered in special education settings Includes an international list of authors and descriptions of special education in 35 countries Includes technology and legal updates to reflect a rapidly changing environment 4 Volumes
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Handbook on the Economics of Corruption
Economic research on corruption aims both to isolate the economic effects of quid pro quo deals between agents and third parties, and to suggest how legal and institutional reforms might curb harms and enhance benefits. In this comprehensive Handbook, top scholars in the field provide specially commissioned essays, both theoretical and empirical, exploring both types of research. The Handbook begins with an introductory essay by the editor, followed by two chapters written by leading exponents of cross-country research. However, the focus of the Handbook is on research at the micro level, where policy can be made and evaluated. These microeconomic studies fall into several overlapping categories. The first group includes studies that link corrupt incentives to institutional structures, particularly the organization of the state. The second draws implications from surveys of households or businesses and from controlled experiments. The third concentrates on particular sectors such as education, tax administration, public works, customs services, and pharmaceuticals. Finally, two chapters assess corruption in the transition away from socialism in Europe and Asia.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics of the Environment: Selected Readings, Seventh Edition
Economics of the Environment, Seventh Edition is a compendium of the best, most timely articles by a dream team of environmental economists, together with an original introductory chapter by the editor.Now in its seventh edition, Economics of the Environment serves as a valuable supplement to environmental economics text books and as a stand-alone reference book of key, up-to-date readings from the field. Edited by Robert N. Stavins, the book covers the core areas of environmental economics courses as taught around the world; and the included authors are the top scholars in the field. Overall, more than half of the chapters are new to this edition while the rest have remained seminal works. This text will prove invaluable to undergraduates and graduates studying environmental economics, environmental policy, and climate change policy. Economics of the Environment will also be a vital resource to practitioners in government, private industry, and advocacy groups and other NGOs working on environmental policy.Contributors include: J. Aldy, D. Bodansky, S. Borenstein, T.A. Cameron, R. Carson, T. Covert, M. Cropper, A. Dechezlepretre, G. Eads, K. Fisher-Vanden, M. Freeman, D. Fullerton, S. Gaines, T. Gayer, T. Gerardon, M. Greenstone, C. Gollier, L. Goulder, B. Groom, R. Hahn, J. Hausman, G. Heal, S. Hoedl, K. Jack, C. Kling, C. Knittel, A. KrupnickIan Parry, E. Maskin, G. Metcalf, R. Newell, R. Noll, W. Nordhaus, S. Olmstead, D. Phaneuf, R. Pindyck, W. Pizer, P. Portney, D. Raimi, F. Reinhardt, L. Reisch, M. Russell, M. Sandel, M. Sato, R. Schmalensee, S. Shavell, J. Shogren, K. Smith, N. Stern, T. Sterner, C. Sunstein, C. Taylor, L. Taylor, R. Tol, K. Viscusi, M. Weitzman, J. Zhao
University of Wales Press The Impact of Devolution in Wales: Social Democracy with a Welsh Stripe?
This volume reflects on two decades of Welsh devolution, and a contributes to debate on its significance and future course. Drawing on previously unpublished interviews undertaken by the late Professor Michael Sullivan with key protagonists in Welsh devolution, and with expert analysis from leading researchers in different disciplines and fields of policy, the book examines what has been described as the emergence through devolution of a 'Welsh stripe' in social democracy. While the volume editors conclude this epithet, coined by Professor Sullivan, is apt, this collection of essays also presents a complex, multi-faceted picture of the drivers of policy, of continuity from the pre-devolution era, as well as change driven by factors within and without Wales. A mixed picture emerges, featuring variously (and in various combinations of) boldness of ambition, distinctive ideological positioning, homegrown priority-setting, the frustrations of the devolution settlement, and adverse (arguably unfair) international comparisons.
Pindar Press Studies in the History of Italian Art 1250-1550
Professor Cole has written extensively over the last twenty years on Italian art of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, with monographs published on Giotto, Masaccio and Piero della Francesca, and a standard work on Agnolo Gaddi. He is co-editor of the Corpus of Early Italian Paintings, now in preparation. This book brings together thirty-five of Professor Cole's papers and reviews. They include studies of the great figures of trecento and quattrocento Tuscan art, reconstructions and rediscoveries of works from the period, catalogues of Italian works of art in American collections, and reviews of new and standard works in the field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Leadership
A provocative and authoritative compendium of writings on leadership in education from distinguished scholar-educators worldwide. What is educational leadership? What are some of the trends, questions, and social forces most relevant to the current state of education? What are the possible futures of education, and what can educational leadership contribute to these futures? To address these questions, and more, editors Duncan Waite and Ira Bogotch asked distinguished international thought leaders on education to share their insights, observations, and research findings on the nature of education and educational leadership in the global village. The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Leadership brings together contributions from authors in twenty-one countries, spanning six continents. Topics examined include leadership and aesthetics, creativity, eco‐justice, advocacy, Big Data and technology, neoliberalism, emerging philosophies and theories, critical democracy, gender and radical feminism, political economies, emotions, postcolonialism, and new directions in higher education. A must-read for teachers, researchers, scholars, and policy makers, this Handbook: Champions radical pluralism over consensus and pseudoscientific or political solutions to problems in education Embraces social, economic, and political relevance alongside the traditions of careful and systematic rigor Challenges traditional epistemological, cultural, and methodological concepts of education and educational leadership Explores the field’s historical antecedents and ways in which leadership can transcend the narrow disciplinary and bureaucratic constraints imposed by current research designs and methods Advances radically new possibilities for remaking educational leadership research and educational institutions
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Tumors of the Pediatric Central Nervous System
Tumors of the Pediatric Central Nervous System, Second Edition, provides readers with both medical management and surgical perspectives on the clinical, pathological, and radiological diagnoses and treatment of pediatric CNS tumors. It includes complete coverage of the latest diagnostic and management techniques, state-of-the-art technologies, and trends in the surgical treatment of pediatric tumors. Highlights of the Second Edition: Contains 19 new chapters on such topics as recent advances in the cytogenetics and molecular biology of pediatric brain tumors, gangliogliomas and miscellaneous spinal cord tumors in children, post-chemotherapy morbidity, and many more Addresses the important issues of long-term chronic treatment of pediatric tumor patients and related outcome measures Includes summary boxes and tables that distill large amounts of information for quick review Written by editors and contributors who are world-renowned experts in the field of pediatric neurosurgery and oncology Neurosurgeons, neurologists, oncologists, radiation oncologists, and pediatricians caring for patients with tumors of the central nervous system will find this book to be an essential resource that they will repeatedly consult as they strive to enhance patient care.