Search results for ""assimil""
Assimil Quaderno di esercizi FRANCESE intermedi: Cahier d'excercices Francais pour Italiens intermediaire
Assimil Anglais Affaires Superpack
50 chapters 600 pp 4 audio CD, download code. This book aims to familiarize you with all the main topics related to business. Through the cosmopolitan journey of a young English university student, thanks to 50 lively and documented dialogues in the field of business, you will find in this 'novel' accompanied by numerous notes and useful documents the answer to your questions about international business life in the English-speaking world. The recordings include all the English texts of the book. They are interpreted by native-speaking professionals.
Assimil Pack Téléchargement Le Breton
Breton is a Celtic language dating back to the Middle Ages As a regional language subjected to the political expansion of French, it is now flourishing again both in cities and the countryside. This course introduces you to the Breton language as well as the amazing culture intertwined with it. Our work comprises all the tools to help you master the basics of the language, within a few months, provided you work for 20 to 30 minutes every day. The grammar you need and common vocabulary are covered in the 100 lessons, for you to communicate easily in everyday Breton life. Available in this box set as an mp3 download, the recordings include all the texts in Breton for each lesson and the translation exercises from the book. They have been recorded by professional native speakers. You can download all or part of the MP3 recordings on your smartphone.
Assimil Apprendre le Portugais
CD MP3 1hr 15 min running time. Learning Portuguese has never been easier with our new method, book and audio accessible on CD and streaming platforms. Intended for great beginners in Portuguese in love of mobility, it allows, in about thirty very progressive lessons in the form of dialogues, to acquire the necessary skills corresponding to level A2, known as 'survival level'. The dialogues, recorded by native speakers, were designed especially to meet a number of objectives and to approach the essential concepts. Indeed, for the first time a collection bases its pedagogy on the specifications of the European Framework Common of Reference for Languages established by the Council of Europe. The dialogues are available on the included mp3 CD, but also on the Most streaming platforms (Deezer, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, SoundCloud), for learning everywhere, for everyone, on all media. 29 very progressive lessons: dialogues and exercises practice. Acquisition of all the sk
Assimil Engels Leren (Anglais)
Assimil Spaans Leren (Espagnol)
Assimil LItalien Book 1 CD mp3
Text in French.
Assimil Lespagnol B2 Pack applivre 1 application 1 livret de 60 pages
Text in French and Spanish
Assimil French
A brand new method to learn French in 100 lessons, based on a logical and original approach. It combines a rich, functional and varied vocabulary with grammatical points allowing to master the conversation in a few months. Of exercises in each lesson allow you to check your skills. The French is a 'living' language in more than one way. Not only is he spoken by around 210 million people in over 40 countries (and on all continents), but it is also widely used in the diplomacy, science, the arts, fashion and a multitude of others areas. The pack contains: 1 unique code to download your application + 1 booklet of 60 pages offered with an extract from the paper method (7 lessons)
Assimil Espagnol C1 - Pack applivre : 1 application + 1 livre de 72 pages
Text in French and Spanish
Assimil Le Corse Cours USB
Vous trouverez ici une langue authentique, des dialogues vivants, tels que lon pourrait les surprendre ici ou la en se melant aux habitants de lile. En vous conformant aux prescriptions de la methode, regularite et perseverance, ecoute attentive et repetitive des enregistrements , respect des deux vagues du parcours, vous atteindrez au terme de votre etude une aisance dans la langue qui, meme si elle devait etre jugee imparfaite par dexigeants autochtones, vous sera un sesame incontestable pour acceder au monde des corsophones. Les enregistrements reprennent l'integralite des textes en corse des lecons et des exercices de traduction du livre. Ils sont interpretes par des locuteurs natifs professionnels. La cle USB permet de charger tout ou partie des enregistrements sur votre lecteur MP3. >>> Des dialogues vivants >>> Une progression tres etudiee
Assimil Le Roumain mp3 CD
Assimil Le Japonais (5 CD Audio)
Assimil Le Breton
Assimil Cahier Exercices Portugais Niveau Intermediaire
A 128-page exercise book. This highly practical yet playful exercise book, has been designed specifically for Portuguese students with a decent level but who wish to refresh their knowledge of Portuguese or go a little further. There are over 250 progressively challenging exercises designed as games, along with answers. At the end of each chapter, you can also self-assess your language level. Conjugation, prepositions, spelling, pronunciation: no aspect of the language has been left out!
Assimil Cahier Franzosisch Anfanger
Assimil Spanisch Lernen A2
Assimil Apprendre Le Russe - niveau A2
Assimil Apprendre L'Hebreu A2
Assimil FRANS LEREN niveau debutants A2 1 Book 1 CD Mp3
Text in French. Apprendre le francais pour un neerlandophone na jamais ete aussi simple avec cette nouvelle methode, livre et audio accessible sur CD et plateformes de streaming gratuitement. Destinee aux grands debutants en francais amoureux de mobilite, elle permet, en 26 lecons tres progressives sous forme de dialogues, dacquerir les competences necessaires correspondant au niveau A2, dit - niveau de survie. Les dialogues, enregistres par des locuteurs natifs, ont ete concus specialement pour repondre a un certain nombre dobjectifs et pour aborder les notions essentielles. Pour la premiere fois une collection base sa pedagogie sur les specifications du Cadre Europeen Commun de Reference pour les Langues etabli par le Conseil de lEurope. Les dialogues sont accessibles sur le CD mp3 inclus, mais aussi sur la plupart des plateformes de streaming (Deezer, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Soundcloud), pour un apprentissage partout, pour tous, sur tous les supports. Destine aux debutants po
Assimil Aprender Frances 1 Book 1 CD mp3
Tesxt in French. Apprendre le francais pour un hispanophone na jamais ete aussi simple avec cette nouvelle methode, livre et audio accessible sur CD et plateformes de streaming gratuitement. Destinee aux grands debutants en francais amoureux de mobilite, elle permet, en 26 lecons tres progressives sous forme de dialogues, dacquerir les competences necessaires correspondant au niveau A2, dit - niveau de survie. Les dialogues, enregistres par des locuteurs natifs, ont ete concus specialement pour repondre a un certain nombre dobjectifs et pour aborder les notions essentielles. Pour la premiere fois une collection base sa pedagogie sur les specifications du Cadre Europeen Commun de Reference pour les Langues etabli par le Conseil de lEurope. Les dialogues sont accessibles sur le CD mp3 inclus, mais aussi sur la plupart des plateformes de streaming (Deezer, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Soundcloud), pour un apprentissage partout, pour tous, sur tous les supports. Destine aux debutants pou
Assimil Aleman
Assimil Italien - Cahier d'exercices
Text in French: Ce cahier d'exercices, très pratique et ludique, a été conçu spécialement pour les faux-débutants en italien. Plus de 200 exercices á la progression étudiée et sous forme de jeux sont proposés, accompagnés de leurs corrigés. À la fin de chaque chapitre, vous pourrez également autoévaluer votre niveau de langue. Aucune dimension de la langue n'a été oubliée : la grammaire, l'orthographe, le vocabulaire, la syntaxe, la prononciation et même l'accentuation des mots !
Assimil Volume El Frances 2022
Assimil Italiaans Leren
Italian learning method for Dutch speakers. Learning Italian has never been easier than with our new method, book and audio available on streaming platforms free of charge. Catering to real beginners in Italian who enjoy being on the move, it features some 30 very progressive lessons in the form of dialogues, teaching the necessary skills to reach level A2, also known as "survival level" . The dialogues, recorded by native speakers, have been designed specifically to meet a certain number of aims and address the basic notions. The first collection to base its pedagogy on the specifics of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages drawn up by the Council of Europe. The dialogues are available on most streaming platforms (Deezer, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and Soundcloud), so anyone can learn anywhere, on any media. DIALOGUES AVAILABLE FOR FREE LISTENING.
Assimil English, love, etc. - mes révisions coquines
Let's talk about sex, maybe? Pourquoi ne pas entretenir votreanglais avec humour (et amour) autour d'une suite d'activités,de jeux et d'exercices sur ce thème, dans un volume original quivous permettra aussi d'en apprendre davantage sur la civilisationbritannique ?La collection Langues, etc. présente un pricipe unique : autourd'une thématique qui vous plaît, vous attire ou vous passionne,vous entretenez votre niveau de langue avec des jeux et desexercices, sans même vous en rendre compte.+33(0)1 45 76 87 37 - www.assimil.com9/07/2019Visuels et prix non contractuels>>> 500 exercices et jeux>>> Pour se remettre á l'anglais (niveau B1)>>> Une façon sexy de travailler l'anglais
Assimil 250 Tests De Français
Assimil 300 Tests D'espagnol
Assimil Cahier d'écriture Thaï
Assimil Coffret conversation anglais guide 1 CD audio
A few days in London, a trip to Wales or a visit to the Highlands of Scotland ? The creator of the famous Assimil method has designed the essential companion for your weekend or stay in Britain.
Assimil LAnglais Pack Book 1 USB
Level: beginners, intermediate learners. A1-B2 English learning method. Latest edition of the English method Assimil bestselling collection Without Pain. An approach through dialogue, learning vocabulary, with grammar coming naturally. The very British humour in these 110 lessons facilitates mastery of the basics of this language today. NEW: THE USB PACK, all audio on a USB stick!
Assimil Le Grec
Text in French & Greek. 2h 45min running time.