Search results for ""Tempo""
Skira Speed Limits
The pivotal role played by speed in modern life: from art and architecture to graphics and design to the material culture. One hundred years ago, “The Foundation and Manifesto of Futurism,” proclaimed that “the world’s magnificence has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of speed.” A century later, the tempo of life continues to accelerate, propelled by the ubiquity of portable media and communications devices. Speed sports are as popular as ever, air travel continues to grow, and car culture is invading the most populous areas of the globe. Business books with titles like The Need for Speed, Speed is Life, Rev it Up, and The Age of Speed proliferate on bookstore shelves as never before. Yet speed seems anything but beautiful to a growing chorus of voices that has arisen to denounce its deleterious impact upon contemporary life: whether from the standpoint of environmental devastation, stressful lifestyles, urban sprawl, or the ubiquity of nutritionally deficient fast food.
Ediciones Cátedra La guerra de las Galias
Julio César es el romano más famoso de todos los tiempos. Su vida política se ha convertido en modelo de imperialismo, tiranía y dictadura, pero también ha sido admirado personalmente por su audacia, valentía, liderazgo, buena estrella y dotes de gran estadista. Pero, por encima de todo, César fue un líder romano de carne y hueso que vivió y actuó en un tiempo de estructuras sociales, económicas y políticas muy diferentes de nuestro mundo occidental.Julio César y su " Guerra de las Galias " representan en cierto modo la voz de Roma, de su misión y de su destino, que consistía en imponer un orden de unidad en la lengua y en la política. Escrita en el latín más puro y elegante de todos los tiempos, debajo de la aparente sencillez de su estilo hay una cuidadosa elaboración de su técnica narrativa en el léxico, en la sintaxis y en el tempo narrativo. No es casualidad que esta obra haya atraído tanto durante tantos años.
Escritos breves sobre la educación
La educación ha suscitado siempre un gran interés, tanto teórico como práctico, desde los inicios de la cultura. De ella depende la transmisión y supervivencia de cada civilización. Pero acaso en la actualidad ese interés sea, o debiera ser, máximo. Los veloces cambios sociales y morales, inéditos en la historia, suponen sin duda un desafío para la educación.Tal celeridad a menudo atropella el tempo que toda asimilación educativa requiere; e inevitablemente dirige la mirada casi sólo hacia el futuro, con lo que la ?forma? hacia la que se quiere guiar (educare) o que se pretende extraer (educere) no se la quiere tomar del pasado, y cuando es forjada en cada presente apenas nace ya muerta. El resultado evidente es la abundancia de medios o métodos educativos para sobrevivir y manejarse en un mundo fluido y, en cambio, una más o menos consciente pobreza de fines auténticamente tales.En este contexto, estos cuatro escritos de Hildebrand (sobre el respeto, la autoridad, la influenci
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Six-Day War 1967: Operation Focus and the 12 hours that changed the Middle East
On one day in June, the balance of air power in the Middle East was turned upside down by perhaps the most ruthlessly effective air superiority campaign in history – Operation Moked, or Focus. In 1967, the Israeli Air Force was outnumbered more than two to one by the jets of hostile Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq. Operation Focus was Israel’s ingenious strike plan to overturn the balance. At 0745hrs on June 6, Israeli jets hit Egypt’s airfields simultaneously, first bombing runways and then strafing aircraft. Another 20 follow-up missions were already in the air, initially scheduled to hit every five minutes. This new history of Operation Focus explains how the concept for Focus was devised and meticulously planned, the astonishing rate of serviceability and turnaround speed it required from ground crews, and how the relentless tempo of strikes shattered one air force after another. It is the story of how Israel’s victory in the Six-Day War began with a single, shocking day.
WW Norton & Co Transforming Negative Self-Talk: Practical, Effective Exercises
Hearing a judgmental or disapproving internal narrative is a very common mental health complaint, and not always a sign of schizophrenia or another serious diagnosis. Persistent inner chatter and rumination can lead to depression, anxiety, phobias, trauma, obsessive-compulsive thoughts, and more. In this unique collection of practical, take-charge strategies, the author reveals how self-critical voices can actually be altered and used to your own advantage. Rather than changing the words themselves, Steve Andreas’s approach is to change how the words are spoken through specific, easy-to-implement techniques, such as changing the location of the voice; its distance from you; its tempo, tone, or volume; and much more. Unlike most therapies that advocate talking back or ignoring it, this guide offers exercises for viewing our self-talk as a useful and productive indicator of our emotions, and shows us how to take control of them in a more meaningful way.
University of Illinois Press Whose America?: U.S. Immigration Policy since 1980
A centerpiece of contemporary politics, draconian immigration policies have been long in the making. Maria Cristina Garcia and Maddalena Marinari edit works that examine the post-1980 response of legislation and policy to issues like undocumented immigration, economic shifts, national security, and human rights. Contributors engage with a wide range of ideas, including the effect of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act and other laws on the flow of migrants and forms of entry; the impact of neoliberalism and post-Cold War political realignment; the complexities of policing and border enforcement; and the experiences of immigrant groups in communities across the United States. Up-to-date yet rooted in history, Whose America? provides a sophisticated account of recent immigration policy while mapping the ideological struggle to answer an essential question: which people have the right to make America their home or refuge? Contributors: Leisy Abrego, Carl Bon Tempo, Julio Capó, Jr., Carly Goodman, Julia Rose Kraut, Monique Laney, Carl Lindskoog, Yael Schacher, and Elliott Young
Penguin Books Ltd Siblings
''Spare, chilling, with wild flashes of vivid colour and the tempo of a thriller, Siblings jolts us into the beating heart of a family and post-war East Germany, conjuring the political dreams and divisions that make and ultimately break both'' Lisa Appignanesi1960. The border between East and West Germany has closed.For Elisabeth - a young painter - the GDR is her generation''s chance to build a glorious, egalitarian socialist future. For her brother Uli, it is a place of stricture and oppression. Separating them is the ever-wider chasm of the Party line; over them loom the twin spectres of opportunity and fear, and the shadow of their defector brother Konrad. In prose as bold as a scarlet paint stroke, Brigitte Reimann battles with the clash of idealism and suppression, familial loyalty, and desire. The result is this ground-breaking classic of post-war East German literature.Translated by Lucy Jones
Alice acabara de completar cinquenta anos, quando se deu conta de que não se tinha apercebido da passagem do tempo. Tinha uma família, amigos, um trabalho extenuante, filhos, um marido e resquícios de amores perdidos. Perdida nas dimensões absurdas do seu trabalho no tribunal, procura um sentido à sua vida e ao que faz. Um acontecimento trágico vem agudizar as suas inquietações sobre a ética das relações humanas nos meandros de um sistema judicial kafkiano.Esse espaço judiciário também é percorrido por Ana Francisca, uma prestigiada advogada, para quem o tribunal e o mundo da justiça é uma arena da qual mais vale sair vencedor do que vencido; por Salvador, um psicólogo atormentado pelo amor excessivo da mãe que o privou da presença do pai, que reencontra na compulsão pela corrida; por Julieta, avó do jovem Dário, que se sente ameaçada pela burocracia, por procedimentos e intervenções institucionais que só reavivam as perdas sofridas; e por Baltazar, um juiz sem ambições, que exerce
En agosto de 2005, cando o furacán Katrina está a piques de devastar a cidade de Nova Orleáns, Amaia Salazar ten vinte e cinco anos e participa nun curso de intercambio para policías da Europol na Academia do FBI, nos Estados Unidos. Inesperadamente, a subinspectora en prácticas pasa a formar parte do equipo de investigación dirixido por Aloisius Dupree, que persegue a un asasino en serie cuxa estratexia é actuar sempre en escenarios asolados por grandes catástrofes. Será entón cando Amaia Salazar, que con doce anos estivera perdida nos bosques do Val do Baztán durante dezaseis horas, comprenda os motivos polos que o seu propio pasado a converte na elixida.A cara norte do corazón desvela incógnitas e descobre a xénese do vínculo entre Amaia Salazar e Aloisius Dupree, o misterioso especialista en comportamento criminal, ao tempo que nos transporta á infancia de Amaia en Elizondo.A escrita fascinante de Dolores Redondo volve conxelar o alento das lectoras e lectores nesta novela.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. Comn temos a patria biografa dos irmns Villar Ponte
Todo canto eu fixen se acha ateigado dun amor a Galiza que calquera poderá igualar, pero nunca superar. A frase de Ramón Villar Ponte, igualmente aplicábel a seu irmán Antón, resume perfectamente o norte que guiou a intensa, continua e poliédrica actividade cívica, política, cultural, xornalística e literaria destes dous irmáns no sangue e na patria que idearon no seu día, en parolas íntimas, as Irmandades da Fala.Desde a prensa, o folleto, a carta, o libro e a tribuna, os irmáns Villar Ponte resultaron decisivos na configuración dun tempo en que a lingua se fixo bandeira e Galiza comezou a se sentir nación plena á procura dos seus dereitos.Emilio Ínsua e Xurxo Martínez relatan esta singradura irmandiña botando man dunha inxente cantidade de documentos inéditos ou descoñecidos que permiten ofrecer un retrato complexo e axustado destes dous membros destacados da Xeración de 1916. Un esforzo de síntese ameno e rigoroso para dar conta dunha obra de magnitude e relevancia verdadeir
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. Luns
Nerea ten a vida organizada. Pode considerarse unha muller con éxito dentro do estándar que marca a sociedade: é funcionaria, ten unha filla e un fillo, casada e con casa propia. No entanto, un luns recibe un diagnóstico de cancro de mama que o cambia todo. Vai morrer e ten apenas dous meses por diante e mil cousas pendentes por facer, que non poden ficar sen resolver. Moi pouco tempo e á vez suficiente para se decatar de que a súa realidade non lle permite encontrar un modo de se enfrontar á situación. Coa certeza da morte pairando en cada recuncho toma consciencia dunha realidade que non sempre é o que parece. Unha realidade oculta a plena luz do día." Luns " , gañadora do Premio Torrente Ballester de novela en 2016, está escrita cunha técnica arriscada, valente e innovadora, que prescinde de adobíos e consegue conmover, logrando facer partícipe a quen a le das circunstancias que acontecen no día a día de Nerea.
Springer Verlag Psicologia clinica: Dialoghi e confronti
Il volume fornisce un panorama aggiornato dei principali aspetti teorici, formativi e di ricerca che attualmente caratterizzano la psicologia clinica in Italia. I diversi contributi presentati nelle prime 4 sezioni (Prospettive e dibattiti; Le psicoterapie: sviluppi ed innovazioni; Psicologia clinica, psicoterapia e ricerca; La dimensione formativa in psicologia clinica ) rappresentano il frutto di un dialogo e di un confronto che si è articolato nel tempo fra alcuni dei principali studiosi italiani. Lo spirito che accomuna i diversi capitoli deriva dalla considerazione che la psicologia clinica implica una clinica essenzialmente psicologica, caratterizzata da metodiche atte a comprendere ed eventualmente modificare stati mentali, schemi di comportamento e sistemi di relazione. Nella sezione quinta In dialogo con altre discipline vengono riportati i contributi della filosofia del linguaggio ed alcune nuove proposte metodologiche sugli studi osservazionali. I diversi capitoli del volume offrono un aggiornato panorama delle principali tematiche che caratterizzano le attuali prospettive della psicologia clinica.
Collective Ink Malign Velocities – Accelerationism and Capitalism
We are told our lives are too fast, subject to the accelerating demand that we innovate more, work more, enjoy more, produce more, and consume more. That's one familiar story. Another, stranger, story is told here: of those who think we haven't gone fast enough. Instead of rejecting the increasing tempo of capitalist production they argue that we should embrace and accelerate it. Rejecting this conclusion, /Malign Velocities/ tracks this 'accelerationism' as the symptom of the misery and pain of labour under capitalism. Retracing a series of historical moments of accelerationism - the Italian Futurism; communist accelerationism after the Russian Revolution; the 'cyberpunk phuturism' of the '90s and '00s; the unconscious fantasies of our integration with machines; the apocalyptic accelerationism of the post-2008 moment of crisis; and the terminal moment of negative accelerationism - suggests the pleasures and pains of speed signal the need to disengage, negate, and develop a new politics that truly challenges the supposed pleasures of speed.
Faber & Faber Cahokia Jazz: From the prizewinning author of Golden Hill ‘the best book of the century’ Richard Osman
A thrilling tale of murder and mystery in a city where history has run a little differently -- from the bestselling author of Golden Hill.In a city that never was, in an America that never was, on a snowy night at the end of winter, two detectives find a body on the roof of a skyscraper.It's 1922, and Americans are drinking in speakeasies, dancing to jazz, stepping quickly to the tempo of modern times. Beside the Mississippi, the ancient city of Cahokia lives on - a teeming industrial metropolis, containing every race and creed. Among them, peace holds. Just about. But that body on the roof is about to spark off a week that will spill the city's secrets, and bring it, against a soundtrack of wailing clarinets and gunfire, either to destruction or rebirth.The multiple-award-winning Francis Spufford returns, with a lovingly created, richly pleasure-giving, epically scaled tale set in the golden age of wicked entertainments.
?Enquanto mirava aqueles corpos pálidos, franzinos e seminus, sentia no ar uma desagradável atmosfera de Dachau e Auschwitz; estavam todos condenados. Tentava perceber como é que tantos pais, por temor e respeito a um ?Deus omnipotente?, chamado Pátria, entregavam, quase sem ripostar, os seus próprios filhos a um destino que se adivinhava sórdido e cruel.No palco da guerra, a morte não se comprazia com carne doente e estafada. Exigia, sobretudo, corpos tenros e saudáveis para as suas orgias de sangue, e o homem apressava-se a fornecerlha, como se de um tributo se tratasse. Era um processo que Daniel assimilava com muito custo. ? É uma verdadeira perda de tempo. ? Insistia o Rebelo pessimista. ? Vamos todos ser chamados? ? ? e lixados com ?F? grande! ? Rematou Daniel.?Na guerra do ultramar, Portugal sofreu 3455 baixas (militares) em Angola, 3136 em Moçambique e 2240 na Guiné, num total de 8831 vidas; tantas como toda a população do atual município de Aljustrel, por exemplo.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. O bosque das antas
De entre todas as cidades galegas é Ourense aquela que foi máis intensamente 1iteraturizada. Desde A1varez de Nóvoa, desde Herac1io Pérez Placer, desde Va1entín Lamas Carvajal, a cidade das Burgas transita a Blanco Amor, a Carlos Casares, a Martínez Oca, a Manuel Guede cun vigor e cun protagonismo sorprendentes. Agora é, con "O Bosque das Antas", F.X. Fernández Naval que aporta a súa sensibilidade á tarefa colectiva de edificar un Ourense de letras, como outros escritores de outras terras fixeran con París, con Nova York, con Buenos Aires, con Leningrado. Este será un Ourense aberto a Oira (o paraiso), ao campo, ao mundo. E ao mesmo tempo, Fernández Naval incide nun tema recurrente e cada vez máis solicitado da nosa narrativa contemporánea: o dos sucesos posteriores á sublevación de 1936. Ourense e fascismo ligan "O bosque das antas" con outros textos moi diversos e atravesados de reminiscencias por veces contrapostas. E é, xustamente, neste encontro de ecoares, onde a voz do novo auto
Ediciones Trea, S.L. A cortes dos primeiros reis de Portugal Afonso Henriques Sancho I Afonso II
A obra que se apresenta pretende ser um contributo relativamente ao tempo dos três primeiros reis de Portugal. Procurou-se que resultasse a vários níveis, tendo em atenção quer o carácter e o âmbito do tema, quer, ainda, o da própria colecção em que se insere. Assim, condensaram-se os aspectos militares e políticos, quer pela cronologia a considerar ?cerca de um século de história, o primeiro da história de Portugal?, quer porque, por regra, são eles os mais focados em qualquer análise e narrativa historiográficas. Por isso, fizemos incidir a nossa atenção sobre os aspectos tidos por fundamentais na eclosão e na afirmação do rei e do reino, bem como apenas nos detivemos sobre os principais ou mais significativos momentos da expansão territorial, alcançada na luta contra os muçulmanos.E, sendo assim, a obra ganhou em espaço e cuidado relativamente a aspectos menos comuns na historiografia, sobretudo se se tiver em atenção conjunta o rei e a sua corte. Desdobrámos o nosso interesse p
La frontera salvaje
Tras casi dos décadas viviendo fuera de Estados Unidos, en 1832 Irving decidió regresar a casa, convertido ya en una auténtica celebridad literaria. Pero su carácter no era precisamente sedentario: de inmediato volvió a embarcarse en un gran viaje, esta vez por los territorios más remotos de su país. En pleno recrudecimiento de las guerras indias, se incorporó a una expedición de los rangers más allá de la frontera jamás pisada por el hombre blanco, en los territorios de caza de los temidos guerreros pawnis. A medio camino entre la novela de aventuras, la crónica de viaje y el dietario del naturalista, Irving relata con un tempo narrativo ágil y vivo las peripecias y riesgos de su periplo, al tiempo que da cuenta de la belleza primigenia y aún intacta de los grandes paisajes norteamericanos. Muy pocos escritores habían descrito aquellas sublimes inmensidades salvajes, pobladas todavía por auténticas miríadas de osos, lobos, coyotes, bisontes o pumas, y por los pocos hombres que habitab
Guilford Publications Pediatric Neuropsychology: Research, Theory, and Practice
Recognized as the definitive reference and text on the relationship between brain health and behavior in children and adolescents, this volume is now in a third edition with 75% new material, including major updates throughout and numerous new chapters. Leading experts provide a neuropsychological perspective on medical, neurological, genetic, and developmental disorders that are frequently seen in clinical practice. The volume examines the impact of each condition on the developing brain; explores associated cognitive, behavioral, and psychosocial impairments; and shows how the science translates into achieving better outcomes for children. New to This Edition *Reflects 12 years of significant research advances and the expanding role of pediatric neuropsychologists; increased attention to evidence-based intervention throughout. *Chapters on additional medical and neurodevelopmental conditions: pediatric stroke, congenital heart disease, type 1 diabetes, and movement disorders. *Section on genetic disorders: fragile X, Williams syndrome, 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, and Down syndrome. *Section on emergent and controversial conditions: nonverbal learning disabilities, dysexecutive syndrome, pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome, and sluggish cognitive tempo.
University of Illinois Press Waiting for Buddy Guy: Chicago Blues at the Crossroads
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, British blues fan Alan Harper became a transatlantic pilgrim to Chicago. "I've come here to listen to the blues," he told an American customs agent at the airport, and listen he did, to the music in its many styles, and to the men and women who lived it in the city's changing blues scene. Harper's eloquent memoir conjures the smoky redoubts of men like harmonica virtuoso Big Walter Horton and pianist Sunnyland Slim. Venturing from stageside to kitchen tables to the shotgun seat of a 1973 Eldorado, Harper listens to performers and others recollect memories of triumphs earned and chances forever lost, of deep wells of pain and soaring flights of inspiration. Harper also chronicles a time of change, as an up-tempo, whites-friendly blues eclipsed what had come before, and old Southern-born black players held court one last time before an all-conquering generation of young guitar aces took center stage.
FUEL Publishing Audio Erotica HiFi brochures 1950s1980s
Audio Erotica is a perfectly pitched visual anthem to home audio entertainment. Using sales brochures from the 1950-1980s, a symphony of graphic nostalgia tracks the technological progress of our listening pleasure. Remember roller-skating wearing your first Walkman? Or relaxing to easy-listening in your pure white Philips lounge? Or playing chess on your JVC tabletop radio? All these scenarios can be found in the geeky and rarefied world of the vintage hi-fi brochure, where graphic design and acoustic apparatus make magical music together. From austere post-war Britain to poppy pre-millennium Japan, Audio Erotica presents a nostalgic nirvana of the strangest and most significant period hi-fi brochures. Alphabetically listed, from Aiwa to Zenith, with Braun, JVC Nivico, Nakamichi, Sony and everything in between, this book will resonate with any music fan. Setting the tempo are the pipe-smoking, high-end separates (amplifiers, speakers, turntables) of the 1950s, followed by the s
Uma janela de madeira velho azul e vidros gastos pelo tempo, um, talvez dois séculos; um cadeirão confortável que ocupa, ao acaso e em silêncio, o espaço vazio contíguo; o som hipnótico de um relógio de parede testemunha de gerações; a segurança e o aconchego de uma casa de xisto habitada por sombras.No horizonte as memórias. A escola, com arquitetura Estado Novo, onde se aprendeu a ler num rigor de compasso, a primeira namorada, o tal beijo, as coisas do coração que desperta, os trabalhos de verão, o mealheiro improvisado e aqueles ténis da loja de desporto que teimavam em ser calçados; a universidade, o amor, os projetos profissionais e tantos outros acontecimentos marcantes na história da alma de cada um. De repente, um violento acidente, marcas e sons de uma travagem brusca, peças que perdem formas e se espalham por metros de estrada num abraço de sangue que escorre direção contrária ao sentido da vida.Com a viatura carregada com as últimas roupas, com alguns livros que ins
El payaso en la academia
Este libro es un viaje en busca de la risa perdida. En él se proponen nueve categorías de análisis para llegar a la esencia del espectáculo y concebirlo en todas sus facetas. Conjuga erudición y praxis, nos sumerge en una atmósfera en la que lo racional abre la puerta a la irracionalidad del payaso, iconoclasta reconstructor de nuestra más honda humanidad. Armoniza el rigor de lo académico con la pasión desbordante de quien reivindica el valor regenerador de la comedia.Pepe ViyuelaProvocar la risa como oficio es complejo, sutil y un camino largo. Entre la tontería y la genialidad hay una línea muy estrecha. No es lo que se hace, es el cómo, el tempo, el pequeño detalle. La resolución solo es fiable después de largos años de experiencia. Quizás por ello solo después de tamizar un número con muchas actuaciones se puede intentar llegar a la esencia del payaso: la poesía escénica. El payaso en la academia es una suerte de poética de la risa que deja huella en esta dirección.Tor
Galaxia Gutenberg, S.L. Las escaleras de Chambord
Edouard Furfooz, un hombre de cuarenta y seis años, vive apasionado por las cosas minúsculas. Colecciona por el mundo entero todo aquello que cabe en la mano de un niño. En Roma, Tokio, París, Londres, Edouard Furfooz compra y vende juguetes viejos, muñecas, miniaturas, todos ellos preciosos y ejecutados en materiales nobles. Su vida amorosa es tan fluctuante como su cotidianidad: de aeropuerto en aeropuerto, de una mujer a otra. Pero un recuerdo difuso coloniza su vida, el de una niña compañera de escuela cuya memoria no consigue recuperar. Qué vivió en su infancia que le domina de tal modo? Es por su causa que detesta cualquier ruido, incluida la música, y prefiere siempre el silencio? Es por ello que tiene una perpetua impresión de frío que le lleva a abrigarse incluso en verano? En Las escaleras de Chambord, Pascal Quignard demuestra una vez más su dominio del relato, su sentido del tempo, de los diálogos, de los personajes secundarios, pero sobre todo su capacidad para construir u
Louisiana State University Press Hungry for Louisiana: An Omnivore's Journey
Food sets the tempo of life in the Bayou State, where people believed in eating locally and seasonally long before it was fashionable. In Hungry for Louisiana: An Omnivore's Journey award-winning journalist Maggie Heyn Richardson takes readers to local farms, meat markets, restaurants, festivals, culinary competitions, and roadside vendors to reveal the love, pride, and cultural importance of Louisiana's traditional and evolving cuisine. Focusing on eight of the state's most emblematic foods-crawfish, jambalaya, snoballs, Creole cream cheese, fileia©, blood boudin, tamales, and oysters-Richardson provides a fresh look at Louisiana's long culinary history. In addition to concluding each chapter with corresponding recipes, these vignettes not only celebrate local foodways but also acknowledge the complicated dynamic between maintaining local traditions and managing agricultural and social change. From exploring the perilous future of oyster farming along the threatened Gulf Coast to highlighting the rich history of the Spanish-Indian tamale in the quirky north Louisiana town of Zwolle, Richardson's charming and thoughtful narrative shows how deeply food informs the identity of Louisiana's residents.
Verso Books Captives: How Rikers Island Took New York City Hostage
Captives combines a thrilling narrative account of Rikers Island's descent into infamy with a dramatic retelling of the last seventy years of New York and American politics from the vantage point of its jails. It is a story of a crowded field of contending powers-city bureaucrats and unions, black power activists and correction offices, crooked cops and elected leaders- struggle for the right to run our cities, a story that culminates in the triumph of of the twin figures we today call neoliberalism and mass incarceration. It is the history of how the Rikers Island of today-and the social order it represents-came to be. With a sweeping vision and an often cinematic touch, Captives records how the tempo of history was set by the metronome of bloody and bruising clashes between corrections officers and prisoners, and between police officers and virtually everyone else. Written by a one-time inmate, Captives draws on extensive archival research, decades of journalism, interviews, prisoner testimonials, and firsthand experience to deliver an urgent intervention into our nationwide conversation about the future of mass incarceration.
Faber Music Ltd Music Theory: the essential guide
Music Theory: the essential guide offers musicians of all ages and levels a practical and relevant guide to music theory today. Written and structured to make content as easily digestible as possible, this indispensable guide: introduces key musical concepts such as pitch, tempo, rhythm, harmony, scales, instruments, musical forms and structure outlines the conventions governing music notation, demonstrating their relevance to the musical language of the twenty-first century provides interesting facts and real music examples to contextualise music theory offers practical tips on how to identify intervals, make up melodies and rhythms, set words to music and much more supports all aspects of the ABRSM Theory examinations (grades 1 to 5) includes an introduction and ‘theory in practice’ notes by renowned educationalist Paul Harris contains quick-reference tools including an appendix, list of further repertoire examples, table of instruments, periods of music history, table of scales and modes and summary keys and time signatures. Music Theory: the essential guide is a joint publication, published by Faber Music and Edition Peters.
Depois de retornar de um longa e extenuante viagem onde fora à procura da Rosa dAlma para salvar a irmã, Kim se vê forçada, mais uma vez, a partir para uma terra distante e hostil, porém, desta vez, não busca a salvação para Yohannah, mas, sim, para o filho que ainda carrega no ventre e que foi enfeitiçado pela própria tia, agora rainha do submundo.Amores impossíveis, guerras e luta pela sobrevivência são algumas das barreiras pelas quais elas têm de ultrapassar para alcançar o que almejam. Judith segue por um caminho ávido por poder e vingança contra aqueles que acredita terem tirado tudo aquilo que lhe era de direito. Kim, por sua vez, corre contra o tempo para salvar quem ama, enquanto Yohannah luta contra a vida e a morte no meio desta batalha épica entre irmãs.Dispostas a dar a vida por aquilo que acreditam, enfrentam os seus maiores medos e receios. Movidas por razões completamente diferentes, cada irmã busca a sua verdade; seja ela o poder, o amor, ou a salvação daqueles que mai
Siruela La doble vida de M. Laurent
Un melancólico retrato de Palermo, un homenaje a los clásicos mediterráneos del género negro y una autopsia de los males de la sociedad. El culto, cínico y divertido La Marca es una eficaz mezcla entre Philip Marlowe y Woody Allen.JUAN C. GALINDO, El PaísLa Verdad es siempre revolucionaria, según dicen; incluida la verdad meteorológica. Y así, por una casualidad, y a causa de un cadáver tendido sobre la acera recién lavada por la lluvia de un Palermo otoñal, Lorenzo La Marca se ve empujado a investigar un caso de homicidio en el milieu anticuario de la capital siciliana. Pero ya sabemos que él tiene su propio tempo: deambula por los sinuosos callejones de la ciudad árabe y por las avenidas arboladas de Mondello, pone un disco de Chet Baker, vuelve a ver un película de Bergman, toma un aperitivo en su terraza contemplando el atardecer sobre el mar de tejados y cúpulas... Y únicamente entonces, como la evanescente y compleja arquitectura de un solo de trompeta, la trama va perfilá
La belleza de Andalucía, la profundidad de su historia y el misterio de su alma, solo pueden ser desvelados por quien la ama intensamente y conoce en profundidad su esencia y cultura. José María Pemán, desde su sabiduría y enorme talento literario, nos lleva de su mano a través de un viaje por todas las tierras andaluzas, para descubrirnos un lugar tan hermoso como enigmático y fascinante.Nos describe la llegada de los fenicios en busca del esplendor metálico y tarteso de Huelva mientras glosa una Salve rociera. Nos conduce hasta una moraga en las playas malagueñas al poco de haber salido de Cádiz y darnos un chapuzón alrededor del tempo de Melkart. Nos empapamos en la Jaén plateada tras haber surcado la historia cordobesa bajo el ensoñamiento de su pasado. Canta el misterio de los desiertos dorados de Almería y la dulzura blanca de su capital, y se embelesa ante la historia grande y hermosa de Sevilla y los grandes pueblos de su provincia. Incluso tiempo da para realizar alguna es
Green Writers Press Red Kite, Blue Sky: Poems
Red Kite, Blue Sky, the debut poetry collection from Madeleine May Kunin, celebrates life and the natural world, occasioned by the birth of grand-children, the memories of friendship and past birthdays/Bar Mitzvahs, a gift of plum-colored gloves from the poet’s daughter, the Sicilian sun which “melts my argument against myself," with sharp observations and humor. Like Emily Dickinson before her, Kunin does not shy away from death; rather she embraces the anticipation “before death drags me deep,” the gap in her life when her beloved husband dies, the fear of immigration to America during World War II with “an H for Hebrew, I found out later,” and the sadness of being isolated as an older woman living alone during the pandemic. For years Kunin was caught in the tempo of politics—as governor, as a federal official, and as an ambassador—but as she eased into retirement from public life, she found a door that opened for her to explore the multi-layered language of poetry.
Yale University Press The Virtuoso Conductors: The Central European Tradition from Wagner to Karajan
An expert’s guide to the skills of the greatest conductors While Weber, Spohr, Mendelssohn, and Berlioz were all conductors of repute, it was the thoughts and practices of Richard Wagner that laid the foundation for the modern virtuoso conductor. Though he was more celebrated for his dramatic operas, Wagner’s experience as a conductor brought a set of practices and principles that affected the interpretations of future generations, and conductors continue to pursue his example today.This book examines Wagner’s conducting career and the principles of his musical performance. It then tracks the central European style through some of the greatest figures of modern music—Nikisch, Mahler, Richard Strauss, Weingartner, Furtwangler, Toscanini, Walter, Klemperer, Beecham, Boult, and others through to von Karajan, Bernstein, and George Szell. In each case Holden, himself a professional classical conductor, traces the rise from apprenticeship to international acclaim, comparing rehearsal technique, the baton, eye contact, repertoire, tempo, recordings, vision, style, and performance practice. The result is a deeply informative, intriguing, and highly readable portrait of the finest exponents of the conducting tradition.
Tuttle Publishing Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination
This collection of mystery and horror stories is regarded as Japan's answer to Edgar Allan Poe.Japanese Tales of Mystery & Imagination, the first volume of its kind translated into English, is written with the quick tempo of the West but rich with the fantasy of the East. These nine bloodcurdling, chilling tales present a genre of literature largely unknown to readers outside Japan, including the strange story of a quadruple amputee and his perverse wife; the record of a man who creates a mysterious chamber of mirrors and discovers hidden pleasures within; the morbid confession of a maniac who envisions a career of foolproof "psychological" murders; and the bizarre tale of a chair-maker who buries himself inside an armchair and enjoys the sordid "loves" of the women who sit on his handiwork. Lucid and packed with suspense, Edogawa Rampo's stories found in Japanese Tales of Mystery & Imagination have enthralled Japanese readers for over half a century.Mystery stories include: The Human Chair The Caterpillar Two Crippled Men The Traveler with the Pasted Rag Picture
Regresso a Pompeia conta a história da incrível jornada de Nicolau que, após a trágica perda de Emília, o grande amor da sua vida, num acidente de viação, acompanha o seu amigo Carlos numa expedição arqueológica a Pompeia, cidade da Antiga Roma, soterrada pela violenta erupção do Vesúvio em 79 d.C..Vazio de sonhos e de esperança, Nicolau conhece o professor Guiseppe Maldini, um proeminente cientista que lhe apresenta a sua Máquina do Tempo. Sem rumo na vida, Nicolau parte numa viagem ao passado até ao ano de 79 d.C., de forma a testemunhar o dia a dia da mítica cidade romana e comprovar o funcionamento da Máquina de Maldini. Nicolau chega a Pompeia alguns dias antes da erupção do Vesúvio e, após instalar-se na cidade, reencontra o seu grande amor sob a forma de uma escrava grega de nome Calina. No entanto, esta fora comprada por Rustius, um rico sem escrúpulos, que a pretende oferecer ao filho como futura esposa. Nicolau começa então a sua demanda em contrarrelógio para reconquista
Las escaleras de Chambord rústica
Edouard Furfooz, un hombre de cuarenta y seis años, vive apasionado por las cosas minúsculas. Colecciona por el mundo entero todo aquello que cabe en la mano de un niño. En Roma, Tokio, París, Londres, Edouard Furfooz compra y vende juguetes viejos, muñecas, miniaturas, todos ellos preciosos y ejecutados en materiales nobles. Su vida amorosa es tan fluctuante como su cotidianidad: de aeropuerto en aeropuerto, de una mujer a otra. Pero un recuerdo difuso coloniza su vida, el de una niña compañera de escuela cuya memoria no consigue recuperar. Qué vivió en su infancia que le domina de tal modo? Es por su causa que detesta cualquier ruido, incluida la música, y prefiere siempre el silencio? Es por ello que tiene una perpetua impresión de frío que le lleva a abrigarse incluso en verano? En Las escaleras de Chambord, Pascal Quignard demuestra una vez más su dominio del relato, su sentido del tempo, de los diálogos, de los personajes secundarios, pero sobre todo su capacidad para construir u
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Pilgrim Days: A Lifetime of Soldiering from Vietnam to the SAS
‘We are the Pilgrims, master; we shall go, Always a little further; it may be, Beyond that last blue mountain barred with snow.' If there was ever anyone who went a little further, a little beyond, it was Alastair MacKenzie. In a career spanning 30 years, MacKenzie served uniquely with the New Zealand Army in Vietnam, the British Parachute Regiment, the British Special Air Service (SAS), the South African Defence Force’s famed ParaBats, the Sultan of Oman’s Special Forces and a host of private security agencies and defence contractors. MacKenzie lived the soldier’s life to the full as he journeyed ‘the Golden Road to Samarkand’. This extraordinary new work from the author of Special Force: The Untold Story of 22nd Special Air Service Regiment (SAS) vividly documents the experience of infantry combat in Vietnam, life with the Paras, the tempo of selection for UK Special Forces, covert SAS operations in South Armagh and SAS Counter Terrorist training on the UK mainland, vehicle-mounted Pathfinder Brigade insertions into Angola and maritime counter-terrorism work in Oman.
O que é invisível aos olhos deve procurar-se com o coração.Nunca nenhuma ideia traduziu de forma tão simples a essência da poesia como esta do Principezinho.Entre as mãos e o sonho, na sua complexa beleza, tem esta simplicidade que só a boa poesia nos oferece, ao levar-nos pelo sonho, esse vento que não se sente nem se ouve, que fura negrumes, neblinas e nevoeiros, alcançando a mais alta claridade libertadora das grilhetas que nos prendem as mãos.A poesia de Adão Cruz voa por onde vivem as quimeras, os sonhos feitos e desfeitos, por cima das serras e dos rios e, lá do alto, vê o menino que brinca com a Lua, os pássaros e a brisa da noite ao mesmo tempo que não perde de vista o caminho do homem que sonha com um mundo diferente para cá das nuvens.Adão Cruz faz parte do reino dos verdadeiros poetas e os seus poemas estavam em falta nas mãos de quem verdadeiramente ama a poesia.Augusta Clara de Matos
Depois de trinta anos a viver na Suíça, Mariana voltou a Portugal.Mariana era uma senhora que nunca tinha ido à escola, não sabia ler nem escrever e pedia sempre à menina Júlia para lhe ler o correio que recebia e, ao mesmo tempo, para lhe escrever cartas.Era uma pessoa muito boa, mas muito peca, as cartas tinham que ser escritas com todas as palavras que ela ditava.Um dia, após tantos anos de convivência, para a surpresa de Júlia, pela primeira vez, a senhora Mariana pediu-lhe que escrevesse uma carta ao filho, com quem havia perdido o contacto depois de deixar a Suíça e transferir-se para Portugal.A carta, na verdade, era um apelo da avó desesperada para ver o neto, Noa, de quem não tinha notícias há oito anos.Filho, deixa-me ver o meu neto é um relato verídico dedicado aos avôs e avós que sofrem por não poderem ver os netos, com a esperança de que, num futuro próximo, haja uma lei que lhes garanta o direito de estarem próximos deles.
Edinburgh University Press Fencing, Form and Cognition on the Early Modern Stage: Artful Devices
Argues that playwrights looked to fencing theory and performance for physical cues and formal structure Demonstrates alternate historical understandings of judgment training that are useful to modern pedagogical contexts Analyses historical and formal elements of plays and fencing manuals to reveal previously unnoticed shared strategies for teaching timing Excavates an underexplored archive of fencing Italian, English, and German fencing texts and brings to bear their explicit instruction on teaching timing and judgment to early modern drama Intervenes in current scholarship on Shakespeare and Jonson to motivate misunderstood plotting and pacing decisions Fencing, Form and Cognition on the Early Modern Stage reveals an underexplored archive of Italian, English and German fencing texts, which were designed explicitly to teach tempo and judgement. This intervention in Shakespeare and Jonson scholarship provides critical new insights into the plots, pacing and characterisation of drama and attends to the ethical and pedagogical work displayed and accomplished by fencing and dramatic devices. It yields a robust theory of active waiting and brings the imbrications of appropriate timing and ethical decision-making to the fore.
Ohio University Press Silenced Voices: Uncovering a Family’s Colonial History in Indonesia
Like a number of Netherlanders in the post–World War II era, Inez Hollander only gradually became aware of her family’s connections with its Dutch colonial past, including a Creole great-grandmother. For the most part, such personal stories have been, if not entirely silenced, at least only whispered about in Holland, where society has remained uncomfortable with many aspects of the country’s relationship with its colonial empire. Unlike the majority of memoirs that are soaked in nostalgia for tempo dulu, Hollander’s story sets out to come to grips with her family’s past by weaving together personal records with historical and literary accounts of the period. She seeks not merely to locate and preserve family memories, but also to test them against a more disinterested historical record. Hers is a complicated and sometimes painful personal journey of realization, unusually mindful of the ways in which past memories and present considerations can be intermingled when we seek to understand a difficult past. Silenced Voices is an important contribution to the literature on how Dutch society has dealt with its recent colonial history.
Seagull Books London Ltd I Have No Regrets: Diaries, 1955-1963
I enjoyed success too early, married the wrong man, and hung out with the wrong people; too many men have liked me, and I've liked too many men. Frank and refreshing, Brigitte Reimann's collected diaries provide a candid account of life in socialist Germany. With an upbeat tempo and amusing tone, I Have No Regrets contains detailed accounts of the author's love affairs, daily life, writing, and reflections. Like the heroines in her stories, Reimann was impetuous and outspoken, addressing issues and sensibilities otherwise repressed in the era of the German Democratic Republic. She followed the state's call for artists to leave their ivory towers and engage with the people, moving to the new town of Hoyerswerda to work part-time at a nearby industrial plant and run writing classes for the workers. Her diaries and letters provide a fascinating parallel to her fictional writing. By turns shocking, passionate, unflinching, and bitter--but above all life-affirming--they offer an unparalleled insight into what life was like during the first decades of the GDR.
Pitch Publishing Ltd Marcelo Bielsa: The Foundation of Success at Leeds United
As Marcelo Bielsa's interpreter, Salim Lamrani was his right-hand man throughout his first season in charge of Leeds United. As a privileged witness to that remarkable 2018/19 campaign, Lamrani tells the inside story of how the club came within a hair's breadth of returning to the Premier League before winning promotion in the very next season to end a 16-year exile. Lamrani lays bare the secrets behind Bielsa's methods, starting with the demands he makes in an intense pre-season, through to the Argentinian tactician's unwavering loyalty to a highly effective style of play - a style based on possession, collective coverage, rapid transitions, changes of tempo and constant attack. For him, beauty is non-negotiable. Thanks to Bielsa, the players of Leeds United were the actors in an unforgettable epic, which made an indelible mark on millions of supporters. Taking us match by match through Bielsa's first year in English football, Lamrani weaves a fascinating narrative and paints an intimate portrait of a unique football genius.
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music The Anna Magdalena Bach Book of 1725
In 1725 Johann Sebastian Bach wrote two keyboard suites for his wife Anna Magdalena, whom he married in 1721. These became the first entries in a book in which, over the next twenty years, were gathered together both keyboard pieces and vocal works by Johann Sebastian and his two sons Carl Philipp Emanuel and Johann Christian as well as such composers as Couperin, Böhm, Petzold and Hasse. An illuminating portrait of domestic music-making in the Bach family during the Leipzig period, this authoritative new edition of the book contains the keyboard pieces only, including the well-known Minuet in G and Prelude in C, from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Part I, and more substantial items such as C. P. E. Bach's Solo per il Cembalo in E flat (early versions of Partitas Nos. 3 and 6 and French Suites Nos. 1 and 2 are excluded). This first-class edition, providing an important and attractive introduction to the Baroque style, also contains invaluable advice on appropriate tempo, phrasing, articulation and ornamentation in accordance with contemporary performance practice.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. mote Leo A Estacin de trnsito
Abril de 2011. Un autobús percorre lentamente a Anatolia. No seu interior, Leo sente que lle ferve a cabeza nunha dura batalla entre os medos, as esperanzas e as dúbidas. Vai para tres meses que abandonou a súa casa coa intención de facer unha viaxe polo mundo adiante. Dispoñía de seis meses e seis mil euros para cumprir o seu soño de atravesar todas as fronteiras, as visibles e as invisibles, e converterse na Marco Polo que admiraba de cativa. Neste tempo, visitou cidades como Barcelona, Lisboa ou Marrakech e aprendeu a dar pasos por si mesma, con todas as satisfaccións e, tamén, todos os erros ás costas. A fantástica tropa de Ruth, ese alivio para o seu peto e desazo para o corazón, foi ata o momento a súa mellor aliada contra a morriña que lle pisa, teimuda, os calcañares. Agora, nese vehículo incómodo que atravesa Turquía, Leo ten que decidir que facer. Que visitar. Con quen. Como. A rapaza bota a man á cabeza acabada de rapar e suspira. Dende logo, esa visita inesperada en Istambu
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Life in Europe Under Climate Change
Life in Europe will indeed go on as the climate changes, but not in the same way as before. The air will be warmer, winds will change, patterns of rainfall and snowfall will alter, and sea level is likely to rise. These phenomena are already being seen. Europe will in the future experience marked changes in vegetation cover, increased floods along rivers and coastlines as well as more frequent droughts and forest fires, often leading to large societal costs. The changes will be minor in some cases, profound in others, but in any case, pervasive. This book uses the most up to date information issued by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), and informs readers about these effects, as well as showing how Europe is contributing to attempts to slow the tempo of global climate change, and how it can adapt to the climate change that seems unavoidable. Life in Europe under Climate Change makes essential information on climate impacts in Europe accessible to a broad audience, including students, politicians, planners and members of non-governmental organizations.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Making of Samuel Beckett's Play/Comedie and Film
Samuel Beckett’s short play Play / Comédie and his only film Film were written around the same time (1962-1963). They both have self-referential titles that invite meditation on the genres they represent. Although medium-specific opportunities and challenges underlie their very different geneses, they have influenced each other in terms of both form and content. In more ways than one, Film continues where Play left off. Whereas in Play the genesis shows a steady increase in speech tempo to the point of near unintelligibility, the silent Film radically eliminates speech from the outset. Conversely, the cinematic element is also clearly present in Play, notably in the crucial role assigned to the light beam as the mechanical, mindless inquisitor. Both works are grounded in technology and rely heavily on explanatory notes for the members of their production teams, thus exposing the inherently collaborative nature of such projects. The genetic critical analysis of the manuscripts of Play / Comédie and Film not only contributes to the interpretation of each work separately but also considers the two works together through the prism of Beckett’s multimedial authorship.
University of Nebraska Press The Imagined Moment: Time, Narrative, and Computation
Time is a key aspect of narrative. It can advance a story, illuminate its role in our daily lives, and help us understand how events unfold. In this groundbreaking interdisciplinary work, Inderjeet Mani uses recent developments in linguistics and computer science to analyze the use of time in narrative form. The Imagined Moment outlines directions for an emerging discipline of “corpus narratology,” an approach involving the computer analysis and interpretation of multimillion-word collections of narrative text. This approach, Mani explains, could alter the very foundations of narrative theory. Accordingly, he develops a computer representation for timelines and applies it to a variety of literary works. Among these are such classics as One Hundred Years of Solitude, “A Hunger Artist,” Swann’s Way, Jealousy, Candide, and “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber.” Along the way, Mani considers stories embedded in temporal cycles; the cognitive processes involved in the construal of events in time; the modeling of narrative progression in terms of changes in readers’ evaluation of characters; the study of variations of tempo in fiction; and time in computer-mediated forms of storytelling.
Yale University Press Singing in Style: A Guide to Vocal Performance Practices
The first historical overview of vocal performance practice and style ever published, Singing In Style provides an introduction to how such issues as ornamentation, vibrato, rubato, portamento, articulation, tempo, language, and accompaniment with period instruments have been handled since the seventeenth century. Each chapter presents a historical period and gives background information on the singers and composers, the vocal repertoire, and the stylistic conventions of that time. Specific repertoire examples are discussed as well, to show how to use the music itself as a context for making stylistic choices. Each chapter also has an extensive reference list arranged by topic, so the interested reader can pursue a particular subject in more depth.Covering the Baroque period to the present, Elliott casts a wide net, bringing together information from historical treatises, personal accounts from composers, performers, historians, critics, and current scholarly commentary into one convenient handbook for the student and the amateur and professional performer who want to learn more about how vocal works were sung in their day.