Search results for ""Peter Lang Publishing Inc""
Peter Lang Publishing Inc United States Relations with South Africa: A Critical Overview from the Colonial Period to the Present
Relations between the United States and South Africa – or the parts of the world these nations now occupy – go nearly as far back as the very beginning of their inception as permanent European colonial intrusions. This book is a critical overview of these relations from the late seventeenth century to the present. Unprecedented in its scope – and supported by substantive and detailed notes, together with an extensive bibliography, chronology, glossary, and appendices – the book distinguishes itself from extant works in a number of other ways. Set against the backdrop of a wider interdisciplinary exploration of both ideational and structural issues of historical context, it not only gives attention to the importance of contributions from nonofficial actors in shaping official relations, but also considers the impact of the geo-political location of South Africa within southern Africa, where the presence of other nations – particularly Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, and Zimbabwe – looms large. Methodologically written from the perspectives of both traditional narrative history and Khaldunian interpretive historical analysis, the book consequently sits at the interdisciplinary interstice of political economy and sociology, where the aim is to advance our understanding of the Braudelian interconnectedness of world history as an important diachronic determinant of the diplomacy of foreign relations. Written for both scholars and policy analysts, this book’s examination of the agency of the marginalized should also be of interest to activists and the reading public.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Cygnifiliana: Essays in Classics, Comparative Literature, and Philosophy Presented to Professor Roy Arthur Swanson on the Occasion of His Seventy-Fifth Birthday
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Teachers in the Middle: Reclaiming the Wasteland of the Adolescent Years of Schooling
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Towards a Knowledge Based Economy?: Knowledge and Learning in European Educational Research
Peter Lang Publishing Inc The Theater of Trauma: American Modernist Drama and the Psychological Struggle for the American Mind, 1900-1930
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Nerea and I
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Standards Primer
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Storyscapes: South African Perspectives on Literature, Space and Identity
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Learning from Children: The Life and Legacy of Caroline Pratt
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Le Creuset des Cultures: La Litterature Antillaise
Dans ce livre, il s'agit d'une comparaison des themes et de l'enonciation des deux romans, Pluie et vent sur Telumee Miracle et Chronique des sept miseres, exemples eux-memes de l'Antillanite et de la Creolite. Apres avoir examine l'arriere-plan des mouvances litteraires antillaises du vingtieme siecle, de l'oralite et de la diglossie, on entre dans l'etude des themes de l'enonce, qui suggerent une vue soit pessimiste, soit ambigue du monde. Mais, des que l'on aborde l'exploration de l'enonciation, le lecteur apprecie l'approche rusee des auteurs pour mettre en relief d'autres messages, ceux d'authenticite, de richesse, de liberte, d'abondance et de vie.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Scenes in the City: Film Visions of Manhattan Before 9/11
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Wartime Schools: How World War II Changed American Education
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Black Protest Thought and Education
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Teaching Like That: The Beginnings of Teacher Education at Bank Street
Peter Lang Publishing Inc The House of Trials: A Translation of Los Empenos De Una Casa by Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Teachers' Thinking in Environmental Education: Consciousness and Responsibility
Peter Lang Publishing Inc The Black I: Author and Audience in African American Literature
Peter Lang Publishing Inc A New World of Writers: Teaching Writing in a Diverse Society
Peter Lang Publishing Inc The Teachers of Stalinism: Policy, Practice, and Power in Soviet Schools of the 1930s
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Hungry Moscow: Scarcity and Urban Society in the Russian Civil War, 1917-1921
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Rewriting North American Borders in Chicano and Chicana Narrative
Peter Lang Publishing Inc The Bosom Serpent: Folklore and Popular Art
Peter Lang Publishing Inc The Literate Communist: 150 Years of the Communist Manifesto / Donald Clark Hodges.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Official Bilingualism and Linguistic Communication in Cameroon: Bilinguisme Officiel et Communication Linguistique au Cameroun
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Freedom, Equality, Power: The Ontological Consequences of the Political Philosophies of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau
Peter Lang Publishing Inc United States Congress and Bilingual Education
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Interdigitations: Essays for Irmengard Rauch
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Breaking the Circle of One: Redefining Mentorship in the Lives and Writings of Educators
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Transfigurations: The Autobiographical Novels of Sibilla Aleramo
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach: Leben und Werk
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach war Oesterreichs groesste Schriftstellerin des 19. Jahrhunderts. Ihr langes Leben verlief parallel zu dem von ihr hochverehrten Kaiser Franz Joseph I (1830-1916). Ihre Stellung als Frau und Aristokratin verschaffte ihr unvergleichliche Einblicke in die politischen und sozialen Zustaende ihrer Zeit, die sie in ihren Werken mit dem ihr eigenen Einfuehlungsvermoegen darstellte. Obgleich sie sich urspruenglich als Dramatikerin sah, fand Ebner-Eschenbach letztlich in der Erzaehlung und in scharfsinnigen Aphorismen literarisch zu sich selbst. Das Leben und Werk dieser bedeutenden Chronistin der Monarchie wird hier in seiner Gaenze dargestellt.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Sievers' Law in Germanic
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Sound and Sense: Musical Allusion and Imagery in the Novels of Iris Murdoch
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Love and Reading: An Essay in Applied Psychoanalysis
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Dangerous Dames: Representing Female-Bodied Empowerment in Postfeminist Media
This book illuminates the rhetorical work performed by contemporary representations of a specific type of postfeminist hero who has garnered a lot of cultural capital: women who are smart, capable, physically agile and fit, and proficient with weaponry and technology. Employing critical/cultural and feminist approaches, Heather Hundley, Roberta Chevrette, and Hillary Jones engage with a range of theories including intersectionality, critical race theory, postmodernism, and posthumanism to examine a range of contemporary texts, including Kill Bill, Volumes I and II; The Hunger Games films; Wonder Woman; Atomic Blonde; Proud Mary; The Bionic Woman; Deus Ex; Dark Matter; and Caprica. Contributing to a robust existing conversation about postfeminist media as well as tracing how representation has changed in recent years, Hundley, Chevrette, and Jones contend that portrayals of dangerous dames offer limitations and opportunities for audiences. Specifically, should audiences read these characters as evidence of a postfeminist apocalypse, they may heed warnings of the limited interpretations offered. Yet as more women serve as role models and gain public attention, particularly regarding their assets and abilities, they provide important equipment for living for navigating around patriarchal constraints raised by postfeminism, neoliberalism, and humanism.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Introduction to the History of Communication: Evolutions and Revolutions
An Introduction to the History of Communication: Evolutions and Revolutions provides a comprehensive overview of how human communication has changed and is changing. Focusing on the evolutions and revolutions of six key changes in the history of communication – becoming human; creating writing; developing print; capturing the image; harnessing electricity; and exploring cybernetics – the author reveals how communication was generated, stored, and shared. This ecological approach provides a comprehensive understanding of the key variables that underlie each of these great evolutions-revolutions in human communication. Designed as an introduction for history of communication classes, the text examines the past, attempting to identify the key dynamics of change in these human, technical, semiotic, social, political, economic, and cultural structures, in order to better understand the present and prepare for possible future developments.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Pedagogy of the Other: Edward Said, Postcolonial Theory, and Strategies for Critique
Edward Said has been acknowledged as one of the greatest critics and cultural theorists of our time. His groundbreaking work Orientalism initiated the development of postcolonial theory, causing a paradigm shift by re-conceptualizing, deconstructing, and re-presenting the ‘Orient’ as the ultimate ‘Other’ of the ‘Occident.’ Despite its influence on other disciplines, the impact of Said’s work in the field of education has not yet been fully explored. This book translates Said’s complex theory into praxis for readers and educators by gleaning key concepts and methodologies, critical and conceptual frameworks, and uses and ramifications for academic critique. Pedagogy of the Other (appropriately named after Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed) suggests ways and means to create an innovative postcolonial teaching practice that does not marginalize, oppress, or negate the Other, but rather, creates a counter-discourse of representation and empowerment.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Bangladesh: A Suffering People Under State Terrorism
Bangladesh: A Suffering People Under State Terrorism explores the destructive political situation in Bangladesh under the one-party and one-person rule of the despotic Sheikh Hasina. The contributors to this edited collection examine the catastrophic political environment of the country in view of the Hasina regime’s relentless oppression and repression since 2009, the authoritarian rule of her father in the early 1970s as well as the topic of Indian political, cultural and economic hegemony to which this dictatorial regime is increasingly surrendering Bangladesh's national interest, integrity and sovereignty. The contributors also attempt to expose the wholesale corruption and unprecedented vote-rigging that have rendered the regime completely illegal and illegitimate. They also highlight how the regime has been clinging to power by systemically unleashing terror and tyranny through its widespread networks of state machinery.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Ideas and Innovative Organizations: A Tribal Perspective
A tribal approach to innovation is found within cutting-edge organizations that pursue ideas and initiatives that are extraordinary. This approach is driven by groups of people that have an ambitious mandate, positive values or codes of conduct, well-defined roles, robust flows of knowledge, the ability to endure hardship, an analytical focus, and a willingness to sacrifice. Together, these attributes signal a favorable predisposition to discover breakthrough ideas and navigate difficult projects. This approach is manifest in modern day super projects such as the Event Horizon Telescope as well as historical initiatives such as the invention of flight by the Wright Brothers. For leaders and team members, the tribal framework provides a perspective for measuring the capacity of a team to generate novel ideas and see those ideas through to a successful conclusion.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Dialectics of 9/11 and the War on Terror: Educational Responses
Dialectics of 9/11 and the War on Terror: Educational Responses examines how global financial and socio-political systems propagate a lopsided dialectic of current events that influences teachers’ pedagogies of 9/11 and the War on Terror. The lopsided dialectic is one that encourages patriotism and militarism, conceals imperialism, and shuts out Muslim voices. Interviews with Muslim American students and high school teachers plus textual analysis of high school U.S. history textbooks demonstrate how curriculum and educators impact marginalized students’ identities and sense of belonging. As Muslim students describe their isolation and fear, and teachers discuss the challenges they face, readers will also learn how "us versus them" rhetoric deflects attention from the erosion of democratic values and the underlying socio-economic reasons for the War on Terror. Dialectics of 9/11 and the War on Terror: Educational Responses is easy-to-read and directed toward teachers, scholars, and curriculum developers, and includes actionable suggestions for teaching these topics in a balanced and holistic way. The ultimate goal of Dialectics of 9/11 and the War on Terror: Educational Responses is to grow critical dialectical pedagogy (CDP), a new introduction to the field of critical pedagogy, in order to nurture the next generation of global citizens. Dialectics of 9/11 and the War on Terror: Educational Responses can be used in teacher training, curriculum and instruction, multicultural education, secondary social studies education, research in education courses, as well as other areas of instruction.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Youth Community Inquiry: New Media for Community and Personal Growth
Youth Community Inquiry offers a detailed look at how young people use new media to help their communities thrive. Chapters address questions about learning, digital technology, and community engagement through the theory of community inquiry. The settings range from a small farming town, to a mostly immigrant community, to inner-city Chicago, and include youth from ages eight to 20. Going beyond works on social media in a narrow sense, the projects in these settings involve the use of varied technologies, such as GPS/GIS mapping tools, video production, use of archives and databases, podcasts, and Internet radio. The development of inquiry-based activities serves as a record of the diverse experiences and a guide to future projects. The book concludes with an overview of a curriculum that readers may adapt for their own settings.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Volunteering and Communication – Volume 2: Studies in International and Intercultural Contexts
This book won the 2017 NCA Applied Communication Division Distinguished Edited Book Award The second volume of Volunteering and Communication seeks to build upon the agenda set in motion by the first volume, which demonstrated the breadth of research being conducted on volunteers. The focus of this second volume is on the important issues related to volunteering in international and intercultural contexts. The chapters present empirical studies of volunteering divided into three sections. The first section includes six studies of the experiences of volunteers from a variety of countries including Thailand, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada. The second section includes studies of volunteers from the United States in other countries in Asia, Africa, and South America. The final section includes two studies of volunteers serving recent immigrants to their home country. This volume provides a unique focus by providing a more nuanced examination than the first volume did of some of the unique differences of volunteering in international and intercultural contexts. It is hoped the two books will stimulate additional research on volunteers.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Attracting Attention: Promotion and Marketing for Tourism Attractions
From theme parks and museums to zoos and aquariums, attractions draw millions of visitors each year. Regardless of type, they all share one common denominator – they are intended to provide visitors with memorable experiences. This book offers information about how to promote and market tourism attractions for maximum results. It looks at different approaches, strategies, tools, and techniques marketers can use when promoting their organizations to the public. Topics include advertising and marketing; media relations; social media marketing; sales promotion and merchandising; special events; guest relations and customer service; employee relations; crisis communications; and social responsibility and sustainability. In addition, it includes a variety of examples from attractions that have implemented successful promotion and marketing activities. Whether in the form of a news story, television commercial, brochure, website, Facebook posting, or special event, promotion and marketing have the potential to show customers the possibilities that await them. This book addresses the many different ways to reach this potential. It explains how to make the most of promotion and marketing to bring people into an attraction and keep them coming back for more. Attracting Attention offers valuable information for practitioners and for students enrolled in tourism, hospitality management, marketing, and communications programs. It is a handy resource for those working for attractions and tourism-related organizations.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc The Time Is Now: Understanding and Responding to the Black and Latina/o Dropout Crisis in the U.S.
The fact that 30% of all high school students and 50% of African American, Latina/o, and Native American students fail to graduate from high school is grounds for alarm in the United States. The Time Is Now argues that understanding and responding to the dropout crisis facing the United States has overlooked one major element – school culture. Using the PUEDES approach as an analytical framework, this book highlights how schools matter and, in fact, hold many of the solutions that contribute to student engagement and disengagement in school, particularly among low-income students of color. Drawing on more than 10 years of school-based research in Boston, Miami, and Southern California, a 10-Point Plan is proposed. The book provides a practical theory of action aimed at challenging the ways schools and communities work together to transform education practice, policy, and, ultimately, student engagement and achievement, particularly among African American and Latina/o students across the United States.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Education, Science and Knowledge Capitalism: Creativity and the Promise of Openness
We live in the age of global science – but not, primarily, in the sense of ‘universal knowledge’ that has characterized the liberal metanarrative of ‘free’ science and the ‘free society’ since its early development in the Enlightenment. Today, an economic logic links science to national economic policy, while globalized multinational science dominates an environment where quality assurance replaces truth as the new regulative ideal. This book examines the nature of educational and science-based capitalism in its cybernetic, knowledge, algorithmic and bioinformational forms before turning to the emergence of the global science system and the promise of openness in the growth of international research collaboration, the development of the global knowledge commons and the rise of the open science economy. Education, Science and Knowledge Capitalism explores the nature of cognitive capitalism, the emerging mode of social production for public education and science and its promise for the democratization of knowledge.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Media, Surveillance and Identity: Social Perspectives
How do individuals perceive the increasingly open-ended nature of mediated surveillance? In what ways are mediated surveillance practices interwoven with identity processes, political struggles, expression of dissent and the production of social space? One of the most significant issues in contemporary society is the complex forms and conflicting meanings surveillance takes. Media, Surveillance and Identity addresses the need for contextualized social perspectives within the study of mediated surveillance. The volume takes account of dominant power structures (such as state surveillance and commercial surveillance) and social reproduction as well as political economic considerations, counter-privacy discourses, and class and gender hegemonies. Some chapters analyse particular media types, formats or platforms (such as loyalty cards or location based services), while others account for the composite dynamics of media ensembles within particular spaces of surveillance or identity creation (such as consumerism or the domestic sphere). Through empirically grounded research, the volume seeks to advance a complex framework of research for future scrutiny as well as rethinking the very concept of surveillance. In doing so, it offers a unique contribution to contemporary debates on the social implications of mediated practices and surveillance cultures.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Globalisms and Power: Iberian Education and Curriculum Policies
Globalisms and Power examines the effects neoliberal globalization is having on Spanish and Portuguese educational and curriculum policies and practices. The book dissects the nexus between globalization (or globalisms) and power under a global policy momentum, and analyzes how neoliberal globalization strategies eagerly led by nongovernmental institutions determine the educational agenda in each nation. Both Portugal and Spain were subjugated by military dictatorships for more than four decades: their education systems were laced with an authoritarian, militaristic, racist, and xenophobic ideology. Both countries’ secular authoritarian and conservative religious traditions are now dangerously entangled with the demands of neoliberal ideologies. Shedding light on how education and curriculum policies and practices are determined and how they, in turn, determine the dynamics of ideological production in society, this book unmasks the massive artillery borrowed from the private sector to fix public education and lays bare the fact that nothing is natural, normal, or inevitable in this corporate global momentum.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Teaching College Students Communication Strategies for Effective Social Justice Advocacy
This book has received the AESA (American Educational Studies Association) Critics Choice Award 2013. The book deals concretely with the most effective ways for educators to be social justice advocates, with questions about what it means to be a social justice advocate, and with the best communication strategies to advocate for a particular social justice view that might start and sustain an open dialogue. The book presents a number of practical approaches to dialoguing about social justice in formal educational settings. It is well suited for college students, graduate students, faculty and higher education administrators, politicians, and anyone interested in having a civil discourse addressing social justice.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Framing Matters: Perspectives on Negotiation Research and Practice in Communication
The framing metaphor is commonly used in negotiation and communication research to characterize how individuals place interpretive and linguistic boundaries around phenomena, objects, or events. This book develops this construct, exploring its potential to provide research insights, and illustrating new strategies for further development. Divided into three sections, the book first captures the breadth of the theoretical framing construct, then focuses on the many ways in which the construct has been researched and applied. The final section reflects on the construct’s potential, and its value in understanding negotiation. An inspiring group of contributors – all experts in framing theory and conflict/negotiation management – outline how the framing construct is viewed theoretically by research scholars, and in the field by conflict resolution practitioners.