Search results for ""John Catt Educational Ltd""
John Catt Educational Ltd The Complete Guide to Pastoral Leadership: A compendium of essential knowledge, research and experience for all pastoral leaders in schools
This isn’t your average book about pastoral care – it is a no-nonsense exploration of the knowledge base that excellent pastoral practitioners, be they aspiring, new, or experienced, need to excel in their roles. Written for teaching and non-teaching pastoral leaders alike, this book combines theory, evidence, and research with best practice and on-the-job experience to help you on the way to becoming the very best pastoral leader that you can be. It is written for pastoral leaders by a current pastoral leader, reflecting the reality of our roles – the extraordinary pressures and challenges that we face, sometimes in just getting through the day.
John Catt Educational Ltd Annie Murphy Paul's The Extended Mind in Action
The Extended Mind by award-winning science writer, Annie Murphy Paul, is not an out-and-out education book. But it is entirely focused on how learning and thinking happen, illustrating how a multi-modal approach to cognition can widen points of access to intellectual activity.Using evidence from cognitive science, neuroscience, and psychology, The Extended Mind might broaden your understanding of human cognition. The findings of Annie Murphy Paul parallel those of cognitive load theorists: memory is at the core of cognition, and the body, the environment and other people enrich learning. In this book, Emma Turner, David Goodwin, and Oliver Caviglioli demonstrate how teachers can help their students augment their thinking with their bodies (embodied cognition), external tools (situated cognition) and the people around them (distributed cognition). To ease your concerns, you will read how the works of several eminent researchers validate claims put forward.Teachers and leaders of all education phases will find this book enlightening; using practical strategies and cases studies, the authors highlight opportunities to enrich students’ learning by widening points of access to intellectual activity.
John Catt Educational Ltd Must do better: How to improve the image of teaching and why it matters
We have a serious problem with the image of teaching in this country. In the eyes of many, teaching is not truly a profession akin to other professions. In the popular imagination, it is not on a par with medicine, law or accountancy, engineering, architecture or business. It is not held in the same esteem as careers which are of equivalent importance to society. Must do better challenges this damaging and pernicious status quo. It examines the origins of our problem with teaching, it shines a light on the exciting reality of teaching in the 21st century, and it charts a new course for the image of the modern teaching profession. The book is written to be easily read by the general reader, because ultimately it is with the general reader – the parent, the employer, the politician – that lies the power to effect the change that society needs. We can and we must change the image of teaching for the better.
John Catt Educational Ltd Successful Science Teaching: Improving achievement and learning engagement by using classroom assessment
Teachers simply do not have the time to do any more work. Yet the pressure to improve results is ever-upwards. The emphasis in this book is not on doing anything extra, but on doing all the everyday things that science teachers do – planning lessons, marking work and exams, providing feedback, and getting students involved in discussions, or self and peer-assessment – in a slightly different way. The book is full of simple, practical, formative assessment techniques and strategies, based on real classroom practices, repeated across the range of ages and abilities at secondary levels, in a variety of schools, that have been repeatedly shown to significantly improve examination results, and student involvement in lessons. Whether you are just about to embark on a career as a science teacher, or you have been one for many years, there is bound to be something here.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Early Career Framework: Origins, outcomes and opportunities
Teacher quality is widely reputed to be the key determinant of educational success for students. Teachers at the beginning of their career need support and guidance in providing a sustained, high quality experience for their learners. The role of continuing professional development (CPD) is crucial in honing and refining the knowledge, understanding and skills of teachers. Effective CPD can also provide teachers with the self-efficacy needed, particularly when they start teaching, to stay in the profession. With teacher shortages reported across the globe, and up to one third of teachers in England leaving the profession by their fifth year in teaching, CPD is an attractive solution to retain teachers.The Department for Education have established a mandatory CPD framework for all early career teachers (ECTs) teaching in schools in England – The Early Career Framework (ECF). Tanya Ovenden-Hope (Editor) brings together insights from those most closely connected to the ECF; the training providers, school leaders and academics involved in understanding the efficacy of professional development and learning in schools. Ovenden-Hope offers an historical record of the ECF, showing where it came from, what it offers now for schools and early career teachers (ECTs) and the challenges and opportunities for development in the future.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Caring Teacher: How to make a positive difference in the classroom
Whether you’re new to the profession or an experienced practitioner, teaching can be the most rewarding career imaginable but it has never been more demanding. This book is filled with practical advice relating to pastoral care and classroom management, with a firm focus on building effective relationships. If you’re wondering how to get the most impact from school reports and parents evenings, struggling with prickly home-school relationships or simply want to bring the best out of those around you, this book will guide you towards the most practical solutions. It provides invaluable insights to guide you through your teaching journey and to help make your classroom a place where both you and your students enjoy being.
John Catt Educational Ltd From Story to Judgment: The Four Question Method for Teaching and Learning Social Studies
The Four Question Method identifies the questions that drive the thinking that real people do when they take the human world seriously. The authors, Jonathan Bassett and Gary Shiffman, have figured out how to describe and teach what it takes to answer those questions well. This inquiry method gives educators a way to integrate content 'coverage' – through storytelling! – with practice in thinking skills that are central to history and its affiliated academic disciplines, together called social studies. The Four Question Method helps teachers to plan more effectively and students to learn more effectively. It provides guidance for writing research essays. And it transfers: the skills our students practice will work for them when they encounter and make their own history.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Digital Ecosystem: How to create a sustainable digital strategy for your school
The Digital Ecosystem will take you on a journey to develop your own sustainable digital strategy – one that is right for your school and yours alone, acknowledging that every school is different, just like every child. Covering all elements in order to blend your school's core values and ethos with the reality of today's digital world, this book will take you through building your digital governance, tightening up on your safeguarding in our changing digital world and supporting you to have the confidence to build on and develop your digital pedagogy and systems. With insights from schools globally into all areas of the digital ecosystem, the book intends to inspire and allow you to develop your own digital vision.
John Catt Educational Ltd Huh: Curriculum conversations between subject and senior leaders
Schools need to have purchase on the curriculum: why they teach the subjects beyond preparation for examinations, what they are intending to achieve with the curriculum, how well it is planned and enacted in classrooms and how they know whether it’s doing what it’s supposed to. Fundamental to this understanding are the conversations between subject leaders and their line managers. However, there is sometimes a mismatch between the subject specialisms of senior leaders and those they line manage. If I don’t know the terrain and the importance of a particular subject, how can I talk intelligently with colleagues who are specialists? This book sets out to offer some tentative answers to these questions. Each of the national curriculum subjects is discussed with a subject leader and provides an insight into what they view as the importance of the subject, how they go about ensuring that knowledge, understanding and skills are developed over time, how they talk about the quality of the schemes in their departments and what they would welcome from senior leaders by way of support. We have chosen this way of opening up the potentially difficult terrain of expertise on one side and relative lack of expertise on the other, by providing these case studies. They are suggested as prompts rather than the last word. Informed debate is, after all, the fuel of curriculum development. And why Huh? Well, 'Huh?' may be John's first response when he walks into a Year 8 German class but, in fact, we chose 'Huh' as the title of our book as he is the Egyptian god of endlessness. As Claire Hill so eloquently comments in her chapter, “Curriculum development is an ongoing process; it’s not going to be finished, ever.” And we believe that 'Huh' captures a healthy and expansive way of considering curriculum conversations.
John Catt Educational Ltd Shimamura's MARGE Model of Learning in Action
Shimamura’s MARGE model, described as a ‘Whole-Brain Learning Approach for Students and Teachers’, builds links between the areas of neuroscience, cognitive science and the practice of classroom teachers. Through discussing key ideas within the learning process – Motivate, Attend, Relate, Generate and Evaluate – Shimamura’s MARGE is a valuable lens through which we can discuss learning.This book aims to bring the MARGE model to life through the use of case studies written by practising teachers, and examples taken from classrooms across a range of phases. Through taking each of the principles of MARGE in turn, this practical guide helps all teachers better understand how they can develop their practice and improve the impact they have with the students they teach.
John Catt Educational Ltd Letter to My NQT Self
To all the wonderful early career teachers in our sector…You have entered a career in which you are paid to transform the lives of the most incredible children. What a privilege! You are so determined to make a difference and the education sector is full of inspiring colleagues who will guide and support you along the way. Every school has them. Every school needs them. In this book we introduce you to some of them. Written by the Academy Transformation Trust family and friends, this book is a collection of letters by teachers to their ‘NQT self.’ In their letters, teachers recount tales of successes and challenges in their first year of teaching, offering practical tips to support you to thrive in your early years of teaching.We hope you enjoy the book as much as we enjoyed writing it. Enjoy embarking on a journey of lifelong learning whilst serving the learning of others. From the Academy Transformation Trust family and friends.Contributors: Abby Bayford, Alicia Rickards, Amy Bills, Amy Staniforth, Andy Smith, Asha Kailey, Ben Manley, Cat Rushton, Charlotte Tuck, Craig Battrick, David Hicks, Debbie Clinton, Dr Kulvarn Atwal, Evo Hannan, Emma Turner, Freddie Hughes, Haider Abbas, Jon Burrows, Jorge Pashler, Laura Bradley, Lizzie Poole, Lucy Dawes, Lucy Wharton, Luke Taylor, Mary Myatt, Neil Harding, Neil Smith, Nicola Powling, Phillipa Harris, Roma Dhameja, Sarah Lee, Sharifah Lee, Shuaib Khan, Stephanie Badham, Tanya Kempson, Tom Reynolds, Zoe Enser.
John Catt Educational Ltd Let's Talk about Flex: Flipping the flexible working narrative for education
The narrative around flexible working needs flipping. After being able to work flexibly for 14 of her 23 years in education across teaching, school leadership and MAT leadership roles, Emma Turner realised that sadly, she's actually in the minority and has just been kinda lucky. Across the education system, although there is a recent groundswell of support for developing more life friendly, innovative and flexi ways of working, there are still a great deal of misconceptions, biases and prejudices about flexible working and flexible workers. Through her 'playlist' of educational floor fillers, Emma explores some of the successful ways in which flexible working can be viewed by both employers and employees for staff at all levels, including senior and school leadership. Designed to open up the flexible working conversation, this book outlines what can work, what has worked and what could work. This new way of viewing the flexi narrative from an experienced flex-pert encourages all to revisit our views on flexible working.
John Catt Educational Ltd Symbiosis: The Curriculum and the Classroom
Has our system of accountability and quick fixes meant we've lost perspective of what can really improve the quality of education? With a multitude of issues at the heart of some of our more toxic schools, including micro-management, over-complicated policy and the intricate measurement of the wrong foci, it appears that teachers are experiencing a disconnect from the very reason they joined teaching in the first place. With little autonomy over what's important, fewer teachers enter the profession than the monumental amount of teachers that are leaving, and those that do, do so with reluctance and regret. With an astute examination of practice in schools, Claire Hill and Kat Howard take a thoughtful and strategic view of how to ensure a sense of connection and cohesion within schools, to ensure that all feel part of the collective curricular journey towards a gold standard. With a consideration of research-informed practice, this book will provide a series of strategies for curriculum designers at every level, keeping the high quality teachers that we very much need in schools, and providing a better palette to students in the process. At a time where teaching is somewhat politicised, monetised and overcomplicated, Symbiosis: Curriculum and the Classroom sets about the task of refining the way in which we run our schools to improve the quality of our everyday lives in schools.
John Catt Educational Ltd Teaching English for the Real World
So much of the teaching in schools of how the English works does not prepare students for the real world. So little has changed in exams, the curriculum, or the way people think about English teaching, in several decades. This book is Joe Nutt’s attempt to help schools redress that dramatic imbalance. It’s not in any sense a practical teaching guide only for English teachers, nor is it full of hints and tips, lesson plans and schemes of work. Teaching English for the Real World is a far wider consideration of what schools and English teachers should be doing if they wish to prepare secondary school children to be successful and effective users of English, in the real world of work, higher education and adult life they will all too soon enter. If you are an English teacher, by the time you finish reading Teaching English for the Real World, you should be better prepared to deliver lessons that those you teach will forever be grateful for. The book consists of four main sections: English in context, towards the GCSE, choosing texts and technology matters. It starts by putting English clearly into context through a range of current examples. It urges teachers to consider the complex role English usage plays on everything from the side of a bus, through tissue-thin social media, garish slideshows and perky TED talks, to the hundreds of pages of research or official reports so often used as the basis for serious political policy and commercial decision making. It will then examine the classroom status quo and instead of the unrealistic and damaging focus on experiment and creativity, instead of requiring them to write newspaper articles, stories or speeches, the main deliverables in any English GCSE exam, the book will argue that teachers should think carefully about how to connect what children write, with who they are and where they really want to publish. The next section deals with choices of texts. There is a place for children to be taught to write well by example, but there are challenging questions to ask about much of the material routinely chosen. How often are texts and authors selected for study, for reasons that have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with knowledge or linguistic skill, and everything to do with politics? Even exam boards are guilty of this. The final section examines the relationship between English and the technology real people use to produce it. It reflects on how technology has impacted on the quality of the reading experience itself and argue that there is a crisis in reading in secondary schools, with many children sailing through exams yet leaving school as disinterested and even poor readers. And it suggests how teachers might approach introducing these different risks to children and equip them best to make sound judgements about the way they write and communicate, for personal and employment purposes in adult life.
John Catt Educational Ltd Ready to Teach: Macbeth:A compendium of subject knowledge, resources and pedagogy
What is the best approach for helping students to understand higher level concepts? How can specific subject knowledge be implemented in lessons?Ready to Teach: Macbeth brings together the deep subject knowledge, resources and classroom strategies needed to teach Shakespeare’s tragic play, as well as the pedagogical theory behind why these ideas work, helping teachers to deliver a knowledge-rich curriculum with impact. Each chapter contains lesson-by-lesson essays and commentaries that enhance subject knowledge on key areas of the text alongside fully resourced lessons reflecting current and dynamic best practice. The book also offers an introduction to the key pedagogical concepts which underpin the lessons and why they are proven to help students develop powerful knowledge and key skills. Whether you are new to teaching or looking for different ways into the text, Ready to Teach: Macbeth is the perfect companion to the study of ‘the Scottish play’.
John Catt Educational Ltd The researchED Guide to Special Educational Needs: An evidence-informed guide for teachers
researchED is an educator-led organisation with the goal of bridging the gap between research and practice. This accessible and punchy series, overseen by founder Tom Bennett, tackles the most important topics in education, with a range of experienced contributors exploring the latest evidence and research and how it can apply in a variety of classroom settings.In this edition, Karen Wespieser examines the latest research surrounding pupils with special educational needs. editing contributions from writers including: Richard Selfridge; Sabrina Hobbs; Gary Jones; Kenny Wheeler; Oliver Caviglioli; Rob Webster; Barney Aglis; and Chris Rossiter.
John Catt Educational Ltd The researchED Guide to The Curriculum: An evidence-informed guide for teachers
researchED is an educator-led organisation with the goal of bridging the gap between research and practice. This accessible and punchy series, overseen by founder Tom Bennett, tackles the most important topics in education, with a range of experienced contributors exploring the latest evidence and research and how it can apply in a variety of classroom settings.In this edition, Clare Sealy explores how schools can get the most out of a rich curriculum, editing contributions from a wide range of writers.
John Catt Educational Ltd The researchED Guide to Education Myths: An evidence-informed guide for teachers
researchED is an educator-led organisation with the goal of bridging the gap between research and practice. This accessible and punchy series, overseen by founder Tom Bennett, tackles the most important topics in education, with a range of experienced contributors exploring the latest evidence and research and how it can apply in a variety of classroom settings.In this edition, Craig Barton busts the most damaging myths in education, editing contributions from writers including: Doug Lemov; Bob and Elizabeth Bjork; Mark Enser; and Claire Sealy.
John Catt Educational Ltd The researchED Guide to Explicit and Direct Instruction: An evidence-informed guide for teachers: 2019
researchED is an educator-led organisation with the goal of bridging the gap between research and practice. This accessible and punchy series, overseen by founder Tom Bennett, tackles the most important topics in education, with a range of experienced contributors exploring the latest evidence and research and how it can apply in a variety of classroom settings.In this edition, Adam Boxer examines Direct Instruction, editing contributions from writers including: Kurt Engelman; Kris Boulton; Greg Ashman; Gethyn Jones; Tom Needham; Lia Martin; Amy Coombe; Naveen Rivzi; John Blake; Sarah Barker; and Sarah Cullen
John Catt Educational Ltd Michaela: The Power of Culture
Michaela Community School in Brent, London is one of the most talked-about schools in the UK. In this follow-up to the best-selling book Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Teachers, their teachers further explain how their relentlessly high expectations are helping young people to get great results and be successful.Since opening in 2014, Michaela Community School has blazed a trail and defied many of the received notions about what works best in schools. In Michaela: The Battle For Western Education, staff explore some of the things they have learned since the publication of the original book and further develop the ideology that lies beyond the headlines and social media arguments.Chapters include: Don't be squeamish about scripture - why we teach religion at Michaela; Relationships & systems; National Citizenship and Identity; Teaching National History; Digital Detox; Authority; Original Sin & Christian beliefs at Michaela; Telling kids the truth/teaching personal responsibility; Assessment at Michaela; Loving the difficult kids; The baby in the progressive bath water; The culture of feedback at Michaela; Why is teaching gratitude important?; Parenting the Michaela way
John Catt Educational Ltd How To Teach English Literature: Overcoming cultural poverty
A practical guide to pedagogy in the English classroom, supporting the teaching abstract, classic and challenging texts and concepts. Many teachers are struggling with the new GCSE syllabus for Literature, and this book provides useful resources, strategies and approaches for the key areas of challenge in the English classroom. Full of practical ideas for educators to use in their classrooms, it is the perfect book for any English teachers who want some fresh ideas for approaching GCSE Literature.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Primary Curriculum Leader's Handbook
At a time of renewed focus on the schools curriculum, Roy Blatchford has brought together some of the sharpest thinkers in education in a brilliant mixture of both practical and conceptual essays about what makes for a positive primary curriculum, 4 – 11.Perfectly timed to reflect the new Ofsted framework, the contributions reflect a range of thinking, planning and delivery, as schools do it now and will for the future. It is a compendium of proven practice, offering tips to less experienced/adventurous middle and senior leaders. Featuring contributions from: Katherine Benson; Kate Dethridge; Koulla Anslow; Mary Myatt; Aidan Severs; Marc Rowland; Siobhan Horisk; Claire Lotriet; Kate Atkins; Tim Coulson; David Ingham; Lilian Bell; Sean O'Regan; Colin Lofthouse; Janine Ryan; Simon Knight; Penny Slater.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Leadership Factor: The 7 characteristics of exceptional leaders
Some leaders just have `it'. They walk into a room and you know they are in charge. But how? What sort of person is so inspirational that even when the chips are down they make their team feel like the strongest warriors, ready and willing to march over the hill into battle? Drew Povey is one of the UK's most influential leadership authorities. Over decades working with leaders in education, the police, the National Health service, elite-level sport and international businesses, he has developed a unique multi-sector viewpoint - and a universal model for becoming an authoritative, dynamic and brave leader.Every successful CEO, world-beating sports captain and inspirational teacher exhibits the same characteristics: the 7Cs that together create the Leadership `it' Factor - curiosity, change-ability, charisma, connection, confidence, collaboration and courage. Taking each attribute in turn, Drew explains its necessity and guides the reader with steps and exercises to master it.With countless concise case studies from the worlds of business, education and global politics - some famous; some not so famous; many notorious - Drew draws lessons, guides development and paves the path to great leadership.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Thinking School: Developing a dynamic learning community
A modern-day reflective guide to detail how school leaders can develop a unique and expansive learning environment for teachers. The book is a practical manual that includes examples of activities that can be promoted to develop informal and formal teacher learning activities.Atwal argues that in the very workplaces where the core business is `learning’, the quality of staff learning in schools is poor and underdeveloped - there is significant room for improvement. This book is essential reading for all those interested in driving improvement in education in schools and anyone who has cared about children’s learning or teacher learning.
John Catt Educational Ltd Talent Architects: How to make your school a great place to work
Mandy Coalter draws on her extensive HR experience in the schools sector and beyond to support you to build a great place to work where everyone can excel in the interests of the children. She provides practical tips and support that will help to improve staff retention, performance and engagement, while tackling topics such as addressing teacher workload, what really motivates and retains staff and the crucial role that leaders play in ensuring great people management in schools. Insightful, captivating and authentic, Mandy suggests fresh and practical new ideas and opportunities to strengthen your school and teachers, better equipping them to support their pupils.
John Catt Educational Ltd Thinking the Unthinkable: A new imperitive for leadership in the digital age
Executive leadership faces new vulnerabilities. Many leaders privately concede them, but few are willing to talk publicly about them. "Unthinkable" events since 2014 have revealed a new leadership fragility at the highest levels. And the pace of change in 2017 shows that the uncertainties are greater than ever. Is this the "new normal?"Thinking The Unthinkable is an investigation into why leaders have appeared more unable or unwilling than ever to anticipate the biggest issues of our time.In an era of "wicked problems" why are current leadership behaviours and culture apparently not fit for purpose? What are the causes of so many failures in policy and strategic forecasting? Are they human frailties? Or are they systemic failures to embrace smartly new realities?Through hundreds of interviews and conversations, Nik Gowling and Chris Langdon have analysed the deep new challenges to the human capacity of leaders at the highest keels to accept, understand, embrace then handle the extraordinary processes of change and disruption. This essential book draws on the candid responses. The findings are scary and disconcerting.
John Catt Educational Ltd Lessons Learned: A life in education
Drawing on 38 years of experience, Brian Lightman's perceptive and thoughtful book is a reflective account of his career, looking at the development of the education system both from his perspective as a teacher and school leader and, more recently, as one involved in national policy. Major themes include the disruptive impact of the electoral cycle that has consistently led to a failure for developments to be properly embedded, and a visceral criticism of what the author sees as a highly polarised and divided education service in the Michael Gove era. The final section makes the case for a radical change to the culture that pervades our education service.
John Catt Educational Ltd Glass Ceilings: Enchancing social mobility - leadership lessons from charter schools
After a Damascene moment following a school trip to the US, Sir Iain Hall realised the UK's approach to urban education is all wrong. In Glass Ceilings, the hugely experienced and respected educator lays out his vision to get social mobility moving again in the UK.
John Catt Educational Ltd It's Doing My Head In: Leading complex organisations with a Palaeolithic brain
Max Coates' erudite but immensely readable book on leadership is unlike any other. Max, with humanity, explores the destructive nature of stress and shows us how failure to understand its genesis will wreak havoc on the life of a leader - both professionally and personally. This is a personal take on leadership; yet it is also packed with masses of scholarly references to prompt further reading and research for the curious reader. Anyone who leads, or who aspires to lead, will gain a huge amount from what amounts to a lifetime's wisdom, reflection and advice compressed into this one book.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Mr Salles Guide to 100% in AQA GCSE English Language Exam
This guide takes you through Paper 1 and Paper 2 of the new AQA GCSE English Language Exam. Mr Salles teaches you how to aim for the top level 8 and 9 grades. In fact he shows you how to get 100% and beyond. The guide will also show you how to become a brilliant writer, so that you will be able to enjoy writing for life. It is full of advice no other guide will give you, because Mr Salles has sat the exams to find out what the exam boards and other guides don't tell you. Lots of marks don't depend on being good at English, but understanding the strange rules of the exams. The questions often try to trick you, and Mr Salles shows you how to overcome this.
John Catt Educational Ltd Taking Control: How to Prepare Your School for Inspection
Ofsted don't allow their inspectors to offer advice to schools. But as a former inspector, Paul Garvey is able to use his experience to help headteachers prepare for inspections in order to help every school gain the grade it feels it deserves. His book is full of invaluable insights, gathered from years of experience in inspecting thousands of different schools. He takes readers step-by-step through what schools need to be doing (and not doing!) in advance to prepare, and then walks readers through the inspection process from both the school's and inspector's point of view. Paul refers regularly to Ofsted's School Inspection Handbook in order to link his advice to the grading criteria. And finally, he guides readers on writing their self-evaluation form. This book is a must have for any senior leadership team with an inspection due.
John Catt Educational Ltd Perspectives on Assessment and Evaluation in International Schools
Assessment and evaluation are two concepts at the core of schooling which are also central to other forms of education worldwide. In an international context, assessment and evaluation data are increasingly widely used for accountability and quality assurance purposes at individual student, institutional, national and global levels. This book does not attempt to include consideration of all the issues that could possibly be covered in a title that addresses assessment and evaluation in education internationally. Nor has it set out to cover the myriad technical issues with which assessment and evaluation are inevitably concerned. Rather, a number of authors working within different contexts of international education (whether as teachers or leaders in international schools, administrators in international examination bodies, or researchers in international educational research organisations) have been invited to share ideas arising from their own experiences of what might be interpreted as assessment or evaluation, be that assessment of student achievement, evaluation of teacher effectiveness or evaluation of school quality. The international dimension presents a range of challenges to those with responsibility for implementing assessment and evaluation strategies in widely diverse linguistic, cultural, social and personal contexts, and in this book valuable contributions are shared by colleagues who are authorities in the field. It is their personal views on assessment and evaluation, derived from professional practice in the international sphere, that have been brought together here.
John Catt Educational Ltd MYP - New Directions
The new IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) curriculum for 11 to 16 year olds came into effect in September 2014 and will strengthen the IB's continuum of learning. This edited collection will provide support for all those involved in the current period of preparation for implementation of the new programme. The chapters are written by experienced practitioners from a range of relevant standpoints about different aspects of the MYP. MYP - New Directions examines the changes to the programme that have been introduced as well as those that are currently in progress, and highlights challenges and opportunities for the future. Contributors: Judith Fabian, Conrad Hughes, Alexandra Holland, Lance King, Marjorie Lope, Patricia Villegas, Gareth Hegarty, Hege Myhre, Michael Huber, Oyndrilla Mukherjee, Anthony Hemmens, and Gillian Ashworth.
John Catt Educational Ltd Hacking the Curriculum: How Digital Skills Can Save Us from the Robots
Ian Livingstone is the Godfather of the British gaming industry. In Hacking the Curriculum, he and Shahneila Saeed explain the critical importance of coding and computing in modern schools - and offer teachers and school leaders real practical guidance on how to improve their current provision to a generation of youngsters for whom digital skills are critical.
John Catt Educational Ltd Teacher Self-Supervision: Why Teacher Evaluation Has Failed and What We Can Do About it
Many, perhaps even most schools, are not reaching their potential to be places of collective learning. The authors believe that one of the greatest impediments to realizing this vision is the deleterious effect of traditional systems of teacher evaluation. Rather than infantilizing teachers, we need to empower them. Traditional forms of teacher evaluation have failed. They are riddled with negative expectations about teachers and what motivates them. Taken together, these underlying assumptions form a pernicious cloud of counterproductive expectations that many teachers will "live down to". Inadvertently, the traditional system of teacher evaluation has created a vicious cycle of "self-sealing logic." It is now time for teachers to reclaim their profession, the process of which involves a relentless focus on adult learning: professional learning that is self-directed. The more dynamic and stimulating the culture of adult learning, the more dynamic and stimulating student learning will be.
John Catt Educational Ltd Take the Lead: Make the Difference You Want in Your School
Professor Sonia Blandford, founder and CEO of the award winning charity Achievement for All and listed as one of Debrett's 500 most influential for 2015, has written four books due out this Autumn. They each share the lessons that can be learned from the thousands of schools who have signed up to Achievement for All's high impact approach to education and who have bought into the charity's commitment to close the achievement gap in Britain's schools. TAKE THE LEAD is a book for school leaders. It taps into their ambitions to ensure every pupil on their register makes progress above national expectations and shares the framework Achievement for All offers which enables them to do that. Packed with ideas and experience from Sonia's team and the leaders she's working with.
John Catt Educational Ltd Headstrong: 11 Lessons of School Leadership
Drawing on 40 years of working in challenging schools, and a decade of leading some of the toughest schools in London, this book shows aspiring leaders how to create vibrant centres of learning in our most broken communities. Headstrong will resonate with ambitious leaders beyond education. It consists of 11 chapters, each exploring one aspect of the challenge of leadership.
John Catt Educational Ltd Lifting Our Heads: The challenge facing our schools: a call-to-arms for the independent sector
Headmaster Alex McGrath investigates the challenges facing independent schools and issues a 'call to arms' for school leaders to embrace changing times. He considers whether providing value for money is the most important issue affecting independent schools today and draws on interviews with more than 30 Heads to discover how they are meeting the challenge of providing the highest standards of education and pupil care while balancing the books.
John Catt Educational Ltd Teaching Assistants in International Schools: More than cutting, sticking and washing up paint pots!
Where would a classroom be without a really great TA? Ask any teacher and they will tell you that the classroom just wouldn't be the same without them. However, a great teaching assistant requires training. This book, published in partnership with the Council of British International Schools, helps demonstrate how TAs can be effective in the classroom and make a real difference to learning.
John Catt Educational Ltd Taking the IB Diploma Programme Forward
Expert writers share their thoughts and opinions on the future of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. The editors and contributors, all experts in their field, identify issues arising from current practice and indicate how those issues need to be addressed as part of a policy for future growth.
John Catt Educational Ltd A Practical Guide to Pupil Wellbeing: Strategies for classroom teachers
Every year thousands of research papers, guidance documents and educational aims are published on pupil mental health and wellbeing. Many of them offer insightful ideas and theories, but what is often lacking is a clear route for busy classroom teachers to apply these findings. A focus on wellbeing is here to stay, but what does it mean? How does it apply to the curriculum? And what is a teacher's role? This book critically explores the importance of being a research-informed teacher, assesses some of the key health and wellbeing areas that class teachers can directly affect, and offers practical advice on how to do this. Designed in part to create a clearer pathway for classroom teachers to ensure that, while already spinning their many existing plates, the health and wellbeing needs of their pupils can be met effectively.Teaching, like healthcare, has infinite capabilities to contribute to social improvement both for the individual and wider society. Teachers go above and beyond their job description every single day and face a myriad of challenges in doing so. This book will help to arm class teachers with a toolkit of information to help them succeed as teachers of health and wellbeing.
John Catt Educational Ltd Simplicitus Altius: Leading the Interconnected Primary Curriculum
Simplicitus Altius is the companion book to Simplicitus: The Interconnected Primary Curriculum and Effective Subject Leadership. Building on the initial ideas from Simplicitus, this book now explores further challenges in effective curriculum design within primary including reading and its place in curriculum design, child development and movement, how to get started with writing your curriculum, how to produce usable, useful and workable documentation, planning for mixed age classes, and a complete evaluation section to get to the heart of your curriculum offer.Rooted in decades of experience and research, and packed full of exemplar materials and workable proformas, Altius unpicks and presents efficient solutions to some of the perennial issues faced by primary when designing a curriculum.The approaches contained within Simplicitus and Altius have been used successfully by hundreds of schools and thousands of primary colleagues both nationally and internationally to help design and evaluate their curriculum offer. Primary curriculum design can be challenging but it need not be difficult. It can be Simplicitus.
John Catt Educational Ltd Knowledge Quiz: A-level Physics
The Knowledge Quiz series is a deviously simple and effective way for students to revise for GCSE and A-level subjects. Put together by subject experts, these easy-to-use books feature tear-out quizzes to help students memorise the large body of knowledge that forms the basis of success in exams. Rather than just flicking through revision cards expecting things to stick in your memory, self-quizzing allows you to complete multiple copies of the same quiz and keep doing them until you get them right every time. At the start of each section you’ll find full answers. This edition will help students to effectively drill the essential facts necessary for success in A-level Physics.
John Catt Educational Ltd Which School 2022 A guide to UK independent schools
First published in 1924, Which School? brings together in one volume a wealth of essential information aimed at guiding parents through the process of choosing the right independent school. The editorial section includes articles written by experts in their field. There are profiles of more than 100 featured schools. The directories are sorted by region and county and provide contact information, fees and pupil numbers. The appendix provides up-to-date information about the examinations and qualifications available. There is also a section giving basic details about the many varied and useful organisations in the education field.This guide is partnered with
John Catt Educational Ltd Success is a Journey
Roy Blatchford is one of the UK's most respected educationists. 'Success is a Journey' is a beautifully written collection of his recent essays about the education landscape, reflecting Roy's very high regard for teaching and schools. Over the past thirty years, Roy has written widely on school and college inspection, curriculum innovation, global education, policy and politics. His love of classrooms and enjoyment in watching children succeed are always present. His conversations with students, teachers and leaders have informed the content of many of the essays in this collection. Roy Blatchford's influence in establishing national standards in England's schools is evident in the contents of Part Two of the book. He was lead author of the the DfE Teachers' Standards, Master Teacher Standard and National Standards of Excellence for Headteachers. Part Three explains and exemplifies the practice of Blinks, a distinctive approach to reviewing and reporting on education settings which he has, with colleagues, established over the past fifteen years in the UK and internationally.
John Catt Educational Ltd Ruins
Second instalment of the critically-acclaimed Sentinel Trilogy. In his desperate search for answers about the Sentinels, an ancient society of guardians that his parents once belonged to, fifteen-year-old Nicholas Hallow is tipped into a fresh nightmare of terrifying monsters - and even more sinister humans. As Nicholas is challenged to become a Sentinel, he must track down a mysterious girl with the help of a grumpy cat. Meanwhile, an uprising of evil threatens to destroy the Sentinels and send the world spiralling into chaos.
John Catt Educational Ltd Berger's An Ethic of Excellence in Action
How do you embed excellence into schools' everyday practices, not as an incidental or an accident, but as an actual ethic? Like the original book, this book is not a manual but what it offers is a thorough analysis of the Ethic of Excellence toolkit strategies, which can be applied across all ages and phases. The examination is placed within a framework of relevant research and is aimed at corroborating Berger’s strategies and ethics, as they apply to classroom practice. The book is written with the full support, and the ethical guidance of the author of 'An Ethic of Excellence: Building a Culture of Craftsmanship with Students', Ron Berger. Each chapter exemplifies the active ingredients for each of the key principles and underpins them with evidence-informed practice and practical examples, from across the curriculum. The book offers case studies and insights from senior leaders and teachers on what excellence looks like, within their contexts. Whilst school improvement is never finished, the book offers a manual for identifying Berger’s principles of excellence. Through focused and evidence-informed offering, it considers how to make excellence as an ethic permanent across any school and any curriculum.
John Catt Educational Ltd Curriculum to Classroom: A Handbook to Prompt Thinking Around Primary Curriculum Design and Delivery
Curriculum to Classroom is the ideal book for senior leaders and curriculum leads who are in the process of establishing, refining and reviewing their school curriculum. It provides an overview of the curriculum design and delivery process in the Primary phase in its entirety. It also provides research-based evidence, practical examples and short/medium and long term solutions for your school in light of the 2014 National Curriculum as well as expert opinions from a number of renowned educators on different elements of the curriculum including: creating a powerful and ambitious vision for your school's curriculum intent; how to promote character development; how best to support and empower subject leads; and the fundamental building blocks in terms of implementation of the curriculum. This book will enable you to consider the many facets of curriculum design and support strategic decision making so your curriculum is meeting and exceeding the expectations of the National Curriculum as well as being unique and bespoke to your school community. An easy-to-read handbook to prompt thinking and reflections on your school's curriculum and provide practical tools and strategies to take it forward.