Search results for ""Jewish Lights Publishing""
Jewish Lights Publishing Jewish Lights Spirituality Handbook: A Guide to Understanding, Exploring and Living a Spiritual Life
Jewish Lights Publishing The Way into Encountering God in Judaism: Vol 3 in Series
Jewish Lights Publishing What You Will See Inside a Synagogue
WHAT YOU WILL SEE INSIDE A SYNAGOGUE will: . Satisfy kids' curiosity about what goes on in synagogues attended by their friends, broadening awareness of other faiths at an important age when opinions and prejudices can first form. . Provide Jewish children with a deeper understanding of the practices of their own religious tradition. . Give children the opportunity to ask questions, making them more active participants. Colourful full-page photographs set the scene for concise but informative descriptions of what is happening, the objects used, the clergy and laypeople who have specific roles, the spiritual intent of the believers, and more. The What You Will See Inside. series is designed to show children ages 6-10 the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of traditional houses of worship, liturgical celebrations and rituals of different world faiths, empowering them to respect and understand their own religious traditions - and those of their friends and neighbours.
Jewish Lights Publishing Jewish Ritual: A Brief Introduction for Christians
Jewish Lights Publishing The New Jewish Baby Album: Creating and Celebrating the Beginning of a Spiritual Life a Jewish Lights Companion
Jewish Lights Publishing The Alphabet of Paradise: An A-Z of Spirituality for Everyday Life
Paradise is not some far-off distant time or place, nor is it beyond death. It is here and now ,according to Howard Cooper—one of the most eloquent new voices in spirituality. The Alphabet of Paradise contains twenty-six chapters, A–Z, on such topics as: Awe • Bodies • Creativity • Dreams • Emotions • Food • Humor • Illness • Justice • Kabbalah • Love • Money Throughout each, Cooper uses the ancient Jewish mystical interpretive technique of PaRDeS, examining: • The Plain or literal meaning of the subject • Reminders, hints, or allusions that the subject evokes • Deeper spiritual meanings • And the Secret or mystical meanings that are sometimes present Demonstrating a remarkable range of cultural understanding and spiritual insight—from Salman Rushdie to soccer to sauerkraut—The Alphabet of Paradise uncovers the mystical meaning of our everyday lives.
Jewish Lights Publishing Lo que se Puede Ver Dentro de una iglesia Catolica
Una pintoresca y entretenida introducción que explica las costumbres y razones del culto católico. Visual e informativo, Lo que se puede ver dentro de una iglesia católica contiene ilustraciones a toda página y concisas descripciones de lo que ocurre, los objetos que se utilizan, el clero y las personas laicas que desempeñan funciones específicas, y el propósito espiritual de los creyentes. Ideal tanto para niños como para maestros, bibliotecarios, clérigos, líderes laicos y padres que desean desmitificar las celebraciones y ceremonias de la iglesia durante el año, así como también para fomentar la comprensión y la tolerancia entre diferentes tradiciones de la fe. ¿Qué es un altar? ¿Por qué la gente enciende velas en una iglesia? ¿Quién es el "Cordero de Dios"? ¿Qué es una vinagrera, un reclinatorio, una pila bautismal? Mediante breves pero esclarecedoras descripciones y fotografías de una amplia variedad de iglesias católicas, el Reverendo Michael Keane responde a todas estas preguntas y aún más. Lo que se puede ver dentro de una iglesia católica: Da a los niños la oportunidad de formular preguntas, haciéndolos participantes más activos; Satisface la curiosidad de los niños acerca de lo que ocurre en las iglesias a las que asisten sus amigos, ampliando su conocimiento de otras creencias a una edad importante, cuando comienzan a formarse opiniones y prejuicios; Proporciona a los niños católicos una mayor comprensión de las prácticas de su propia tradición religiosa.
Jewish Lights Publishing Gandhi: Indias Great Soul
There are a number of biographies of Gandhi written for young readers but this is the only one that balances a simple text with illustrations photographs and activities that encourage children and adults to talk about how to make changes happen without violence. Kids will be motivated as they learn about Gandhi's life from his early days as a law student in London to his work for equality in South Africa and India and his methods of peaceful but not passive resistance. Introduces young children to important concepts of freedom equality and justice among people of all backgrounds and religions. Opens the way for teaching children how to achieve their goals through persistence and persuasion rather than violence and fighting.
Jewish Lights Publishing Spiritual Manifestos: Visions for Renewed Religious Life in America from Young Spiritual Leaders of Many Faiths
Young spiritual leaders are beginning to remove the reasons why so many of us have kept religion at arm's length. "Spiritual sagacity does not belong only to seniors like Mother Teresa and Dorothy Day, Martin Buber and Abraham Joshua Heschel, the veteran Desmond Tutu and the aging Dalai Lama. Let's hear from a generation that is marked by new experiences." —from the Preface by Martin E. Marty By transforming our faith traditions in light of today's increasing diversity, the search for community, the Internet and our changing lifestyles, these young, visionary spiritual leaders are helping to create the new spirituality. Ten contributors, most in their mid-thirties, span the spectrum of religious traditions—Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Unitarian, Buddhist—and offer their "visions," bold spiritual manifestos, for transforming our faith communities and our lives. Hear how one Catholic priest proclaims "all religion and spirituality ought to be zesty, passionate, rich and deep"; how one rabbi serves a "congregation" on the web for Microsoft and rides in squad cars on drug busts in New York City; how a self-described "Zen priest" is serving an Episcopal church in Alaska; and how a talented young woman lives her "wild and precious life" changing the world as a nun. These stories, and others, will challenge your assumptions about what religion is—and isn't.
Jewish Lights Publishing Gospel—The Book of John: A New Translation with Commentary—Jesus Spirituality for Everyone
In his fresh and life-giving translation of the Gospels with sparkling commentary, spiritual innovator Thomas Moore strips the Gospels of their theological agendas and reclaims them as a fundamentally new way of imagining human life. He blends scholarship and pastoral guidance to highlight the Gospels’ teachings on earthly, rather than otherworldly, living in which community, compassion, inclusiveness, prayer and healing are key elements. He draws deeply from Greek philosophy, literature and spirituality to craft an accurate and challenging yet accessible translation that, free of religious moralism and dogmatism, is beautifully imaginative and inspirational.
Jewish Lights Publishing Gospel—The Book of Mark: A New Translation with Commentary—Jesus Spirituality for Everyone
Be inspired to live an altogether different kind of life rooted in a more radical kind of love. Long description: In his fresh and life-giving translation of the Gospels with sparkling commentary, spiritual innovator Thomas Moore strips the Gospels of their theological agendas and reclaims them as a fundamentally new way of imagining human life. He blends scholarship and pastoral guidance to highlight the Gospels’ teachings on earthly, rather than otherworldly, living in which community, compassion, inclusiveness, prayer and healing are key elements. He draws deeply from Greek philosophy, literature and spirituality to craft an accurate and challenging yet accessible translation that, free of religious moralism and dogmatism, is beautifully imaginative and inspirational.Be inspired to live an altogether different kind of life rooted in a more radical kind of love.
Jewish Lights Publishing Walking the Divine Way: A Book of Moving Meditations with Likely and Unlikely Saints
Many of us have taken in so much information that we are ready to take in less, but take in well one phrase or one word, well loved, well learned, meditated upon and lived out, rather than a tome-sized prescription where meaning gets lost in an endless sea of text. In this collection of adventures into camino divina "the walk of the Divine" wise words and shimmering silence, soulful exploration and creative imagination weave together an opportunity for savoring and understanding our interiors and exteriors in a much deeper way. Inspired by the ancient spiritual practices of lectio divina and walking meditation, camino divina helps you explore whole new worlds inside yourself as well as re-view the natural world around you by combining mindful walking with inspiring phrases. Your companions are spiritual luminaries such as Wendell Berry, Mary Oliver, Hildegard of Bingen, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, John O'Donohue and more, whose wise words provide nourishment for all kinds of journeys into your soul. For individual and group use, this book seeks to delight and deepen, to create a powerful practice you can take with you wherever you go a well-planned or serendipitous trip, a pilgrimage to a sacred site or a meandering in your own neighbourhood. All it takes is a pair of legs and a pairing of words that will help your divine imagination run wise and run wild.
Jewish Lights Publishing Struggling in Good Faith: Twelve American Religious Traditions and Their Perspectives on Lgbtqi Inclusion
We are at a critical turning point in American religious and political life over LGBTQI inclusion. How each spiritual community approaches the question will profoundly impact the American political and social climate of the future. Which religious communities are making strides toward LGBTQI inclusion? Which are at the point of internal division over this contentious issue? Where is there flexibility and where are doors slammed shut? This easily accessible sourcebook explores twelve faith traditions that wrestle with LGBTQI inclusion, documenting the challenges and transformation of American religion. Contributors-LGBTQI and allied activists, scholars and clergy-write from an inside perspective about their communities, addressing the ways in which LGBTQI inclusion is being consciously constructed or denied, how their faith's teachings have been traditionally interpreted, and what textual or authoritative changes have taken place to integrate LGBTQI people into their communities. Faith traditions covered: Episcopalian, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Unitarian Universalist, United Church of Christ, Latter-day Saints (Mormon), Seventh-day Adventist, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Native American. For lay readers, clergy and secular leaders and professionals striving to become more inclusive, STRUGGLING IN GOOD FAITH offers hope for change, hope for compassion and hope for civil discourse.
Jewish Lights Publishing The Golden Rule and the Games People Play: The Ultimate Strategy for a Meaning-Filled Life
People play two kinds of games. In finite zero-sum games, like football, the goal is to defeat your opponent within the fixed timeframe of the game. In infinite non-zero games, such as a loving friendship, the goal is to keep the game going by continually enhancing the status of all players so they will want to continue the game. In finite games, there are clear winners and losers; in infinite games-the most important relationship games of life-everybody wins. This book is for people who want to play more infinite games and it presents the Golden Rule as the ultimate strategy for playing well. his provocative and challenging exploration of the Golden Rule, widely accepted as humanity's moral true north, neither praises the Rule uncritically nor naively insists that it is applicable in every situation. Rather, it looks critically at the Rule in the context of game theory to see where it works and where it doesn't, when it is applicable and when it isn't. It shows you why knowing the difference can offer you a powerful way to transform your life from one driven by fear to one driven by love. This philosophical game changer is written for people of all faiths or none who praise the Rule and yet violate it over and over again. It invites you into the fascinating world of ethical decision making in a way that helps you use the Golden Rule as a fulcrum for shifting your life from fearful and often unethical competition to compassionate and even loving cooperation.
Jewish Lights Publishing Like a Child: Restoring the Awe, Wonder, Joy and Resiliency of the Human Spirit
By breaking free from our misperceptions about what it means to be an adult, we can reshape our world and become harbingers of grace. By restoring the childlike ways of humility, trust, awe, wonder, playfulness and more, we can recover a fuller picture of what it means to be human. This unique spiritual resource explores what Jesus may have meant when he said, "Unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." It addresses our modern misperceptions regarding the nature of maturity and the common coping mechanisms-distrust, guardedness, insecurity, judgmental thinking-we acquire, and feel we require, in adulthood. Along with the wisdom of ancient and modern spiritual luminaries, this book provides over twenty-five spiritual practices to help us cultivate the childlike ways of attention, self-awareness, joy and resilience in our inner lives as well as in our relationships with others.
Jewish Lights Publishing Dangerous Dozen: Twelve Christians Who Threatened the Status Quo but Taught Us to Live Like Jesus
Sometimes What We Need Most Is What We Fear Most "Times change and situations seem to change, but there is still a great need for prophets, for God's ambassadors, to stand up and be counted. Who will dare to be Paul the Apostle today, or Dorothy Day, or Francis of Assisi, or Dietrich Bonhoeffer? Who will dare, when God calls, to say, 'Here I am, Lord. Send me'?" —from the Foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu Meet twelve fascinating—at times, intimidating—Christian change agents who were unafraid to ask what God would have them do in the face of life’s realities—and unafraid to go ahead and do it. Their words and actions challenged the status quo, and in so doing they showed the face of Jesus to the Church and to the world. Whether calling us to live simply in the name of Jesus, showing the way to genuine peacemaking, or exemplifying the true meaning of courage, the legacies of these blessed troublemakers continue to inspire us today … if we let them. Paul of Tarsus • Mary Magdalene • Origen of Alexandria • Francis of Assisi • Hildegard of Bingen • Thomas Cranmer • Sojourner Truth • Dorothy Day • Dietrich Bonhoeffer • Janani Luwum • Oscar Romero • K. H. Ting
Jewish Lights Publishing Why Can't We Talk?: Christian Wisdom on Dialogue as a Habit of the Heart
"Anything could happen when we start to talk. Nothing will happen if we don't. That alone makes the way of dialogue a journey worth taking." -from the Epilogue Think of an issue that makes your blood boil. Now imagine lunch with a friend who is just as passionate about it-on the other side. How can the two of you even broach the issue, let alone hear each other with curiosity and compassion? The answer begins long before the lunch does, by learning to engage dialogue as a habit of the heart-an inner transformation that the ancient practices of Christian spirituality can address. This highly readable and timely guide to restoring dialogue shows you how to cultivate this transformation while preparing you to approach your adversaries with curiosity, civility and compassion. With dialogue expert John Backman leading the way, you will: · Examine the obstacles that keep you from dialogue: black-and-white thinking, a "distraction lifestyle," the fear of change and negative impressions from others. · Explore the strength of character from which healthy dialogue springs-and the work of the soul that cultivates them. · Learn practical guidelines for dialogue and how they work in an imperfect world. · Encounter anecdotes of dialogue in action, from resolutions of interpersonal conflict to difficult dialogues on some of the most divisive issues of our age. · Use provocative questions at the end of each chapter to stimulate group discussion and individual reflection.
Jewish Lights Publishing Book of Job: Annotated & Explained
THE BOOK OF JOB, celebrated as a classic of world literature and one of the glories of the Bible, can often be puzzling and frustrating - puzzling for its dialogue form and off-putting because of the many questions it leaves unanswered. The book was written in a world very different from our own and yet the fundamental questions it raises are still ones we grapple with today: Is it worthwhile to act for the best? Does life have a meaning beyond itself? Why do the righteous suffer and the guilty prosper? In this accessible guide to a spiritual masterpiece, Donald Kraus clarifies what Job is, helps overcome difficulties in the text and suggests what Job may mean for us today. Kraus' fresh translation captures some of the finest poetry in the Hebrew Bible and uncovers the original author's intent in a way that is accessible for modern readers and spiritual seekers. This inviting SkyLight Illuminations edition, with probing facing-page commentary, explores Job's daring challenges to God's goodness, asks questions about the basic fairness of existence and offers compelling descriptions of the glories of the created world and the bitter sorrows of human life.
Jewish Lights Publishing John & Charles Wesley: Selections from Their Writings and Hymns - Annotated & Explained
John Wesley (1703-1791), Anglican priest, theologian and church reformer and his brother, Charles Wesley (1707-1788), one of the greatest hymn writers of all time, co-founded Methodism, a major movement of Christian renewal. Their vision of Christian discipleship included important spiritual practices that fuelled the revival of the eighteenth-century Church of England. Their holistic theology/spirituality affords guidance for the contemporary spiritual seeker who yearns for greater meaning and purpose in life. This unique presentation of the writings of these two inspiring brothers brings together some of the most essential material from their large corpus of work. While John articulated his vision of Christianity through many sermons, journals and theological treatises, Charles expressed his theology in lyrical form through some nine thousand hymns and devotional poems. These excerpts from Charles and John Wesley, with probing facing-page commentary, will provide insight not only into the renewal of dynamic and vital Christianity, but into the struggles and concerns of all who seek to be faithful participants in God's vision of love in every age.
Jewish Lights Publishing Who are the Real Chosen People?: The Meaning of Chosenness in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Religious people who define themselves as monotheists have often advanced the idea that their relationship with God is unique and superior to all others. Theirs supercedes those who came before and is superior to those who have followed. This phenomenon tends to be expressed in terms not only of supersessionism, but, also, "chosenness" or "election." Who is most beloved by God? What expression of the divine will is the most perfect? Which relationship reflects God's ultimate demands or desire? In this fascinating examination of the religious phenomenon of chosenness, Reuven Firestone explores the idea of covenant and the expressions of supersessionism as articulated through the scriptures of the three major monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. He explores how and why the ongoing competition and friction between these religions came about and offers thoughts about how to overcome it.
Jewish Lights Publishing Restoring Life's Missing Pieces: The Spiritual Power of Remembering & Reuniting with People, Places, Things & Self
"Reunions with people, places, things and ourselves happen every day around us and within us. Whether to participate or not will always be your choice." -from the Introduction In this book the author explores humankind's timeless, universal and deeply spiritual desire to reunite for the sake of healing and wholeness. Whether we wander far from home or reminisce from our favourite armchair, people of all faiths or none whatsoever undertake journeys to remember, restore and re-member the missing pieces of our stories, psyches and souls: · Do you occasionally Google a person from your past in hopes of "catching up"? · Do you leaf through old address books to try to call someone for the first time in decades? · When you visit gravesites or memorials, can you pinpoint what drew you there? · Have you felt an urge to revisit your birthplace or travel to your ancestors' homelands? · Do you feel compelled to attend an upcoming school, family or other reunion? If not, why not? Delve deeply into ways that your body, mind and spirit answer the Spirit of Re-union's calls to reconnect with people, places, things and self.
Jewish Lights Publishing Beading - the Creative Spirit: Finding Your Sacred Center Through the Art of Beadwork
BEADING invites readers on a spiritual pilgrimage into the kaleidoscope world of glass and colour. Believing that beading is a form of meditation through which we can access the Creative Spirit that is always present in us, Ellsworth offers multiple ways to explore beading as a spiritual journey of self-discovery. Each of the seven chapters is rich with personal stories, exercises and beading projects and each project has a meditative experience to encourage a contemplative spirit and creative play. The project results are beautiful and meaningful, designed by a master bead artist for both novice and experienced beaders alike. Projects Include: . Geometric Mandala, Personal Mandala . Beaded Prayer Pouch, Personal Prayer Beads . Beaded Stick Figure, Necklace with Pendant . Chakra Flowers, Chakra Necklace . Free-Form Gourd Stitch Bracelet, Ruffled Cabochon Brooch . Dutch Spiral Necklace, Spiral Vessel . Song Beads, Herringbone Stitch Cuff
Jewish Lights Publishing Talking about God
Jewish Lights Publishing Next to Godliness: Finding the Sacred in Housekeeping
Be they our kitchens after a meal or our communities after a crisis, we all face the times and opportunities when we must clean up. Through a beautiful, diverse and eclectic array of personal narratives, fiction, sacred texts and verse, this inspiring book offers new perspectives on the unique ways we can reach out for the Divine within the simple acts of washing the dishes, doing the laundry, making a home and more. Giving the process of cleaning house depth and resonance, these writings will speak to your heart and allow you to see beyond the task at hand and into a greater undertaking to realise the sacred in all that we do. From sweeping the home, to organising the office, to cleaning up the more daunting "Big Messes" in our communities, this engaging book touches upon every facet of our lives.
Jewish Lights Publishing Everyday Herbs in Spiritual Life: A Guide to Many Practices
Herbs have been essential to spiritual beliefs and practices throughout time and history. From Christian Scripture to Hindu observances, Jewish ritual to early Islamic literature, Native American traditions to Buddhist symbolism, plants are seen as a blessing from God and a way to remain in harmony with Spirit. In this fun, informative and engaging guide, you will be delighted by the history of the religious and spiritual use of herbs in many faith traditions and inspired by creative ideas on how to use herbs for spiritual growth. Unique and soul-strengthening activities can teach you how to: § Create herbal art inspired by your faith § Craft herbal wreaths, pillows and soaps from herbs selected for their spiritual qualities § Prepare herbal teas, infused oils, meals and condiments with herbs chosen for their ability to nurture, strengthen and heal § Make candles infused with herbs that promote balance and centring § Nourish the soul with herbal sachets and potpourri § Use incense and smudge sticks to imbue clarity and purity § Design a simple herb garden of plants chosen from among different spiritual traditions Construct spaces in which to use herbs for reflection and meditation
Jewish Lights Publishing The End of Days: Essential Selections from Apocalyptic Texts Annotated & Explained
Christian concepts of the end times involve complex beliefs that have developed over the centuries. They range from popular ideas about the rapture when believers will be swept up to meet Christ in the air, to suspicions about the Antichrist who will deceive and enslave the world, to teachings about the millennium when Christ himself will return victoriously to earth to reign in peace for a thousand years. And Christians have disagreed, sometimes violently, on exactly how and when these events will occur - or whether they will occur at all. With insightful and broad knowledge of the historical, religious and contemporary contexts of these writings, distinguished scholar Robert G. Clouse guides you through the fascinating and intricate world of apocalyptic literature. He examines key verses from Christian and Hebrew scriptures; visionary writings from Augustine and other Church Fathers; accounts of radical millennial movements of the 1600s; bold sermons from preachers such as Jonathan Edwards and Dwight L. Moody; and popular books circulating in our own day, including 1970s prophecy sensation The Late Great Planet Earth and the mega best-selling Left Behind novels. Accessible facing-page commentary explains the apocalyptic writings for you even if you have no previous knowledge of Christian teachings on the end times. Will Christ come on the clouds in power and in judgment? Or is it up to us to usher in the golden age of the millennium? Or is the millennium spiritual, made real only within believers' hearts? This book will help you understand the complex Christian visions of the end of the world.
Jewish Lights Publishing Keeping Spiritual Balance as We Grow Older: More Than 65 Creative Ways to Use Purpose Prayer and the Power of Spirit to Build a Meaningful Retirement
Your Guide to Exploration and Adventure in the Years Ahead As we grow older and face new demands on our bodies—illnesses, limited mobility, loss of vision or hearing—it is easy to focus on only the changes to our physical bodies and forget about the transformations our spiritual selves are going through. Keeping Spiritual Balance As We Grow Older will guide you through readings and practical exercises to reintroduce you to your spiritual side. Molly and Bernie Srode discuss how the power of spirit can help you overcome the obstacles of aging, add meaning to your everyday life, and attain both your material and spiritual goals regardless of your religious orientation. With creative, practical advice, this book is brimming with ideas to add purpose and spirit in the building of your meaningful retirement.
Jewish Lights Publishing The Hebrew Prophets: Selections Annotated and Explained
Hundreds of commentaries and dozens of Bible translations make the Hebrew prophets available to modern-day readers but most often these sources focus on history or apologetics losing the reader who is searching for spiritual insight. THE HEBREW PROPHETS makes the wisdom of these timeless teachers available to readers with no previous knowledge of the prophets. With fresh contemporary commentary Rami Shapiro reveals the central themes covered by all the prophets: moving from ignorance to wisdom injustice to justice cruelty to compassion and despair to joy. This unique look at the Hebrew prophets sharpens the personal nature of their message and highlights their critique of the spiritual errors we all face in life challenging readers to correct those errors and experience a life of awakening and joy.
Jewish Lights Publishing The Wisdom of Solomon and Us: The Quest for Meaning, Morality and a Deeper Relationship with God
Jewish Lights Publishing Speaking Torah, Volume 2: Spiritual Teachings from Around the Maggid's Table
Jewish Lights Publishing Mgic of Hevrew Chnats: Healing the Spirit, Transforming the Mind, Deepening Love
Jewish Lights Publishing Creating Lively Passover Seders: A Sourcebook of Engaging Tales, Texts & Activities
Jewish Lights Publishing Masking and Unmasking Ourselves: Interpreting Biblical Texts on Clothing & Identity
Jewish Lights Publishing God Upgrade: Finding Your 21st-Century Spirituality in Judaism's 5,000-Year-Old Tradition
Jewish Lights Publishing Shema in the Mezuzah: Listening to Each Other
Jewish Lights Publishing Witness to the One: The Spiritual History of the Sh'Ma
Jewish Lights Publishing The Seven Questions You'Re Asked in Heaven: Reviewing & Renewing Your Life on Earth
Jewish Lights Publishing Changing Christian World: A Brief Introduction for Jews
Jewish Lights Publishing Jewish Family Fun Book: Holiday Projects, Everyday Activities, and Travel Ideas with Jewish Themes
Jewish Lights Publishing The Soul of the Story: Meetings with Remarkable People
Jewish Lights Publishing Yom Kippur Readings: Inspiration, Information and Contemplation
Jewish Lights Publishing The JGirl's Teacher's and Parent's Guide
Jewish Lights Publishing The Jewish Lights Book of Fun Classroom Activities: Simple and Seasonal Projects for Teachers and Students
Jewish Lights Publishing Does God Hear My Prayers
DOES GOD HEAR MY PRAYER? playfully guides children down their own paths of spiritual discovery by exploring the many ways that children can communicate with God. Using simple, everyday examples that children can relate to this colourful book introduces pre-schoolers as well as young readers (ages 3-6) to prayer and how prayer can help them express their own fears wants sadness surprise and joy. Multicultural, non-denominational and non-sectarian this beautiful book helps parents and children of all faiths and backgrounds embark together on an imaginative journey in search of ways we can use our voices to develop a direct and personal understanding with God. For ages 3-6
Jewish Lights Publishing Saving Civility: 52 Ways to Tame Rude, Crude & Attitude for a Polite Planet
Cyberbullying, hostile and polarising political infighting and tasteless and tactless behaviour may be on the rise, but it doesn't have to be this way. Sara Hacala, a certified etiquette and protocol consultant, offers a definitive look at what civility means and how it can change the nature of everyday interaction. She goes beyond a superficial discussion of proper manners to present civility as a mind-set that encompasses values and attitudes that help you embrace your connections to others and repair society. Tapping the wisdom of ancient spiritual luminaries as well as the latest social science research, she provides fifty-two practical ways you can reverse the course of incivility and make the world a more enriching, pleasant place to live.