Search results for ""ISTE Ltd and John Wiley Sons Inc""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Educational Studies in the Light of the Feminine: Empowerment and Transformation
From the theory-practice couple, there are various ways to approach educational and training issues. Intervention research, reflexive situated action and innovation are some of them. Through the analysis of the author's various experiences - professional and initial training, support for change, organizational assessment, experiential learning, project management - this book explores questions about social or professional contexts and the subjective training of actors. One of the challenges is to understand and challenge phenomena such as the development of autonomy and subsidiarity in changing academic or academic contexts. The book promotes the emergence of an ethical and resilient subjectivity. It will show that storytelling is methodological resources for research-intervention paradigms, support the development of actors and stimulate mobility. The book introduces the hypothesis of an operational principle of the feminine as fluid gender, added value to the collective intelligences of the processes of transformation of education and teaching, in terms of intergenerational transmission and in terms of transferability and Strategic activation of skills between business sectors and intellectual fields. This praxeology reconsiders organizations, temporalities, frames of reference, relaunches a reflection in action at the heart of structuration-transformation projects in governance of public action, as well as in terms of personal and collective encapacitation. The reflection opens to questions of management of conflictualities and management of the subjective, epistemological and professional economies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Infrared Spectroscopy of Symmetric and Spherical Spindles for Space Observation 1
This book is dedicated to the description and application of various different theoretical models to identify the near and mid-infrared spectra of symmetric and spherical top molecules in their gaseous form. Theoretical models based on the use of group theory are applied to rigid and non-rigid molecules, characterized by the phenomenon of tunneling and large amplitude motions. The calculation of vibration-rotation energy levels and the analysis of infrared transitions are applied to molecules of ammonia (NH3) and methane (CH4). The applications show how interactions at the molecular scale modify the near and mid-infrared spectra of isolated molecules, under the influence of the pressure of a nano-cage (the substitution site of a rare gas matrix, clathrate, fullerene or zeolite) or a surface, and allow us to identify the characteristics of the perturbing environment. This book provides valuable support for teachers and researchers but is also intended for engineering students, working research engineers and Master�s and doctorate students.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Microprocessor 1: Prolegomena - Calculation and Storage Functions - Models of Computation and Computer Architecture
Since its commercialization in 1971, the microprocessor, a modern and integrated form of the central processing unit, has continuously broken records in terms of its integrated functions, computing power, low costs and energy saving status. Today, it is present in almost all electronic devices. Sound knowledge of its internal mechanisms and programming is essential for electronics and computer engineers to understand and master computer operations and advanced programming concepts. This book in five volumes focuses more particularly on the first two generations of microprocessors, those that handle 4- and 8- bit integers. Microprocessor 1 the first of five volumes presents the computation function, recalls the memory function and clarifies the concepts of computational models and architecture. A comprehensive approach is used, with examples drawn from current and past technologies that illustrate theoretical concepts, making them accessible.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Process Industries 2: Digitalization, a New Key Driver for Industrial Management
As a result of knowledge exchange between the academic and industrial worlds, this book analyzes the process industries impacted by the digital revolution that accompanies the ongoing energy and environmental transitions. Process Industries 2 first discusses bio-industries and analyzes the development of products of microbial origin. It then studies all the stages of industrialization that facilitate the progress from research to the production of a finished product, as well as industrial management techniques. Using concrete examples, this book presents the instruments of the digital revolution (artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, the Internet of Things, digital twins), while analyzing their impact on the supply chain and operators. Boxes within the book, written by recognized specialists, invite both students and professionals, who are faced with a changing world, to reflect on the industry and the world of tomorrow.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Cybersecurity in Humanities and Social Sciences: A Research Methods Approach
The humanities and social sciences are interested in the cybersecurity object since its emergence in the security debates, at the beginning of the 2000s. This scientific production is thus still relatively young, but diversified, mobilizing at the same time political science, international relations, sociology , law, information science, security studies, surveillance studies, strategic studies, polemology. There is, however, no actual cybersecurity studies. After two decades of scientific production on this subject, we thought it essential to take stock of the research methods that could be mobilized, imagined and invented by the researchers. The research methodology on the subject "cybersecurity" has, paradoxically, been the subject of relatively few publications to date. This dimension is essential. It is the initial phase by which any researcher, seasoned or young doctoral student, must pass, to define his subject of study, delimit the contours, ask the research questions, and choose the methods of treatment. It is this methodological dimension that our book proposes to treat. The questions the authors were asked to answer were: how can cybersecurity be defined? What disciplines in the humanities and social sciences are studying, and how, cybersecurity? What is the place of pluralism or interdisciplinarity? How are the research topics chosen, the questions defined? How, concretely, to study cybersecurity: tools, methods, theories, organization of research, research fields, data ...? How are discipline-specific theories useful for understanding and studying cybersecurity? Has cybersecurity had an impact on scientific theories?
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mobile Robotics
Mobile Robotics presents the different tools and methods that enable the design of mobile robots; a discipline booming with the emergence of flying drones, underwater mine-detector robots, robot sailboats and vacuum cleaners. Illustrated with simulations, exercises and examples, this book describes the fundamentals of modeling robots, developing the concepts of actuators, sensors, control and guidance. Three-dimensional simulation tools are also explored, as well as the theoretical basis for the reliable localization of robots within their environment. This revised and updated edition contains additional exercises and a completely new chapter on the Bayes filter, an observer that enhances our understanding of the Kalman filter and facilitates certain proofs.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Discovering Odors
Often taken for granted, the sense of smell has seldom been discussed or understood. However, since the start of the 20th Century, studies in this area have grown exponentially and today there is a greater understanding of the olfactory system at both structural and functional levels. Scientists now concern themselves with questions about the holistic nature of our sense of smell and are investigating the role of odors in interpersonal relations, in food intake processes, in the diagnosis of certain illnesses, and many other areas. The beginnings of this knowledge are as fascinating as they are abundant and numerous disciplines are involved: psychology, physiology, genetics, neuroscience, engineering, etc. This book illustrates and analyzes the current state of advances in research about the smells around us, and the way in which they influence our relationship with the world.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Heat Transfer 2: Radiative Transfer
Heat is a branch of thermodynamics that occupies a unique position due to its involvement in the field of practice. Being linked to the management, transport and exchange of energy in thermal form, it impacts all aspects of human life and activity. Heat transfers are, by nature, classified as conduction, convection (which inserts conduction into fluid mechanics) and radiation. The importance of these three transfer methods has resulted justifiably in a separate volume being afforded to each of them. This second volume is dedicated to radiation. After recalling photometry, the calculation of luminance is addressed using the theory of the black body and associated laws: Stefan, Wien. The reciprocal radiation of two surfaces in total influence is discussed extensively, and the case of finished surfaces is also considered. Heat Transfer 2 combines a basic approach with a deeper understanding of the discipline and will therefore appeal to a wide audience, from technician to engineer, from doctoral student to teacher-researcher.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc New Territories in Health
The third volume in the �Health Information� set, New Territories in Health focuses on the multifaceted spheres of influence or �territories� in the field of health. This book includes nine contributions based on the analysis of stakeholder logics that approach the relationships between health and territories. The authors all specialists offer original insights, enhanced by in-depth studies, on the multiple forms that this territorialization takes: political and institutional, professional and organizational, public and media.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Multi-component Reactions in Molecular Diversity
While very useful for studying syntheses of molecular diversity, multi-component reactions also offer rapid access to a variety of complex molecules that are relevant for biological applications. Multi-component Reactions in Molecular Diversity analyzes these reactions, whether they are realized by organometallic, ionic or even radical processes. It highlights popular methods based on monotype reactions (cascade, tandem, domino) and their efficiency and academic industrial domain are illustrated. This book also investigates the most efficient ways to prepare complex molecules. Multi-component reactions are in tune with the concepts of atom and steps economy, which are of prior importance in all the reported processes ? from the laboratory to the pilot scale. The essential criteria for green chemistry are also examined in the book in detail.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy Transition in Metropolises, Rural Areas, and Deserts
Energy Transition in Metropolises, Rural Areas and Deserts presents detailed field studies of energy transition in Lille, Riyadh, Fayence, Bokhol, Ouarzazate and the Arabian Desert. It analyzes local actions and good practices according to the resources and constraints involved in the process of removing the obstacles to the transition. Solutions are sought for the right type of space for buildings, transport, industry and services, and targets are set for Europe, the Middle East and Africa as part of the Paris Climate Agreement. As a pedagogical tool, this book is aimed at not only politicians and professionals, but also any members of the public who wish to learn about changes in production and energy consumption.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digitalization of Society and Socio-political Issues 2: Digital, Information, and Research
Digitalization is a long socio-historic process in which all areas of society�s activities are reconfigured. In the first volume of Digitalization of Society and Socio-political Issues, there is an examination of the transformations linked to the development of digital platforms and social media which affect cultural and communicational industries. The book also analyzes the formation of Big Data, their algorithmic processing and the societal changes which result from them (social monitoring and control in particular). Through diverse critical reflections, it equally presents different ways that digital participates in relations of power and domination, and contributes to eventual emancipatory practices. Following on, the second volume examines the transformations that are linked to digital practices that affect the production, circulation and consumption of information, as well as new forms that are taken by social mobilizations. It treats several important issues in the digital era that are more likely to become the subject of public debates, among which one can include the renewed relationship between research and digital. Through diverse critical reflections, it equally presents different ways that digital participates in relations of power and domination, and contributes to eventual emancipatory practices.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Migration and Climate Change: From the Emergence of Human Cultures to Contemporary Management in Organizations
This book aims to provide a better understanding of how human cultures interact with climate change over an extended period of time. It is an analysis of the past and present, ranging from the first human migration to contemporary organizational management using an approach developed by Michel Foucault, defined as: the research, the practice, the experience, by which the subject operates on themselves the transformations necessary in order to have access to the truth. This book consists of two parts. The first part focuses on climate change and the substantial effects it had on the first human cultures. The second part explores the role of organizations and the development of new frameworks for action in more recent times of anthropogenic climate change.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digitalization of Society and Socio-political Issues 1: Digital, Communication, and Culture
Digitalization is a long and constant sociohistoric process in which all areas of society�s activities are reconfigured. Digitalization of Society and Socio-political Issues 1 examines the transformations linked to the development of digital platforms and social media, which affect the cultural and communicational industries. It analyzes the formation of Big Data, their algorithmic processing and the societal changes which result (social monitoring and control in particular). Through critical views, it equally presents the various ways in which technology participates in relations of power and domination, and contributes to possible emancipatory practices.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Tool Instinct
Humans use countless tools and are constantly creating new ones. We are so prone to materiality that the changes we implement in our environment could put our very survival at stake. It has therefore become necessary to question the cognitive origins of this materiality. The Tool Instinct examines this subject by diametrically setting aside the idea that tool use is limited to manual activity. It proposes an original perspective that surpasses a great number of false beliefs regarding the relationship between humans and tools. The author argues that the human tendency to create and use tools relies on our ability (one that may be unique to our species) to generate our own physical problems, thereby resulting in a reasoning that is directed towards our physical world.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Cultural Mediations of Brands: Unadvertization and Quest for Authority
Brands, which are major economic entities and major symbols of market mediations, are increasingly appearing in the social arena as cultural actors in their own right. Their quest for social legitimacy and to have control over the markets goes beyond the usual framework of their communication with initiatives that have begun to have an impact on the French cultural landscape. Media, digital content, educational kits, museum exhibitions and so on are the actions of an unadvertization, which has the potential to transform not only the rapport brands have with the public but also representations of knowledge and culture. The communicative approach at the heart of this book illuminates the contemporary transformations of communication, highlighting three main types of cultural mediations: media, education, and cultural heritage institutions. Cultural Mediations of Brands thus provides a theoretical and critical analysis of the brand and the symbolic effectiveness attributed to it.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Management for Managers and Engineers
In a competitive and complex world, where requirements from different fields are ever-growing, organizations need to be responsible for their actions in their respective markets. However, this responsibility must not be deemed one-time-only but instead should be seen as a continuous process, under which organizations ought to effectively use the different resources to allow them to meet the present and future requirements of their stakeholders. Having a significant influence on their collaborators� performance, the role developed by managers and engineers is highly relevant to the sustainability of an organization�s success. Conscious of this reality, this book contributes to the exchange of experiences and perspectives on the state of research related to sustainable management. Particular focus is given to the role that needs to be developed by managers and engineers, as well as to the future direction of this field of research.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Mediterranean Sea in the Era of Global Change 1: 30 Years of Multidisciplinary Study of the Ligurian Sea
Due to its particular characteristics, the Mediterranean Sea is often viewed as a microcosm of the World Ocean. Its proportionally-reduced dimensions and peculiar hydrological circulation render it susceptible to environmental and climatic constraints, which are rapidly evolving. The Mediterranean is therefore an ideal site to examine, in order to better understand a number of key oceanographic phenomena. This is especially true of the Ligurian Sea where, due to its geology, oceanic conditions are found close to the coast. As such, 30 years ago, an offshore time-series site provided a fresh impetus to a long history of marine biology research, which has generated a very important body of data and knowledge. This is the first volume, in a two-volume series, that summarizes this research. Across these two books, the reader will find 13 chapters that examine the geology, physics, chemistry and biology of the Ligurian Sea ? always with the goal of providing key elements of oceanography in a changing world.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Smart Buildings, Smart Communities and Demand Response
This book focuses on near-zero energy buildings (NZEBs), smart communities and microgrids. In this context, demand response (DR) is associated with significant environmental and economic benefits when looking at how electricity grids, communities and buildings can operate optimally. In DR, the consumer becomes a prosumer with an important active role in the exchange of energy on an hourly basis. DR is gradually gaining ground with respect to the reduction of peak loads, grid balancing and dealing with the volatility of renewable energy sources (RES). This transition calls for high environmental awareness and new tools or services that will improve the dynamic as well as secure multidirectional exchange of energy and data. Overall, DR is identified as an important field for technological and market innovations aligned with climate change mitigation policies and the transition to sustainable smart grids in the foreseeable future. Smart Buildings, Smart Communities and Demand Response provides an insight into various intrinsic aspects of DR potential, at the building and the community level.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Railway Information Modeling RIM: The Track to Rail Modernization
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the digital and graphical representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a structure. It provides a reliable basis for decisions throughout a building's lifecycle, and with BIM it is possible to design, plan, build and track projects. In particular, BIM has sparked a transformation of the railway sector. Railway Information Modeling RIM is a compilation of two years' worth of academic, conceptual and practical research on the integration of BIM into railway. It summarizes and focuses on a survey carried out by the authors, who are experts in the field. The book also contains a literature review and a case study to demonstrate the benefits and sustainability of BIM integration, and finishes with the practical steps and considerations for the successful management of the integration process.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sedimentary Crisis at the Global Scale 2: Deltas, A Major Environmental Crisis
The great deltas of the globe have been threatened for several decades but their decline now appears to be inevitable; they are receding and losing the fertility that supports their tens of millions of inhabitants. Our deltas are victims of the dramatic deterioration in the volume of continental sediment brought by rivers to the oceans.By nature, deltas are fragile eco- and geological organisms. For centuries, they have been subject to human actions in the Mediterranean and European world, and today a deep crisis is affecting the great tropical deltas. A chapter is also devoted to concerns facing the Mississippi, an “aging delta of the new world”.Sedimentary Crisis at the Global Scale 2 discusses possible strategies to protect the deltas of the world – or at least adapt them and their dependencies to the changes they face. Several models are possible, including comprehensive protection (such as in the Netherlands) and cautious and respectful opening to the forces of the oceans in an environment-first perspective.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Data Analysis and Applications 1: Clustering and Regression, Modeling-estimating, Forecasting and Data Mining
This series of books collects a diverse array of work that provides the reader with theoretical and applied information on data analysis methods, models, and techniques, along with appropriate applications.Volume 1 begins with an introductory chapter by Gilbert Saporta, a leading expert in the field, who summarizes the developments in data analysis over the last 50 years. The book is then divided into three parts: Part 1 presents clustering and regression cases; Part 2 examines grouping and decomposition, GARCH and threshold models, structural equations, and SME modeling; and Part 3 presents symbolic data analysis, time series and multiple choice models, modeling in demography, and data mining.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Challenges of the Internet of Things: Technique, Use, Ethics
This book will examine the issues of IoT according to three complementary axes: technique, use, ethics. The techniques used to produce artefacts (physical objects, infrastructures), programs (algorithms, software) and data (Big data, linked data, metadata, ontologies) are the subject of many innovations as the field of IoT is rich and stimulating. Along with this technological boom, IoT uses colonize new fields of application in the fields of transport, administration, housing, maintenance, health, sports, well-being. ... Privileged interface with digital ecosystems now at the heart of social exchanges, the IoT develops a power to act whose consequences both good and bad make it difficult to assess a fair business.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Learner Support in Online Learning Environments
We are at a crucial time for the production and dissemination of knowledge – one in which the scientific community is questioning the nature of the digital humanities. Within this context, Learner Support in Online Learning Environments proposes, by taking into consideration the notion of assistance in a learning context, an original method of positioning digital resources for teachers, students and researchers in the humanities and social sciences. Questioning existing theoretical frameworks and prototypes, learner support in digital environments is presented as both a process and a result integrating a variety of resources. Some of these resources already exist, some may be adapted from existing objects and still others have yet to be imagined. The end goal is to facilitate both independent and group-based learning activities.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nuclear Accidents: Prevention and Management of an Accidental Crisis
Detailing the estimation and perception of nuclear risk, this book follows military and civilian nuclear accidents, plus the systems put in place by national and international authorities for recording and analyzing feedback. Prevention and anticipation being the best defenses against a nuclear accident, the authorities have also categorized the different types of accidents, and are doing research to better understand and control them. In light of this, this book shows how the authorities take practical measures to protect neighboring populations and limit radioactive contamination of the environment. France�s experience in this arena is well-documented and a chapter of this book is devoted to the fight against terrorist attacks in the nuclear field. Nuclear Accidents is based on scientifically-recognized publications, as well as on reports from the various countries concerned, and the national and international organizations competent in this field (IAEA, WHO, UNSCEAR, IRSN, etc.).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Transport and Town Planning: The City in Search of Sustainable Development
In a context where climate change urgently requires us to alter our paradigms, this book explores the possibilities of cities that are both more energy efficient and more respectful of the environment. Based on the observation that urban planning has been detrimentally affected by the compartmentalization of knowledge and practices, this book is conceived as a dialog between transport and urban planning on the one hand, and between engineering and social science on the other. Systemic analysis and a historical approach, integrating the teachings of the last two centuries, constitute at the methodological level the framework in which this dialog unfolds. Based on examples of good practice, Transport and Town Planning identifies an effective set of levers of action and proposes an original method to guide and accompany urban transition with a large share of the initiative reserved for the actors concerned.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Ritual Institution of Society
This book demonstrates that our daily relations, like our most recognized institutions, are based on a symbolic foundation put in place by rituals. Rituals are present at every level of society and are an expression of the sacredness of society, as much as they are an expression of the cultures and eras that communicate through them.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Virtual Work Approach to Mechanical Modeling
This book is centred about the Principle of virtual work and the related method for mechanical modelling. It aims at showing and enhancing the polyvalence and versatility of the virtual work approach in the mechanical modelling process. The virtual work statement is set as the principle at the root of a force modelling method that can be implemented on any geometrical description. After experimentally induced hypotheses have been made on the geometrical parameters that describe the concerned system and subsystems, the method provides a unifying framework for building up consistently associated force models where external and internal forces are introduced through their virtual rates of work. Systems described as three-dimensional, curvilinear or planar continua are considered: force models are established with the corresponding equations of motion; the validation process points out that enlarging the domain of relevance of the model for practical applications calls for an enrichment of the geometrical description that takes into account the underlying microstructure.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy and Mass Transfers: Balance Sheet Approach and Basic Concepts, Volume 1
This is the first book of a series aiming at setting the basics for energy engineering. This book presents the fundamentals of heat and mass transfer with a step-by-step approach, based on material and energy balances. While the topic of heat and mass transfer is an old subject, the way the book introduces the concepts, linking them strongly to the real world and to the present concerns, is particular. The scope of the different developments keeps in mind a practical energy engineering view.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation Processes in Agro-Ecological Transitions in Developing Countries
This book investigates the interactions between different shifts in innovation models. It underlines ecological conditions and production intensification in the agriculture sector. In total six innovation processes were analyzed in different countries such as Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Haiti, Madagascar and Senegal. The similarities between these case studies are that they all demonstrate that sustainable and sufficient network between actors of the innovation are particularly useful for the development of agricultural innovation systems. The different papers demonstrate that there is a need for more commitment of public policy in innovation processes.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Inorganic Chemistry: From Periodic Classification to Crystals
Using classification, diagrams and crystallography elements, we describe in this book the bonds in the crystals using the basic patterns. The use of various criteria such as ionicity character of the bonds, the use of hard sphere models, the Pauling rules and the spatial availability of ions all together make it possible to better understand the spatial organization of typical crystals. Through original representations, the structure and the nature of the bonds in binary crystals of MX- and MX2- types as well as the ternary crystals of the perovskite and spinel type are studied.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fishes in Lagoons and Estuaries in the Mediterranean 3A: Migratory Fish
Based on the most recent scientific data, and without neglecting historical publications, Fishes in Lagoons and Estuaries in the Mediterranean 3 comprehensively details Mediterranean lagoonal–marine migratory fish. It provides information regarding their systematics, eobiology, ethology, genetics and their exploitation. After a general categorization of the species represented, this volume, third in a set of books on Mediterranean ichthyofauna, offers a synthesis of the knowledge acquired from 1890 to the present day for each of the 21 species most frequently found in Mediterranean lagoons and estuaries. These species are detailed across the two parts of volume 3. The scientific data presented in this book concern the species’ lagoon life as much as their marine life, and are therefore of particular interest for both the management of fish stocks and for the conservation of species. Designed to give rapid and comprehensive access to the body of knowledge on Mediterranean lagoonal and estuarine migratory fishes, this volume is for anyone involved in the use, management or protection of natural environments and their populations, including ecobiologists, geographers, engineers, teachers, students and researchers.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Life Sciences, Information Sciences
Developed from presentations given at the Cerisy SVSI (Sciences de la vie, sciences de l’information) conference held in 2016, this book presents a broad overview of thought and research at the intersection of life sciences and information sciences. The contributors to this edited volume explore life and information on an equal footing, with each considered as crucial to the other. In the first part of the book, the relation of life and information in the functioning of genes, at both the phylogenetic and ontogenetic levels, is articulated and the common understanding of DNA as code is problematized from a range of perspectives. The second part of the book homes in on the algorithmic nature of information, questioning the fit between life and automaton and the accompanying division between individualization and invariance. Consisting of both philosophical speculation and ethological research, the explorations in this book are a timely intervention into prevailing understandings of the relation between information and life.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Metaheuristics for Structural Design and Analysis
Metaheuristics for Structural Design and Analysis discusses general properties and types of metaheuristic techniques, basic principles of topology, shape and size optimization of structures, and applications of metaheuristic algorithms in solving structural design problems. Analysis of structures using metaheuristic algorithms is also discussed. Comparisons are made with classical methods and modern computational methods through metaheuristic algorithms. The book is designed for senior structural engineering students, graduate students, academicians and practitioners.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation and Development: The Politics at the Bottom of the Pyramid
Innovation, often tempered by the language of inclusion, has become an indispensable element of contemporary development policy and practice in the so-called Global South. Driven by multinational companies, public–private partnerships and social enterprises, “innovation for development” aims to co-produce social goods (things of value) such as poverty alleviation with associated profit through innovative market-led solutions, opening up untapped and unserved markets in the developing world and exploiting the potential “fortune at the bottom of the pyramid”. But innovation for development is a contested notion with the capacity to shelter multiple political agendas. By reviewing existing academic theory and discussing four in-depth case studies from Bangladesh and India, this book interrogates how innovation for development is being framed, its politics and the impacts it is having on rural communities on the ground. The analysis suggests both an emerging hegemony constructed around a neoliberal, market-led agenda and the existence of countervailing voices that question this framing, sometimes radically so.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Evolutions of the Complex Relationship Between Education and Territories
The book weaves the story of the complex links between education and its territories. The aim here is to examine the education couple - understood in the broadest sense: school, college, high school, universities - and territory, according to three main axes: the history and the characterization of the different ties maintained And which the school and its territory always maintain; That of the categorization and characterization of the territories in which the school is situated, of the educational policies - both explicit and grassroots - connected with it and their effects on the school; That of recent pedagogical, didactic and organizational innovations. The book is based on French specialists in territorial education issues.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Quantitative and Statistical Data in Education: From Data Collection to Data Processing
This book presents different data collection and representation techniques: elementary descriptive statistics, confirmatory statistics, multivariate approaches and statistical modeling. It exposes the possibility of giving more robustness to the classical methodologies of education sciences by adding a quantitative approach. The fundamentals of each approach and the reasons behind them are methodically analyzed, and both simple and advanced examples are given to demonstrate how to use them. Subsequently, this book can be used both as a course for the uninitiated and as an accompaniment for researchers who are already familiar with these concepts.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Non-Linearities in Passive RFID Systems: Third Harmonic Concept and Applications
This book concerns a new paradigm in the field of UHF RFID systems: the positive exploitation of nonlinear signals generated by the chips integrated into the RFID tags. After having recalled the main principles in RFID technology and its current challenges notably with the emergence of Internet of Things or the smart connected environments, the purpose is to focus on the presence of nonlinearities produced by the nonlinear circuits of RFID chips: effects, nuisances and solutions but also and especially use of the phenomena. The presentation covers all aspects from the characterization of the nonlinear behavior of RFID tags and the associated platforms (distinguishing conducted and radiated measurement) to the design of new types of tags where nonlinearities are exploited in order to offer new capabilities or enhanced performance.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy Transition
Although most people are aware of the value of developing new energy technologies, the importance of assessing such technologies is only just beginning to be recognized in full. This book, illustrated by real-life examples, fulfils two main objectives. Firstly, it provides an in-depth summary of energy system evaluation methods, the result of decades of work in this area, for the use of researchers, engineers and anybody else interested in the energy sector. Secondly, the vicious cycle of neglect towards in situ evaluation is broken. This neglect is due to its unjust reputation for being “thankless work”: longwinded, expensive, difficult to exploit and undervalued. By scientifically organizing experience acquired over more than 30 years, Energy Transition highlights the considerable usefulness of the approach, not only economically, but also from a human standpoint.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc City Logistics 3: Towards Sustainable and Liveable Cities
This volume of three books presents recent advances in modelling, planning and evaluating city logistics for sustainable and liveable cities based on the application of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems). It highlights modelling the behaviour of stakeholders who are involved in city logistics as well as planning and managing policy measures of city logistics including cooperative freight transport systems in public-private partnerships. Case studies of implementing and evaluating city logistics measures in terms of economic, social and environmental benefits from major cities around the world are also given.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation and Society
This book takes stock of the state of the question on innovation in a particular area of education and training. But for this it must be noted that economists have appropriated the notion since Schumpeter and have constrained to think innovation in professions of intervention on others as if they were products to be delivered to the customer as quickly and the best (frugal innovation). Here the author brings a nuance and demonstrates the specificity of innovations in "soft" areas, their richness, while drawing the reader to caution and criticism because any innovation is not good in itself: it can Produce adverse effects in the medium and long term. The author proposes two supports for innovation: on the one hand the approach by its most objective evaluation which itself induces an innovation in its evaluation and, on the other hand, an approach to values and therefore to philosophy of the desired future man. A detour on the history of innovation, on its international approaches, on the imaginary investments it is often the object of (with a nuance of utopia) makes it possible to understand why innovation has been a means To drive the reforms and to convince people for a better future.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc JavaScript and Open Data
This book will teach you how to take advantage of the JavaScript language to process data provided on the Internet. Much attention is given to the main JavaScript backbone: prototype based objects, and functional capabilities, while common features (loops, etc.) are summarized in a few cheat-sheets. Only operational features are detailed through the coding of several applications -the second and largest part of the book-, on free-access datasets (e.g. World Bank). It includes: cartography (SVG or API's based), data-sheets access (via Ajax or Jsonp), video data and post-synchronization, and animation examples.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Libraries and Crowdsourcing
Instead of outsourcing tasks to providers using labor-intensive countries, libraries around the world increasingly appeal to the crowds of Internet users, making their relationship with users more collaborative . These internet users can be volunteers or paid, work consciously, unconsciously or in the form of games. They can provide the workforce, skills, knowledge or financial resources that libraries need in order to achieve unimaginable goals.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fluid Mechanics in Channel, Pipe and Aerodynamic Design Geometries 1
Fluid mechanics is an important scientific field with various industrial applications for flows or energy consumption and efficiency issues. This book has as main aim to be a textbook of applied knowledge in real fluids as well as to the Hydraulic systems components and operation, with emphasis to the industrial or real life problems for piping and aerodynamic design geometries. Various problems will be presented and analyzed through this book.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Technicity vs Scientificity: Complementarities and Rivalries
The relationship between technicity and scientificity is often overlooked or avoided despite being a determining factor for establishing interdisciplinarity. By focusing on this relationship and highlighting a number of its ramifications, this book sheds light on the hidden or skewed stakes that condition a wide array of scientific projects. The authors present different approaches based on their own professional experience, focusing on the technique–science relationship in domains as diverse as brain mapping, the decipherment of Mycenaean writing and the design process. Each chapter presents varying and often opposing epistemological conclusions to provide the reader with a wide breadth of examples in different fields. Although the scope of this book is far from exhaustive, it serves as a starting point for the necessary and long-overdue clarification of the relationship between these neighboring, yet disjointed, sectors.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Management of Extreme Situations: From Polar Expeditions to Exploration-oriented Organizations
In response to the rise of various forms of the extreme in economies, organizations and societies (such as disruptive innovation, climate emergency, financial crisis, high-risk sport, etc.), an ambitious 21st century program sets the agenda of management sciences around the unknown, disruption, uncertainty and risk. Management of Extreme Situations presents the research results from the conference organized at the Cerisy-la-Salle International Cultural Center, France, in 2016. It testifies to the existence of an international community that brings together, around management sciences, various disciplines studying the management concept of extreme situations. Through the analysis of varied contexts (polar and mountain expeditions, fire rescue services, exploration projects in the military field, creative industries, etc.), this book offers an initial grammar of the extreme. It presents a heuristic for the management of these situations – particularly in terms of sensemaking, ambidexterity and knowledge expansion.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Modeling and Simulation of Logistics Flows 3: Discrete and Continuous Flows in 2D/3D
Volume 3 begins with an introduction to which are added four chapters focused on modeling and flow simulation in an environment in 2 or 3 dimensions (2D or 3D). They deal with different cases taken from situations found in the field. A conclusion comes close this third book: The different software used in this third volume Computer simulation of discrete flows Mixed flow simulation Flows in 3D and the evacuation simulation Flows in 3D for conveying and storage The conclusion discusses the future developments of the software and their integration into society. At the end of each volume is a bibliography and a list of web links. There is also a glossary explaining some abbreviations, acronyms and some very specific terminology of logistics and operations research.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Business, Innovation and Responsibility
Responsible Innovation. For some, this expression is only an oxymoron or, worse, a means of masking with a sheet of virtue economic practices that would otherwise appear selfish and self-interested. For others, theorists and actors of innovation, this expression represents a formidable lever of action and a rich conceptual source from which to draw new ways of innovating. The articulation between different levels of norms – economic and ethical, to which we can add the legal dimension – is not new, and is the subject of an in-depth reflection, decades old, around the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). By taking up some debates on CSR, most of which are foreign to the current authors of responsible innovation, this book examines the various justifications that CSR brings in order to convince economic players, subject to powerful market forces, of their responsible commitment. But these are not enough. The book also explores the specific contribution of the concept of responsible innovation to coping with the technological, social and political breakthroughs generated by innovation, and is based on philosophical resources such as the ethics of virtue and the ethics of “care”.