Search results for ""Christian Faith""
HarperChristian Resources Questions of Life
From "Why am I here?" to "What's next?" in this international bestseller, Alpha pioneer Nicky Gumbel addresses some of the foundational questions that challenge us all. Questions of Life is a step-by-step guide to the basics of the Christian faith by one of the world's most respected Christian leaders. This book contains the talks that are given on Alpha, and in it Nicky explores key themes, questions, and objections to faith, leading us on an engaging, personal journey of discovery.Alpha creates an environment of hospitality where people can bring their friends, family, and work colleagues to explore the Christian faith, ask questions, and share their point of view. Alpha makes it easy to invite friends to have spiritual conversations which explore life's biggest questions in a safe and respectful way.Alpha's approach to hospitality, faith, and discussion is designed to welcome everyone, especially those who might not describe themselves as Christians or church-goers. Each session includes time for a large group meal, short teaching, and small group discussion.
Baylor University Press The Unique and Universal Christ: Refiguring the Theology of Religions
From the early days of the Christian faith, the relationship between the twin realities of Jesus' historical particularity and universal presence has been a theological puzzle. The apparent dichotomy of the two leads Christ-followers to ponder some difficult questions: Who is Jesus is to those who do not know him? Who are those who do not know him to those who do? Do "we" who follow Jesus meet him in "those" who do not?Contemporary debates concerning Christian theology of religions have been profoundly shaped by Alan Race's threefold typology of exclusivism, inclusivism, and pluralism. Scholars increasingly recognize the insufficiency of this typology, and a consensus about how to replace it remains elusive. With The Unique and Universal Christ, Drew Collins argues that an alternative theological approach to the relation between the uniqueness of Jesus Christ and the universality of God's presence can be gleaned from the theology of Hans Frei and his fivefold typology of Christian theology. With Frei's model as an interpretive lens, Collins examines the various ecumenical movements of the twentieth century and their conversations around theological authority in connection to Christianity's relationship with other faith traditions. A new paradigm emerges for conceptualizing Christian faith amid the rich diversity of our world. Reconsidered in this light, the Christian theology of religions ceases to be a combative venture that pits a Christian faith committed to the scandalous particularity of Jesus Christ's identity as the Son of God against a faith open to the possibility of encountering the divine presence in the world at large. Instead, it becomes a mode of exploration, hoping for such encounters with the universal presence of Christ because of the uniqueness of Jesus.
McGill-Queen's University Press Repairing Eden: Humility, Mysticism, and the Existential Problem of Religious Diversity
How do Christians keep from losing their faith when they discover that other faiths are as justified as their own? Mark McLeod-Harrison draws on his training in analytic philosophy and his knowledge of Christian mysticism to provide a compelling analysis of, and unique solution to, the problem religious diversity poses for Christians. In Repairing Eden, McLeod-Harrison describes this dilemma as an existential problem internal to the Christian faith. He suggests that Christian humility and Christian mysticism can provide a joint path toward a kind of metaphysical certainty - the mystic path, the path of bearing one's own cross - that can become a means of more deeply knowing God. Repairing Eden weaves theology, philosophy, and pastoral concerns into a spiritual-philosophical solution to a deeply important challenge to Christian faith.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Intersections of Faith and Development in Local and Global Contexts
Focuses on anthropological analyses of and engagements with Christian faith-based organizations (FBOs). Examines the varied and shifting meanings of religiosity, volunteerism, "doing good," development, charity, and justice Calls for a greater understanding of the macro-level promises and pitfalls of increasing reliance on FBOs to design and deliver social services and development Redresses the imbalance of anthropological studies that have focused on the role of secular NGOs
Oneworld Publications Christianity: A Beginner's Guide
From original sin to eternal life, the function of prayer to the role of the church, renowned theologian Keith Ward offers a comprehensive survey of the diversity of Christian thinking in this introduction to the world’s largest faith. By presenting three different interpretations for over fifteen key doctrines, he invites anyone interested in the contemporary spiritual landscape to consider the Christian faith from a new and refreshing perspective.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd My First Book of Questions and Answers
Children always have questions about what it means to be a Christian. Do they need a long philosophical answer? Not always and it is simple answers to deep questions that feature in this book. If you have ever wanted to know how to explain the Christian faith to young children in bite-sized chunks then the 114 profound questions and answers, backed by scripture proofs provide an invaluable tool to get you started.
Authentic Media Why Christianity is Probably True: Building the Case for a Reasoned, Moral and Relevant Faith
Does the Christian faith lack intellectual, moral and experiential credibility? These are the three most common accusations made against the Christian faith today. Brian Harris examines each of these arguments in turn by outlining the issue, looking at evidence against the claim before evaluating the argument as a whole. This book explores these questions in a rigorous but accessible way. It doesn't offer easy, solve-everything answers, but it does build a cumulative case based on reason, history and experience to suggest that God probably exists, and that the Christian understanding of God could well be valid. Content Benefits: By offering a serious look at the evidence that counters the growing assumption that the Christian faith lacks intellectual, moral and experiential credibility, this book allows the reader to make an informed decision about Christianity. Provides a counter argument to the claims made by the New Atheists Tackles the accusations that Christianity is intellectually vacuous, morally suspect and experientially empty Harris does not try to 'prove' beyond all doubt, but presents cumulative evidence to make a rational and informed decision Builds a cumulative case for Christianity Ideal for anyone who has doubts in their faith Perfect for anyone who wants to know if Christianity is true Suitable for anyone who wants to explain their faith to others Ideal resource for anyone studying apologetics Binding - Paperback Pages - 160 Publisher - Paternoster
National Geographic Society The Story of Christianity: A Chronicle of Christian Civilization From Ancient Rome to Today
Sumptuously illustrated with hundreds of gorgeous photographs, artifacts, and maps, The Story of Christianity focuses on the rich social and cultural history of Christianity through the ages, from its roots in Palestine to its triumph as a global movement, told through a series of dramatic turning points and unforgettable people. Beginning with the story of Jesus' life, author Isbouts expertly sets key turning points in the story of Christianity in context, from the conversion of Constantine to Martin Luther's protest; from the Crusades to the ministry of Mother Teresa. Using the dramatic art and architecture of the Christian faith as visual touchpoints and highlighting inspiring quotes and stories with resonance to the modern era, Isbouts writes with a deep respect for both Catholic and Protestant traditions and provides an excellent introduction to the complex and compelling world of the Christian faith.
Harvard University Press The Scriptural Universe of Ancient Christianity
Perhaps more than any other cause, the passage of texts from scroll to codex in late antiquity converted the Roman Empire from paganism to Christianity and enabled the worldwide spread of Christian faith. Guy Stroumsa describes how canonical scripture was established and how its interpretation replaced blood sacrifice in religious ritual.
SPCK Publishing A Guide to Christianity
A guide to the Christian faith, which takes a broad sweep from the big bang through the Old Testament to the New and beyond into the history of the faith and modern theological thinking. It explores contemporary strands of Christian thinking and relates them to world faith and non-faith viewpoints.
Baker Publishing Group New Testament History – A Narrative Account
Essential to an understanding of the New Testament is a comprehension of the individuals, events, and social movements that shaped the setting from which Jesus and his followers emerged. Unfortunately, many accounts by historians can leave readers feeling overwhelmed and confused. New Testament History provides a worthy solution to this problem. A well-known expert on the social situation of the New Testament, Ben Witherington offers an engaging look into the world that gave birth to the Christian faith.
Inter-Varsity Press Trinitarian Theology for the Church: Scripture, Community, Worship
The doctrine of the Trinity has received considerable attention in recent years. These essays demonstrate the substance and importance of the doctrine for Christian faith, particularly in worship, in the reading of Scripture, and in the church's mission. The contributors are Philip W. Butin, John R. Franke, Edith M. Humphrey, Mark Husbands, Keith E. Johnson, Robert K. Lang'at, David Lauber, Gordon T. Smith, Daniel J. Treier, Leanne Van Dyk, Kevin J. Vanhoozer and John D. Witvliet.
James Clarke & Co Ltd Knight of the Snows The Story of Wilfred Grenfell Stories of Faith Fame
From the Stories of Faith and Fame series - the stories of men and women who went all over the world with their Christian faith. The story of the boy who always wanted adventure - hunting, fishing, sailing. Anything with life and movement in it appealed to Wilfred Grenfell and he found it along the coast of Labrador.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd No Tears in Heaven
No Tears in Heaven speaks of the great joy of the Christian Faith – Heaven. This book brings together, in a new way, a number of Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s exhilarating teachings on Heaven. The writings of Spurgeon, in his typically beautiful and penetrating style, will deepen our anticipation of Heaven and challenge us to a closer walk with God.
Peter Lang GmbH Baptism and Faith: Their Relationship in Our Salvific Encounter with God Today in the Light of the New Testament Baptismal Theology and Vatican II Sacramental Theology
Baptism is the sacrament of faith par excellence, and Christian faith, the principal and fundamental factor of our salvific process, is ordinarily baptismal. Our Christian existence through faith is, therefore, fundamentally baptismal, that then lives on the Eucharist. This work expounds this theological fact in the light of the New Testament baptismal theology and Vat. II sacramental theology, with corresponding theological-pastoral perspectives, in view of strengthening the baptismal consciousness of today's Christians and Christian communities.
John Murray Press Celebration of Discipline
Arguably the most established contemporary spiritual classic by our most profound living religious writer. This timeless classic has helped well over a million people discover a richer spiritual life infused with joy, peace and a deeper understanding of God.The book explores the 'classic disciplines' of Christian faith: the inward disciplines of meditation, prayer, fasting, and study; the outward disciplines of simplicity, solitude, submission and service and the corporate disciplines of confession, worship, guidance and celebration.
Westminster/John Knox Press,U.S. 40 Treasured Bible Verses: A Devotional
This wonderful devotional book will stimulate both mind and heart. Howell provides contexts for the selected verses and draws from a wide range of sources to illuminate their meaning for Christian faith and life today. His insights are richly rewarding. He encourages, inspires, and motivates us to understand the biblical verses in relation to faithful Christian discipleship. Howell's pastoral sensitivities combined with his studies and seasoned wisdom make this book an outstanding companion to Scripture reading and a gift to all Bible readers.
Baker Publishing Group Christian Dogmatics – Reformed Theology for the Church Catholic
This one-volume introduction to systematic theology draws deeply on the catholic and Reformed heritage to present the major doctrines of the Christian faith, displaying the power of theological retrieval for the church's renewal. Leading Reformed theologians, such as Kevin Vanhoozer, John Webster, Michael Horton, and Oliver Crisp, offer the "state of the question" on standard theological topics and engage in both exegetical and historical retrieval for the sake of theological analysis. The book represents the exciting new theological trajectory of Reformed catholicity.
Baylor University Press Believing into Christ: Relational Faith and Human Flourishing
Across lines of tradition and denomination, many Christians express a purely propositional sense of belief, focused primarily on the existence of God and facts about Christ, contributing to a transactional approach to salvation. But belief is about more than the simple fact of God's existence. Augustine provides a starting point for restoring the relational sense of belief encapsulated in the phrase "believing into Christ." In Believing into Christ, Natalya Cherry explores this unique, grammatically awkward phrase that Augustine recognized and identified in his preaching as describing Christianity's distinct contribution to human flourishing. Around this idea, Augustine established and systematized a three-part formula for belief, one which his theological successors treated as defining Christian faith. Cherry tracks the origins of "believing into Christ" and its loss in translation. She then crafts a constructive theology that addresses how to restore the phrase and all it entails. Such a view of belief involves transforming catechesis and sacramental practices that can equip believers to overcome oppression and social barriers in contemporary ecclesial communities and the world they inhabit.Questions regularly arise about how one can believe in a loving God while being complicit with, or actively participating in, systems of violence and oppression. Christian faith informs our resistance against those systems when we practice the bold surrender engendered by believing into Christ. In this way, Cherry challenges us to consider the relational sense of belief, clinging to Christ by means of the Holy Spirit in a way that directs every relationship toward human flourishing, as the heart of Christian faith.
Authentic Media A-Z of Discipleship
An accessible introduction to the Christian faith which helps readers to grow in their relationship with God. How do I live out my Christian faith? A-Z of Discipleship is an accessible introduction to the understanding and practice of the Christian faith. It presents twenty-six aspects of discipleship to help you grow in your relationship with God, connect with church and live as a follower of Christ in contemporary culture. Each topic has: a few pages of introduction and insight an action section for reflection and application a prayer to help put the action point into practice extensive references to allow further study Content Benefits: A-Z of Discipleship is an accessible look through 26 aspects of the Christian life that will help people to grow closer in their walk with God. 26 aspects of discipleship are explored Topics include the Bible, church, the Holy Spirit, prayer and worship Simple enough for anyone new to the faith to understand but has enough depth to help and refresh all believers desiring to deepen their Christian life Extensive references are included at the end of the book if the reader wants to study any subject in more detail Each chapter has teaching around the topic, an action section for reflecting and thinking deeper, and a prayer prompt to put the lessons learnt into practice Enables a deeper understanding of different ways to live out your faith Nurtures a worshipful life and closer relationship with God Ideal resource to help new Christians gain a solid foundation in their faith Helps anyone who struggles with the spiritual disciplines and is looking for guidance or help Action sections help put theory into practice Perfect for new Christians Ideal for discipleship courses Ideal for anyone wanting to deepen their Christian life Suitable for confirmation or baptism gifts Perfect for taking the next steps after completing an Alpha course Binding - Paperback Pages - 192 Publisher - Authentic Media
Baker Publishing Group Mormonism 101 – Examining the Religion of the Latter–day Saints
Mormonism is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. For those who have wondered in what specific ways Mormonism differs from the Christian faith, Mormonism 101 provides definitive answers, examining the major tenets of Mormon theology and comparing them with orthodox Christian beliefs. Perfect for students of religion and anyone who wants to have answers when Mormons come calling.
SPCK Publishing Navigating a World of Grace: The Promise of Generous Orthodoxy
‘A powerful defence of Christian orthodoxy, opening up its expansive, generous and life-giving vision.’ ALISTER McGRATH ‘Learned and wise, this is a book that achieves what even many Christians may find a startling feat: a demonstration that orthodoxy is far more radical & interesting a concept than heresy.’ TOM HOLLAND ‘Generous orthodoxy’ is a liberating outlook that encourages the Church to embrace different traditions of belief, worship and prayer within a broad framework of Christian faith. But is it really possible to be both generous and orthodox? In Navigating a World of Grace, Graham Tomlin offers his own invigorating vision of a generous orthodoxy that is rooted in the creeds’ description of a God who is, by nature, the essence of generous grace. Looking at the history of the church, he explores how orthodoxy can enrich and enhance our perception of the world. Rather than restricting us, it liberates us to be generous in our expressions of faith. This tantalizingly different theology, that brings together the best from every tradition, shows why orthodoxy is so important to the Christian faith – and how it can bring us together as a revitalized, unified and visionary Church. Accessible and insightful, Navigating a World of Grace acts as a companion volume to The Bond of Peace but can also be read by itself as an exploration and celebration how Christians of all denominations can show generosity and grace in embracing different traditions of worship while remaining united by a single orthodoxy of faith. Ideal reading for anyone wanting to understand the meaning of generous orthodoxy better or how we can engage with different parts of the church with grace, this is an encouraging and inspiring vision for the future of the church. Navigating a World of Grace challenges us to see that adopting an attitude of generosity towards other Christians and those outside the Christian faith is part of orthodoxy, and will result in a deeper, fuller experience of God than we can possibly imagine.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Faith Undaunted: Embracing Faith and Knowledge in a Post–Truth Era
Christian faith is a matter for the emotions, but also a matter for the intellect. Donald MacLeod delves into not only what he believes, but why he believes, and how that belief affects how he lives his life. Arguing for the importance of reason and logic in personal faith, he equips the reader to resist relativist influences that are permeating the twenty–first–century church. Winsomely written, Professor MacLeod shows once again why he is a beloved teacher and writer.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Companion to Christian Spirituality
The Blackwell Companion to Christian Spirituality is a comprehensive single-volume introduction to Christian spirituality, and represents the most significant recent developments in the field. Offers a thoroughly interdisciplinary, broadly ecumenical, and representative overview of the most significant recent developments in the field Comprises essays combining rigorous academic scholarship with accessible and elegant writing Reflects an understanding of the field as the study of the lived experience of Christian faith and discipleship Provides material on biblical, historical, and theological foundations, along with treatment of contemporary issues
Peeters Publishers Dionysius Bar Salibi: A Response to the Arabs
Dionysius bar Salibi's apologetic treatise, "A Response to the Arabs", is the longest and most comprehensive dispute text with Muslims that exists in Syriac. Its main purpose is to acquaint the reader with the essential facts pertaining to Islam and to provide apologetic arguments intended to refute the challenges of Islam to the Christian faith. What sets Bar Salibi's treatise apart from other Syriac dispute texts is the information it contains concerning the history and doctrinal development of Islam.The first two discourses deal with the prophet Muhammad, the emergence of Islam, the "Qurian", and the origins and characteristics of the main Islamic schools of thought. The central beliefs of the Christian faith are explained and defended. The third discourse (chapters 25-30) is made up of the most extensive collection of quotations from the "Qurian" translated into Syriac that exists in any known Syriac dispute text. A parallel column contains Bar Salibi's observations and refutations.
HarperChristian Resources ¿El cristianismo: ?Aburrido, falso e irrelevante?
Is the Trinity Unbiblical, Unbelievable, and Irrelevant? is a chapter from Nicky Gumbel's book, Searching Issues. Nicky tackles questions around the Trinity, as it is one of the most challenging doctrines of the Christian faith and one of the most common questions asked on Alpha. This is an ideal take away for an Alpha guest who is struggling with this topic or anyone curious to find out more.Alpha creates an environment of hospitality where people can bring their friends, family and work colleagues to explore the Christian faith, ask questions and share their point of view. Alpha makes it easy to invite friends to have spiritual conversations which explore life's biggest questions in a safe and respectful way. Alpha's approach to hospitality, faith and discussion is designed to welcome everyone, especially those who might not describe themselves as Christians or church-goers. Each session includes time for a large group meal, short teaching, and small group discussion.This resource is written in Spanish.
Baker Publishing Group The Baker Compact Dictionary of Theological Terms
Quickly Find and Understand Key Theological Terms Christianity is a faith built upon the Word and understood through words, both written and spoken, handed down for centuries. But many of the terms used in both the Scriptures and theological writings are unfamiliar or misunderstood. For the Christian desiring a more clear and robust understanding of these terms, this book offers concise definitions of six hundred of the most significant words at the heart of the Christian faith, including terms related to: · doctrine (e.g., the atonement, the church) · biblical concepts (e.g., Messiah, Son of Man) · church practices (e.g., anointing of the sick, immersion) · philosophical concepts (e.g., a priori, compatibilism) · people (e.g., Thomas Aquinas, John Wesley) · councils (e.g., Councils of Nicea I and II, Council of Trent) · movements (e.g., Protestantism, Pentecostalism) · documents (e.g., the Chalcedonian Creed, Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy) · and more Students of the Bible, college and seminary students, and anyone who desires to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith will find this an indispensable resource.
John Murray Press Paradoxology: Why Christianity was never meant to be simple
The Christian faith is full of apparent paradoxes:- a compassionate God who sanctions genocide- an all-powerful God who allows horrific suffering- a God who owns everything yet demands so much from his followers- a God who is distant and yet present at the same timeMany of us have big questions that the Christian faith seems to leave unanswered. So we push them to the back of our minds, for fear of destabilizing our beliefs. But leaving these questions unexamined is neither healthy for us, nor honouring to God. Rather than shying away from the difficult questions, we need to face them head on.What if the tension between apparently opposing doctrines is exactly where faith comes alive? What if this ancient faith has survived so long not in spite of but precisely because of these apparent contradictions? What if it is in the difficult parts of the Bible that God is most clearly revealed? Paradoxology makes a bold new claim: that the paradoxes that seem like they ought to undermine belief are actually the heart of our vibrant faith, and that it is only by continually wrestling with them - rather than trying to pin them down or push them away - that we can really move forward, individually and together.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Dangerous Faith: 50 Powerful Believers Who Changed the World
World-changers. Rebels. Rejecters of the status quo. Throughout history, Christians were never meant to have a safe faith. Highlighting 50 people throughout the millennia, this book is a compilation of faith, facts, and art that celebrates the faith lives of spiritual giants and inspires you to grow in your own personal faith.Dangerous Faith is a collection of essays and inspiration about Christians who have changed the world. This four-color gift book features: the exploration of 50 diverse heroes of the Christian faith, including historical figures, cultural icons, political leaders, saints, and martyrs biographical information on the 50 people featured, including Coretta Scott King and Susan B. Anthony portraiture art and an easy-to-follow layout a presentation page for gifting and a ribbon marker This valuable resource is perfect for: men and women interested in learning more about the Christian faith, church history, and spiritual discipline homeschooling families or parents wanting to teach their children about historical Christianity a baptism gift or welcome gift for new church members gifting to loved ones who enjoy biographies and history Be inspired by spiritual heroes from many eras in history up to today and make their strength your own. If you enjoy this book, check out Dangerous Prayers.
Baker Publishing Group Jesus the Jewish Theologian
Jesus the Jewish Theologian establishes Jesus firmly within the context of first-century Judaism and shows how understanding Jesus' Jewishness is crucial for interpreting the New Testament and for understanding the nature of Christian faith. Insights from Jewish literature, archeology, and tradition help modern readers place Jesus within his original context. Particular attention is given to the Jewish roots of Jesus' teaching concerning the kingdom of God.
SPCK Publishing Our Father: The Lord's Prayer For Children
The Lord’s Prayer, taught by Jesus to his followers, is one of the cornerstones of the Christian faith yet the language and ideas it conveys can be daunting to children. Our Father: The Lord’s Prayer for Children addresses children’s questions and explains the meaning behind each line of the prayer, making it more accessible for younger readers. An ideal gift for those aged 4-8.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Cross in the Experience of Our Lord
The message of the Cross is central to the Christian faith. It is still relevant to us today. Finlayson explores the significance and the mystery of the cross focusing on 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 and Isaiah 53. The truth is applied in a most compelling manner, a manner which ensured that no reader can be left unmoved. Introduction by Carl R. Trueman.
Carpenter's Son Publishing Our Father …: Discover the Map to the Greatest Treasure
Most Christians memorize the Lord's Prayer at a young age, before appreciating its significance.This prayer is read/recited by tens of millions each week. However, the richness of the gospel message embedded within this prayer is usually overlooked.Dr. Mathews' insightful elaboration of this prayer, revealing the way to the Father's Kingdom through salvation and sanctification, outlines the bedrock of Christian faith.This masterpiece that Jesus taught, is not only a guide to communicating with the Father, but also a blueprint for Christian living.
Baker Publishing Group Cinematic Faith: A Christian Perspective on Movies and Meaning
This engaging book explores how Christians can most profitably and critically hear, read, and view popular culture through the lens of film. William Romanowski highlights the benefits of a faith-informed approach to cinema that centers on art and perspective and shows how Christian faith contributes to the moviegoing experience, leading to a deeper understanding of movies and life. The book draws examples from classic and contemporary American movies and includes illustrative film stills. Additional resources for professors and students are available through Baker Academic's Textbook eSources.
Westminster/John Knox Press,U.S. Worship Matters: A Study for Congregations
Sunday worship is the central act of the Christian faith, yet few people truly understand what is happening during the service, and why, and how. Based on numerous visits with congregations of many denominations, Jane Rogers Vann examines how we can eliminate the barrier between the preacher and the people in the pew and offers practical advice directed not just toward church leaders but to worship committees and church members--all who are yearning to be fully engaged in worship. Photographs of many of the churches she visited are included.
Baker Publishing Group Scripture Alone – Exploring the Bible`s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity
A denial of the sufficiency of Scripture is at the core of almost every form of opposition to the Christian faith today. Scripture Alone is written to instill a passionate love for and understanding of the Bible. In this defense of God's inspired Word, readers will comprehend what "God's Word"is, the nature of Scripture, the relationship of the Bible to tradition, how to apply Scripture to today's issues, and much more. Included is a faith-inspiring study of the canon--what it is and where it came from.
SPCK Publishing A Gift for Baby's Christening
A book of simple prayers and reflections that a grown up can say with a baby and know they are beginning to enact the promises they made at the infant's christening to help raise them in the Christian faith. The prayers have been chosen and presented to be age-appropriate and appealing to young children and adults alike. his book includes some of the favourite childhood prayers that older generations will remember as favourites to know by heart. The cover is padded, gloss white with illustration and foil titling.
John Murray Press Hope in Times of Fear: The Resurrection and the Meaning of Easter
The resurrection of Jesus is at the heart of the Christian faith, bringing God's power - which will some day heal and renew the world - into our lives now. That power is here only partially, but substantially; and this gives Christians a realistic, but irrepressible, hope. It is a hope for change in our lives and in our society; a hope that changes Christians in every way, shaping every aspect of our lives. But it is only together with the cross that we see the particular way resurrection hope shapes us. We are delivered by a Saviour who triumphed through weakness and loss; who came to riches through becoming poor; and to exalted life through the experience of death. And having coming to new life by admitting our own weakness and inability to save ourselves, we live the rest of our lives according to this pattern: the way up is to go down; the way to true power and influence is to serve; the way to be truly rich is to give all we have; the way to real happiness is to work for the happiness of others. Hope in Times of Fear unlocks the meaning of both the cross and Jesus' resurrection. Here the central message of the Christian faith is revealed - with unshakable belief, piercing insight and a profound message of hope for the world.
Baker Publishing Group For the Beauty of the Earth – A Christian Vision for Creation Care
Caring for the environment is a growing interest among evangelicals. This award-winning book provides the most thorough evangelical treatment available on a theology of creation care. "Authentic Christian faith requires ecological obedience," writes Steven Bouma-Prediger. He urges Christians to acknowledge their responsibility and privilege as stewards of the earth. The second edition has been substantially revised and updated with the latest scientific and environmental research.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Konfirmieren: Konfirmandenarbeit gestalten
Hans-Martin Lübking assumes the "normal operation" of the confirmation work, takes into account the work situation on site and provides information on current issues and new impulses. The focus is on a detailed presentation of how work with confirmands can be practically organized and specifically designed. A special focus is on the question of the sustainability of the confirmation work. The author advocates anchoring confirmation work in a child- and youth-friendly community in which young people can participate and experience the (social) relevance of the Christian faith.
Baylor University Press The Living Word of God: Rethinking the Theology of the Bible
In this final installment of his trilogy on the central ordinances of the Christian faith (baptism, the Lord's Supper, and the proclamation of God's Word), Ben Witherington asks: What does it mean to call the Bible ""God's word""? In doing so, he takes on other recent studies which downplay the connection between history and theology, or between historical accuracy and truth claims. The Bible is not merely to be viewed as a Word about God, Witherington argues. Instead, he says, the Bible exhorts us to see the Bible as a living Word from God.
HarperCollins Publishers Mere Christianity (C. S. Lewis Signature Classic)
One of the most popular and beloved introductions to the concept of faith ever written, ‘Mere Christianity’ has sold millions of copies worldwide. The book brings together C.S. Lewis’s legendary radio broadcasts during the war years, in which he set out simply to ‘explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all Christians at all times’. Rejecting the boundaries that divide Christianity’s many denominations, ‘Mere Christianity’ provides an unequalled opportunity for believers and nonbelievers alike to absorb a powerful, rational case for the Christian faith.
Inter-Varsity Press Modern Art and The Death of a Culture
This groundbreaking classic, now reissued, gives a brilliant perspective on the cultural turmoil of the radical sixties and its impact on today's world, as reflected in the art of the time. It describes the social, historical and philosophical context of modern art and culture from a Christian perspective, including much valuable material on Western European art from the Renaissance onward. A respected jazz critic as well as Professor of Art History at the Free University of Amsterdam, Rookmaaker moves freely between the worlds of high culture, popular art and music and Christian faith.
Peeters Publishers Augustine and Postmodern Thought: A New Alliance Against Modernity?
On November 9-11, 2006, the Research Group 'Theology in a Postmodern Context' (K.U.Leuven) organised an expert symposium on the return of Augustine in current postmodern philosophical-theological debates. The North-African Church Father, or at least the thinking patterns or intuitions borrowed from him, are often invoked in discussions on the relation between Christian faith and the contemporary postmodern context. On the one hand, one observes the retrieval of rather premodern approaches in order to remedy the so-called (post-)modern crisis, which is said to result in nihilism, relativism, etc. For what seems to attract some theologians in Augustinian thinking is the (apparent) marriage between Greek (neo-Platonic) philosophy and Christian faith. Such a combination of premodern metaphysics and Christian faith would serve as a necessary presupposition for every legitimate theological epistemology. On the other hand, there are theologians and philosophers who are increasingly trying to reread Augustine from a postmodern stance, stressing the role of particularity, narrativity, historicity, and the decentring of subjectivity, which they see present in Augustine's approach, or from which they deconstruct Augustine's thinking. Central questions discussed during the symposium were: Are the analyses, offered by authors who are re-introducing Augustine with respect to the contemporary context, correct? To what diagnosed problems, and on what basis, do they propose Augustine as a remedy? Are their presentations of other theological and philosophical responses to the present situation correct and which 'Augustine' do they claim to represent? More fundamentally: what would a genuine Augustinian epistemology look like, and what can we gain from it? In what way can it be normative for a theological epistemology in our day? In answering these questions, the symposium focused explicitly on contemporary philosophical and theological evaluations of both modernity and postmodernity, and theological responses to them.
John Murray Press Hope in Times of Fear: The Resurrection and the Meaning of Easter
The resurrection of Jesus is at the heart of the Christian faith, bringing God's power - which will some day heal and renew the world - into our lives now. That power is here only partially, but substantially; and this gives Christians a realistic, but irrepressible, hope. It is a hope for change in our lives and in our society; a hope that changes Christians in every way, shaping every aspect of our lives. But it is only together with the cross that we see the particular way resurrection hope shapes us. We are delivered by a Saviour who triumphed through weakness and loss; who came to riches through becoming poor; and to exalted life through the experience of death. And having coming to new life by admitting our own weakness and inability to save ourselves, we live the rest of our lives according to this pattern: the way up is to go down; the way to true power and influence is to serve; the way to be truly rich is to give all we have; the way to real happiness is to work for the happiness of others. Hope in Times of Fear unlocks the meaning of both the cross and Jesus' resurrection. Here the central message of the Christian faith is revealed - with unshakable belief, piercing insight and a profound message of hope for the world.
BRF (The Bible Reading Fellowship) The Freedom of Years: Ageing in perspective
This positive, affirming book explores and reviews the meaning and purpose of our lives. As Christians, ageing gives us the opportunity to deepen and even transform our spiritual lives. The Freedom of Years helps those who want to undertake the journey by examining the ageing task, the inevitable changes and the possibilities of joy along the way. Read this book, see the potential and seek to age in the light of your Christian faith.
Cinebook Ltd Last Templar the Vol. 4: the Falcon Temple
Tess has gone with Vance to look for the Falcon Temple and its precious cargo, convinced that truth must prevail. Meanwhile, the Church persuades Sean to help them keep that truth hidden - at any cost. On the dark waters of the Mediterranean, in a storm so fierce it could be the very wrath of God, a merciless battle will take place for the future of the Christian faith...
John Murray Press Through a Glass Darkly: Journeys through Science, Faith and Doubt – A Memoir
In what he anticipates will be his final book, respected scientist and theologian Professor Alister McGrath shares the story of a life spent in pursuit of truth: first through the discipline of science, then in tandem with the Christian faith he found as a young man. In Through a Glass Darkly Professor McGrath shares at length and for the first time how exactly he moved from atheism to faith while studying natural sciences at Oxford University, and how each discipline has informed the other throughout his life. This is a rich, inspiring read from one of today's greatest public theologians.