Search results for ""Author Paola""
Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi Uitgevers/Publishers) Oase 110 - A Project Of The Soil
powerHouse Books,U.S. Wonder Girls, Changing Our World
John Wiley & Sons Inc Power Quality Indices in Liberalized Markets
Power Quality (PQ) indices are a powerful tool for quickly quantifying PQ disturbances. They also serve as the basis for illustrating the negative impact of electrical disturbances on components and for assessing compliance with the required standards and recommendations within a regulating framework. Within these pages lies a comprehensive overview of both the traditional PQ indices in use today and new indices likely to be used in the future. Key features of this book include: a special focus on the metrics for quantifying PQ disturbances; a complete review of methods and indices for assessing disturbance responsibilities between customers and utilities; a survey on PQ objectives around the world, with highlights on the economic aspects of PQ disturbances. Inside, you will find a thorough and well-balanced treatment on theoretical concepts and practical applications, enhanced by examples and exercises of PQ indices computation and use. This is an important resource for academics, students of power quality, reliability and electrical power systems courses, and also for practicing engineers involved in solving PQ problems in the new structures of liberalised energy markets.
University Press of Florida Reimagining the Gran Chaco: Identities, Politics, and the Environment in South America
This volume traces the socioeconomic and environmental changes taking place in the Gran Chaco, a vast and richly biodiverse ecoregion at the intersection of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. Representing a wide range of contemporary anthropological scholarship that has not been available in English until now, Reimagining the Gran Chaco illuminates how the region’s many indigenous groups are negotiating these transformations in their own terms.The essays in this volume explore how the region has become a complex arena of political, cultural, and economic contestation between actors that include the state, environmental and NGOs, and private businesses and how local actors are reconfiguring their subjectivities and political agency in response. With its multinational perspective, and its examination of major themes including missionization, millenarian movements, the Chaco war, industrial enclaves, extractivism, political mobilization, and the struggle for rights, this volume brings greater visibility to an underrepresented, complex region.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Cats Girlfriends And Catfriends
Columbia University Press The Death of the Animal: A Dialogue
While moral perfectionists rank conscious beings according to their cognitive abilities, Paola Cavalieri launches a more inclusive defense of all forms of subjectivity. In concert with Peter Singer, J. M. Coetzee, Harlan B. Miller, and other leading animal studies scholars, she expands our understanding of the nonhuman in such a way that the derogatory category of "the animal" becomes meaningless. In so doing, she presents a nonhierachical approach to ethics that better respects the value of the conscious self. Cavalieri opens with a dialogue between two imagined philosophers, laying out her challenge to moral perfectionism and tracing its influence on our attitudes toward the "unworthy." She then follows with a roundtable "multilogue" which takes on the role of reason in ethics and the boundaries of moral status. Coetzee, Nobel Prize winner for Literature and author of The Lives of Animals, emphasizes the animality of human beings; Miller, a prominent analytic philosopher at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, dismantles the rationalizations of human bias; Cary Wolfe, professor of English at Rice University, advocates an active exposure to other worlds and beings; and Matthew Calarco, author of Zoographies: The Question of the Animal from Heidegger to Derrida, extends ethical consideration to entities that traditionally have little or no moral status, such as plants and ecosystems. As Peter Singer writes in his foreword, the implications of this conversation extend far beyond the issue of the moral status of animals. They "get to the heart of some important differences about how we should do philosophy, and how philosophy can relate to our everyday life." From the divergences between analytical and continental approaches to the relevance of posthumanist thinking in contemporary ethics, the psychology of speciesism, and the practical consequences of an antiperfectionist stance, The Death of the Animal confronts issues that will concern anyone interested in a serious study of morality.
Marsilio Ferdinando Scianna: Travels, Tales, Memories
These 250 photographs capture Sicilian Ferdinando Scianna's (born 1943) work for young Dolce & Gabbana; portraits of luminaries such as Roland Barthes, Saul Bellow, Jorge Luis Borges, Isabelle Huppert, Milan Kundera and John Lennon; plus his anecdotes of photographing them and other career highlights.
Museum Tusculanum Press Tekststrukturering på italiensk og dansk / Strutturazione testuale in italiano e in danese -- 3-Volume Set: Resultater af en komparativ undersøgelse / Risultati di una indagine comparativa
Tekststrukturering på italiensk og dansk / Strutturazione testuale in italiano e in danese -- 3-Volume Set - Resultater af en komparativ undersøgelse / Risultati di una indagine comparativa
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften MIMOS 2017: Ursina Lardi
Ob auf der Theaterbühne oder der Kinoleinwand: Ursina Lardi vermag mit radikaler künstlerischer Aneignung das Wesen ihrer Figuren zu enthüllen. Mit Texten von namhaften Wegbegleitern und Einzelanalysen würdigt dieser Band eine eindrucksvolle Schauspielerinnenkarriere. Sur la scène comme sur l’écran, Ursina Lardi parvient, grâce à une approche artistique exigeante, à s’approprier l’essence des personnages qu’elle habite. Cet ouvrage réunit des interventions d’artistes exceptionnels, compagnons de route, et des analyses spécialisées pour célébrer cette carrière d’actrice impressionnante. In scena come sullo schermo: grazie a un approccio radicale, Ursina Lardi riesce a cogliere l’essenza dei personaggi che interpreta. Il presente volume illustra, tramite analisi particolareggiate e i contributi di compagni di viaggio d’eccezione, lo straordinario percorso artistico di quest’attrice. Whether on stage or on screen, Ursina Lardi manages to reveal the essence of her characters by means of a radical artistic approach. The present volume, with contributions from well-known associates as well as individual analyses, pays homage to the impressive career of this actress.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Magalina y el gran misterio / Magalina and the Great Mystery
Alfaguara Juvenil Magalina y el bosque de los animales mágicos / Magalina and the Magical Animal Forest
Brepols N.V. Art and Science: Volume Two
Brepols N.V. Art and Science: Volume One
WW Norton & Co The Hatmakers
The most important rule to follow when you hunt for hat ingredients is this: keep wildness in your wits and magic in your fingertips. In Cordelia’s London, magic is real and is woven into objects created by the five Maker families: the Hatmakers, the Bootmakers, the Watchmakers, the Cloakmakers, and the Glovemakers. Growing up in her father Prospero’s footsteps, eleven-year-old Cordelia Hatmaker has learned the family’s ancient skills and secrets so she can one day make her own enchanted hats. When Prospero and his ship are lost at sea during an important ingredient expedition, her grief-stricken aunt and uncle must turn their attention toward fulfilling a decree to create a Peace Hat for the king. But Cordelia refuses to accept that her father is gone for good and desperately begins making plans to find him. Then, the Peace Hat is stolen—along with the Peace Boots, Watch, Cloak, and Gloves—and Cordelia realizes that there is a more menacing plot against the Makers’ Guild, and that Prospero Hatmaker’s disappearance may be connected. Cordelia must uncover the truth about who is behind the thefts if she is to save the Makers and find out what really happened to her father. Full of magic, surprise, and adventure, Tamzin Merchant’s sparkling debut introduces a captivating heroine and her extraordinary world.
Random House USA Inc A Plate of Hope: The Inspiring Story of Chef José Andrés and World Central Kitchen
Penguin Young Readers Tell the Truth, Pangolin
Penguin Putnam Inc Giant-Sized Butterflies On My First Day of School
Philomel Books Pages & Co.: The Map of Stories
Phaidon Press Ltd Design Emergency: Building a Better Future
Alice Rawsthorn and Paola Antonelli, two of the world’s most influential design figures, meet the visionary designers whose innovations and ingenuity give us hope for the future by redesigning and reconstructing our lives, enabling us to thrive Design Emergency tells the stories of the remarkable designers, architects, engineers, artists, scientists, and activists, who are at the forefront of positive change worldwide. Focusing on four themes - Technology, Society, Communication, and Ecology - Alice Rawsthorn and Paola Antonelli present a unique portrait of how our great creative minds are developing new design solutions to the major challenges of our time, while helping us to benefit from advances in science and technology.
Phaidon Press Ltd Paola Pivi
The first complete survey of the work of the much-loved and collected contemporary Italian multimedia artist Paola Pivi - with more than 250 images, including previously unpublished work. Published in association with Anchorage Museum, Alaska; The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh; The Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach; [mac] musée d’art contemporain de Marseille; and MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome. Probably best known for her playful, complex installations of life-sized, brightly-hued, feathered polar bears, Paola Pivi has created work across a range of media - including sculpture, video, photography, performance, and installation - throughout her 27-year career. Often using recognisable objects that are modified to introduce new scale, material, or color, her work challenges viewers to rethink their position. This in-depth monograph, made with the close involvement of the artist, is her most substantial publication to date and features more than 250 images, including previously unpublished work, together with five newly commissioned essays giving insight and perspective on her incredibly diverse body of work.
Barefoot Books, Incorporated Barefoot Books Incredible Animals
In this beautifully illustrated guide, discover fascinating and unusual information about animals from all around the world. A delightfully quirky system of organization introduces the reader to the superlatives of the animal kingdom, from “super predators” to “expert architects.” A must-have encyclopedia for any animal enthusiast!
New York University Press The House of Serenos, Part II: Archaeological Report on a Late-Roman Urban House at Trimithis (Amheida VI)
A comprehensive study of the archaeology of the House of Serenos The House of Serenos, Part II is the second of four books devoted to publishing the archaeology of the House of Serenos, a richly decorated, late antique villa of a local élite, located in Amheida (ancient Trimithis) in the Dakhla Oasis of Egypt. The House of Serenos, Part II synthesizes the archaeological information presented in detail in other volumes in a comprehensive study of the architectural and archaeological history of the house and its relationship to its natural and built environments, from construction through expansion and renovation to its eventual abandonment around the end of the fourth century. The volume includes discussions of archaeological method, stratigraphy, architecture, and the archaeological assemblages discovered in the House of Serenos—and reveals what all this can tell us about the inhabitants and their experience living in this high-status residence at the edge of the Roman Empire.
Edinburgh University Press Rhythm and Critique: Technics, Modalities, Practices
Rhythm and Critique presents twelve new essays from a range of specialists to define, contextualise and challenge the concepts of rhythm and rhythmanalysis, and includes newly translated materials from Rudolf Laban and Henri Meschonnic. The book begins with a genealogy of rhythm as it occurs through critical theory literatures of the twentieth century, enabling the reader to situate philosophical and contemporary readings that further define rhythm as a critical term and mode of analysis.In placing emphasis upon rhythm as cultural technique and locating its significance for the analysis of the everyday, the book offers a clear and engaging overview of a fascinating theoretical field. It helps map a range of histories and approaches and considers how rhythm might now emerge more forcefully and pertinently as a critical framing for contemporary culture.
Stanford University Press Genesis and Trace: Derrida Reading Husserl and Heidegger
In this study, Paola Marrati approaches—in an extremely insightful, rigorous, and well-argued way—the question of the philosophical sources of Derrida's thought through a consideration of his reading of both Husserl and Heidegger. A central focus of the book is the analysis of the concepts of genesis and trace as they define Derrida's thinking of historicity, time, and subjectivity. Notions such as the contamination of the empirical and the transcendental, dissemination and writing, are explained as key categories establishing a guiding thread that runs through Derrida's early and later works. Whereas in his discussion of Husserl Derrida problematizes the relationship between the ideality of meaning and the singularity of its historical production, in his interpretation of Heidegger he challenges the very idea of the originary finitude of temporality. This book is essential reading not only for those interested in the philosophical roots of deconstruction, but for all those interested in the central questions of history and temporality, subjectivity and language, that pervade contemporary debates in cultural, literary, and visual theory alike.
Stanford University Press Genesis and Trace: Derrida Reading Husserl and Heidegger
In this study, Paola Marrati approaches—in an extremely insightful, rigorous, and well-argued way—the question of the philosophical sources of Derrida's thought through a consideration of his reading of both Husserl and Heidegger. A central focus of the book is the analysis of the concepts of genesis and trace as they define Derrida's thinking of historicity, time, and subjectivity. Notions such as the contamination of the empirical and the transcendental, dissemination and writing, are explained as key categories establishing a guiding thread that runs through Derrida's early and later works. Whereas in his discussion of Husserl Derrida problematizes the relationship between the ideality of meaning and the singularity of its historical production, in his interpretation of Heidegger he challenges the very idea of the originary finitude of temporality. This book is essential reading not only for those interested in the philosophical roots of deconstruction, but for all those interested in the central questions of history and temporality, subjectivity and language, that pervade contemporary debates in cultural, literary, and visual theory alike.
Scholastic Inc. I Am a Fire Truck
University of Notre Dame Press Authoritarian Legacies and Democracy in Latin America and Southern Europe
Authoritarian Legacies and Democracy in Latin America and Southern Europe brings together well-known comparative political scientists to define and explore the effects of authoritarian rule in post-authoritarian regimes in Southern Europe, the Southern Cone, and Brazil. Contributors to this volume use the research of historians, social psychologists, anthropologists, and sociologists to formulate their conceptualizations of legacies. Their analysis is also sensitive to the experiences of those who live with the consequences of authoritarian regimes. Each chapter offers a multi-case comparison either from within Latin America or between Latin America and Southern Europe. Among the challenges for democracies in Latin America and Southern Europe are weakened political parties, politicized militaries, compromised judiciaries, corrupt police forces, and widespread citizen distrust. Utilizing a historical-sociological methodology that incorporates both the formal-legal and cultural dimensions of legacies, these essayists offer a fruitful examination of the political structures and institutions bequeathed by authoritarian regimes. They look at such core institutions as political parties, executives, legislatures, constitutions, and interest groups as well as symbolic-discursive dimensions related to individual and collective memories, citizenship, public perception, and trust. They also suggest policy directions to eradicate authoritarian legacies from democratic institutions and praxis. Authoritarian Legacies and Democracy in Latin America and Southern Europe encourages comparativists to consider more systematically the many manifestations of authoritarian legacies as challenges to democracy. This volume will appeal to all students and scholars interested in comparative politics, Latin America, Southern Europe, and democratization.
Royal Society of Chemistry Surface Water Photochemistry
Borne out of the current widespread interest in the pollution of water bodies, this book explores the latest research concerning the photochemical fate of organic pollutants in surface water. Considering both the functioning of ecosystems and the behaviour of emerging pollutants in those ecosystems, it is dedicated to techniques that can be used in the field and in the laboratory for the detection of pollutants and of their transformation intermediates. The inclusion of photochemical processes that have not gained previous coverage will afford the reader novel insights, whilst the focus on modelling and transformation intermediates will ensure the title’s relevance to academics, the chemical manufacturing industries and environmental assessment experts alike.
Five Continents Editions Japanese Design
The story of Japanese design, told through works selected from the collection of the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Japanese designers' special ability to combine aesthetic tradition with contemporary visual culture and material innovation has created a distinctive and exceptionally successful design industry in Japan, which has produced such divergent icons of modern design as Sori Yanagi's Butterfly Stool, the Sony Walkman, the Honey-Pop Armchair by Tokujin Yoshioka, and the Toyota Prius. This book traces the development of Japanese design from the country's craft revival in the early twentieth century to the extraordinary objects of high technology that have been a specialty of Japanese designers since mid-century. Paola Antonelli's lively introduction provides an overview of Japan's design culture; an essay and timeline by Penny Sparke illuminate the masterpieces of modern Japanese design that are superbly reproduced in the volume's plate section.
White Star Trace With Me: My First Pre-writing Activity Book
Pre-writing is the activity that brings the little ones closer to the writing world. Following Pros, the little yellow alien, throughout the pages of this activity book, children will be challenged in different tasks and exercises. Lines, circles, shapes, spirals: all the different parts that will later make up letters and numbers can be experienced through fun games and activities. The exercises start before holding a pen: with a fun sticker of the little spaceship, children can start to trace the lines to train the movements of the hand. Colouring within the borders, following lines, closing and opening shapes: children will start to hold a pen correctly gradually and enhancing in new abilities that will prepare them for writing later in life. Ages: 4 plus
Random House USA Inc Tell the Truth, Pangolin
Viella Editrice Incunaboli a Cesena
Archaeopress Big Data and Archaeology: Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 15, Session III-1
Big Data and Archaeology presents the papers from two sessions of the 18th UISPP World Congress (Paris, June 2018): Session III-1 (CA): ‘Big data, databases and archaeology’, and Session III-1 (T): ‘New advances in theoretical archaeology’. The advent of Big Data is a recent and debated issue in Digital Archaeology. Historiographic context and current developments are illustrated in this volume, as well as comprehensive examples of a multidisciplinary and integrative approach to the recording, management and exploitation of excavation data and documents produced over a long period of archaeological research. In addition, specific attention is paid to neoprocessual archaeology, as a new platform aimed at renewing the theoretical framework of archaeology after thirty years of post-modernism, and to the refinement of the concept of archaeological cultures, combining processual, contextual and empirical approaches.
Blue Dot Kids Press Who Will It Be?: How Evolution Connects Us All
Simon & Schuster Here Comes Ocean
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Political Economy of Taxation: Lessons from Developing Countries
Taxation is a major issue in the economic and political spheres. This book focuses on a sample of developing countries from Asia and Latin America that experienced an economic and democratic transition during the period 1990-2004. Using a unique dataset the authors show that tax revenue is higher in more democratic regimes, consistent with the standard view that democracies have to satisfy the redistributive needs of the electorate. They also find that a second relationship between the level of democracy and the composition of taxes (mainly direct versus indirect) is much harder to predict. However, a comparison with new EU member states suggests that more mature democracies are associated with higher levels of direct tax. This unique book in a relatively under-researched subject area will prove essential reading for academics, researchers and practitioners focusing on political economy, public finance and the economics of taxation.
CABI Publishing Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Cytology: The Skin and Subcutis
Illustrated with high-quality photomicrographs, Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Cytology: The Skin and Subcutis is a comprehensive resource for identifying through cytology the most common cutaneous and subcutaneous diseases of dogs and cats. With key points describing the main clinical and cytological features of each lesion, the book provides lists of differential diagnoses, including diagnostic algorithms, and handy 'hints and tips' boxes. It is also enriched by chapters on the correct use and maintenance of the microscope, and techniques of collection and preparation of cytological specimens, making the book a valuable resource for veterinary pathologists (clinical and anatomic), residents, veterinary undergraduate students and small animal practitioners. Key features: -Over 130 photomicrographs of the most common skin and subcutaneous lesions to help with diagnosis. -Ideal reference book with concise descriptions of each lesion. -Organised into key bullet points to facilitate use during diagnostic work, or as a revision aid.
Elliott & Thompson Limited On the Scent: Unlocking the Mysteries of Smell - and How Its Loss Can Change Your World
A fascinating exploration of how losing our sense of smell can shape our world, and how the global pandemic transformed our understanding of this mysterious sense.
U.S. Games Oracle of Destiny
Museum of Modern Art Modern Contemporary: Art Since 1980 at MoMA
Extensive holdings of contemporary art produced from 1980 until now are showcased in this updated and revised edition. This edition provides an international spectrum of more than 580 works of key contemporary art in a variety of mediums, including 36 new works that have been added to the MoMA collection since 1999.
Scholastic Inc. Im a Dump Truck
White Star Cities: Mad for Geography
In the Mad for Geography activity-book series, apprentice geographers guide young readers as they explore the fundamental themes of geography – with one new edition exploring cities! Join these characters as they analyse different components of the urban environment – from supermarkets to cinemas – in Cities. Over 50 pages of both simple and more complex activities, ensuring that children are engaged without becoming frustrated or bored. Ages 6 +
Thames & Hudson Ltd Bio Design: Nature • Science • Creativity
Bioluminescent algae, symbiotic aquariums, self-healing concrete, clavicle wind instruments and structures made from living trees – biology applied outside the lab has never been so intriguing, or so beautiful. Bio Design examines the thrilling advances in the field, showcasing some seventy projects (concepts, prototypes and completed designs) that cover a range of fields – from architecture and industrial design to fashion and medicine. The revised and expanded edition features twelve new projects (replacing ten existing projects): Hy-Fi (by David Benjamin); One Central Park, Sydney (Jean Nouvel); Guard from Above (Sjoerd Hoogendoorn); Cell-laden Hydrogels for Biocatalysis (Alshakim Nelson); Zoa (Modern Meadow); Amino Labs (Julie Legault); Algae and Mycelium Projects (Eric Klarenbeek); Interwoven and Harvest (Diane Scherer); Concrete Honey (John Becker); Bistro In Vitro (Koert van Mensvoort); Circumventive Organs (Agi Haines); Quantworm Mine (Liv Bargman and Nina Cutler). It also includes a new ‘how-to’ section at the end (Tips for Collaboration/FAQs/Further Resources), as well as a fully revised introduction.
Elliott & Thompson Limited On the Scent: Unlocking the Mysteries of Smell – and How Its Loss Can Change Your World
'Engaging and hopeful' New Scientist A fascinating exploration of how losing our sense of smell can shape our world, and how the global pandemic transformed our understanding of this mysterious sense. When award-winning reporter Paola Totaro lost her sense of smell to Covid in March 2020, her world changed and dulled in an instant. Trapped in a sensory vacuum without fragrance or flavour, she embarked on a journey of discovery to unravel the mysteries – and eccentricities – of the fifth sense. Our sense of smell shapes our everyday experiences in ways we often don’t even notice. Its loss can affect our emotional wellbeing, our relationships, our ability to interpret the world around us – and yet it has long been regarded as the least important of our senses. But almost overnight, Covid changed everything. As it became clear that loss of smell was a key symptom and the number of sufferers exploded, olfactory researchers suddenly found themselves thrust into the spotlight, with more attention, subjects and funding than ever before. On the Scent is the story of a quest for answers, from the theories of ancient philosophers to the cutting-edge laboratories of 21st century neuroscience. It looks at the extraordinary experiences of patients and scientists alike, offering a unique glimpse into the world of those born without smell as well as those who lose it; exploring how smell can be a key indicator of declining physical health; and showing how new research may offer hope to the millions of people worldwide who have suffered sensory loss. "An enthralling, elegantly written, and poignant exploration of our most neglected sense, one whose role in human life – in memory, emotion, attachment – has suddenly been made vivid by loss.” Peter Godfrey-Smith, author of the bestselling OTHER MINDS "Such an engaging and pleasurable read which should do a lot to lift smell out of the shadows ... packed with insights and observations that bring this topic to life for everyone" Professor Barry Smith, Centre for the Study of the Senses, University of London "Destined to be a bible for anyone who has lost their sense of smell, whether from Covid or not" Chrissi Kelly, AbScent
Pauline Books & Media My Baptism Bible Cath Ed