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Harriman House Publishing Trend Following Masters - Volume two: Trading Psychology Conversations
Michael Covel's Trend Following podcast has delivered millions of listens across 80+ countries for over a decade. On the podcast, Michael invites you to take a seat next to him as he interviews the world's top experts in investor psychology. Encouraged by Michael's skilled and knowledgeable questions, legendary guests reveal the best of their wisdom, guidance, and ideas to help you manage your trading mindset. It is the ultimate mentorship circle serving one goal: To give everyone the chance to learn how to profit in the markets. This second volume of Trend Following Masters features Michael's conversations with great psychologists and behavioral scientists, including: Annie Duke, Alexander Elder, Van Tharp, Denise Shull, Daniel Crosby, Daniel Kahneman, Charles Faulkner, Gerd Gigerenzer, Brett Steenbarger, Philip Tetlock, K. Anders Ericsson, Alison Gopnik. If you aspire to be a Trend Following Masters, this collection of insightful interviews is an essential addition to your trading library.
Random House Children's Books Because of Mr Terupt 1
Seven students are about to have their lives changed by one amazing teacher in this school story sequel filled with unique characters every reader can relate to. It’s the start of a new year at Snow Hill School, and seven students find themselves thrown together in Mr. Terupt’s fifth grade class. There’s . . . Jessica, the new girl, smart and perceptive, who’s having a hard time fitting in; Alexia, a bully, your friend one second, your enemy the next; Peter, class prankster and troublemaker; Luke, the brain; Danielle, who never stands up for herself; shy Anna, whose home situation makes her an outcast; and Jeffrey, who hates school. They don’t have much in common, and they’ve never gotten along. Not until a certain new teacher arrives and helps them to find strength inside themselves—and in each other. But when Mr. Terupt suffers a terrible accident,
Hodder & Stoughton Borderlines
''Beautiful. A true gem... [his] unique take on human nature through the history and heritage of the borderlands ends up being deeply moving.'' - IRISH INDEPENDENT''Thrillingly unique, knowledgeable, perceptive and profound'' IAN DUNT''A light-footed journey along the fault lines of history.'' KATJA HOYERThe history of Europe told through twenty-nine key borders that define the past, present and future of our continentEurope''s internal borders have rarely been ''natural''; they have more often been created by accident or force.In Borderlines, political historian Lewis Baston journeys along twenty-nine key borders from west to east Europe, examining how the map of our continent has been redrawn over the last century, with varying degrees of success. The fingerprints of Napoleon, Alexander I, Castlereagh, Napoleon III and Bismarck are all there, but today''s map of Europe is mostly the work of th
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Herman Miller: Interior Views
Herman Miller has led in the modernization of the American home and workplace since Gilbert Rohde revolutionized the company with his Art Deco furniture in the 1930s. Interior installations (from the early days through the famous mid-century designs of George Nelson and Charles and Ray Eames and the textile designs of Alexander Girard, and up to the later accomplishments of a new generation of designers) are shown in more than 200 color and black and white vintage photos entirely from the Herman Miller Archives. With an extensive timeline of events and furniture design introductions, this visual record captures a fascinating portion of the evolution of modern interior design. Appendices of complete product catalog reprints of the Herman Miller Collections of 1950 and 1952 plus a value guide make this volume a must for researchers, preservationists, designers, and collectors of modern interior furnishings.
Cornerstone An A-Z of Hellraisers: A Comprehensive Compendium of Outrageous Insobriety
An A-Z of Hellraisers is the last word on inebriated misbehaviour, and the miscreant mob in this whopper of a book constitute the most amazing grouping to see print: from Alexander the Great, whose drunken revelries once ended with the destruction of an entire city; to W. C. Fields, who passed critical judgement on a brass band by urinating over them from a hotel balcony; Dylan Thomas, who drove a sports car onto Charlie Chaplin's private tennis court; to Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham, suffocating on his own vomit after consuming forty measures of vodka - what a night out that was!This hilarious volume makes for an ideal bedside companion or pub reading fodder, as it scrutinises and salutes these glorious individuals, from Winston Churchill to Keith Moon, George Best to Ernest Hemingway, Wild Bill Hickok to Sam Peckinpah, Ozzy Osbourne to Errol Flynn. Just thank God we didn't have to live next door to any of them.
Orion Publishing Co Tyrant: Destroyer of Cities
This novel in the scintillating Tyrant series brings the epic siege of Rhodes in 306 BC to spectacular life.The death of Alexander the Great was the signal to begin the greatest war in human history - a war that swept like a firestorm from one end of the known world to the other, as his former generals fought like jackals to make his vast empire their own.By 305 BC, the most powerful players in this deadly game faced each other across the Mediterranean: Ptolemy, the master of Egypt, and Antigonus One-Eye, master of Asia. And between them, the island of Rhodes, a strategic fortress city that neither could afford to cede to the enemy.But trapped in the city was one man with the courage and determination to save it from destruction. A man who, surrounded by his closest friends and the woman he loved, simply could not afford to fail. A man called Satyrus.
Pennsylvania State University Press The Southern Levant under Assyrian Domination
With its unique geographic diversity and abundant archaeological and textual data, the southern Levant is an excellent “laboratory” for studying how Assyrian domination operated. This collection of essays explains how Neo-Assyrian rule influenced the demographics, economy, and culture of the region.A systematic study of Assyrian rule in the west that integrates archaeological and textual perspectives and reconsiders the “Assyrian Peace” paradigm has long been needed. Building on the unparalleled archaeological and textual information available from the Land of Israel and its surroundings, the studies in this book address various aspects of Assyrian rule, including life under Assyrian hegemony and the consequences of the Assyrian conquests. It includes a broad overview of the vast archaeological data from both the provinces and client kingdoms in the Land of Israel in the Assyrian period, as well as a systematic and chronological survey of Assyrian texts that mention the region or sites therein. The contributors employ widely divergent approaches to topics such as the description of Assyrian encroachment in biblical texts, the Judean experience of Assyrian control, the political structure of the Coastal Plain, and the architecture of hospitality, among others. Integrating various sources of information to reconstruct the demography, economy, architecture, and intellectual life of the southern Levant, the articles in this volume are important not only for the study of Assyrian rule but also for research on empires writ large.In addition to the editors, the contributors to this volume include Amitai Baruchi-Unna, Yigal Bloch, Alexander Fantalkin, Wayne Horowitz, David Kertai, Lily Singer-Avitz, and Peter Zilberg.
Duke University Press Trans/Feminisms
This special double issue of TSQ goes beyond the simplistic dichotomy between an exclusionary transphobic feminism and an inclusive trans-affirming feminism. Exploring the ways in which trans issues are addressed within feminist and women’s organizations and social movements around the world, contributors ask how trans, genderqueer, and nonbinary issues are related to feminist movements today, what kind of work is currently undertaken in the name of trans/feminism, what new paradigms and visions are emerging, and what questions still need to be taken up. Central to this special issue is the recognition that trans/feminist politics cannot restrict itself to the domain of gender alone.This issue features numerous shorter works that represent the diversity of trans/feminist practices and problematics and, in addition to original research articles, includes theory, reports, manifestos, opinion pieces, reviews, and creative/artistic productions, as well as republished key documents of trans/feminist history and international scholarship.Contributors: Miriam Abelson, Sara Ahmed, Aitzole Araneta, Alexandre Baril, Marie-Hélène/Sam Bourcier, micha cárdenas, Daniel Chávez, Jeanne Córdova, Pedro J. DiPietro, Lucía Egaña, A. Finn Enke, Karine Espineira, Sandra Fernández, Simon D. Fisher, Tania Hammidi, Christoph Hanssmann, Emma Louise Heaney, Hailey Kaas, Cael Keegan, Faris Khan, Yana Kirey-Sitnikova, Terence Kumpf, Riki Lane, Helen Hok-Sze Leung, Claudia Sofia Garriga López, Tommi Avicolli Mecca, L. Leigh Ann van der Merwe, Scott Morgensen, Marcio Jose Ornat, Ruin S. M. Pae, José Quiroga, Naomi Scheman, Joseli Maria Silva, reese simpkins, Miriam Solá, Sandy Stone, Stefania Voli, Rinaldo Walcott, Lori Watson, Cristan Williams, Shana Ye, Asli Zengin
Bloodaxe Books Ltd The Mighty Stream: Poems in Celebration of Martin Luther King
When he was awarded an honorary degree in civil law at Newcastle University in 1967, Dr Martin Luther King gave an electrifying extemporaneous address, speaking without notes, in which he said: 'There are three urgent and indeed great problems that we face today...That is the problem of racism, the problem of poverty and the problem of war.' As part of a fifty year anniversary and celebration, this anthology gathers poets from both sides of the Atlantic to address the challenges set out by Dr King. It's a shock to think how little has changed, and that Martin Luther King could well be speaking right here, right now. In the spirit of Dr King and his work as a humanitarian and activist, this anthology brings together poems that offer powerful testimonies to the urgent issues Dr King defines and represents the polyphony of voices that speak in resistance to our continuing problems of racism, poverty and war. Featuring poems by Claudia Rankine, Grace Nichols, Yusef Komunyakaa, Moniza Alvi, Rita Dove, Daljit Nagra, Imtiaz Dharker, Fred D'Aguiar, Oliver de la Paz, Rowan Ricardo Phillips, John Agard, Patricia Smith, Jericho Brown, Toi Derricotte, Vahni Capildeo, Carl Phillips, Sarah Howe, Elizabeth Alexander, Ishion Hutchinson, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Marilyn Nelson, Mimi Khalvati, Nikki Giovanni, Robert Pinsky, Bernardine Evaristo, Vidyan Ravinthiran, Major Jackson, Tim Seibles, Choman Hardi, Benjamin Zephaniah, Shazea Quraishi, E. Ethelbert Miller, Sandeep Parmar, Malika Booker, Roger Robinson, Rigoberto Gonzalez, Rae Paris, Kendel Hippolyte, Amali Rodrigo, Zaffar Kunial, Rishi Dastidar, Raymond Antrobus, Mai Der Vang, Martin Espada, Inua Ellams, Arundhathi Subramaniam, Gregory Pardlo, Edward Doegar, Degna Stone, MacDonald Dixon, Ada Limon, Philip Metres, Nick Makoha, Nathalie Handal, Lauren K Alleyne, Kevin Bowen, Bashabi Fraser, Satchid Anandan. Co-publication with Newcastle University.
Kent State University Press The Philadelphia Phillies
A facsimile edition of the 1953 history of the Philadelphia PhilliesFred Lieb and Stan Baumgartner's history of the Philadelphia Phillies was originally published in 1953 as part of the celebrated series of major league team histories published by G. P. Putnam. With their colorful prose and delightful narratives, the Putnam books have been described as the Cadillac of the genre and have become prized collectibles for baseball readers and historians.Together Lieb and Baumgartner chronicle the Phillies franchise's turbulent past—from its frustrating early decades, through its heartbreaking loss to the Boston Red Sox in the 1915 World Series, to its exciting "Whiz Kids" pennant of 1950. Phillies legends like Grover Cleveland Alexander, Chuck Klein, and Ed Delahanty fill these pages, and their colorful anecdotes are woven into the fabric of each season's story.In addition to its comprehensive and intimate examination of the team's history, The Philadelphia Phillies addresses the challenge of rooting for an often-struggling home team in a city known for its passionate baseball fans. Lieb's devotion to his hometown Phillies and overall love of the game and Baumgartner's unique insight as a Philadelphia sportswriter and former player often lead to thoughtful advice and comfort for long-suffering Phillies fans. A trip through a rocky but remarkable past, The Philadelphia Phillies is another enjoyable addition to the Writing Sports Series.
Princeton University Press American Academic Culture in Transformation: Fifty Years, Four Disciplines
In the half century since World War II, American academic culture has changed profoundly. Until now, those changes have not been charted, nor have their implications for current discussions of the academy been appraised. In this book, however, eminent academic figures who have helped to produce many of the changes of the last fifty years explore how four disciplines in the social sciences and humanities--political science, economics, philosophy, and literary studies--have been transformed. Edited by the distinguished historians Thomas Bender and Carl Schorske, the book places academic developments in their intellectual and socio-political contexts. Scholarly innovators of different generations offer insiders' views of the course of change in their own fields, revealing the internal dynamics of disciplinary change. Historians examine the external context for these changes--including the Cold War, Vietnam, feminism, civil rights, and multiculturalism. They also compare the very different paths the disciplines have followed within the academy and the consequent alterations in their relations to the larger public. Initiated by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the study was first published in Daedalus in its 1997 winter issue. The contributors are M. H. Abrams, William Barber, Thomas Bender, Catherine Gallagher, Charles Lindblom, Robert Solow, David Kreps, Hilary Putnam, Jose David Saldivar, Alexander Nehamas, Rogers Smith, Carl Schorske, Ira Katznelson, and David Hollinger.
La Liebre de Marzo S.L. Psiconáutas exploradores de la conciencia
Libro en el que el viajero interior y exterior Juanjo Piñeiro entrevista a los más destacados exploradores del mundo de la psiquedelia, entre los cuales: Jonathan Ott, Alexander y Anna Shulgin, Terence McKenna, Douglas Rushkoff, Joaquim Tarinas...El autor plantea a estos personajes una serie de preguntas interesantísimas, en amenas charlas, sobre el uso de los enteógenos o psiquedélicos que serán de mucha utilidad para todos los interesados por el universo de las substancias que expanden la consciencia.
Peeters Publishers Phenomenologies De L'histoire: Husserl, Heidegger Et L'histoire De La Philosophie
Tous les grands mouvements philosophiques du XXe siecle ont ete tenus de mediter les consequences de leur inscription dans l'histoire de la philosophie. La phenomenologie n'a pas escamote cette tache, elle qui, nee d'une volonte de se defaire d'une tradition trop encombrante, a fini par chercher a s'expliquer avec elle. Chez Heidegger tout d'abord, chez Husserl ensuite, l'histoire de la philosophie est devenu l'une des problematiques essentielles de la recherche sur les fondements de la methode phenomenologique. Cette etude interroge la relation complexe qui unit a l'histoire de la philosophie la phenomenologie transcendantale de Husserl et la phenomenologie hermeneutique de Heidegger. Plutot que d'opposer ces deux phenomenologies et chercher a en souligner les differences, l'ouvrage fait plutot le pari de montrer qu'elles finirent toutes deux par reconnaitre la necessite pour la philosophie de comprendre sa propre histoire et par accepter de se convertir en une phenomenologie historiste, voire meme en une phenomenologie de l'histoire. Chez le jeune Heidegger et le dernier Husserl, la phenomenologie se sera comprise comme une maniere de philosopher qui, tout en reconnaissant sa propre historicite, n'abandonne pas son ambition de parler des choses elles-memes. Docteur en philosophie de l'Universite de Montreal et boursier de la Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Francois Jaran est presentement professeur a l'Universite de Valence (Espagne). Il est l'auteur de La metaphysique du Dasein (Zeta Books, 2010), Heidegger inedit 1929-1930. L'inachevable Etre et temps (Vrin, 2012) et The Heidegger Concordance (Continuum, 2013).
DruckVerlag Kettler Der Flexible Plan: Das Rokoko in der Gegenwartskunst
The Rococo style dominated the 18th century from the Régence (1715-1723) until the end of the reign of King Louis XV (1774). Despite its many achievements, people frequently describe it with adjectives meant to be disparaging: cloying, lovely, kitschy etc. However, its triumphant progress, which took off in France and spread all over Europe, as well as the coincidence in time and the relationship between the Rococo and the enlightenment can still be traced in contemporary art. For the first time ever, this book extensively examines the enduring impact of this major European style on contemporary art. But the Rococo was far more than just a form of art, its ideas permeated all areas of society. Therefore, the selection of contemporary approaches presented here does not only show a formal connection with the Rococo period, it also reveals thematic similarities. In addition, it explores the current relevance of the style as a symbol of our own hyped up and disoriented age. With works by Leonor Antunes, Cornelia Badelita, Karla Black, Thierry Boutemy, Glenn Brown, Alice Channer, Edith Dekyndt, Anke Eilergerhard, Katharina Grosse, Jeppe Hein, Rachel Kneebone, Alexej Koschkarow, Anri Sala, Markus Schinwald, Anj Smith and Pia Stadtbäumer. Text in English and German.
Rowman & Littlefield "Arms, and the Man I sing . . .": A Preface to Dryden's Æneid
This study-referred to as a "preface" is given this designation because its aim is not to offer an up-to-date overall assessment Dryden's translation of Virgil's Æneid, but rather to provide a valid basis for such an assessment. In this it seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of relevant areas (i.e. the "conditions of expression") forming the very basis of the genesis of Dryden's translation, and thus a valid understanding of the poetry (cf. R.A.Brower, Alexander Pope: The Poetry of Allusion [London, 1968], p.98). Part One provides a firsthand picture of the background out of which Dryden's translation came into being—the tradition of Æneid translation. The evolution of Dryden's theory of translation and his use of textual sources are discussed through a systematic presentation of the various conditions of expression involved as Dryden took upon himself to render Virgil's Æneid into English poetry. Part Two presents the relevant aspects of Dryden's conception of Virgil and essential features of the Virgilian epic with reference to the assessments of modern classical scholars and Dryden's own conceptions in these matters. Various analogies—historical, political and literary—are drawn between the respective periods in which Virgil and Dryden lived to reflect the basic similarity in conditions of expression out of which Virgil's Æneid and Dryden's translation came into being.
Henry Holt & Company Inc Latinitas: Celebrating 40 Big Dreamers
Discover how 40 influential Latinas became the women we celebrate today! In this collection of short biographies from all over Latin America and across the United States, Juliet Menéndez explores the first small steps that set the Latinitas off on their journeys. With gorgeous, hand-painted illustrations, Menéndez shines a spotlight on the power of childhood dreams. From Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor to singer Selena Quintanilla to NASA’s first virtual reality engineer, Evelyn Miralles, this is a book for aspiring artists, scientists, activists, and more. These women followed their dreams - and they just might encourage you to follow yours! The book features Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Juana Azurduy de Padilla, Policarpa Salavarrieta, Rosa Peña de González, Teresa Carreño, Zelia Nuttall, Antonia Navarro, Matilde Hidalgo, Gabriela Mistral, Juana de Ibarbourou, Pura Belpré, Gumercinda Páez, Frida Kahlo, Julia de Burgos, Chavela Vargas, Alicia Alonso, Victoria Santa Cruz, Claribel Alegría, Celia Cruz, Dolores Huerta, Rita Moreno, Maria Auxiliadora da Silva, Mercedes Sosa, Isabel Allende, Susana Torre, Julia Alvarez, Sandra Cisneros, Sonia Sotomayor, Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Mercedes Doretti, Sonia Pierre, Justa Canaviri, Evelyn Miralles, Selena Quintanilla, Berta Cáceres, Serena Auñon, Wanda Díaz Merced, Marta Vieira da Silva, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Laurie Hernandez.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Notes: Ronald Reagan's Private Collection of Stories and Wisdom
Ronald Reagan's "Notecards" is a fascinating window into the mind of the fortieth president and the writers and thinkers whom he turned to for advice, inspiration, humour, and hope. Collected by the Ronald Reagan Foundation, the book includes both Reagan's own original writing that honors a lifetime of work in the arts and politics, and includes his favorite quotations, proverbs, and excerpts from speeches, poetry, and literature. Reagan sought wisdom from a wide-ranging set of political figures, philosophers, novelists, and poets, including Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Webster, John F. Kennedy, and Thomas Jefferson, as well as Mahatma Ghandi, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Mark Twain, and Thomas Wolfe. While the number 1 "New York Times" bestselling "Reagan Diaries" detailed daily life inside the oval office, "Notecards" encapsulates a lifetime of reflections on work, marriage, and family in classic one liners such as, 'Flattery is what makes husbands out of bachelors,' and 'Money may not buy friends but it will help you to stay in contact with your children.' Reagan's own writing-his jokes, aphorisms, and insights into politics and life-are often surprising and reveal a view of the president that has rarely been seen before. Historic, illuminating, and deeply captivating, "Notecards" is a remarkable collection of the thoughts of one of our most beloved presidents.
Ian Fleming Publications Limited Colonel Sun: James Bond 007
Colonel Sun was the first James Bond novel published after the death of Ian Fleming. Penned by one of Britain's finest writers, Kingsley Amis, this new edition celebrates the novel's 55th anniversary. Released on October 5th, James Bond Day, this edition features a new foreword by Anthony Horowitz. Lunch at Scott's, a quiet game of golf, a routine social call on his chief M - James Bond's life has begun to fall into a pattern that threatens complacency, until the sunny afternoon when M is kidnapped and all of his house staff savagely murdered. The action ricochets across the globe to a volcanic Greek island, where the malign Colonel Sun Liang-tan of the People's Liberation Army of China is collaborating with the ex-Nazi commander, Von Richter, in planning a world-dominating conspiracy. Bond's allies - the beautiful, brown-haired Greek agent, Ariadne Alexandrou; along with a tough-as-nails former World War II resistance fighter - are quickly neutralized by the venomous Colonel Sun. Alone and unarmed, faces off against these two nefarious villains. Stripped of all professional aids, James Bond faces the deadly devices of Colonel Sun and his Nazi cohort in a test that brings him to the verge of his physical abilities.
Bodleian Library Volcanoes: Encounters through the Ages
For centuries, volcanic eruptions have captured our imaginations. Whether as signposts to an underworld, beacons to ancient mariners, or as an extraordinary manifestation of the natural world, volcanoes have intrigued many people, who have left records of their encounters in letters, reports and diaries and through sketches and illustrations. This book tells the stories of volcanic eruptions around the world, using original illustrations and first-hand accounts to explore how our understanding of volcanoes has evolved through time. Written accounts include Pliny’s description of the 79 CE eruption of Vesuvius, stories recounted by seventeenth-century sea-farers, and reports of expeditions made by eighteenth- and nineteenth-century natural historians, including Alexander von Humboldt and Charles Darwin. Illustrations range from fragments of scrolls, buried in the great eruption of Vesuvius that destroyed Pompeii, to Athanasius Kircher’s extraordinarily detailed sketches, made in the seventeenth century, to the spectacular London sunsets caused by Krakatoa’s eruption in 1883. They also include the first photograph of a volcanic eruption and twenty-first-century imaging of Santorini. These varied and compelling accounts enrich our perspective on current studies of volcanoes and challenge us to think about how we might use our contemporary understanding of volcanology to prepare for the next big eruption.
Little, Brown Book Group In The Name of the Family: A Times Best Historical Fiction of the Year Book
In the Name of the Family - as Blood and Beauty did before - holds up a mirror to a turbulent moment of history, sweeping aside the myths to bring alive the real Borgia family; complicated, brutal, passionate and glorious. Here is a thrilling exploration of the House of Borgia's doomed years, in the company of a young diplomat named Niccolo Machiavelli. It is 1502 and Rodrigo Borgia, a self-confessed womaniser and master of political corruption is now on the Papal throne as Alexander VI. His daughter Lucrezia, aged twenty-two, already thrice married and a pawn in her father's plans, is discovering her own power. And then there is Cesare Borgia: brilliant, ruthless and increasingly unstable; it is his relationship with the diplomat Machiavelli which offers a master class on the dark arts of power and politics. What Machiavelli learns will go on to inform his great work of modern politics, The Prince. But while the pope rails against old age and his son's increasing maverick behavior it is Lucrezia who will become the Borgia survivor: taking on her enemies and creating her own place in history.Conjuring up the past in all its complexity, horror and pleasures, In The Name of the Family confirms Sarah Dunant's place as the leading novelist of the Renaissance and one of the most acclaimed historical fiction writers of our age.
Wits University Press Becoming Men: Black masculinities in a South African township
Becoming Men is the story of 32 boys from Alexandra, one of Johannesburg's largest townships, over a period of twelve seminal years in which they negotiate manhood and masculinity. Psychologist and academic Malose Langa documents in close detail what it means to be a young black man in contemporary South Africa.The boys discuss a range of topics including the impact of absent fathers, relationships with mothers, siblings and girls, school violence, academic performance, homophobia, gangsterism, unemployment and, in one case, prison life.Deep ambivalence, self-doubt and hesitation emerge in their approach to alternative masculinities premised on non-violent, non-sexist and non-risk-taking behaviour. Many of the boys appear simultaneously to comply with and oppose the prevalent norms, thereby exposing the difficulties of negotiating the multiple voices of masculinity.Providing a rich interpretation of how emotional processes affect black adolescent males, Langa suggests interventions and services to support and assist them, especially in reducing high-risk behaviours generally associated with hegemonic masculinity. This is essential reading for students, researchers and scholars of gender studies who wish to understand manhood and masculinity in South Africa. Psychologists, youth workers, lay counsellors and teachers who work with adolescent boys will also find it invaluable.
PublicAffairs,U.S. War of Shadows: Codebreakers, Spies, and the Secret Struggle to Drive the Nazis from the Middle East
As World War II raged in North Africa, General Irwin Rommel was guided by an uncanny sense of his enemies' plans and weaknesses. In the summer of 1942, he led his Axis army swiftly and terrifyingly toward Alexandria, with the goal of overrunning the entire Middle East. Each step was informed by detailed updates on British positions. The Nazis, somehow, had a source for the Allies' greatest secrets. Yet the Axis powers were not the only ones with intelligence. Brilliant Allied cryptographers worked relentlessly at Bletchley Park, breaking down the extraordinarily complex Nazi code Enigma. From decoded German messages, they discovered that the enemy had a wealth of inside information. On the brink of disaster, a fevered and high-stakes search for the source began. War of Shadows is the cinematic story of the race for information in the North African theater of World War II, set against intrigues that spanned the Middle East. Years in the making, this book is a feat of historical research and storytelling, and a rethinking of the popular narrative of the war. It portrays the conflict not as an inevitable clash of heroes and villains but a spiraling series of failures, accidents, and desperate triumphs that decided the fate of the Middle East and quite possibly the outcome of the war.
Little, Brown & Company How Sweet It Is
Event planner Kate Sweet is famous for creating the perfect happily-ever-after moment for her clients' dream weddings. So how is it that her best friend has roped her into planning a bestselling horror writer's book launch extravaganza? But the second Kate meets-or rather, accidentally maims-the drop-dead-hot Drake Matthews, her well-ordered life quickly transforms into an absolute nightmare.Drake Matthews is tired of the spotlight and tired of his reputation as the Knight of Nightmares. He's really a nice guy! But he's not prepared for Kate, a fearless agent of chaos in steel-tipped stilettos, or for that sweet sting of attraction he feels for her. She's inspiring him to take his writing in a whole new direction-one that no one expects. Because now Kate and Drake are changing up the rules, and this plot twist might just surprise everyone . . . including themselves."Fans of The Hating Game by Sally Thorne, Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston, Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert, and Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur will adore How Sweet It Is!" --The Nerd DailyAs featured in:PopSugar: Must-Read July BooksPopSugar: 12 Swoonworthy Romances to Read in One Sitting
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC If In Doubt, Wash Your Hair
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'I've been waiting for this book all my life and everyone needs to read it' Claudia Winkleman Anya Hindmarch is a mother of five, stepmother, entrepreneur and globally renowned businesswoman. In If In Doubt, Wash Your Hair, she shares what she has learned during her busy and eclectic life, what she still worries about, and what advice she has received along the way. From practical tips and quick fixes, to profound observations about confidence and creativity, this inspiring handbook will show you how to live a little better – and why sometimes, the answer can be as simple as washing your hair. 'Comforting, practical and beautifully personal. This book feels like your best friend telling you it’s all going to be ok' Fearne Cotton ‘Warm, friendly, and packed to the rafters with excellent advice – I loved it’ India Knight 'A charming mix of memoir and manifesto' Grazia 'A hands-on, practical guide to managing the stresses of daily life' Evening Standard, Highlights for 2021 'Warm and refreshingly honest' Julia Samuel ‘I loved this book — it’s really unusual, surprising and inspiring’ Viv Groskop ‘A treasure trove of inspiring, down-to-earth and practical advice shared with humour and honesty’ Alexandra Shulman
Hachette Children's Group Fact or Fake?: The Truth About History
Sort the truth from the lies with the Fact or Fake series packed full of unbelievable, mind-boggling facts!This high-interest series for children aged 9-11 sorts the facts from the fakes. From the human body and dinosaurs to history and science, each statement is proved right or wrong, and accompanied by eye-popping graphics that bring each subject to life! Prepare to be surprised and amazed by these sometimes strange, but always fascinating, truths.In Fact or Fake: The Truth About History, will you separate the facts from the fakes?:Did Charles Darwin really like to eat the animals he discovered?Did the Vikings wear horned helmets?Did the Hundred Years' War last 100 years?Was Alexander the Great buried alive?Eye-catching illustration, quirky fonts and clever design treatment make this an appealing and unputdownable high interest leisure read for children aged 9+ Other titles in the series: The Truth about the Human Body The Truth about Science The Truth about History The Truth about Space The Truth about Animals The Truth about Planet Earth The Truth about Dinosaurs The Truth about Sports The Truth about Inventions The Truth about Survival Skills
Hachette Children's Group Fact or Fake?: The Truth About History
Sort the truth from the lies with the Fact or Fake series packed full of unbelievable, mind-boggling facts!This high-interest series for children aged 9-11 sorts the facts from the fakes. From the human body and dinosaurs to history and science, each statement is proved right or wrong, and accompanied by eye-popping graphics that bring each subject to life! Prepare to be surprised and amazed by these sometimes strange, but always fascinating, truths.In Fact or Fake: The Truth About History, will you separate the facts from the fakes?:Did Charles Darwin really like to eat the animals he discovered?Did the Vikings wear horned helmets?Did the Hundred Years' War last 100 years?Was Alexander the Great buried alive?Eye-catching illustration, quirky fonts and clever design treatment make this an appealing and unputdownable high interest leisure read for children aged 9+ Other titles in the series: The Truth about the Human Body The Truth about Science The Truth about History The Truth about Space The Truth about Animals The Truth about Planet Earth The Truth about Dinosaurs The Truth about Sports The Truth about Inventions The Truth about Survival Skills
University of Toronto Press Dawn of a Dynasty: The Life and Times of Infante Manuel of Castile
While historians of medieval Spain have been unanimous in acknowledging the significance of Infante Manuel’s impact on the reign of his brother, Alfonso X, the Wise, and the rise to power of his nephew, Sancho IV, none have attempted a biography of his life, convinced there was insufficient material to justify the endeavour. Systematic and persistent research over many years, however, has uncovered a profusion of facts and figures which, together with the evidence discovered in numerous unedited archival documents, effectively establishes the prince as a major player during Alfonso’s troubled rule. This is the first and only book-length biography of Prince Manuel, the progenitor of the longest ruling dynasty in the history of Spain. In his capacity as the monarch’s closest advisor, Manuel assiduously maintained critical working relationships with the most notable leaders of his age, including James I and Peter III of Aragon, Louis IX and Philippe III of France, Edward I and Queen Eleanor of England, Popes Alexander IV and Gregory X, and a host of other royal and noble personages from Europe and the Iberian Peninsula. Intended for specialists in the field of medieval Iberian history and literature, Dawn of a Dynasty is a highly reliable source work and a significant contribution to our knowledge of late-thirteenth-century Castile.
Johns Hopkins University Press Contested Conventions: The Struggle to Establish the Constitution and Save the Union, 1787–1789
There is perhaps no more critical juncture in American history than the years in which Americans drafted the federal Constitution, fiercely debated its merits and failings, and adopted it, albeit with reservations. In Contested Conventions, senior historian Melvin Yazawa examines the political and ideological clashes that accompanied the transformation of the country from a loose confederation of states to a more perfect union. Treating the 1787-1789 period as a whole, the book highlights the contingent nature of the struggle to establish the Constitution and brings into focus the overriding concern of the framers and ratifiers, who struggled to counter what Alexander Hamilton identified as the "centrifugal" forces driving Americans toward a disastrous disunion. This concern inspired the delegates in Philadelphia to resolve through compromise the two most divisive confrontations of the Constitutional Convention-representation in the new Congress and slavery-and was instrumental in gaining ratification even in states where Antifederalist delegates comprised a substantial majority. Arguing that the debates over ratification reflected competing ideas about the meaning of American nationhood, Yazawa illuminates the nature of the crisis that necessitated the meeting at Philadelphia in the first place. Contested Conventions is a cohesive and compelling account of the defining issues that led to the establishment of the Constitution; it should appeal to history students and scholars alike.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Rainer Werner Fassbinder
A Companion to Rainer Werner Fassbinder is the first of its kind to engage with this important figure. Twenty-eight essays by an international group of scholars consider this controversial director's contribution to German cinema, German history, gender studies, and auteurship. A fresh collection of original research providing diverse perspectives on Fassbinder’s work in films, television, poetry, and underground theatre. Rainer Werner Fassbinder remains the preeminent filmmaker of the New German Cinema whose brief but prolific body of work spans from the latter half of the 1960s to the artist’s death in 1982. Interrogates Fassbinder’s influence on the seminal ideas of his time: auteurship, identity, race, queer studies, and the cataclysmic events of German twentieth century history Contributions from internationally diverse scholars specializing in film, culture, and German studies. Includes coverage of his key films including: Gods of the Plague (1970), Beware of a Holy Whore (1971), The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972), Martha (1973) (TV), World on a Wire (1973), Effi Briest (1974), Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (1974), Fox and His Friends (1975), Fear of Fear (1975), Chinese Roulette (1976), In a Year With 13 Moons (1978), Despair (1978), The Third Generation (1979), Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980) (TV), and Querelle (1982).
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Idea of Marathon: Battle and Culture
The Battle of Marathon changed the course of history in ancient Greece. To many, the impossible seemed to have been achieved - the mighty Persian Empire halted in its advance. What happened that day, why was the battle fought, and how did people make sense of it? This bold new history of the battle examines how the conflict unfolded and the ideas attached to it in antiquity and beyond. Many thought the battle offered lessons in how people should behave, with heroism to be emulated and faults to be avoided. While the battle itself was fought in one day, the battle for the idea of Marathon has lasted ever since. After immersing you in the battle, this work will help you to explore how the ancient Athenians used the battle in their relations between themselves and others, and how the battle continued to be used to express ideas about gods, empire, and morality in the age of Alexander and his successors, at Rome and in Greece under the Roman Empire, and in the ages after antiquity, even in our own era, in which Marathon plays a remarkable role in sport, film, and children's literature with each retelling a re-imagining of the battle and its meaning. A clash of weapons, gods, and principles, this is Marathon as you've never seen it before!
Duke University Press Animating Film Theory
Animating Film Theory provides an enriched understanding of the relationship between two of the most unwieldy and unstable organizing concepts in cinema and media studies: animation and film theory. For the most part, animation has been excluded from the purview of film theory. The contributors to this collection consider the reasons for this marginalization while also bringing attention to key historical contributions across a wide range of animation practices, geographic and linguistic terrains, and historical periods. They delve deep into questions of how animation might best be understood, as well as how it relates to concepts such as the still, the moving image, the frame, animism, and utopia. The contributors take on the kinds of theoretical questions that have remained underexplored because, as Karen Beckman argues, scholars of cinema and media studies have allowed themselves to be constrained by too narrow a sense of what cinema is. This collection reanimates and expands film studies by taking the concept of animation seriously.Contributors. Karen Beckman, Suzanne Buchan, Scott Bukatman, Alan Cholodenko, Yuriko Furuhata, Alexander R. Galloway, Oliver Gaycken, Bishnupriya Ghosh, Tom Gunning, Andrew R. Johnston, Hervé Joubert-Laurencin, Gertrud Koch, Thomas LaMarre, Christopher P. Lehman, Esther Leslie, John MacKay, Mihaela Mihailova, Marc Steinberg, Tess Takahashi
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Understanding Global Terror
International terrorism and the ‘war’ against it have come to define the age in which we live. The threat of terrorist attacks and the measures taken by governments around the world to prevent such atrocities are now part of our daily lives. But what exactly do we mean by global terrorism? Why does it occur? And, most importantly, what can be done about it? This book explores global terror from a range of perspectives – from the impact of terrorism on the international system to the American ‘War on Terror’ and the individual motivations of the suicide bomber. Core themes such as the funding of terrorist groups and the roles of intelligence-gathering and international law in combating terrorism are fully explored. The volume also offers in-depth analyses of the relationship between globalization and terrorism as well as regional and country-based responses to the rise of terrorist networks in Europe, Russia, Southeast Asia and Africa. Understanding Global Terror includes a thought-provoking preface by Philip C. Bobbitt and contributions from Christopher Ankersen, Alexander Bialsky, James Boutilier, Chris Brown, Michael Cox, Lawrence Freedman, Margot Light, Christopher Mackmurdo, Kerry Lynn Nanikvell, Martin Navias, Ami Pedahzur, Arie Perliger, Dinah Pokempner, Timothy Shaw, and William Wallace.
Quarto Publishing PLC What Coco Chanel Can Teach You About Fashion
If Coco Chanel were to give a masterclass on design, creativity and attitude, what wisdom would she impart? Discover the life, work and legacy of Chanel in this sharply curated biography focusing on artistic spirit. Chanel’s ethos captured the imagination of post-war women, releasing them from the corseted silhouette and changing what we wore forever. But how did Chanel think? How did her experiences shape her creative career? And how was her no-holds-barred attitude reflected in her work? What Coco Chanel Can Teach You About Fashion breaks down Chanel's life and work into memorable maxims that epitomise her ground-breaking perspective – including Poverty Can Be Luxury, Rebel Against Your Rivals, Find Your Spirit Animal and Twist Textile Traditions. This book uncovers Chanel's creative approach, her inspirations, her business acumen and the details that make her designs so timeless. With pithy, illuminating text and inspirational photographs, learn something from Chanel and apply it to your own life, creativity and style. These are the things that really define what it means to be Chanel. Small and beautifully formed – if you like this, What Alexander McQueen Can Teach You About Fashion is also available.
Harvard University Press Taming Manhattan: Environmental Battles in the Antebellum City
George Perkins Marsh Prize, American Society for Environmental HistoryVSNY Book Award, New York Metropolitan Chapter of the Victorian Society in AmericaHornblower Award for a First Book, New York Society LibraryJames Broussard Best First Book Prize, Society for Historians of the Early American RepublicWith pigs roaming the streets and cows foraging in the Battery, antebellum Manhattan would have been unrecognizable to inhabitants of today’s sprawling metropolis. Fruits and vegetables came from small market gardens in the city, and manure piled high on streets and docks was gold to nearby farmers. But as Catherine McNeur reveals in this environmental history of Gotham, a battle to control the boundaries between city and country was already being waged, and the winners would take dramatic steps to outlaw New York’s wild side.“[A] fine book which make[s] a real contribution to urban biography.”—Joseph Rykwert, Times Literary Supplement“Tells an odd story in lively prose…The city McNeur depicts in Taming Manhattan is the pestiferous obverse of the belle epoque city of Henry James and Edith Wharton that sits comfortably in many imaginations…[Taming Manhattan] is a smart book that engages in the old fashioned business of trying to harvest lessons for the present from the past.”—Alexander Nazaryan, New York Times
Harvard University Press The Engine of Enterprise: Credit in America
American households, businesses, and governments have always used intensive amounts of credit. The Engine of Enterprise traces the story of credit from colonial times to the present, highlighting its productive role in building national prosperity. Rowena Olegario probes enduring questions that have divided Americans: Who should have access to credit? How should creditors assess borrowers’ creditworthiness? How can people accommodate to, rather than just eliminate, the risks of a credit-dependent economy?In the 1790s Alexander Hamilton saw credit as “the invigorating principle” that would spur the growth of America’s young economy. His great rival, Thomas Jefferson, deemed it a grave risk, inviting burdens of debt that would amount to national self-enslavement. Even today, credit lies at the heart of longstanding debates about opportunity, democracy, individual responsibility, and government’s reach.Olegario goes beyond these timeless debates to explain how the institutions and legal frameworks of borrowing and lending evolved and how attitudes about credit both reflected and drove those changes. Properly managed, credit promised to be a powerful tool. Mismanaged, it augured disaster. The Engine of Enterprise demonstrates how this tension led to the creation of bankruptcy laws, credit-reporting agencies, and insurance regimes to harness the power of credit while minimizing its destabilizing effects.
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers Inc The Hamilton Collection: The Wisdom and Writings of the Founding Father
The smash-hit musical Hamilton presents its central character as a truth-telling immigrant boot-strapper who used his extraordinary intelligence to make good--but what was he really like? Let the man himself, a prolific and extremely effective writer, tell his story in his own words. Organized chronologically, this collection of Alexander Hamilton's personal letters, business and governmental correspondence, and excerpts from his most important published writings (including the Federalist Papers) gives readers first-hand insight into this highly influential founding father who engineered the ratification of the US Constitution, created the United States' financial system, and established friendly trade relations with Britain. The book includes love letters to Elizabeth Schuyler, who became his wife, and correspondence with his friend-turned-nemesis, Aaron Burr, which led to the duel in Weehawken that ended Hamilton's life at the age of 47. Also included are responses from some of his correspondents that give a 360-degree view of the man so esteemed by his protector and friend, George Washington, but reviled by others, including Washington's successor as president, John Adams.Illustrated with 50 illustrations, drawings, document facsimiles and more, the text is accompanied throughout by explanatory annotations from editor Dan Tucker who also provides introductions to each chapter and a preface.
The University of Chicago Press Leo Strauss's Defense of the Philosophic Life: Reading "What Is Political Philosophy?"
Leo Strauss' "What Is Political Philosophy?" addresses almost every major theme in his life's work and is often viewed as a defense of his overall philosophic approach. Yet precisely because the book is so foundational, if we want to understand Strauss' notoriously careful and complex thinking in these essays, we must also consider them just as Strauss treated philosophers of the past: on their own terms. Each of the contributors in this collection focuses on a single chapter from "What Is Political Philosophy?" in an effort to shed light on both Strauss' thoughts about the history of philosophy and the major issues about which he wrote. Included are treatments of Strauss' esoteric method of reading, his critique of behavioral political science, and his views on classical political philosophy. Key thinkers whose work Strauss responded to are also analyzed in depth: Plato, al-Farabi, Maimonides, Hobbes, and Locke, as well as twentieth-century figures such as Eric Voegelin, Alexandre Kojeve, and Kurt Riezler. Written by scholars well-known for their insight and expertise on Strauss' thought, the essays in this volume apply to Strauss the same meticulous approach he developed in reading others. The first book-length treatment of a single book by Strauss, Leo Strauss' "Defense of the Philosophic Life" will serve as an invaluable companion to those seeking a helpful introduction or delving deeper into the major themes and ideas of this controversial thinker.
The University of Chicago Press Naïve Readings: Reveilles Political and Philosophic
One sure fact of humanity is that we all cherish our opinions and will often strongly resist efforts by others to change them. Philosophers and politicians have long understood this, and whenever they have sought to get us to think differently they have often resorted to forms of camouflage that slip their unsettling thoughts into our psyche without raising alarm. In this fascinating examination of a range of writers and thinkers, Ralph Lerner offers a new method of reading that detects this camouflage and offers a way toward deeper understandings of some of history’s most important—and most concealed—messages. Lerner analyzes an astonishing diversity of writers, including Francis Bacon, Benjamin Franklin, Edward Gibbon, Judah Halevi, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Moses Maimonides, and Alexis de Tocqueville. He shows that by reading their words slowly and naïvely, with wide-open eyes and special attention for moments of writing that become self-conscious, impassioned, or idiosyncratic, we can begin to see a pattern that illuminates a thinker’s intent, new messages purposively executed through indirect means. Through these experimental readings, Lerner shows, we can see a deep commonality across writers from disparate times and situations, one that finds them artfully challenging others to reject passivity and fatalism and start thinking afresh.
Archaeopress La provincia dell’Arpione Occidentale nei testi egiziani: ricerche storiche, geografiche e religiose dalle origini all’Epoca Romana
La provincia dell’Arpione Occidentale nei testi egiziani: ricerche storiche, geografiche e religiose dalle origini all’Epoca Romana presents research on the Western Harpoon province – the seventh nome of Lower Egypt – located in the north-western Delta and a strategic region for the Egyptian economy, joining the Mediterranean, the caravan routes in the Libyan Desert and the heart of Egyptian political power exercised along the Nile valley. However, this region has not been the subject of comprehensive studies or in-depth archaeological investigations. Our archaeological knowledge of the province is greatly lacking, with the exception of the regions of Canopus and Alexandria. The scarcity of archaeological sources is contrasted by an abundance of textual documentation, mainly from priestly literature, which provides us with a kind of ‘map’ of human thought and belief that follows a topographical arrangement and allows us to define the lost archaeological landscape. This book is the first monograph devoted to a comprehensive study of the province of the Western Harpoon and aims to reconstruct its history and religious geography through textual sources, from its origins to the end of the Roman era. From this research, a more organic and structured picture has been gained of the sacred topography and cults of the Western Harpoon province within its historical landscape.
Sports Publishing LLC So You Think You're a Philadelphia Phillies Fan?: Stars, Stats, Records, and Memories for True Diehards
So You Think You’re a Philadelphia Phillies Fan? tests and expands your knowledge of Phillies baseball. Rather than merely posing questions and providing answers, you’ll get details behind eachstories that bring to life players and managers, games and seasons.This book is divided into multiple parts, with progressively more difficult questions in each new section. Along the way, you’ll learn more about the great Phillies players and coaches of the past and present, from Grover Alexander to Robin Roberts, Richie Ashburn, Jim Bunning, Dick Allen, Steve Carlton, Mike Schmidt, Pete Rose, Garry Maddox, Jamie Moyer, Chase Utley, Jimmy Rollins, Ryan Howard, and so many more. Some of the many questions that this book answers include: Who is the Phillies’ career leader in slugging percentage and OPS? Who holds the longest hitting streak (36 games) in team history? Which pitcher holds the records for most complete games and hits allowed? In what year were the team records set for hits , doubles, and runs scored? Who was the last Phillies pitcher to win the Cy Young Award?This book makes the perfect gift for any fan of the Phils!
Vintage Publishing What Red Was: ‘One of the most powerful debuts you’ll ever read’ (Stylist)
'An urgent story told beautifully' - Dolly Alderton'Gripping, unflinching and elegant' - Sophie MackintoshA powerful, unforgettable story about modern love, privilege and a young woman's journey after her life falls apart.******When Kate meets Max in the first week of university, a life-changing friendship begins. Over the next four years, the two become inseparable. But loving Max means knowing his family: the wealthy Rippons, all generosity, social ease and quiet repression.Theirs is not Kate's world, and yet she finds herself drawn quickly into their gilded lives, and the secrets that lie beneath. Until one summer evening at the Rippons' home, just after graduation, her life is shattered in a bedroom while a party goes on downstairs.******An Observer Hottest-Tipped Debut Novelist and Elle One To Watch'Unforgettable...subversive and sophisticated' Elle'Outstanding...brilliantly told' Observer'A writer with a voice as fresh as new paint... Beautiful' The Times'One of the most powerful debuts you'll ever read' Stylist'Scorching and original' Sunday Times, Style'Dazzling... Enthralling' Alexandra Kleeman'Unputdownable... A powerful and haunting tale' Independent'If you like David Nicholls, Elizabeth Day, Donna's exceptional' Pandora Sykes'Compelling... Price's prose glimmers' Mail on Sunday
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Physics (2001-2005)
This volume is a collection of the Nobel lectures delivered by the prizewinners, together with their biographies and the presentation speeches for the period 2001 - 2005. Each Nobel lecture is based on the work for which the laureate was awarded the prize. This volume of inspiring lectures by outstanding physicists should be on the bookshelf of every keen student, teacher and professor of physics as well as of those in related fields.Below is a list of the prizewinners during the period 2001 - 2005 with a description of the works which won them their prizes.(2001) Eric A Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle & Carl E Wieman — for the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms, and for early fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates; (2002) Raymond Davis Jr, Masatoshi Koshiba — for pioneering contributions to astrophysics, in particular for the detection of cosmic neutrinos & Riccardo Giacconi — for pioneering contributions to astrophysics, which have led to the discovery of cosmic X-ray sources; (2003) Alexei A Abrikosov, Vitaly L Ginzburg & Anthony J Leggett — for pioneering contributions to the theory of superconductors and superfluids; (2004) David J Gross, H David Politzer & Frank Wilczek — for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction; (2005) Roy J Glauber, John L Hall & Theodor W Hänsch — for their contributions to the development of laser-based precision spectroscopy, including the optical frequency comb technique.
Pan Macmillan The Atlas Complex: The devastating conclusion to the dark academia phenomenon
The Atlas Complex marks the much-anticipated, heart-shattering conclusion in Olivie Blake's trilogy that began with the internationally bestselling dark academic phenomenon, The Atlas Six.Only the extraordinary are chosen. Only the cunning survive.An explosive return to the library leaves the six Alexandrians vulnerable to the lethal terms of their recruitment.Old alliances quickly fracture as the initiates take opposing strategies as to how to deal with the deadly bargain they have so far failed to uphold. Those who remain with the archives wrestle with the ethics of their astronomical abilities; elsewhere, an unlikely pair partner to influence politics on a global stage.And still the outside world mobilizes to destroy them — while the Caretaker himself, Atlas Blakely, may yet succeed with a plan foreseen to have world-ending stakes. It’s a race to survive as the six Society recruits are faced with the question of what they're willing to betray for limitless power — and who will be destroyed along the way.Discover the stunning finale to The Atlas Six trilogy that fans are dying to read'Desperately excited to be emotionally devastated' - @literamie'I never want the series to end but I need answers!' - @thelibraryofdais'Until I have a copy of the book in my hands, I will not know peace' - @vivafalastinleen'Words can't express how excited I am' - @joereads
Phaidon Press Ltd Destination Art: 500 Artworks Worth the Trip
A global guide to the 500 works of permanently installed modern and contemporary art worth traveling to experienceEnjoy a world tour from the comfort of your reading chair or plan a detailed and engaging art itinerary for your next trip with Destination Art, the essential guide to 500 must-see examples of permanently installed art from the last 100 years. With the book's geographical organization and logistical details - including GPS coordinates, addresses, websites, and symbols indicating the degree of possible access, travel planning is made easy.Discover hidden gems in big cities, explore art in nature, and trek to remote locales for one-of-a-kind experiences of art in unique locations. The artists featured in this global selection are among the world's best and most beloved from the past century, including Marina Abramović, Alexander Calder, Jenny Holzer, Yayoi Kusama, Henri Matisse, Henry Moore, Richard Serra, and many more.Highlighting the best and most significant of public art in city centers, sculpture parks, site-specific installations in museums, memorials designed by contemporary artists, works of land art, and much more, Destination Art is an informative and enjoyable overview of the most significant and travel-worthy art around the globe.From the publisher of Destination Architecture.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Poor Things: Now an award-winning major film
WINNER OF FIVE BAFTAS, TWO GOLDEN GLOBES, and NOMINATED FOR ELEVEN ACADEMY AWARDS. STARRING EMMA STONE, FROM THE DIRECTOR OF THE FAVOURITE Winner of the Whitbread Novel Award and the Guardian Fiction Prize A life without freedom to choose is not worth having. Godwin Baxter's scientific ambition to create the perfect companion is realised when he finds the drowned body of the beautiful Bella, who he brings back to life in a Frankenstein-esque feat. But his dream is thwarted by Dr. Archibald McCandless's jealous love for his creation . . . But what does Bella think? This story of true love and scientific daring whirls the reader from the private operating-theatres of late-Victorian Glasgow through aristocratic casinos, low-life Alexandria and a Parisian bordello, reaching an interrupted climax in a Scottish church. ________________________ 'A magnificently brisk, funny, dirty, brainy book' London Review of Books 'Visionary, ornate and outrageous' The Independent 'Witty and delightfully written' New York Times 'A brilliant marriage of technique, intelligence, and art.' Kirkus Reviews 'The greatest Scottish novelist since Sir Walter Scott' Anthony Burgess 'Those who, like me, are unsure if they are Alasdair Gray fans or not, ought to fall on Poor Things with delight, and not just because of the almost excessive beauty of its appearance' Philip Hensher, Spectator
Headline Publishing Group The Little Book of Scotland: Wit, Whisky and Wisdom
Land of spectacular landscapes, rich history and fabulous legends.With its jaw-dropping beauty, magnificent architecture, superb art and culture, and friendly, hospitable people, Scotland is consistently ranked as one of the world's best-loved destinations.Packed full of fabulous facts, as well as wise and witty quotes from famous Scots, The Little Book of Scotland captures the nation at its glorious best. Covering everything from sparkling lochs and brooding castles to spellbinding legends and famous sons and daughters – not to mention tartan, haggis and whisky – it's a wonderful celebration of this vibrant, extraordinary land.'This is a city of shifting light, of changing skies, of sudden vistas. A city so beautiful it breaks the heart again and again.' - Alexander McCall Smith, on Edinburgh'There are two seasons in Scotland: June and winter.' - Billy ConnollyThe Edinburgh International Festival is one of the largest performing arts festivals in the world. It attracts over 300,000 people annually.Scotland has more than 790 islands, 94 of which are inhabited. One of its most famous and spectacular is the enchanting Isle of Skye. It is the second-biggest island, though it has more sheep than people.Scotland's national dish is the much-loved haggis. It is made with the heart, liver and lungs of a sheep, which are boiled in the animal's stomach.
Canelo Storm from the East: Genghis Khan and the Mongols
The greatest conquest in historyGenghis Khan left an empire more than twice the size of Alexander’s: his successors went on to conquer and govern an area stretching from Korea to the River Danube. How did a band of nomadic herdsmen achieve so much, so fast?Despite these stunning achievements, many writers dismiss the Mongols as just ferocious barbarians. This bestselling book sets the record straight. The epic starts in 1206 - when Genghis became master of ‘all the people with felt tents’ and an unknown tribe took the first steps towards world domination - and ends with the empire’s decline and fall, after Khubilai Khan’s triumphant unification with China.Robert Marshall describes their devastating invasions, including that of feudal Europe and Christendom’s clumsy attempts to understand and fend off these legendary warriors. Full of extraordinary events, painted on a vast and colourful canvas, Storm from the East brings to life a time when East and West finally came face to face and the contours of modern Asia were set.‘Storm from the East does not seek to excuse Mongol excesses - yet Robert Marshall appears to speak for the Mongols… A fascinating voyage through time and space’ Thomas Nivison Haining in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
Oxford University Press The Rhetoric of Exemplarity in Early Modern England
In this study, Michael Ullyot makes two new arguments about the rhetoric of exemplarity in late Elizabethan and Jacobean culture: first, that exemplarity is a recursive cycle driven by rhetoricians' words and readers' actions; and second, that positive moral examples are not replicable, but rather aspirational models of readers' posthumous biographies. For example, Alexander the Great envied Achilles less for his exemplary life than for Homer's account of it. Ullyot defines the three types of decorum on which exemplary rhetoric and imitation rely, and charts their operations through Philip Sidney's poetics, Edmund Spenser's poetry, and the dedications, sermons, elegies, biographies, and other occasional texts about Robert Devereux, second earl of Essex, and Henry, Prince of Wales. Ullyot expands the definition of occasional texts to include those that criticize their circumstances to demand better ones, and historicizes moral exemplarity in the contexts of sixteenth-century Protestant memory and humanist pedagogy. The Rhetoric of Exemplarity in Early Modern England concludes that all exemplary subjects suffer from the problem of metonymy, the objection that their chosen excerpts misrepresent their missing parts. This problem also besets historicist literary criticism, ever subject to corrections from the archive, so this study concedes that its own rhetorical methods are exemplary.