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Vintage Publishing W or The Memory of Childhood
Written in alternating chapters, W or the Memory of Childhood, tells two parallel tales, in two parts. One is a story created in childhood and about childhood. The other story is about two people called Gaspard Winckler: one an eight-year-old deaf-mute lost in a shipwreck, the other a man despatched to search for him, who discovers W, an island state based on the rules of sport. As the two tales move in and out of focus, the disturbing truth about the island of W reveals itself. Perec combines fiction and autobiography in unprecedented ways, allowing no easy escape from these stories, or from history.
Capstone Press Rosa Parks (Great Women in History)
Museum Tusculanum Press Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 16
Tocharian and Indo-European Studies is the central publication for the study of two closely related languages, Tocharian A and Tocharian B. Found in many Buddhist manuscripts from central Asia, Tocharian dates back to the second half of the first millennium of the Common Era, though it was not discovered until the twentieth century. Focusing on both philological and linguistic aspects of this language, Tocharian and Indo-European Studies also looks at it in relationship to other Indo-European languages.
Museum Tusculanum Press Tocharian and Indo-European Studies, Volume 15
Nova Science Publishers Inc Sleep, Sleepiness & Traffic Safety
Wisdom Publications,U.S. Svatantrika-Prasangika Distinction: What Difference Does a Difference Make?
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Oeuvres Completes Tome V: Histoire Des Sciences, Epistemologie, Commemorations 1966-1995
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Introduction a la Theologie Musulmane: Essai de Theologie Comparee
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sociobiology vs Socioecology: Consequences of an Unraveling Debate
As a theory, sociobiology is opposed to socio-ecology, a discipline hampered since its birth. The indictment of the ideological intentions of the first has obscured the notion that the growing domination of the image of the “selfish gene” has obstructed the necessary rise of the second. For 40 years, a terrible force of inertia has thus frozen the global analysis of socio-ecological interactions outside the theoretical bias externally imposed on social sciences by so-called “behavioral ecology”, which amounts to a simple emanation of sociobiology. This book summarizes the methodological abuses and the illusory legitimations of a school whose sterility can no longer be concealed, but which is preparing to reinvent itself by cynically replacing its faltering laws by hijacking the recent advances in epigenetics. The authors shed light on unjustly sacrificed paths in the study of socio-ecological interactions.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Movement Equations 5: Dynamics of a Set of Solids
The final volume in the Non-deformable Solid Mechanics set, Movement Equations 5 deals with the dynamics of sets of solids. This volume provides the appropriate mathematical tools (torsor calculus and matrix calculus) to obtain and solve the equations of motion for a chain of solids. These equations are then used to acquire the information necessary for the design of mechanical systems. Also examined are the vibratory behavior of continuous (deformable) systems, rigid and deformable solids, and sets of several solids. The book concludes with a study of the response of an excited system as a function of the excitation frequency. Accompanied by detailed examples, this book is aimed primarily at students, but would also serve as a valuable support for working engineers and teacher-researchers.
Africa World Press The State And Democracy In Africa
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Sociobiologie versus socio-écologie: les enjeux d'un débat en suspens
Pearson Education (US) Learning American Sign Language: Beginning and Intermediate, Levels 1-2
American Sign Language is a rich and complex language. Recently declared as an official language and recognized by 48 states as a foreign language, more and more high school teachers across the country are teaching American Sign Language as an elective. Learning American Sign Language: Levels I & II – Beginning &Intermediate is designed to prepare teachers to successfullyinteract with American Sign Language (ASL) users. Lessons are structured around language needed for common-life situations, and examples are presented in the form of dialogues coupled with grammar and vocabulary instruction. Information is also included about the culture of deaf people in the United States. Learners will discover that the book: Contains lessons designed around the conversational language needed for common life situations. Illustrates hundreds of sentences and vocabulary with over 2,000 high quality colorized drawings that aid in study and memory. Contains over 100 grammar and cultural notes, 72 exercises, and charts of the American Manual Alphabet (Finger spelling) and ASL number system. Teaches the rules of ASL in a natural order that is predictable and compatible with everyday language of native users of American Sign Language. Incorporates information about the cultural lives of Deaf people in the United States. Is supported by a video demonstrating all the conversations and important structures in the text. Order the Video! Video to Accompany American Sign Language, 2/eOrder No. 0-205-27554-0 American Sign Language students will find themselves captivated and entertained by this state-of-the-art Video that presents all 72 dialogues and each key structure from the text in a clear and natural way. Four internationally known Deaf actors animate the dialogues bringing life to the illustrations in the text allowing students to preview and review instructional materials at home to enhance their classroom learning. About the authors: Tom Humphries is Associate Director of the Teacher Education Program and also teaches in the Department of Communication at the University of California, San Diego. He is currently coordinating a program to train teachers of deaf children using a bilingual approach. Prior to this he taught at Gallaudet University in the Department of English for several years and later served as an Associate Dean for the San Diego Community College District where he coordinated the development of an ASL program and an interpreter-training program. He holds a Ph.D. in Cross Cultural Communication and Language Learning. Dr. Humphries is co-author with Carol Padden of Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture and several other books and articles related to ASL and the culture of Deaf people. Carol Padden is a Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of California, San Diego where she teachers courses on language, culture and media. She is a graduate of Georgetown University and received a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of California, San Diego. Her recent research includes studies of reading development in young deaf children and she has written extensively about the cultural lives of Deaf people in the United States. She received a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, in addition to numerous other awards and grants for her work. In addition to the books she has co-authored with Tom Humphries, she has published several other books and articles on American Sign Language structure. Humphries & Padden (Learning American Sign Language, 2e).
Hal Leonard Sheet Music Manuel pratique
Practical manual for quickly learning to read notes in all keys.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Commitment and Beyond: Reflections On/Of the Political in Arabic Literature Since the 1940s
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Alexandria
Alexandria war die bedeutendste geistige Metropole der hellenistisch-römischen Welt und zugleich ein Schmelztiegel der Kulturen und Religionen. Von Alexander dem Großen als hellenistische Stadt gegründet und gleichwohl auch durch die ägyptische Kultur geprägt, war sie Heimstätte namhafter Kulte, besonders des Isis- und des Serapiskultes. Aufgrund der starken jüdischen Präsenz spielte die Stadt auch für die Geschichte des Judentums und seine Hellenisierung von der Übersetzung des Alten Testaments ins Griechische bis hin zu dem Religionsphilosophen Philo eine herausragende Rolle, und wurde wohl gerade auch deshalb für die frühen Christen und ihre Theologie mit Denkern wie Klemens und Origenes zum ersten Zentrum von exegetischer und systematischer Wissenschaft. Zugleich war Alexandria seit der frühen Ptolemäerzeit die bedeutendste Stätte antiker Wissenschaft und Bildung, wobei gleichermaßen Naturwissenschaften und Technik wie die Philologie in Blüte standen. Im Zusammenhang mit letzterer wurde die Stadt in der römischen Kaiserzeit dann auch zum neuen Zentrum der platonischen Philosophie.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Anatomie d'Un Epistemologue: Francois Dagognet: Suivi de Epilogue, Objections Et Reponses Par F. Dagognet
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Diagnosis of Lymphoproliferative Diseases
This highly illustrated, diagnostic guidebook provides a single comprehensive source of essential information to enable non-specialists to diagnose lymph node and related diseases with confidence. The text is didactic and practical, covering reactive as well as malignant conditions. Diagnosis of Lymphoproliferative Diseases approaches the disorders based on the WHO classification and is edited by members of the WHO panel for the classification of lymphomas. This second edition contains over 1000 high quality, digitised colour images and tables of essential criteria for each diagnosis. New features include: Full discussion of immunostaining, the core of modern diagnosis Variant forms and technical issues This authoritative guide is an essential reference for haematologists, haematopathologists, general pathologists, diagnostic histopathologists and oncologists.
Zephyr Press A Million Premonitions
Sosnora's work has appeared in every major and minor anthology of contemporary Russian poetry, but this is his first complete book in English translation.
Lexington Books French Civilization and Its Discontents: Nationalism, Colonialism, Race
What happens when the study of French is no longer coterminous with the study of France? French Civilization and Its Discontents explores the ways in which considerations of difference, especially colonialism, postcolonialism, and race, have shaped French culture and French studies in the modern era. Rejecting traditional assimilationist notions of French national identity, contributors to this groundbreaking volume demonstrate how literature, history, and other aspects of what is considered French civilization have been shaped by global processes of creolization and differentiation. This book ably demonstrates the necessity of studying France and the Francophone world together, and of recognizing not only the presence of France in the Francophone world but also the central place occupied by the Francophone world in world literature and history.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Multi-mechanism Modeling of Inelastic Material Behavior
This book focuses on a particular class of models (namely Multi-Mechanism models) and their applications to extensive experimental data base related to different kind of materials. These models (i) are able to describe the main mechanical effects in plasticity, creep, creep/plasticity interaction, ratcheting extra-hardening under non-proportional loading (ii) provide local information (such us local stress/strain fields, damage, ….). A particular attention is paid to the identification process of material parameters. Moreover, finite element implementation of the Multi-Mechanism models is detailed.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Technology of Semiactive Devices and Applications in Vibration Mitigation
Researchers have studied many methods of using active and passive control devices for absorbing vibratory energy. Active devices, while providing significant reductions in structural motion, typically require large (and often multiply-redundant) power sources, and thereby raise concerns about stability. Passive devices are fixed and cannot be modified based on information of excitation or structural response. Semiactive devices on the other hand can provide significant vibration reductions comparable to those of active devices but with substantially reduced power requirements and in a stable manner. Technology of Semiactive Devices and Applications in Vibration Mitigation presents the most up-to-date research into semiactive control systems and illustrates case studies showing their implementation and effectiveness in mitigating vibration. The material is presented in a way that people not familiar with control or structural dynamics can easily understand. Connecting structural dynamics with control, this book: Provides a history of semiactive control and a bibliographic review of the most common semiactive control strategies. Presents state-of-the-art semiactive control systems and illustrates several case studies showing their implementation and effectiveness to mitigate vibration. Illustrates applications related to noise attenuation, wind vibration damping and earthquake effects mitigation amongst others. Offers a detailed comparison between collocated and non-collocated systems. Formulates the design concepts and control algorithms in simple and readable language. Includes an appendix that contains critical considerations about semiactive devices and methods of evaluation of the original damping of a structure. Technology of Semiactive Devices and Applications in Vibration Mitigation is a must-have resource for researchers, practitioners and design engineers working in civil, automotive and mechanical engineering. In addition it is undoubtedly the key reference for all postgraduate students studying in the field.
Lannoo Publishers I Want a Coach
In today's highly competitive business world, companies, their managers and executives are under constant pressure to achieve results. In order to survive, they need to be pro-active and flexible in their thinking and decision-making. Increasingly, managers are using the skills of professional coaches. Coaches act as sounding boards; offering new perspectives on problem-solving, facilitating a more productive and creative management exchange. Due to its proven success, there has been a greater interest and openness towards the role of coaching in recent years. Often however, there is a reluctance for organizations to take on board the value of coaching, possibly due to negative beliefs, inherent prejudice or simply a lack of understanding as to its role. In I Need A Coach, Leen Lambrechts and Marleen Boen aim to create greater clarity. In their fluent and accessible style, they shed light on what coaching really is, why there is a growing need for it, and outline its potential ultimately, for guaranteed success.
Five Continents Editions Wamulu
This second book in the Aboriginal Arts and Knowledge series documents a body of work created cooperatively by 4 artists: Ted Egan Tjangala, Dinny Nolan Tjampitjinpa, Johnny Possum Tjapaltjarri and Albie Morris Tjampitjinpa. Wamulu, a yellow flower, has traditionally been used during ritual ceremonies in the western desert of Australia. The wamulu flower is gathered, dried, cut up, and mixed with ochre and binders before being applied to the ground. This catalogue for an exhibition at the Fondation Opale showcases an exceptional project that took place near Alice Springs between 2002 and 2005, where this collective of artists used paint made from the wamulu flower, which is most often associated with impermanence, to create contemporary and permanent works of art. At the same time, they honoured the traditional Aboriginal process of communal performance, participation, and song that emphasises the link between the present and the past. Includes an interview with the noted Aboriginal art expert Arnaud Serval, who facilitated the work of the collective. Text in English and French.
Les Belles Lettres Ovide, Les Metamorphoses: Tome III: Livres XI-XV
Classiques Garnier La Maison Du Chat-Qui-Pelote
MIT Press Ltd Bark
APA Publications The Rough Guide to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
This practical travel guide to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei features detailed factual travel tips and points-of-interest structured lists of all iconic must-see sights as well as some off-the-beaten-track treasures. Our itinerary suggestions and expert author picks of things to see and do will make it a perfect companion both, ahead of your trip and on the ground. This Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei guide book is packed full of details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information and top time-saving tips, including a visual list of things not to miss. Our colour-coded maps make Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei easier to navigate while you're there. This guide book to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei has been fully updated post-COVID-19 and it comes with a free eBook. The Rough Guide to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei covers: Kuala Lumpur, the west coast, the interior, the east coast, the south, Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei and Singapore.Inside this Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei travel guide you'll find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLER Experiences selected for every kind of trip to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in Mount Kinabalu, to family activities in child-friendly places like Georgetown, or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like the Cameron Highlands.PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPS Essential pre-departure information including Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei entry requirements, getting around, health information, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, shopping, tips for travellers with disabilities and more.TIME-SAVING ITINERARIESIncludes carefully planned routes covering the best of Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei, which give a taste of the richness and diversity of the destination, and have been created for different time frames or types of trip.DETAILED REGIONAL COVERAGEClear structure within each sightseeing chapter of this Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei travel guide includes regional highlights, brief history, detailed sights and places ordered geographically, recommended restaurants, hotels, bars, clubs and major shops or entertainment options.INSIGHTS INTO GETTING AROUND LIKE A LOCALTips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots for shopping, wildlife-watching and enjoying adventurous activities like river rafting, cave exploration and rainforest-trekking. HIGHLIGHTS OF THINGS NOT TO MISSRough Guides' rundown of Kuala Lumpur, the west coast, the interior, the east coast, the south, Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei and Singapore's best sights and top experiences helps to make the most of each trip to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei, even in a short time.HONEST AND INDEPENDENT REVIEWSWritten by Rough Guides' expert authors with a trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, this Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei guide book will help you find the best places, matching different needs.BACKGROUND INFORMATIONComprehensive 'Contexts' chapter of this travel guide to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei features fascinating insights into Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei, with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary.FABULOUS FULL COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHYFeatures inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Perhentian Islands and the spectacular Kelabit Highlands.COLOUR-CODED MAPPINGPractical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys for quick orientation in Kuala Lumpur, Georgetown, and many more locations in Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei, reduce the need to go online.USER-FRIENDLY LAYOUT With helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of this guide book to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei allows you to access all of the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ Manual para el Desarrollo de Ferrocarriles Urbanos
Este Manual proporciona experiencia para abordar desafíos técnicos, institucionales y financieros con los que se enfrentan tomadores de decisiones sobre proyectos ferroviarios urbanos.
Edizioni Terra Santa Contemplative Nel Mondo: Una Nuova Idea Di Vita Consacrata
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Bedeutende Lehrerfiguren: Von Platon bis Hasan al-Banna
Dieser Sammelband geht auf eine Vorlesungsreihe zurück, welche das Forschungszentrum "Bildung und Religion (EDRIS)" der Universität Göttingen ausgerichtet hat. In 12 Einzelbeiträgen beleuchtet er das Themenfeld von Bildung und Religion anhand bedeutender Lehrer, von denen die meisten während der Zeit des frühen römischen Kaiserreichs bis zur klassischen Periode des Islam (1.-13. Jh. n. Chr.) wirkten. Vorgestellt werden Lehrerpersönlichkeiten wie etwa Platon, Jesus, Plutarch, Flavius Josephus, Libanios, Proklos, Muhammad oder al-Farabi, die die Traditionsbereiche der griechisch-römischen Antike und der monotheistischen Religionen Judentum, Christentum und Islam geprägt haben oder von ihnen geprägt wurden. Zwei Beiträge, die aus der griechisch-römischen Antike und dem Islam thematisch eine Brücke in die Moderne schlagen und so die Weiterwirkung und bleibende Relevanz dieser Traditionen für die Gegenwart zeigen, schließen den Band ab.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Atmospharen
Voltaire Foundation Complete Works of Voltaire 146: Poesies attribuees a Voltaire
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Power of Social Innovation: How Civic Entrepreneurs Ignite Community Networks for Good
THE POWER of SOCIAL INNOVATION Civic leaders across the U.S. and throughout the world are discovering creative ways to overcome the obstacles that seal the doors of opportunity for too many. These inspiring individuals believe that within our communities lie the entrepreneurial spirit, compassion, and resources to make progress in such critical areas as education, housing, and economic self-reliance. Real progress requires that we take bold action and leverage our strengths for the greater good. The Power of Social Innovation offers public officials, social entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and individual citizens the insights and skills to create healthier communities and promote innovative solutions to public and social problems. This seminal work is based on Stephen Goldsmith's decades of experience, extensive ongoing research, and interviews with 100+ top leaders from a wide variety of sectors. Goldsmith shows that everyday citizens can themselves produce extraordinary social change. The book explores the levers and guiding principles used by champions of civic progress who drive new organizations, new interventions, or new policies to enhance social conditions. The Power of Social Innovation features illustrative case studies of change-oriented philanthropists, public officials, and civic leaders. While all collaborate across sectors, they run both start-ups and established organizations such as the New York City public schools, United Way of America, the United Negro College Fund, and Teach For America. The book shows the catalyzing role each plays in transforming a community's social service delivery systems. To complement the book's myriad tools and case studies,The Power of Social Innovation web site ( provides links to relevant Harvard research as well as additional helpful resources.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Risk Management And Value: Valuation And Asset Pricing
This book provides a comprehensive discussion of the issues related to risk, volatility, value and risk management. It includes a selection of the best papers presented at the Fourth International Finance Conference 2007, qualified by Professor James Heckman, the 2000 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics, as a “high level” one. The first half of the book examines ways to manage risk and compute value-at-risk for exchange risk associated to debt portfolios and portfolios of equity. It also covers the Basel II framework implementation and securitisation. The effects of volatility and risk on the valuation of financial assets are further studied in detail.The second half of the book is dedicated to the banking industry, banking competition on the credit market, banking risk and distress, market valuation, managerial risk taking, and value in the ICT activity. With its inclusion of new concepts and recent literature, academics and risk managers will want to read this book.
Zone Books The Normal and the Pathological
Elliott & Thompson Limited How We Met: A Memoir of Love and Other Misadventures
'A Stylist pick for best new non-fiction for 2021' “A sweet, touching memoir about family, faith and love. There’s a purity and simplicity to Huma’s writing, as she attempts to reconcile the sprawling weight of expectation with her own desire for a contained but free life. But what does a life on her own terms look like? What even are her own terms? A consolation to others who have trod this very path, enlightening for those of us who haven’t, you’ll be rooting for not just Huma, but for everyone she loves too.” – Pandora Sykes "A beautiful, refreshing and honest memoir about family, love, inheritance and loss" - Nikesh Shukla, author of Brown Baby You can't choose who you fall in love with, they say. If only it were that simple. Growing up in Walsall in the 1990s, Huma straddled two worlds - school and teenage crushes in one, and the expectations and unwritten rules of her family's south Asian social circle in the other. Reconciling the two was sometimes a tightrope act, but she managed it. Until it came to marriage. Caught between her family's concern to see her safely settled down with someone suitable, her own appetite for adventure and a hopeless devotion to romance honed from Georgette Heyer, she seeks temporary refuge in Paris and imagines a future full of possibility. And then her father has a stroke and everything changes. As Huma learns to focus on herself she begins to realise that searching for a suitor has been masking everything that was wrong in her life: grief for her father, the weight of expectation, and her uncertainty about who she really is. Marriage - arranged or otherwise - can't be the all-consuming purpose of her life. And then she meets someone. Neither Pakistani nor Muslim nor brown, and therefore technically not suitable at all. When your worlds collide, how do you measure one love against another? As much as it is about love, How We Met is also about falling out with and misunderstanding each other, and how sometimes even our closest relationships can feel so far away. Warm, wise and ultimately uplifting, this is a coming-of-age story about what it really means to find 'happy ever after'. "This beautiful, romantic memoir grabs you from the first page and won't let you go. Told with heart, wit and quiet restraint, How We Met is the story of how we can transcend the expectations of others and arrange our own happiness in life and in love." - Viv Groskop
Peeters Publishers Matrices, Etymons, Racines: Elements D'une Theorie Lexicologique Du Vocabulaire Arabe
Bilitere, trilitere, quadrilitere, quiquilitere voir sextilitere - en chamito-semitique, ou, si l'on prefere, en afro-asiatique - y aurait-il un "primitif", un "nucleaire", "un pole premier"? OA' serait-il? Comment l'isoler? Y aurait-il un criterium "objectif" qui puisse inflechir l'option du theoricien de l'analyse lexicologique? Voila une lice oA' l'on voit se contrer, s'opposer, se brocarder, se vilipender meme les tenants d'une position ou improuvable ou reductionniste depuis le Moyen-Age - grammairiens orientaux et orientalistes occidentaux, les seconds ignorant parfois les arguments les plus subtils des premiers - si engages dans une impasse epistemologique si flagrante qu'il est de bon ton de ne pas chercher a en sortir. Aussi le mieux informe, qui serait peut-etre le plus blase sur pareille question, doute que puisse etre applicable a un corpus lexical - mettons d'une langue semitique - une analyse rigoureuse qui fasse emerger un criterium formalisable touchant une strate de l'analyse de la langue oA' il est sage que nul ne se risque de s'aventurer: la lexicogenese. L'histoire des theories grammaticales orientalistes etant maitrisee, ce "criterium" innovant les depasserait, sans les nier, il s'en faut: il les integre. Par contre, le cote fallacieux, confortable, reductionniste, sinon agressif, des theories des Occidentaux, a partir du XXeme siecle est ici pour le moins souligne, l'angle d'attaque marquant la fragilite de ces idees toutes faites etant, on le verra, la phonologie, en ce qu'elle est achronique, intemporelle et dure a torder par les ideologies, et, pire que tout, feconde et explicative. Au diligent lecteur de juger si cet essai fournit une matiere coherente a un paradigme nouveau. Si ce dernier est fecond, il ira de soi et s'appliquera, fut-ce a des langues dont le corpus lexical est moins plethorique que celui de l'arabe. Tel est le pari de cette recherche.
Peeters Publishers La Version Armenienne Des Oeuvres D'Aphraate Le Syrien, II: V.
Peeters Publishers La Version Armenienne des Oeuvres d'Aphraate le Syrien, I: V.
Igela Argitaletxea Gauzak
Editions Heimdal La Bataille Du Cotentin
From the bridgehead sector Sainte Mere Eglise and Utah Beach, the Americans crossed the Merderet at speed, taking Picauville on June 10. The advance slowed with the checking of the 90th Infantry Division before the storming of Pont l'Abbé on the 12th and Saint-Sauveur le Vicomte on the 16th. Two days later, they cut through the Cotentin up to Barneville and headed back northward towards Cherbourg. The book breaks new ground with many period photographs in the series "Normandy 1944". French Language
Editions Heimdal Objectif Saint-Lô: 12–18 Juillet 1944
The German army occupied the town of Saint-Lô on 17 June 1940. Being a strategic crossroads, Saint-Lô was almost totally destroyed (95% according to common estimates) during the Battle of Normandy in World War II, earning the title of "The Capital of the Ruins" from Samuel Beckett; it was even questioned whether to rebuild it or to leave the ruins intact as a testimony to the bombing. A detailed and vivid photo history, packed with rare photographs, some in colour, this is an invaluable reference tool to any modeller, historian or enthusiast on one of the most devastating battles in history. French Language