Search results for ""spck""
SPCK Publishing Favourite Bible Stories
The great stories of the Bible have been treasured for generations. They are astonishing and inspiring tales of people who came to know and believe in God, and the miracles and teachings of Jesus. Most of all, they tell of the love of God. This collection of 30 favourite stories are selected from the Old Testament and the New Testament and retold by acclaimed writer and dramatist Brian Sibley. Stylish and witty illustrations by Stephen Waterhouse make the book a visual treat to enjoy while reading and sharing with children.
SPCK Publishing God Made the World
God has given us lots of clues about how He made the world. This is how we think He did it. Discover how our world was made, beginning with His amazing stars. Follow the process of how Earth was formed and filled with amazing life. The 'God made' series encourages young children to explore and discover the world around them and tells them about the loving God who made it all. Scientific ideas about how and why everything was created are simply explained through the lively narrative and wonderful illustrations, leaving children marvelling at God's creativity, love and power. With additional information by the Faraday Institute about Science and the Bible for parents to open up discussion and some simple science experiments to engage budding young scientists.
SPCK Publishing Christmas! Fun Things to Make and Do
Why just read the Christmas story when you can make it? Gather up the glue, collect your cardboard, pick up your pens and pencils, secure you safety scissors, and get making! With 50 different activities and crafts you can make in the run up to the Christmas period, including decorations, scenes from the Nativity story, Christmas cards and many more, you have have the most hands-on Christmas ever! Simply laid out with illustrated, step-by-step instructions for every craft that children from ages 5 upwards will love to make, and stick, and colour with.
SPCK Publishing Hunt with Newton: What are the Secrets of the Universe?
'Too often science and faith are pitted against each other. This book breaks down that split in a creative and engaging way. It shows the scope of science in our lives and how the study of science and the study of God feed and magnify each other.' Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury Join Harriet, Darwin's pet tortoise, and Milton, Schrodinger's indecisive cat on a time-travelling quest of discovery, unravelling scientific exploration and religious beliefs and how they fit together. Throughout the centuries humans have been looking for answers to BIG questions - how did the universe start? Is there a God behind it? Has science explained away the need for a God, or can faith enhance scientific discovery? On this adventure, Harriet and Milton are investigating the beginning of the modern scientific age - experiment with Boyle and Hooke, and meet Newton. Step into Harriet and Milton's time machine, bring some snacks, and enjoy this curious quest of discovery. Written by Julia Golding, winner of the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2006, and the Nestle Smarties Book Prize 2006.
SPCK Publishing ABC Prayers
ABC Prayers is the perfect children's prayer book that helps establish a routine bedtime prayer time and provides a helpful starting point for children wondering what they can speak to God about. A beautiful padded hardcover picture book featuring charming illustrations of a family of mice who play, share, forgive, and celebrate together, all the while wrapping around the letters of the alphabet throughout the prayer book. Each prayer begins with the next letter of the alphabet, and includes prayers for families, friends, celebrations, peace, love, forgiveness, and the importance of kindness.
SPCK Publishing The Unofficial Bible for Minecrafters: Life of Moses: Stories from the Bible told block by block
Enter a world - full of exciting quest, danger, and miracles. Follow Moses's life from his unique childhood to his incredible journey out of Egypt. Witness as God speaks to him through a burning bush and how, with God's help, he faces up to the evil Pharaoh - all created in Minecraft®! - Uses images taken from specially crafted scenes all made in the Minecraft world - Easy-to-read text panels and dialogue boxes - Humour of in-game jokes and visuals - Minecraft has won a BAFTA game award, and a Nickelodeon award
SPCK Publishing The Spirituality of Jane Austen
2017 marks the 200th anniversary of the death of Jane Austen, whose six completed novels have never been out of print. Best known for her novels, 'Sense and Sensibility', 'Pride and Prejudice', 'Mansfield Park', and 'Emma', first published anonymously, Jane commented, critiqued and illuminated the life of the English upper classes. But did Jane's writings highlight anything about her own spirituality? In this celebratory book, Paula Hollingsworth explores Jane Austen's gentle but strong faith and the effect it had both on her life and her writing. Drawing on Jane's life story, her letters, her friendships, her books and the characters portrayed, Paula shows the depth of Jane Austen's spirituality.
SPCK Publishing Conchie: What my Father didn't do in the war
What did you do in the war, daddy?' It's a classic question - and maybe one that expected the answer to be stories of brave attacks on enemy lines, pressing forward against overwhelming odds. But to Gethin Russell-Jones, the question was not one to ask - he knew what his father had done and, growing up, would have summed his father's contribution to the war effort under one word: 'Nothing.' As a conscientious objector, and despite the fact that his fiancée was cracking German codes at Bletchley during the Second World War, John Russell-Jones exhibited a different kind of courage to that shown by most of his peers. Convinced that Christ's teaching forbade him to take the life of another, he faced ignominy, insults, and opposition, from the state, his friends, and even his own family. As an adult, Gethin decided it was time to look for the man his father had been, and to see if he could regain respect for him. And as he finds out what led his father to the decision he made, he discovers a man he never really knew - one who was prepared to suffer for an unpopular and unfashionable belief, and who exhibited a different kind of courage in doing so.
SPCK Publishing Atlas of the European Reformations
Featuring more than sixty brand new maps, graphics and timelines, the Atlas of the European Reformations is an essential companion to any study of the Reformation era. The concise, helpful text written by acknowledged authorities, guides the experience and helps readers to interpret the visuals. Consciously written for students of all levels, this volume is perfect for individual or course-based study.
SPCK Publishing The Lion Storyteller Bible
The Lion Storyteller Bible broke new ground in its presentation - both verbal and visual - of Bible stories. It has been immensely popular, with sales in the UK exceeding 130,000 copies and editions printed in more than 11 languages. Since The Lion Storyteller Bible was first published Bob Hartman has established an international reputation as a storyteller and writer. This new book integrates more than 20 new Bible story retellings with the 50 tried and tested originals. It also includes a useful appendix of Bob Hartman's hints and tips for storytelling. Newly commissioned illustrations throughout will capture as much warmth and appeal as those in the first edition.
SPCK Publishing All in the Mind?: Does neuroscience challenge faith?
Much progress has been made to understand the intricacies of the brain's workings. Some have claimed, and many assumed, that these findings have challenged faith in God to the point of destruction. Are we not mere neural machines? Are religious experiences not just 'in the mind', the products of abnormal 'brain events'? Is faith not just a side effect of evolution? Not so, according to neuroscientist Peter Clarke, after a lifetime's study of the brain. In this comprehensive book, the current state of neuroscientific evidence is weighed up alongside ideas of what it means to be human, the idea of the soul, near-death experiences, and questions of free will and responsibility. He engages with the leading thinkers in these areas, including Francis Crick, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, and Daniel Wegner.
SPCK Publishing The One-Stop Guide to the History of the Bible
Following on from the successful One-Stop Bible Guide and One-Stop Bible Atlas, this guide to the history of the Bible traces its origins and reveals how it has shaped history and nations. In a highly visual way,The One-Stop Guide to the History of the Bible tells the story of how the Bible was written down, how the books of the Bible were selected, how and when the first translations happened, as well as exploring how key moments in both World and Church history affected the Bible. This is an ideal point of reference for those who wish to explore the history of the Bible.
SPCK Publishing My Journey So Far
Andrew White is something of a legend: a man of great charm and energy, whose personal suffering has not deflected him from his important ministry of reconciliation. Andrew grew up in London, the son of strongly religious parents: by the age of five he could repeat the five points of Calvinism. As a child and young man he was frequently ill, but his considerable intelligence meant that his studies did not suffer. He set his heart on becoming an anaesthetist, an ambition he achieved, only to be redirected by God to Anglican ministry. Since ordination he has had a considerable role in the work of reconciliation, both between Christian and Jew and between Shi'ite and Sunni Muslim. Often in danger, and always in pain, he has nevertheless been able to mediate between opposing extremes. A man of God, he is trusted by those who trust very few.
SPCK Publishing Cave Discovery: When did we start asking questions?
'The brilliant and entertaining illustrations in this series enliven a clear and enjoyable text that should stimulate serious thought about the world and our place in it.' Lord Rees, Astronomer Royal, President of the Royal Society 2005-2010 Join Harriet, Darwin's pet tortoise, and Milton, Schrodinger's indecisive cat on a time-travelling quest of discovery, unravelling scientific exploration and religious beliefs and how they fit together. Throughout the centuries humans have been looking for answers to BIG questions - how did the universe start? Is there a God behind it? Has science explained away the need for a God, or can faith enhance scientific discovery? Harriet and Milton start their investigation with trying to discover when humans started asking these questions. First stop on the quest is cave paintings - who did them? What did they mean, and what can they show us about our ancestors? Step into Harriet and Milton's time machine, bring some snacks, and enjoy this curious quest of discovery. Written by Julia Golding, winner of the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2006, and the Nestle Smarties Book Prize 2006.
SPCK Publishing The Baby Book Journal: Your baby, your story
Based on the wisdom and practical advice of the well commended Rachel Waddilove, it provides a place to journal your experiences, your memories and to track your baby's development. More than just a beautiful record book, this book contains checklists, charts, and practical advice for you to refer to at every stage of your story.
SPCK Publishing The Bible Story Retold in Twelve Chapters
Evocative and full in scope, The Bible Story Retold in Twelve Chapters is a flowing retelling of the Bible's great stories. In twelve chapters, Andrea Skevington brings together all the Bible's treasured tales to reveal the overarching story of God and his people. Skilfully crafting her stories with care and consideration for the biblical original, yet with the energy of the story front-of-mind, the result is a text with a compelling pace, which is at once fresh and original for new readers, but with an underlying depth and perspective that will delight those already familiar with the stories - whatever their age. Bound in a quality hardback with silver foil detail on the cover, this Bible is one to enjoy giving, receiving, reading, and treasuring.
SPCK Publishing My Year With a Horse: Feeling the fear but doing it anyway
Hazel had been scared of horses all her life, and an earlier attempt to overcome her fear had ended in failure. She was still overcoming fear in other areas, travelling around the world with her job, reporting on areas recovering from war, famine, disease and catastrophe. And eventually she took up riding again - only to face bigger fears, when illness struck her. Even worse, her father's dementia grew so bad that her mother had a heart attack and Hazel had to put her father into a home. As poor health threatened to derail her career, and family tragedy looked likely to break her heart, she was loaned a big old horse called Duke. He stood far taller than her at every point, and she was afraid. Yet somehow, as she rode him through the Hampshire countryside, she found solace and healing. Gradually her fears began to subside.
SPCK Publishing Mrs Luther and her sisters: Women in the Reformation
IIt is a frequent complaint that women have been airbrushed out of history, their contributions forgotten, their voices silenced. In this superbly written book, historian Derek Wilson redresses the balance, showing how women were crucial to the Reformation. Working alongside men - and sometimes in opposition to them - women were able to study, to speak, to write, to struggle and even to die for what they believed, and to leave behind a record of all these achievements. From Catharina Luther, through English martyr Anne Askew to Elizabeth I and onwards out into Europe - this book reveals the rich threads women brought to the tapestry of history.
SPCK Publishing The Good Samaritan and Other Parables of Jesus
Accomplished author and illustrator team, Lois Rock and Sophie Allsopp, have come together again to create another beautiful Bible story collection. Twenty parables, widely loved for their insight and wisdom, are retold and illustrated with elegant pictures to make an anthology with a classic feel. Contents: The Sower, A Lamp Under a Bowl, The Mustard Seed, Hidden Treasure, A Perfect Pearl, The Man Who Had Everything, Rich Man Poor Man, The Great Feast, The Two Men at the Temple, The Unforgiving Servant, The Growing Seed, Wheat and Weeds, The Lost Sheep, The Runaway Son, Knock, Knock, Knocking, The Widow and the Judge, The Good Samaritan, The Two Sons, The Two Servants, The Two Builders.
SPCK Publishing Missing Jack
Toby's cat, Jack, is THE best cat EVER. But Jack is getting old, and Toby will miss his furry best friend terribly when he's gone. Then Toby meets a crazy cat called Humphrey. In this charming and beautifully illustrated picture book Rebecca Elliott addresses the difficult subject of a child's first experience of the death of a pet with warmth, sensitivity and well placed humour. Awards: 2012 - DOLLY GRAY CHILDREN'S LITERATURE AWARD - WINNER 2011 JUNIOR MAGAZINE DESIGN AWARDS Most Promising New Talent - SHORTLISTED 2011 NASEN AWARDS (National Association of Special Education Needs) Inclusive Children's Book of the Year - SHORTLISTED 2011 NURSERY WORLD AWARDS Three to Fives New Launch - FINALIST 2010-11 PEOPLE'S BOOK PRIZE Children's Book of the Year - FINALIST 2012 - KATE GREENAWAY MEDAL - LONG LIST
SPCK Publishing Baby Bible
This new starter Bible introduces 20 favourite stories from Creation through to the Resurrection. They are told with utter simplicity and with a sense of wonder expressing God's overwhelming love for the world and all his creation, and especially little children. The illustrations tell the stories in pictures and provide a focus as parent and child share this delightful book together.
SPCK Publishing For Your Christening
A beautiful, classic book to be given as a special christening gift. The themed arrangement of Bible passages and classic prayers makes this a book to be used and enjoyed by the child when they are old enough. The book also includes a keepsake element for the parents to fill in as a personalised record of their child.
SPCK Publishing Edward Hicks: Pacifist Bishop at War: The diaries of a World War One Bishop
The story of outspoken pacifist bishop Edward Hicks throws new light on the problems of conscience created by World War One. Edward Hicks, Bishop of Lincoln, was already regarded as a maverick for his stance on the education of women, teetotalism, social justice, and votes for everyone. He came from a different class to that of most bishops. When war came, he was a rare dissenting voice amidst the Church's vocal support for its morality. Acclaimed author G. R. Evans draws upon Hicks's detailed diaries to reveal Edward Hicks as a man battling with his own conscience and principles, not least at seeing his sons go off to fight - one never to return. This is a fascinating glimpse into the impact the War had on an individual and those around him, who waited at home - and tried to hold onto their humanity.
SPCK Publishing The Children's Bible in 365 Stories: A story for every day of the year
The Children's Bible in 365 Stories is amongst Lion Publisher's most popular children's books. It contains 365 charming stories from the Bible that are told in child-friendly detail. Mary Batchelor's book includes all of the most loved Bible stories, plus some that you may not have come across before. Children's Bible in 365 Stories also contains special features such as poetry, prophets, New Testament letters and more! There are also delightful illustrations throughout the book that will help children to engage with the stories. The Children's Bible in 365 Stories is a comprehensive book for children which contains features that most children's bibles do not have space for. The book is bright and engaging, with a story for each day of the year! "An imaginative arrangement, preserving the on-going interest of a serial.. The illustrations are excellent. and will hold the listener's eye if the book is being read aloud.. This selection provides a built in continuity which other collections lack." Church Times "Many children's books retell Bible stories. This is one of the best for its factual, sensitive and imaginative approach. The stories are allowed to speak for themselves in a panorama of scripture from Genesis to Revelation, and each is beautifully and imaginatively illustrated. Here is storytelling par excellence, clear, uncomplicated, concise, superlative." Churchman
SPCK Publishing Common Worship Lectionary 2024
Have the Church of England lectionary calendar at your fingertips with Common Worship Lectionary 2024. Featuring readings and Bible passage for the whole of the liturgical year, this little book is an essential resource for church readers. Its clear, streamlined presentation, laid out a week to view with both the Common Worship and the Book of Common prayer calendars on facing pages, makes it incredibly easy to use. Covering Sunday and major festival as well as weekday services, the Common Worship Lectionary 2024 is a simple and thorough resource for anyone following the Anglican church calendar. It also features the Additional Weekday Lectionary, making it the most complete lectionary available. A5 sized, this paperback edition of the lectionary is light and portable, perfect for carrying on the go, while featuring plenty of space for any notes you want to make. There is no better way of following the Church of England calendar than with the Common Worship Lectionary 2024.
SPCK Publishing Saturated with God: A cry for nation-changing revival
Do you feel weary, tired, dry? Do you feel in need of spiritual refreshment? It's time for us to become a people saturated by God. Many of us believe revival is possible, but sometimes it feels so far away - we hear of astonishing accounts from across the world or read about remarkable stories in the pages of our history books. This is a book for those thirsting to see revival bubble up in our post-pandemic time and place today. Exploring the profound images of water in scripture, from baptism to an ‘outpouring’ of the Holy Spirit, Saturated With God paints a compelling vision of what the Church can be today - shining with the love and power of God - and stirs up the call on every Christian to more closely follow Jesus today.
SPCK Publishing Fresh From the Word 2023: Daily Bible Studies From Around the World: Read, Reflect, Grow
Fresh from the Word 2023 aims to help us build the discipline of Bible reading into our lives so we are grounded in God's word and our faith may deepen and develop. By offering accessible and engaging material, it aids our understanding of the Bible and helps us understand it from different Christian perspectives. One of the key themes in this year's edition is ‘Hidden Heroes & Heroines’, characters in the Bible who are overlooked but play a pivotal role in the unfolding of the Kingdom. As we read their stories, we may be encouraged that our lives, though they sometimes feel insignificant, are indeed being used by God in ways possibly beyond our imagining! The book also explores the different types of literature in the Bible. A number of the international and diverse community of writers who have contributed their wisdom, understanding and hard-won insights to encourage and bless us, unpack passages written in each particular style. And so we learn how we might safely interpret poetry, law, prophecy, narrative or apocalyptic. The hope is that these reflections - and indeed the complete volume - will will help us see revealed that which was previously hidden from us. Contributors this year include: Terry Lester, who writes on the Judges of Israel. Terry has been an Anglican priest in Cape Town for almost four decades and currently serves in Constantia. A vocal advocate for justice, he is engaged in projects aimed at restoring dignity and building reconciliation in his fragmented community. Immaculée Hedden, who writes on Healing Divisions in the Old Testament. She and her husband Richard are the authors of Under His Mighty Hand, the story of how she survived the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. The couple are currently based in Rwanda, serving in healing and counselling support ministry with YWAM. Jane Gonzalez, who writes on Celebrations. Jane is a Roman Catholic laywoman and an active member of the Justice and Peace Group. Joshua Taylor, who writes on The God of all Comfort and Mercy. Joshua is an Anglican Priest in New Zealand, where he and his family have been exploring what it means to be a family following the way of Jesus. Louise Jones, who writes on Lord of the Sabbath. Working for an embedded, community-based organization (Newbigin Community Trust), Louise has a passion for empowering, resourcing and loving those who have slipped through the cracks of our systems, in order to help people see their immense value and worth in Jesus.
SPCK Publishing God In Number 10: The Personal Faith of the Prime Ministers, from Balfour to Blair
‘Mark Vickers has given us a wonderful new reference book of the beliefs (and non-beliefs) of 20th-century PMs – a meaty volume that can also be consumed as a social history of British religion.’ THE TELEGRAPH ‘This carefully researched and well-written study reveals the religious faith of our Prime Ministers, or lack of it, in vivid colours. Prepare to be shocked and surprised as the author lays bare their souls.’ SIR ANTHONY SELDON Mark Vickers’ acclaimed volume on the faith of the twentieth-century Prime Ministers casts a new perspective on these holders of the highest political office in the realm. While there are biographies aplenty on the 18 men and 1 woman who took up residence behind the famous black door, it is notable that that many of these works fail to reflect an important – sometimes the most important – aspect of the life of their subject. God in Number 10 rectifies this omission, offering intriguing insights into Margaret Thatcher’s legendary ‘Sermon on the Mound’, Tony Blair’s perception of Jesus as a modernizer, Arthur Balfour’s recourse to spiritualism, Stanley Baldwin’s mystical experiences, and Winston Churchill’s involvement with astrology. The book considers the role of religion generally in the political classes of the period, the reasons for the declining influence of faith in the public forum, and the relationship between Church and State. The families of H. H. Asquith, Bonar Law, Ramsay MacDonald, Neville Chamberlain, Harold Macmillan, Alec Douglas-Home and Harold Wilson have all expressed their support for God in Number 10 and, where able, helped in the research, while John Major has assisted fully.
SPCK Publishing A Little Bit of Hope: 100 affirmations for positive living
A Little Bit of Hope is an uplifting book filled with positive, bite-sized affirmations by inspirational TV presenter and charity campaigner Katie Piper. Perfect to take with you wherever you go and are in need a positive boost to overcome your fears and be your best self. This short and empowering collection 100 bite-sized affirmations, abridged from Katie Piper's bestselling book A Little Bit of Faith, encourages us to see that heartbreak and hardship can become fuel for your fight. Whatever life has thrown at you lately, you can fall countless times and still get back up again and succeed – all you need is a little bit of hope. Beautifully designed and wonderfully uplifting, this 100-day devotional is easy to dip in and out of and take with you on the go. It will help you find the strength and confidence when you need it most. Helpful and a great gift for anyone struggling with anxiety, self-doubt, and depression, or just looking for inspiration and a positive change in your mindset. A Little Bit of Hope is a must-have book of positive affirmations for optimising your mental health and well-being.
SPCK Publishing Forgotten Warrior: The Life and Times of Major-General Merton Beckwith-Smith 1890-1942. Foreword by Field Marshal Lord Guthrie
Eighty years after his death in a Japanese prison camp, this compelling new biography charts the career of a distinguished but hitherto neglected hero of the British army. Major-General Merton Beckwith-Smith DSO, MC commanded the British 18th Division during the catastrophic Fall of Singapore in February 1942. A highly respected and much decorated veteran of the First World War, he was captured along with tens of thousands of other soldiers - British, Indian, Australian, and Malay - who were then held prisoner on Singapore Island. Amidst hunger, disease and widespread despair in Changi, over the next six months he rallied the spirits of his soldiers, created a make-shift university and theatre, and helped to inspire a remarkable renewal of collective church life. At the same time, he improved conditions for hospital patients and encouraged sports and other recreations. While the fate of many of the men he led was to toil, and often die, on the infamous Burma Railway, Beckwith-Smith was exiled to Karenko Camp, Formosa (present-day Taiwan), where, mistreated and malnourished, he died of diphtheria and heart failure on 11 November 1942. Beckwith-Smith, was the most senior British officer to end his life as a prisoner of war in the Far East. Yet until now he has been a strangely forgotten warrior. Based on exclusive access to family archives, and drawing on an array of other eye-witness accounts, Michael Snape's richly detailed biography brings to an end that neglect. The result is a story that offers vivid insights into one man's experience of two world wars, while also revealing why he was so admired by his fellow officers and by the ordinary soldiers who served under him.
SPCK Publishing Live No Lies: Recognize and Resist the Three Enemies That Sabotage Your Peace
With warmth and encouragement Pastor John Mark Comer, author of ECPA Bestseller The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, offers guidance and advice to help you recognise the lies and resist the forces that seek to steal your happiness, wholeness and holiness. As Christians, we’re all at war with three fierce adversaries of the soul that feed us deceptive ideas to harm our spiritual well-being: the world, the flesh and the devil. Live No Lies parses out the tactics, strengths and weaknesses of these enemies, giving you a clear battle plan and spiritual practices to outwit and overcome these evils. Skilfully weaving together uplifting wisdom and reassuring, practical guidance, this is a book for anyone looking for everyday disciplines to help them care for their soul. Live No Lies will equip you with all you need to make practices for resisting evil an active part of your spiritual formation, and leave you motivated to find happiness and peace in Jesus. That tug-of-war in your chest for wholeness? Those lies that sabotage your peace? It's time to identify them, and defeat them.
SPCK Publishing Struggling with God: Mental Health and Christian Spirituality: Foreword by Justin Welby
'Remarkably beautiful and pastoral' JUSTIN WELBY, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY 'Brimming with wisdom and humanity' DAME SARAH MULLALLY, DBE, BISHOP OF LONDON Struggling with God gets right to the heart of a great predicament for many Christians. When it feels as if our struggles are overwhelming - and our capacity for faith and hope and love is diminished - how is it possible to maintain, never mind nourish, our relationship with God? The truth, as this deeply compassionate volume reminds us, is that Jesus came alongside people wrestling with mental health problems. Many familiar conditions, such as anxiety and depression, and more severe ones, including bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia, are addressed by the authors here. Dispelling common myths and misconceptions, they explore the impact such mental health disorders can have on individual Christians, Church and society.. Each chapter includes biblical reflections relevant to its theme, prayers, questions to facilitate individual/group study, and pointers to further reading. In short, the book presents a Christian vision of spiritual and mental wellbeing through prayerful struggling with God.
SPCK Publishing Justice for Christ's Sake: A Personal Journey Around Justice Through the Eyes of Faith
‘Read this for the chapter on Hillsborough alone’ JEREMY VINE ‘Makes a powerful plea for the "earthing" of God’s vision of justice’ BARONESS HALE ‘A plentiful source of comfort, strength and, most importantly, hope’ ANDY BURNHAM For twenty-five years, Bishop James Jones has been working on the frontlines to try and create a more just and merciful world. In Justice for Christ’s Sake, he reflects on the work he has been a part of and the ways in which justice and faith go hand in hand. With touching honesty, he tells of his time as a Bishop and his role on three key independent panels into matters of national conscience – including chairing the panel that investigated the Hillsborough Disaster of 1989, when ninety-six Liverpool football fans tragically lost their lives. All the dimensions of justice that James has experienced – environmental, social, racial, political and judicial – are vividly conveyed, as he offers up the lessons he has learned in his search for a better, fairer way to live and how the answers might be found in the teachings of Jesus. Justice for Christ’s Sake is a remarkable and fascinating Christian memoir, that offers a unique perspective on some of the most significant inquiries of the last three decades. It is a book that encourages us all in our longing for justice, with insight born from first-hand experience, and will leave you with a better of understanding of events that have shaped conversations on justice in Britain. Most of us long deep down for a fairer world, however selfishly we may act on occasions. James Jones reassures us that we are not alone and that we can all be part of the fight for justice for Christ’s sake.
SPCK Publishing One Sheep Short
As his flock of sheep settle down to sleep, oh no! The shepherd notices he’s one sheep short! Will he find his lost lamb before night falls? One Sheep Short is a fun retelling in rhyme of a classic Bible parable for kids, showing how valuable each person is to God, from award-winning author Bob Hartman. The beloved Bible story of the lost sheep is brilliantly retold in this entertaining picture book for 3-5 year olds. With Bob Hartman’s characteristic entertaining wit, One Sheep Short is the perfect way to introduce this classic Bible story to kids in a way that’s accessible and easily understood. Bright, quirky illustrations from Mark Beech bring this Bible story book to life, and kids will love joining in with the fun and memorable rhymes as they read along. The clear, simple text is ideal for young children just starting to read and for adults to read aloud. One Sheep Short is a picture book that children and parents alike will adore and as part of the Rhyming Parables series is the perfect follow on from Bob Hartman’s Rhyming Bible. It is also a brilliant story time resource for KS1 teachers, Sunday School teachers and those involved in children’s ministry. Kids will learn about the parables in a memorable, engaging way, and gain a new understanding of how every person, including them, is loved and valued by God.
SPCK Publishing The Sanity of Belief: Why Faith Makes Sense
We’ve all heard the arguments that Christianity is irrelevant, irrational and even immoral. But what if the Christian faith makes sense of all that matters? In this thoughtful, engaging book, Simon Edwards challenges the assumptions that may lead us to reject a faith and doubt something that we’ve never really had the chance to understand in the first place. From our need for meaning and significance, to our desires for truth, goodness, love and hope, he explores the things that matter to us as human beings and shows us why the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ might just make sense of them all. The Sanity of Belief is a fresh take on apologetics, faith and doubt, that will leave you with a stronger understanding of Christian belief and how it relates to today’s world. It is ideal for anyone looking for a clear, down-to-earth introduction to Christianity, or for those wanting to reaffirm the foundations on which their faith is based.
SPCK Publishing Ready to Rise: Own Your Voice, Gather Your Community, Step into Your Influence
A powerful call to step into your full potential that biblically affirms the need for women to rise up and work together to make a better world. "Jo is one of my most trusted voices in Christian leadership… She leads auditoriums full of people, and she leads me one-on-one." –Jen Hatmaker In this particular cultural moment, where the momentum of #MeToo meets raised voices over injustice in wage equality and minority representation, popular speaker and podcaster Jo Saxton wants to move women beyond disempowerment. Instead, she draws women together to grow their grit and to establish new partnerships that will have a powerful chain effect. Ready to Rise tackles the real-life issues women face–workplace harassment, sexism, low self-esteem, financial woes, power battles, and old wounds–while providing meaningful wisdom from Jo’s own journey to leadership. Added to this personal reflection are stories of empowered women from the Bible. Jo then calls on readers to invest in the next generation of women and build new communities where diverse female leadership can flourish. Ready to Rise pulls together Jo's best practices in both listening to the hearts of women and empowering them to change the landscape.
SPCK Publishing Judge Deb and the Battle of the Bands
Who’s that blaring out music night and day? It’s Sisera’s Boisterous Boyz! But the locals aren’t happy about all the noise, so Judge Deb and her singing superstar Barak come up with the perfect plan: a battle of the bands! With fabulous illustrations throughout, be charmed by this modern-day retelling of the story of Deborah, the only female judge in the Bible.
SPCK Publishing Living with the Psalms
This luminous book on texts Jesus knew and quoted is the fruit of the author's lifelong engagement with the Psalms. As a broadcaster and writer, John is loved for being entirely genuine and, in the words of Archbishop Justin Welby, ‘his cogent and penetrating contributions reach an audience well beyond the churches’. Here John explores the Psalms as they relate to daily life, drawing on stories and personal testimonies to help us to rejoice, grieve or draw encouragement from this most extraordinary and fascinating collection of sacred poems and songs.
SPCK Publishing The Way of Julian of Norwich: A Prayer Journey Through Lent
A fifteenth-century roof boss in Norwich Cathedral depicts a woman holding open the door to a small room, as Julian of Norwich invites us into her cell to share her Revelations of Divine Love. Sheila Upjohn shows us how to accept that invitation in this Lenten guide, as she explores Julian’s book alongside passages from Scripture. She reveals how Julian’s fresh perspectives on sin and judgement, anger and forgiveness, the Incarnation and the crucifixion – once thought so controversial that her book was kept hidden for centuries – can challenge and enlighten us, six hundred years later, in a world so badly in need of the assurance of God’s unconditional love.
SPCK Publishing A Better Ambition: Confessions of a Faithful Liberal
‘I am passionate about my country and angry at the mendacity that has led to the appalling situation in which the UK and our people are heading for relative poverty and insignificance while our politics is offering bitter, unpalatable extremes. There has to be something better. In the absence of something better, we will have to build it.’ Tim Farron Writing with warmth, humour and compelling honesty, Tim Farron charts his rise to the leadership of the Liberal Democrats – from his childhood in Preston to his central role during the Conservative–Lib Dem coalition of 2010–15. Farron speaks openly about his role as Party President and the intense experience of leading his party through the 2016 EU referendum and the snap general election of 2017. He also reflects on the scrutiny he received because of his religious beliefs. So, having reached the top of his career, what made him voluntarily relinquish that honour? What does Tim Farron’s experience mean for those who hold to a liberal vision? Are there lessons to be learned about the role of religion in public life? And what are the prospects for true liberalism in the UK today?
SPCK Publishing The Way of the Franciscans: A Prayer Journey through Lent
Whereas some religious traditions within Christianity offer a singular approach or spiritual focus, the Franciscan tradition is wonderfully diverse and manifold. The Way of the Franciscans is a lovely Lent book for 2022 that offers a practical introduction to Franciscan spirituality, and the many distinctive and dynamic approaches to prayer, contemplation and action found within it. Split into six chapters, with each focusing on a key Franciscan spiritual master and their way of prayer, The Way of the Franciscans is the perfect guide to help you prepare for Easter and deepen your spirituality throughout Lent. As well as exploring the history of the different Franciscan spiritual traditions and how they are united in their focus on living according to the Gospels, it offers practical, applicable guidance for making Franciscan spirituality part of your everyday prayer life. The Way of the Franciscans is an ideal Lent devotional for 2022 for anyone wanting to increase their understanding of Franciscan spirituality, or for anyone looking for new ways to revitalise their prayer life during Lent. Suitable for reading individually or using as a small group, this is a Lent book that will leave you with a new appreciation of the relevance of the Franciscan spiritual tradition and forms of prayer for Christians today, and equip you with practices for becoming part of this ever-growing tradition.
SPCK Publishing Joseph: As Seen In The Big Bible Storybook
A delightful retelling of the story of Joseph, especially for under 5s. It features full-colour photographic spreads of the characters from the award-winning Big Bible Storybook. This board book is perfectly sized for small hands, with short text for a parent or carer to read to the child.
SPCK Publishing Interpreting Jesus: Essays on the Gospels
Interpreting Jesus brings together N. T. Wright’s most important articles on Jesus and the Gospels over almost four decades. Here is a rich feast for all serious students of the Bible. Each essay will amply reward those looking for detailed, incisive and exquisitely nuanced exegesis, resulting in a clearer, deeper and more informed appreciation of the recent advances in Jesus studies, and their significance for theology today.
SPCK Publishing A House Built on Love: The enterprising team creating homes for the homeless
People leaving prison; refugees; victims of abuse and prostitution. All struggle to find a home, to build relationships, to get back on their feet. The root cause of homelessness is relational: the homeless suffer not just the lack of a roof, but a lack of love. But what if someone could provide not only a home, but also a network? Real people, who knew what they were doing, and who cared? In 2007 Ed Walker published with Monarch Books a book called Reflections from the Scorched Earth. It described his nine years of living and working in six distinct war zones - notably in Darfur - as a Christian humanitarian aid worker with Tearfund. Returning to the UK, Ed worked for the YMCA for three years. But before long Ed and Rachel felt the call to start a genuinely Christian charity working with ex-offenders and the homeless. The private rental sector was out of reach for many, and government provision was horribly inadequate. Both problems have grown massively in the subsequent years. Scraping together every penny they could find, in 2010 the young couple set up a charity, Hope into Action, invested GBP30,000 in a house and bought the first home for the homeless in partnership with their church. This charity has now grown to 51 homes across fifteen towns and cities. Hope into Action have won numerous awards both secular and Christian (they won the Guardian's Public Service Award in 2017, and an award from the Centre for Social Justice). The vision is simple, but devastatingly effective. It provides a vehicle for Christians with money to invest in housing stock, with a modest but guaranteed return. Once funds in a locality are available, and in partnership with a local church, HiA will select a suitable house, which is refurbished as necessary. Together with the local church, the members of which will receive training from HiA in befriending and providing guidance, HiA will select suitable tenants. HiA provide case workers to monitor, smooth understanding, provide support and impose discipline. The churches offer friendship and local contacts. The underlying vision is not simply to help the marginalised, but to enable churches. Tenants come from a variety of backgrounds. Some are men coming out of prison and stuck in hostels. Some are recommended by social services, others by refugee agencies. In the last year HiA have provided homes for refugees fleeing from Sudan and Darfur, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Syria, and Iran. The results to date have been impressive, bearing in mind that many of those helped have multiple personal challenges. In the annual statement for 2017 Hope into Action report that 87% of tenants succeeded in maintaining their tenancies; 89% of those who had been in custody refrained from crime; 81% of those with addictions reduced or ceased their drug use; 82% reported improved relations with their families; 47% were involved in volunteering, education or training; and 23% had found a job. There is no requirement upon tenants to have any kind of faith (and many clients are Muslim refugees) but many do become believers. There have been endless teething problems. Relationships have broken down. Tenants who seemed well on the way to recovery and stability have gone completely off the rails. Money has been tight. Most notably however, Ed and his small team have seen God move and provide in amazing, multiple ways. "We have seen miracles, healings, conversions, churches transformed," Ed comments. "I have also gone through some major heart-breaks and dangerous situations, but through it all God has been faithful." Hope into Action tells Ed's story of faith and struggle as he and his wife saw the need, felt the call and stepped out in faith, developed a new theology of sharing and saw both tragic and wonderful results. It explains how we meet and grow in Christ as we interact with those in the shadows and those hidden in darkness.
SPCK Publishing Josephine Butler: A Very Brief History
When Josephine Butler died in 1906, she was declared by Millicent Fawcett to have been ‘the most distinguished Englishwoman of the nineteenth century’. With impassioned speeches and fiery writing, Butler’s campaigns for women’s rights shook Victorian society to its core and became a force for change that has shaped modern Britain. As well as campaigning for women’s suffrage and for married women’s property rights she was a tireless advocate of women’s access to higher education and of equality in the workplace. Her greatest achievement was to change social attitudes to women and children forced into prostitution, and to expose the sex-trafficking business – both of which resulted in new, more humane legislation. But how did the physically frail wife of a schoolmaster become a leading social reformer? In this brief introduction Jane Robinson explores Butler’s fascinating life and describes how her progressive politics, her anger at injustice and her passionate Christianity combined to create a vibrant legacy that lasts to this day.
SPCK Publishing Every Tribe: Stories of Diverse Saints Serving a Diverse World
The Bible tells us that Jesus is for every tribe, language, people and nation - so why are all the saints in our stained-glass windows white? In Every Tribe, editor Sharon Prentis and a diverse team of contributors present a powerful challenge to the bias that taken hold of storytelling in the Church. They tell the true, and in some casing surprising, stories of the lives of twelve Christian saints, including St Augustine, who came from present day Algeria, and St George, an immigrant with a Turkish father and a Palestinian mother. This is a book of saints for anyone wishing to deepen their understanding of how church history has been white-washed throughout the centuries, and how that has impacted the way we think about race and diversity within the church today. A celebration of the true diversity of Christian saints, it will inspire the church to become what it is meant to be: the rainbow people of God serving the diverse needs of a diverse world.
SPCK Publishing The Sacred Art of Joking
An elegant treatise on how [the church] could lighten up its image.' The Times ‘Having worked for many years at the coalface of comedy, sorting the dross from the combustible, James Cary is uniquely qualified to write this book.’ Milton Jones, comedian and panellist on BBC2’s Mock the Week Every few weeks a politician, pundit or soap star causes a media storm by making a gaffe or tweeting a joke that some people do not find funny. Comedy is very hard to get right and yet we think it’s important to have a sense of humour and not take yourself too seriously. On the other hand, a sense of humour failure can lead to losing your friends, your twitter account, your job, your career and, in some cases, your life. James Cary knows about this. He is a sitcom writer who’s written jokes about bomb disposal in Afghanistan (Bluestone 42), defended comments about Islam by Ben Elton on Newsnight, been on a panel with radical Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary, sits on the General Synod of the Church of England and somehow managed to co-write episodes of Miranda. An odd mix, but one that makes him very readable. This entertaining, breezy book, explains how comedy works (with jokes and quotes) and gives much-needed insights into the controversy surrounding humour.
SPCK Publishing Dementia from the Inside: A Doctor's Personal Journey of Hope
'Many assume that living with dementia is one long term steady decline. Jennifer's insightful book debunks that myth.' - Jeremy Hughes, Chief Executive, Alzheimer's Society Jennifer Bute was a highly qualified senior doctor in a large clinical practice, whose patients included those with dementia. Then she began to notice symptoms in herself. She was finally given a diagnosis of Young Onset Dementia in 2009. After resigning as a GP, she resolved to explore what could be done to slow the progress of dementia. The aim of this practical book is to help people who are living with dementia and to give hope to those who are with them on the dementia journey. Jennifer believes that her dementia is an opportunity as well as a challenge. Her important insights are that the person 'inside' remains and can be reached, even when masked by the condition, and that spirituality rises as cognition becomes limited. 'The observant physician shines through in Dr Bute's book, while her practical advice reveals the resourcefulness of an inventor. Alzheimer's disease has surely met one of its toughest ever adversaries!' - Peter Garrard, Professor of Neurology, University of London