Search results for ""author the editors of field"
FreeLance Academy Press 'Can These Bones Come to Life?', Vol 1: Historical European Martial Arts
Understanding the past takes more forms than historiography. Since 2005, professional and amateur scholars have come together at the annual International Medieval Congress in Western Michigan University to discuss the role re-construction, re-enactment and re-creation can play in 'breathing life into these dry bones' to deepen our knowledge of the past. Under the sponsorship of the Higgins Armory Museum and the Oakeshott Institute, presenters have looked at subjects ranging from ore smelting to equitation to the use of recreation and reenactment in the classroom. A special focus of these sessions has always been the critical examination of European fencing books, or Fechtbucher - not only for the sake of reconstructing the arts found therein, but also for what these sources can tell us about intellectual, cultural and social history. Thanks in part to editors' Mondschein and Cramer's work, the study of fencing books has rapidly become a recognized field of academic study. This volume brings together eight papers examining the study and reconstruction of medieval and early modern fight-books and related subjects. The subjects covered range from manuscript studies to philology, from Aristotelian physics to martial musicality, from medieval textuality to women and warfare. It will be of interest not only to professional historians, musicologists, literary scholars and art historians, but also to the vast army of impassioned and enthusiastic practitioners who endeavor, as a labour of love, to make the past come to life.
Oxford University Press A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure
Trusted by generations of students and litigators, A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure is a classic text which guides you through the maze of procedural requirements utilized by the civil courts. Written by an expert in the field, and co-editor of Blackstone's Civil Practice, this book is unrivalled in its detail of the various stages of a civil claim, making it essential reading for students and newly qualified litigators alike. Taking a thoroughly practical focus throughout, the book charts the progress of a typical civil litigation claim, from funding litigation and issuing and serving proceedings, through to trial, enforcement, and appeal. Full coverage of alternative dispute resolution is also included. Relevant sample documentation is featured throughout and introduces the reader to the forms and documents which will be encountered in practice, while key point summaries featured at the end of chapters highlight the essential points covered. Digital formats and resources This edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. Access to a digital version of this book comes with every purchase to enable a more flexible learning experience - 12 months' access to this title on Oxford Learning Link will be available from 15 July 2022. Access must be redeemed by 1 August 2024. - The online resources include a range of web links to key related sources to support students looking to read around the subject and develop their understanding.
Indiana University Press Moses Hess and Modern Jewish Identity
"Koltun-Fromm's reading of Hess is of crucial import for those who study the construction of self in the modern world as well as for those who are concerned with Hess and his contributions to modern thought. . . . a reading of Hess that is subtle, judicious, insightful, and well supported." —David EllensonMoses Hess, a fascinating 19th-century German Jewish intellectual figure, was at times religious and secular, traditional and modern, practical and theoretical, socialist and nationalist. Ken Koltun-Fromm's radical reinterpretation of his writings shows Hess as a Jew struggling with the meaning of conflicting commitments and impulses. Modern readers will realize that in Hess's life, as in their own, these commitments remain fragmented and torn. As contemporary Jews negotiate multiple, often contradictory allegiances in the modern world, Koltun-Fromm argues that Hess's struggle to unite conflicting traditions and frameworks of meaning offers intellectual and practical resources to re-examine the dilemmas of modern Jewish identity. Adopting Charles Taylor's philosophical theory of the self to uncover Hess's various commitments, Koltun-Fromm demonstrates that Hess offers a rich, textured, though deeply conflicted and torn account of the modern Jew. This groundbreaking study in conceptions of identity in modern Jewish texts is a vital contribution to the diverse fields of Jewish intellectual history, philosophy, Zionism, and religious studies.Jewish Literature and Culture—Alvin H. Rosenfeld, editorPublished with the generous support of the Koret Foundation
John Wiley & Sons Inc Check Dam Construction for Sustainable Watershed Management and Planning
CHECK DAM CONSTRUCTION FOR SUSTAINABLE WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING Authoritative and comprehensive reference on the potential for watershed development through the use of check dams Check Dam Construction for Sustainable Watershed Management and Planning summarizes current knowledge of check dams as key soil and water conservation structures in some of the most sensitive and vulnerable ecosystems in the world, as exemplified by the Mediterranean area and the Chinese Loess Plateau, providing detailed information on check dam design and watershed planning, the use of advanced modeling techniques, challenges in dam construction and how to overcome them. The work integrates decades of research in the field of soil and water conservation and gully management, including advanced studies in check dam construction and watershed management. It also covers important new techniques and methods, such as hydrological modeling, isotope tracing, and more. To aid in reader comprehension, the five highly qualified editors have divided the work into three distinct sections. Sections I and II focus on the experience gained from the erosion hotspots in the Chinese Loess Plateau, whereas Section III expands the scope to other regions with different functions for check dams, including headwater ecosystems and alpine environments. Sample topics covered in Check Dam Construction for Sustainable Watershed Management and Planning include: The regulating effect of check dam systems on sediment redistribution and the formation and development of dam systems in small watersheds Water and soil conservation made possible by check dam construction and sediment source analysis of water-sediment retarding effects of check dams The regulation of check dam systems on the erosion dynamic process and the mechanism of erosion reduction by check dams Flood control risk assessment on warping dam systems and the development and utilization model of check dam systems With its systematic coverage of all aspects of dam construction and maintenance, Check Dam Construction for Sustainable Watershed Management and Planning supports decision making by local authorities and can also be used as a professional guide for ecologists, hydrologists, and water resource managers.
CABI Publishing Creative Tourism: Activating Cultural Resources and Engaging Creative Travellers
This book provides a synthesis of current research and international best practice in the emerging field of creative tourism. Including knowledge, insights, and reflections from both practitioners and researchers, it covers types of creative tourist, trends, designing and implementing creative tourism products, embedding activities in a community and place, and addressing sustainability challenges. Applying lessons learned from the CREATOUR project and other initiatives, the editors present key information in an actionable manner best suited to people working on the ground. The book: - Addresses important issues such as local economic benefit, social and collaborative economy, community engagement, social inclusion, youth empowerment, cross-cultural exchange, and responsible travel. - Provides a core, introductory text plus a wide range of cases examining creative tourism development in practice in the following 15 countries: Austria, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, Kenya, Namibia, Portugal, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Slovenia, Spain, Thailand, and the USA. - Includes colour photos, diagrams, text boxes, and call-out quotations throughout to help guide and engage readers. A vital resource for tourism agencies, practitioners, planners and policymakers interested in developing creative tourism programmes and activities, this book will also be of interest to cultural and creative tourism researchers, students, and teachers of tourism and culture-based development.
Georgetown University Press Moral Agency within Social Structures and Culture: A Primer on Critical Realism for Christian Ethics
Christian ethics has addressed moral agency and culture from the start, and Christian social ethics increasingly acknowledges the power of social structures. However, neither has made sufficient use of the discipline that specializes in understanding structures and culture: sociology. In Moral Agency within Social Structures and Culture, editor and contributor Daniel K. Finn proposes a field-changing critical realist sociology that puts Christian ethics into conversation with modern discourses on human agency and social transformation. Catholic social teaching mischaracterizes social evil as being little more than the sum of individual choices, remedied through individual conversion. Liberation theology points to the power of social structures but without specifying how structures affect moral agency. Critical realist sociology provides a solution to both shortcomings. This collection shows how sociological insights can deepen and extend Catholic social thought by enabling ethicists to analyze more precisely how structures and culture impact human decisions. The book demonstrates how this sociological framework has applications for the study of the ecological crisis, economic life, and virtue ethics. Moral Agency within Social Structures and Culture is a valuable tool for Christian ethicists who seek systemic change in accord with the Gospel.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Male Sexual Dysfunction: A Clinical Guide
Sexual dysfunction affects men of all ages and incidence rates are expected to double by 2025 resulting in a major health burden. Though normal sexual function is an important aspect of health and well-being, sadly, this common condition still carries an associated stigma. As a result, affected men are often reluctant to approach their doctor and, instead, may live for many years with sexual dysfunction, often to the detriment of their personal lives. Male Sexual Dysfunction: A Clinical Guide covers all the common problems encountered by the clinician in this rapidly expanding and developing field. With full color throughout, this easy to read guide provides a comprehensive and systematic approach to patient management. Packed with key features, every chapter will contain flow diagrams and algorithms, key points, clinical pearls, �what to avoid� boxes, and numerous tables, graphs and photographs . This book provides: Comprehensive focus on the core clinical areas of physiology/pharmacology, investigation, diagnosis, management and surgical options Coverage of all treatment pathways, including psychological, pharmacologic and surgical A straightforward, logical approach to clinical management An experienced and international editor and contributor team Expertly-written, this book is the perfect resource for urologists and general practitioners with an interest in this highly topical area, as well as those about to undergo their urology trainee examinations.
Facet Publishing Bibliotherapy
The basic premise of bibliotherapy is that information, guidance, wellbeing and solace can be found through reading. This book draws on the latest international practical and theoretical developments in bibliotherapy to explore how librarians, healthcare providers and arts organizations can best support the health and wellbeing of their communities.There is no standard approach to bibliotherapy. This book considers how different theories apply to different types of bibliotherapy, using case studies to illustrate how particular approaches can be used across a broad range of settings and with a variety of user groups. By focusing on the theoretical basis and history of bibliotherapy, as well as current practice, it helps to identify areas in which bibliotherapy could grow as a field of study and of practice.Bibliotherapy programmes using books to support good mental health are found around the world. The editors and their contributors present examples from public libraries, academic libraries and healthcare settings internationally – including the UK, North and South America, and Australasia. Collaboration and diversity are key themes: engaging in bibliotherapy offers librarians key opportunities to collaborate with partners outside the profession, while engaging with more diverse audiences.The book will be of interest not only to researchers and theorists, but equally to those managing bibliotherapy programmes in health, public and academic libraries. It will also be very useful for healthcare providers and those with an interest in wellbeing more generally.
Facet Publishing Bibliotherapy
The basic premise of bibliotherapy is that information, guidance, wellbeing and solace can be found through reading. This book draws on the latest international practical and theoretical developments in bibliotherapy to explore how librarians, healthcare providers and arts organizations can best support the health and wellbeing of their communities.There is no standard approach to bibliotherapy. This book considers how different theories apply to different types of bibliotherapy, using case studies to illustrate how particular approaches can be used across a broad range of settings and with a variety of user groups. By focusing on the theoretical basis and history of bibliotherapy, as well as current practice, it helps to identify areas in which bibliotherapy could grow as a field of study and of practice.Bibliotherapy programmes using books to support good mental health are found around the world. The editors and their contributors present examples from public libraries, academic libraries and healthcare settings internationally – including the UK, North and South America, and Australasia. Collaboration and diversity are key themes: engaging in bibliotherapy offers librarians key opportunities to collaborate with partners outside the profession, while engaging with more diverse audiences.The book will be of interest not only to researchers and theorists, but equally to those managing bibliotherapy programmes in health, public and academic libraries. It will also be very useful for healthcare providers and those with an interest in wellbeing more generally.
Emerald Publishing Limited Academic Freedom: Autonomy, Challenges and Conformation
Framed in the context of a world in which academic freedom is often jeopardized, or criticized by outside social forces, Academic Freedom: Autonomy, Challenges and Conformation sets out to echo the voices of faculty who have encountered challenges to academic freedom within their personal and professional careers. Including chapters which range from showcasing specific experiences within particular disciplines, to providing broad historical or philosophical perspectives, this edited collection provides an authentic account of how academic freedom has helped and hindered the academic profession, scholarship, and teaching. Revealing one-on-one interactions which shed light on the views of individual educators, this book shifts focus onto the day-to-day ramifications of limited academic freedom. Faculty members recollect occasions where they have experienced a challenge to their ability to exchange ideas and concepts freely in the classroom, to explore and disseminate new knowledge, and to speak professionally and privately on topics in their field of expertise without being under duress. Offering up a finely curated collection of chapters, editors Ceglie and Thompson allow readers to understand the dynamic between academic freedom and professional responsibilities, and also open up an opportunity to discuss challenges to academic freedom and the potential loss of autonomy in higher education in the United States and beyond.
World Scientific Europe Ltd Man Versus Microbe: What Will It Take To Win?
The COVID-19 pandemic that swept the planet in the early 2020s killed more than six million, delivered unimaginable human suffering and $22 trillion in lost global growth. We weren't prepared and should have been.Unraveling the secrets of microbes, an invisible parallel universe of tiny life forms all around us, is central to managing the big twenty-first-century challenges of pandemics, bioterrorism, food security and climate change. Scientists, technologists, entrepreneurs and political leaders are racing to decode this biological realm with powerful new tools to extend human lifespans and make the world safer and more prosperous. Yet such technologies need to be handled with care. The price of getting this wrong will be unbearable.Man Versus Microbe is about humanity's competitive, symbiotic and precarious relationship with the microbial world. Brian Bremner (Senior Executive Editor, Bloomberg) offers a book on the exhilarating fields of synthetic biology and genetics, abundant with material on emerging technologies to deepen one's understanding of how virus hunters chase bugs or how geneticists unlock the workings of a microbe's constituent DNA. This book is for readers who want to learn more about humanity's fight to contain future pandemics and better understand the risks and opportunities of living in the world of microbes. After navigating through a disruptive pandemic, we are all amateur epidemiologists now.
Taylor & Francis Inc Methods in Microarray Normalization
Scientists can use molecular profiling microarrays to compare healthy cells with their diseased counterparts and develop gene-specific treatments. Finding the best way to interpret original profiling data into accurate trends, however, continues to drive the development of normalization algorithms and software tools.Methods in Microarray Normalization compiles the most useful and novel techniques for the first time into a single, organized source. Experts in the field provide a diverse view of the mathematical processes that are important in normalizing data and avoiding inherent systematic biases. They also review useful software, including discussions on key algorithms, comparative data, and download locations. The book discusses the use of early normalization techniques for new profiling methods and includes strategies for assessing the utility of various normalization algorithms. It presents the latest microarray innovations from companies such as Agilent, Affymetrix, and GeneGo as well as new normalization methods for protein and CGH arrays, many of which are applicable for antibody, microRNA, methylation, and siRNA arrays. Methods in Microarray Normalization provides scientists with a complete resource on the most effective tools available for maximizing microarray data in biochemical research. Daniel E. Levy, editor of the Drug Discovery Series, is the founder of DEL BioPharma, a consulting service for drug discovery programs. He also maintains a blog that explores organic chemistry.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cognitive Analytic Therapy: Developments in Theory and Practice
Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) is a fast-growing therapy remarkable not only for its integrative approach and power but also for its applicability in the context of brief therapy. Since Anthony Ryle developed the concepts of CAT in the early 1980s there has been an enormous demand for training in this method, from psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and counsellors, as well as from other health professionals caring for disturbed patients in community settings. This book reviews the history and essential features of CAT, offers a state-of-the-art detailed description of practice, and continues the conceptual development of the field with discussion of the relationship of the CAT model to cognitive and analytical therapies, and to recent research in early child development. It includes authoritative accounts of the application of CAT to eating disorders, borderline personality disorder, self-harm problems, and to group work. Research into CAT is reviewed and, in the final chapter, Anthony Ryle looks forward to likely developments of research and practice in Cognitive Analytic Therapy. Trainees and practitioners will find this book a stimulating update on developments of the CAT model and a useful, practical guide to applying CAT in important problem areas. This book appears in The Wiley Series in Psychotherapy and Counselling Series Editors: Franz Epting, University of Florida, USA Bonnie Strickland, University of Massachusetts, USA and John Allen, City University, London, UK
Elsevier Science & Technology Quark-Gluon Plasma: Theoretical Foundations: An Annotated Reprint Collection
The purpose of this volume is to trace the development of the theoretical understanding of quark-gluon plasma, both in terms of theequation of state and thermal correlation functions and in terms ofits manifestation in high energy nuclear collisions. Who among us hasnot wondered how tall a mountain is on a neutron star, what happenswhen matter is heated and compressed to higher and higher densities,what happens when an object falls into a black hole, or what happenedeons ago in the early universe? The study of quark-gluon plasma is related in one way or another to these and other thought provoking questions. Oftentimes the most eloquent exposition is given in theoriginal papers. To this end a selection is made of what are themost important pioneering papers in this field. The early 1950s wasan era when high energy multiparticle production in cosmic rayinteractions attracted the attention of some of the brightest minds in physics, and so it should be no surprise that the first reprinted papers deal with the introduction of statistical models of particleproduction. The quark model arose in the 1960s, while QCD as suchwas recognized as the theory of the strong interactions in the1970's. The behavior of matter at high temperatures and supranucleardensities became of wide interest in the nuclear and particle physicscommunities starting in the 1970s, which is when the concept ofquark-gluon plasma became established. The history of the field hasbeen traced up to the early 1990s. There are three reasons forstopping at that point in time. First, most of the key theoreticalconcepts and formalisms arose before 1993, although many of themcontinue to be developed today and hopefully well into the future. Second, papers written after 1992 are much more readily availablethan those writen before due to the advent of the World Wide Web andits electronic preprint databases and journals. Finally, in makingthis collection of reprints available as hardcopy one is limited inthe number of pages, and some papers in the present selection shouldhave been deleted in order to make room for post-1993 papers. For thesame reason the subject focus must of necessity be limited, whichmeans that in this reprint collection two wide subject areas are not addressed: the behavior of nuclear matter under extreme conditionsis not reported, nor is quark matter in neutron stars. The broadcategories into which the material has been placed, reflect thediverse studies of quark-gluon plasma and its manifestation. They are: phase-space models of particle production, perturbative QCDplasma, lattice gauge theory, fluid dynamics and flow, strangeness, heavy flavor (charm), electromagnetic signals, parton cascade andminijets, parton energy loss and jet quenching, Hanbury Brown--Twiss(HBT) interferometry, disoriented chiral condensates, phasetransition dynamics and cosmology, and color superconductivity. Eachchapter is prefaced by an introduction, which contains a list ofsignificant papers which is more complete than the reprinted papers,though by no means exhaustive. It also contains citations to mostrelevant papers published up to the date of completion of this volume(fall 2002). It is hoped that the short reviews will help bring thereader up to date on the latest developments. The selection ofpapers cited in each chapter, and in particular the ones selected forreprinting, is solely the responsibility of the Editors. It is basedon their best judgement and experience in this field dating back tothe mid-1970s. In order to be reprinted a paper must have beenpioneering in the sense of originality and impact on the field.Generally they have been cited over a hundred times by other paperspublished in refereed journals. The final selection was reviewed anddiscussed among the Editors repeatedly. Just because a paper is not included does not mean they do not know of it or do not have a highregard for it. All of the papers cited or reprinted are originalresearch contributions. There are three other types of publicationslisted. The first is a compilation of books. The second is a listof reviews, many of which contain a significant amount of original material. The third is a list of the proceedings of the series ofQuark Matter meetings, the primary series of internationalconferences in this field that is attended by both theorists andexperimentalists.
Policy Press Critical perspectives on ageing societies
This important book brings together some of the best known international scholars working within a critical gerontology perspective. Together, they review and update our understanding of how the field has developed over the last twenty-five years and, through the lens of 'passionate scholarship', provide a challenging assessment of the complex practical and ethical issues facing older people, and those who conduct research on ageing, in the 21st century. The contributions extend the critical gerontological approach conceptually, methodologically and practically. They offer close and scholarly analysis of policies affecting the lives of older people and provide insights into why research is done in particular ways. Special attention is paid to feminist contributions and new approaches to working in partnership with older people; age discrimination and ageism; the impact of neo-liberal policies and the passage of various human rights instruments; the re-medicalisation of later life; the participation of older people in research; and justice between generations. The editors and contributors offer suggestions for promoting change, and an exciting set of visions and perspectives for the renewal and development of critical gerontology in the years ahead. "Critical Perspectives on Ageing Societies" will be a valuable resource for all students, academics and practitioners interested in ageing and the life course.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Scaling Urban Environmental Challenges: From Local to Global and Back
�Think globally, act locally� emphasizes the importance of scale in dealing with environmental challenges, but not how to factor it in. This major new book focuses on the spatial dimensions of urban environmental burdens, showing how important it is to take these into account when pursuing environmental justice and good governance - whether in the context of the sanitary risks of slum living, the pollution of uncontrolled industrialization and motorization, or the enormous ecological footprints of affluent urban lifestyles. Written by leading experts in the fields of urban development and environmental planning, the book reviews the urban environmental shifts that have shaped today�s challenges, and examines conditions and problems in the urban centres of low-, middle- and high-income countries. Case studies address such economically diverse cities as Accra, New Delhi, Mexico City and Manchester, while thematic chapters explore issues including water, sanitation and transportation. The book concludes by exploring and analysing different scales of governance. The editors argue that we should not rely solely on local governance to address local burdens like poor sanitation, nor depend only on global governance for global challenges such as greenhouse gas emissions, but that scale is crucial in both understanding the problems and devising successful responses. Published with UNU-IAS and IIED.
Pennsylvania State University Press Radical Women in Latin America: Left and Right
Radical Women in Latin America is a collection of original essays by scholars from a variety of disciplines—anthropology, history, and political science—on the political activism of women from both the left and the right. The stories of these radical women challenge traditional portrayals of men as violent and women as inherently peaceful. This volume forces us to confront the fact that there is no automatic sisterhood among women, even among those of the same class and ethnicity. At the same time, the essays show the similarities that can unite women across immense political divides.This book analyzes radical women’s actions and motivations through four interrelated themes—maternalism, feminism, autonomy, and coalitions between left- and right-wing women—in three Central American countries (Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala) and three South American countries (Argentina, Brazil, and Chile). The editors and contributors to this volume have done extensive and recent field research in Latin America.Radical Women in Latin America challenges both stereotypical views of Latin American women as easily manipulated and portrayals of women’s activism as inherently progressive. This book will make clear that women are capable of defining their own interests and their political identities, organizing autonomously, and even using violence, if they deem it necessary to pursue their goals.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Key Topics in Conservation Biology 2
Following the much acclaimed success of the first volume of Key Topics in Conservation Biology, this entirely new second volume addresses an innovative array of key topics in contemporary conservation biology. Written by an internationally renowned team of authors, Key Topics in Conservation Biology 2 adds to the still topical foundations laid in the first volume (published in 2007) by exploring a further 25 cutting-edge issues in modern biodiversity conservation, including controversial subjects such as setting conservation priorities, balancing the focus on species and ecosystems, and financial mechanisms to value biodiversity and pay for its conservation. Other chapters, setting the framework for conservation, address the sociology and philosophy of peoples’ relation with Nature and its impact on health, and such challenging practical issues as wildlife trade and conflict between people and carnivores. As a new development, this second volume of Key Topics includes chapters on major ecosystems, such as forests, islands and both fresh and marine waters, along with case studies of the conservation of major taxa: plants, butterflies, birds and mammals. A further selection of topics consider how to safeguard the future through monitoring, reserve planning, corridors and connectivity, together with approaches to reintroduction and re-wilding, along with managing wildlife disease. A final chapter, by the editors, synthesises thinking on the relationship between biodiversity conservation and human development. Each topic is explored by a team of top international experts, assembled to bring their own cross-cutting knowledge to a penetrating synthesis of the issues from both theoretical and practical perspectives. The interdisciplinary nature of biodiversity conservation is reflected throughout the book. Each essay examines the fundamental principles of the topic, the methodologies involved and, crucially, the human dimension. In this way, Key Topics in Conservation Biology 2, like its sister volume, Key Topics in Conservation Biology, embraces issues from cutting-edge ecological science to policy, environmental economics, governance, ethics, and the practical issues of implementation. Key Topics in Conservation Biology 2 will, like its sister volume, be a valuable resource in universities and colleges, government departments, and conservation agencies. It is aimed particularly at senior undergraduate and graduate students in conservation biology and wildlife management and wider ecological and environmental subjects, and those taking Masters degrees in any field relevant to conservation and the environment. Conservation practitioners, policy-makers, and the wider general public eager to understand more about important environmental issues will also find this book invaluable.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Thinking in Macroeconomics: Social, Institutional, and Environmental Perspectives
Presenting new and innovative perspectives on macroeconomics at the national and international levels, the editors bring together contributions on a wide range of topics including: current issues of globalization; transitional economies; inequality; unemployment; national and international debt; and the relationship of macroeconomic policies to the environment. The contributors draw on expertise in a variety of areas to provide insight into debates on macroeconomic policy in the US and Europe, as well as in developing and transitional economies. Themes explored include: disequilibrium in the macroeconomy: analysis of the roots of instability and crisis in national and global systems• the evolution of macroeconomic institutions to stabilize and guide economic growth the paradoxes of globalization, the dangers of unrestricted financial flows, and the impacts of globalization on national institutional coherence macro and institutional strategies for the transitional economies of Russia and Eastern Europe distributional and equity issues, including employment, housing, and homelessness the impact of macroeconomic policy and debt on the environment long-term growth and its relationship to well-being and environmental sustainability. This collection is a valuable resource for researchers and students of macroeconomics, presenting numerous case studies and examples which bring to life some of the theoretical debates that will determine the future of macroeconomics. Policy professionals in a variety of fields including politics, political economy, and international relations will also find much of interest in this enlightening volume.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Pharmaceutical Analysis for Small Molecules
A comprehensive introduction for scientists engaged in new drug development, analysis, and approvals Each year the pharmaceutical industry worldwide recruits thousands of recent science graduates—especially chemistry, analytical chemistry, pharmacy, and pharmaceutical majors—into its ranks. However, because of their limited background in pharmaceutical analysis most of those new recruits find making the transition from academia to industry very difficult. Designed to assist both recent graduates, as well as experienced chemists or scientists with limited regulatory, compendial or pharmaceutical analysis background, make that transition, Pharmaceutical Analysis for Small Molecules is a concise, yet comprehensive introduction to the drug development process and analysis of chemically synthesized, small molecule drugs. It features contributions by distinguished experts in the field, including editor and author, Dr. Behnam Davani, an analytical chemist with decades of technical management and teaching experience in compendial, regulatory, and industry. This book provides an introduction to pharmaceutical analysis for small molecules (non-biologics) using commonly used techniques for drug characterization and performance tests. The driving force for industry to perform pharmaceutical analyses is submission of such data and supporting documents to regulatory bodies for drug approval in order to market their products. In addition, related required supporting studies including good laboratory/documentation practices including analytical instrument qualification are highlighted in this book. Topics covered include: Drug Approval Process and Regulatory Requirements (private standards) Pharmacopeias and Compendial Approval Process (public standards) Common methods in pharmaceutical analysis (typically compendial) Common Calculations for assays and impurities and other specific tests Analytical Method Validation, Verification, Transfer Specifications including how to handle out of specification (OOS) and out of trend (OOT) Impurities including organic, inorganic, residual solvents and elemental impurities Good Documentation Practices for regulatory environment Management of Analytical Laboratories Analytical Instrument Qualifications including IQ, OQ, PQ and VQ Due to global nature of pharmaceutical industry, other topics on both regulatory (ICH) and Compendial harmonization are also highlighted. Pharmaceutical Analysis for Small Molecules is a valuable working resource for scientists directly or indirectly involved with the drug development process, including analytical chemists, pharmaceutical scientists, pharmacists, and quality control/quality assurance professionals. It also is an excellent text/reference for graduate students in analytical chemistry, pharmacy, pharmaceutical and regulatory sciences.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Criminal Justice: Legitimacy and Coherence
International criminal justice indeed is a crowded field. But this edited collection stands well above the crowd. And it does so with dignity. Through interdisciplinary analysis, the editors skillfully turn shibboleths into intrigues. Theirs is a kaleidoscopic project that scales a gamut of issues: from courtroom discipline, to gender, to the defense, to history. Through vivid deployment of unconventional methods, this edited collection unsettles conventional wisdom. It thereby pushes law and policy toward heartier horizons.'- Mark A. Drumbl, Washington and Lee University, School of Law, USInternational criminal justice as a discipline throws up numerous conceptual issues, engaging disciplines such as law, politics, history, sociology and psychology, to name but a few. This book addresses themes around international criminal justice from a mixture of traditional and more radical perspectives.While law, and in particular international law, is at the heart of much of the discussion around this topic, history, sociology and politics are invariably infused and, in some aspects of international criminal justice, are predominant elements. Fundamentally the exploration concerns questions of coherence and legitimacy, which are foundational to both the content and application of the discipline, and the book charts an illuminating path through these diverse perspectives. The contributions in this book come from some of the eminent scholars and practitioners in the area, and will provide some profound insight into and an enriched understanding of international criminal justice, helping to advance the field of study.This ambitious and necessary book will appeal to academics and students of international criminal law, international criminal justice, international law, transitional justice and comparative criminal law, as well as practitioners of international criminal law.Contributors include: G. Boas, I. Bonomy, R. Cryer, H. Durham, S. Garkawe, M. Ierace, P. Morrissey, J. Potter, B. Saul, M. Scharf, G. Simpson, G. Skillen
John Wiley & Sons Inc Backscattering and RF Sensing for Future Wireless Communication
Backscattering and RF Sensing for Future Wireless Communication Discover what lies ahead in wireless communication networks with this insightful and forward-thinking book written by experts in the fieldBackscattering and RF Sensing for Future Wireless Communication delivers a concise and insightful picture of emerging and future trends in increasing the efficiency and performance of wireless communication networks. The book shows how the immense challenge of frequency saturation could be met via the deployment of intelligent planar electromagnetic structures. It provides an in-depth coverage of the fundamental physics behind these structures and assesses the enhancement of the performance of a communication network in challenging environments, like densely populated urban centers.The distinguished editors have included resources from a variety of leading voices in the field who discuss topics such as the engineering of metasurfaces at a large scale, the electromagnetic analysis of planar metasurfaces, and low-cost and reliable backscatter communication. All of the included works focus on the facilitation of the development of intelligent systems designed to enhance communication network performance. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of:A thorough introduction to the evolution of wireless communication networks over the last thirty years, including the imminent saturation of the frequency spectrumAn exploration of state-of-the-art techniques that next-generation wireless networks will likely incorporate, including software-controlled frameworks involving artificial intelligenceAn examination of the scattering of electromagnetic waves by metasurfaces, including how wave propagation differs from traditional bulk materialsA treatment of the evolution of artificial intelligence in wireless communicationsPerfect for researchers in wireless communications, electromagnetics, and urban planning, Backscattering and RF Sensing for Future Wireless Communication will also earn a place in the libraries of government policy makers, technologists, and telecom industry stakeholders who wish to get a head start on understanding the technologies that will enable tomorrow’s wireless communications.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Heritage Studies
A Companion to Heritage Studies BLACKWELL COMPANIONS TO ANTHROPOLOGY A Companion to Heritage Studies “This Companion provides a gateway to heritage studies for students and scholars alike. Taken together, the essays testify to how exciting and dynamic this field has become.”Valdimar Tr. Hafstein, University of Iceland “Interdisciplinary and international in scope, A Companion to Heritage Studies succeeds in bringing together critical and practical, historicizing and future-oriented scholarship on what has become an all-pervasive global interest and industry, passion and resource.”Regina F. Bendix, Göttingen University, Germany “A vast and complete overview of the contemporary challenges of heritage preservation and management. This is an important book for practitioners, planners, and policy makers. The Companion fills a gap and helps address many of the uncomfortable questions heritage preservation is facing today.”Francesco Bandarin, Special Advisor to UNESCO for Heritage and Professor, University Iuav of Venice A Companion to Heritage Studies is a comprehensive, state-of-the-art survey of the interdisciplinary study of cultural heritage. Featuring a substantial framework-setting essay by the editors, and contributions from an international array of scholars, including some with extensive experience in heritage practice through UNESCO, the World Heritage Centre, ICOMOS and national heritage systems, this Companion offers a cutting-edge guide to this emergent and increasingly important field that is global in scope, cross-cultural in focus, and critical in approach. The selected essays have been innovatively organized into three sections on the expansion, use and abuse, and the recasting of heritage. The Companion covers all of the key themes in research, including old and new outlooks on cultural heritage and its management, heritage as a form of cultural politics, the emergence of critical heritage studies, the role of heritage in times of rapid change and conflict, heritage in environmental protection, the rise of intangible heritage, museums and digital heritage, World Heritage and tourism, and heritage ethics and human rights. A Companion to Heritage Studies will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of anthropology, archeology, and cultural studies, as well as anyone interested in better understanding the historical, social, and political significance of heritage.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Shopping Centers and Other Retail Properties: Investment, Development, Financing, and Management
Shopping centers and other forms of retail properties continue tobe among the soundest real estate investments in North America. Butretail property is a highly specialized field of real estatedevelopment with a unique and complex set of legal, financial,development, management, and marketing variables about whichinvestors and developers must possess a sound working knowledge.Now this book arms with you with that knowledge, and muchmore. The most comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-date resource of itskind, Shopping Centers and Other Retail Properties covers everyvital aspect of negotiating, buying, selling, developing, managing,and marketing shopping centers and other retail properties. EditorsJohn R. White and Kevin D. Gray, of the leading real estateconsulting firm Landauer Associates, and an all-star team ofexperts in the field of shopping center and retail propertydevelopment, share everything they know about: * All important legal issues * Investment and feasibility analysis * Valuation requirements and performance measures * Planning, designing, and renovating retail properties * Developing and investing in local and community shopping centers,highway retail centers, and regionals and super regionals * Operating and managing retail centers * Mortgage financing and financing through public and privateequity issues * Space marketing and lease terms * Macro and micro market analysis * And much more Shopping Centers and Other Retail Properties is an indispensableworking resource for both new and experienced retail propertyinvestors and developers as well as those who work with them,including attorneys, accountants, analysts, appraisers, planners,managers, brokers, and consultants. "Timely insights into an industry undergoing tremendous change."-- For both newcomers and seasoned professionals in retail propertyinvestment, this book provides a wealth of vital information onevery aspect of developing and managing shopping centers and retailproperties. Written by an all-star team of specialists in thefield, Shopping Centers and Other Retail Properties: * Provides expert guidance on financing, developing, operating, andmanaging shopping centers and other retail properties * Covers analysis of retail market demand, investment andfeasibility analysis, appraisal, mortgage financing, financing byequity, new planning formats, and much more * Serves as an indispensable working resource for investors,developers, attorneys, accountants, analysts, appraisers, planners,managers, brokers, and consultants "An authoritative work that will be immensely useful to anyoneinterested in retail real estate." -- "Retail developments have become the key investments now targetedin real estate. No two people have commanded more respect forexpertise than this book's editors. There are many, many booksattempting to guide readers in this field. In my experienced view,none compares to the excellence and usefulness of this text." --
John Wiley & Sons Inc Simulated Annealing and Boltzmann Machines: A Stochastic Approach to Combinatorial Optimization and Neural Computing
Wiley-Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization Advisory Editors Ronald L. Graham Jan Karel Lenstra Robert E. Tarjan Discrete Mathematics and Optimization involves the study of finite structures. It is one of the fastest growing areas in mathematics today. The level and depth of recent advances in the area and the wide applicability of its evolving techniques point to the rapidity with which the field is moving from its beginnings to maturity and presage the ever-increasing interaction between it and computer science. The Series provides a broad coverage of discrete mathematics and optimization, ranging over such fields as combinatorics, graph theory, enumeration, mathematical programming and the analysis of algorithms, and including such topics as Ramsey theory, transversal theory, block designs, finite geometries, Polya theory, graph and matroid algorithms, network flows, polyhedral combinatorics and computational complexity. The Wiley - Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization will be a substantial part of the record of this extraordinary development. Recent titles in the Series: Search Problems Rudolf Ahlswede, University of Bielefeld, Federal Republic of Germany Ingo Wegener, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, Federal Republic of Germany The problems of search, exploration, discovery and identification are of key importance in a wide variety of applications. This book will be of great interest to all those concerned with searching, sorting, information processing, design of experiments and optimal allocation of resources. 1987 Introduction to Optimization E. M. L. Beale FRS, Scicon Ltd, Milton Keynes, and Imperial College, London This book is intended as an introduction to the many topics covered by the term 'optimization', with special emphasis on applications in industry. It is divided into three parts. The first part covers unconstrained optimization, the second describes the methods used to solve linear programming problems, and the third covers nonlinear programming, integer programming and dynamic programming. The book is intended for senior undergraduate and graduate students studying optimization as part of a course in mathematics, computer science or engineering. 1988
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Ophthalmology
Through five highly regarded editions, Ophthalmology, by Drs. Myron Yanoff and Jay S. Duker, has remained one of the premier texts in the field, providing authoritative guidance on virtually any ophthalmic condition and procedure you may encounter. The fully revised, 6th edition of this award-winning title continues to offer detailed, superbly illustrated content from cover to cover, with extensive updates throughout to keep you current with the latest advancements and fundamentals throughout every subspecialty area in the field. An easy-to-follow, templated format, convenient single volume, and coverage of both common and rare disorders make this title a must-have resource no matter what your level of experience. Offers truly comprehensive coverage, including basic foundations through diagnosis and treatment advances across all subspecialties: genetics, optics, refractive surgery, lens and cataract, cornea, retina, uveitis, tumors, glaucoma, neuro-ophthalmology, pediatric and adult strabismus, and oculoplastics. Features streamlined, templated chapters, a user-friendly visual layout, and key features boxes for quick access to clinically relevant information and rapid understanding of any topic. Contains four new chapters covering Phototherapeutic Keratectomy; IOL Optics; Bag-in-the-lens Cataract Surgery; and Capsulectomy: Modern devices apart from FLACS. Includes a fully revised and updated chapter on refractive surgery screening and corneal imaging, as well as an expanded chapter on corneal cross-linking. Provides up-to-date information on the latest advances in the field, including new therapies for retinoblastoma, such as intravenous and intraarterial chemotherapy; less common retinal tumor simulators of retinoblastoma; OCT-Angiography; glaucoma stents; new drug delivery platforms; IOL optics; phototherapeutic keratectomy; intraocular pressure monitoring; and more. Includes more than 2,000 high-quality illustrations and an expanded video library with more than 60 clips of diagnostic and surgical techniques, including new videos of nystagmus. Contains updated management guidelines for central retinal artery occlusions (CRAO). Provides fresh perspectives from new section editors Drs. Carol Shields and Sumit (Sam) Garg. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Merrell Publishers Ltd American Art: Collecting and Connoisseurship
For the serious collector and connoisseur of the field of American art of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, this series of essays will be invaluable. Twenty-eight writers, each of them highly experienced and an acknowledged expert in their field, examine every aspect of the subject and contribute illuminating and often thought-provoking examinations of a wide variety of topics. The book is divided into three sections. Part I, The Historical Overview, contains fourteen essays. Their subjects range from the Hudson River School to the art of the American West, American artists in Europe, American Impressionism, Modernism, examinations of the major artists Marguerite Zorach, John Sloan, Everett Shinn, Marsden Hartley, Stuart Davis, Arshile Gorky, John Graham, Willem de Kooning, Guy Pene du Bois and his relationship with the collector Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, African American Art, figurative sculpture, and period frame connoisseurship. Part II deals with Connoisseurship and the Collector, and covers such topics as developing an instinct for quality; dealing in fine art; conservation; choosing wisely in making a collection; the pleasures and perils of collecting art works on paper; researching paintings you may be considering acquiring; the role of qualified art advisors; the anatomy of an auction; knowing the law when buying art; and legal issues for the collector selling art. There are glimpses of the prominent collectors who have contributed so greatly to the American art scene over many years. Part III covers Current Themes in the Art Market, and what to look out for, examining how to make historical American art relevant to the modern age and avoiding misinterpretation of what could be seen as sensitive subjects such as race; pointers to ways of connecting historical American art and the modern world; a look at why galleries matter; and discussing shifting tastes in American art. The authors include owners of established galleries, directors of museums, art historians, and teachers at prestigious universities and other major institutions. Virtually all the essays are illustrated with outstanding examples of works of art: 174 in all. Among them are works by Thomas Cole, Asher B. Durand, Albert Bierstadt, Frederic Remington, Benjamin West, Childe Hassam, Sloan, Shinn, Hartley, Marguerite Zorach, Davis, De Kooning, Pene du Bois, John Singleton Copley, John Singer Sargent, Mary Cassatt, Georgia O'Keeffe, Frederic Edwin Church, and many others. Elizabeth Broun, PhD, Director Emerita of the Smithsonian American Art Museum and currently on the Board of Directors of the Henry Luce Foundation and The Olana Partnership, is Visual Art Advisor to the Kennedy Center for its expansion project, called The Reach. She contributes a Foreword that expands on the role of the Atlanta Art Forum over the last twelve years and explains why it has played such a leading part in the appreciation of historical American art, exploring the nuances and purposes of art collecting generally, and of American art specifically. The speakers invited to the Forum were at the top of their fields, and the city of Atlanta quickly found itself "on the map" as a major site for American art. The general editor, and the progenitor of this book, Stephen M. Sessler, has with his wife Linda been an active collector of historical American art for many years. Joining the Fine Art Collectors group in Atlanta, Georgia, in the 1990s, they increased their knowledge hugely over time. Eventually, as that group's activities were scaled back, he saw an opportunity and founded the Atlanta Art Forum in 2006, becoming its visionary "dean," with the aim of meeting other enthusiasts and experts and discussing his chosen subject with them. He felt that so much information and knowledge acquired over twelve years should be available to a much wider audience, and this book was the result. The market and interest in historical American art has undergone a dramatic shift in the past ten to fifteen years as contemporary art has become the standard-bearer for the art market in general. By revisiting this art from many different angles and perspectives, this collection of essays will remind collectors, curators, and the art market as a whole of the value and intrinsic worth that still exist in this field, which has stood the test of time so well.
Princeton University Press Institutions, Innovation, and Industrialization: Essays in Economic History and Development
This book brings together a group of leading economic historians to examine how institutions, innovation, and industrialization have determined the development of nations. Presented in honor of Joel Mokyr—arguably the preeminent economic historian of his generation—these wide-ranging essays address a host of core economic questions. What are the origins of markets? How do governments shape our economic fortunes? What role has entrepreneurship played in the rise and success of capitalism? Tackling these and other issues, the book looks at coercion and exchange in the markets of twelfth-century China, sovereign debt in the age of Philip II of Spain, the regulation of child labor in nineteenth-century Europe, meat provisioning in pre–Civil War New York, aircraft manufacturing before World War I, and more. The book also features an essay that surveys Mokyr's important contributions to the field of economic history, and an essay by Mokyr himself on the origins of the Industrial Revolution.In addition to the editors, the contributors are Gergely Baics, Hoyt Bleakley, Fabio Braggion, Joyce Burnette, Louis Cain, Mauricio Drelichman, Narly Dwarkasing, Joseph Ferrie, Noel Johnson, Eric Jones, Mark Koyama, Ralf Meisenzahl, Peter Meyer, Joel Mokyr, Lyndon Moore, Cormac Ó Gráda, Rick Szostak, Carolyn Tuttle, Karine van der Beek, Hans-Joachim Voth, and Simone Wegge.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Social Identities: Motivational, Emotional, Cultural Influences
The concept of social identity occupies a central position in contemporary social psychology. Social Identities: Motivational, Emotional, Cultural Influences reports recent developments in the analysis of motivational and affective aspects of social identity processes. The book also examines the cross-cultural generality of Social Identity Theory explanations of intergroup competitiveness, which have strongly influenced international research in this area. People’s social identities and self-evaluation are thought to be largely derived from group memberships; it is presumed that people are motivated to attain positivity in these identities by favouring the ingroup in intergroup comparisons. An increasing stream of research is being devoted to extending the applicability of social identity concepts to intergroup relations and related fields.The editors present here a collection of contributions from leading figures in social psychology which explore the state of the art in social identity theory. The most prominent motivational theories of identification are reported. Central themes concern: motivations which lead individuals to join a group and identify with it the role emotions have in favouring (or hindering) intergroup relations the effect of emotions on intergroup behaviour how people react to social identity threats Shedding new light on important social problems like prejudice, bigotry, and intense conflicts around the world, this unique volume will be indispensable to students and researchers of social psychology, sociology and cultural studies.
Wolters Kluwer Health Instructional Course Lectures: Volume 73
Developed in partnership with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and edited by Ronald A. Navarro, MD, FAAOS, FAOA (editor) and Carolyn M. Hettrich, MD, MPH, FAAOS (assistant editor), Instructional Course Lectures, Volume 73 offers current, clinically relevant information across a broad spectrum of orthopaedic topics. These lectures were written by the orthopaedic surgeons who presented at the 2023 AAOS Annual Meeting. This all-new volume covers topics such as: From Platelet-Rich Plasma to Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Cartilage Regeneration With Orthobiologics Patient Reported Outcome Measures – How to Get the Most Out of Them and Mitigate Health Care Disparities Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health to Address Health-Related Social Needs and Optimize Risk-Based Value in Orthopaedic Surgery Peri-articular Injection and Peripheral Nerve Blocks With Standard Agents Management of Acute Diabetic Ankle Fractures And many more Features Based on selected Instructional Course Lectures presented at the 2023 AAOS Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada Offers hands-on, experience-based solutions, as well as guidance you can apply immediately in daily practice from the most respected surgeons and subspecialty experts in the field Helps you lead innovation and raise the standard of care in your operating room with new techniques and proven, practical approaches Features abundant tables and illustrations with radiographs, drawings, and intraoperative photographs and surgical technique videos for select chapters Sections are: Basic Research General Orthopaedics Practice Matters Medical Students and Residents Adult Reconstruction: Hip and Knee Foot and Ankle Hand and Wrist Musculoskeletal Oncology Pediatrics Shoulder and Elbow Spine Sports Medicine Trauma Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Enzyme Technologies: Metagenomics, Evolution, Biocatalysis and Biosynthesis
An authoritative review of the latest developments in the chemical biology of enzymes In the first decade of the twenty-first century, enzymes and their multiple applications have played a critical role in the discovery and development of many new therapeutic agents.This book is a coordinated compilation of research expertise and current opinion uniquely focused on enzymes and their properties and applications. Compiled by editors with a combined pharmaceutical experience of over sixty years, the text provides in-depth reviews of recent developments in selective topics on biosynthesis, biocatalysis, and chemical biology of enzymes as it applies to drug discovery, development, and manufacture. The first in a multi-part series on enzymes, this volume features three sections: New Approaches to Find and Modify Enzymes describes the emerging field of metagenomics, presents the practical applications of directed evolution to enzymes and pathways, and explores approaches for the discovery and design of biocatalysts Biocatalytic Applications reviews specific applications of different reactions in producing active pharmaceutical ingredients and surveys recent developments employing enzymes in organic synthesis Biosynthetic Applications goes over successful drug discoveries and developments by combinatorial biosynthesis and reviews the application of combinatorial biosynthesis among multiple compatible hosts These timely discussions, which cover everything from chemical biology of enzymes, to the redesign of binding and catalytic specificities of enzymes, make this volume a valuable tool for keeping up to date. As such, it is an important read for researchers, students, and professors in the study of biotechnology, life sciences, biochemistry, enzymology, medicinal chemistry, and natural products.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Psychological Concepts: An International Historical Perspective
Among the scientific advances over the last one hundred years, those in psychological science rank among the most prolific and revealing. The analyses of human intelligence and cognition, of human consciousness and self-awareness, of human memory and learning, and of human personality structure have opened up new avenues towards a deeper understanding of the human nature, the human mind, and its evolution. These new insights, whilst meeting high standards of research methodology, have also given rise to a conceptual grid which connects hitherto divergent lines of research in the human and behavioral sciences, leading up to present-day neuroscience.The Editors, both past presidents of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS), bring together a distinguished panel of international experts in the attempt to unravel, in a comparative cross-cultural and historical approach, changing contents and functions of psychological key concepts (such as intelligence, cognition, mind and the self). Their findings help to guide psychological theorizing, psychological experimentation and field research, and in so doing they apply behavioral science insights to the improvement of human affairs. Prepared under the aegis of the International Union of Psychological Science, the book exemplifies a concept-driven international history of psychological science.With its team of distinguished researchers from four continents, Psychological Concepts: An International Historical Perspective outlines the history of psychology in a truly innovative way.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Leadership and Sexuality: Power, Principles and Processes
'With their fascinating synthesis of two fields of study, leadership and sexuality, editors James Beggan and Scott Allison provide a forum for scholars to investigate two concepts that have long shaped human behavior and captured both academic interest and the curiosity of the general public. In addition to its appeal to academics, this cross-disciplinary book will interest anyone who has ever had a boss, been on a date, or contemplated an office romance.' -Robert Giacalone, John Carroll University, US Although both leadership and sexuality are important and heavily researched topics, there is little work that addresses the interaction of the two areas. Leadership and Sexuality: Power, Principles, and Processes is a scholarly synthesis of leadership principles with issues related to sexuality and sexual policy-making. The authors' multi-disciplinary analysis of the topic examines sexuality in the context of many different kinds of leadership, exploring both the good and the bad aspects of leadership and sexuality. These integrated topics are examined through three broad areas of study. The first involves individuals who become leaders in sexual domains by advancing new views of human sexuality. The second involves problems that leaders of businesses and other institutions must address as a result of issues related to human sexuality, including sexual harassment and sexually-based discrimination in the workplace. The third area involves understanding how being a leader influences sexual desire and sexual attraction, and may impact the course of workplace romance and the expression of sexuality. Written to be accessible to both laypeople and scholars, this book will appeal to academics and scientists interested in human sexuality as well as many related disciplines, including psychology, sociology, leadership studies, heroism science, political science, religion, and economics. Contributors: S.T. Allison, J.K. Beggan, L. Dwight, O. Efthimiou, J. Fyke, S. Huss, K. Lucas, S. Pichler, C. Pitzulo, C. Shakeshaft, W.R. Stayton, M.B. Stone, B. Trisler, E. Turley
John Wiley & Sons Inc Play Therapy Theory and Practice: Comparing Theories and Techniques
The Bestselling Text on the Theory and Practice of Play TherapyCompletely Updated and Revised Play Therapy Theory and Practice: Comparing Theories and Techniques, Second Edition provides a forum for the direct comparison of the major theoretical models of play therapy and their implications for treatment. Co-edited by Kevin O'Connor, one of the foremost authorities on play therapy, and Lisa Braverman, an experienced child psychologist, the new edition contains the most recent coverage of diagnostic approaches and treatment modalities in child psychology as they relate to integrating play therapy in practice. This edition also covers new topics such as bipolar and ADHD diagnosis and treatment. Thorough, yet extraordinarily practical, the editors use two case studies throughout the text to demonstrate the application of each play therapy technique and treatment approach, allowing the reader to compare each major model of play therapy and assess its utility to their own particular client needs and practice orientation. After the cases are presented in the introduction, ten chapters follow, each written by a renowned expert(s) in play therapy introducing a major model of play therapy and applying it to the opening cases. This consistent format enables professionals to gain a practical, hands-on understanding of how current approaches to play therapy work, as well as the underlying principles upon which they are based. Written for mental health professionals at all levels of training and experience, Play Therapy Theory and Practice: Comparing Theories and Techniques, Second Edition covers: Psychoanalytic Play Therapy Jungian Analytical Play Therapy Child-Centered Play Therapy Filial Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy Adlerian Play Therapy Gestalt Play Therapy Theraplay Ecosystemic Play Therapy Prescriptive Play Therapy Informative, thought provoking, and clinically useful, Play Therapy Theory and Practice: Comparing Theories and Techniques, Second Edition is a valuable resource for practitioners in the field of child psychotherapy, setting the standard for training and practice.
Taylor & Francis Inc Rough Fuzzy Image Analysis: Foundations and Methodologies
Fuzzy sets, near sets, and rough sets are useful and important stepping stones in a variety of approaches to image analysis. These three types of sets and their various hybridizations provide powerful frameworks for image analysis. Emphasizing the utility of fuzzy, near, and rough sets in image analysis, Rough Fuzzy Image Analysis: Foundations and Methodologies introduces the fundamentals and applications in the state of the art of rough fuzzy image analysis. In the first chapter, the distinguished editors explain how fuzzy, near, and rough sets provide the basis for the stages of pictorial pattern recognition: image transformation, feature extraction, and classification. The text then discusses hybrid approaches that combine fuzzy sets and rough sets in image analysis, illustrates how to perform image analysis using only rough sets, and describes tolerance spaces and a perceptual systems approach to image analysis. It also presents a free, downloadable implementation of near sets using the Near Set Evaluation and Recognition (NEAR) system, which visualizes concepts from near set theory. In addition, the book covers an array of applications, particularly in medical imaging involving breast cancer diagnosis, laryngeal pathology diagnosis, and brain MR segmentation.Edited by two leading researchers and with contributions from some of the best in the field, this volume fully reflects the diversity and richness of rough fuzzy image analysis. It deftly examines the underlying set theories as well as the diverse methods and applications.
Springer International Publishing AG Women and Children as Victims and Offenders: Background, Prevention, Reintegration: Suggestions for Succeeding Generations (Volume 1)
This work compiles experiences and lessons learned in meeting the unique needs of women and children regarding crime prevention and criminal justice, in particular the treatment and social reintegration of offenders, and serves a as a cross-disciplinary work for academic and policy-making analyses and follow-up in developing and developed countries.Furthermore, it argues for a more humane and effective approach to countering delinquency and crime among future generations. In a world where development positively depends on the rule of law and the related investment security, two global trends may chart the course of development: urbanization and education. Urbanization will globalize the concepts of “justice” and “fairness”; education will be dominated by the urban mindset and digital service economy, just as a culture of lawfulness will. This work looks at crime prevention education as an investment in the sustainable quality of life of succeeding generations, and at those who pursue such crime prevention as the providers of much-needed skills in the educational portfolio. Adopting a reformist approach, this work collects articles with findings and recommendations that may be relevant to domestic and international policymaking, including the United Nations Studies and their educational value for the welfare of coming generations. The books address the relevant United Nations ideas by combining them with academic approaches. Guided by the Editors’ respective fields of expertise, and in full recognition of academic freedom and “organized scepticism”, it includes contributions by lawyers, criminologists, sociologists and other eminent experts seeking to bridge the gap between academic and policy perspectives, as appropriate, against the international background, including the United Nations developments. The first volume opens with a foreword by Marta Santos Pais, the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children, and a general introduction by the editors. Part I provides an overview of United Nations principles for crime prevention and the treatment of women and children. Part II concentrates on education and the social learning of children and adolescents. The importance of quality education is stressed as is its impact on the behaviour of children of all ages. It also includes a discussion of the factors that still hinder access to good schooling in many parts of the world. Part III presents international research findings on children, juveniles and women both as victims and offenders. Statistics show overwhelmingly that these groups are more often victims than offenders.
WW Norton & Co Cane: A Norton Critical Edition
Originally published in 1923, Jean Toomer’s Cane remains an innovative literary work—part drama, party poetry, part fiction. This revised Norton Critical Edition builds upon the First Edition (1988), which was edited by the late Darwin T. Turner, a pioneering scholar in the field of African American studies. The Second Edition begins with the editors’ introduction, a major work of scholarship that places Toomer within the context of American Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance. The introduction provides groundbreaking biographical information on Toomer and examines his complex, contradictory racial position as well as his own pioneering views on race. Illustrative materials include government documents containing contradictory information on Toomer’s race, several photographs of Toomer, and a map of Sparta, Georgia—the inspiration for the first and third parts of Cane. The edition reprints the 1923 foreword to Cane by Toomer’s friend Waldo Frank, which helped introduce Toomer to a small but influential readership. Revised and expanded explanatory annotations are also included. “Backgrounds and Sources” collects a wealth of autobiographical writing that illuminates important phases in Jean Toomer’s intellectual life, including a central chapter from The Wayward and the Seeking and Toomer’s essay on teaching the philosophy of Russian psychologist and mystic Georges I. Gurdjieff, “Why I Entered the Gurdjieff Work.” The volume also reprints thirty of Toomer’s letters from 1919–30, the height of his literary career, to correspondents including Waldo Frank, Sherwood Anderson, Claude McKay, Horace Liveright, Georgia O’Keeffe, and James Weldon Johnson. An unusually rich “Criticism” section demonstrates deep and abiding interest in Cane. Five contemporary reviews—including those by Robert Littell and W. E. B. Du Bois and Alain Locke—suggest its initial reception. From the wealth of scholarly commentary on Cane, the editors have chosen twenty-one major interpretations spanning eight decades including those by Langston Hughes, Robert Bone, Darwin T. Turner, Charles T. Davis, Alice Walker, Gayl Jones, Barbara Foley, Mark Whalan, and Nellie Y. McKay. A Chronology, new to the Second Edition, and an updated Selected Bibliography are also included.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy Production and Storage: Inorganic Chemical Strategies for a Warming World
Energy production and storage are central problems for our time. In principle, abundant energy is available from the sun to run the earth in a sustainable way. Solar energy can be directly harnessed by agricultural and photovoltaic means, but the sheer scale of the energy demand poses severe challenges, for example any major competition between biomass production and food production would simply transfer scarcity from energy to food. Indirect use of solar energy in the form of wind looks also promising, especially for those regions not blessed with abundant sunlight. Other modes such as tidal and wave energy may well become important niche players. Inorganic chemistry plays a decisive role in the development of new energy technologies and this Volume covers some promising modes of alternative energy production and storage that minimize the atmospheric burden of fossil-derived carbon monoxide. No one production or storage mode is likely to dominate, at least at first, and numerous possibilities need to be explored to compare their technical feasibility and economics. This provides the context for a broad exploration of novel ideas that we are likely to see in future years as the field expands. This Volume covers a wide range of topics, such as: - Water splitting, only water is a sufficiently cheap and abundant electron source for global exploitation; - Energy conversion by photosynthesis; - Molecular catalysts for water splitting; - Thermochemical water splitting; - Photocatalytic hydrogen production; - Artificial photosynthesis, progress of the Swedish Consortium; - Hydrogen economy; - Reduction of carbon dioxide to useful fuels; - Conversion of methane to methanol; - Dye sensitized solar cells; - Photoinitiated electron transfer in fuel cells; - Proton exchange membranes for fuel cells; - Intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells; - Direct Ethanol fuel cells; - Molecular catalysis for fuel cells; - Enzymes and microbes in fuel cells; - Li-Ion batteries; - Magic Angle Spinning NMR studies of battery materials; Supercapacitors and electrode materials. About EIC Books The Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry (EIC) has proved to be one of the defining standards in inorganic chemistry, and most chemistry libraries around the world have access either to the first or second print edition, or to the online version. Many readers, however, prefer to have more concise thematic volumes, targeted to their specific area of interest. This feedback from EIC readers has encouraged the Editors to plan a series of EIC Books, focusing on topics of current interest. They will appear on a regular basis, and will feature leading scholars in their fields. Like the Encyclopedia, EIC Books aim to provide both the starting research student and the confirmed research worker with a critical distillation of the leading concepts in inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry, and provide a structured entry into the fields covered. This volume is also available as part of Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry, 5 Volume Set. This set combines all volumes published as EIC Books from 2007 to 2010, representing areas of key developments in the field of inorganic chemistry published in the Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry. Find out more.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Veterinary Allergy
The current state of knowledge on this increasingly important subject is beautifully described in this, the first truly comprehensive text of allergic diseases affecting the major veterinary species. It will be an invaluable guide to students, clinicians and researchers alike. From the Foreword by Professor Richard Halliwell, MS, PhD, VetMB, MRCVS, Dip ACVD Veterinary Allergy is the first comprehensive, high quality reference dealing with all aspects of veterinary allergy in all species and all body systems involved with allergy. Providing solid breadth and excellent depth of coverage, it deals with the immunopathology of the various allergic conditions as well as with clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of veterinary allergic diseases. Key features: Broad species coverage, organised by sections on dogs, cats, horses, and other domestic species including large animals, birds and small mammals Provides details on diseases affecting the skin, respiratory tract and gut Contains practical information for clinicians on management of allergic diseases Includes fully-referenced high level detail suitable for specialists and researchers Focused on evidence-based medicine and science The editors have extensive experience and are respected as world-wide experts in the field Every chapter is written by an expert in that particular topic Anyone seeking information and references on any aspect of allergic conditions in any species should find this book helpful. The book will be of interest to clinicians in first opinion practice, specialists in veterinary dermatology, gastroenterology, internal medicine, and immunology as well as specialists-in-training in those fields and veterinary students. The focus on underlying principles and practical clinical aspects is admirable. Immediately useful for practical utilization by practicing clinicians. Dr. Andrew Mackin BSc BVMS MVS DVSc FACVSc DSAM, Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Professor and Service Chief, Small Animal Internal Medicine, Dr. Hugh G. Ward Endowed Chair of Small Animal Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University, USA
Elsevier Health Sciences Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary
Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, 5th Edition includes the veterinary technical and scientific words and phrases you might encounter in practice. With well over 60,000 main and subentries including large animals, small animals, and exotics, presented in a user-friendly format, the fifth edition continues its legacy as the most comprehensive dictionary reference in the veterinary field. Completely revised and updated for today's veterinary team, it now includes an all-new companion Evolve site, which hosts an audio glossary of 1,200 common veterinary terms and an image collection featuring high-quality images from the book. The online site also includes printable appendices with essential reference information including conversion charts and blood groups of domestic animals. More than 60,000 main entries and subentries are included, making this the most comprehensive dictionary covering the whole range of veterinary medicine including large and small animals and exotic pets. Pronunciation of key terms is indicated by a phonetic respelling that appears in parentheses immediately following main entries. High-quality, color illustrations aid further understanding of important terminology. Color design and format help you find key information at a glance. Extensive appraisal, clarification, and focusing of entries to reflect current practice. Extensive contributions from internationally acknowledged expert consultants. UPDATED and NEW! Updated and all-new terminology from the latest research, including updated taxonomy in virology and bacteriology, ensures this invaluable reference is up-to-date. NEW! Updated images ensure you receive the most current and pertinent illustrations that identify and highlight specific terms. NEW! An all-new suite of online features including printable appendices with essential veterinary reference information, an image collection with 1,000 high-quality images, and an audio glossary with more than 1,200 common veterinary terms. NEW! A new co-editor and new expert contributors from around the world provide updates on the latest advances in the field of veterinary science.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Hydrogen Sulfide: Chemical Biology Basics, Detection Methods, Therapeutic Applications, and Case Studies
HYDROGEN SULFIDE Covers H2S interactions, methods of detection and delivery in biological environments, and a wide range of applications Research on hydrogen sulfide (H2S) spans diverse disciplines including chemistry, biology, and physiology. In recent years, new materials and approaches have been developed to deliver H2S and related reactive sulfur species in various clinical contexts. Although many biological pathways involving H2S are complex, all are governed by fundamental chemical interactions between reactive sulfur species and other molecular entities. Hydrogen Sulfide: Chemical Biology Basics, Detection Methods, Therapeutic Applications, and Case Studies provides the foundation required for understanding the fundamental chemical biology of H2S while highlighting the compound’s therapeutic potential and medicinal applications. This book covers key aspects of H2S chemical biology, including the fundamental chemistry of reactive sulfur species; the measurement, detection, and delivery of H2S in biological environments; and the therapeutic and medicinal uses of exogenous H2S delivery in various pharmacologically relevant systems. Throughout the text, editor Michael Pluth and chapter contributors discuss the opportunities and future of the multidisciplinary field. Provides approaches for delivering H2S with relevance to biological and therapeutic applications Describes complex interactions of H2S with bioinorganic complexes and reactive sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen species Summarizes advances in available tools to detect, measure, and modulate H2S levels in biological environments, such as real-time methods for H2S fluorescence imaging in live cell and animal systems Helps readers understand known systems and make connections to new and undiscovered pathways and mechanisms of action Includes in-depth case studies of different systems in which H2S plays an important role Hydrogen Sulfide: Chemical Biology Basics, Detection Methods, Therapeutic Applications, and Case Studies is an important source of current knowledge for researchers, academics, graduate students, and industrial scientists in the fields of redox biology, hydrogen sulfide research, and medicinal chemistry of small biological molecules.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies
Emerging technologies such as the Internet and biotechnology have the potential to create new industries and transform existing ones. Incumbent firms, despite their superior resources, often lose out to smaller rivals in developing emerging technologies. Why do these incumbents have so much difficulty with disruptive technologies? How can they anticipate and overcome their handicaps? Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies presents insights, tools, and frameworks from leading busi-ness thinkers based on the research of Wharton's Emerging Technologies Management Research Program. This pioneering industry-academic partnership, established in 1994, is one of the longest and broadest initiatives on the management of emerging technologies. For the first time, this book distills the insights from the program into a single volume for managers, covering a wide range of issues related to the successful management of emerging technologies. The editors contend that managing emerging technologies represents a "different game," requiring a different set of management skills, frameworks, and strategies than those used by established firms to manage existing technologies. In this book, experts from diverse fields examine key issues such as: Common pitfalls and potential solutions for incumbent firms in managing emerging technologies Strategies for assessing the potential of new markets and designing technologies to take advantage of market "lumpiness" The need for scenario planning and "disciplined imagination" to develop strategies under uncertainty The limits of patents in protecting gains from technology, and the use of lead time and other strategies The power of innovative financial strategies and the use of real options in making investments Using alliances and new organizational forms Developing a "customized workplace" Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies represents a powerful survival kit for managers "dropped behind the lines" of these new technologies. The authors provide a comprehensive set of tools and insights that will help you understand the new challenges and develop effective strategies to succeed at this different game. Praise for WHARTON on MANAGING EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES "New technologies are transforming markets, businesses, and society at an ever-increasing rate. We have a critical need for better road maps for managing our way through this new terrain. This book offers critical insights and useful new models for thinking through these challenges." —Professor Thomas Gerrity, Director of the Wharton e-Commerce Forum "Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies covers the emerging technology landscape-from strategy to finance to human resources-in a way that only a group of top scholars from many disciplines could do. Insightful, accessible, and smart ideas that make for 'must reading' for thoughtful executives in today's turbulent economy. The authors prove, once again, the power of research to yield deep insight into tough business problems." —Kathleen M. Eisenhardt, Professor of Strategy and Organization, Stanford University and coauthor, Competing on the Edge: Strategy As Structured Chaos "Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies offers valuable insight for large established companies seeking growth in a dynamic market of rapid technological advancement. The entertaining cases and thoughtful analyses help managers create strategies, select options, and organize to successfully manage the interface between imagination and knowledge." —Jerry Karabelas, PhD, CEO, Novartis Pharma AG
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Consciousness
CONSCIOUSNESS Consciousness is a thought-provoking collection of classic and contemporary philosophical literature on consciousness, bringing together influential scholarship by seminal thinkers and the work of emerging voices who reflect the diversity of the field. Editors Josh Weisberg and David Rosenthal have selected discussions that animate modern debates and connect consciousness to broader philosophical topics. Providing an expansive view of the philosophical landscape of consciousness studies, this carefully calibrated reader features classic work from the past four decades by seminal thinkers such as Thomas Nagel, David Lewis, Ned Block, Gilbert Harman, and Daniel Dennett, as well as important recent work from David Chalmers, Fiona Macperson, Joseph Levine, Kathleen Akins, and other contemporary philosophers. Divided into five parts, Consciousness explores the nature of consciousness, consciousness and knowledge, qualitative consciousness, and theories of consciousness. A final section on agency and physicalism includes work by Galen Strawson and a previously unpublished article by Myrto Mylopoulos. Philosophically challenging yet accessible to students, Consciousness is an ideal reader for many undergraduate and graduate courses on consciousness or philosophy of mind, as well as a useful supplementary text for general classes in philosophy and a valuable reference text for philosophers of mind, cognitive scientists, and psychologists.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Space Physics and Aeronomy, Solar Physics and Solar Wind
A comprehensive view of our Sun at the start of a new era in solar and heliospheric physics Humans have been observing and studying our Sun for centuries, yet much is still unknown about the processes that drive its behavior. Thanks to a new generation of space missions and ground telescopes, we are poised to dramatically increase our understanding of the Sun and its environment. Solar Physics and Solar Wind explores advances in solar and heliospheric research over recent decades, as well as the challenges that remain. This comprehensive reference work covers the solar interior, magnetism and radiation, plasma heating and acceleration, the sun's atmosphere, and solar activity. Volume highlights include: Explanations for processes in the solar interior New insights on the solar wind The challenges of measuring the Sun's magnetic field and its radiative output Description of solar atmospheric phenomena such as spicules and jets New developments in understanding flares and coronal mass ejections Ongoing research into how the solar corona is heated The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals. Find out more about the Space Physics and Aeronomy collection in this Q&A with the Editors in Chief
Princeton University Press Indifference Pricing: Theory and Applications
This is the first book about the emerging field of utility indifference pricing for valuing derivatives in incomplete markets. Rene Carmona brings together a who's who of leading experts in the field to provide the definitive introduction for students, scholars, and researchers. Until recently, financial mathematicians and engineers developed pricing and hedging procedures that assumed complete markets. But markets are generally incomplete, and it may be impossible to hedge against all sources of randomness. Indifference Pricing offers cutting-edge procedures developed under more realistic market assumptions. The book begins by introducing the concept of indifference pricing in the simplest possible models of discrete time and finite state spaces where duality theory can be exploited readily. It moves into a more technical discussion of utility indifference pricing for diffusion models, and then addresses problems of optimal design of derivatives by extending the indifference pricing paradigm beyond the realm of utility functions into the realm of dynamic risk measures. Focus then turns to the applications, including portfolio optimization, the pricing of defaultable securities, and weather and commodity derivatives. The book features original mathematical results and an extensive bibliography and indexes. In addition to the editor, the contributors are Pauline Barrieu, Tomasz R. Bielecki, Nicole El Karoui, Robert J. Elliott, Said Hamadene, Vicky Henderson, David Hobson, Aytac Ilhan, Monique Jeanblanc, Mattias Jonsson, Anis Matoussi, Marek Musiela, Ronnie Sircar, John van der Hoek, and Thaleia Zariphopoulou. * The first book on utility indifference pricing * Explains the fundamentals of indifference pricing, from simple models to the most technical ones * Goes beyond utility functions to analyze optimal risk transfer and the theory of dynamic risk measures * Covers non-Markovian and partially observed models and applications to portfolio optimization, defaultable securities, static and quadratic hedging, weather derivatives, and commodities * Includes extensive bibliography and indexes * Provides essential reading for PhD students, researchers, and professionals
Yale University Press Transports: Travel, Pleasure, and Imaginative Geography, 1600-1830
In this rich exploration of the era of the Grand Tour, contributors from the fields of history, art history, literary history and theory, science history, and anthropology investigate the experiences of travelers and their ways of understanding and representing their encounters with the foreign. From the beginning of the seventeenth century through the early decades of the nineteenth century, the practice of the Grand Tour supplied a crucial point of reference for travel and imaginative geography in general. At the same time, concepts of pleasure and enjoyment became entangled with visual and verbal representations of that which was foreign.With chapters by Ken Arnold, Rosemary Bechler, Richard Hamblyn, Roy Porter, E. S. Shaffer, Nicholas Thomas, Tzvetan Todorov, Richard Wrigley, and the editors, Transports discusses a range of original topics. These include narrative orderings of travel; the classification of exotic objects; pastoral and paradisal topography in the paintings of Claude Lorrain; Beckford's invocations of China as he travels through Italy; volcanoes in the discourses of travel and geology; the experience of Rome; crossing boundaries and exceeding limits in travel and in the sublime; liberty and license in New Zealand; foreigners' responses to the high-velocity culture of London; and Byron's sublime impulse beyond the established bounds of the Grand Tour. Published for the Paul Mellon Center for Studies in British Art
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Nanotechnology in Medicine: Toxicity and Safety
NANOTECHNOLOGY IN MEDICINE Discover thorough insights into the toxicology of nanomaterials used in medicine In Nanotechnology in Medicine: Toxicity and Safety, an expert team of nanotechnologists delivers a robust and up-to-date review of current and future applications of nanotechnology in medicine with a special focus on neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, diagnostics, nano-nutraceuticals, dermatology, and gene therapy. The editors offer resources that address nanomaterial safety, which tends to be the greatest hurdle to obtaining the benefits of nanomedicine in healthcare. The book is a one-stop resource for recent and comprehensive information on the toxico logical and safety aspects of nanotechnology used in human health and medicine. It provides readers with cutting-edge techniques for delivering therapeutic agents into targeted cellular compartments, cells, tissues, and organs by using nanoparticulate carriers. The book also offers methodological considerations for toxicity, safety, and risk assessment. Nanotechnology in Medicine: Toxicity and Safety also provides readers with: A thorough introduction to the nanotoxicological aspects of nanomedicine, including translational nanomedicine and nanomedicine personalization Comprehensive introductions to nanoparticle toxicity and safety, including selenium nanoparticles and metallic nanoparticles Practical discussions of nanotoxicology and drug delivery, including gene delivery using nanocarriers and the use of nanomaterials for ocular delivery applications In-depth examinations of nanotechnology ethics and the regulatory framework of nanotechnology and medicine Perfect for researchers, post-doctoral candidates, and specialists in the fields of nanotechnology, nanomaterials, and nanocarriers, Nanotechnology in Medicine: Toxicity and Safety will also prove to be an indispensable part of the libraries of nanoengineering, nanomedicine, and biopharmaceutical professionals and nanobiotechnologists.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Legal Epidemiology: Theory and Methods
Explore how the law shapes and influences public health In the newly revised second edition of Legal Epidemiology: Theory and Methods, a team of distinguished researchers delivers a thorough primer on the problems that arise in legal epidemiology—and potential solutions to those problems. Following an introduction to the basic concepts of the field in Part One, the book offers a rich collection of theories that researchers have used to study how law influences behavior in Part Two. The book also covers the special questions of measurement that arise when law is the independent variable and the various study designs for legal epidemiology. Drawing on the full range of social, psychological, sociological, and sociolegal disciplines to better understand, measure, and predict how much laws will influence health-relevant behaviors and environments, the editors have also included works that: Discuss the frameworks for legal epidemiology, including explorations of law in public health systems and services Examine how law influences behavior, including discussions of criminological theories, procedural justice theory, and economic theory Explore the design of legal epidemiology evaluations, including natural experiments, randomized trials, and qualitative research An essential and engaging resource for experienced social science researchers, health scientists, legal scholars, and policy analysts, Legal Epidemiology: Theory and Methods will also benefit students, novice scientists, and non-scientists seeking a general orientation to the subject.