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Universitatsverlag Winter Pepysian Meditations on the Passion of Christ: Edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, MS Pepys 2125
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Saving Jesus from the Church: How to Stop Worshiping Christ and Start Fo llowing Jesus
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Chalice of Magdalene: The Search for the Cup That Held the Blood of Christ
Brepols N.V. STT 09 Defending Christ: The Latin Apologists before Augustine, Thomas: The Latin Apologists Before Augustine
Baker Publishing Group Calvin and the Reformed Tradition – On the Work of Christ and the Order of Salvation
Richard Muller, a world-class scholar of the Reformation era, examines the relationship of Calvin's theology to the Reformed tradition, indicating Calvin's place in the tradition as one of several significant second-generation formulators. Muller argues that the Reformed tradition is a diverse and variegated movement not suitably described either as founded solely on the thought of John Calvin or as a reaction to or deviation from Calvin, thereby setting aside the old "Calvin and the Calvinists" approach in favor of a more integral and representative perspective. Muller offers historical corrective and nuance on topics of current interest in Reformed theology, such as limited atonement/universalism, union with Christ, and the order of salvation.
Crossway Books Faith in the Son of God: The Place of Christ-Oriented Faith within Pauline Theology
Academically rigorous and pastorally wise, this is a helpful academic introduction of the “faith in Christ” (pistis Christou) debate, showing the centrality of faith in salvation as the church brings the good news of the gospel to the world.
University of Notre Dame Press Who Do You Say That I Am?: Confessing the Mystery of Christ
Drawing together renowned scholars of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, Who Do You Say That I Am? focuses on the identity and ministry of Jesus. This distinctive collection provides an ecumenical forum in which adherents of some of the world's major religions comment on the tradition of Christian engagement with fundamental questions of Christology. The essays in this volume were delivered at an international conference at the Tantur Institute for Ecumenical Studies in Israel during May 2000. Contributors to this volume write on varied topics, including the Christological creeds and confessions of the early church, the confessions of the Councils, the many and various titles given to Jesus in the New Testament, the relationship between the biblical confessions and the creedal confessions of the Councils, a theology of the poor, Christology and inter-religious dialogue, and a comparative theology of mutual illumination among Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. While covering diverse themes, the essays in this volume are united by the conviction that the faith of the Church is by its very nature open to development and understanding.
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