Search results for ""Taylor Francis""
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Future Of Democratic Equality: Rebuilding Social Solidarity in a Fragmented America
2011 David Easton Award, presented for the best book by the Foundations of Political Theory section of APSA:"The Future of Democratic Equality, by Joseph Schwartz, takes on three tasks, and accomplishes all brilliantly. Any one of these tasks well fulfilled would have been a laudable achievement. First, Schwartz argues for the centrality of the question of equality to democratic politics. Second, he critically analyzes and explains the shocking rise in inequality in the United States over the last three decades. This he does with conceptual clarity, rich interdisciplinary analysis, and a thorough examination of hard socioeconomic data. Third, he assails the near absence of concern for this soaring inequality among contemporary political theorists, and offers a cogent, and stinging, explanation that takes to task the discipline’s preoccupation with difference and identity severed from the pragmatics of democratic equality. The Future of Democratic Equality is a courageous and disciplined effort to tackle a hugely important political problem and intellectual puzzle. It well embodies the spirit of the Easton Book Award by providing well-grounded normative theory targeted to an urgent matter of contemporary concern. It is a must read for anyone who cares about democracy." - Respectfully submitted by Leslie Paul Thiele, University of Florida (chair) and Cary J. Nederman, Texas A&M UniversityWhy has contemporary radical political theory remained virtually silent about the stunning rise in inequality in the United States over the past thirty years? Schwartz contends that since the 1980s, most radical theorists shifted their focus away from interrogating social inequality to criticizing the liberal and radical tradition for being inattentive to the role of difference and identity within social life. This critique brought more awareness of the relative autonomy of gender, racial, and sexual oppression. But, as Schwartz argues, it also led many theorists to forget that if difference is institutionalized on a terrain of radical economic inequality, unjust inequalities in social and political power will inevitably persist.Schwartz cautions against a new radical theoretical orthodoxy: that "universal" norms such as equality and solidarity are inherently repressive and homogenizing, whereas particular norms and identities are truly emancipatory. Reducing inequality among Americans, as well as globally, will take a high level of social solidarity--a level far from today's fragmented politics. In focusing the left's attention on the need to reconstruct a governing model that speaks to the aspirations of the majority, Schwartz provocatively applies this vision to such real world political issues as welfare reform, race relations, childcare, and the democratic regulation of the global economy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Paradigms of Clinical Social Work: Emphasis on Diversity
Designed to mirror how social work theory and practice is taught, Paradigms of Clinical Social Work, Volume 3 presents new therapeutic models through an imaginary family experiencing common social work problems.
Taylor & Francis Ltd World Police Encyclopedia 2volume set
The increasingly international nature of crime underscores the need for countries to work together to control crime and terrorism. For there to be effective and efficient cooperation on the international level, it is necessary for countries to understand the structure of other police systems. The World Police Encyclopedia fulfills this need by providing a systematic survey of the police systems of all the member nations in the United Nations and Taiwan.Written in a clear and accessible style, the World Police Encyclopedia is an essential resource that scholars, students, and those involved in working to control international and domestic crime will turn to for fact-checking and as a solid starting point for wider research and exploration.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Politics of TESOL Education: Writing, Knowledge, Critical Pedagogy
Located between critical applied linguistics and the study of education, this volume emphasizes the importance of alerting potential (L1 and L2) teachers to the politics of their professional worlds. Vai Ramanathan argues that teachers-in-training can become more reflective and critical if alerted to the political implications of their programs, curricular materials, and methods.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Postmodernism and the Enlightenment: New Perspectives in Eighteenth-Century French Intellectual History
Why is postmodernist discourse so biased against the Enlightenment? Indeed, postmodern theory challenges the validity of the rational basis of modern historical scholarship and the Enlightenment itself. Rather than avoiding this conflict, the contributors to this vibrant collection return to the philosophical roots of the Enlightenment, and do not hesitate to look at them through a postmodernist lens, engaging issues like anti-Semitism, Utopianism, colonial legal codes, and ideas of authorship. Dismissing the notion that the two camps are ideologically opposed and thus incompatible, these essays demonstrate an exciting new scholarship that confidently mixes the empiricism of Enlightenment thought with a strong postmodernist skepticism, painting a subtler and richer historical canvas.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Duty and Healing: Foundations of a Jewish Bioethic
"Duty and Healing" positions ethical issues commonly encountered in clinical situations within Jewish law. The concept of duty is significant in exploring bioethical issues, and this book presents an authentic and non-parochial Jewish approach to bioethics, while it includes critiques of both current secular and Jewish literatures. Among the issues the book explores are the role of family in medical decision-making, the question of informed consent as a personal religious duty, and the responsibilities of caretakers. The exploration of contemporary ethical problems in healthcare through the lens of traditional sources in Jewish law is an indispensable guide of moral knowledge.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Struggle of Latino/Latina University Students: In Search of a Liberating Education
Based on a three-year ethnographic study of a class on the sociology of Latino/a society, this book tells the story of how the students navigated academic life in a predominantly white university to construct their own education. Padilla weaves together journal entries, his own experiences in education, cultural analysis, and theory to create a rich narrative.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting III: 3rd International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, ICCRRR-3, 3-5 September 2012, Cape Town, South Africa
This proceedings volume consists of papers focusing on repairing, maintaining, rehabilitating, and retrofitting of existing infrastructures to extend their life and maximize economic return. Moreover, structural performance and material durability are discussed. Contributions fall under the following headings: (i) Concrete durability aspects, (ii) Condition assessment of concrete structures, (iii) Modern materials technology, (iv) Concrete repair, rehabilitation and retrofitting, (v) Performance and health monitoring, and (vi) Education, research and specifications. Major attention is paid to innovative materials for durable concrete construction, integrated service life modelling of reinforced concrete structures, NDE/NDT and measurement techniques, repair methods and materials, and structural strengthening and retrofitting techniques. For researchers and practitioners in structure and infrastructure engineering. Set of book of abstracts (546 pp) and a searchable full paper CD-ROM (1564 pp).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Nonlinear Random Vibration: Analytical Techniques and Applications
This second edition of the book, Nonlinear Random Vibration: Analytical Techniques and Applications, expands on the original edition with additional detailed steps in various places in the text. It is a first systematic presentation on the subject. Its features include:• a concise treatment of Markovian and non- Markovian solutions of nonlinear stochastic differential equations,• exact solutions of Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations,• methods of statistical linearization,• statistical nonlinearization techniques,• methods of stochastic averaging,• truncated hierarchy techniques, and• an appendix on probability theory.A special feature is its incorporation of detailed steps in many examples of engineering applications.Targeted audience: Graduates, research scientists and engineers in mechanical, aerospace, civil and environmental (earthquake, wind and transportation), automobile, naval, architectural, and mining engineering.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Pathways to Polling: Crisis, Cooperation and the Making of Public Opinion Professions
In midcentury America, the public opinion polling enterprise faced a crisis of legitimacy. Every major polling firm predicted a win for Thomas Dewey over Harry Truman in the 1948 presidential election—and of course they all got it wrong. This failure generated considerable criticisms of polling and pollsters were forced to defend their craft, the quantitative analysis of public sentiment.Pathways to Polling argues that early political pollsters, market researchers, and academic and government survey researchers were entrepreneurial figures who interacted through a broad network that was critical to the growth of public opinion enterprises. This network helped polling pioneers gain and maintain concrete, financial support to further their discrete operations. After the Truman-Dewey debacle, such links helped political polling survive when it could have just as easily been totally discredited. Amy Fried demonstrates how interactions between ideas, organizations, and institutions produced changes in the technological, political, and organizational paths of public opinion polling, notably affecting later developments and practice. Public opinion enterprises have changed a good deal, in the intervening half century, even as today’s approaches have been deeply imprinted by these early efforts.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management and Life-Cycle Optimization: Proceedings of the Fifth International IABMAS Conference, Philadelphia, USA, 11-15 July 2010
Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management and Life-Cycle Optimization contains the lectures and papers presented at IABMAS 2010, the Fifth International Conference of the International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety (IABMAS), held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA from July 11 through 15, 2010.All major aspects of bridge maintenance, safety, management and life-cycle optimization are addressed including advanced and high performance materials, ageing of bridges, assessment and evaluation, bridge codes, bridge diagnostics, bridge management systems, bridge security, composites, design for durability, deterioration modeling, emerging technologies, fatigue, field testing, financial planning, health monitoring, innovations, inspection, life-cycle performance, load capacity assessment, loads, maintenance strategies, new technical and materials concepts, non-destructive testing, optimization strategies, prediction of future traffic demands, rehabilitation, reliability and risk management, repair, replacement, residual service life, safety and serviceability, service life prediction, strengthening, sustainable materials for bridges, sustainable bridges, whole-life costing, and multi-criteria optimization, among others.Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management and Life-Cycle Optimization consists of a book of abstracts and a CD-ROM containing the full text of the lectures and papers presented at IABMAS 2010. This set provides both an up-to-date overview of the field of bridge engineering and significant contributions to the process of making more rational decisions in bridge maintenance, safety, security, serviceability, risk-based management, and health monitoring using traditional and emerging technologies for the purpose of enhancing the welfare of society.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Injunctive Relief and International Arbitration
This book explores from an English law and Institutional perspective the various types of injunctive relief that are available to a party before and during arbitral proceedings. In particular, this book examines the basis of the power of English Courts to grant such injunctions and explains when such injunctions will be granted. It considers any limitations attached to such injunctions and the relationship between section 44 of the Arbitration Act 1996 and section 37 of the Senior Courts Act 1981. It also provides an in-depth analysis of case law and the emerging trends in this area of arbitration, as well as the powers of arbitrators under the ICC and LCIA Rules to grant such relief and other remedies that might be available to a party seeking to uphold an arbitration agreement. This book will be a vital reference tool for practitioners, arbitrators and postgraduate students.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Maritime Labour Convention 2006: International Labour Law Redefined
With the Maritime Labour Convention now in force (as of August 2013), the shipping industry is faced with a new international convention that has comprehensive implications across all sectors. This vital text provides timely analysis and thought-provoking essays regarding the Convention’s application and enforcement in practice.Hailed as the "Seafarer’s Bill of Rights" and the "fourth pillar" of the international regulatory regime for quality shipping, the Maritime Labour Convention is set to significantly alter the playing field for key stakeholders. This book offers diverse and interesting commentary in respect of the Convention’s impact on core sectors of the shipping industry, identifying both strengths and weaknesses of the Convention, as well as potential hurdles that will need to be overcome. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of the Convention, ranging from individual rights of the seafarer to challenges of flag State implementation. Special attention is given to enforcement through examination of the innovative measures provided in the Convention itself, along with discussion of domestic enforcement mechanisms in certain States. Furthermore, the book evaluates whether the Convention has filled existing gaps in maritime labour law, resolved prior difficulties or created new problems.This book expertly addresses issues of fundamental importance to national authorities, shipping professionals and associations, maritime lawyers and academics worldwide.---In memory of Richard Shaw---
Taylor & Francis Ltd From Birth to Five Years: Practical Developmental Examination
From Birth to Five Years: Practical Developmental Examination is a step-by-step ‘how to’ guide to the developmental examination of pre-school children. This book has been developed alongside the original From Birth to Five Years as a companion volume that expands on the normative developmental stages outlined in Mary Sheridan’s pioneering work in the field, by offering practical guidance for health, education and social care professionals, or anyone concerned with putting the theory behind children’s developmental progress into practice in a real-life setting.This book is based on up-to-date research into current child development philosophies and practices, and aims to support the wider group of professionals that are required to assess children’s developmental progress as part of their day-to-day working practices. The book begins with a practical framework for developmental examination, then progresses through each of the key physical, cognitive and social developmental assessment areas, offering guidance on enquiry and observation, and how to chart typical and atypical patterns, with ‘red flags’ for recognising significant delay or abnormality. Advice is also given on how to make sense of the findings and how best to communicate this information to parents.To consolidate and expand on the practical and theoretical information across this book and the original From Birth to Five Years, a new companion website is available at, which includes the following additional learning material: An interactive timeline of the key developmental domains Introductions to theory with links to further reading Research summaries Video clips demonstrating practical assessment skills
Taylor & Francis Ltd Bridges to Consciousness: Complexes and complexity
This book investigates consciousness as an emergent state arising from the global functioning of the brain and the body. In this research Krieger applies these concepts to analytical psychology, particularly to the constellation of the complex and of the archetype. Global brain functioning is considered as a complex system whose macroscopic, emergent patterns such as thoughts and behaviours are determined by physical parameters including emotion, memory, and perception.The concept of the feeling-toned complex was among the first of the theories to be developed by Jung, and the theories of complexity and dynamical systems which subsequently developed in the physical sciences did not exist at the time. This book takes a new look at the feeling-toned complex as a basin of attraction which competes for consciousness against other complexes to determine behaviour. By drawing parallels between current ideas in neuroscience and Jung’s more traditional theories, Krieger discusses the relevance for both psychotherapy and everyday life.Bridges to Consciousness considers the importance of the link between emotion and the complex in both the establishment of consciousness and the determination of self-esteem, making the work relevant to therapists and analysts. This book will also awaken interest in complexes in both the Jungian and wider neuroscientific research communities and will therefore interest researchers and academics in the field of psychology who want an insight into how the ideas of Jung can be applied beyond the traditional analytic field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Critical Mobilities
The field of mobility studies examines social phenomena through the lens of movement. In this perspective, societies are regarded as being constantly reconfigured as they are shaped by a series of mobile entities (capital, people, information). This book engages critically with many of the claims and challenges of mobility studies by providing empirically rich reports of mobilities and their limitations. Instead of assuming a seamless world of flows, the volume foregrounds questions of power, inequality, and moorings as integral to the movement of capital, goods, images, practices, or people. It brings together the work of several internationally renowned scholars, who engage with these movements at critical sites. This is the first book to provide a critical and interdisciplinary view of mobilities covering a broad range of issues rather than a single domain. The chapters deal with current and important issues, such as organ transplants, illegal migrations, urban globalization, international policies of higher education institutions, and scientific diasporas. As a whole, the book provides new insights into how power relations shape mobilities and societies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Construction Technology
The evolution of the construction industry is closely linked with the introduction and evolution of information technologies. Today, collaboration, distributed document management, and instant communications are joining classic scheduling and estimating applications as the standard tools employed by construction professionals. However, the next generation of information technology applications is already having an impact; the emerging fields of visualization, Building Information Modeling and construction simulation are being applied to projects and demonstrating initial opportunities.This reference set provides a comprehensive perspective on the role of information technologies in the construction industry. Beginning with the seminal works on computerizing scheduling operations, these volumes provide both a breadth of representations of construction technologies as well as depth of understanding in each area. They focus on: 1) traditional applications including scheduling, e
Taylor & Francis Ltd Modernity: Enlightenment and Revolution – ideal and unforeseen consequence
The seventh book in the Architecture in Context series, this is a comprehensive survey of European architecture from the pre-dawn of the Enlightenment in early Georgian England to the triumph of Brutalism in the seventh decade of the twentieth century.The three main sections of the book are preceded by a concise introduction isolating the key philosophical or political theories which dominated the period: in particular Enlightenment and industrialization. The first section covers Anglo-Palladianism, French academic rationalism, their Neoclassical developments and the aspiration to the Sublime. This first part of the book develops the major strand of eclecticism before progressing to Historicism in the second, the choice of style seen to be relevant to a given commission, and the impact of industrial building techniques. The third and final part begins with Design Reform in reaction to industrialism and then proceeds to Design Reform in response to the reactionaries, but they too continue to make their mark as the chronicle progresses. The epilogue covers developments from the advent of the Postmodernists and their High-Tech adversaries to the diversity of formal and technological games played out towards the end of the century.The many great architects and designers whose work both defines and illustrates the themes of the book include visionaries like Soane, Boullée and Schinkel, entrepreneurial innovators such as the Adams brothers and Repton, engineers of the age of iron including Eiffel, Paxton and Bélanger, and 20th-century giants – Frank Lloyd Wright, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier among numerous others.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Jay Haley Revisited
Jay Haley Revisited brings together influential professionals in psychotherapy and counseling to introduce, analyze, and put into context 20 of the most interesting and significant papers Jay Haley produced, both published and unpublished. Jay Haley was one of the most influential thinkers in psychotherapy who revolutionized the field through his writings, teachings, research, and supervision for more than half a century. The seminal classic papers found in this volume capture the wit, humor, and the ability to look at a field and offer critique that leads to constructive change. This book will delight readers who, in one volume, can trace the birth and development of the field of family therapy, and the revolution from traditional ideas to modern therapy approaches, in the voice of one of the field’s most gifted teachers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment
Harmonising Rock Mechanics and the Environment comprises the proceedings (invited and contributed papers) of the 12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics (Beijing, China, 18-21 October 2011). The contributions cover the entire scope of rock mechanics and rock engineering, with an emphasis on the critical role of both disciplines in sustainable development and environmental preservation. The main topics include (but are not limited to): • Site investigation and field observation. • Rock material and rock mass properties testing (laboratory and in situ).• Analysis techniques and design methods, modeling and numerical methods.• Information system, artificial intelligence and other advanced techniques.• Rock engineering in hazardous geo-environments.• Rock breakage and excavation techniques.• Underground storage of petroleum, gas, CO2, and nuclear waste disposal.Harmonising Rock Mechanics and the Environment will appeal to professionals, engineers and academics in rock mechanics, rock engineering, tunnelling, mining, earthquake engineering, rock dynamics and geotechnical engineering.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Contemporary Ergonomics 2009: Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Ergonomics 2009
Presenting the Proceedings of the Ergonomics Society's annual conference, the series embraces the wide range of topics covered by ergonomics. Individual papers, peer reviewed for the first time, provide insight into current practice, present new research findings and form an invaluable reference source. A wide range of topics are covered in these proceedings, including Ergonomics, Human Factors and User-Centred Design. It also features related disciplines such as Psychology, Engineering and Physiology. Particular emphasis is given to the utility of these disciplines in improving health, safety, efficiency and productivity. The 2009 Annual Conference features the following themes:Accessibility; Complex Systems; Design; Hazards; Health Ergonomics and Patient Safety; Human Advisory; Human Error/Accidents; Human Factors Integration; Inspection; Methods and Tools; Primary Industries; Road Ergonomics; Schools; Strategic Ergonomics; Transport; Working People.Contemporary Ergonomics will appeal to all those who are concerned with the interaction of people with their working and leisure environment — including designers, manufacturing and production engineers, health and safety specialists, occupational, applied and industrial psychologists and applied physiologists.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Oppositional Discourses and Democracies
When citizens take to the streets or pack assembly halls or share their ideas through the minority press, they often give voice to truths and logic that have otherwise been given little or no airing through the available institutional channels offered by democratic states. Such discourses offer new rhetorical strategies for the expression of citizen desires, needs and emotions that otherwise go unrecognized and unaddressed. They also offer impetus for new forms of deliberation and informed action that can result in real political change. This collection explores the tensions between democratic states and the dynamics of citizen voice. In so doing, the collection addresses such questions as: What role do oppositional discourses play in increased democratization? Can oppositional discourses be sustained over time? How do states resist pressures to democratize? This volume will be of interest to students and scholars in Politics, Sociology, and Communication.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Get the Diagnosis Right: Assessment and Treatment Selection for Mental Disorders
Dr. Jerome Blackman, author of 101 Defenses: How the Mind Shields Itself, has once again crafted an extraordinarily user-friendly book that demonstrates to all readers, from trainees to advanced analysts, the process of diagnosing mental disturbance. Get the Diagnosis Right provides a systematic method for accurately determining whether a person suffering with mental problems needs medication, supportive/cognitive, dynamic, and/or psychoanalytic treatment. Amalgamating the most useful ideas from general psychiatry, cognitive psychology, and modern psychoanalytic theory, Dr. Blackman guides readers who prescribe treatment for mental disturbances. The book also serves as a check for those who are considering what type of mental health professional they should be consulting.After reading this book, you will no longer have to guess whether a depressed patient should obtain medication, supportive therapy, insight therapy, or some mixture of the three; or question how to conduct an initial interview and assessment. Written in language that is clear but not simplistic, this book goes far beyond other diagnostic manuals.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Culturally Responsive Counseling with Asian American Men
Asian American men represent a complex group with distinct psychological and mental health concerns, yet the current counseling literature is lacking in resources for clinicians working with this population. The purpose of this text is to provide practitioners with a comprehensive overview of the current research and theory related to the important and unique issues that Asian American men experience. It offers clinicians culturally-responsive, practical counseling techniques and strategies to help inform them on how to work effectively with this group. Chapters are written by leading figures in the field and explore such topics as intergenerational conflict, racism, challenges associated with masculinity and fatherhood, sexual orientation identity development, substance abuse, and career counseling. Numerous clinical vignettes and case conceptualizations are included to assist clinicians who work with Asian American men and to demonstrate appropriate treatment responses.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Finding Your Counseling Career: Stories, Procedures, and Resources for Career Seekers
For anyone considering a career in one of the many counseling professions but undecided on which one to pursue, this book will be an excellent resource. It provides insight and information into the different career opportunities available and suggestions and activities to assess one’s fit in one of these careers. These activities include exercises and self-tests to help readers explore their own personal characteristics and determine if they are on the right track to achieving their career goals. An overview of the different counseling positions available in several different types of practice settings – educational settings, private/independent practice, coaching and consulting, governmental and agency settings, and special settings/populations – give the reader a survey of the many possibilities available to a counseling professional. The author clearly explains the different types of licenses, certificates, and other professional counseling credentials which are necessary for specific positions and addresses the process of searching and applying for a job. Finally, the journeys of fourteen counseling professionals are presented, providing the career-seeker with a first-hand look at the process.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Musical Classroom: Backgrounds, Models, and Skills for Elementary Teaching
The Musical Classroom: Backgrounds, Models, and Skills for Elementary Teaching, Ninth Edition, is designed for students majoring in elementary or music education. Through eight editions, this book has been a market leader in its field. Its goal has been to help teachers—some who may only have a limited background in music—prepare to make music a part of the daily lives of their students. The model lessons remain the centerpiece of the book's long-lasting success. Supported by a collection of children's songs from around the world, instructional information for learning to play basic instruments, and the theoretical, pedagogical, and practical backgrounds needed for reaching all learners, pre-service and in-service teachers can make their classrooms musical classrooms.NEW to the ninth edition: The 2014 National Core Music Standards Multiple curricular connections to other subjects Expanded soprano recorder instruction unit Addition of the QChord® with Autoharp®/Chromaharp® instruction unit Updated and expanded prekindergarten section A significant infusion of technology throughout the text Mallet-instrument ensemble accompaniments A companion website linking to music sources with numerous resources for both students and instructors
Taylor & Francis Ltd Television Field Production and Reporting: A Guide to Visual Storytelling
Television Field Production and Reporting provides a comprehensive introduction to the art of video storytelling. Endorsed by the National Press Photographers Association, this book focuses on the many techniques and tools available in today’s digital landscape, including how drones and miniaturized technology can enrich the storytelling process. The new edition of Television Field Production and Reporting is an absolute must in this visually oriented, rapidly changing field. At its core, visual storytelling helps transmit information, expose people to one another, and capture and communicate a sense of experience in unforgettable ways. This edition reflects, through practitioners' eyes, how to achieve those goals and excel as a professional, whatever the medium at hand, even as changing technology revises the storyteller’s toolkit. This edition emphasizes digital and emerging media, and includes new color photography relevant to contemporary visual storytelling and reporting. It also features important updates regarding digital media law which affect anyone who records and/or disseminates digital media content, whether in private, on television, the web, via social networking sites, or in commercial venues. The seventh edition of Television Field Production and Reporting stresses the mastery of innovative storytelling practices in video programming as far ranging as electronic press kits, multi-camera production, stylized programs, corporate video, raw documentaries, and real time cinéma vérité.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Telling the Design Story: Effective and Engaging Communication
When presenting projects in competitive design environments, how you say something is as important as what you’re actually saying. Projects are increasingly complex and designers are working from more sources, and many designers are familiar with the struggle to harness this information and craft a meaningful and engaging story from it. Telling the Design Story: Effective and Engaging Communication teaches designers to craft cohesive and innovative presentations through storytelling. From the various stages of the creative process to the nuts and bolts of writing for impact, speaking skills, and creating visuals, Amy Huber provides a comprehensive approach for designers creating presentations for clients. Including chapter by chapter exercises, project briefs, and forms, this is an essential resource for students and practicing designers alike.
Taylor & Francis Ltd World Cinema: A Critical Introduction
World Cinema: A Critical Introduction is a comprehensive yet accessible guide to film industries across the globe. From the 1980s onwards, new technologies and increased globalization have radically altered the landscape in which films are distributed and exhibited. Films are made from the large-scale industries of India, Hollywood, and Asia, to the small productions in Bhutan and Morocco. They are seen in multiplexes, palatial art cinemas in Cannes, traveling theatres in rural India, and on millions of hand-held mobile screens.Authors Deshpande and Mazaj have developed a method of charting this new world cinema that makes room for divergent perspectives, traditions, and positions, while also revealing their interconnectedness and relationships of meaning. In doing so, they bring together a broad range of issues and examples—theoretical concepts, viewing and production practices, film festivals, large industries such as Nollywood and Bollywood, and smaller and emerging film cultures—into a systemic yet flexible map of world cinema.The multi-layered approach of this book aims to do justice to the depth, dynamism, and complexity of the phenomenon of world cinema. For students looking to films outside of their immediate context, this book offers a blueprint that will enable them to transform a casual encounter with a film into a systematic inquiry into world cinema.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Carole Pateman: Democracy, Feminism, Welfare
Carole Pateman’s writings have been innovatory precisely for their qualities of engagement, pursued at the height of intellectual rigour. This book draws from her vast output of articles, chapters, books and speeches to provide a thematic yet integrated account of her innovations in political theory and contributions to the politics of policy-making. The editors have focused on work in three key areas:DemocracyPateman’s perspective is rooted in a practical perspective, enquiring into and speculating about forms of participation over and above the ‘traditional’ exclusions through which representative systems have been variously constructed over time. Her work pushes hard on theorists and politicians who make easy assumptions about apathy and public opinion, who bracket off the workplace and the home, and who see politics only in partisan activity, voter behaviour and governmental policy.WomenPateman’s innovatory and still-cited work on participation antedates the feminist revolution in political theory and many of the practical struggles that developed through the later 1970s. While woman-centred, her concerns were always worked through larger conceptions of social class, economic advantage, power differentials, ‘liberal’ individualism and contracts including marriage. Her feminism was innovative in political theory, and within feminism itself. As a feminist Pateman defies categorization, and her concepts of ‘the sexual contract’ and ‘Wollstonecraft’s dilemma’ are canonical.WelfarePateman’s innovation here is an integration of welfare issues – in particular the proposals for a ‘basic income’ or for a ‘capital stake’ – into her broad but always rigorous conception of democracy. This is argued through in terms of citizenship, taken as the result of a social contract. In that way Pateman puts liberalism itself through an imminent critique, drawing in the practicalities and risks of life in late capitalist societies. Her theory as always is political, taking in neo-liberal attacks on ‘welfare states’ and the stark realities of international inequalities. Pateman’s career achievements in democratic and feminist theory are brought productively to bear on debates that would otherwise occur in more limited, and less provocative, academic and political contexts.
Taylor & Francis Ltd An Introduction to Nineteenth-Century Art
Using the tools of the "new" art history (feminism, Marxism, social context, etc.) An Introduction to Nineteenth-Century Art offers a richly textured, yet clear and logical, introduction to nineteenth-century art and culture. This textbook will provide readers with a basic historical framework of the period and the critical tools for interpreting and situating new and unfamiliar works of art.Michelle Facos goes beyond existing histories of nineteenth-century art, which often focus solely on France, Britain, and the United States, to incorporate artists and artworks from Scandinavia, Germany, and Eastern Europe.The book expertly balances its coverage of trends and individual artworks: where the salient trends are clear, trend-setting works are highlighted, and the complexity of the period is respected by situating all works in their proper social and historical context. In this way, the student reader achieves a more nuanced understanding of the way in which the story of nineteenth-century art is the story of the ways in which artists and society grappled with the problem of modernity.Key pedagogical features include: Data boxes provide statistics, timelines, charts, and historical information about the period to further situate artworks. Text boxes highlight extracts from original sources, citing the ideas of artists and their contemporaries, including historians, philosophers, critics, and theorists, to place artists and works in the broader context of aesthetic, cultural, intellectual, social, and political conditions in which artists were working. Beautifully illustrated with over 250 color images. Margin notes and glossary definitions. Online resources at with access to a wealth of information, including original documents pertaining to artworks discussed in the textbook, contemporary criticism, timelines and maps to enrich your understanding of the period and allow for further comparison and exploration. Chapters take a thematic approach combined within an overarching chronology and more detailed discussions of individual works are always put in the context of the broader social picture, thus providing students with a sense of art history as a controversial and alive arena of study.Michelle Facos teaches art history at Indiana University, Bloomington. Her research explores the changing relationship between artists and society since the Enlightenment and issues of identity. Prior publications include Nationalism and the Nordic Imagination: Swedish Painting of the 1890s (1998), Art, Culture and National Identity in Fin-de-Siècle Europe, co-edited with Sharon Hirsh (2003), and Symbolist Art in Context (2009).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Eleven Exercises in the Art of Architectural Drawing: Slow Food for the Architect's Imagination
This book deals with the critical nature and crucial role of architectural drawings. A manual which is essentially not a manual; it is an elucidation of an elegant manner for practising architecture. Organized around eleven exercises, the book does not emphasize speed, nor incorporate many timesaving tricks typical of drawing books, but rather proposes a slow, meditative process for construing drawings and for drawing constructing thoughts. This is an indispensable reference text and an effective textbook for students seeking to advance their appreciation of the nature and exercise of architectural drawings.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Human Development and Social Power: Perspectives from South Asia
In South Asia and beyond, human development continues to be in a state of crisis. Each successive Human Development Report (HDR) and the pervasive global failure to achieve the Millennium Development Goals are constant reminders of this crisis. An equally, and even more distressing dimension of human development is its great unevenness. Even in countries with high levels of human development it was noted that gender differences were significant. Levels of educational attainment and incomes remain significantly unequal between social groups, constituted along other categories of difference such as race, ethnicity and religion, as do levels of economic and political participation.This book explores the unevenness of human development with respect to the question of difference. The author develops a conceptual framework that focuses on social power, whereby human development is seen as a process/es of reconstruction of the matrices of social power. The approach builds on three main components: a relational rather than an identity-centric view of difference; a transformative notion of social justice - as opposed to a distributive understanding of justice; and the notion of agency. These are applied to the South Asian reality, where important insights into structural aspects of human development can be obtained in terms of religion, gender and caste. Written accessibly and lucidly, this book will be of interest to students and researchers in development studies, political economy, political science, public policy, governance, security studies, human rights, social and religious studies and South Asia.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Aphrodite
Aphrodite explores the many myths and meanings of the Greek goddess of love, sex and beauty. One of the most widely worshipped and popular deities in Greek antiquity, Aphrodite emerges from the imaginations of the ancient Greek writers and artists as a multifaceted, powerful and charismatic figure. This volume explores the importance of Aphrodite for the ancient Greeks, as well as her enduring influence as a symbol of beauty, adornment, love and sexuality in contemporary culture. In a wide-ranging investigation of the universality of Aphrodite’s power and significance, this volume illuminates the numerous intricate levels of divinity embodied by the alluring figure of Aphrodite. Aphrodite offers new insights into the ancient texts and artistic representations of the goddess, as well as a comprehensive survey of the current scholarship about the origins and interpretations of Aphrodite, whilst also highlighting her eternal popular appeal across cultures and generations. A goddess of love who is not afraid to enter the battlefield; a goddess of bodily adornment who is the first to appear totally nude; a goddess born of the sea who emerges into the open sky: Aphrodite is a polyvalent deity, plural in nature, function and significance.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Muscular Judaism: The Jewish Body and the Politics of Regeneration
Providing valuable insights into an element of European nationalism and modernist culture, this book explores the development of the 'Zionist body' as opposed to the traditional stereotype of the physically weak, intellectual Jew. It charts the cultural and intellectual history showing how the 'Muscle Jew' developed as a political symbol of national regeneration.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Leibniz's Final System: Monads, Matter, and Animals
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was one of the central figures of seventeenth-century philosophy, and a huge intellectual figure in his age. This book from Glenn A. Hartz (editor of the influential Leibniz Review) is an advanced study of Leibniz's metaphysics. Hartz analyzes a very complicated topic, widely discussed in contemporary commentaries on Leibniz, namely the question of whether Leibniz was a metaphysical idealist, realist, or whether he tried to reconcile both trends in his mature philosophy. Because Leibniz is notoriously unclear about this, much has been written on the subject. In recent years, the debate has centered on whether it is possible to maintain compatibility between the two trends. In this controversial book, Hartz demonstrates that it is not possible to maintain compatibility of idealist and realist views - they must be understood as completely separate theories. As the first major work on realism in Leibniz's metaphysics, this key text will interest international Leibniz scholars, as well as students at the graduate level.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The West African City
Rapid growth, unmanageable cities, urban crisis – the cities of West Africa are no longer plannable,at least not by using traditional urban development tools. Without negating the importance of participatory approaches for making the city, it nonetheless seems crucial to return to city plans and models, to what they convey and how they are built. But in order to understand the city in all its depth, we must also hit the streets. The West African City proposes a dual perspective. At the urban scale, it analyzes historical trajectories, spatial development and urban planning documents to highlight the major trends beyond the plans. At the second level, that of public space, the street is discussed as the lifeblood of urban issues. By innovating approaches and testing new methods, The West African City offers an unconventional look at Nouakchott, Dakar and Abidjan, the three study sites of this investigation. The city of today – be it in Africa or elsewhere - must re-examine its many social, economic, cultural, political and spatial dimensions; for this, urban research has begun challenging its own methods.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Model Perspectives: Structure, Architecture and Culture
This book contains a unique collection of various perspectives on the relationship between structures and the forms and spaces of architecture. As such it provides students and professionals alike with an essential sourcebook that can be mined for visual inspiration as well as for textually rich and authoritative insight into the links between structure, architecture, and cultural context. The chapters address fundamental structural elements and systems: columns, walls, beams, trusses, frames, tensile structures, arches, domes and shells. Each chapter is subdivided into two parts:• The essays – introduce the chapters with the reprinting of a curated set of essays and excerpts by various authors that uniquely address how particular structural elements or systems relate in essential fashion to architectural design concepts.• The model studies – physical models of the overall structural systems of several notable contemporary buildings from Europe, North and South America, Africa and Asia are illustrated with large photographs, detail close-ups, and views of their external forms and internal spaces that establish the exceptional qualities of these projects in connecting structural form to architectural design objectives. Mosaic layouts complete the chapters with a collection of photographs of yet more models whose particular details and unique features serve to extend the visual repertoire of the structural type being considered.The combination, juxtaposition and mutual positive reinforcement of these two collections, one largely textual and the other image based, provides the reader with unique and multifaceted insights into how structural forms and systems can be related to architectural design intentions. Conveyed by a strong and deliberate graphical design format, this assembly of materials gets to the very essence of structures within the context of architecture, and will inspire students and practitioners alike to make strategic design decisions for their own projects.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones is the book of a practitioner. It documents the work of a laboratory-based practice that investigated the principles of collective improvisation as a performance practice. Though the dynamics and mechanisms of collective work and improvisation have been amply researched in training and composition contexts, not so can be said in the context of performance. Ingemar Lindh’s research, which announces a resistance to choreography, fixed scores, and directorial montage, has significant implications for the practice and theory of performance in a post-dramatic age. Stepping Stones is, to quote Lindh himself, ‘a book not written but spoken’ in the sense that it is a collection of transcripts and writings by and about Lindh. The first two chapters are based on a transcript of a workshop held in Porsgrunn (Norway) in 1981. In these chapters Lindh’s unique work on performer process (including the adaptation of isometric training for actors) is expounded in the context of his views on theatre. Chapter 3 is made up of two letters to a friend, the first detailing Lindh’s artistic biography and the second commenting on the knowledge acquired in the process. Chapter 4 is an interview with Lindh by Paolo Martini with a focus on the ethics of his aesthetics. Chapter 5 is a chronology by Magdalena Pietruska of the Institute för Scenkonst’s twenty-five years of operation under the direction of Lindh. Photographs by Maurizio Buscarino and Stefano Lanzardo provide visual documentation of the history and research of Lindh’s Institutet för Scenkonst. The book also contains an introductory chapter by Frank Camilleri which places Lindh’s work within a historical context as well as features a glossary of terms, names, and performances. Stepping Stones was first published in Italy in 1998. A Swedish edition appeared in 2003.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Space
While often eluding the attention of the everyman, space' has been a longstanding concern of geographers (and of great interest to scholars from many other parts of the academy). Space' has been variously treated as absolute, relative, and relational; as a container or backdrop; as a social, aesthetic, and material construct or production; as marked by geographies of power and social difference; as an experiential or perceptual realm; as represented and not representable; as topographical and topological; and as fixed and in constant flux.Now, this new title from Routledge's Critical Concepts in Geography series provides the first authoritative reference work to enable users to make sense of space and spatiality in geography, and in related disciplines. Edited by Peter Merriman, a prominent cultural geographer and author of Mobility, Space and Culture (Routledge 2012), Space is a four-volume collection of classic and cutting-edge contributions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd iOS Game Programming with Xcode and Cocos2d
This book is written by a professional instructor and founder of, a company specializing in new media tutorials for nearly a decade. The book is a start-to-finish guide for anyone looking to begin iOS development using Cocos2d and Xcode and submit their finished app to Apple. Even if you haven’t read code before, you can begin with this book. This book is a handy reference guide, with easy to look-up sections of code snippets, pictures and links to video examples.Features: Code Video examples 5 hours of tutorial videos on Box2d, which can take the reader even further beyond what they learned in the book
Taylor & Francis Ltd Gender Poverty and Development
Serious research into the problematic and contested relationship between notions of gender, poverty, and development continues to blossom. Indeed, the work of scholars in this cross-disciplinary field supports numerous international journals, regional organizations, and global conferences. Moreover, as the formal end of the Millennium Development Goals era approachesafter which a new set of Sustainable Development Goals' for the so-called Post-2015 Agenda' are sure to feature gendersuch research is destined to grow still further.To make some sense of the wide range of approaches and complex theories that have informed thinking in this area, Routledge announces a new title in its acclaimed Critical Concepts in Development Studies series. Edited by a leading and emerging scholar with an international reputation, Gender, Poverty, and Development is a definitive, four-volume collection of cutting-edge and foundational research which provides users with a mini l
Taylor & Francis Ltd Queer Inclusion in Teacher Education: Bridging Theory, Research, and Practice
Queer Inclusion in Teacher Education explores the challenges and promises of building queer inclusive pedagogy and curriculum into teacher education. Weaving together theory, research findings, and practical "how-to" strategies and materials, it fills an important gap by offering a clear roadmap and resources for influencing the knowledge, beliefs, and actions of faculty working with pre-service teachers. While the book has implications for policy change, most immediately, readers will feel empowered with ideas for faculty development they can implement in their own teacher education programs. Looking at both the politics and practices of teacher education and the ways in which queer issues manifest in schools, it is hopeful in suggesting that if teachers and pre-service teachers can critically reflect on homophobia and heteronormativity, they can begin to think about and relate to queer youth in a different, more positive and inclusive way. A Companion Website [] with additional activities and materials for teacher educators and faculty development and a practical guide enhances the usefulness of the book.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dynamic Patterns: Visualizing Landscapes in a Digital Age
Dynamic Patterns explores the role of patterns in designed landscapes. Patterns are inherently relational, and the search for and the creation of patterns are endemic to many scientific and artistic endeavors. Recent advances in optical tools, sensors, and computing have expanded our understanding of patterns as a link between natural and cultural realms. Looking beyond the surface manifestation of pattern, M’Closkey and VanDerSys delve into a multifaceted examination that explores new avenues for engagement with patterns using digital media. Examining the theoretical implications of pattern-making, they probe the potential of patterns to conjoin landscape’s utilitarian and aesthetic functions. With full color throughout and over one hundred and twenty images, Dynamic Patterns utilizes work from a wide range of artists and designers to demonstrate how novel modes of visualization have facilitated new ways of seeing patterns and therefore of understanding and designing landscapes.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mending the World: Social Healing Interventions by Gestalt Practitioners Worldwide
Mending the World provides a blueprint for making a difference in the intractable social issues that exist today. It presents the compelling drama of thirteen stories of people on the firing lines in countries in Africa , Europe, Scandinavia, as well as Brazil, Cambodia, North of Ireland, and the USA . The cases involve diverse real world issues, such as AIDS reduction, poverty, political conflict, natural disasters, and dilemmas in supporting the aged. The stories are framed by the editors with theory and historical data, and offer the hope of effective change using Gestalt principles and methods. In these complex issues, you need unique skills to bring people together to work toward a common solution, and to empower yourselves to influence people with positional power, Mending the World shows how use of these skills leads to high-impact outcomes.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Elizabeth Anscombe 4vol. set
Elizabeth Anscombe (19192001) was one of the most important philosophers of the second half of the twentieth century, making major contributions in philosophy of mind, ethics, and metaphysics. She is particularly renowned for her work on intention and action. A pupil and friend of Ludwig Wittgenstein, Anscombe showed a deep understanding of his aims and methods, while being a bold and original thinker in her own right.Anscombe published two monographs and numerous articles in her lifetime, and left a considerable Nachlass. The monograph Intention (1957) has been hugely influential and has generated much discussion, as have such articles as Modern Moral Philosophy' and The First Person'. (Indeed, Modern Moral Philosophy' has been credited with inspiring that renewal of interest in virtues and character which came to be embodied in a whole school of thought, often called Virtue Theory'.) Profound, often difficult, sometimes provocative, her work is probably unique
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Alchemical Mercurius: Esoteric symbol of Jung’s life and works
The figure of the alchemical Mercurius features ubiquitously and radically in Jung’s later works, but despite this, there has been little research concerning Mercurius in Jungian studies to date. In this book, Mathew Mather explores the figure of the alchemical Mercurius and contextualises and clarifies its significance in Jung’s life and works. Placing the alchemical Mercurius as a central concern reveals a Jungian interpretation in which the grail legend, alchemy and precessional astrology, as three thematic threads, converge. In such a treatment, Jung’s belief in the dawning of a new platonic month emerges as a central consideration and an esoteric perspective on Jung’s life and works is brought more fully to light, constructing a life-myth interpretation. The book is comprised of three parts: Aurea Catena: locating the figure of the alchemical Mercurius within the Western esoteric tradition Daimonic Encounter: the relevance of this figure in Jung’s personal life Magnum Opus: Jung’s portrayal of this figure in key texts such as Synchronicity, Aion, Mysterium Coniunctionis; and Emma Jung and von Franz’s The Grail Legend. The Alchemical Mercurius is a unique contribution to analytical psychology, substantially revealing ‘esoteric Jung’ and providing valuable perspectives on the theme of his myth for our times. The book will appeal to researchers and academics in the field of analytical psychology as well as postgraduate students.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Equilibrium, Welfare and Uncertainty: Beyond Arrow-Debreu
One of the fundamental themes in economic theory is the study of the role of prices in achieving an optimal allocation of resources in a competitive, decentralized economy. The book begins with a review of the basic results on the rigorous elaboration of the Walras-Pareto theory (following the lead of Arrow and Debreu) in the context of a static economy with many agents. It summarizes some subsequent research in which the limits of the price-mechanism as a successful coordination device are recognized. When economic activity is allowed with no pre-assigned terminal period, the two fundamental theorems linking competitive equilibrium allocations to Pareto optimality are challenged and the question of decentralization is carefully re-examined. With incomplete markets, and sequential trading, the concept of a Radner equilibrium is next introduced, and some of the striking properties of this are summarized. In a large economy with random shocks to preferences and/or endowments of individual agents, the implications of the celebrated laws of probability theory are explored.This book provides a clear and comprehensive analysis of the efficiency properties of general equilibrium, with many agents and an expanded list of commodities. It will be of particular interest to postgraduate and doctorate students of economic theory as well as scholars on Walrasian equilibrium, Pareto optimality and uncertainty theories.